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Terr pln for rod improvement rods must be developed s whole system

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Text 5

Roads in Japan

Highway networks in Japan consist of national expressways, national highways, and municipal roads.

As a general rule, all roads should be available free of charge to all users and administered by national municipal government. But there are, also toll roads such as national expressways and other similar roads, constructed and administered by Japan Highway Public Corporation, local public corporations and local governments. These roads are to be free of charge after all the funds utilized to construct them are repaid by way of users' fees.

The length of municipal roads in Japan is nearly 900,000 km. This length is about 85% of the total length of Japanese roads.

According to the long-terra plan for road improvement roads must be developed as a whole system. During this period will be carried out the construction of truck expressways consisting of 10,000 km of national expressways and bridges between the two Islands Honshu and Shikoku and across Tokyo Bay, so that big Japanese cities will be connected with one another, and almost all the outlying districts will come within a limit of a day's trip from these cities.

All the national expressways in Japan have been constructed and operated as a toll road, primarily for the reason of financing. The present toll rates for national expressways are unified across the country.

Sufficient traffic safety facilities, such as guide signs, remote control signals are provided, while an emergency telephone for the expressway user is installed at every one kilometer.

Traffic volumes are steadily increasing.

In cities and their suburban areas where demand for transportation is growing the present situation of automobiles, railways and other conventional transportation means is far from being sufficient. In order to clear this situation and effectively meet the demand for transportation means in cities it is of vital importance to introduce a new and highly efficient public transportation system suited for the scale, structure, environment and other conditions of each city sphere.

1. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. When do national expressways become free of charge roads? 2. What is the function of national highways and expressways? 3. What increases the constructional cost of national expressways? 4. What transportation systems are being constructed and developed?

2. Составьте предложения из предложенных ниже слов:

1. volumes, steadily, traffic, increasing .

2. roads, should, all, all, available, of, charge, be, to, users, free.

3. funds, roads, are, to, be, charge, after, free, these, the, of, all.

4. must, to, the, plan, for, whole, improvement, roads, developed, long-terra, as, a, according, road, system, be.

5. unified, the, for, national, rates, expressways, toll, are, the, present, across, country.

6. in, being, the, other, is, far, present, of, automobiles, conventional, railways, transportation, situation, cities, means, from, and, sufficient. I

7 a, and, the, national, constructed, expressways, operated, as, have, toll, been, all, road.

3. Поставьте глагол в правильном времени:

1. All the national expressways in Japan (to construct) and operated as a toll road.

2. In cities and their suburban areas where demand for transportation (to grow) the present situation of conventional transportation means is far from being sufficient.

3. The present toll rates for national expressways (to unify) across the country.

4. Highway networks in Japan (to consist) of national expressways, national highways, and municipal roads.

5. During this period (to carry out) the construction of truck expressways

6. Traffic volumes (to increase) steadily.

7. Big Japanese cities (to connect) with one another.

4. Соедините слова из правой и левой колонки по смыслу:

expressway -                       бесплатный

toll road -                             пользователь

trunk-road -                          длина

guideway -                           чрезвычайная ситуация

length                                   магистральная дорога

free of charge                      скоростная дорога с ограниченным доступом

user                                       направляющая, направляющая кулиса

emergency                            платная дорога

5. Вставьте предложенные слова по смыслу:

free of charge, similar, facilities, government, toll, highways, truck expressways.

1. These roads are to be … after all the funds

2. Sufficient traffic safety … remote control signals are provided.

3. The present … rates for national expressways are unified across the country.

4. During this period will be carried out the construction of … consisting of 10,000 km of national expressways.

5. But there are, also toll roads such as national expressways and other … roads.

6. All roads should be available free of charge to all users and administered by national municipal … .

7. Highway networks in Japan consist of national expressways, national … , and municipal roads.

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