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Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.
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1. what does the term the Armed Forces of the Us mean?
The Armed Forces of the United States means the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard, including their Regular and Reserve components.
2. What reserve components of the US Armed Forces do you know?
The res comps in the Armed Forces of the United States, ordered to active duty in case of war or national emergency,are:The Army National Guard of the United States; The Army Reserve;The Naval Reserve; The Marine Corps Reserve; The Air National Guard of the United States; The Air Force Reserve; The Coast Guard Reserve.
3. What is the composition of the NSC?
The National Security Council is composed of the President, the Vice President, the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of Defense.
4. What agencies comprise the DOD?
The DOD is comprised of Department of the Army, Department of the Navy , Department of the Air Force.
5. What are the functions of the JCS?
Joint Chiefs of Staff constitute the immediate millitary staff of the Secretary of Defense.
6. What does the Army Staff consist of?
Army Staff consist of the Chief of Staff, the Army General Staff, the Special Staff and the Personal Staff.
7. Who is the highest military adviser to the SA?
The Chief ot Staff is the highest military assistant ar advisor to the SA.
8. What components does the Army of US consist of?
The Army of the United States consists of the Regular Army, the Army National Guard and the Army Reserve.
9. What does the Active Army include?
Active Army incudes under all conditions the US Army as the full-time professional force, plus those individuals or complete units drawn from the Army National Guard or Army Reserve to serve on a full-time basis to meet conditions of war or overall strength requirements determined by the President and the Congress.
10. What categories of reservists do you know?
There are three categories of reservists like the Ready Reserve, the Stanby Reserv, the Retired Reserve.
11. What is the difference between the Ready Reserve and the Stanby reserve?
The Ready Reserve incudes the units and individuals subject to active military service, without their consent, in time of war or national emergency, declared by the Congress or proclaimed by the President.
Stanby Reserve is made up of all mbrs of the Army Reserve who are not in the Ready Res or Retired Res. All units and mbrs of the Stanby Reserve are subject to active duty in time of war or emergency declared by the Congress( not by the President)
12. What classifications of brs do you know?
Arms and services - administrative and tehnical , basic and special, but the most uptodate would be combat arms, combat support arms, and combat service support branches.
13. What are the responsibilities of the combat support arms?
Combat support arms provide operational assistance to the combat arms, including engagement in combat when necessary, but who have additional responsibilities in providing logistic and administrative support to the Army.
14. What is the chief mission of the combat service support branches?
The chief mission of the combat service support branches is to provide logistic and administrative support and whose personnel are not usually directly engaged in combat operations.
15. what organizations issues TOE?
Tables of Organizations and Equipment, issued by the Department of the Army.
16. What does TOE establish?
Tables of Organizations and Equipment is established as to each category of Army unit its title, the number and grades of its officers and men , its organic equipment and its interior organization.
17. What is the difference between a company , a battery, and a troop?
In the artillery, the term battery is used instead of company, and the sections corresponds to the squad. In cavalry units , the term troop is used instead of company, Squads , sections , platoons, companies, batteries, troops are unites of separate arms and services.
18. What types of divisions do you know?
There are five types of combat divisions: armored , mechanized , infantry, airborne and air assault.
19. When was recruiting in the US Army Forces compulsory?
Recruiting in the US Armed FOrces in peacetime is based on voluntary enlistment, wheres in time of II World War recruiting was compulsory.
20. What may an individual do to become a serviceman?
Nowadays, to become a serviceman, an individual may enlist or reenlist in the br selected by him.
21. Where is the priliminary training of officers conducted?
The preliminary tng of offs is conducted at the United States Military Academy at West Point, the US Naval Academy, the US Air Force Academy and at other educational institutions of the Armed Forces and at civilian colleges which maintain ROTC units, as well as at Officer Candidate Schools.
22. What requirements are necessary for promotion to a higher grade? Members of the Armed Forces on active duty may be recommended for promotion to a higher gr if they meet certain requirements which are based primarily on age, Jength of svc, length of svc in gr, and existing position vacancy on the gr.
23. What does the daily routine start and end with? The daily routine starts with "reveille" and ends with "laps."
24. What does the military training include? The mil tng, based on mil regulations, field manuals, technical manuals, and orders, includes instructions and classes, drill and ceremonies, physical fitness program, range practice, field exercises, map reading, tactics, etc.
25. What does the detail for guard consist of? The detail for guard consists of an officer of the day with necessary offs, noncoms and pvts.
26. When does the relief of the old guard take place? Relief of the old dtl for gd takes glace after the guard mounting.
27. What does the drill training consist of? It consists of certain movements by which a serviceman, sqd, plat, со, or bn is moved in an orderly manner from one formation to another or from one place to another.
28. How many types of commands do you know? There are two kinds of commands: the preparatory command and the command of execution.
29. What military insignia do you know? insignia of gr, insignia of arm or svc
30. What types of personal documents of a serviceman do you know? identification tags, identification cards, pay data cards, ration cards, and such other papers as liberty passes, operator's permits, individual sick slips and so on.
31. What data are shown on the identification tags? Embossed on the'tags are the wearer's last name, first name and middle initial; the SN; dates that tetanus toxoid injections were given; b'looditype, and religion.
32.What data are shown on the identification cards? On the card are shown the name of the individual, his gr, arm or svc, SN, station where the card was issued, birth date, height, weight, color of hair and eyes, race, sex, blood type, holder's fingerprints, and signature of the issuing officer.
33. What is the mission of infantry? Its mission is to close with the enemy by fire .and maneuver in order to destroy or capture him, or to hold its positions and repel his attack by fire, close combat, or counterattack.
34. How can infantry fight? infantry is capable of fighting under widely varying conditions of terrain, weather, and nuclear availability
35. What infantry weapons do you know? Inf wpns include SA, hand grenades, grenade lchrs, RLs, recoinless rifles, wire guided msls and morts.
36. What are smaill arms? SA, i e. firearms with cal below 60 in, are divided into handguns and shoulder guns.
37. What are the two basic kinds of handguns? Handguns are intended for single-handed use at short ranges. There are two basic kinds automatic pistol and revolver.
38. What are the main parts of a pistol? Tha main parts of pistol are receiver barrel and slide
39. What shoulder guns do you know? Shoulder guns are wpns intended to be fired primarily from the shoulder. These include rifles, carbines, submachine guns and machine guns.
40. What are the main characteristics of the M16A1 rifle? The US Army's newest rifle is the M16A1. It can deliver automatic fire in short or long bursts or semiautomatic fire by single shots. Its 55-grain steel core ball bullet has a muzzle velocity of 3,250 fps, with the max range of 2,653 meters. Cyclic rate is 700 to 800 r.p.m.; max effective rate of fire is 150 to 200 at automatic, 45 to 65 at semiautomatic. Its combat weight (with sling and 20-round box magazine) is only 7.5 pounds.
41. What is the purpose of machine-guns and how are they classified?
Machine guns are designed to spt the rifleman in both offensive and defensive operations with a heavy volume of controlled, accurate fire that is far beyond the capability of individual wpns. The general term "machine gun" is loosely applied to a wide variety of AW including LMGs, MMGs, HMGs and GP mgs.
42. How are hand grenade classified?
They are classified as illuminating, fragmentation, offensive, chemical, practice, and training.
43. What is the grenade launcher?
A grenade lchr is a wpn attached to a rifle or used separately to fire grenades at considerable ranges.
44. What is filler?
The body holds the filler and gives the grenade its shape. The filler is the explosive or chemical contained within the body.
45. What are wire-guided missiles designed for?
Wire-guided missiles are designed mainly for AT protection.
46. What are mortars designed for?
The mortar is the result of the need for a wpn which will reach into fld ftns and areas in defilade from the fire of flat trajectory wpns.
47. What are the characteristics of armor?
Armor is the arm of speed and violence. It is fast, highly mbl, has great firepower and produces shock effect. Armor has been resp in the past years for much of the change toward more open and fluid warfare, faster movements, more dispersion, more elastic def fmns, and the ability to concentrate great power at a decisive point.
48. What are the primary missions of tank units?
Tk units close with and destroy en forces, using fire, maneuver, and shock effect in coord with other arms.
49. What is the designation of modern armor?
Modern armor is a combined arms force designed to conduct decisive, highly mbl, ground environment, mounted cbt, primary offensive in nature, employing armor-protected vehs as a primary means of accomplishing a gnd cbt msn through the use of both gnd and air vehs.
50. Within what force structure does the armor operate?
Armor operates normally within a force structure that may include tks, mech inf, arty, engrs, armd cav, and Army Avn, spted on the battlefield by a flexible and rapid comm sys, and a mbl log sys.
51. What type of units does the modern armor include?
Armor includes tk units, armd cav units, and mech inf units.
52. What are the primary missions of tank units?
Tk units close with and destroy en forces, using fire, maneuver, and shock effect in coord with other arms.
53. What are the primary missions of armored cavalry units?
Armd cav units perform recon and provide scty for the unit to which organic, assigned, or attached, and engage in offensive, defensive, and delaying action as an economy of force unit.
54. What are the primary missions of mechanized infantry units?
Mech inf units close with the en by means of fire and maneuver to destroy or capture him or to repel his assault by fire, close cbt, and counterattack.
55. Why are armored vehicles particularly suited to a nuclear environment?
Armd vehs are particularly suited to a nuc environment because their armor protection reduces significantly the effects on pers of blast and radiation from a nuc burst and, even at close ranges to such burst, shields pers from thermal effects.
56. What objectives are appropriate for the armor units?
Objectives appropriate for the armor units are those that are beyond reach of other forces and that will insure success of the corps or field army msn.
57. What are the missions of armor units in the enemy rear?
In the en rear areas armor forces attain great freedom of action as they maneuver to seize terrain; disrupt comm; destroy CPs; msl sites, arty, and trp res; and captu
re or destroy sups.