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Тема до СРС 2 FOREIGN TRDE Прочитайте текст та виконайте завдання

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Тема до СРС 2


  1.   Прочитайте текст та виконайте завдання. Вивчить слова і словосполучення та підготуйтеся до висловлювання за темою.
  2.  тrade- торгівля
  3.  вenefit- перевага, користь
  4.  transaction - справа; транзакція
  5.  restrict- обмежувати
  6.  balance  рівновага
  7.  currency - грошовий обіг 
  8.  tariff- розцінка; прейскурант 
  9.  consume- споживати, витрачати 

Foreign trade means the exchange of goods and services between nations, but speaking in economic terms, international trade today is between producers and consumers in different parts of the globe.

 Nations trade with one another for the same reason that individuals and business firms within a country: both sides expect to benefit from the transaction. They benefit because trade enables them to exchange things they don't need (their surplus goods and services) for the things they do need and want. Besides, international trade enables a nation to specialize in those goods it can produce most cheaply and efficiently and it is one of the greatest advantages of trade. Finally, trade expands the potential market for the goods of a particular economy and helps to develop good economic relations among nations.

Despite the many advantages of trade between nations, most countries often restrict that trade to protect national interests and to maintain a favorable balance of trade.

Products are known to be bought and sold in the international market with national currencies. Seeking to improve its balance of international payments, that is, to increase reserves of its own currency and reduce the amount held by foreigners, the government of the country may attempt to limit imports and impose tariffs and quarters on imported goods and limit imports.

A tariff is a duty, or a special tax on imports. There are two basic types of tariffs. Revenue Tariffs generate tax revenue and raise money. They are rather low. Protective Tariffs make foreign products more expensive and protect home manufactures. They are much higher.

 Restrictions on the numbers of exported goods are called quotas. Like protective tariffs, quotas limit the amount of foreign competition domestic industry has to face.  

In general, international trade allows countries to consume a larger and more diverse amount of goods, expands the number of potential markets. The increased international demand for goods results in greater production and more extensive use of raw materials and labor, which means the growth of domestic employment.


balance of trade - export more than import

  1.  Дайте письмову відповідь на запитання.
  2.  What does foreign trade mean in economic terms?


  1.  What are main advantages of trade?


  1.  How are payments made in international trade?


  1.  Why do most countries restrict trade?


  1.  What are tariffs and quotas?


  1.  Приготуйтеся до висловлювання за нижченаведеним:

Be ready to give your personal opinion on the following:

  1.  Why nations trade.
  2.  The importance of foreign trade restrictions.
  3.  Benefits from trade.

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