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1Red the following words Observe the correct pronuncition of the phoneme [f] nd its llophones

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1)Read the following words. Observe the correct pronunciation of the phoneme [f] and its allophones.

four                     off                          friend

foe                       life                         from

far                       half                         front

few                      self                         afraid

first                      safe                        fried

2) Read the following sense-group, mind the rhythm and intonation. Transcribe the following sense group.

for her; affection for her; infinite affection for her; great and infinite affection for her; telling Frances of his great and infinite affection for her; Philip wrote telling Frances of his great and infinite affection for her.

3) Read the rhymes and learn them.

  1.  Fancy that Fan is full of fads and fancies.
  2.  Five fit fishers shipped six thick fish dishes.
  3.  That fish has a fat fin, this fish is a fish that has a thinner fin than that fish.
  4.  A wilful young fisher named Gabriel Fisher,

Once fished for some fish in a fissure,

Till a fish with a grin

Pulled the fisherman in

Now they are fishing the fissure for Fisher.

4) This is a combination tongue-twister and brainteaser. First see how fast you can read the passage below, then read it with expression. Finally, explain the situation described.

     General Fite stormed the fort of General Fort. Fite was before Fort’s fort before Fort could fight Fite but Fite’s unfortified fort enabled Fort to fight Fite better than Fite fought Fort. However Fite fought Fort until Fort took Fite’s unfortified fort and then how Fort fought Fite! If Fite had fought Fort before Fort’s fortified fort instead of Fort fighting Fite before Fite’s fort, then Fort and Fite might not have fought.

1)Read the following words. Observe the correct pronunciation of the phoneme [v] and its allophones.
















2)Read the following sense-group, mind the rhythm and intonation.

     Vicar; a village vicar; versus a village vicar; devils versus a village vicar; evil devils versus a village vicar; Seven evil devils versus a village vicar.

3) Read the rhyme and learn it.

The tide in the river,

The tide in the river,

The tide in the river runs deep,

I saw a shiver

Pass over the river

As the tide turned in its sleep.

4)Read the following word contrasts and sentences. Tell the difference between the opposed consonants.    [f-v]

fine – vine       

off – of             

define – divine

fail – vale        

safe – save      

infest – invest

few – view         

leaf – leave      

wafer – waver

fear – veer      

serf – serve       

offer – of her

fairy – vary      

staff – starve   

his fear – severe

5) Practise reading the text.

     This is a photograph of a fat farmer arriving at a village in the valley. He’s driving a van. It’s a fine day, but it’s November, and the leaves have fallen from the vine in the front of the photograph.

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