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. XML nd HTML One necessry component to fcilitte electronic commerce is the cpbility to exchnge dt over vrying systems

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Question1. XML and HTML

One necessary component to facilitate electronic commerce is the capability to exchange data over varying systems. In this section, you will strengthen your knowledge of XML as a portable language that enables data to be handled by any computer system.

  1.  What does the term “XML” stand for? What is the function of XML tags, and how does the function of XML tags differ from the function of HTML tags?

Extensible  Markup language. To write via this language we mustn’t know any concret tegs, we may use own tegs. In HTML tegs like a law, if we change them, the page won’t start its work. And it is the difference between them.

  1.  Contrast the flexibility of using XML tags and HTML tags.

Usually tegs in HTML describes meaning of comands, they are more flexible than HTML.  Tegs in HTML describes how the text will be showed. Users are free to choose their own tegs in XML.

  1.  What is XSL? What is the function of XSL in terms of XML?

Extensible Stylesheet Language is the more  increased language, which says how the page will be displayed.And XML includes the XSL pages, which browser can read and show.

  1.  What does a DTD file do?

DTD is the document type definition, which are used to describe the details like a format. For example, to change the type of file in the code and the format will change.

  1.  What is one reason why storing data in XML may be preferred to enable multiple systems to exchange data?

Because …

Download and save Movies100EX.xml and display.html on your Desktop.

Open Movies100EX.xml using Notepad.exe to see the content of the XML file.

f. For the movie titled, “Top Gun”, list the following:

Open display.html using Notepad.exe to see the content of the HTML file. Note that the references used to embed the xml file are highlighted in bold font below:

<xml id="movies" src="../files/86/Movies100EX.xml"></xml>
This is a nice use of non-standard HTML. Do we really want to use IE only items. Also, since it is non-standard will the students have gained the knowledge necessary to answer this question?
<table border="1" 
<td><span datafld="Title"></span></td>
<td><span datafld="Year"></span></td>
<td><span datafld="Score"></span></td>

Drag and drop display.html into an Internet Explorer window to see how it is displayed.

g. Generate another HTML file that displays additional data fields from the XML file, listing Movie_id, Title, Year, Score, and Votes. Save the HTML file as, “myXML.html”. Copy and paste your HTML code.

h. Use Internet Explorer to display myXML.html. Copy the screen shot of this file showing 20 movie entries and paste the screen shot into your assignment submission.

Delete Movies100EX.xml, display.html, and myXML.html from Desktop.

To learn more about this topic, you can go to http://www.w3schools.com/xml/default.asp

Question 2. Network Transmission

In this section, you will explore different network components and trace through how a string, "http://www.cmu.edu", is transmitted from a computer at home, through a modem using services provided by an ISP, and reaches the website on the Internet.

When requesting a Web page, the user types a URL in a Web browser that converts the string into binary so that the computer can understand. The binary data is then transmitted as digital signals that are sent through the modem at home to the receiving modem maintained by the ISP.

Figure 1 Network diagram

a. How does a dial-up modem work? Can you explain the noise you would hear if you were to pick up the phone when the modem is transmitting data? What happens to the data at the receiving modem?

b. What is DSL, and why is it better than a dial-up modem?

c. What is an ISP and what does it do?

d. A website is hosted by a computer connected to the Internet. In order to reach the website on the Internet, your computer sends a request for an IP address through the ISP. What is an IP address?

e. What service does an ISP provide to determine the destination IP address for a URL?

f. After the IP address is returned to your computer, data is sent from your computer to the destination computer hosting the website. The data sent is split into packets. What information is contained in these packets?

g. The packets of data are then sent to a router. What does a router do? What information does a router store? How does it handle packets?

h. One way to ensure that the data is transmitted correctly is to use parity bits, which involves keeping track of the number of 1’s and 0’s the data should contain. Using even parity protocol, fill in the parity bits for the following data:


Parity Bit













Question 3. Live Networks

You will now use application programs to see a list of gateways through which a packet passes while traveling to its final destination:

Let’s first explore the properties of DNS servers using NSLookup, a program to query Internet domain name servers.

Go to an Internet website such as http://www.webreference.com/cgi-bin/nslookup.cgi and enter the domain name "www.yahoo.com". You can also locate other NSLookup sites by searching for "NSLookup gateways" in http://www.google.com.

a. How many IP addresses are listed? How are they different?

b. Why are there multiple IP addresses? (Hint: consider the workload the website encounters.)

c. Recall the function of a DNS server. How does a DNS server handle a request to a popular destination such as "www.yahoo.com"?

Now let’s explore the properties of routers.

The program you will be using is called Traceroute. It is called Tracert in some systems such as Windows. The Traceroute program attempts to trace the route an IP packet would follow to a specified Internet host by sending three probe packets and then listening for a "time exceeded" reply from a gateway. If there is no response within a three second timeout interval, a "*" is printed for that probe.

In the Windows command console, at the prompt C:\, type "tracert www.yahoo.com". If that does not work for you, you may be behind a firewall. Try to locate other Traceroute sites by searching for "Traceroute gateways" with http://www.google.com.

d. How did you do Traceroute? From what site did your Traceroute start? Record the result of this command.

e. What is indicated by each part of "www.yahoo.com"?

f. What is the IP address of www.yahoo.com used in this Traceroute?

g. How many hops did it take to reach the destination?

h. What is the IP address of the node that took the longest time?

Do Traceroute to "www.yahoo.com" again.

i. Record the result of this command.

j. Did the two Traceroute results show that the packets were sent through the same path? Explain your answer.

Traceroute command can also be used to determine where packets may have been lost. You can check the following:
-whether the packets were sent successfully from your computer to your ISP
-whether the packets were sent successfully from your ISP to the destination

k. Using Traceroute, you noticed that your packets were lost before they reach your ISP server. Where may the problem be (your server, your ISP server, or the destination server)?

l. What if your packets are lost after they have reached your ISP?

m. What if your packets are lost just before it reaches your destination server?

n. Do a Traceroute to www.icarnegie.com. What may be a cause of the Tracert result?

o. List two problems that may be diagnosed using Traceroute?

Question 4. Network Failure

In addition to Tracert, other network tools such as IPconfig and Ping can be used to troubleshoot network issues.

You can use ipconfig command to see whether your computer is connected to the Internet.

Pull up the command console. Type “ipconfig /all”.

a. Are you connected to the Internet? Paste the screenshot showing the result of the command, ipconfig.

b. What is your IP address?

c. What are the IP addresses of your DNS servers?

You can use Ping to test the response of the destination server.

d. First, launch the Windows Command Console. Type, “ping www.yahoo.com”. Copy and paste the screenshot of the Ping command.

e. Did you get a response from the target server?

f. List two possible explanation(s) for the result of the Ping command below:

Figure 2 Ping Result


Your grade will be based upon the following:

1. XML and HTML (16%)
2. Network Transmission (40%) 
Live Networks (32%)
4. Network Failure (12%)

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