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. Choose the right vrint you wnt to enter the University ~ Yes I dodo b doesdoesn~t c dodoesn~t d dodon~t e doesdoe

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Examination Test II

Variant I

1. Choose the right variant: …you want to enter the University? – Yes, I …

    a) do/do

    b) does/doesn’t

    c) do/doesn’t

    d) do/don’t

    e) does/does

2. Choose the right variant: She said that she … the film before.

  1.  had seen
  2.  saw
  3.  did see
  4.  has seen
  5.  had saw

3. Choose the right variant: He is still… for me.

  1.  waiting
  2.  was waiting
  3.  be waiting
  4.  had waited
  5.  has been waiting

4. Choose the right variant: He often … to the cinema.

  1.  go
  2.  is going
  3.  gone
  4.  goes
  5.  has gone

5. Choose the right variant: Where … your sister …?

  1.  does/ work
  2.  do/work
  3.  is /work
  4.  works
  5.  does/works

6. Choose the right variant: Where is Jack?- He … in the garden.

  1.  plays
  2.  play
  3.  is playing
  4.  was playing
  5.  has played

7. Choose the right variant: I … my friend when I … to the shops.

  1.  met, was going
  2.  met, went
  3.  meet, was going
  4.  was meeting, went
  5.  was meeting, was going

8. Choose the right variant: Have you ever  been to London? -Yes, . . . .

  1.  No, I do.
  2.  Yes, I have.
  3.  No, I don’t.
  4.  Yes, I does.
  5.  Yes, he does.

9. Choose the right variant:  He has known her … 1990.

  1.  yet
  2.  just
  3.  for
  4.  since

     e)   already

10. Choose the right variant:  Мы еще не завтракали.

  1.  We didn’t breakfast yet.
  2.  We not had breakfast still.
  3.  We not had breakfast yet.
  4.  We haven’t had breakfast yet.
  5.  We haven’t breakfast still.

11. Choose the right variant: A very interesting American movie … shown on TV last night.

a) has been

b) was

c) had been

d) was being

e) is

12. Choose the right variant: A mail … collected twice a day.

  1.  were
  2.  are
  3.  is
  4.  are
  5.  has

13. Choose the right variant: The article … already … .

  1.  is translated
  2.  was translated
  3.  will be translated
  4.  has been translated
  5.  have been translated

14. Choose the right variant: The child didn’t like  .... by his mother.

  1.  to wash
  2.  to be washed
  3.  to have washed
  4.  to be washing
  5.  to have been washing

15. Choose the right variant: He wishes to be given some money.

       a) Он хочет нам дать деньги.

       b) Он хотел бы дать денег.

       c) Он хочет, чтобы ему дали денег.

       d) Он хотел бы, чтобы ему дали   денег.

       е) Он хотел бы нам дать денег.

16. Choose the right variant: We asked how … to the station.

  1.  to be got
  2.  to be getting
  3.  to have been getting
  4.  to have got
  5.  to get

17. Choose the right variant: Having finished the essay he stood up to make up some coffee.

  1.  заканчивая
    1.  законченный
    2.  закончив
    3.  заканчивающий
    4.  заканчиваемая

18. Choose the right variant: … for the bus he actually knocked into her.

  1.  ran
  2.  running
  3.  having run

19. Choose the right variant: The man … at the door has brought our mail.

  1.  knocking
  2.  knocked
  3.  being knocked
  4.  having been knocked

20. Choose the right variant: I….answer the questions. They are very easy.

  1.  can
  2.  is able to
  3.  may
  4.  had to
  5.  ought

21. Choose the right variant: … you help me with my translation?

  1.  could
  2.  may
  3.  need
  4.  ought to
  5.  have to

22. Choose the right variant: … I have my test on Tuesday?

  1.  may
  2.  must to
  3.  have to
  4.  had to
  5.  was able to

23. Choose the right variant: I’ll ask him to lend me the money если увижу его. 

  1.  if I see him
  2.  if he sees me
  3.  if I’ll see him
  4.  if I would see him
  5.  if I would have seen him

24. Choose the right variant: If I had been in a hurry, I ... for dinner yesterday.

  1.  would stay
  2.  wouldn’t stay
  3.  wouldn’t have stayed
  4.  will not stay
  5.  will stay

25. Choose the right variant: We would go to the party if we ... time tomorrow.

  1.  have
  2.  had
  3.  will have
  4.  would have
  5.  would have had

Examination Test II

Variant II

1. Choose the right variant: I always … orange juice in the morning.

  1.  drink
  2.  am drinking
  3.  drinks
  4.  was drinking
  5.  do drink

2. Choose the right variant: Some centuries ago people … in carriages.

  1.  travel
  2.  traveled
  3.  were traveling
  4.  have traveled
  5.  had traveled

3. Choose the right variant: I …never …  what you have told me.

  1.  don’t forget
  2.  forget
  3.  will forget
  4.  won’t forget
  5.  shan’t forget

4. Choose the right variant: I … for a telephone call any minute now.

  1.  am expecting  
  2.  was expecting
  3.  were expecting
  4.  is expecting
  5.  expect

5. Choose the right variant: Where was Paul yesterday when I phoned

him? He … his homework.

  1.  are doing    
  2.  were doing
  3.  was doing
  4.  doing     
  5.  is doing

6. Choose the right variant: Hurry up! He …  waiting for you.

  1.  is
  2.  was  
  3.  are
  4.  be
  5.  were

7. Choose the right variant: Have you … seen an elephant?

  1.  yet
  2.  for
  3.  since
  4.  ago
  5.  ever

8. Choose the right variant: … this story before?

  1.  Have you heard
  2.  Do you hear
  3.  Did you hear
  4.  Has you heard
  5.  Will you hear

9. Choose the right variant:  I went to bed after I …a bath.

  1.  have had
  2.  had had
  3.  will have had
  4.  will have
  5.  had

10. Choose the right variant: Yesterday he … to prepare a speech.

  1.   was told
  2.   was being told
  3.   had been told
  4.   will be told
  5.   is told

11. Choose the right variant: His new book … next year.

  1.   will finish
  2.   will be finished
  3.   will have been finished
  4.   should have been finished
  5.   is being finished

12. Choose the right variant: I … at the lesson yesterday.

  1.   have been asked
  2.   had been asked
  3.   was being asked
  4.   am being asked
  5.   was asked

13. Choose the right variant: Its 10 oclock, you ... go to bed at once.

  1.  must
  2.  may
  3.  has to
  4.  can
  5.  could

14. Choose the right variant: He … understand Russian.

  1.  can’t
  2.  need
  3.  shouldn’t
  4.  have to
  5.  don’t have to

15. Choose the right variant: She … wait for us.

  1.  needn’t
  2.  must be
  3.  ought
  4.  were able to
  5.  have to

16. Choose the right variant: She was silent for a while as if … for my reply.

  1.  waiting
  2.  waited
  3.  being waited
  4.  having waited

17. Choose the right variant: The problem of unemployment being discussed at the session is an urgent one.

           a)   обсуждавшаяся

           b)   обсуждаемая

           c)   обсуждённая

      d)  обсуждавшая

       е)   обсуждающая  

18. Choose the right variant:  Когда его спрашивают he always answers well.

 a)   when asking

       b)   when being asked

       c)   when having been asked

       d)   when asks

       e)   when ask

19. Choose the right variant: He seems … a lot.

  1.  to read
  2.  read
  3.  to be reading
  4.  to have been read
  5.  reads

20. Choose the right variant: Jane was very sorry …  to feed the hens.

  1.  to have been forgotten
  2.  to be forgotten
  3.  to forget
  4.  to have forgotten
  5.  to be forgetting

21. Choose the right variant: I am sorry ... your pen. 

a) to break

b) to have broken

c) to be broken

d) break

е) to be breaking

22. Choose the right variant: We’ll go nowhere if it ... .

  1.  will rain
  2.  would rain
  3.  would have rained
  4.  rain
  5.  rains

23. Choose the right variant: If you ... me for the address, I would have given it to you.

  1.  ask
  2.  have asked
  3.  had asked
  4.  asked
  5.  would ask

24. Choose the right variant: If I had time, я бы пошел с тобой.

  1.  I will go with you.
  2.  I go with you.
  3.  I would go with you.
  4.  I would have gone with you.

25. Choose the right variant: She said she … two foreign languages.

  1.   is learning
  2.   learns
  3.   learnt
  4.   was learnt
  5.   has been learning

Examination Test II

Variant III

1. Choose the right variant: Ann … speak English.

  1.  doesn’t
  2.  don’t
  3.  isn’t
  4.  do
  5.  aren’t

2. Choose the right variant: The train … arrives at our station at 5.

  1.  usually
  2.  just
  3.  yet
  4.  soon
  5.  lately

3. Choose the right variant: I think in 500 years the world  … different.

  1.  will be
  2.  is
  3.  was
  4.  has been
  5.  are

4. Choose the right variant: John … a letter by the window ,tell him he is wanted to the phone.

  1.  writes
  2.  writing
  3.  is writing
  4.  was writing
  5.  has written

5. Choose the right variant: Two Americans … in Spain at that time.

  1.  was traveling
  2.  were traveling
  3.  to travel
  4.  travels
  5.  are traveled

6. Choose the right variant: What … she … when you met her at the party?

  1.  does/ wear
  2.  did/ wear
  3.  has /worn
  4.  was/ wearing
  5.  is/wearing

7. Choose the right variant: We had to drink tea because John … to buy coffee.

  1.  forgot
  2.  forget
  3.  forgets
  4.  has forgotten
  5.  had forgotten

8. Choose the right variant:  I (thank) her for everything she (do).

  1.  thanks – does
  2.  thanked – did
  3.  thanked – do
  4.  thanked – had done
  5.  thanks – had done

9. Choose the right variant: He has worked at school … 2000.    

  1.  yet
  2.  just
  3.  for
  4.  since
  5.  from

10. Choose the right variant: If you go through the forest you … lose your way.

  1.  may
  2.  have to
  3.  could
  4.  should

     e)   are allowed to

11. Choose the right variant: Flue … be very dangerous.

  1.  must
  2.  should
  3.  ought
  4.  have to
  5.  need

12. Choose the right variant: Jim said he … go home for the vacation.

  1.  must
  2.  can
  3.  may
  4.  was allowed to
  5.  has to

13. Choose the right variant: Paper … in  China.

  1.  was invented
  2.  were invented
  3.  have been invented
  4.  will be invented
  5.  was being invented

14. Choose the right variant: His books … by millions of people.

  1.  enjoyed
  2.  was enjoyed
  3.  will enjoy
  4.  are enjoyed
  5.  is enjoyed

15. Choose the right variant: The film … soon.

  1.  will show
  2.  will be shown
  3.  was shown
  4.  is being shown
  5.  has been shown

16. Choose the right variant: When speaking French I seldom make mistakes.

    а)   когда со мной говорят

    b)   говоря 

    c)   поговорив

    d)   говоривший

    e)   говорящий

17. Choose the right variant: They walked along … a tune together.

   a) whistled

   b) having whistled

   c) whistling

   d) whistle

   e)  being whistled

18. Choose the right variant: The problem may be considered решенной.

   a) solved

   b) being  solved

   c) having solved

   d) solving

   e)  solve

19. Choose the right variant: He was sorry …  her in this situation.

  1.  to have placed
  2.  to be placed
  3.  to place
  4.  to be placing
  5.  to have been placing

20. Choose the right variant: I am sorry to have interrupted you.

a) Я сожалею о том, что прервал вас.

b) Сожалею, что прерываю вас.

c) Я сожалею о том, что всегда прерываю вас.

d) Сожалею, что вы меня прервали.

е) Извини, но я тебя отрываю.

21. Choose the right variant: He seems … now.

  1.  to read
  2.  read
  3.  to be reading
  4.  to have read
  5.  to be read

22. Choose the right variant: If Joan wanted any information, она бы написала тебе.

  1.  she writes to you
  2.  she wrote to you
  3.  she will write to you
  4.  she would write to you
  5.  she would written to you

23. Choose the right variant: If I ... the robbers, I would have phoned the police.

  1.  see
  2.  saw
  3.  have seen
  4.  had seen
  5.  would see

24. Choose the right variant: If you ... away, please let me know.

  1.  will go
  2.  go
  3.  went
  4.  would go
  5.  shall go

25. Choose the right variant: Susan said she … back soon.

  1.   will be
  2.   would be
  3.   shall be
  4.   should be
  5.   was

Examination Test II

Variant IV

1. Choose the right variant: … he translate the book last year?

  1.  did
  2.  do
  3.  does
  4.  was
  5.  has

2. Choose the right variant: Fish meal usually … 50 per cent protein.

  1.  contained
  2.  contain
  3.  contains
  4.  containing
  5.  is contained

3. Choose the right variant: …you go there every year?

  1.  do
  2.  does
  3.  am
  4.  has
  5.  has

4. Choose the right variant: She will be working … .

  1.  at that time tomorrow
  2.  often
  3.  soon
  4.  just
  5.  yet

5. Choose the right variant: As Mary … she noticed many mistakes.

  1.  was typing
  2.  was typed
  3.  typed
  4.  types
  5.  is typing

6. Choose the right variant: She … the room when the phone … .

  1.  cleaned, was ringing
  2.  was cleaning, was ringing
  3.  was cleaning, rang
  4.  cleaned, rang
  5.  cleans, rang

7. Choose the right variant:  They had breakfast after Mary … it.

  1.  has do
  2.  had done
  3.  have done
  4.  have do
  5.  will do

8. Choose the right variant: How long … to New York?

  1.  have you been
  2.  have you be
  3.  did you be
  4.  has you been
  5.  didn’t you been

9. Choose the right variant: He has … come from school.

  1.  yet
  2.  ago
  3.  for
  4.  since
  5.  already

10. Choose the right variant: He … speak French and Italian when he was young.

  1.  can
  2.  must
  3.  has to
  4.  should
  5.  could

11. Choose the right variant: If you have done your homework, you … go for a walk.

  1.  may
  2.  could
  3.  must
  4.  are able to
  5.  have to

12. Choose the right variant: You don’t …be a member to get in.

  1.  had to
  2.  cant
  3.  have to
  4.  can
  5.  may

13. Choose the right variant: St. Petersburg … in 1703.

a) were founded

b) would be founded

c) has founded

d) was founded

e) is founded

14. Choose the right variant: Scientists hope life … on other planets .

  1.  will be discovered
  2.  would be discovered
  3.  discover
  4.  discovering
  5.  was s discover

15. Choose the right variant: I … a very interesting book at the library last Friday.

a) am given

b) was given

c) will be given

d) have been given

e) was give

16. Choose the right variant: This young man once saved a … child.

 a)   drowning

 b)   drowned

 c)    having drowned

                   d)    having been drowned

                   e)    drown

17. Choose the right variant: They stood admiring the painting.

  1.  восхищаясь
  2.  восхищенные
  3.  восхитительные
  4.  восхищая
  5.  восхитив

18. Choose the right variant: … to the bus stop, I met an old friend.

  1.  going
  2.  gone
  3.  being gone
  4.  go
  5.  when go

19. Choose the right variant: He was happy … by everybody.

  1.  to praise                                                                                             
  2.  praise
  3.  to be praised
  4.  to have praised
  5.  to be praising

20. Choose the right variant: Nature has many secrets  … yet.

a) to have discovering                        

b) to be discovered

c) to be discovering

d) to have been discovering

e) to have discovered

21. Choose the right variant:  I want you to come here tomorrow.

a) Я хочу, чтобы вы пришли сюда завтра.

b) Я хотел бы, чтобы вы пришли сюда завтра. 

c) Я хочу придти к вам завтра.

d) Вы хотите придти ко мне сюда завтра.

е) Вы хотите, чтобы я пришел к вам завтра.

22. Choose the right variant: If you work hard, you ... the exam.

  1.  will pass
  2.  pass
  3.  would pass
  4.  passed
  5.  woold have passed

23. Choose the right variant: Plants will die, if you ... them.

  1.  won’t water
  2.  don’t water
  3.  wouldn’t water
  4.  not water
  5.  watered

24. Choose the right variant: If Benjamin Franklin  hadn’t worked so hard, he не стал бы the symbol of America. 

  1.  not become
  2.  would not become
  3.  not to become
  4.  wouldn’t have become
  5.  won’t become

25. Choose the right variant: I was sure that our team … the game.

  1.  won
  2.  should win
  3.  was winning
  4.  win
  5.  would win

Examination Test II

Variant V

1. Choose the right variant: I know Peter, we … in the same bank.

  1.  work
  2.  works
  3.  are worked
  4.  was working
  5.  had worked

2. Choose the right variant: There … a lot of snow last winter.

  1.  is
  2.  were
  3.  was
  4.  are
  5.  am

3. Choose the right variant: … I go and bring you some coffee?

  1.  do
  2.  shall
  3.  was
  4.  have
  5.  am

4. Choose the right variant: It’s  9o’clock. It … already … dark.

  1.  is/getting
  2.  been/got
  3.  was/getting
  4.  being/get

     e)   were/getting

5. Choose the right variant: He … to the bus station and didn’t stop to talk with us.

  1.  has hurried
  2.  had hurried
  3.  hurry
  4.  hurries

     e)   was hurrying

6. Choose the right variant: Hurry! The bus … . I don’t want to miss it.

  1.  is coming
  2.  comes
  3.  are coming
  4.  will come
  5.  came

7. Choose the right variant: He has been in Madrid … ten years.

    a) yet

    b) just

    c) for

    d) since

    e) already

8. Choose the right variant: She didn’t want to go to the cinema because she … the film before.

  1.  saw
  2.  sees
  3.  has seen
  4.  had seen
  5.  have seen

9. Choose the right variant: I’m afraid we must drink tea. I … to buy coffee.

   a) had forgotten

   b) have forgotten

   c) forget

   d) forgot

   e) will forget

10. Choose the right variant: It stopped raining, and the children …go out.

  1.  were allowed to
  2.  may
  3.  can
  4.  must
  5.  have to

11. Choose the right variant: Dont ring him up: he … be very busy.

  1.  should
  2.  must
  3.  has to
  4.  could
  5.  ought to

12. Choose the right variant: He … to drive a car in a month.

  1.  can
  2.  will be able
  3.  was able
  4.  must
  5.  may

13. Choose the right variant: Hockey … in winter.

a) was played

b) will play

c) is played

d) has being played

e) will played

14. Choose the right variant: It was reported that twelve students … last night.

  1.  are arrested
  2.  will be arrested
  3.  were arrested
  4.  was arrested
  5.  have been arrested

15. Choose the right variant: He … to drive a car in a month.

  1.  can
  2.  will be able
  3.  was able
  4.  must
  5.  may

16. Choose the right variant: Когда тебя спросят, try to think first.

  1.  having questioned
  2.  when questioning
  3.  when questioned
  4.  questioning
  5.  being questioning

17. Choose the right variant: He sat in the armchair reading the book.

  1.  читавший
  2.  читая
  3.  прочитав
  4.  читающий
  5.  прочитанный

18. Choose the right variant: … about the accident before the meeting the President wasn’t surprised.

  1.  telling
  2.  have told
  3.  be told
  4.  having been told
  5.  tell

19. Choose the right variant: The child was happy … home.

  1.  to have been brought
  2.  to bring
  3.  to brought
  4.  to be bringing
  5.  to have brought

20. Choose the right variant: He wishes to be left alone.

a) Ему хотелось бы, чтобы его оставили в покое.

b) Он желает, чтобы его оставили в покое.

c) Он желает всех оставить в покое.

d) Он пожелал всем оставаться в покое.    

е) Он захочет, оставить вас в покое

21. Choose the right variant: … by such a good specialist was a great advantage.

  1.  to instruct
  2.  to be instructing
  3.  to be instructed
  4.  to have been instructed
  5.  to have instructed

22. Choose the right variant: If I had a million dollars, I ... a yacht.

  1.  would probably buy
  2.  will probably buy
  3.  probably bought
  4.  probably buy
  5.  had probably bought

23. Choose the right variant: What ... if you go to college next year?

  1.  will you study
  2.  do you study
  3.  you study
  4.  would you study
  5.  have you studied

24. Choose the right variant: If he ... his spectacls, he would have been able to do the work in time.

  1.  not loose
  2.  didn’t loose
  3.  hadn’t lost
  4.  won’t loose
  5.  wouldn’t loose 

25. Choose the right variant: We were informed that the steamer … already … .

  1.   had arrived
  2.   is arriving
  3.   has been arriving
  4.   was arriving
  5.   shall arrive

Examination Test II

Variant VI

1. Choose the right variant: …you go there every year?

  1.  do
  2.  does
  3.  am
  4.  has
  5.  has

2. Choose the right variant: I … a romantic weekend in Paris in 2006.

  1.  spend
  2.  spends
  3.  spent
  4.  was spending
  5.  will spend

3. Choose the right variant: What … the country import a century ago?

  1.  was
  2.  were
  3.  had
  4.  does
  5.  did

4. Choose the right variant: Take the kettle off the stove, the water … .

  1.  is boiling
  2.  boil
  3.  boils
  4.  boiled
  5.  was boiling

5. Choose the right variant: Now the Earth’s climate is getting warmer,…..?

  1.  isn’t it
  2.  is it
  3.  was it
  4.  wasn’t it
  5.  doesn’t it

6. Choose the right variant: The sun … when she set out on her walk.

  1.  are shining
  2.  shine
  3.  shone
  4.  was shining
  5.  shines

7. Choose the right variant: As soon as he… his driving rest he bought a new car.

  1.  have passed
  2.  has passed
  3.  had passed
  4.  passed
  5.  will have passed

8. Choose the right variant: The room is very cold. The fire (go out).

   a) goes out

   b) went out

   c) has gone out

   d) have gone out

   e) didn’t go out

9. Choose the right variant:  I … to Dublin since March.

   a) wasn’t

   b) hasn’t been

   c) haven’t been

   d) has been

   e) am being    

10. Choose the right variant: He …get up early this morning not to miss the train.

  1.  has to
  2.  have to
  3.  can
  4.  may
  5.  could

11. Choose the right variant: You … cross the street when the light is red.

  1.  mustn’t
  2.  mustn’t to
  3.  can
  4.  should
  5.  have to

12. Choose the right variant: Dorothy … not answer the question at the last lesson.

  1.  can
  2.  must
  3.  may
  4.  could
  5.  should

13. Choose the right variant: Yesterday an important contract … signed.

     a) is

     b) was

     c) had been

     d) was being

     e) have been

14. Choose the right variant: Many houses … in our town every year.

a) were built

b) are built

c) was built

d) is built

e) will be build

15. Choose the right variant: A taxi … fifteen minutes ago, so we are expecting it at any moment.

a) had been called

b) is called

c) has being called

     d) will be called

     e) was called

16. Choose the right variant: I want this article … by 5o’clock.

  1.  translating
  2.  translated
  3.  being translated
  4.  having translated
  5.  translate

17. Choose the right variant: Arriving  at the airport he went directly to the departure lounge.

  1.  прибывший
  2.  прибыв
  3.  прибывая
  4.  прибывающий
  5.  прибыл

18. Choose the right variant: The film который показывают now on TV is a very interesting comedy.

  1.  when showing
  2.  being shown
  3.  when shown
  4.  shown
  5.  showing

19. Choose the right variant:  I know him to be right.

a) Он знает, что я прав.

b) Я знаю, что он прав.

c) Я знал, что он был прав.

d) Я знаю, что он справа.

e) Я знаю, что он был справа

20. Choose the right variant: I hope … you soon.

  1.  to see
  2.  see
  3.  to be seen
  4.  to have seen
  5.  to have been seeing

21. Choose the right variant: I want ... to the concert by my father. 

a) to take

b) to be taken

c) take

d) to have taken

е) to be taking

22. Choose the right variant: I ... with you, if I have time.

  1.  will go
  2.  go
  3.  went
  4.  have gone
  5.  would go

23. Choose the right variant: You would have done well if you ... my advice.

  1.  take
  2.  took
  3.  had taken
  4.  have taken
  5.  would take

24. Choose the right variant: If it were necessary, he ... me here.

  1.  phone
  2.  phones
  3.  will phone
  4.  would phone
  5.  had phoned

25. Choose the right variant: They announced that the plane (land) yet.

  1.   haven’t been landed
  2.   hasn’t landed
  3.   hadn’t landed
  4.   won’t land
  5.   isn’t landing

Examination Test II

Variant VII

1. Choose the right variant: I … to the music yesterday morning.

a) listened

b) were listening

c) have listened

d) listening

e) listen

2. Choose the right variant: How often … you … to the cinema?

a) does / go

b) do  / go

c) had / gone

d) hadn’t / gone

e) doesn’t / go

3. Choose the right variant:  I … there next month.

a) would go

b) would come

c) will go

d) went

e) go to

4. Choose the right variant: Bob … table tennis with his friend at the moment.

  1.  has played
  2.  is playing
  3.  to be playing
  4.  to have been playing
  5.  were playing

5. Choose the right variant: What … you … about now?

  1.  are … thinking
  2.  is … thinking
  3.  had … thought
  4.  does … think
  5.  do … thinks

6. Choose the right variant:   While I (shop) this morning I lost my money.

  1.  shopped
  2.  was shopping
  3.  be shopping
  4.  shop
  5.  will shop

7. Choose the right variant: Paris is a wonderful city. I … there many times.

  1.  had 
  2.  have
  3.  was
  4.  have been
  5.  been

8. Choose the right variant: Molly … abroad this year.

  1.  has traveled
  2.  had traveled
  3.  travel
  4.  travels
  5.  was traveling

9. Choose the right variant: She … the job so far.

   a) isn’t found

   b) don’t find

   c) hasn’t found

   d) didn’t find

   e) wasn’t found

10. Choose the right variant: Dick drives too fast. He … be more careful.

  1.  may
  2.  ought to
  3.  can
  4.  ought
  5.  have to

11. Choose the right variant: I  … to go to the bank yesterday.

  1.  mustn’t
  2.  needn’t
  3.  hadn’t
  4.  can’t
  5.  didn’t have

12. Choose the right variant: I … swim well when I was a boy of ten.

  1.  can
  2.  may
  3.  could
  4.  must
  5.  have to

13. Choose the right variant: A bridge  ... over the river now.

  1.  is being built
  2.  is built
  3.  has been built
  4.  was built
  5.  is building

14. Choose the right variant: Over one thousand million records… by the Beatles.

  1.  was sold
    1.  was being sold
    2.  had been sold
    3.  has been sold
    4.  is being sold

15. Choose the right variant: A lot of letters … typed and sent to customers every day.

  1.  are
  2.  are being
  3.  had been
  4.  has been
  5.  was being

16. Choose the right variant: Strictly  … , Tom is not my friend.

  1.  speaking
  2.  to speak
  3.  spoken
  4.  spoke
  5.  speak

17. Choose the right variant: I heard them … the problem.

  1.  have discussed
    1.  being discussed
    2.  discussing
    3.  having discussed
    4.  having been discussed

18. Choose the right variant: When … the street, look left then right.

  1.  cross
    1.  crossed
    2.  having crossed
    3.  crossing
    4.  being crossed

19. Choose the right variant: I don’t know whether …  to the party or not.

  1.  to have been going
  2.  to have gone
  3.  to be going
  4.  to go
  5.  to be gone     

20. Choose the right variant: This is the book … during the summer holidays.

  1.  to be reading
  2.  to have been reading
  3.  to be read
  4.  to have been read
  5.  to have read

21. Choose the right variant: I find him to be a very clever man.

a) Я найду ему очень умного человека.

b) Я ищу ему очень умного человека.

c) Ему надо найти очень умного человека.

d) Я нахожу, что он очень умный человек.

е) Я нашел этого очень умного человека.

22. Choose the right variant: If it … we’ll go skiing.

  1.  will snow
  2.  snows
  3.  snowed
  4.  would snow
  5.  snow

23. Choose the right variant: She would have never known Mr Goldsmith, if  Mag ... him.

  1.  not introduce
  2.  didn’t introduce
  3.  doesn’t introduce
  4.  hasn’t introduced
  5.  hadn’t introduced

24. Choose the right variant: If you invite them, they ... .

  1.  come
  2.  came
  3.  will come
  4.  would come
  5.  have come

25. Choose the right variant: If I lived in Italy,  я бы изучал  Italian.

  1.  study
  2.  studied
  3.  will study
  4.  would study
  5.  have studied

Examination Test II

Variant VIII

1. Choose the right variant: Don’t call on me. I … for Kiev tomorrow.

  1.  am leaving
  2.  left
  3.  leave
  4.  leaves
  5.  have left

2. Choose the right variant:  Last year Mag and her sister ... to Rome.

  1.  didn’t go
  2.  was not
  3.  have not gone
  4.  had not gone
  5.  has not gone

3. Choose the right variant:  ... your sister … well?

  1.  do...sing
  2.  does...sing
  3.  does...sang
  4.  do...sings
  5.  has...sang

4. Choose the right variant:  While I ...  to work in the morning, I met an old friend.

  1.  was going
  2.  went
  3.  gone
  4.  going
  5.  be going

5. Choose the right variant: What are you doing here? - I … for my friend.

  1.  am waiting
    1.  wait
    2.  waited
    3.  was waiting
    4.  waiting

6. Choose the right variant: Tomorrow at this time they … over Canada.

  1.  fly
  2.  will fly
  3.  will be flying
  4.  was flying
  5.  flew

7. Choose the right variant: I couldn’t open the office door because someone … it.

  a) has locked

  b) will lock

  c) locked

  d) had locked

  e) is locked

8. Choose the right variant: The article … yet.

  1.  wasn’t been translated
  2.  hadn’t been translated
  3.  hasn’t been translated
  4.  weren’t been translated
  5.  isn’t been translated

9. Choose the right variant: I … to the theatre since autumn.

   a) has been

   b) had been

   c) wasn’t

   d) hasn’t been

   e) haven’t been

10. Choose the right variant: Sorry, but I … come to the party next Sunday.

  1.  weren’t allowed to
  2.  wont be able to
  3.  has to
  4.  could
  5.  was able to

11. Choose the right variant: You … to go to the station.

  1.  can’t
  2.  may not
  3.  don’t have
  4.  must
  5.  should

12. Choose the right variant: You … get married in Britain when you are 16.

  1.  are allowed to
  2.  has to
  3.  could
  4.  need
  5.  was able to

13. Choose the right variant: This new dictionary ...  everywhere now.

a) had been sold

b) is being sold

c) will be sold

d) was being sold

e) has sold

14. Choose the right variant: The report on Hemingway’s stories … in our group last month.

a) were make

b) was make

c) had made

d) has make

e) was made

15. Choose the right variant: We … to the cinema last Saturday.

a) were invited

b) are being

c) were being invited

d) are invited

e)  will be invited

16. Choose the right variant: Зная the subject very well the student wasn’t afraid of the coming exam.

  1.  to know
    1.  known
    2.  knowing
    3.  being known
    4.  having been known

17. Choose the right variant: Working hard he saved a lot of money.

  1.  работающий
  2.  работая
  3.  проработав
  4.  работавший

18. Choose the right variant: The … documents worried me.

  1.  loosing
  2.  being lost
  3.  lost
  4.  having been lost
  5.  having lost

19. Choose the right variant: We expect our friends to arrive at 4 a.m.

  1.  Наши друзья ожидают, что мы приедем в четыре утра.
  2.  Мы ожидаем, что наши друзья приедут в четыре утра.
  3.  Друзья приедут в четыре утра, мы их ожидаем.
  4.  Мы ожидали друзей, которые прибудут в четыре дня.
  5.  Наши друзья ожидают, что их друзья прибудут в четыре дня.

20. Choose the right variant: The children seem … since morning.

  1.  to be playing
  2.  to have played
  3.  play
  4.  to play
  5.  to have been playing

21. Choose the right variant: I don’t know whether …  to the party or not.

  1.  to have been going
  2.  to have gone
  3.  to be going
  4.  to go
  5.  to be gone    

22. Choose the right variant: The police would have arrested him, if they ... him.

  1.  catch
  2.  caught
  3.  have caught
  4.  had caught
  5.  would catch

23. Choose the right variant: I would buy the bag, if it ... cheaper.

  1.  is
  2.  was
  3.  will be
  4.  would be
  5.  were

24. Choose the right variant: If I see him I ... him a lift.

  1.  will give
  2.  would give
  3.  give
  4.  gave
  5.  have given

25. Choose the right variant: If I find your book, я позвоню тебе.

  1.  I telephone you
  2.  I telephoned you
  3.  I would telephone you
  4.  I will telephone you
  5.  I have telephoned you

Examination Test II

Variant IX

1. Choose the right variant: What … he usually … for  breakfast?

  1.  is, have
  2.  is, has
  3.  do, have
  4.  does, have
  5.  does, has

2. Choose the right variant: She … shopping on Saturday mornings.

  1.  goes
  2.  go
  3.  goes not
  4.  is go
  5.  is going

3. Choose the right variant: … Mrs Stewart … coffee or tea?

  1.  do, prefer
  2.  is, prefer
  3.  does, prefer
  4.  does, prefers
  5.  is, prefers

4. Choose the right variant: She … a red coat when I last saw her.

  1.  wore
  2.  wear
  3.  wears
  4.  was wearing
  5.  is wearing

5. Choose the right variant: As Mary … the letter she noticed some mistakes.

  1.  was typing
  2.  typed
  3.  types
  4.  is typing
  5.  were typing

6. Choose the right variant: It … hard, take your umbrella.

  1.  rain
  2.  rains
  3.  is raining
  4.  rained
  5.  was raining

7. Choose the right variant: Dan arrived late because he … the bus.

  1.  missed
  2.  misses
  3.  has missed
  4.  have missed
  5.  had missed

8. Choose the right variant: Tom … this film twice this week.

   a) saw

   b) sees

   c) has seen

   d) have seen

   e) didn’t see

9. Choose the right variant: They have come round to the British Museum ….    

    a) just

    b) already

    c) since

    d) for

    e) recently

10. Choose the right variant: When I was 18 I … borrow my parents car.

  1.  am allowed to
  2.  can
  3.  may
  4.  must
  5.  was allowed to

11. Choose the right variant: You … smoke in this room.

  1.  to be able to
  2.  isnt allowed
  3.  arent allowed to
  4.  arent allowed
  5.  was able to

12. Choose the right variant: I…swim when I was 4 years old.

  1.  must
  2.  could
  3.  may
  4.  am allowed to
  5.  is able to

13. Choose the right variant: At the last competition the first prize (to win) by our team.

a) will be won

b) was won

c) are win

d) was win

e) are won

14. Choose the right variant: The pupil’s parents … for by the teacher yesterday.

  1.  are sent
  2.  was sent
  3.  were sent
  4.  have been sent
  5.  had been sent

15. Choose the right variant: The postbox … tomorrow.

a) would be emptied

b) will be emptied

c) are being emptied

d) are emptied

        e) will emptied

16. Choose the right variant: The man … at the door has brought our mail.

  1.  knocking
  2.  knocked
  3.  being knocked
  4.  having been knocked
  5.  having knocked

17. Choose the right variant: … by the doctor to go out, I had to stay at home.

  1.  forbidding
  2.  having forbidden
  3.  forbidden
  4.  forbid
  5.  forbade

18. Choose the right variant: She frowned as if пытаясь to remember anything.

  1.  tried
  2.  trying
  3.  having tried
  4.  try
  5.  being tried

19. Choose the right variant: He wishes to be left alone.

a) Ему хотелось бы, чтобы его оставили в покое.

b) Он желает, чтобы его оставили в покое.

c) Он желает всех оставить в покое.

d) Он пожелал всем оставаться в покое.    

е) Он захочет, оставить вас в покое

20. Choose the right variant: Я рад, что мне рассказали эту историю.

  1.  I’m glad to have been told this story.
  2.  I’m glad that I told this story.
  3.  I was glad to be told this story.
  4.  I’m glad that they are  telling me this story.
  5.  I'm glad to be telling this story.

21. Choose the right variant: The children were delighted … to the Zoo.

  1.  to have been brought
  2.  to be bringing
  3.  to bring
  4.  to have brought
  5.  to have been bringing

22. Choose the right variant: If Tom ... on coat, he will catch a cold.

  1.  did not put
  2.  doesn’t put
  3.  won’t put
  4.  would not put
  5.  not put

23. Choose the right variant: If I ... you I would buy a new car.

  1.  am
  2.  be
  3.  was
  4.  were
  5.  would be

24. Choose the right variant: Я бы этому не поверил, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.

  1.  I didn’t believe it
  2.  I won’t believe it
  3.  I wouldn’t believe it
  4.  I wouldn’t have believed it
  5.  I don’t believe it

25. Choose the right variant: If you had told me beforehand, I ...  you.

  1.  help
  2.  helped
  3.  will help
  4.  would help
  5.  would have helped

Examination Test II

Variant X

1. Choose the right variant: How often … Ann … television?

  1.  does, watch
  2.  is, watch
  3.  does, watches
  4.  do, watch
  5.  is, watches

2. Choose the right variant: The sun … in the west, doesn’t it?

  1.  rise
  2.  rises
  3.  doesn’t rise
  4.  do rise
  5.  is rising

3. Choose the right variant: … those women understand Russian?

  1.  Do
  2.  Does
  3.  Is
  4.  Are
  5.  Were

4. Choose the right variant: They … in the café when you rang them up.

  1.  will be sitting
  2.  are sitting
  3.  sat
  4.  were sitting
  5.  was sitting

5. Choose the right variant: Answer the door! Someone … .

  1.  knock
  2.  knocks
  3.  is knocking
  4.  was knocking
  5.  knocked

6. Choose the right variant: I … for my things when I heard someone called me.

  1.  pay
  2.  am paying
  3.  was paying
  4.  paid
  5.  have paid

7. Choose the right variant:   I have known Mary … three weeks.

   a) just

   b) already

   c) yet

   d) for

   e) since

8. Choose the right variant: When I … all my money I went home.

  a) spent

  b) have spent

  c) will spend

  d) had spent

  e) was spending

9. Choose the right variant: She remembered that she … her bag upstairs.

  1.  left
  2.  leaves
  3.  have left
  4.  has left
  5.  had left

10. Choose the right variant: You … see the Mona Lisa in the Louvre if you go to Paris.

  1.  will be able to
  2.  was allowed to
  3.  has to
  4.  was able to
  5.  ought

11. Choose the right variant: I lost my keys yesterday and I … get into my flat.

  1.  can
  2.  couldn’t
  3.  was allowed
  4.  cant
  5.  were not able to

12. Choose the right variant: You …feed animals in the Zoo.

  1.  must be
  2.  are allowed
  3.  aren’t allowed to
  4.  are able
  5.  has to

13. Choose the right variant: Nick (to send) to Moscow next week.

a) is being send

b) has been send

c) will be sent

d) was send

        e) would be sent

14. Choose the right variant: The composition … on Wednesday.

a) will be written

b) are written

c)  be written

d)  been written

e) had been written

15. Choose the right variant: He said that grandmother’s letter … the day before.

a) has been received

b) was being received

c) had been received

d) will be received

e) is being received

16. Choose the right variant: The flowers … a week ago are still rather fresh.

  1.  bought
  2.  being bought
  3.  buying

17. Choose the right variant: The … document worried me.

  1.  losing
  2.  lost
  3.  being lost
  4.  having lost
  5.  having been lost

18. Choose the right variant: She wants to have  her hair … .

  1.  cutting
  2.  cut
  3.  having cut
  4.  to be cut
  5.  being cut

19. Choose the right variant: I want you … worrying.

  1.  stop
  2.  to stop
  3.  to have stopped
  4.  to be stopped
  5.  to have been stopped

20. Choose the right variant: I am trying  ... grammar.

  1.  learn
  2.  to learn
  3.  to be learned
  4.  to have learned
  5.  to be learning

21. Choose the right variant: Richard was told ... the cakes.

  1.  not touch
  2.  not to touch
  3.  not to be touched
  4.  not to have been touched
  5.  not to be touching

22. Choose the right variant: If he wanted a quiet holiday, he ... to the mountains.

  1.  would go
  2.  went
  3.  would have gone
  4.  will go
  5.  goes

23. Choose the right variant: If you ... Mr Snowdon, you would like him.

  1.  would know
  2.  know
  3.  will know
  4.  knew
  5.  known

24. Choose the right variant: If the story hadn’t been true, the newspapers ... it.

  1.  not print
  2.  doesn’t print
  3.  don’t print
  4.  won’t print
  5.  wouldn’t have printed

25. Choose the right variant: What would you do if someone ... a milloin pounds?

  1.  give
  2.  gives
  3.  gave
  4.  would give
  5.  will give


Examination test II





































































































































































































































































1. Поняття і характеристика договору на надання посередницьких послуг
2. Эволюция экономических систем
4. Факт - основа журналистского произведения.html
5. либо науки будет наполным
6. Как заработать в партнерской программе
7. ТЕМА 14 ветеринарносанитарная экспертиза меда и продуктов пчеловодства ТЕСТ 1 Воск пчелиный предс
8. Средняя общеобразовательная школа 39 Г
9. доц Громова ЕА
10. по теме Углеводы 1
11. Практика создания информационных систем в организациях
12. ~I~m from Russi~ ~Who you for~ ~I work for British irwys~
13. Тема 12 Систематизация законодательства СИСТЕМАТИЗАЦИЯ НОРМАТИВНО ~ ПРАВОВЫХ АКТОВ это обработка п
14. теоретическое и экспериментальное определение центра изгиба тонкостенной балки швеллерного сечения
15. Місце проходження практики назви кафедр
16. законы даже самые лучшие бессильны воспрепятствовать этому ибо их губит дурное применениезаконы начин.html
17. Детали машин ПТМ и М КУРСОВОЙ ПРЕКТ
18. Вариант 2 50 вопросов 1
19. Применение нормативного метода планирования, учета и калькуляции себестоимости продукции (работ, услуг) для выявления путей снижения себестоимости продукци
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