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Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.
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My family and I.
I think that a family is the most important thing for every person. Family are the people that always love you, support you and help you. For me it is impossible to live without my family. My family is rather large. There are: my parents, brother, sister and grandparents. My father is a plastic surgeon; he helps people become more beautiful. He is a professional. My father does his work very well and gets a very good salary. My mother is a housewife. She looks after the house and us, the kids. Mother makes very tasty breakfasts and dinners. Our mother is very kind, but strict to us. She always checks how we do our homework. Mother arranges our free time, so that we cannot just fool around. My elder brother, Jason, is a student of the medical faculty. He wants to become a good surgeon, like our father. Besides he is also a member of the local theatre club. He plays main parts in several plays. My sister, Jenny, is finishing school this year. But she has not yet made up her mind about her future profession. On one hand she loves animals and can become a vet, on the other hand she is very good at mathematics and knows some complex computer programs. Maybe she will have a year off to think over her future possibilities. As for me, I have always loved music. I can play the guitar and piano very well. I love all kinds of music, but mostly I prefer rock. After school I am planning to enter the music college, because I want to become a professional musician. Parallel with that I want to have my own rock band. Our grand parents are scientists. Grandfather is a historian and grandmother is a linguist. They give lectures in different universities and write serious books. We all get on with each other very well. Every one in our family is rather busy, but we always look forward to a possibility to spend some time together. My family means a lot to me. |
My home city. (The city where I live)
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Students life in Russia and abroad.
In the United States students take many things for granted: access to recreation, free internet, strong student support systems, and a host of extra-curricular activities. In Russia universities dont put so much effort into supplying students with things to do outside the classroom. Student-run organizations are abundant in the U.S., while in Russia they are not so common. Still, they do exist! Here at MSU, for example, I have found my place in KVN (a well established organization, pitting teams against each other to be the most funny in comedy shows). On the other hand, academic facilities such as research labs and libraries are in top shape, which clearly shows where Russian universities put their focus.
Perhaps due to the high costs of studying in the States, students have come to demand more services for their money. This is why the quality of life they will be presented with at university is a factor highly valued by American students, almost as much as the institutions academic reputation. In Russia, because the quality of education plays a larger role in student choices, universities arent as pressured to advance certain areas of student life. This lack of student demand for better services also leads to other more subtle differences that caught me slightly off-guard when I first arrived. The rather large and inexpensive meals from U.S. university dining halls are replaced with smaller selections at steep prices at MSUs “stolovayas” (cafeterias), the dorms, while meeting the students basic needs, tend to be small and outdated, and the cumbersome bureaucracy slows down the simplest of processes.
Classroom culture of Russian universities is unique as well. Every professor, department and university is different - but Russia has some deep-rooted traditions that differ greatly from those in the States. More so than not, students grades are based almost exclusively on the final exam, with less attention attached to perceived effort, attendance and homework. The exams require you to have knowledge of the entire curriculum and are quite demanding. The system relies mostly on self learning, and this can pose a challenge for some foreigners - but its ideal for most Russians. Student-teacher relations also tend to differ. Dont be surprised if your professor publicly humiliates you for your poorly written essay! Many concepts considered basic student rights in the States, such as privacy, social equality, and student justice, arent well established in Russia and is something that “you just have to get use to,” according to one Russian student. Bribes are known to be a problem in Russian universities, and your personal standing with the professors means a lot, sometimes more than you would think. Considering that finals are usually oral exams, dont expect your written work to back you up if you get into bad standing with your professor!
A students working day.
I usually start my day with getting up and doing all things that everybody does in the morning: washing, having breakfast, etc. Also, I got used to gather my learning tools: pencils, exercise books, and textbooks in the morning. Then I usually go to the university.
Fortunately, father takes a car every morning and he often picks me up and drives me to the doors of our university building.
And soon the lectures and lessons begin... We have from 2 to 4 lectures every time, depending on day. I like studying in the university more than in the school because in university it is mostly allowed to miss some lectures (of course, later you should take a summary
from your mate and copy it) . So, a student is much more free, than pupil is.
After the lessons I usually return home where I have dinner and start thinking about my ways of spending the rest of the day. Very often I go to my friend's places. During the early autumn and summer I often go to the sports ground or on the beach. I also like visiting
different sports events, for example, soccer matches of "Luch" in Russian championship. So, the world is full of enjoyable things to do.
On returning home I usually start doing my homework (perhaps, it is the most dull part of the day) . Having finished it, I open a book and read it or watch TV. At last, I go to the bed.
Of course, I would like to tell you more about my working day, and myself but, unfortunately, my time is rather limited and I have got a lot of homework to do. Generally, now you know about my working day enough.
Higher education in Russia.
For entering a higher institution it is necessary to finish a secondary school and to pass the Unified State Exams. We can use these results for applying to the educational institution.
There are wide opportunities to get higher education both for the young people and the elder ones. They can study at the full-time, part-time and extra-mural departments. As a rule, the course of study at higher institutions runs for 4 or 5 years. Each academic year is divided into two terms. At the end of each term the students take exams and credit tests. A great number of theoretical and practical subjects are included into the curriculum. At the end of study, the students of technical institutions submit graduation projects and take final state exams. The students of humanitarian institutions also take final state exams and fulfill diploma works. The most skilled graduates who are interested in scientific and research work may continue their study at the post-graduate courses and attain a degree of Master of Sciences in the future.
There are great opportunities to get comprehensive knowledge at many departments of State Universities. At each department there are several qualifications and specialities.
My university.
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Higher education abroad.
The US Educational System |
The US educational system is much decentralized and schools vary greatly from state to state. There are three levels of subsidizing of education: federal, state and local. They subsidize 3-5 per cent on a federal level, around 20 per cent on a state level and 70-80 per cent on a local level. There are 15,000 school districts which are different in size. A school district is governed by the Board of Education/School Board/School Council which is elected every two years by the residents of the school district. Members of school boards perform their responsibilities on a volunteer basis, that means they do not get any salaries. They are to define the policies for the administration of the school district. Teachers, in turn, decide about the program and approaches of teaching. Every resident pays a school tax to the school district he/she lives in, no matter he/she has school children or not. School education in the United States is free and parents are free to choose a school for their children. But if parents send their child to a school of another school district they have to pay the sum equivalent to the school tax directly to the school the child goes to. There are also a lot of private schools, mainly religious, and parents have to pay for them. The cost is $ 5,000 - $ 10,000 a year. There is no home education in the United States. Each invalid is supposed to attend school. School provides all the necessary conditions for them to study. The school system structure in the United States looks like this. Children start going to school at the age of five. First they go to eight-year elementary school and then to high school or if they go to five- or six-year elementary school, they then attend three- or four-year middle school, and then high school. Teenagers study at high school four years and graduate from it at the age of eighteen. Members of each grade in high school have special names: - a ninth grader is called a Freshman, The completion of high school is called graduation. In order to graduate, students must accumulate a certain amount of credits during their four years at school. Credits are points given for every subject that is passed successfully. In addition to that, students must successfully complete specific subjects required by the state or local educational authorities, such as US history, English, mathematics and physical education. This may vary from state to state. Over 60% of school graduates continue their education in two- or four-year colleges or universities. At least 10% of high school students are allowed to finish school at the age of 16. A school year starts at the beginning of September or at the end of August and ends in late June or early July, just before the Independence Day, and is divided into three terms/trimesters or four quarters. School children have winter and spring breaks for two or three weeks and summer vacation for six up to eight weeks. There is a great variety of Saturday, Sunday, vocational and other schools. The most popular one is summer school. It is for students who want to get a deeper knowledge in a particular subject, or to skip a year, or just fail their examinations. It lasts six weeks and parents have to pay for it. Students go to school five days a week. They get to and from school by a school bus. A typical school day in America starts at 7.30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance in which the US flag and the whole nation is glorified. Then follows the homeroom period during which a homeroom teacher calls the roll and the principal makes his/her announcements over the intercom. Every day students usually have seven periods which last 50-55, sometimes 45 minutes. In some schools there are four periods lasting 90 minutes. There are 2-5 minute passing between periods and a break of 30 minutes for lunch. American schools today house a large number of students but making friends can be difficult, as the same group of students does not attend all the classes. In order to encourage meeting and knowing a broader population at school, special emphasis is placed on so-called extracurricular activities where interests, rather than academic ability, bring students together. Extracurricular activities are the many club meetings, music or drama rehearsals, and sport practice sessions that take place in American high school in the afternoon after classes. These meetings are a very important part of high school life, since they are a link between different groups of students who are placed in various academic programs. Students who usually would not meet in the classroom get to know each other in areas of common interest. They give students the opportunity to further their specific interests in various fields and to spend their free time together. Even though they are not mandatory, many students get involved in different extracurricular activities. Since students spend a lot of time participating in various activities, school becomes the center of social life for students. They not only go to school to study the material presented in class, but they also meet together to socialize and to pursue their interests. Other important activities in American high school are sports teams. Most schools offer a variety of teams for both boys and girls. American football, basketball and base-ball are played in the majority of schools. In addition, one may find tennis, gymnastics, hockey, swimming, golf, volleyball, cross-country, and track and field teams, depending again on the size and financial resources of the school. Soccer is also growing in popularity. Usually schools have varsity teams, which complete with other schools and which have very intensive training, and intramural teams, which play other teams within the school itself. In most schools, there is a great deal of competition between students to join the varsity team. There often are schools regulations that make it difficult for new students to join. On the intramural teams most students are welcome to participate. In many schools girls have fewer possibilities than boys. Smaller schools may not have some of the above-mentioned teams for girls. But a special group of girls and boys play an important part at the football and basketball games. They are called cheerleaders and they lead the crowd in cheers for their team. In addition to clubs and sports teams, one will find the Student Council and the class officer meetings. Students are elected by their school and classmates to represent them in these bodies and to organize activities for their school. U.S. colleges and universities offer a vide variety of programs ranging from highly academic courses to very practical ones. Students can be educated not only for academic professions, but also for technical professions, such as mechanics, nursing, medical technology, computer technology and book-keeping. In universities young people study four years to get bachelor's degree. If one wants to get master's degree he/she must study two years more and do a research work. If one has master's degree, studies more, does a research work and passes an oral, comprehensive examination he/she gets doctor's degree (PhD). |
There is a considerable choice of post-school education in Britain. In addition to universities, there are also polytechnics and a series of different types of assisted colleges, such as colleges of technology, art, etc., which tend to provide more work-orientated courses than universities.
Some of these courses are part-time, with the students being released by their employers for one day a week or longer periods.
Virtually all students on full-time courses receive grants or loans from the Government which cover their tuition fees and everyday expenses (accommodation, food, books, etc.).
Universities in Britain enjoy complete academic freedom, choosing their own staff and deciding which students to admit, what and how to teach, and which degrees to award (first degrees are called Bachelor degrees). They are mainly government-funded, except for the totally independent University of Buckingham.
There is no automatic admission to university, as there are only a limited number of places (around 100,000) available each year. Candidates are accepted on the basis of their A-level results. Virtually all degree courses are full-time and most last three years (medical and veterinary courses last five or six years).
Students who obtain their Bachelor degree (graduates) can apply to take a further degree course, usually involving a mixture of exam courses and research. There are two different types of postgraduate courses the Master's degree (MA or MSc) and higher degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
System of government in Great Britain.
См. учебник Зеликмана-с.92-93,121
My future speciality.
I originally became interested in the law during my 9th form when I realized that my skills as a writer, speaker, and leader as well as my powers of logic would probably serve me well in a legal career.
That is why I entered an optional class where I could have lessons on law twice a week. All that I have done and experienced in my studying of the basic aspects of the law has further stimulated and reinforced my interest in the law, especially international obligations and public law, and my determination to pursue a legal career.
Studying to be a lawyer represents the fulfilment of one of my longest held dreams.
Whatever I could do as a lawyer to help people who are victimised by unscrupulous businessmen, as well as their own ignorance of the law, would give me a great satisfaction.
The duty of the lawyer is not only to punish people for various crimes: from espionage to serial murder and terrorism, but they must do their best to prevent crimes, to fight against evil in our society.
The lawyers should help those people, who committed an error (broke the law) to find the right road in their life. Judges can hand down a death sentence for murder in our country. I feel strongly that the death sentence should be abolished. The lawyers protect the rights and legal interests of citizens, institutions and organisations.
I want to help people, businesses to solve their problems, I want to help everybody to know the rules that we all have to get along. I think that the profession of a lawyer is one of the most important in the law-governed state, which we are creating now.
The importance of foreign languages.
It is known that people have been learning foreign languages for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians learned the Greek language 2.5 thousand years ago. In the 12-th century the French language was learnt in many countries of Europe. In the 16-th century Europe begin to study the German language. In the 19-th century the nobility of different countries communicated in French again. Throughout the history of the mankind people needed some second language to understand each other. Nowadays, the English language is the most widespread in the world.Approximately 400 million people speak English as a mother tongue. The English language has become a world language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. It is the language of computer technology. Half of the world scientific journals are in English. It is absolutely necessary for a good specialist in any country to be able at least to read English. If you know English, you can talk to people of any nationality, and can get necessary information anywhere in the world.Besides, the English language is the language of the great literature. William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Show, they all wrote their books in English. A lot of modern literature and many new films in English come out every year. If you know English, you can understand them without translation. No wonder that most educated people speak English fluently. Today, one person in seven of the worlds population either knows English or learns it.
Why Do We Learn the English Language - Зачем мы изучаем английский язык |
I am sure, in order to have a good job one should know foreign languages. The most widespread languages in the world are Chinese, Spanish, English and some others. But every well-educated person in the world speaks English, because it is the language of communication, business, science and culture. English is now the most important and widespread language in the world. It is the state language in five countries: Great Britain, Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand. English is one of the six official and working languages of the United Nations. It is the second working language in the European Community. In many Asian and African countries, such as India or Egypt, in former British colonies people speak English besides their native one. People also speak English in Europe. English is spoken practically all over the world. Russia has relations with many countries. More and more direct contacts are established with the countries of Europe, with the United States, Great Britain, Canada and other English-speaking countries. Taking into account the economic development in our country, hundreds of joint ventures have appeared in every city and town of Russia recently. Besides, a lot of foreign delegations come to our country. Our businessmen, tourists, experts often go abroad. As I have already mentioned just English is the language of the international communication. That is why it is very important to learn English. Nowadays, a lot of people study foreign languages in every possible way. Foreign-language study groups are organized at industrial enterprises, at the offices of big firms, at the educational establishments, at research institutes. I think English is worth studying. There is a proverb "A new language a new world". There are some schools specialized in studying foreign languages in Russia. Their pupils have lessons in foreign language every day. But their number is rather small. Most schools have Foreign Language only once or twice a week. It's impossible to master any foreign language under such conditions. That's why those who want to improve their knowledge have to take private lessons. |
Sightseeing in my city.
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Structure of my university
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My department
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Higher education in the development of the society
Education plays an important role in our life. However, some people consider it only a necessary step in getting a job so they do not want to go to university after leaving school.
"Knowledge is power" as the famous proverb says. It is transferred from generation to generation and comprises different facts, skills and information. Through learning people get knowledge and experience accumulated by their ancestors.
Of course, higher education is not compulsory, but I strongly feel that going to university is very important to everybody. In my opinion, higher education gives great opportunities and opens all doors. Only an educated person can get a good job and be promoted. Nowadays employers demand perfect knowledge. Education helps cultivate skills and provides mental, moral and aesthetic development. Personally, I prefer communicating with an intelligent person who knows a lot of interesting facts and who can share his or her ideas with me.
However, some of my friends say that they do not want to go to university and they would better get a well-paid job soon after leaving school. It will give them an opportunity to get work experience and some useful skills. But I doubt that they will be offered a really good job and that they will be able to succeed without higher education.
In general, owing to education highly industrialized cities are built, new information technologies are developed, important discoveries are made. Without education society would become primitive as it used to be long time ago. To my mind, everybody must realize the importance of education as it is the guarantee of the development and well-being of our society.