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Lerning objectives The first prt of the course ims t teching students to- pproch literry text understnd nd pprecite it; operte with the mjor notions importnt for literry nly

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Dear student!

Reading will be a substantial component of students’ curriculum this year. This course will aid in dealing with the reading and interpretation of short stories by American and British writers and is aimed at the expansion of understanding of the short story beyond the literal and simple recollection of factual details. The majority of the activities in this course will concentrate on reading and analyzing the short story and its elements.


Course size — 8 hours, independent work — 24 hours

1. Learning objectives

The first part of the course aims at teaching students to:

  •  approach a literary text, understand and appreciate it;
  •  operate with the major notions important for literary analysis such as genre, plot, setting;
  •  summarize, generalize and evaluate main points and implications of the text;
  •  comment on a literary work, discovering the author’s ideas and the means of conveying them.

2. Student Activity

The course presupposes thorough and conscientious independent and class work on behalf of the student. The course offers you different types of work:

— classroom activities (including discussions on difficult interpretation points);

— learning independently using recommended books (that includes homework);

— class test.

3. Content

During the 5th term students are expected to read 8 short stories by British and American authors.

For more detailed information, see Course Map I.

Course Map I (Class Work)




English as a world language. Variants of English.

English or Esperanto as a world language.



The importance and characteristics of the British press.



Radio and TV in Great Britain.



Musical traditions in Great Britain.



Story types.



Plot and its structure.



Plot-structure elements. Setting.


Credit test.


4. Course examination

At the end of the winter term you will have to write the final test, which will check the progress of your independent work. Besides, to get your credit in the discipline, you are expected to read the 8 short stories for students’ independent reading.

5. Essential Study Materials

For your independent and class work during the 1st term you will need the course book Reading and Appreciation of the Short Story by E. Kireichuk and T. Vassilyeva (borrowed from the MSLU library) or Attractively Short by T. Kurs, N. Zhlobo, E. Kireichuk and E. Makoutsa (available at the Lexis book-shop, MSLU)

The books contain original and unabridged short stories followed by sections of questions to help students to appreciate the text and organize discussions in class. The texts are preceded by a necessary minimum of information, which will allow the student to answer the After You Read questions and accomplish the Before You Read tasks.


Working independently in September-December, you are supposed to read the information about the main points of analysis of the short story (the genre, the plot-structure, the setting).

Also, read the 8 short stories for students’ independent reading. Accomplish all necessary vocabulary work, sum up the stories and answer the After You Read questions for each short story (See Course Map I, Independent work).

For better time management and effective learning, we suggest a weekly scheme of independent work with the indication of the necessary study materials.

Course Map I (Independent Work)



Study Materials



Plot and Its Structure.

E. Kireichuk, T. Vassilyeva

The Short Story: Reading and Appreciation, Part I, pp. 5-22.


T. Kurs, N. Zhlobo, E. Kireichuk and E. Makoutsa

Attractively Short, Unit 1.



Plot-structure Elements. Setting.

Kireichuk, Vassilyeva

The Short Story: Reading and Appreciation, Part I, pp. 23-33.


T. Kurs, N. Zhlobo, E. Kireichuk and E. Makoutsa

Attractively Short, Unit 2.


Independent Reading and Analysis.

See the table of contents in The Short Story: Reading and Appreciation or Attractively Short and find the stories indicated below:

R. Bradbury. All Summer in a Day

J. Archer. Just Good Friends



Independent Reading and Analysis.

P. Lively. Next Term, We’ll Mash You

F. Hardy. The Returned Soldier



Independent Reading and Analysis.

Saki. The Open Window

A. Maley. Gossip



Independent Reading and Analysis.

B. Brown. The Star Ducks

M. Spark. You Should Have Seen the Mess


1. Революция в Англии. Суд и казнь Карла I
2.  Контроль МНО необходимо проводить после выписки в первый месяц еженедельно во второй месяц2 раза в неделю
3. собственную функцию modus operndi той или иной мозговой структуры определенный принцип или способ ее работы
4.  Документ заполняется в соответствии с указанными ниже правилами
5. 50 РЕФЕРАТ дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата філософських наук Київ
6. Реферат- Сыпной тиф
7. Доклад- Ударение (акцент)
8. Хотково или Хотков
9. О ничтожестве и горестях жизни Артур Шопенгауэр О ничтожестве и горестях жизни О нич
10. Японские технологии малоформатной печати
11. Система источников гражданского права
12. Давид Юм
13. Аудит материально-производственных запасов Внутрифирменный стандарт аудита материально-производственных запасов
14.  Эпоха романтизма
15. отбор наиболее подходящих кандидатов при приеме на работу
16. Великая Смута в России.html
17. а. Между гладкими пластинами частоустанавливают пластины треугольного U или Побразного профиля рис
18. Мотивационные тенденции в обществе
19. ЛАБОРАТОРНАЯ РАБОТА 1 Исследование установившихся режимов двухцепной воздушной линии 220 кВ с одним ис
20. Устрялов Николай Васильевич