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Usercentered innovtion. For exmple people who do extreme sports such s windsurfing or iceclimbing ply significnt role in the development of equipment which is then mssproduced by mnufctu

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NP Skills ▪ Great Ideas                                                             Requirements

How ordinary people generate great ideas
Simon London

Working out where great ideas come from is one of the big puzzles of modern management. Corporate research laboratories and in-house product development groups are only part of the answer. Innovative products and processes can come from start-ups, competitors, university campuses and ordinary employees.

Eric von Hippel, a professor of management of innovation at the Technology, has spent three decades studying the role played by customers in shaping new products. The results are nicely summarized in Democratizing innovation, a useful book on what he calls «user-centered innovation».

For example, people who do extreme sports such as windsurfing or ice-climbing, play a significant role in the development of equipment which is then mass-produced by manufacturers.  Surgical equipment companies are often led towards new products by surgeons who operate using the equipment.

Users are often the first to develop many, and perhaps most, new industrial and commercial products. For example, 3M , the industrial  products group, has programmes in place to collect ideas generated by key users. Von Hippel found that these products at 3M were likely to be more innovative, enjoy higher market  share, have greater potential to develop into an entire products line. Mass-producing products developed by key users is only one possible approach. Alternatives include selling toolkits with which customers can build their own creations. For example, International Flavors  &  with the tools to design their own food flavours.  Users themselves develop the products .  These examples revolutionise the traditional division of labour between producer and consumer. Democratizing innovation shows that the flow of ideas and expertise is more complex.

                                                                                                                                      FINANCIAL TIMES

How ordinary people generate great ideas       


Vocabulary notes

generate v — порождать, производить , генерировать

working out n. – разработка, решение

puzzle n. – загадка, головоломка, затруднение

in-house adj. – внутренний, штатный

innovative  adj. – новаторский, передовой, рационализаторский

start-up n. –начинающий дело бизнесмен, запуск

campus n. - университетский или школьный двор, городок

decade n. – десятка, десятилетие, десятидневка

summarise v. – подвести итог

surgeon n. – хирург

surgical adj. – хирургический

entire adj. – весь, цельный

approach n. – подход

toolkit n. – набор инструментов

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