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Books for prents- S Mkrenko uthor of the known sttement tht the soul of child t birth is befitted clen bord nd only condition to life nd eduction brings ppernce of tht or other qulity to pe

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A list of some historically established and interconnected educational  institutions:A) System of formation

A termination of some sexual maturations is for what age group of kids typical? A) Senior school age 

Acquisition  by the individual public-history experience:A) Assimilation

Analysis by researcher diary book, compositions, creative functioning means:A) Study of products of activity

Analysis of some achievements of pupils is realized for the reason:A) Adjustment to activity of pupils and the scholastic process control

As it is valued level to breeding?A) High, average, low

Assimilation of values and reproducing the social relationship and experience:A) Socialization

Author "Books for parents": A) A.S .Makarenko 

Author of the known statement that the soul of a child at birth is befitted clean board and only condition to life and education brings appearance of that or other quality to personality:A) J. Lock

Author of the pedagogical technology of  integration of  didactical units (fish) is:A) P.M. Erdniev 


Base of humanization :A) Respect to personality

Base of humanization of schools:A) Respect to personality

Before hand forecasted result in training growing generations to live:A) Purpose of education

Biological and spiritual growing of the  personality in a process of the life and activity –:A) Shaping

Branch of the pedagogical science, having its contents study purpose and methods of control public education, manual school and organizations of its functioning is identified:A) By didactics

Branch of the pedagogical science, studying condition and development of theories and practical positions of education and education on miscellaneous step development of society -:A) History of pedagogy

Branch of the pedagogical science, studying education детей and adult with deflections in physical or psychic development -:A) Oligofrenopedagogy


Charter of a school is developed on base:A) "Standard position about general institution".

Checking the performing of the home task and questioning of pupils in purpose of the checking the knowledge, interpretation of the new material, fastening the new knowledge-stages:A) Of the multifunctional lesson 

Class leader forms:A ) Plan of the educational functioning

Code of the rules, defining device and activity of the educational institutions:A) Law

Collection worked out characteristic and quality, characterizing its public essence: A) Personality

Competition - A) Method of organization, stimulation action the baby group

Complex action in school for the reason shaping, education of pupils:А) System of the educational functioning(working) the school

Complex of some skills of a teacher to have, control  and act upon pupils exactly the psycophysical facility :A) Pedagogical technology

Components of the pedagogical process:A) Purpose, tasks, content, form, methods, result

Comprehensive educational institution with deepened by study scholastic subject on determined profile:A) Lycee 

Content of education -:A) System of the scientific knowledge, practical skills and habits

Created with provision for didactic principle and regularities system acceptance and corresponding to its rules of teaching in a process of  decision of the certain type of some scholastic tasks:A) Methods of teaching 

Current checking, intermediate checking, total checking:A) Types of checking


Debuty of a teacher: A) Send the knowledge, social experience

Debuty of the educator:A) Educate in the educational institution

Decision of a teacher will not be efficient if it:A) Is not based on diagnostics of the pedagogical process 

Define the content of education - signifies, settle the problem:A) That teach

Degree of the correspondence to the larval development of a pupil is:А) Breeding

Determination of the method of education:A) Ways work on assimilation of  knowledge, skills, habits 

Development of pedagogy as a science have defined:A) Objective need for preparation the person to life

Development of personality:A) Quantitative, qualitative changes of organism of the person

Dialogue in the course of which some pupils possess the new scholastic material:A) Scholastic conversation

Dictation -: A) Method of checking

Dictation -:A) Method of checking

Difference of one person from the others, one personality from others - these characteristic characterize:A) Individualization

Direct and main organizer of the educational, official person, assignable director of a school for realization of the educational functioning in a class:A) Class leader

Document, defining a  list of scholastics subjects, their distribution on year of education, week and annual amount hours.A) Curriculum 


Education feeling beautiful in art and at home:A) Task of the aesthetic education

Education feeling beautiful in art and at home:A) Task of the aesthetic education 

Education has divided into teaching and education:А) I. Gerbart.

Education of some positive relations, responsibility to the surrounding natural ambience - a task of education:A) Ecological

Education of some positive relations, responsiblity to surrounding natural ambience:A) Task of the ecological education 

Education realized in a purpose of the fortification of health and achievements of the correct physical development ,A) Physical education

Education realized in purpose of the fortification of health and achievements of the correct physical development -A) Physical education

Education:A) Goal-directed, о organized process of the shaping of personality

Encouragement - A) Method of stimulation of the positive behavior of a child

Encouragement -...A) A way of the  pedagogical influence on alumnus for the reason stimulations of the positive behavior

Enumerate some task of the mental education:A) Mastering the main mental operation

Environment -A) Natural conditions, influencing on development of personality

Essence of Belli-Lankaster  system of education:A) Teacher trains the best pupil

Essence of Dalton-plan:A) Laboratory system in workshops

Essence of the exercise, as a method of education is concluded:A) In frequentative repetition determined action and action - for the reason shaping the skills, skill and habit

Essence of the pedagogical analysis:A) Study conditions and trends of development of the pedagogical process estimation result and production to recommendations

Essence of the problem-solving education consists in:A) Organization of the search activity of pupils

Expository-illustrative, reproductive , heuristic, exploratory - a categorization of some methods of education on:A) Nature of the cognitive activity

Extracurricular as the educational functioning - A) Educational functioning outside of the scholastic occupation


Fiveball scale of the school mark is:A) Rank

Formation -:A) Process and result of the assimilation of  knowledge, skills and habits

Forms to organization of the scholastic functioning on a lesson:A) Individual, group, frontal

Founder of  didactics:A) Y. A. Komenskiy

Founder of pedagogy as a science is:A) Y.Komenskiy

Founder of Russian pedagogy:A) K.Ushinskiy

Founder of the theory "free education": A) Z. Russo

From parents to children are sent:A) Nervious system 

Function of the methodical associations is not:A) Thematic, preliminary, total checking

Functions of pedagogy:A) Scientifically-theoretical, technological

Functions of pedagogy:A) Scientifically-theoretical, technological

Functions of the pedagogical process:A) Educational, developing 


Genetic one of the early forms to activity of a child, as a  factor of development of personality:A) Contact

Group control realized its member through some electoral organs by itself, is identified:A) By management

Group of some methods of organization of activity and shaping the experience of the public behavior includes:А) Exercise

Group of some methods to organization of activity and shaping the experience of the public behavior includes:A) Exercise


He has motivated the collection a principle developments of the thinking in process of the education, education in quick rate and on high level:A) L.V. Zankov

Household education appeared:A) With arising the monogamous family 

Household, religious, school. Indicate the signs of categorization:A) On the institutional sign

How many stages in development of the group does select A.S.Makarenko?A) 3

How many stages in development of the group selects A.S.Makarenko?A) 3


Ideal of education:A) Education all-round, harmonious developed personality

In the educational we can see some methods of the scientific cognition, development of  thinking, leading to search, the cognitive labour - a principle:A) Science 

In the pedagogical activity subject of the work is...A) Teacher

Increasing the methodical level of teachers, it is a function:A) Of the methodical advice

Independent scholastic functioning of pupils -:A) Functioning without participation of a teacher

Indicate the group of some skills, defining the constructive component of the pedagogical activity:A) Selection, planning, building of activity

Individual especialled person, defining speaker his(its) psychic activity and behaviors name:A) Temperament.

Individualization of education:A) Organization of the scholastic process with provision for the individual particularities of pupils

Influence on personality by means of the emotional acceptance –:A) Inspiration

It researches the main regularities of the pedagogical process and formation:A) General pedagogy


Knowledge -:A) Product cognitions of the world, society and their reflection in consciousness

Knowledge, as the didactic category -:A) Cognitive activity, mastering by knowledge, skills


Law of education:A) Identical reflection of the objective activity of the educational process, possessing the firm characteristic

Laws and regularities of the pedagogical process are realized in... A) Principle

Literacy to personality, carried to public and larval necessary maximum:A) Education

Lycee. What type of this school?A) Type of schools naturally-mathematical direction


Marking :-A) Process of checking 

Method of  education, under which teacher puts before his pupils the problem, shows the way of the decision, revealing the appearing contradiction -:A) Problem-solving interpretation

Method of education in the family includes:A) Example, conversation, support in miscellaneous deal

Method of education includes:A) Belief, exercise, stimulation, self education 

Method of education including the group of the practical methods:A) Exercise

Method of the mass collection of the material by means of specially designed cognitive questions: A) Questionary.

Method of the scholastic activity control with the help of varied and reiterative deals, where each executes the certain task:A) Exercise

Method, having the place of knowledge-based and the emotional activity of pupils:A) Conversation 

Methods of the scientifically - pedagogical study:A) Observation, conversation, experiment, questioning 

Model of education-:A) Demonstrative

Modern household education is founded in a sphere of: A) Humanistic pedagogy

Monitoring of the pedagogical process:A) Tracing of a speaker of his(its) development

Moral, labor, mental, physical education -:A) Directions of education


Name the direction, which progenitor was shown by John Diyui (1859-1952), confirming the individual experience, practical development of personality: A) Pragmatizm


Object of governing the administration of a school:A) Pedagogical process

Observance of the requirements guard rights of kids , planning, organization, checking for move and result of the pedagogical process, quality and efficiency of the functioning(working) the school - a functional duty:A) Deputy of a director

of a person as the public phenomena

On provision unity theoretical and methodical preparing the teacher are oriented: A) Problem-solving seminars and practical classes

On pupil of the senior classes the most weighty influence at determination its relations to that-or has:A) Own opinion

Operative power of the pedagogical process:A) Objective and subjective contradictions, appearing in the pedagogical process

Oral checking, written checking, practical work:A) Methods of checking

Organ of the collective control strategy development of the pedagogical process on scientific base is:A) Pedagogical advice of schools

Organ, implementing work on increasing of the qualification of teachers in school -:A) Methodical advice

Organizing moment, questioning the home task, message of the new knowledge, fastening, home task, conclusion - a structure:A) Of the multifunction lesson

Outer school as the educational:A) Scholastic and educational functioning in institutions


Particularity of the pedagogical process:A) Wholeness

Pedagogical technology-:A) Systematic, consequent entailment in practice beforehand designed the the educational process

Pedagogy refers to the social science, since it: A) Studies some regularities of the transmission of the social experience

Principal of the scientific education -:A) Mastering the pupils knowledge for shaping the world outlook

Principle of  consciousness and activities of education:A) Realized assimilation of  knowledge in condition of the cognitive activity

Principle of  education is:A) Clarity   

Principle of education, providing enabling the achievement of the science in content of education:A) Science

Principle of systematical education:A) Assimilation of knowledge, skills, habits in determined logical order

Principle to accessibility of education -:A) Correspondence to contents under study age particularity

Problem-solving education:A) Organization of the independent search activity of pupils matching with assimilation ready output sciences

Process to the creative activity of the people, forming their knowledge:A) Cognition

Professiogram doesn’t include:A) Changing of the priority in purpose of preparing the specialist

Public pedagogy - a science, studying:A) Pedagogical presentations, reflected in the public creative activity

Punishment - a method:A) of the stimulation to activity and behavior    

Punishment - a method:A) Of the stimulation to activity and behavior

Punishment - A) Method of precautions of the negative behavior of a child

Purpose of education expresses:A) Need of society in training growing generation to execution determined public function

Purpose of education is:A)  Change of the person, occurring under influence of the goal-directed activity of a teacher


Qualification of the pedagogical workman is conducted on the personal written statement of a teacher: A) On the initiative of administration

Qualification of the teachers is conducted for the reason:A) Of the discovery real level their professional skill


Rapid growth and development of the organism, sexual maturation occurs in the age:A) Teenagers 

Region to reality - education under investigation is given by science pedagogy:A) Object of pedagogy

Reliability and objectivity -:A) Requirement to a test

Reliability test depends on: A) Amount of tasks

Representative of the humanitarian pedagogy:A) Amonashvili S.A


Scholastic-normative documents, defining contents to activity of the general school:A) Standard position about average general school, character of school, curriculums, scholastic programs, annual plan of the functioning(working) the school

School forms beside the pupils world outlooks:A) Scientific

Science about method, considering some internal mechanisms, logic of the motion and organization of knowledge:A) Methodology

Science about teaching, as a system of the motivated statement and hypothesis concerning phenomena and regularities of the teaching-teachings, ways of their transformation:A) Didactics

Science, developing the theory and practical person of the re-education of people, residing in closed institutions:A) Correctional pedagogy

Scientifically supplied experience of  education or education in exactly taken into account condition or on the other checking object -:A) Experiment

Scientifically -supplied experience of education or education, in exactly taken into account condition –A) Experiment

Scientist - a teacher, explored the history of Kazakh national psychology:A) K.Zharykbaev

Scientist -a teacher, who explored the history of the kazakh national psychology:A) K. Zharykbaev

Scientist-teacher - a supporter of the authoritarian pedagogy:A) I. Gerbart

Scientist-teacher, one of first given the determination to pedagogy, as a science about education:A) Babanskiy Y.

Sections of the general pedagogy:A) General bases, theory of  education, didactics

Selection of some curriculums, statement, way to realization perspective, the other plan, shaping innovative ambiences in the pedagogical system:A) Pedagogical council

Shaping moral quality, moral devil of the nature, skill and habit of t behaviour -:A) Moral education

Shaping the necessary quality in a process of the comparison their own result with achievements other participant,A)Competition

Shaping the necessary quality in a process of the comparison their own result with achievements other participant:A) Competition

Sheduling the curriculum of the educational  functioning(working) the school on new school year begins with:A) The analysis of the functioning(working) the school for expired year

Social category (the notion), used in pedagogy:A) Personality  

Social pedagogy - a branch of pedagogy, researching:A) Social education, realized in different groups

Some approaches of reception of the reliable knowledge, providing achievement of the concrete scientific result -A) Methods of  the scientifically-pedagogical study

Some didactic tests:A) Set standardized tasks on the determined material

Some functional duties of the director, his deputies are defined:A) By charter of a school

Some informal associations -: A) Unofficial group, having some general occupations and interests 

Some kids on heredity from parents are sent:A) Deposit, serving central of development of the individual abilities of person

Some main acceptances of self education are:A) Self-awareness, self-verification, self regulation, self judgement

Some main directions of content of the school formation:A) Humanization, differentiation, integration

Some main duties of the workman of education: ensuring the reception training , increasing to its qualifications, observance: A) Respect value training

Some main factors of the development of personality:A) Education, society, heredity, activity

Some methodological bases of the process of education:A) Theory of cognition

Some methods of education on base of the nature to cognitive activity of pupils:A) Expository-illustrative, reproductive , problem-solving, heuristic, exploratory

Some motives of teaching:A) Internal impetus pupil to the active scholastic activity, productive cognition of the contents of education

Some objective factors of education:A) External

Some plans of the functioning(working) the school:A) Perspective, annual, the current

Some principles of development and operation of the educational systems in different country studies:A) Comparative pedagogy

Some principles of the extracurricular functioning:A) Public directivity, individuality

Some regularities of  development and operation of educational e systems in different countries:A) Comparative pedagogy

Some regularities of the pedagogical process:A) Objective, reiterative relationship between some pedagogical phenomena

Some stages of the assimilation of  knowledge: A) Perception, comprehension, generalization, fastening, usage

Some technical facilities of education:A) All technical scholastic adjustments

Some traditions of group -:A) Firm forms of the collective life

Some verbal methods, message and analysis of information, having the educational content and importance:A) Lecture, tale, explanation

Speed physical and somewhat psychic development in juvenaile  age:A) Akseleration

Stages of the pedagogical process include:A) Starting-up, the main, final

Stimulation to activity of the pedagogical workman on increasing of the qualifications, creative initiative, professionalism:A) Purpose of qualification

Structure of a lesson of the checking the knowledge, skills, habits:A) Spoken questioning, written test

Structure of a lesson of the repetition:A) Questioning, repetition, home task

Structure of pedagogy -.A) General bases of pedagogy, didactics, theory of education, schooling

Structure of the lesson - fastening the new knowledge:A) Spoken and written exercises, deepening the knowledge

Structure of the lesson of message the new knowledge:A) Organizing moment, message of the new knowledge, fastening

Structure of the lesson-lectures:A) Organizing moment, interpretation, home task

Style of  education, characterizing that some teachers give the unlimited liberty an alumnus:A) Liberal

Style of  education, where teacher himself, without discussing comes to a conclusion, requires the subserviences and unconditional execution:A) Authoritarian

Style of education, where teacher together comes to a conclusion, distributes the commission contracts, making full tilt on independance and initiative alumnus: A) Democratic

Subjective factors of education:A) Experience, activity, contact

Subjects, situations, intentionally comprised of the educational process -:А) Facility of education

System of  education on plan of Tramp :A) Combination occupation with big and small group of students

System of education and formation, forming in conditions of the concrete family and power of parents and relative:A) Household education

System of education of kids in family is characterized:A) By making the conditions for shaping the personalities child, behaviour and own style of parents

System of the educational essence created by V.A. Suhomlinskiy:A) Moral value, happiness, liberty, honour, value, debt, fairness

System of the scientific knowledge, skills, habits, ways to activity, in which some pupils must possess in a process of education -:A) Content of formation

Systematical factor of the pedagogical process is:A) Purpose


Teacher - a person, having the special training: A) Professional leading the pedagogical activity

Teacher works with the constant composition of pupils, having the equal level of  development on hard timetable and installed time -:A) Lesson

Teacher, who opened some first schools for Kazakh kids:A) Y. Altynsarin

Teacher, who opened the first professional school for kids , including some girls:A) Y.Altynsarin

Teaching about principle, method, the forms and procedure of cognition and transformations into the pedagogical reality:A) Methodology of pedagogy

Teaching is one of some sides of education. The second side of  education -:A) Teaching

Term "bring up education" in the scientific turn is entered by:A) I. Gerbart

Textbook - a book for pupils, contents which: A) Completely corresponds to the program

The 12th -year education in the Republic of Kazakhstan provides:A) Three steps

The active cognitive process, in which reveal itself and are formed mental power of the pupil, moral and volitional line of the nature, characteristic to his(its) personality, is identified:A) By teaching 

The active creative penetration in the reality and in knowledge about it:A) Mastering

The active law "About formation" in our country was complemented and accepted in:A) 2007 

The class leader is fixed:A) By director

The collective form of the extracurricular functioning is:A) Excursion, shows, KVN 

The concrete argued form of interpretation of the new knowledge -:A) Explanation

The Curriculum is a:A) Document, defining a full list of some school subjects, -a distribution subject on year of the education, amount hours on each subject.

The development of the abilities schoolboy depends:A) On organization of the educational  process, promoting the development of some natural possibilities of pupils

The didactical installation; checking the knowledge of pupils, entering the new material; fastening the studied material; the diagnostics to toughness of the assimilation of the material; the estimation for work on lesson; the briefing on performing the home task - a structure:A) Of the multifunctional lesson 

The essential, firm, reiterative relationship between typical the l fact, phenomena and event of the process of education:A) Regularities of education

The expression, not revealing an essence of the process:A) Merkantilizm of a teacher

The goal-directed perception of the pedagogical phenomena for reception of the objective information on study of object:A) Observation

The goal-directed process of the shaping of some personalities:A) Teaching

The high level of the pedagogical activity of a teacher:A) Innovation

The Kazakhstan teacher-researcher, devising a theory of the whole pedagogical process:A) N.D.Khmel  

The leading category of pedagogy:A) Formation

The long-run objective of the holistic pedagogical process is:A) Formation of the person as the personality

The main criteria estimations of the labour of a teacher:A) Quality knowledge of pupils on subject, their breeding

The main didactic notion:A) Education

The main driving power of the development of personality:A) Contradiction

The main education by I.Gerbart:A) All-round development of all interests, directed on the harmonic shaping of the person.

The main educational function in school is entrusted on:A) The class leader

The main form of organization of the physical education in school:A) Lesson

The main normative documents, where is reflected the content of eduaction:A) Curriculum, scholastic programs, textbooks

The main purpose of the extracurricular functioning:A) Awakening, deepening the interest to knowledge, development of abilities

The main style of the contact of the teacher with pupils:A) Any one of above enumerated depending on situations

The managing ideas, normative requirements to organization and realization of the educational process:A) Principles of education

The modern  household education is founded in the :A) Humanistic pedagogy

The modern wide-spread forms of  education:A) Optional, class-fixed, lecture, seminar

The most important structured components of the world outlook of a person:A) System knowledge, glances, belief, ideals

The most objective manifestation of the pupils belief:A) Action, actions of pupils

The natural experiment in pedagogy -:A) Experience checking the hypothesis without breach of the pedagogical process

The natural experiment in pedagogy -:A) Scientifically organized experience of the checking the hypothesis without breach of the pedagogical process

The nearest contact encirclement child, the world interconnected with the subject, phenomena and people, constantly surrounding and defining its development -...A) Microenvironment

The operative power of a process of  education -:A) Contradiction in a process of education

The operative power of the scholastic process is:A) Contradiction between scholastic task and knowledge level cash 

The pedagogical science, researching some laws, regularities, principles and facility of education:A) Theory of education

The pedagogical studies subdivided into...:A) Fundamental

The primary task of the parental associations:A) Organization and realization of the pedagogical teaching 

The problematic education is:A) Question hidden contradiction

The qualification of teachers is conducted for the reason:A) Discovery real level of their professional skill

The rapid growth and development of the organism, sexual maturation occur at age:A) Teenagers

The scientific world outlook allows to personality:A) Correct to perceive and comprehend the phenomena surrounding reality

The second teacher (after Aristotel), founder of the medieval east philosophy. Author more than 200 scientific works:A) Abu Nasr Farabi

The skill, as the didactic category -:A) Action, characterizing the high degree of the mastering

The skill, as the didactic category -:A) Efficient using the adopted knowledge in practice

The social generality of some people, united on base public significant integer, the general orientation, joint activity and contacts –: A) Group

The subject of pedagogy is:A) The whole pedagogical process

The systematic  principle, some forms, methods and facilities of the educational activity, as well as teaching about this system:A) Methodology of formation

Theory of education has developed by:A) A.S.Makarenko

To define the content of education - signifies, settle the problem:A) That teach?

To facility of education refer:A) Sport, technical facilities, art, nature, culture and others

To principle state politicians of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of formation does not pertain:A) Separate learning some men and women

Twosides nature of education:A) Intercoupling the teaching and teachings

Type and structure of the lesson is more simply the whole process we define on the following sign: A) Didactic purpose

Type of  education, within the framework of which word of the teacher is taken as single truth in relations between him and alumnus:A) Authoritarian education

Type of experiment, defining the actual condition of the pedagogical process : A) Constation 

Type of the questioning, under which one answers verbally, one-two prepare to answer beside boards, rest execute written or practical tasks -:A) Compacted (multifunction)


Understanding by teaching, assimilation in a process of education:A) Studying


Validation of a test -:A) Measurement of knowledge, for which designed tests


Warning the offenses among pupils:A) Preventive maintenance

Way of the influence on consciousness, will, feeling, behavior of  alumnus for the reason productions beside it given by purpose of  education quality -:A) Method of education

Way of the influence on consciousness, will, feeling, behavior of  alumnus for the reason productions beside it given by purpose of  education quality -:A) Method of education

Way of the influence on consciousness, will, feeling, behavior of the alumnus for the reason productions beside it given by purpose of the education quality – :A) Method of education

What factor of the development of some personalities includes the goal-directed and acts in accordance with the purpose of society?:A) Education

What from enumerated methods of  education belong the group of some e methods of the stimulation of the pupils behavior? :A) Encouragement

What from enumerated methods of the education pertains the group of  methods of the stimulation of the schoolboys behavior ?:A) Encouragement

What from methods of  education belong the moral consciousness of a group of some methods of the shaping:A) Belief

What from methods of  education pertains the moral consciousness of a group of  methods of the shaping?:A) Belief

What methods are used in the scientifically-pedagogical study?A) Methods of observation, conversation, interview, test. rating, experiment, experience, study of the literature

What period in life of the person is identified by average school?A) 10-15 years

What principle includes some rules: from light to difficult, from the known to an unknown, from simple to complex?:A) Accessibility

What principle of  education requires attraction all organ feeling to perception of the scholastic material:A) Clarity

What problems does consider the didactics?A) Content of formation, essence, regularities of education

What problems does consider the didactics?A) Content of formation, essence, regularities of education

What type of the school belongs gymnasium ?A) Type of schools humanitarian and language directions

Who did carry into pedagogy the term "didactics"?A) M.N. Skatkin

Who did carry into the pedagogical science the b term "pedagogical process"?A) Kapterev P.

Who has offered the first periodization the baby age particularities?A) Aristotel

Wholeness of the pedagogical process is concluded in:A) Unity function of the pedagogical process

Work "Great didactics" of Y.A.Komenskiy has written in:A) 1657


Y. A. Konarzhevskiy, T. I. Shamova, L. I. Novikova, scientist-teachers, who  greatly opened:A) Theory of the pedagogical management

1.  Выбор источника финансирования деятельности
2. Взгляд на личность в чань-буддизме
3. Реферат- Различия в лексике британского и американского вариантов английского языка
4. Лексика
5. lovesurfingru-mtue Выпуск 99 Валерия Лукьянова о сыроедении Просмотров- 9341 Интервью с mtue Здравствуйт
6. Задание 1 Имеются данные по двум машиностроительным заводам
8. ПОЯСНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАПИСКА ПО ИНЖЕНЕРНОЙ ГЕОЛОГИИ по карте 1 разрез 7 к инженерногеологическому разрезу
9. 1 Фразеология в контексте культуры
11. санитарных последствий ЧС организуется в соответствии со следующими основными принципами- организаци
12. Запаздывание развития механизмов контролирующих теплоотдачу по сравнению с развитием механизмов регуляц
13. Тема семейнобрачных отношений представляет собой интерес для исследования а так же особенно актуальна в на
14. 1903 рр 13
15. Управленческий учет как система управления прибылью
16. Ваш человеческий и социальный капитал
17. Трудовая демократия
18. Гидроэнергетика
19. Все починається з малого План- Навіщо це задумано
20.  2010г Экзаменационный билет 1 по дисциплине- Начертательная геометрия