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Английский язык для строительных специальностей средних профессиональных учебных заведений

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Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.

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УДК   811.1Л ББК   81.2 Англ Л83

Луговая, АЛ.


Английский язык для строительных специальностей средних профессиональных учебных заведений: Учеб. пособие /АЛ. Луговая. - М.: Высшая школа, 2006.с.

ISBN 5-06-005075-0

Цель пособия - обучение студентов строительных специальностей устным высказываниям, чтению и переводу оригинальной литературы по строительству и архитектуре.

При отборе текстовых материалов, включенных в пособие, использовались образцы современной научно-технической литературы на английском языке. Тематика учебных текстов ориентирована иа возможность создания межпредметных связей: изучение тематических разделов пособия может осуществляться параллельно с изучением соответствующих по тематике разделов специальных учебных дисциплин. Система упражнений построена в соответствии с учебными целями пособия. Краткий грамматический справочник, включенный в пособие, также снабжен тренировочными и контрольными упражнениями (тестами). Для оживления учебной деятельности в пособие включены изречения мыслителей, пословицы, юмор, загадки и т.п.

 Уважаемые учащиеся, при изучении иностранного языка не следует рассчитывать на легкий и быстрый успех. От вас потребуется серьезный труд не только по запоминанию, но и по осмыслению явлений этого языка. Как сказал академик Л. Щерба, «Думать хоть и трудно, но совершенно необходимо».

Желаем успеха!

УДК 811.1Ц ББК 81.2 Англ

ISBN 5-06-005075-0 ©  ФГУП «Издательство «Высшая школа», 2006

Оригинал-макет данного издания является собственностью издательства «Высшая школа», и его репродуцирование (воспроизведение) любым способом без согласия издательства запрещено.



Introductory Part (Вводная часть)

English Alphabet (Английский алфавит) 10

English Sounds (Звуки английского языка) 10

Usage of a Dictionary (Рекомендации по использованию

словаря) 11

Word Formation (Словообразование) л 11

Suffixes (Суффиксы) 11

Suffixes of Nouns (Суффиксы существительных) 11

Suffixes of Verbs (Суффиксы глаголов) 12

Suffixes of Adjectives (Суффиксы прилагательных) 13

Suffixes of Adverbs (Суффиксы наречий) 13

Prefixes (Приставки) 14

Conversion (Конверсия) 16

Numerals (Числительные) 17

Simple and Decimal Fractions (Простые и десятичные дроби) 19

"International" Words Международные» слова) 19

Essential Course (Основной курс)

Unit One f 1J Why Do People Build? 21

Unit Two [2] Excavation 26

Unit Three [3] Foundation 29

Control Yoursei/. Review of Units 1-3 32

Unit Four [4] Construction Materials 34

Unit Five [5] W>od 36

Unit Six [6] Metals 42

Unit Seven [7] Brick. Terracotta. Ceramic Tiles 51

Control Yourself. Review of Units 4-7 57

Unit Eight Щ Concrete 60

Unit Nine [9] Pipe 74

Control Yourself. Review of Units 8-9 79

Unit Ten [10] Fasteners 82

Unit Eleven \\\) Roof 87

 Unit Twelve [12] Ceiling 91

Control Yourself. Review of Units 10-12 ...98

Unit Thirteen [13] Walls  100

Unit Fourteen [14] Window 108

Unit Fifteen [15] Floor 113

Control Yourself Review of Units 13-15  123

Revision of Grammar

"Small Vfords" 128

Conjunctions 129

The Meanings of "One" 131

Forms of the \ferb 132

Рекомендации по переводу 133

Terminology 135

Attributive Word Combinations 140

Punctuation Marks 144

Material for Reading, Translating and Comprehension

Assignments in Writing 148

Articles for Reading and Translating 150

  1.  Fuel Economy  150
  2.  Windows 150
  3.  Concrete (A Bit of History) 151
  4.  Climatic and Weather Conditions 151
  5.  Cladding 152
  6.  Communication Systems 153
  7.  Doors 154
  8.  Francois Hennebique (1842-1921), Reinforced Concrete Pioneer 155
  9.  New DeicerUsedto Protect Bridges 156

  1.  Thermal Insulation and \&por Retarder 157
  2.  Steam Heat  157

Irregular \ferbs 163


Настоящее пособие предназначено для студентов высших и средних профессиональных учебных заведений, в программу которых входит изучение современных отраслей строительного дела. Пособие соответствует установкам программы по английскому языку для учебных заведений данного профиля и рассчитано на обучаемых, имеющих начальную языковую подготовку.

Целью пособия является обучение студентов учебных заведений строительного профиля чтению и переводу (в том числе с использованием словаря) литературы по разным отраслям строительства. Кроме того, пособие имеет целью обучение элементарным умениям говорения. Для достижения этих целей в пособии предусмотрена регулярная, от урока к уроку, учебная деятельность по созданию словаря активной лексики, включающего употребительные в данной специальности термины и слова общетехнического значения. Кроме того, предусмотрена учебная деятельность, направленная на формирование основ потенциального словаря.

Материалы, входящие в пособие, отобраны из современной оригинальной литературы по строительным специальностям. В число использованных для пособия изданий входят: "The Modern Building Encyclopedia", "Simplified Engineering for Builders" by H. Parker, "Basic Building Data" by D. Graf и др. Кроме того, использованы отдельные статьи из журналов "Concrete", "International Journal for Housing Science and Its Application", "Civil Engineering" и др. Содержание курса составляют описания основных составных частей возводимых строений и строительных процессов (виды крыш и их установка, настил полов, обшивка стен, виды потолков, окна и их типы и т.п.), а также описания строительных материалов, употребительных в современном строительстве (лес, древесина, бетон, металлы, пластмассы,...).

Пособие состоит из следующих разделов: Вводная часть (Introductory Part); Основной курс (Essential Course); Повторение некоторых грамматических явлений (Revision of Grammar); Статьи для чтения, перевода и размышления (Articles for Reading, Translating and Comprehension); Статьи-информация о строительных шедеврах (Read, Translate and Enjoy the Pictures).

 Предисловие 7

Основное внимание в разделах пособия уделено задаче формировать у обучаемых адекватный словарный минимум, который по-1Волит извлекать полезные для практики сведения из информативно-несущих источников. Уделено внимание и советам по использованию словаря. В каждом разделе предусмотрены задания и на формирование умений устного общения на освещаемую в разделе тему. Для достижения этих целей в разделе «Словообразование», к примеру, приводятся такие типичные для современного отраслевого языка прилагательные, как buildable, controllable, nailable, structural и т.п., такие существительные, какbuildability, serviceability, workability и т.п. В тренировочных заданиях отражены употребительные в современном отраслевом языке сложные слова: townhouse, lightweight, homeowners, highway и т.п.и слова производные: subsoil, supercooled, reuse, preconstruction,...

Основной курс (Essential Course) включает 15 тематически заданных частей (Units), имеющих аналогичную структуру.

В начале каждой части предлагается задание на запоминание новых слов в их английском и русском вариантах. Следует отметить, что при переводе этих слов мы, главным образом, придерживались их терминологических значений. Выполняя первое задание, следует добиваться уровня владения словарем, указанного в задании. Показателем того, что искомый уровень достигнут, служит готовность обучаемых свободно, в нормальном речевом темпе воспроизвести каждое слово в его английском и русском вариантах. Только после этого рекомендуется переходить к активизации слов в контексте и к работе над текстом. Заключительные задания, построенные в форме вопросов и ответов, служат для контроля и самоконтроля степени усвоения лексики и структур данного урока. Неспособность обучаемого выполнить эти задания в требуемом речевом темпе указывает на то, что материал урока не усвоен и цель урока не достигнута. Атак как это создает препятствия для дальнейшей деятельности, рекомендуем сделать шаг назад и ликвидировать выявленный пробел.

Для развития умения работать со словарем мы предлагаем студентам самостоятельно находить в словаре транскрипцию новых для

них слов.

Установка на свободное владение лексикой, включенной в первое задание каждой части, имеет психологическое обоснование. Доказано, что учебные материалы с высоким содержанием незнакомых слов действуют отрицательно на обучаемых, отбивают у них



охоту работать с этими материалами, что существенно тормозит весь процесс обучения. Известно также, что умение успешно преодолевать лексические трудности относится к числу наиболее важных задач при изучении иностранного языка1. Профессор В.А. Кондратьева в своих работах, проведя многочисленные экспериментальные проверки, доказала, что верхний оптимальный режим незнакомых слов в учебном материале не должен превышать 5%.

Раздел «Терминология» (Terminology) содержит данньге об образовании терминологии - основополагающего слоя словарного состава специальной литературы. Даны также задания для тренировки понимания и перевода атрибутивных сочетаний.

Заключительный раздел пособия включает текстовые материалы для чтения и задания на извлечение информации из них и устное обсуждение. По уровню языковой и понятийной сложности материалы этих частей пособия можно условно разделить на две группы. В первую входят краткие статьи описательного характера, несложные по содержанию и по характеру синтаксических построений. Статьи построены на широко употребительной лексикепопулярной отраслевой терминологии и частотных словах общетехнического значения. Преподаватель по своему усмотрению может использовать эти статьи уже на ранней ступени обучения. Во вторую группу входят материалы более сложные как по содержанию, так и по языковым характеристикам. К работе с этими статьями целесообразно приступать после выполнения заданий, представленных во втором и последующих разделах пособия.

Кроме чтения и перевода текстовых материалов разной понятийной и языковой сложности, в число задач этих разделов входит развитие и углубление навыков устной речи по темам специальности. Для этого предлагаются вопросо-ответные задания, выступления с сообщениями по темам текстов. Специальные задания направлены на активизацию мыслительной деятельности учащихся.

Для развития любознательности и поддержания интереса к избранной профессии обучаемым предлагаются статьи о последних достижениях и об экспериментальных работах, проводимых специалистами ряда стран в области строительства.


Кондратьева В.А. Оптимизация усвоения лексики иностранного языка. - М.: Высшая школа, 1974.


Introductory Pai

English Alphabet . Английский алфавит

[Aa Bb Cc Dd



[ei] [bi:J [si:] [di:]



Hh Ii




Oo Pp

Qq Rr
















Vv [vi:]

Ww pdAbiju:]

Xx [eks]

Yy '[wai]

Zz [zed]

Gg    [d3i:]

Mm [em] N11    [en]


English Sounds Звуки английского

Гласные: [ei], [зэ], [а:], [э], [i:J, [i], [е], [з:], [о:], [о], Ы Ы Ы [л], [ai], [ao], [oil, faoi, Ы, [еэ], [оэ].

Согласные: [b], [d], [f I, [д], ЙЫ fol И W И foil fn], [rj], [9], fd), [p], [r],

Успешному изучению иностранного языка помогает умение быстро и интенсивно работать со словарем. А для успешной работы с англо-русским словарем необходимо твердое знание последовательности расположения букв в английском алфавите. Выполняя приведенные ниже упражнения, проверьте свое знание английского алфавита. Сделайте выводы!

I. Rewrite the vowels and the consonants in the alphabetical order.

  1.  I, E,Y,A,0, U
  2.  F, B, H, J, M, L, D, G, К, С
  3.  P,Q,S,0,U,X,W,V

2. Rewrite the following combinations of letters in the alphabetical order, abo, arr, air, axi; bun, bol, bed, bar; fac, fir, fel, fas; ins, inc, imp, idl; pic, pet, pha, pho, pau; sea, sha, set, scr

3. What two letters follow the given letters?

I, ..., ..., H,... ,..., S,... , ... , K,...,... , Q, ..., ..., U, ...,...

4. Put down a) the first seven letters of alphabet; b) the last five letters.

 Introductory Part 11

Usage of a Dictionary •Рекомендации по использованию словаря

Слова в словаре даются в их исходной форме: для имени суще-i i нительногообщий падеж; для прилагательного и наречияположительная степень (сравнения); для глаголаинфинитив (неопределенная форма).

Исходную форму слова мы устанавливаем, отбрасывая его грамматическое окончание. Это могут быть словоизменительные суффиксы -(e)s, -(e)r, -(e)st, -(e)d, -ing.

Как и русское, английское слово многозначно. В словарях обычно приводятся несколько значений слова. Иногда их количество весьма велико (см., к примеру, такие многозначные слова, как take, set, get, put). Наша задача - выбрать из данных значений то, которое соответствует контексту. Однако среди значений, данных в словаре, такового может и не быть! В этом случае надо самому найти нужное русское слово, осмыслив его значение в контексте. Если в словаре отсутствует производное слово, надо выбрать его корневую основу, отбросив суффиксы и приставки. К примеру, слово use-lessness имеет три компонента: корень use (польза), отрицательный суффикс прилагательного -less и суффикс существительного -ness, имеющий абстрактное значение. При переводе получаем существительное бесполезность, ненужность. Заметим, что значение отрицания в русском слове часто передается приставкой бес-.

Так же определим значение прилагательных unpredictable, unreliable. Отбросим приставку un- и суффикс -able. Находим в словаре значение основ: predict предсказывать, rely on полагаться на. Суффикс -able имеет значение способный к; могущий быть. Значения слов: непредвиденный и ненадежный.

Чтобы понять английское предложение, необходимо видеть его грамматическую структуру. А для этого следует научиться легко различать части речи, т.е. знать суффиксы, посредством которых они образуются.

Word Formation •Словообразование

SUFFIXES •СУФФИКСЫ Suffixes of Nouns Суффиксы существительных

Признаком существительного является наличие в слове следующих суффиксов:


 Introductory Pa

 Introductory Part





Признаком тих суффиксов:

























-ate (2)



-or (2)



-ment (3)







собрание, монтаж















сила, прочность




  1.  -age ср. с русс, каботаж, фруктам, саботаж;
  2.  -ant, -ate, -er, -or - суффиксы, обозначающие лицо или предмет, производящие действия, выраженные корневым глаголом;
  3.  -ment ср. с русс, монумент, документ, комплимент;
  4.  -tude ср. с русс, амплитуда, простуда.

Suffixes of Vferbs Суффиксы глаголов

Признаком глагола является наличие следующих суффиксов:


г \ =—'■












5. Underline the stems in the following words.

engineer, ability, reinforcement, nailer, passage, movement, storage, carrier, compactness, creativity, development, excavator, drainage, width, builder, multitude, inventiveness

6. Which of the given words are nouns or verbs? Why? Translate the words,
produce, usage, heater, widen, electrify, producer, pollute, pollution, ener
gize, constructability, depth, excavate, builder, minimize, durability, simplify

 of Adjectives •Суффиксы прилагательных

прилагательного служит наличие в слове следую-























-fill (2)

-less (2)


-ious (3)






изменяющийся, переменный










облачный, непрозрачный

(1) суф. -able указывает на возможность действия, выраженного
корневой основой прилагательного. Ср. с русс, комфортабель
ный (дающий комфорт), транспортабельный (способный быть


(2) суф. -fill передает наличие качества, выраженного в корне сло
ва, -less - его отсутствие.

(3) суф. -ous ср. с русс, курьезный, серьезный.

Suffixes of Adverbs Суффиксы наречий

Наречие можно узнать по следующим суффиксам:












по направлению часовой


7. Which of the given words are adjectives or adverbs? Why? Translate the words.

buildable, equally, watery, carelessly, numerous, noisily, waterless, naturally, relatively, northward, dangerous, environmental, available


~ Introductory Ран

8. Distribute the words into four columns. Thinsla te tbe words.
Model:  What? use, usage

What kind of? useful

What to do? use fjurzj

How? usefully

fire, add, additional, addition, equal, noisy, equalize, equality, differ, difference, differently, number, numberless, supply, noise, noisily, buildabil-ity, protection, protect

9. How many parts does each word consist of? What are the stems? Translate the words and their stems.

buildable, possibility, structural, strengthen, delamination, externally, popularity

10. Form nouns by adding the suffixes -er, -or.

to cool, to pollute, to operate, to act, to combine, to use, to inspect, to construct, to own, to compute

11. R>rm the corresponding adverbs. Translate the words,
relative, common, easy, extreme, necessary, sufficient, strong, wide, clock

12. Choose the proper suffixes and add them to the stems given below: a) form nouns
stems:    install-, moist-, replace-, require-, use-, durable-, product-,

equip-, work-, buildable-suffixes: -ability, -ment, -(a)tion, -ure, -age b) form adjectives

stems:    nail, metal, disadvantage, control, resist, danger, base, structure,

differ, depend suffixes: -ous, -able, -ent, -ic, -al

13. Translate the following sentences in writing. Use a dictionary.

  1.  Moisture is one of the main causes ofcracking the fibre strengthening system.
  2.  Plastic construction materials belong to relatively new insulating materials.
  3.  Polythene coverings have numerous advantages.
  4.  Wrongly concepted, nearly all designs proved quite useless.


К числу широко употребительных относятся следующие приставки:

 Introductory Part









удаление из (от)

ненормальный, аварийный







само-; авто-








с, вместе












обратное действие





заблокировать, отключать



приведение в ка-кое-л. состояние (прилагательное обращается в глагол)

делать годным



внешний, быв-

внешний; экс-






сверх, вне

экстраординарный, необыкновенный



отрицание не




не, внутрь




indirect; inclose


в, внутрь; не, в,

косвенный, не


прямой; включать



среди, между









неправильно ис-









сверх-, пере-




до, перед-




снова, пере-








под-, ниже-








пере-, через

пересылка, передача











Introductory Part

14. Translate into Russian the following a) words and b) combinations. Mind the prefixes.

a) disadjust, interaction, outside, displaceable, discontinue, overbuild, over
load, preselect, depression, displacement, overproduction, reactivate,
remove, reconstruction, unequal, unfinished, deprivatisation

b) cooperative movement; disarranged details; discontinuous load; inter
changeable parts
; overburned material; preheated air; underfired clay;
unstressed and prestressed plates; undamaged coverings; underestimated
difficulties, unrealistic and unattainable project; precracking cpndition

15. Read the following words. What are their prefixes, stems, suffixes? nailable, workability, irregular, inequality, supercharge, available, underproduction, interrelation, unbuildable, typically, environment, existence, airless, workmanship, various, unsuitable, owner, redesign, accountability, oversimplification, mechanize, devalvation

Умение «с первого взгляда» понять, какой частью речи является слово, помогает в определении членов предложенияподлежащего, сказуемого, дополнения, обстоятельства. Это умение также помогает выявить в словосочетании основное слово. По составу различают: 1) простые слова, 2) производные и 3) сложные.

1. Простые слова состоят из одного корня, например: use польза, name название, room пространство, помещение, комната, only только.

  1.  В производных словах, помимо корня, имеются суффиксы и/ или приставки: useful полезный, unsuccessful безуспешный, variable переменный.
  2.  В составе сложных слов могут быть два и более корня: airplane, stairway, place-in-situ. Отметим, что в языке строительства сложные слова весьма распространены!

16. Translate into Russian the following words. Use a dictionary if necessary.

pre-design, highway, simple-shaped, waterless, mixture, limestone, Internet, workable, place, know-how, townhouse, lightweight, subsoil, supercooling, homeowners, reuse, preconstruction, displace


В отличие от русского языка, в английском языке одно и то же слово может выступать в предложении в качестве разных частей речи. Так, в данных ниже предложениях слово water является существительным (1), глаголом (2), играет роль прилагательного (определения) (3), является частью сложного слова (4).

 iniioductory Part

  1.  V\&ter is necessary for life. Вода необходима для жизни.
  2.  Water the flower-bed, please. Полей(те), пожалуйста, клумбу.
  3.  Water mills served a source of energy. - Водяные мельницы служили источником энергии.
  4.  water-supply system - система водоснабжения water-proof watch - водонепроницаемые часы

Значения подобных слов и их перевод на русский язык зависят оттого, каким членом предложения они являются. Они могут быть подлежащим, сказуемым (или его частью), определением, обстоятельством. Функцию слова помогает определить твердый порядок слов в английском предложении и контекст.

17. Look up the meanings of the words in a dictionary if necessary. How are they translated in the sentences below? Mind the word order.

  1.  Concrete was combined with steel in order to prevent damage by fire.
  2.  The highway was badly damaged by the storm.
  3.  The house is heated by steam power.
  4.  This crane houses a 10-ton load.
  5.  "Water only this part of the floor, please."
  6.  "Name the places of the future construction, please."
  7.  In what way should these figures be positioned?
  8.  What is the position of these data in the text?
  9.  The device should be re-fuelled with light fuel.

  1.  The light went out in the whole house.
  2.  The instrument is foot-controlled by a pedal.
  3.  The amount of power used in the world in a year amounts to 12,000 million tons of equivalent fuel.
  4.  The new engine will have a great number of uses.
  5.  After the metal was heated it changed its colour to a red heat.
  6.  The fuel-and-energy balance is important for both heavy and light industry.

  1.  six      [siks]
  2.  seven ['sevnl
  3.  eight [eit]

9 nine   [nam]
10 ten     [ten]




П eleven

12 twelve

13 thirteen

14 fourteen

  1.  fifteen
  2.  sixteen
  3.  seventeen
  4.  eighteen
  5.  nineteen
  6.  twenty

Introductory Par











30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 hundred 1000 thousand










27 twenty-seven 51  fifty-one

118 one hundred and eighteen 365 three hundred and sixty-five 1,674 one thousand six hundred and seventy-four 5,803 five thousand eight hundred and three 75,000 seventy-five thousand

18. Read the article out loud. Translate it using a dictionary.

Moscow University

Construction of the new University complex was begun in 1949, and the first students entered the new auditoriums of the Science Palace on September 1, 1953. The University grounds occupy 415 acres. The main building is 780 ft high. The 27 blocks and 10 buildings of the University complex contain'over a thousand excellently equipped laboratories, 148 auditoriums, museums, club premises with а   щйшшя»™-hall seating 800, an assembly hall for 1,500, a fundamental library of 1,500,000 volumes, reading rooms, hostels and flats for students and instructors; To look in at all auditoriums and laboratories of the Science Palace one would have to walk 145 kilometres, and a visit to its 45,000 premises would take a month. The splendid complex was designed by architects L. Rudnev, S. Chernyshov, P. Abrosimov

and A. Khryakov, and built under the direc- „,

tion of engineer V. Nasonov. Fig. 1. Moscow University

 Introductory Part


В простых дробях числитель выражается количественным числительным, а знаменательпорядковым. Если числитель больше единицы, то знаменатель имеет окончание -s: two fifths две пятых. В смешанном числе целое число читается как количественные числительные, а дробь присоединяется при помощи союза and: five and two fifths пять и две пятых.

В десятичных дробях нуль произносится zero или о, за ним следует слово point {точка) и затем дробь: о point five ноль целых и пять десятых. Между целым числом и десятичной дробью в английском языке ставится точка, а не запятая как в русском языке!

19. Read the following numerals out loud.

200.22 ft 55 miles (90 km) 320,000 miles (515,000 km)

40,000 volts 220,000-volt line 3 million miles

75 miles (120 km)      75.45 million m3 4.8 million km

132,000-volt line        345,000 volts 5.05 in

20. Read the extract out loud. Translate the extract using a dictionary.

The project, which is expected to cost more than $200 million to complete, iriciudes excavation of more than 35 million cii yd {26.8 million m3) of material in cuts as deep as 600 ft (183 m), more than 100,000 ft (30,480 m) of drainage pipe, "and 200 ft (61 m) tall embankment fills. Engineers must dispose of more than 8 million cu yd (6.1 million m3) of waste material.

The larger part of the route involves more than 25 million cu yd (19.1 million m3) of excavated material, approximately 79,000 lineat ft (24,080 m) of drainage pipe, 470 ft (143 m) deep cuts through mountains, and 200 ft (61 m) high embankment fills.

Note: m3 - to the third power

21. Read the following examples.

75; 1V4; 7507g 5.2 million m3 25,075 in        95.1 m

100.75 thousand m2        '/4; 45%; 1055/6       634.003 6,000 ft


При встрече с новым (или кажущимся таковым) словом не следует сразу пользоваться словарем. В современных отраслевых языках встречается много слов, совпадающих по написанию с соответствую-


20 Introductory Part

щими русскими словами. Например: meetingмитинг, to inform сообщать, program программа, basis основа и т.п. При этом, однако, надо иметь в виду, что есть слова, которые требуют иного перевода и не соответствуют по значению русскому слову. Например: problem задача, limit граница, engineer —может означать техник, механик, слесарь и др., industry трудолюбие и т.д.

Имеются и слова, которые можно понять без словаря, хотя в русский язык они перешли лишь в одном из присущих им значений. К примеру, revolution имеет такие значения, как круговое вращение, полный оборот, смена времен года. В русском же языке это Слово употребляется лишь в значении коренной перелом, революция. Слово экспансия в русском означает захват чужих территорий. В английском же оно означает увеличение, расширение, expansion of construction —расширение строительства (а не его захват!). К числу подобных слов относятся a flair, occupation, reduction и множество других. Переводу таких слов может помочь контекст и их окружение; так, master segment означает главный сегмент; commercial applicationкоммерческое применение (а не приложение). О значении некоторых слов можно догадаться, сопоставив их с подобными, в какой-то их части, русскими словами. Так, глагол to consist ofсостоять из сопоставим со словом консистенция, equal равный со словом эквивалент, to provide обеспечиватьсо словом провизия, quality качество—со словом квалификация. Известно, что словарная статья дает обычно ряд значений одного слова. Но не всегда среди них имеется нужный вариант! Например, в сочетании product development слово development надо перевести как выпуск, а все выражение как выпуск продукции  т развитие).

Рекомендуем выработать в себе привычку догадки о значении слова по составляющим его частям. Укажем также на необходимость работать с международными словами, в частности, над их произношением: cycle f'saikl] - цикл, mastic ['maestikj - мастика и т.п.

Следует иметь в виду, что в современной литературе по разным отраслям строительства международная лексика представлена чрезвычайно широко.

22. Try to translate into Russian the words given below.

container, automatize, efficiency, percent, variation, original, compression, modification, calculate, matter, manufacture, multiple, reason, temperature, mixture, components, logical, historical, pressure, critically, equally, operate, examine, contain, sum, representation, contractor, manufacturer, recommend, finally, basis

Unit One

 11mi One. Why Do People Build?


to use [j'u.z] —использовать use [ju:s] - использование indoors adv. —в помещении outdoors adv. на воздухе, на

улице because con/. —так как because of prep. —из-за in order to - для того чтобы both ... and - как... так и



Master the key terms and head words.

accommodation - приспособление

air [еэ] - воздух

shelter - убежище

site —участок, место

waste —отбросы

to build —строить

to dispose - избавляться от

to provide - обеспечивать

to take place - иметь место

pre- pre/. - до, заранее

preheating - предварительное нагревание

prehistoric - доисторический

23. Form the new words according to the model.

Mnrlnl-     .»_. i •.

precondition предварительное условие

Model:  condition-условие determine -__ control     -examine    -

24. Distribute the given words into four columns. Translate the words.

Model: nouns verbs adj. adv.

importance        to use important indoors

use [ju.s], use fjurzj, useful, uselessly, serve, service, shelter, site, place, take place, mainly, main, door, indoors, need, sanitary, natural, nature, naturally, outdoors, prehistoric, predetermination 25. Supply the corresponding verbs.

Model: provision - to provide - обеспечивать
disposition to

Г Л Л /V

 immodation to 

I'и .ilum tO

ll'tivity to 

■'(>  Change the nouns into the adjectives. Translate the new combinations.

Model:  water —watery taste водянистый вкус

•In i    - waste      

min   —  season    

'wind —  weather 

ни    —  morning 

bnow -  day 

I  27. Translate the following examples.

much air, less light, few people, more waste, little energy, a few buildings, fewer sites, many shelters, little sunshine

28. Put down the corresponding English words.

1. They stayed (в помещении) (из-за)

the rainy weather.

2. People build houses (так как) they need (убежище)

3. People's activity takes place both (в доме) 

and (на улице) . hb*

4. Sanitary accommodation (избавление от отбросов) .

are provided by modern services.

5. Accommodations are (планируются заранее)

and located on a site plan.

Read the article (Part 1).

Wfe build because we need shelter. We need shelter from sun, rain, wind, and snow Not much that modern people do takes place outciobrs: Our activities mostly take place indoors. For these activities we may need У/ air that is warmer or cooler than the air outdoors. We may also need less light by day and more light by night than is provided by nature.

It is a well-known fact that modern people in many countries also need services. Modern services must provide energy, water, communications, and dispose of waste. Sanitary accommodation is also necessary and very important. For sanitary accommodation people must have ventilation. It is important to note that all services and accommodations are preplanned and located on a site plan. A site plan must be prepared and provided for every building and every construction.


Essential Course

highway - дорога общего пользования, шоссе

facility —удобство, возможность

facilities —средства, возможности, предметы оборудования

since - с; с тех пор как; так как

Part 2

Master the key terms and head words.

among - среди

arrangement - устройство, приспособление

29. Put down the corresponding verbs. Translate every word.

Model:  construction - строительство;

to construct строить, сооружать


arrangement      - 




Jto. —ito.

;to_ _;to_

branch [bra.nt/J - отрасль, ветвь bridge мост civil гражданский difference - разница, различие enterprise - предприятие

30. Combine the given attributes (a) with the nouns (b); translate the new word combinations.

гражданское строительство

(b) branches pool

enterprises facilities construction materials

Model: civil construction —(a) civil








Read the article (Part 2). u Ъ

In order to havefshelter provided with modern services and accommodation, people all over the world use many different construction materials and arrange them into different constructions. Since prehistoric times these constructions have served as shelter and accommodation for a man, a group of people, a family, a few families, many families, an organization, or an enterprise.

 Unit One. Why Do People Build? 25

What are the branches modern civil construction has? Among the brunches the main ones are housing ponstruction, construction of industrial enterprises, construction of railroads, highways, subways, construe-k|lon of bridges, dams, ports, canals, construction of different sporting facilities. Among them there are stadiums, aquaparks, swimming pools,porting complexes, and others. 31. Pair work. Read and translate the following questions. Put them to your group-mate.

  1.  Why do people need shelter?
  2.  What kind of services and accommodation do modern people need

and use?

  1.  What branches of modern civil construction do you know?
  2.  Do you attend any sporting facilities? What sporting facilities do you attend? How often do you attend them? Do you attend them regularly?
  3.  Do you want to take part in modern civil construction?
  4.  What branches of modern civil construction are you interested in?

Unit Two

 Unit Two. Excavation


to guard [gct:d] - охранять, защищать

to transfer - переносить, передавать

above —над, более, сверх

below —под, менее

upper - верхний

lower - более низкий, ниже


Master the key terms and head words.

upper - верхний

area ['еэпэ] —площадь, пространство

excavation —выемка грунта

foundation —фундамент, основание

level - уровень

load —груз, тяжесть

major —главный, основной

soil почва, земля

stratum sing., strata pi. пласт, слой

re- pre/. —снова, еще раз reread —перечитать reform - реформировать

йе-pref. придает слову противоположное значение demobilize —демобилизовать deicer —льдоудалитель

32. Read the given combinations. Translate them from Russian,
below zero - ниже нуля upper part верхняя часть

above ground - над землей lower part нижняя часть

above water - над водой lower stratum - нижний слой

sub-pre/. —под-, недо-substation - подстанция

super- pre/. —над-, сверх-supei marine —надводный supercement —цемент высокого

качества supercooling переохлаждение

33. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words.

remove - 

rebuild - 





ppervisor      - 




Begas - 

Ksoil - 

34. Choose and put down the attributes opposite in the meaning to the given ones.
Translate the combinations.

attributes: above-ground, substructure of a building, above, warm, inorganic, lower, unnecessary

Model: below-ground and above-ground parts

upper and strata

I organic and soils

cold and climate

below and the level of freezing

necessary and details

35. Translate the following combinations,

water and wind erosion different levels of freezing structural changes of soil

major parts of a building upper stratum of soil decomposition of organic stratum

Read and translate the article.

What does construction of a building start with? Construction of any building usually starts with excavation. Excavation is a process'necessary for the construction of every modern building.

It is a well-known fact that there exist different kinds of soil. It is also a well-known fact that the structure of the upper stratum of the soil is of great importance for excavation. The foundation of a building should never be placed on organic soils because soils of this kind are easily decomposed. .They are decomposed because water and wind change their structure. So, if the upper stratum of soil is organic, it must be removed from the construction area in order to guard the foundation of the building against water and wind erosion. Further excavation may take place only after the upper organic stratum has been removed. In colder climates the foundations of buildings should be placed below the level to which the ground freezes in winter.


~ :  Essential Course

What are the major parts of a building? Modern buildings have three major parts. These are the superstructure, the substructure, and the foundation. The superstructure is the above-ground part of a building; the substructure —its below-ground part. As to the third part —foundation —its function is of great importance as it serves to transfer the loads of a building into the upper stratum of earth —its soil.

36. Pair work. Have a talk with your groupntate. Use the questions given below.

37. Think of a few questions of your own on the subject of the Unit.

  1.  How many major parts does a modern building usually have?
  2.  What are the major parts of a building?
  3.  How is the above-ground (below-ground) part of a building called?
  4.  What is the function of a foundation?
  5.  Which part of soil is of great importance for excavation?
  6.  Which part of organic soil must be removed from the building area?
  7.  Why must it be removed?
  8.  In what climatic zones should the foundations be placed below the freezing point?
  9.  Have you ever watched the process of removing the upper stratum of soil from the building area?

 Unit Three


■Iter the key terms and head words.

to include - включать в себя to sink —опускаться, тонуть to support - поддерживать, держать live load - собственный вес, вес

конструкции dead load —динамический вес, рабочая нагрузка

polling —потолок домск - трещина ^ect - прямой uipment —оборудование floor - пол, этаж frame —рама, каркас, корпус «liiiple —простой will -стена in cause [kd:z] —причинять

38. Distribute the words given below into two columns: nouns, verbs.

Model:   nouns verbs

crack found

pit control, include, frame, react, reaction, equip, equipment, crack, found, foundation, cause, support, floor, sink, wall, transfer

39. Read the terminological combinations. Translate them into English.

frame construction - каркасная конструкция frame of roof- стропильная система lupport plate опорная плита live load собственный вес dead load - рабочая нагрузка equipment crane кран для погрузки

40. Choose the attributes opposite in the meaning to the given ones. Mind the pro
noun one.

Model:  direct contact with the soil and indirect one, attributes:   indirect, rather simple, live, small, unstable, high

dead loads and ones


ones ones

rather complex design and

large buildings and 

stable foundations and 

low weight and 



 Essential Cours

 Hull Three. Foundation


41. Translate the given Russian words into the English ones.

1. Foundations keep both the (стены и пол) from th

contact with the (почва) .

  1.  Sinking may cause (трещины) in the walls of a building.
  2.  Foundation design may be both (весьма сложный) 

and (весьма простой) .

4. The foundations (поддерживают) both dead

loads and (динамический вес) Г of buildings.

5. The dead load (включает в себя) ••' the (вес)

of electrical and mechanical (оборудова
ние)  .

42. Translate the following questions.

  1.  For what reason does every building need stability?
  2.  What functions of a foundation do you know?
  3.  What may cause cracking in the walls of buildings?
  4.  What are the loads supported by foundations?
  5.  What parts does dead load (live load) include?

Read and translate the article. л '■,

It is a well-known fact that every building needs permanent stability. In order to have stability, buildings should have foundations. We know that the function of a foundation is to transfer the loads of a building into the soil. Foundations keep the walls and the floors of buildings from direct contact with the soil. They guard the walls and the floors against the action of the weatherrain, snow, and wind. They also guard buildings against sinking that may cause cracks in the walls. Foundation design is very special. It may be both rather complex or very simple. It is a common practice that for very small buildings foundation design is usually much simpler than for large ones. Why is it so? Firstly, because foundations loads of small buildings are usually low.

What kinds of loads are supported by foundations? A foundation may support different kinds of loads. Among them there are dead loads and live loads. The dead load of a building includes the weights of the ceilings, the frame, the floor, roofs and the walls. Besides, every modern building is known to have water, electricity, heating, ventilation and dispose of waste systems and, accordingly, their equipment. The dead load also includes the weights of this electrical and mechanical equipment and the weight of the foundation itself. As to the live load, it includes the sum of the weights of the people and other living beings, the furnishings, and equipment they use. The live load also includes snow, ice, and water of the roof.

 41   ftiir work. Have a talk with your groupmate. Use the questions of Ex. 42.

44. Iranslate the extract in writing. Use a dictionary if necessary.

Л There exist two basic types of foundations: shallow and deep. Shal-ш foundations transfer the load to the earth at the base of the column or л i»l I of the substructure. Deep foundations transfer the load at a point far Jlow the substructure. As to the price of these types of foundations, shal-ones are usually less expensive than deep ones.

TABLE I Modern Types of Construction

civil construction panel с. stage с. industrial с. precast concrete с. turn-key с. military с.

гражданское строительство панельное с. поэтажное с. промышленное с. сборное (из бетона) «под ключ» военное с.

45. Translate the terminological combinations of Table I a) from English into Russian; b) from Russian into English.

Control Yourself

 I iiniiol Yourself. Review of Units 1-3 33


Can you choose the correct variant without consulting the articles "Why Do Feopk Build?", "Excavation", "Foundation"? In case you fail to do it, we recommend you tc repeat the corresponding material.

1. Much what we do takes place /

  1.  indoors
  2.  outdoors

2. We need more light j

  1.  by day     1   than is рт0У^е^ ьу natUre.
  2.  by night  /

3. Every construction serves as accommodation

  1.  for people and enterprises
  2.  for people, families, organizations and enterprises

4. Sporting facilities include

  1.  stadiums and swimming pools
  2.  stadiums, aquaparks, swimming pools, sporting complexes

5. The superstructure of a building is

  1.  its above-ground part
  2.  its below-ground part

6. The substructure of a building is

  1.  its below-ground part
  2.  its above-ground part

7. The foundation of a structure transmits its loads

  1.  into the lower strata of earth
  2.  into the upper stratum of earth

  1.  a) Organic structure of soil      "i   must be removed from the build-b) Inorganic structure of soil  / ing areas.
  2.  The upper stratum of earth is removed in order to guard the foundation

  1.  from rain and sun
  2.  from water and wind erosion

10. In the cold climatic zones foundations should be placed

  1.  below the level of freezing
  2.  above the level of freezing

11. Foundations should not be placed

  1.  on organic soils
  2.  on inorganic soils

 !, foundations keep the walls and the floors a) from indirect contact with the soil 11) from direct contact with the soil

inking may cause a) cracks in the walls I b) cracks in the roofs and the floors M. I oundation design is

  1.  of little importance       \   for constructions.
  2.  of primary importance )

IS. For large (small) buildings foundation design is

  1.  rather simple
  2.  rather complex

I <>  Water, electricity, ventilation, and dispose of waste systems

  1.  form live loads
  2.  form dead loads

17. Live loads include the weights of

  1.  the people, the furnishings and equipment
  2.  water, electricity and ventilation systems |8. Shallow and deep foundations

  1.  differ in their cost
  2.  have the same cost

19. Shallow foundations are generally

  1.  more expensive ">    ,
  2.  less expensive    /  than deep ones.

20. Civil construction includes

  1.  industrial and precast concrete types of construction
  2.  industrial and military types of construction

Try to answer the following questions.

  1.  Why do people build?
  2.  What are the three main parts of a building?
  3.  What accommodation and services do modern people need?
  4.  What sporting facilities are being constructed nowadays?
  5.  What are the two main types of loads?
  6.  What components does dead (live) load include?
  7.  What branches of civil engineering do you know?

3 - 6049

Unit Four

 ill Four. Construction Materials




Master the key terms and head words.

advantage [ad'va:ntid3] преиму- purpose цель

щество resistance —сопротивление

artificial —искусственный, фик- strength —прочность, сила

тивный timber —строевой лес, бревна,
brick —кирпич лесной материал

concrete —бетон wood —древесина, роща

gravel —гравий woodwork —плотницкая работа,
durable —прочный, долговре- деревянные изделия

менный to decay - гнить, затухать

property —свойство to vary —варьировать, меняться

46. Which of the given words are nouns? adjectives? Why?

mixer, various, advantageous, gravel, purpose, art, artificial, stone, resistant, resistance, durability, durable, disadvantage, property

47. Which of the materials listed below are natural, artificial?
metal, stone, brick, concrete, gravel, wood, sand, timber, iron

48. Which of the properties of construction materials may be classified as advanta
geous? disadvantageous?

high cost fire-resistance non-fire-resistance

low resistance low cost high strength

high weight durability corrosion-resistance

heavy weight hardness softness

49. Combine the attributes (a) and the nouns (b). Do it in writing.

  1.  artificial, durable, various, useful, low, advantageous, high
  2.  process, materials, properties, strength, industry, resistance, cost

50. Which of the words given below are nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs? Translate
every word.

height, high, deepen, depth, deeply, strength, strengthen, strong, long, highly, lengthen, length, hard, hardly, harden, hardness

51. Read the word combinations. Translate them from Russian.

foundation depth —глубина залегания фундамента

 nilms properties —различные свойства

s of decay - процесс гниения, затухания
lal atmosphere —искусственный воздух
vel concrete —гравийный бетон
jniher frame - деревянный каркас
Hvcl sand —гравийный песок
Ltd and translate the article. % py^n  . ^*ien

Materials used for construction purposes possess different proper-h. They differ in durability, strength, weight, fire- and decay-resistance

IiikI naturally, cost. уьъУГ'Ч!

Wbod, timoer, brick, stone, concrete, metals, and plastics belong to the post popular building materials used nowadays. They all have their advantag-Ь and disadvantages that are taken into account when designing a structure. Wbod belongs to naturally growing materials. It is known to be the Oldest construction material and is still widely used for different purposes, wood is popular since it has low weight and is easy to work. Besides, it s naturally and is cheap. But its usage is limited because of its disad-fcntages: it easily burns and decays. As to stone, it also belongs to the old-m\ building materials. Among its advantages there are strength, high heat ilation and fire-resistance. Brick belongs to artificial construction materials. It has been used in v countries and in different climates. In modern times bricks vary wide-fly with the method of production and temperature of burning.

Concrete is known to be one of the most popular building materials. | It is produced by mixing cement, gravel, water, and sand in the proper amounts.

ler the words,
alloy - сплав ferrous соединения закиси железа

Ettad and translate the extract in writing.

Metals belong to hard and fire-resistant building materials. There exist two main groups of metals: ferrous and non-ferrous. Non-ferrous are [metals whose main component is not iron. As to iron, steel and their alloys, they belong to the group of ferrous metals. 52. Pair work. Put these questions to your groupmate.

  1.  Into what groups can construction materials be divided?
  2.  What are the advantages (disadvantages) of wood, stone, metals?
  3.  What two groups are metals divided into?
  4.  What is the difference between ferrous and non-ferrous metals?


Unit Five




Master the key terms and head words.

wood - древесина, строевой ле- 'decrease - уменьшение, спад

соматериал; роща to in'crease —возрастать

content —содержание, доля Increase —рост, увеличение

evaporation - испарение the only - единственный

to contain - содержать в себе the ...ег... the ...er - чем..., тем...
to decrease уменьшать(ся)

Define parts of speech. Translate the words.

new, renew, renewable, resource, evaporate, 'increase, in'crease, only, the only, 'decrease, de'crease, container

53. Translate the words into Russian (a); translate the combinations (b).

  1.  evaporable, controllable, collectible, workable, workability, usable, reusable, reusability, suppliable
  2.  water evaporation increase water content increase (decrease) naturally growing resource

the only naturally renewable resource

the only highly used naturally growing material

54. Read the terminological combinations; translate them from Russian,
wood industry лесная промышленность

wood covering деревянное перекрытие wood fiber - древесное волокно evaporation test проба на испаряемость

55. Translate the following sentences. Mind the Complex Subject.

  1.  Water content is known to decrease in the cut wood.
  2.  Wood as a structural material is considered to be highly used because of its low weight, low cost, and high workability.

 i live. Wood 37

I  Use of concrete for building purposes is announced to be constantly

Increasing all over the world. I, The strength and hardness of cut wood are known to increase as its

water content evaporates.

the article.

Waod has been a highly used building material since prehistoric times. ^Bng other highly used construction materials there are concrete, steel, ^■t, stone, and plastics. They all differ in their properties and in the ■thods of usage. Construction materials are known to differ in strength, Bdncss, fire- and corrosion-resistance durability, and, naturally, cost. Being the oldest building material, wood is also known to be the only Rurally growing organic material. Is wood strong? Hardly so, because $d always contains some water which decreases its strength. But after wood is cut, the water content starts to evaporate and as the water ntent decreases the strength of the cut wood and its hardness start to crease. It is a well-known fact that the drier is the cut wood the greater is L strength and hardness.

Trees are known to grow naturally, which makes wood a constantly ible natural resource. Among other advantages of wood there are its few cost, low weight, and high workability. But, as any other construction ■eterial, wood has its disadvantages. The main ones are the following - it I» not fire-resistant, it easily burns. Besides, it easily decays.

Part 2

| Master the key terms and head words.

to glue —клеить

to install —устанавливать, монтировать

to laminate —расщеплять, ламинировать

to require —требовать

board —доска

to board - обивать досками plywood - фанера trip - полоса, лента veneer —облицовка veneered —облицованный to determine [di't3:min] —опреде лять, устанавливать

56. Put down the corresponding verbs. Translate the words.

Model:  predetermination - to predetermine - заранее определять

(a) requirement   —to

installation     —to 

Essential Cou

 I live. Wood


lamination —to determination —to evaporation    - to

(b) glue клейto glue клеить

change   — —to

form - to

strip       - _t0 

decrease ^_ —to 

veneer    — —to ~~~

board      - -to~ —v"

57. a) Read the terminological combinations, translate them from Russian, glued board доска, склеенная из фанеры glued wood - склеенное дерево, фанера laminated glass слоистое стекло veneering plywood - оклеичная фанера

b) Give the English equivalents of the Russian words.

1. Small (полосы) of wood are (склеены) 


2. Wood in panel form is more (предпочтителен) fol

some construction (цели) than (доски) 

3. (фанерные) panels are made up of (тонкие^

(деревянные) veneers.

58. Translate the following combinations into Russian,
wood veneers laminated wood

strip of land strips of wood glued together

Read and translate the article.


Wood used for construction purposes is usually changed into laminated wood or wood panel products. Large structural wooden members are produced by glueing small strips of wood together.

Wood in panel form is more advantageous for many building purposes than boards. Why is it so? First of all, because wood panels are much easier to install than boards. They require much less labour for the process of installation. Besides, swelling (набухание) and splitting (расщепление) in panels are greatly decreased compared with boardsAAs to plywood panels, they are made up of thin wooden veneers glued together. It is of great importance to note that when wooden structures are designed the future stresses of their structural members must be predetermined.

 I» < mi you answer these questions?

i »< >es wood as a structural material have only advantages? If not, what

nrc its disadvantages? |, Is wood a strong building material? If not, why? L Docs the water content in the cut wood increase or decrease?

hat forms is wood changed into? And for what purposes? Compare

wood in panel forms with boards. What do they differ in? | What elements are plywood panels made up of?

TABLE II Kinds of Wood


wood, timber

березовая д.

birch wood

дубовая д.


клееная д.

glued w.

пропитанная д.

impregnated w.

слоистая д.

laminated w.

д. мягких пород


д. твердых пород


60. translate the given combinations a) from English into Russian; b) from Russian into English.


aster the key terms and head words.

roofing покрытие крыши to roofнастилать крышу surface - поверхность to belong to принадлежать (к)

Поогпол, этаж flooring настилка полов frame - рама, корпус removal - устранение, перемещение roof - крыша, кровля

61. State parts of speech. Translate every word.

hardwoods, surface, polluter, remove, pollution, removal, belong, roof, belongings, resist, renew



Essential Coure

62. Form the nouns. Translate the words.
Model:   resistable —resistability - способность к сопротивлению

workable   — —

removable — —

renewable - - 

usable       - - 

63. Read the examples. Translate them into English.

surface area площадь поверхности *

floor boards настил

floor timber половая балка

roof iron кровельное железо

roof ventilation - потолочный вентилятор

roofer кровельщик

64. Choose and put down the English equivalents to the Russian word combinations
given below.

Model:  загрязненный воздух - polluted air surface waters, floor frame, roofer, chemical pollution, decorative purposes, surface cracks, strips of land, chemically polluted air, floor boards, roof iron, laminated panel

слоистая панель 


поверхностные трещины 

полоски земли 

химически загрязненный воздух 

декоративные цели - 

химическое загрязнение 


поверхностные воды 

настил - 

кровельное железо 

65. Give the Russian for the following terminological combinations.

constantly polluted atmosphere chemically produced corrosion

naturally renewable resources commonly used types of wood

constantly increasing global pollution

66. Translate the following questions.

  1.  What structural materials does timber belong to?
  2.  What is it produced from?
  3.  What are the main advantages (disadvantages) of timber?


| live. Wood


Why is removal of water from timber useful for construction purposes?  What are the two main types of timber? What are softwoods (hardwoods) used for? How much of the world's land surface is considered to be covered

with forests?

What countries are rich (poor) in forests?

Mil .т.I translate the article.

I limber belongs to one of the oldest building materials. It has been ■ ancient times and is still produced from cut wood. Timber has always in I lighly usable in construction because of its many advantages. To these |ong its strength, light weight, cheapness, and high workability. Its other I age is that it belongs to natural resources and is naturally renew-u is the more so that about a third of the world is still considered to ir.. »\( red with forests. Besides, timber is resistant to corrosion produced hcmical substances in the modern polluted atmosphere. One more ■vantage of timber is that it can be used for many construction purposes. m, naturally, timber has disadvantages and the main ones are that it is Ш fire-resistant and it easily decays; especially if it is not impregnated. ftaides, freshly cut timber contains water that may cause great structural pacts. Removal of water from timber is a necessary procedure that should Ike place before timber is used in practice. It increases strength and workability of the material and, of course, its durability.

What is timber mainly used for? Because of its many advantages it is h it-lily used for producing window and floor frames, for flooring and roofing and for other various woodwork. The two main types of timber are luulwoods and softwoods. Of them, hardwoods are popular as materials ii ,ecl for decorative purposes: veneering in furniture and panelling. As to kftwoods, they are mainly used for producing window and door frames and other kinds of woodwork. 67. Answer the questions of Ex. 66. Translate the extract in writing. Use a dictionary if necessary.

Timber is wood, suitable for building and structural purposes. There are over 4000 woods in common use throughout the world, e best and most commonly used softwoods popular for structural work in many countries are redwood, whitewood, pine, red cedar, sequoia, beech ftnd some others. As to the hardwoods, the best known ones include beech, birch, blackwood, chestnut, elm, mahogany, maple, myrtle, oak, rosewood, walnut and some others.

Unit Six


 их Metals

»ti. lion

-to                      ;








Master the key terms and head words.

expensive —дорогой

framework —основа, каркас, рама

invention - изобретение joint —соединение, стык гаге - редкий skyscraper - небоскреб slab —плита (каменная, металлическая) traffic —уличное движение

 to cast —отливать .

to introduce - вводить, выдвигал to join —соединять, присоединяться к to turn out - оказываться to turn —сделаться, повернуться turner —токарь cast in situ —литой на месте wrought iron - сварочное желез

 ^B|ld the examples. Translate them from Russian.

fight! left! - Сверни направо! налево! [on (off) the cutter! - Включи (выключи) фрезу! heated, the metal turned red. Металл покраснел, когда его назрели.


No left turn! —Влево не поворачивать! No traffic! Движение запрещено! Don't turn over! —He кантовать!

68. Read the examples. Ask your groupmate to translate them a) from English in. Russian; b) from Russian into English.

  1.  caster —литейщик cast concrete —литой бетон cast iron —чугун cast steel —литая сталь
  2.  joiner - столяр, плотник joint place —место стыка joint stock company —акционерное общество joint traffic —комбинированное движение
  3.  iron worker —металлист iron industry —черная металлургия wrought iron —сварочное железо wrought nail - кованый гвоздь stab roofкровля из плит

69. Put down the corresponding verbs. Translate every word.

Model:  cutter —to cut; фреза - резать -to


-to -to -to

caster joiner turner iron worker inventor

 Itanslate the signals from Russian.

71   Translate the following sentences. Mind the Complex Subject.

I   I or a long time steel was considered to be a rare and expensive construction material.

!. Bronze is known to have been used by the ancient people for joining heavy blocks of stone.

I   The Bessemer process is known to have been invented and introduced into practice in the middle of the 19th century. 14. The Eiffel Tower of Paris is known to have been extremely unpopular for a long period after its construction. Nowadays it is considered to be one of the greatest attractions of Paris.

5. According to modern scientists, skyscrapers proved to be extremely injurious (вредные) for people's health.

^■1 and translate the article.

From the History of Metals

\ began to be widely usedlts construction materials not so long the beginning of the nineteemrfcentur

Metals ■go. Before the beginning of the nineteerrflfcentury metals played littletructural role in the process of building. Mostly they served for joining parts of buildings. The ancient Greeks and Romans are known to use bronze (Tor joining slabs of stone.



Essential Cou

It was only in the eighteenth century when the first all-metal struj ture was built in Europe. It was a cast-iron bridge across the river Severn I England. The strength of the bridge turned out to be so great that no1 more than two centuries after its construction, it still carries heavy m ern traffic across the Severn.

In the first half of the nineteenth century cast iron and^wrought ird were introduced and used for industrial construction in Europe and Norfl America. Steel was not widely used, being considered a rare and expensi building material. Inexpensive steel first began to be produced and use only with the invention of the Bessemer process, in the 1850s. From thai period on, metal started to be used as rather popular and useful buildir» material. The famous Eiffel Tower of Paris was constructed of wroughl iron in 1889. By that period several steel frame skyscrapers had alreadj been built in the United States. That was the beginning of the new era; new highly useful and popular construction material had been born an introduced into building industry.

72. Answer the questions given below. Try to do it without consulting the text of t article.

  1.  For what purposes were metals mostly used before the beginning the nineteenth century?
  2.  What did ancient Greeks and Romans use bronze for?
  3.  When and where was the first all-metal structure built? What can yo say about its present-day condition?
  4.  What kinds of iron were introduced in the first half of the nineteent century?
  5.  Why was steel as a building material unpopular for a long period?
  6.  What is the essence of the Bessemer process?
  7.  What was the global result of its invention?
  8.  What material is the famous Eiffel Tower constructed of?

9. In what country were the first skyscrapers built?
10. Are they good to live in? Would you like to live in a skyscraper?

73. Translate the extract in writing. Use a dictionary if necessary.

The Empire State Building was built in 1931 in the United States of; America. Its construction took about two years. The exterior of the skyscraper is supported by a framework produced of steel. It should be noted that 60,000 tons of steel were used for its production. The Empire State Building is considered to be one of the tallest and spacious construction of the world. It can be attended by 80,000 people simultaneously.

 i ч Metals .


to melt - отливать, плавить to pull тянуть

to pool down сносить постройку

«he kiv terms and headwords.

ЩШ - сплав

i'ii«m - исключение ^Hpl - обозначение соедине-

ний закиси железа ^Hfee - ковать

, Read the terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian. Hdus metal черный металл Hpus iron закисное железо Bfbrccment metal железная арматура

поп - без, не-, анти-non-metal - металлоид

See Ex. 74.

-ferrous metal —цветной металл -bearing wall —ненесушая стена -corrosive material —нержавеющий материал

76. Put down the corresponding verbs. Translate the words.

Model:  possession - to possess

Itception    -to         corrosion   -to 

dilution    —to fabrication —to 

|t7. See Ex. 74.

Pjlter литейщик |!oyed steel легированная сталь distance alloy сплав высокого сопротивления He king tank котел для плавки )»rger - кузнец

urging test испытание на ковкость jlling machine подъемная машина

р 78. State parts of speech. Translate the words.

bxcept, forge, meltable, meltability, ferrous, fusible, support, light, conduct, conductor, conductivity


 Essential Cou



Read and translate the article. »

All metals, with the exception of mercury (ртуть), are hard- and fire-: resistant.[The comrnqn properties of metals being hardness and high fire-] resistance, they are widely used in modern construction.

Metals are divided into two main groups: ferrous and non-ferrous Iron, steel and their various alloys belong to the group of ferrous metals while the main) component of non-ferrous metals is not iron.

All metals have some common properties: they can be pulled, forged
and melted. They are also good conductors of electricity. i

Ferrous metals are commonly used for construction of supporting
members. Steel and other ferrous metals serve as reinforcement in ferro
concrete constructions. ]

As to non-ferrous metals, their advantage is their being light. They are also good conductors of electricity, copper being the best one. Metals possess high resistance.

79. Pair work. Think of several questions covering the article. Put them to your group-mate.


careful - точный, старательный ordinary —обычный, простой

Master the key terms and head words, amount количество, сумма general - общий, общего характера

88. Put down the corresponding adjective; translate the words.

Model:  partially - partial частичный

carefully    - - 

safely — —

generally   — —

ordinarily  — —


TABLE III Kinds of Steel

кровельная сталь легированная с. листовая с. нержавеющая с.

strip s. welding s. reinforcing s.

полосовая с. сварочная с. арматурная с.

roofing steel alloyed s. sheet s. stainless s.

 til i In- terminological combinations given in the table. Translate them from En-Ululi In to Russian and from Russian into English.

i- instate the terminological combinations.

 \ -Лес]  

11nctural steel  

■ lled amount 

imll'il amount of carbon  

^Hdh resistant alloyed steel 


Ну designed steel frames  

s$ steel 

|il.ini npiipment produced of stainless steel 

(■ I 

ВИшПу used sheet steel  

II    hi nslate the following questions. I   What group of metals does steel belong to? .'  What substances can steel contain?

What amount of carbon does steel generally contain? H. What materials can be used for producing plant equipment?

What is the construction purpose of steel frames? For what reason must they be carefully designed? HI   Read the following decimals. . 1.07; 15.008; 110.95; 0.003; 0.01; 45.0006; 100.95

lid and translate the article.

What is steel as a construction material? Steel may be classified as iron

wiih I he controlled amount of carbon. The amount of carbon in steel is gener-

Btly less than 1.7 per cent. Ordinary structural steel should contain less than

Ihiec tenth of one per cent carbon. This kind of steel also contains small

mts of phosphorus, sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen and silicon. Like iron and its alloys, steel belongs to ferrous metals. It is a hard substance. Accordingly, it i .in be pulled, forged, and melted. Generally, steel, this strong metal, like oth-|f r metals, is a good conductor of electricity. Alloyed steel and stainless steel ■Ut corrosion-resistant kinds of steel. Corrosion-resistant materials are known to be widely used for plant equipment, furnaces, valves, etc.

It should be noted that steel frames as a whole and their separate parts should be carefully designed: their function is to be able to carry the loads imposed on them and supported by them.


 Essential Course

 Unit Six. Metals



power - сила, энергия, мощность relative - относительный transfer - передача, перемещение

Master the key terms and head words.

alumina - глинозем, окись

алюминия ductile - гибкий, ковкий foil фольга middle - середина oxygen - кислород

85. Put down the corresponding a) nouns; b) verbs; c) adjectives; d) nouns, a) Model:    ductile - ductility

Pure      - 



b) Model:    comparison - to compare

addition —to 

ornamentation - to 

generation       - to 

location - to

c) Model:    easily - easy


generally      - 



d) Model:    oxygenous —oxygen




advantageous - 

86. Put down the combinations with the opposite meaning.

Model:  powerful transfer —powerless transfer

short distance 

cheap foil 

interior ornamentation 

unnecessary details       - 

comparable amounts    

 tilllу surfaces


и'   I isc the word power as an attribute. Translate the combinations. Model:  power engineering энергетика








И8. Read the combinations. Translate them from Russian.

umina cement - глиноземный цемент Hire copper красная медь

i loader - ковш для загрузки бетона fell covering - покрытие из фольги

ductile materials - гибкие материалы ■tnsfer service - служба передачи

i rnnsferred load —нагрузка, передаваемая элементами друг другу

Head and translate the article.

Aluminum is a considerably new structural material. For a long period it was considered to be rather expensive since its production required Ihe use of electric power. Because of its relatively high cost, aluminum was | not very popular as a construction material till the middle of the twentieth century. But now the situation is absolutely different.

Aluminum and aluminum-based alloys are extremely popular and are widely used in various forms for construction purposes.

The advantages of aluminum, compared with other popular metals, are its high strength combined with lightness. High-purity aluminum (about 99% pure) is soft and ductile but its great disadvantage is that it is not strong enough. At the same time it has high corrosion resistance and is used in construction of buildings as bright foil for heat insulation, roofing, exterior and interior architectural ornamentation.

And what about aluminum alloys? They are much more advantageous than pure substance, Aluminum alloys are much harder and stronger than pure aluminum. Besides, pure aluminum is rather difficult to cast while many of its alloys are extremely easily cast. Pure aluminum is easily alloyed with other metals. And these combinations possess a great variety of usage. For example, when alloyed with copper, aluminum possesses

4 - 6049


 Essential Course

 Unit Seven

shale —сланец shape - форма, очертание texture - структура, строение to take into account - принимать во внимание

ovtrpref. - над, свыше,

сверх-overburnt —пережженный

additional strength. Unfortunately, it is much less corrosion resistive than alloys with manganese, chromium, or magnesium and silicon.

One more advantage of aluminum is that it can be easily remelted over and over again.

Aluminum combined with oxygen forms a new oxide. Its name is alumina. Alumina is a colourless crystallic substance. It is glass hard, solid and extremely durable.

It should be also noted that being an excellent conductor aluVninum is widely used in power engineering. It serves for long-distance transfer of electric power.

89. Which of the qualities listed below can be classified as advantages (disadvantages)
of materials used for construction purposes?

ductability, poor conductance, low durability, high corrosion resistance, high purity, low strength, high cost, low cost, excellent conductance, hardness, workability, poor purity, high strength

90. Pair work. Have a talk with your groupmate. Use the questions given below.

  1.  Why was aluminum unpopular for a long period?
  2.  What good qualities does aluminum possess?
  3.  Where is aluminum in the form of bright foil used?
  4.  What are the advantages of aluminum alloys?
  5.  Can aluminum be remelted?
  6.  In what way is alumina produced?
  7.  What are its properties?
  8.  What does aluminum serve in power engineering for?





Master the key terms and head words.

clay —глина

mortar —раствор

poor —слабый, скудный,

бедный, плохой raw —сырой raw materials - сырьё

under pre/. —под, ниже,

менее, недо-under burnt —недостаточно


91. Fair work. Ask your groupmate to translate the examples given below a) into Russian; b) into English.

перегрузкаoverload пережженныйoverburned подземное убежищеundershelter избыточный весoverweight недостаточный размерundersize надсмотрщикoverman перепроизводствоoverproduction подпочваundersoil

State parts of speech. Translate every word.

pollution, extremely, porous, poor, poorly, size, shape, fabricate, clay, burn,

brick, underweight, overproduce



Essential Course

92. Connect the English combinations with the corresponding Russian ones. Take into
account the different translations of the word poor.

Model:   1. poor light - с) тусклый свет

  1.  poor light а) тощая (бедная) смесь
  2.  poor knowledge b) слабая прочность
  3.  poor contact с) тусклый свет
  4.  poor mixture d) слабые знания
  5.  poor strength e) плохой контакт
  6.  poor vacuum f) недостаточный вакуум

93. Translate the following combinations into Russian.

extremely strong and glass hard bricks 

underburnt and highly porous bricks 

clay and shale used as raw materials  

wood panel used as construction material 

bricks produced by drying in the sun 

bricks made of mortar and burnt clay 

few forests and little timber 

many forests and much timber 

polluted atmosphere and polluted soil 

eco-friendly production and eco-friendly usage  

(eco-friendly экологически благополучный)

94. Translate the sentences. Mind the Nominative Absolute Construction.

  1.  Salmon brick being porous and underburnt, its strength is extremely poor.
  2.  Modern bricks being different in size, texture, and colours, one can easily choose the type of brick necessary for one's construction.
  3.  Timber being strong and workable, it is widely used for flooring and roofing.
  4.  Freshly cut wood containing some moisture, it cannot be classified as a strong building material.
  5.  The upper stratum of soil being organic, it must be removed from the building area.
  6.  Wood panels requiring less labour for installation, they are widely used for construction purposes.

Read and translate the article.

Brick, stone, and timber are known to be the oldest building materials. Bricks belong to artificial (man-made) materials. Their production started in prehistoric times. Since then they have been produced and tested in all types

 Unit Seven. Brick. Terracotta. Ceramic Tiles _53

of climate and in many countries. Thousands of years ago the builders in Egypt already knew the advantages of bricks and used them for construction. In those days the production of bricks was quite different from the modern one: bricks were produced not by burning but by drying in the sun, there being much sunshine in Egypt all the year round. Brick work was also popular in Rome, there being very few growing forests and as a result little timber there.

In modern times bricks can be made of concrete, mortar, of burnt clay and of a combination of some other substances. For example, different types of clay and shale can be used as raw materials. Accordingly, bricks produced nowadays have different sizes, shapes, colours, and textures. Bricks also vary with the method of fabrication and temperatures of burning. It should be noted that some types of brick, such as, for example, salmon bricks are underburnt and highly porous. Naturally, their strength is extremely poor. This property of salmon brick should be taken into account when choosing brick material for construction. But there exist many other types of brick that are extremely strong and almost glass hard. Between these extremes there lie some other types of brick with different properties. Brick properties are of great importance and should be taken into account while choosing material for construction purposes. 95. Choose and put down the correct variant.

  1.  Shale and clay belong to {natural, man-made) materials.
  2.  {Metal and glass, clay and mortar) are used

for fabricating bricks.

3. In {prehistoric, modern) times bricks {are, were)

made by {drying in the sun, burning) 

  1.  Russia is extremely {rich, poor) in raw materials.
  2.  There were {many, few)  growing forests in Rome in prehistoric times.

6. Bricks {are extremely different, do not differ) . in size,

colour, and texture.

96. Mr work. Put these questions to your groupmate.

  1.  What building materials are considered to be the oldest ones?
  2.  What natural (man-made) materials are used for construction nowadays?
  3.  Is brick a newly produced or an ancient building material?
  4.  In what countries are there (many, few) growing forests?
  5.  What countries are rich (poor) in raw materials?
  6.  What properties of brick should be taken into account when choosing material for building purposes?


 Essential Course

 Unit-Seven. Brick. Terracotta. Ceramic Tiles


  1.  Was the atmosphere polluted in the ancient world?
  2.  Why is the modern atmosphere polluted?
  3.  What processes pollute the atmosphere nowadays?

Part 2

Master the key terms and head words.

adhesive [ad'hiisiv] клейкий dependence зависимость flat - плоский; квартира inch, in. дюйм square площадь, квадрат tile плитка, кафель, черепица to apply - применять, прикладывать

to consist of состоять из

to depend on, upon зависеть от

by means of —посредством, с

помощью glaze - глазурь glazy —глянцевый, блестящий

97. Supply the missing parts of speech. Translate the words.

Model:   Verb               Noun                 Adjective to apply        application        applicable





various, variable


decoration dependenc


to exist

2                  (in)dependent


usable, useful, useless

to resist

to lengthen





98. Read the examples. Translate them from Russian,
glazier - стекольщик

adhesive substance клейкое вещество tile floor мозаичный пол joint place - место соединения

99. Fill in the following prepositions: because of, on, to, of, by means of, in.

  1.  What building materials belong the oldest ones?
  2.  Does the colour of tiles depend the colour the clay?


  1.  What ingredients does concrete depend ?
  2.  What does the weight live load depend ?
  3.  Overbumt and underburnt bricks are unpopular their poor


  1.  Ceramic tiles are applied adhesive substances.
  2.  Concrete, metals, and plastics belong construction materials widely used nowadays.
  3.  What ingredients does concrete consist ?

9. In ancient Egypt stone blocks were joined bronze.

10. European countries are rich timber.

Read and translate the article.

Ceramic Tiles

It is a well-known fact that there exist many types of bricks. Some of them are highly usable in construction while others are not popular because of their poor properties. Between these types there lie various types that are used for specific purposes. To them belong, for example, ceramic tiles.

Ceramic tiles is a burned-clay product. It is mainly used for decorative and sanitary purposes.

A ceramic tile consists of a clay body (корпус) covered with decorative glaze. Ceramic tiles are usually flat in form. They are extremely various. They vary in size from about 1/2 in square to more than 6 in. Their shapes are widely variable: squares, rectangles, hexagones, and others. Ceramic tiles are produced from clays of different colours. But - strange as it is - their colours do not depend on the colours of clays they are made of. Tiles are glazed, as a rule, and their colour depends on the colour of the glaze they are covered with. It is quite natural that ceramic tiles in practice exist in wide variety of colours: from pure whites to deep darks and blacks. Ceramic tiles are applied to the covered surface by means of a mortar or some adhesive substance. They are usually applied with the thinnest mortar joint.

100. Fair work. Put these questions to your groupmate. Let him/her answer them.

  1.  Is the body of a ceramic tile covered with some substance? What substance is it covered with?
  2.  What spheres are ceramic tiles used in?
  3.  Do they differ in forms, colours, and shapes?
  4.  What are their colours and sizes?
  5.  By what means are ceramic tiles applied to the surfaces? Are they applied with a thick or thin adhesive joint?


 Essential Course

 Control Yourself

Read and translate the article.


Terracotta belongs to decorative types of brick. They are produced of burned clay. Their structural properties being similar to the properties of brick, they are often used in a manner similar to brick. Terracotta also exists in a wide variety of colours from pure whites to blacks. Their colour depends on the colour of the glaze they are covered with. Different adhesive substances are used for the application of terracotta to ^ie surfaces being decorated with them. 101. Шг work. Think of 3-4 questions covering the article. Put them to your groupmate.

TABLE IV Types of Brick

clay brick ceramic b. lime and sand b. common b. porous b. solid b. airb. wall b. shaped b. cellular b. pressed b.

глиняный кирпич керамический к. известково-песчаный к. красный к. пористый к. полнотелый к. пустотелый к. стеновой к. фасонный к. ячеистый к. прессованный к.

  1.  Read the combinations given in Table ГУ. Translate them a) from English into Russian; b) from Russian into English.
  2.  Translate the English variants of the given sentences into Russian in writing. Com pare your variants with the given ones. Mind your mistakes if any.

  1.  Bricks are divided into several grades.
  2.  In what way should bricks as a building material be transported?
  3.  Don't load bricks in bulk!
  4.  Don't use pale bricks or overburned bricks.

  1.  Кирпич делится на несколько марок.
  2.  Каким путем следует перевозить кирпич как строительный ма териал?
  3.  Не грузите кирпич навалом!
  4.  Не используйте недостаточно обожженные или пережженны кирпичи.


Can you choose the correct variant without consulting the articles "Construction Materials", "Wood", "Metals", "Brick"? In case you fail to do so, we recommend you to repeat the corresponding material.

1. High cost and low fire-resistance are classified as

  1.  advantages     ) of construction materials.
  2.  disadvantages )

2. Cement, brick, and concrete may serve as examples of

  1.  natural materials
  2.  artificial materials

3. Durability, strength, and high fire-resistance are properties

  1.  of stone
  2.  of wood

4. Iron, steel, and their alloys belong to

  1.  ferrous metals
  2.  non-ferrous metals

5. One of the advantages of cast iron is

  1.  its cheapness
  2.  its high cost

6. Aluminum is

  1.  a good conductor of electricity
  2.  a poor conductor of electricity

7. VSfaod is considered to be

  1.  the only naturally renewable material
  2.  one of the naturally renewable materials

8. In cut wood water content is

  1.  constantly increasing
  2.  constantly decreasing

9. Steel, brick, and concrete

  1.  differ in their properties
  2.  have the same structural properties 10. The drier is the cut wood

  1.  the lower is its strength
  2.  the greater is its strength


 Essential Course

 Control Yourself. Review of Units 4-7


11. Large structural members are produced by glueing together

  1.  large strips of wood
  2.  small strips of wood

12. Wood panels are

  1.  much easier to install than boards
  2.  much more difficult to install than boards

13. Plywood panels are made up of

  1.  thin wooden veneers glued together
  2.  thick wooden veneers glued together

14. Timber is material that is

  1.  artificially renewed
  2.  naturally renewed

15. Removal of moisture from timber

  1.  increases its strength, hardness, and workability
  2.  decreases its strength, hardness, and workability

16. Birch and oak belong to

  1.  hardwoods
  2.  softwoods

17. Hardwoods are widely used

  1.  for sanitary purposes
  2.  for decorative purposes

18. In ancient Egypt bricks were produced

  1.  by burning
  2.  by drying in the sun

19. Russia is

  1.  poor in raw materials
  2.  extremely rich in raw materials

20. Overburned brick

  1.  should not be used in construction
  2.  can be used for construction purposes

21. Underburned brick is

  1.  highly porous
  2.  glass hard

22. Bricks are produced of

  1.  sand and water
  2.  mortar and burned clay

23. Many/Few growing forests serve for producing

  1.  much timber
  2.  little timber

24. The properties of building materials


  1.  are of no importance for building purposes
  2.  should be taken into account

25. Ceramic tiles are

  1.  modern products
  2.  ancient products

26. World's modern atmosphere is

  1.  clean and fresh
  2.  highly polluted by chemical waste

27. The colour of ceramic tiles

  1.  does not depend on the colour of clay
  2.  depends on the colour of the clay they are made up of

28. Ceramic tiles are applied by means of

  1.  glue
  2.  some adhesive substance

29. They are applied with an extremely

  1.  thin mortar joint
  2.  thick mortar joint

30. The properties of terracotta are

  1.  different from the properties of brick
  2.  similar to the properties of brick

Translate the following sentences.

  1.  Construction of the bridge is expected to begin next spring.
  2.  Salmon brick being under burnt and highly porous, it cannot be recommended for wide use.
  3.  Design work is known to be finished by this fall (autumn).
  4.  Terracotta exists in a wide variety of colour, their colour depending on the colour of glaze they are covered with.
  5.  Safety zones are said to be built in the nearest future.
  6.  Brick, stone, and timber being the oldest construction materials, they have been and are widely used all over the world.

Unit Eight

 Unit Eight. Concrete



Master the key terms and head words.

quality - качество tensile растяжимый,^вязкий to crush дробить accordingly соответственно the very именно тот, тот самый

concrete бетон

aggregateзаполнитель (бетона)

coarse —крупный, необработанный, сырой

fine —тонкий, мелкозернистый

precast готовый, готовоотли-тый

104. Define parts of speech. Translate the words.

the very, slab, tensile, coarse, crush, gravel, member, cast, quality

105. Combine the given attributes a) with the given nouns; b) follow the Russian combi

Model:  дробленый гравий - crushed gravel

  1.  crushed, coarse, fine
  2.  sand, gravel, aggregate

дробленый песок - _____

крупный гравий 

мелкозернистый заполнитель 

106. Read the terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian.

concrete slab бетонная плита

slab roof- кровля из плит

tensile strength —прочность на растяжение

site of foundation - пласт под фундаментом

slab covering настил из плит

107. Translate the following combinations into Russian.

the very site of construction proportionally divided amounts

carefully mixed aggregates the very site of production

108. Choose the correct variant and put it down.

1. Concrete as a building material possesses (only advantages, both ad
vantages and disadvantages) .


  1.  Concrete is considered to be a (universally used material, rarely used material) .
  2.  One of the qualities of concrete is that (it does not possess tensile strength, possesses tensile strength) .
  3.  Ferro-concrete is (rather popular, not popular) in the

modern construction.

  1.  Gravel is classified as (coarse, fine) aggregate.
  2.  One of the good qualities of concrete is its (high, low) cost.
  3.  Concrete (decays and burns, does not decay and burn) .

109. Translate the following questions into Russian. Find answers in the article below.

  1.  What properties make concrete a highly used construction material?
  2.  What two types of aggregate are used for producing concrete?
  3.  Is sand a coarse or fine aggregate?
  4.  What ingredients does the quality of concrete depend upon?
  5.  How long does the process of hardening the mixed components last?
  6.  What is the difference between the so-called in-situ and precast concrete?
  7.  What quality is considered to be the main disadvantage of concrete?
  8.  For what reason is tensile strength considered to be an important quality?
  9.  For what purpose are metals introduced into the structure of concrete?

  1.  What metals is concrete frequently combined with?
  2.  When did the use of ferro-concrete start?
  3.  Would you like to live in a wooden or concrete building? Why?

Read and translate the article.

Concrete is considered to be a universal material for construction. Different kinds of concrete can be used practically for every building purpose. The raw materials for producing concrete can be found in every part of the world. The main property that makes concrete so popular is that it can be formed into strong monolithic slabs. Another good quality is its relatively low cost. Besides, concrete is known to be fire- and decay-resistant.

Concrete is produced by combining coarse and fine aggregates, Portland cement, and water. Coarse aggregate is generally gravel or crushed stone, and fine aggregate is sand. Cement, sand, gravel, and water are taken in proportional amounts and mixed. The quality of concrete depends mostly on the quality of the cement used. The process of production consists in pouring the mixed components into forms and holding them there until they harden. The process of hardening generally lasts for about 28 days.



Essential Course

There exist different ways of producing concrete. It can be produced by mixing the ingredients and pouring the mixture into position on the very site of building. Concrete can also be produced in a factory, and used as a material for manufacturing prefabricated blocks. Accordingly, there exist the so-called in-situ (cast-in-place) concrete and precast concrete.

Concrete, as any other building material, has not only advantages but also disadvantages. Its main disadvantage is that it has no form of its own. Also, it does not possess useful tensile strength. Because of these qualities, in modern times construction concrete is very frequently combine*! with different metals. Most common of them are iron and steel.

The introduction of metal into the structure of concrete is highly advantageous. It strengthens the material and helps to realize its limitless construction and architectural potential. It should be noted that the use of ferro-con-crete started only in the nineteenth century and is still gaining popularity.


Master the key terms and head words.

beam —балка, бимс storage —хранение, запас

compression —сжатие tank —бак, резервуар

decade —десятилетие tower —башня, вышка, опора
pipe - труба

110. Read the combinations. Translate them from Russian.

beam system —балочная конструкция

compression stress —напряжение на сжатие

storage tank —питательный резервуар

pipe installation - укладка труб

pipe joint - стык труб

tank tower —водонапорная башня

111. Put down the corresponding verbs. Translate the words.

Model: joint - to join присоединяться к

compression    - to 

instal lation      - to - 

relation -to - 

combination    —to

storage —to

usage —to

 Unit Eight. Concrete 63

service —to - 

production      - to - 

pre- pre/. заранее, предварительно pre-examine - исследовать заранее

112. Read the examples. Translate them from Russian,
prestressing предварительное напряжение

prestressed reinforcement предварительно напряженная арматура compressive stress - напряжение при сжатии

Read and translate the article.

Prestressed concrete is a relatively young product. It started to be widely used only during the last few decades, and is still gaining popularity. The reason of its popularity is its usefulness. The main good qualities of prestressed concrete are its high strength and durability. In prestressed concrete, concrete is combined with steel. This combination is highly advantageous and serves the purpose of producing a compressed stress in the concrete as a building material. For this reason any member of beam is under constant compression and as a result has no cracks. In modern times this type of concrete serves as construction material for beams, for pipes, and columns, storage tanks, water towers and the like.

113. Answer the following questions.

  1.  What good qualities does prestressed concrete possess?
  2.  What metal is it combined with?
  3.  What purpose does this combination serve?
  4.  What constructions is prestressed concrete mostly used for?

We know concrete to be a universally used construction material. Various, most popular kinds of concrete and their main properties are listed below. Read the tables. Translate the examples a) from English into Russian; b) from Russian into English.


Types of Concrete

architectural concrete

архитектурный бетон

asphalt с


gas с.


gypsum с

гипсовый б.

gravel с

бетон из гравия

precast с

заранее отлитый б.

plain с

неармированный б.

prestressed reinforced c.

напряженно армированный б.


 Essential Course

 Unit Eight. Concrete


TABLE VI Properties of Concrete

high-strength concrete

высокопрочный бетон

waterproof c.

водонепроницаемый б.

nailable с

гвоздимый б.

lightweight с

легкий б., теплый б.

cast-in-situ с

монолитный б.

poor quality с

б. низкого качества

1 : , 

114. Put down the combinations with the opposite meaning.

Model:   poor quality concrete - high-grade concrete

high-strength concrete 


lightweight concrete 
plain concrete

115. Answer the following questions.

  1.  What kind of concrete has practically universal usage?
  2.  What kind of concrete is produced in factories?
  3.  What are the main qualities of precast concrete?
  4.  Why is concrete combined with metals?
  5.  What kind of concrete serves as construction material for beams, pipes, storage tanks, water towers and the like?

CONCRETE (continued)

Master the key terms and head words.

dam —дамба, плотина

foam —пена

foamy —пустотелый, пенный

pile —свая

to emit —испускать, выделять

bridge - мост

cell —ячейка, клетка, канал в

пустотном кирпиче cellular concrete - ячеистый


116. State parts of speech. Translate the words.

plain, cellular, foamy, foam, bridge, emission, emit, cell, pile, pipe

117. Translate the combinations into Russian.

constant use foamy structure powerful emission

 118. Translate the sentences into Russian. Mind the Nominative Absolute Construc

  1.  Concrete having no form of its own, it is frequently combined with metals.
  2.  Prestressed concrete is very popular, its good qualities being high strength and durability.
  3.  Concrete with foamy and cellular structure being light, it is considerably decreased in strength.

119. Connect the given English combinations a) with the corresponding Russian ones b).
Model:   1-2

1. bridge beam

b) 1. плоская черепица

2. foamy structure

2. мостовая балка

3. flat tile

3. укладка труб

4. pipe laying

4. плоская черепица (плитка)

5. bridge pile

5. пустотелая балка

6. cellular girder

6. ячеистая структура

7. cellular structure

7. мостовая свая

120. Read the combinations. Translate them from Russian.

bridge girder мостовая балка pipeman водопроводчик

bridge joint мостовой стык pipe work трубопровод

bridge member звено (деталь) моста

121. Translate the questions into Russian. Answer the questions consulting the text of
the article.

  1.  What factors does the quality of concrete depend upon?
  2.  What is the main difference between plain and ferro-concrete?
  3.  What constructions is ferro-concrete used for?
  4.  What materials is concrete with cellular structure made up of?
  5.  What qualities does concrete with foamy structure possess?
  6.  What is its main disadvantage?

Read and translate the article.

The quality of concrete is known to depend on the properties of materials it consists of. The amount of constructing materials is also of great importance. Among the kinds of concrete used in modern construction there are plain concrete and reinforced, or ferro-concrete. The usage of plain concrete is practically limitless. As to ferro-concrete, it is mostly used for construction of foundations, columns, girders and beams. This kind of concrete is also rather popular for constructing bridges, dams, and dock walls.

5 - 6049


 Essential Course

 Unit Eight. Concrete


Concrete being a universally used material, its new kinds are being constantly produced. Among others there exists concrete with cells. Its main quality is that it is made up of materials that emit gas and foam during the process of mixing the aggregates with water. It should be taken into account that concrete of this type possesses relatively light weight. It is mostly used for producing slabs, wall panels, and frame constructions. As we know, decrease in weight leads to a considerable decrease in strength. This quality is classified as a great disadvantage of cellular concrete.

122. Read the examples. Translate them from Russian. у

concreter бетонщик

concrete mixer бетономешалка

concrete frame бетонный каркас, бетонная конструкция

concrete workability —пригодность бетона для обработки

Read and translate the article.

Silica Concrete

Among the aggregates concrete is composed of, there are heavy and light ones. Silica belongs to comparatively new types of concrete. Its structure is rather special. It does not contain cement and is relatively light in weight. Besides, it is highly fire-resistant. Because of these and some other properties silica concrete is widely used in aviation and in building underwater constructions. But its disadvantages should be also taken into account: because of its light weight its strength is considerably decreased.

123. Answer the following questions.

  1.  Which of the two kinds of concrete possesses greater strength —cellular or asphalt concrete?
  2.  What is the name of concrete having glass in its structure?
  3.  What is the meaning of the term 'nailable'?
  4.  What kind (kinds) of concrete has (have) practically limitless use?


Master the key terms and head words.

achievement - достижение layer слой

hydration - гидрация, присоеди-       liquid жидкость
нение воды ratio отношение

 specification —технические условия    to cure —сохранять, исправлять»
vapour —испарение, пар выдерживать

124. Put down the corresponding verbs a) nouns b); translate the words.

Model:  foundation - to found (a) to enrich - enrichment (b)

a) corrosion      -to      b) to enrich — __^

hydration      - to  to require - 

invention      —to  to achieve 

penetration  -to  to attach  - 

evaporation  —to  to adjust   

relation        —to 

specification -to 

125. Read the combinations. Translate them from Russian.

covering material материал покрытия

cover of roof кровля

water/cement ratio пропорция воды в растворе

concrete curing выдержка бетона

compressive strength - сопротивление на сжатие

vapour pipe паровой патрубок

vapour heating system —система парового отопления

126. a) Translate the given prepositions into English.

1. The cover zone is the layer (между) the steel reinforcement

and concrete surface.

2. The durability of cover zone depends (от) the mix design ctf


3. (В течение) the period of concrete curing, a minimum

of cement content and a maximum of water/cement ratio is include^
(в) the mix.

4. Water is added (к) concrete (для) hydration of cement

5. Additional amounts of water increase the pores (в, внутри) 

the concrete's structure.

6. The process of concrete's curing lasts for (около) 28 days

b) Translate the examples into Russian. Mind Participle II.

  1.  ... additional amount of water poured into the mix...
  2.  ... required strength achieved with minimum cement content...
  3.  ... durability increased by adding water...
  4.  ... workability provided by the necessary amount of aggregates ...



 Essential Course

 Unit Eight. Concrete


Read and translate the article.

One of the key requirements of concrete service is its durability. And the quality of cover zone (покрытие) is of primary importance for providing concrete's durability. The cover zone is the concrete layer between the steel reinforcement and concrete surface. It should be taken into account that durability of concrete zone depends upon the mix design of concrete and the properties of the concrete itself.

The process of concrete's curing, as we know, lasts for about 28 days. And the compressive strength at 28 days is considered to be the basis of concrete specification. During the period of curing, engineers frequently include a minimum of cement (content) and a maximum of water/cement ratio into the mix.

Naturally, different construction purposes require different cement content, and for many types of mixes the required strength can be achieved with the minimum cement content. Engineers add water to concrete for hydration of cement. But the minimum amount of water needed for hydration of the mix may be too little to provide the necessary workability of the mix. So, in order to increase workability of concrete, additional amounts of water can be poured into the mix. And what is the result of this operation? It turns out that additional amounts of water increase the pores within the concrete's structure, especially after evaporation. It leads, in its turn, to an increase of gas, vapour, and liquid penetration into the structure of the mix. It is noted that especially strong this penetration is in the cover zone. So, one can see that additional water provides the potential for structural mix to decrease its durability. One more disadvantage of adding water to the concrete mix is its reinforcement corrosion and cracking. Additional corrosion and cracking provide new ways for gas, vapour, and liquids to penetrate into the cover zone. So, is additional water concrete's friend or enemy?



Master the key terms and head words.

ring обод, фланец rehabilitation - ремонт, реконструкция scaffold помост silo силос success успех

carbon углерод composite составной, сложный fibre волокно hoop обруч plate плита, лист

 to bond соединять Sweden Швеция

per cent - процент South- East Asia - Юго- Восточ-

per meter - на метр ная Азия

per hour - в час the United Kingdom (UK) - Объ-

Middle East —Средний Восток единенное Королевство

127. Give the Russian for the following combinations; mind the Gerund.
tower under dead, live, wind, and thermal loading
rehabilitating dams and bridges

increasing the durability of concrete strengthening methods of rehabilitating silo towers

Read the combinations. Translate them from Russian. plate iron листовое железо ring foundation кольцевой фундамент scaffolding of girders помост из балок

128. Translate the Russian words into English.

  1.  (Глубина) of carbonation and chloride content...
  2.  (Глубокие) vertical and horizontal (трещины) ...
  3.  Carbon-fibre-reinforced-polymer (пластины) ...
  4.  Successful (использование) of CFRP scaffolding...

129. Give the Russian for the following terminological combinations,
concrete rings hoop direction steel plate bonding

Read and translate the article.

The use of composite materials for the strengthening and rehabilitating of bridges, towers, dams, and other concrete structures is gaining popularity. The reason for it is the fact that the use of composite materials turned out to be advantageous over other strengthening methods relating to durability, workability and whole-life costs of concrete structures. Projects based on the use of carbon-fibre-reinforced-polymer plates are being realized on a number of silo towers and other structures in Russia and Sweden. The technology of CFRP plates started to be popularized also in the Middle East and South-East Asia.

Not long ago CFRP plates have been used for the purpose for increasing the durability of the existing concrete structures in the United Kingdom construction industry. The plates successfully serve as an alternative to other traditionally used methods. During the last two years more than 150 bridges and other concrete structures around the United Kingdom were rehabilitated with CFRP plates.


 Essential Course

 Unit Eight. Concrete


Strengthening a 30-year-old, 65 m tall, tower may serve as an exam
ple of successful usage of the plates.
 The work started with detailed analy
ses of the tower under dead, live, wind and thermal loading in order to find
out the present durability of the tower. The detailed inspection revealed
deep vertical and horizontal cracking in many places on the tower.
tests were carried out to reveal the depth of carbonation and chlorine con
tent in the concrete.
 And in order to rehabilitate the tower there were pro
posed the following three variants: f

  1.  to use CFRP bonding in the hoop direction;
  2.  to use steel plate bonding in the hoop direction;
  3.  to add concrete rings along the height of the tower.

The first of the three given variants was considered to be most advantageous over the other two. First of all because it would require only 25 days while the other two would require not less than 90 days. Besides the light weight of the CFRP plates did not require strengthening work on the foundation of the tower. So the usage of the CFRP plates also made it necessary to use the least amount of scaffolding girders in order to carry out the work. Of importance is also the fact that the use of CFRP strengthening made it necessary to use only two 160 x 1.8 mm plates per meter throughout the height of the tower while the use of steel plate bonding required two 300 x 7 mm plates per meter. Naturally, this fact considerably lowered the cost of the works.

130. Finish up the sentences. Choose the proper combination from the combinations
given below.

  1.  The CFRP plates are used for the purpose of 
  2.  CFRP plate bonding is applied in the 
  3.  Concrete rings are added along 

  1.  the height of the tower
  2.  increasing the durability of the structures
  3.  hoop direction

131. Pair work. Read and translate the questions. Put them to your groupmate and let
him/her answer them.

  1.  What material is gaining popularity for rehabilitating concrete structures?
  2.  In what countries is the technology of CFRP plates being realized?
  3.  What tower was strengthened with the plates in the United Kingdom?
  4.  In what way was the present durability of the tower found out?
  5.  What did the detailed inspection of the tower reveal?
  6.  For what reasons was the first of the three proposed variants chosen?

132. TVanslate the article in writing. Use a dictionary if necessary. New Corrosion Protection The use of epoxy-coated reinforcement prolongs the service life of reinforced concrete structures. Besides it delays the need for repairs of replacement. Epoxy-coated reinforcement is being used successfully in bridge decks, parking garages, highways, plants, ports, and marine structures. Another advantage of reinforcement is that it costs less than other identical systems.


Master the head words.

bone кость to bend сгибать(ся), гнуть

bulb —баллон, сосуд to bond —связывать, скреплять

shape —форма, очертание, вид to snap —сломаться

volume —объем to perform —исполнять, совер-
according to —согласно, в соот- шать

ветствии с...

133. State parts of speech. Translate the words.

researcher, bulbous, bone-shaped, wire, wireless, hard, hardness, snap, weak, weakness, weakly, research, contain

134. Put down the corresponding adjective.

Model:  enable —able

endurable —  enlarge - 

enrich      —  enclose 

135. TVanslate the combinations (a) and the sentences (b) given below; mind the meaning of the word time.

  1.  much time, a little time, less time, many times, several times, a few times, more time, ten times, fewer times, little time, no time, ten times stronger, several times harder, a few times longer
  2.  The material is ten times stronger. The highway will be two times longer. The concrete was 90 times harder. Two times two equals four.


 Essential Course

 Unit Eight. Concrete


Ten times five equals fifty. 100x10=1000 1000x7 = 7000

136. Translate the combinations into Russian in writing; translate them back into
English orally.

bone-shaped wires 

enlarged ends - , 

concrete's volume  

straight wire - 

Mind Participles I, II.

research performed at the laboratory 

bone-shaped wires added to the material 

load transferred to the wires 

steel wires bonding with the concrete 

straight wires snapping under high stress 

137. Change the infinitives into gerunds l)-3) and a participle 4).

1. (7b add) bone-shaped wires to concrete increases its

strength and hardness.

  1.  Steel wires were used for (to reinforce) concrete.
  2.  Straight steel wires can snap without much (to bend) and

(to stretch) .

4. The first cracks (to appear)  in concrete, it became even


Read and translate the article.

Bone-Shaped Wires Strengthen, Harden Concrete

Mixing small wires with enlarged ends into concrete increases the material's strength and hardness, according to research performed at the National laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico.

Researchers found that when bone-shaped wires 25 mm long were added in amounts equal to just 1 percent of the concrete's volume, the strength increased by as much as 84 percent. The concrete was also 93 times harder.

Straight steel wires have been used to

reinforce concrete for several decades. But

wires of this kind bond only weakly with the

Fig. 2. Bone-shaped wires       concrete at their ends. Besides, it turned out

 that straight wires can also snap under high stress without much bending or stretching. In stress tests concrete containing the wires with bulbous ends became even stronger after the first cracks appeared as the load was transferred to the wires.

138. a) Mr work. Have a talk with your groupmate on the advantages of bone-shaped wires added to concrete. Use the questions given below.

  1.  What is the length of bone-shaped wires added to concrete?
  2.  What are the disadvantages of straight steel wires?
  3.  What did the results of stress tests show?

b) Think of a few questions of your own on the subject.

Unit Nine



Master the head words.

density плотность to shed проливать, лить, пропускать

pavement мостовая to shut down закрывать

139. State parts of speech. Translate the given words.

dense, store, storage, pave, pavement, unstable, repair, cause, shed

140. Translate the combinations into Russian in writing. Translate them back into Eng
lish orally.

storage area 

pavement surface 

stone layer 

pipe storage area 

high-density pipe 

economical way of repair 

141. Read and translate the following questions.

  1.  Why was it necessary to repair the pipe storage area at the plant?
  2.  What caused cracks in the stone layer?
  3.  What substance were polypropylene fibres mixed with?

Read and translate the article.

The plant where high-density polyethylene pipe is being manufactured needed repairs to its pipe storage area. The repairs became necessary because the stone layer did not shed water and it caused cracks. The cracking of the storage pavement area made it necessary to stabilize the site.

So it became necessary for engineers to look for a way that would be economical and would not require shutting down the operating area of the plant. After testing a number of alternatives, it was decided to use polypropylene fibres for the purpose. It was found out that when being mixed with soil the fibres produce the necessary stability. The way the engineers proposed turned out to be economical and quite successful.



Unit Nine. Pipe


This article may serve as an example of advertising modern special journals are so full of.

Master the key terms and head words.

shallow fill - низкая насыпь bury situations - зарытые местоположения versatility многообразие

advanced - передовой benchmark - отметка высоты sewer —сточная труба, коллектор to trust - верить, доверять

142. Translate the following combinations.

concrete's pipe's versatility high quality manufacturing

sanitary sewer advanced mix design

deep bury situations     benchmark of industry

Read and translate the article.


The new concrete pipe being manufactured may be classified as the benchmark of industry. Among other excellent qualities, it possesses the highest structural strength compared with any sanitary sewer.


What are the main characteristics of the pipe that make it so popular? These are advanced concrete mix design, and steel reinforcement. High quality manufacture processes allow the pipe to be used in any site conditions, from shallow fills to deep bury situations. Strength, concrete's pipe's durability and its versatility are the main properties that are combined in the pipe. They produce the technology one can trust.

ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION Storm-Water Pollution Filter

Master the key terms and head words.

sediment - осадок sponge губка urban городской solid твердый

basket - корзина drain - дренаж, водосток oil нефть, масло reduction - уменьшение, сокращение


 Essential Course

 Unit Nine. Pipe


143. State parts of speech. Translate the words.

pollute, new, newly, major, sponge, depend, dependable, aftereffect, reduce, enter, entrance

144. Put down a) verbs corresponding to the given nouns, b) verbs corresponding to the
given adjectives, c) nouns corresponding to the given verbs, d) adjectives corre
sponding to the given adverbs.

a) Model: invention - to invent

reduction      - to         absorption - to ^







to relate

to exist




removal        - to 

b) Model: absorbable - to absorb

dependable   - to 

usable - to 

removable    - to 

c) Model: to circulate - circulation

to produce 

to evaporate 

to depend 

d) Model: newly new


commonly    - 

additionally - 

145. Read the terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian,
drain pipe дренажная труба

drainage pipeline - дренажный трубопровод external cooling - внешнее охлаждение internal heat внутреннее тепло

146. Combine the attributes (a) with the nouns (b). Translate the given Russian combi
nations into English (c).

(a) oil

(b) population






hole substance


(c) Model:  губчатый фильтр - sponge filter

циркуляция нефти      - _____

губчатое вещество       —_ 

городское население   —

 нефтепровод - .

смазочное отверстие   — 

междугородная железная дорога .

147. Translate the following combinations.

relatively low cost 

newly invented urban filter 

commonly used filters 

polymer filtration sponge 

removal of grease (жир), oil, and garbage (утиль) 

Read and translate the article.

The newly-invented urban storm-water pollution filter is successfully used to reduce storm-water pollution. The filter removes the major portion of oil, grease, sediment, and garbage from stormy water and cleans it before it reaches the drain system and enters it. Solid pollutants, such as garbage and sediment, are collected in an internal basket of the filter. About 80 percent of the oil and grease is collected in a polymer filtration sponge. The newly invented pollution filter serves a safe and dependable installation against water pollution caused by storm aftereffects.

It should be also noted that one more advantage of the filter is its price; the cost of the filter is lower than the cost of other commonly produced filters.

148. Form the answers to the given questions.

1. What is the filter used for? to reduce, is used, it, pollution.

2. What substances pollute the water?

substances, to these, belong, and sediment, oil, grease.

3. In what part of the filter are oil and grease collected? a filtration sponge, are collected in, oil and grease.

149. Describe the urban storm-water pollution fdter.


 , , ^^^^^ Essential Course


Master the key terms and head words.

deck опалубка conventional обычный, нормальный

rapid быстрый to accommodate приспосабливать

to solve —решать fatigue —усталость (металла)

150. State parts of speech. Translate the words.

accommodation, number, fatigue, allow, rapid, solve, accommodate )

151. Put down the combinations with the opposite meaning.

Model:  the same scuppers - different scuppers (scupper - желоб)

more man power  - 

heavy equipment 

difficult transportation - 

slow installation   - .

non-conventional materials - 

simple materials   - 

high resistance    - 

152. Translate the following combinations into Russian in writing. Translate them back
into English orally.

a great number of problems easy transportation

holes cut in the deck rapid accommodation

153. Read the following combinations. Translate them from Russian,
fatigue crack трещина от усталости    deck floor пол балкона
fatigue limit предел усталости deck slab плита для настила
fatigue of metal усталость металла      deck roofплоская крыша
Read and translate the article.

The fibre reinforced polymer bridge deck is a newly-invented arrangement. It is made up of composite materials. They are extremely useful since, because of their composition, they have a wide range of application. Compared with other conventional materials they can solve a much greater number of problems.

One of the advantages of the bridge deck is that it is highly resistant to corrosion and fatigue. The material it is made up of is very easy to transport; it also allows rapid installation using lighter equipment and much less manpower. Holes are easily cut in the deck. They can be closed out to accommodate the same drainage scuppers that are used on conventional decks.

What are the five advantages of the fibre reinforced polymer bridge deck?

 Control Yourself


Can you choose the correct variant without consulting the articles of Units 8-9? If you fail to do it, we recommend you to repeat the corresponding material.

1. Concrete is considered to be

  1.  a universally used material
  2.  a frequently used material

2. Various kinds of concrete are used

  1.  for a limitless number of building purposes
  2.  only for some building purposes

3. The main property of concrete is

  1.  its relatively low cost
  2.  that it can be formed into monolithic slabs

4. Concrete is known to be

  1.  fire-resistant
  2.  fire- and decay-resistant

5. Concrete is produced

  1.  by combining coarse and fine aggregates
  2.  by combining coarse and fine aggregates, Portland cement, and water

6. There exist(s)

  1.  only one way of producing concrete
  2.  many different ways of producing concrete

7. The only disadvantage of concrete is

  1.  that it has no form of its own
  2.  that it does not possess tensile strength

8. Concrete is frequently combined

  1.  with steel and iron
  2.  with copper

9. The main good qualities of prestressed concrete are

  1.  its high strength and durability
  2.  its buildability and low cost

,0- Й M84 trade COn"ete \    has practically limitless use. b) Nailable concrete     J

11. Ferro-concrete is widely used

  1.  for construction of girders and beams
  2.  for construction of foundations, girders, beams, and dock walls


 Essential Course

 Control Yourself. Review of Units 8-9


12. Silica concrete belongs to

  1.  comparatively old types of concrete
  2.  comparatively new types of concrete

13. Decrease in weight leads to

  1.  a considerable increase in strength
  2.  a considerable decrease in strength

14. Foamy and cellular types of concrete

  1.  possess heavy weight
  2.  possess light weight

15. The quality of the cover zone is important for

  1.  providing concrete durability
  2.  providing concrete fire-resistance

16. Increasing workability of the mix is achieved

  1.  by pouring additional water into the mix
  2.  by evaporating water from the mix

17. Additional water produces

  1.  concrete's reinforcement corrosion and cracking
  2.  concrete's reinforcement corrosion-resistance

  1.  a) The use of CFRP plate bonding  \  was considered to be useful b) The use of steel plate bonding     /  for strengthening the tower.
  2.  Mixing wires with enlarged ends into concrete

  1.  decreases the concrete's strength and hardness
  2.  increases its strength and hardness

20. For repairs of the pipe storage

  1.  polypropylene fibres are mixed with soil
  2.  polypropylene fibres are mixed with gravel

21. The urban storm-water pollution filter cleans the stormy water

  1.  before it enters the drain system
  2.  after it enters the drain system

22. Solid pollutants are collected

  1.  in an internal basket of the filter
  2.  in an external basket of the filter

23. Composite materials

  1.  are rarely used
  2.  have a wide range of application

24. The fibre reinforced polymer bridge deck

  1.  is highly resistant to corrosion
  2.  is highly resistant to corrosion and fatigue

25. The material it is made up of allows rapid installation using

  1.  heavy equipment and more manpower
  2.  lighter equipment and less manpower

 Cover the right column. Translate the following sentences into English in writing. Compare your variants with the given ones. Correct your mistakes if any.

  1.  Charge the aggregate.
  2.  Reduce the mixing time.
  3.  Prepare a fine aggregate concrete mix.
  4.  This sand cannot be used for the preparation of concrete. It is too coarse.

  1.  Загружайте заполнитель.
  2.  Уменьшите время перемешивания смеси.
  3.  Приготовьте бетонную смесь с тонким наполнителем.
  4.  Этот песок не пригоден для приготовления бетона. Он слишком крупный (грубый).

Cover the right column. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Compare your variants with the given ones.

  1.  Измеряйте цемент массой.
  2.  Измеряйте воду объемом.
  3.  Измеряйте заполнитель массой и объемом.

  1.  Measure the cement by mass.
  2.  Measure the water by volume.
  3.  Measure the aggregate by mass and volume.

6 - 6049

Unit Ten

 U nit Ten. Fasteners



Devices Used for Fastening

Master the key terms and head words.

device —прибор, устройство to intend - намереваться,

sheet —лист, полоса, пластина предназначать

series —серия, группа screw —винт

to fasten - скреплять, прикреплять

154. Read the terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian.

fastening device прибор для закрепления fastening bolt - соединительный болт fastening screw закрепляющий винт sheet copper листовая медь sheet iron тонкое листовое железо

155. Translate the following combinations.

heavy timber construction  

laminated wood framing 

light framing construction  

Read and translate the extract.

The fastening devices are the necessary elements in any construction work and as such they are highly in use. There are two main series of this type of devices. To one type belong devices intended for light framing. They are usually made of sheet metal. To the other type belong devices used for heavy timber and laminated wood framing. These are made of metal plate.

Answer the question: In what way do the two main series of fastening devices differ?

Master the key terms and head words.

anchor анкер gun ружье, орудие

bearing опора hammer молоток, молот

 nail гвоздь to sharpen заострить

pin - стержень, шип, булавка to finish отделывать

screw —винт, болт to bear —поддерживать, подпирать

156. Read the examples. Translate them from Russian.

screw driver отвертка finish nails отделочные гвозди

screw joint —винтовое соедине- finished material —готовый ма
ние териал

bearing wall несущая стена finishing отделка

nail work забивание гвоздей bearing area несущая площадь
nail iron - гвоздильное железо

157. Translate the examples into Russian.

screw fastening bearing surface

screw shaped element nail head

Read and translate the article.

Many connections in wood structures depend on direct bearing of one member of the structure on another for their strength. Various simple fasteners are used for constructing purposes. Of them wood fasteners include nails, screws, bolts, anchors and some others.

Nails are generally made of plain steel. It is of interest to note that steel used for nails is uncoated steel. Practically, nails are sharpened metal pins driven into wood with a hammer or a mechanical nail gun. There exist different types of nails. Among them common nails and finish nails are the two types most frequently used for fastening. Common nails have flat heads and are used for most structural connections in light framing constructions. The main property of finish nails is that they are headless. Finish nails are used to fasten finish wood work.

Fig. 4 shows the sizes of common nails. One can see that finish nails are the same length as common nails. Nails are usually named according to the purpose for which they are used as flooring, roofing, etc. Besides common and finish nails, there exists a great variety of other shapes. Face nail is a nail driven through a side of one wood member into the side of another one.

As to the screw nail, it has the form of a spiral. It turns like a screw

when it is driven with a hammer.

Nails that are exposed to rain, snow, and fog should be of a corrosion-resistant type.



 Essential Course

 Unit Ten.. Fasteners


Why are nails so popular in the process of construction? They are extremely popular for fastening wood since they require no predrilling of holes. Another property that makes them so popular is that they are very simple to insert with a hammer or a mechanical nail gun.

Face nail

End nail

Toe nail


60d        Ktf       «W        30d       JIM        l«d
6' 5-V      5' «H"      <■ 3H'

152mm   Ютт I2?mm   IHmm  102mm Ютп

чтччА у

I2d        НИ        ftf Bd Id bd         *i 30

3*"     3*      »•г-     ги-     л-      й|*     ;»■     &*    r

йш    7t»un    70лш1     (imm    S7mm    Slirm   Hmm    38mm   32mm 25mm

Fig. 4


screwdriver отвертка

to drill сверлить

to insert вставить, воткнуть

Master the key terms and head words. brass - бронза, латунь drywall стенка на сухой кладке (без раствора)

 158. Add prefix re-. Translate the new words.

Model:  construct - reconstruct переделать, реконструировать

install   — —

insert    — —


159. Complete the sentences (b). Add the words given below (a).

  1.  ... mounting hardware ... drywall screws ... lag screws ... brass, copper, gun metal ... a screwdriver ... reinserted ...the drilled holes
  2.  1. Screws are produced from ...

  1.  Screws are inserted into ...
  2.  Screws are turned with ...
  3.  Screws are often used for...
  4.  Screws can be easily...
  5.  ... are used for heavy structural connections.
  6.  Brittle (хрупкие) and weak screws are called...

160. Read the combinations. Translate them from Russian.

lag screw рельсовый шуруп wrought nail кованый гвоздь drill steel - буровая сталь

161. Use the English attributes a) and translate the Russian ones b).

a) sharp, common, bearing, flat, nailable, plain, main, sheet, anchor,
fastening, gun

Model:  оружейное маслоgun oil

b) закрепляющий - screw

листовая  — copper

обычная  - steel

гвоздимое  — iron

главная  — series

анкерная  — plate

опорная  - surface

острый  — screw

Read and translate the article.

Screws are cylindrical fastenings. They are driven through the side of a member by a screwdriver. Their heads may have different forms: flat, round, or raised. Screws are produced from iron, copper, brass, or gun-metal.

Kb Essential Course

Screws are inserted into drilled holes and turned with a screwdriver. They are little used in light framing since they take much more time to install than nails. But they are often used in furniture. They make stronger connections than nails. They can be reinserted if a component must be remounted. Very large screws for heavy structures are called lag screws. As to drywall screws they are weak and cannot be used for structural connections.

162. Pair work. Put these questions to your groupmate.

  1.  What type of fasteners do wood fasteners include?
  2.  What type of steel serves for producing nails?
  3.  What devices are used for driving nails into wood members?
  4.  Why should some nails be of a corrosion-resistant type?
  5.  For what reasons are nails highly popular in construction work?
  6.  What form do screws have?
  7.  By what device are screws driven through the side of a member?
  8.  What metals are screws produced from?
  9.  For what reason are screws little used in light framing?

  1.  What is the name of very large screws used for heavy structures?
  2.  What do you know about drywall screws?
  3.  What is the difference between nails and screws?

MIND SIGNALS AND WARNINGS USED ON CONSTRUCTION SITES! Fasten the load! - Укрепите груз! Nail up this box. Заделайте этот ящик. This area should be used for storage. Эту площадь следует использовать для складирования.

TABLE VII Types of Nails

roofing nail concrete n.

кровельный гвоздь гвоздь для бетона

flooring n. raftn. flat-headed n.

г. для деревянных полов

брусковый г.

г. с плоской шляпкой

conus-headed n. to nail

г. с конусовой головкой прибивать гвоздями

163. Translate the examples given in the table a) from English into Russian; b) from Russian into English.

 Unit Eleven


Master the key terms and head words.

flat - плоский shingles (of wood) - дранка, дере-
near - близко, около вянная черепица, гонт

nearly - почти slate - ш ифер

pitch - скат, наклон thatch - солома, тростник

slope - уклон unit - элемент, сборная часть

sloping - пологий, покатый therefore - поэтому, следова

164. Which of the given words are adjectives? adverbs?

broad, useful, considerable, economically, the only, the very, considerably, quickly, beautiless, attractive, nearly, proper, sloping, hardly, hard, slowly

165. Put down the verbs corresponding to the given nouns a); the nouns corresponding
to the given verbs b).

Model:  a) reconstruction —to reconstruct перестроить b) to consider —consideration рассмотрение

a) installation -to 

limitation   -to - 

dependence —to

existence    —to ,

b) to protect   -  

to restore    -. -: 

to supply    —. -. 

to decrease — —

166. Read the given terminological combinations; translate them into Russian.

flat roof shingle nail thatched roof

sloping (pitched) roof unit area

167. Translate the following combinations into Russian.

properly chosen roofing materials uneconomical^ large sloping roof beautiful and well-installed flat roof roofing materials consisting of small units

Unit Eleven. Roof

* North LightT    "  Warren, or Saw Tooth.


Essential Course

168. Read and translate the questions.

  1.  What are the two main types of roof?
  2.  What factors does the covering of the roof depend on?
  3.  Which type of roof dries itself quickly of water?
  4.  What types of covering consist of small units?
  5.  What are their good qualities?
  6.  For what reason shouldn't pitched roofs be installed on broad and large buildings?
  7.  Which part of roof can serve as a balcony or a landscaped part of a building?
  8.  Are thatched roofs used in modern big cities? If not, why? Where are they mostly used nowadays?

Read the article. Translate it into Russian.

The roof is a necessary component of practically every building. It serves to protect the interior of the building from rain, snow, wind, and cold. There exist many types of roofs, the main ones being sloping (pitched) roofs and flat (or nearly flat) ones.

It is a well-known fact that every roof should have a covering. The type of covering of a roof mainly depends on the form of the roof and some other factors. The pitched roof is known to dry itself quickly of water. Therefore it can be covered with roofing materials consisting of small individual units. To these belong, for example, slate, shingles of wood, tiles of fired clay or concrete. These materials are widely used and popular as roofing coverings since they have a number of useful qualities. Firstly, the small units they consist of are easy to install. Secondly, they are easy to repair since they are individual and small. Thirdly, it should be taken into account that they are rather cheap. So if a pitched roof is manufactured of properly chosen material and is well installed, it looks beautiful and attractive. But, of course, pitched roofs have their disadvantages. Roofs of this kind should not be installed on broad and large buildings. They do not look attractive on such buildings. As to flat roofs, they can cover very broad buildings. Another advantage of these roofs is that they can serve as balconies and decks and even be landscaped parts of buildings they cover. But they also have some disadvantages. One of them is that water evaporates too slowly from their surfaces.

Different roof coverings are used and they serve different purposes: of them shingle and sheet metal roofs may cover any type of building. But as to thatched roofing it is mostly used for country buildings, historic restorations and some types of specialized buildings.

 O&ee.     Conical. Mtfgpnal;

Double Lean-To. M-Ro^f. Kinifbst.   Qoeen  ^StgminA

Pkrh Principal   ;& c.   . fbet.yy^Beam.

T «Ml    U» lU/»W   И    StfJniniSilt.

Couple.     CoupleCbse.     Collar..     ЫЩ&т>   Queen Post.



Hammer beam.

§'    m   *|8  Queen,with  p
J \ .&'  Princess Posts.

^ ^French, beliian Howe



" French. Belgian
Trussed or Fink.


-KneeBnice. Pratt

*N"or Pratt.

"N'orlinville. Lattice.

Whipple Murphy. $tation>



♦ * *     I * t ""N"or HojВас*

Fink. Bofman. Crescent.

Fig. 5. Roof

90 Essential Course

 Unit Twelve

169. Fair work. Have a talk with your groupmate. Use the questions of Ex. 168.


Don't stand under the load! —He стойте под грузом!

No passage. Stop! —Проход в одном направлении. Стой!

Give the signal to lift the load. —Дайте сигнал о готовности к подъему.

Place the lorry for loading. —Установите грузовик под погруЗку.

Clear the building area! Очистите погрузочную зону!

Unload the platform! Разгрузите эту платформу!

The job requires a bulldozer. —Для этой работы требуется бульдозер.

Read the English and Russian variants of the signals and warnings.

170. Pair work. Ask your groupmate to translate the examples given in the table a) from English into Russian; b) from Russian into English.

Read and translate the article.

Loads on Roof

Generally the load on roofs consists of two components: the snow load and the wind-pressure. The action of these loads is quite different on flat roofs and pitched ones. The snow load on flat roofs is great; practically it is at the maximum. As to the wind pressure on roofs of this type, it is very small —practically it is at its minimum. On pitched roofs the situation is different; when the pitch of the roof increases the weight of the snow load decreases. As to the wind pressure, it increases with the increase of the pitch.

Arrange a talk on the article. Think of 5-6 questions covering it. Put the questions to your groupmate.


Master the key terms and head words.

ceiling —потолок luminous —светящийся; блестя-
feature - особенность, характер- щий

нал черта pattern —образец; форма, модель

impression —впечатление; пред- rafter —стропило; балка

ставление spread —рассеивание; разброс

joist —брус, балка tight—плотный; непроницаемый

level - уровень; нивелир visual - видимый; наружный

171. Which of the given words are nouns? verbs? adjectives? Translate the words.

impress, impressive, impression, visual, vision, tight, luminous, rafter, slope, light, sound

172. Put down the corresponding nouns.

Model:  to impress - impression - впечатление

to attach — —

to construct      — —

to resist - - 

173. Read the terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian.

luminous effect - световой эффект     pattern maker - модельщик level surface - поверхность уровня      pattern plate - модельная доска

174. Translate the combinations into Russian.

sloping plane wood joists important feature

visual impression steel joists spread of light and sound

175. Translate the sentences. Mind pronoun any.

  1.  Ceilings of any material can be attached to wood joists.
  2.  Any ceiling should be resistant to the spread of fire.
  3.  The visual impression of the ceiling is of importance for any room.

176. Read and translate the questions. Find answers to the questions in the article below.

  1.  What members are ceilings attached to?
  2.  What do the planes of ceilings correspond to?


 Essential Course

 Unit Twelve. Ceiling


  1.  In what way should the surface of a ceiling be constructed?
  2.  What important features does a ceiling possess?

Read and translate the article.

Ceilings are considered to be extremely important parts of any room. A well-designed ceiling is one of the most pleasing features of a room. In modern constructions the variants of ceilings are limitless.

Ceilings can be produced of many various materials both natural and artificial. Their colours, texture, pattern, and shape are of great importance for the visual impression of the room. Ceilings of any materials may be attached to wood joists. Usually they are attached very carefully and tightly. They may be attached to wood joists, wood rafters, or steel joints.

A ceiling can be a simple, level plane. Or it can be two or more sloping planes. It should be noted that these planes correspond to the form of the roof construction above.

The ceiling surface is an important functional component in any room. It can have a luminous surface or a richly ornamented and decorated surface. It is of importance to note that it should be constructed in such a way as to help control the spread of light and sound about the room. One more important feature of the ceiling surface is its resistance to the spread of fire.


Master the key terms and head words.

plaster - штукатурка to suspend - подвешивать

to support - поддерживать

177. Define parts of speech. Translate the words.

wire, powerful, support, plaster, suspend, vary, fibrous, absorb, high

178. Read the following terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian.

a) suspender подвеска

suspended ceiling подвесной потолок suspended support - подвесная опора suspending girder подвесная балка

b) supporter поддержка
supporting frame несущий каркас
supporting beam несущая балка
supporting power поддерживающая сила

 c) gypsum plaster гипсовая штукатурка
plasterer штукатур

plaster of Paris - алебастр

plaster board штукатурная плита

  1.  gypsum plaster гипсовая штукатурка gypsum floor гипсовый пол gypsum board гипсовая плита
  2.  wireman - электромонтер wire bridge висячий мост wireless - радио, радиотелеграф

0 finisher аппретурщик finishing отделка finished material - обработанный материал

g) girder bridge балочный мост girder iron балочное железо girder system система балок

179. Choose and put down the English terminological combinations corresponding to the given Russian ones.

supporting surface, suspended insulator, supporting structure, girder connection, finishing work, support screw, plaster work, wire nail, reflecting power, suspended bridge

Model:  подвесной изолятор - suspended insulator

отражательная способность      — 

подпорный винт 

поддерживающая поверхность 

соединения балок - 

висячий мост 

окончательная отделка 

проволочный гвоздь 

штукатурная работа 

опорная конструкция 

180. Translate the following combinations into Russian.

fibrous materials steel wire varying sizes

finish ceiling sound energy framing members

Read and translate the article.

Suspended plaster ceilings have been in use already for several decades. How are suspended ceilings characterized? Suspended ceiling is a


 Essential Course

 Unit Twelve. Ceiling


finish ceiling. It is hung on wires from the structure above, some distance below the roof structure. It can hung level and flat.

As for girders, beams, joists, and slabs above, they can be of varying sizes.

Suspended ceilings can be produced of almost any materials. Among them the most widely used are gypsum, board, plaster, and various boards made of fibers. Each of these materials is supported on its own system of small steel framing members. The framing members, in their turn, are hung from the structures on heavy and strong steel wires.

Suspended plaster ceilings are rather popular in modern constructions of different kinds. Ceilings produced of fibrous materials are classified as acoustical ceilings. Their most useful property is high absorption of sound energy. As to plaster of gypsum board ceilings, they are highly reflective of sound energy.

181. Form the questions and answer them in writing.

Model:  of sound energy, which ceilings, highly reflective, are

  •  Which ceilings are highly reflective of sound energy?
  •  Plaster of gypsum board ceilings are highly reflective of sound


1. a suspended plaster ceiling, is, what, hung, on

2. what materials, suspended ceilings, produced from, are


3. the sizes of girders, beams, joists, and slabs, can, what, be


4. is the main property, what, of acoustical ceilings


5. suspended ceilings, what materials, can, produced from, be


182. Answer the following questions.

  1.  Have you seen suspended ceilings?
  2.  Where did you see them?
  3.  Did you like their view and ornamentation?
  4.  Do you want to have ceilings of this kind in your flat?


Master the key terms and head words.

conduit - канал, трубопровод waste - отходы, отбросы, остатки

damage —повреждение, авария to maintain —содержать, поддер-

duct - проход, канал, труба живать

fixture - прибор, арматура to observe - наблюдать

fuel топливо to be subject to ... быть подле-

fume - пары, испарения жащим (чему-л.)...

183. Which of the given words are nouns? verbs?

observation, fix, waste, maintain, duct, observe, maintenance, wire, include, space, amount, install, damage, require, renew

184. Read the terminological combinations, translate them from Russian.

  1.  maintenance costs —эксплуатационные расходы maintenance work —текущий ремонт
  2.  waste iron - железный лом waste pipe спускная труба
  3.  pipeman трубопроводчик pipe joint стык труб pipe laying - укладка труб
  4.  fixed beam закрепленная балка fixed bearing - неподвижная опора fixed costs твердые цены

e) fuel wood древесное топливо
fuel tank бак для горючего

fuel engineering технология топлива 185. Choose and put down the English terminological combinations (a) corresponding

to the given Russian ones (b). (a) fixed support, permanent observation, pipe support, fire protection, damaged membrane, pipe installation, pipe duct Model:  fire protection защита от огня

a)  b) неподвижная опора

  поврежденная мембрана


  постоянное наблюдение


  укладка труб

96 Essential Course

186. Translate the following combinations into Russian.

complex installations 

waste piping

communications wiring  

compressed air 

considerable space 

permanent observation 

Read and translate the article.

Nowadays suspended ceilings have become a very popular and economical feature in many types of buildings. The most numerous among these buildings are office and laboratory structures. Many of them install and maintain complex mechanical and electrical installations above the ceiling. These installations include air conditioning ducts, water and waste piping, and electrical and communications wiring. They also include such services as fume ducting, vacuum piping, fuel gas lines, compressed air lines, water piping, and chemical waste piping. All these ducts and pipes occupy a considerable space in the buildings. In some of them they may be equal to the amount of their living space.

Ducts, pipes, and conduits can be placed in the space between the ceiling and the structure. Lighting fixtures, loudspeakers, and fire detection devices may also be installed into the ceiling. Many such constructions can serve as membrane fire protection for the floor and roof structure above.

Possible Change and Damage

It should be taken into account that any of these mechanical and electrical systems are rather complex. Naturally they are subject to frequent change and damage. That is why they require permanent observation, maintenance, and repair. In order to guarantee their permanent observation and repair, a suspended ceiling must be supplied with scaffolding possessing sufficient structural strength to support workers who install, maintain, and renew mechanical and electrical systems above the ceiling of the building.

187. Construct the questions in writing. Answer them.

Model:   In, are, what part of the ceiling, maintained, complex mechanical installations

- In what part of the ceiling are complex mechanical installations

— They are maintained above the ceiling.

 Unit Twelve. Ceiling      97

1. include, these installations, what systems, do


2. simple or complex, are, these mechanical and electrical systems

3. subject to, they, are frequent change and damage


4. why, possess, suspended ceilings, must, sufficient structural strength
_ 9

5. what systems, workers, install, maintain, repair, and renew, do


т     «rtito

Control Yourself REVIEW OF UNITS 10-12

Choose the correct variant.

1. Devices intended for light framing are made of

  1.  sheet metal.
  2.  metal plate.

2. Devices made of metal plate are used

  1.  for heavy timber.
  2.  for light framing.

3. Wood fasteners include

  1.  nails and bolts.
  2.  nails, screws, bolts, anchors.

4. Steel used for nails

  1.  is uncoated steel.
  2.  is coated steel.

5. The main property of finish nails is

  1.  that they have flat heads.
  2.  that they are headless.

6. Finish nails

  1.  differ in length from common nails.
  2.  are the same length as common nails.

7. Nails of a corrosion- resistant type

  1.  cannot be exposed to moisture.
  2.  can be exposed to rain, snow and fog.

8. Nails are popular for fastening wood since

  1.  they are simple to insert.
  2.  they require no predrilling of holes.

9. Screws have

  1.  only flat heads.
  2.  round, flat, and raised heads.

10. Screws are

  1.  little used in light framing.
  2.  much used in light framing.

11. Screws

  1.  cannot be reinserted.
  2.  can be reinserted.

12. The roof serves

  1.  for ornamental purposes.
  2.  for protecting the interior of the building.



Control Yourself. Review of Units 10-12

13. The pitched roofs

  1.  do not dry themselves quickly of water.
  2.  dry themselves quickly of water.

14. The covering of pitched roofs consists of

  1.  small individual units.
  2.  large heavy units.

15. The advantages of flat roofs are

  1.  that they can cover very broad buildings.
  2.  that they can serve as balconies and decks.

16. Thatched roofing is mostly used

  1.  for country buildings.
  2.  for roofs in big cities.
  3.  for historically restorated buildings.

17. The action of snow load and wind pressure

  1.  is the same on flat roofs and pitched ones.
  2.  is quite different on flat roofs and pitched ones.

18. The snow load on flat roofs

  1.  is at the minimum.
  2.  is at the maximum.

19. When the pitch of the roof increases

  1.  the weight of the snow load decreases.
  2.  the weight of the snow load increases.

20. In modern constructions the variants of the ceilings are

  1.  limited.
  2.  limitless.

21. Nowadays ceilings are produced of

  1.  artificial materials.
  2.  both natural and artificial materials.

22. Ceilings may be attached to

  1.  wood joists.
  2.  wood joists, steel joists, and wood rafters.

23. Suspended ceilings are produced of

  1.  various boards made of fibers.
  2.  gypsum, board, plaster and boards made of fibers.

24. Mechanical and electrical systems

  1.  can be subject to frequent change and damage.
  2.  are never subject to frequent change and damage.

What is the English for:

Укрепите груз! Заделайте ящик! Не стойте под грузом!


Unit Thirteen



Master the key terms and head words.

compartment - квартира, купе, partition - перегородка, внут-

помещение ренняя стена     /

gross —полный, взятый целиком     stud —косяк, стойка masonry - каменный

188. Put down the corresponding verbs. Translate the words.
Model:  extension - to extend

transmission —to 

isolation —to 

division - to 

restriction —to 

employment —to 

189. Put down the combinations with the opposite meaning.
Model:  internal construction - external construction

upper floor 

small units 

below the level - 

demountable frame 

low standards 

interior partition      

190. Translate the examples into Russian.

Model: self-closing закрывающийся автоматически


self-supplying    - 




self-discipline    - 


191. Read the following terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian,
water-tight partition водонепроницаемая перегородка



Unit Thirteen. Walls

masonry cement цемент для каменной кладки partition wall промежуточная стена masonry shaft шахта с кирпичной кладкой

Choose and put down the English combinations a) corresponding to the Russian ones b).

  1.  water engineer, water-tight tower, masonry bridge, water cooling, water supply, water piping, water content, water level, water heater
  2.  Model: water cooling - охлаждение водой

 —уровень воды

 - инженер-гидравлик

 —содержание воды


 - водопровод

 —водонепроницаемая башня


 —каменный мост

192. Translate the following terminological combinations into Russian.

gross floor-area simple surface floor/roof loads

structural strength internal wall

steel studs employed units

Read and translate the article.

Classification and design of walls are divided into two categories: external and internal construction. They possess different functions. The function of external walls is to support the upper floors and roof. The units employed for construction of walls are brick, timber, or stone masonry. As to interior walls they are mostly self-supporting. Their main function is dividing the space of the construction. They divide the gross floor area of a building into smaller units —compartments, or rooms. Their next function may be to transmit floor/roof loads to a foundation. The constructional form for internal walls may be concrete block, timber frame, or stud, and demountable frame. If a high standard of fire resistance is required, bricks may also be used to construct internal walls.

Interior walls and partitions have simple surfaces but materials they are made of should be carefully chosen and combined. Their function is to guarantee structural strength, fire resistance, durability and acoustical isolation. An internal wall may be framed and the framing materials may be steel or wood studs.


 Essential Course

 Unit Thirteen. Walls


Master the key terms and head words.

Part 2

enclosure отгораживание exit - выход like - как, подобно occupancy - владение

stair —ступенька stairs —лестница stairway - лестничное отделение


193. Put down the corresponding verb. Translate the words. Model:  pressure —to press - жать, выжимать

occupancy -to - 

enclosure   - to - 

prevention —to

restriction   —to

separation   - to - 

extension    - to

multi- - в сложных словах много-multimillionaire —мультимиллионер multiform —многообразный

194. a) Read the following combinations. Translate them from Russian, exit opening запасной выход exit pipe выпускная труба multiform choice многообразный выбор shaft partition - шахтная перегородка

b) Read and translate into Russian.

elevator shaft air pressure elevator car fire walls

multistory open space spread of fire wired glass exitway corridor

Read the article. Translate it into Russian.

Fire MaUs

The function of a fire wall is to form a required separation in order to restrict the spread of fire through a building.

 Every fire wall should extend from the foundation of a building to its roof. Every fire wall is supplied with an opening. It is of great importance to note that openings should be strictly restricted in size. Besides they must be closed with fire doors or wired glass.

A fire separation wall, like a fire wall, forms a required separation to restrict the spread of fire through a building. But, unlike a fire wall, a fire separation wall does not extend from foundation to roof. Openings in fire separation walls are also restricted in size and must be closed with fire doors or wired glass.

Fire separation walls are used to divide a building between mixed occupancies and for enclosure of stairways and exitway corridors.

Shaft walls are used to enclose a multistory open space in a building. To shaft walls belong elevator shafts, conduits, or pipes.

Walls for elevator shafts must be strong enough to bear air pressure and loads placed on them by the movements of the elevator cars within the shaft. Also, it is of importance to note that the noise of elevator machinery must be prevented from reaching other areas of the building.

195. Pair work. Put these questions to your groupmate. Let her/him answer them.

  1.  What is the function of a fire wall?
  2.  What should every fire wall be supplied with?
  3.  What are openings be closed with?
  4.  What is the main difference between a fire wall and a fire separation wall?
  5.  What do fire separation walls divide?
  6.  What units belong to shaft walls?
  7.  What requirements must walls for elevator shafts satisfy?


Master the key terms and head words.

sheathing обшивка siding - наружная обшивка досками

coverage покрытие paint краска

plywood фанера, клееная фанера

196. Which of the given words are verbs? adjectives?

cover, necessary, save, relative, cheap, expensive, low, eliminate, decay


 Essential Course

 Unit Thirteen. Walls


197. Put down and translate the corresponding verbs.

Model:  nail гвоздь; to nail забивать гвозди

cost     —to

decay -to  ' ~

paint   - to - 

air      - to - 

198. a) Read the terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian.
nailer - гвоздевой мастер }
painter маляр, живописец

plywood siding фанерная обшивка sheathing nail обшивочный гвоздь plywood sheet - фанерный лист

b) Read and translate the following combinations.

labor cost decay-resistant materials

cost saving surface coverage

Read the article. Translate it into Russian.

Plywood siding materials are widely used in modern construction-business. They are popular because of their light weight and their relative cheapness. The cost ofthe material per unit area of wall is usually less than for other siding materials. Besides, the labor costs are also relatively low. The reason for it is the fact that large sheets of plywood are more quickly installed than the boards ofthe same area. In many cases, if it is necessary, the sheathing can be eliminated from the building if plywood is used for siding. This operation, if it is performed, leads to further cost saving.

It should be taken into account that usually plywood sidings must be painted in order to save them from decay. But if they are produced from decay-resistant material, they can be left to weather effects without the surface coverage.

199. Answer the following questions.

  1.  What are the advantages of plywood siding materials?
  2.  Why should plywood sidings be painted?
  3.  Which plywood sidings can be used without the surface coverage?

200. Translate the extract in writing. Use a dictionary if necessary.

Nailable Wails. When testing a surface the first nail is driven into the upper part ofthe wall. While doing it, it is necessary to leave some space between the nail head and the surface of the wall. The space should be equal to the thickness ofthe future plastering.

In order to test non-nailable surfaces, gypsum grounds are used.


Master the key terms and head words.

finished-обработанный, закон- veneer - однослойная фанера,
ченный искусственные доски

combustion - горение, возгора- to compare - сравнивать

201. Change the combinations. Use the combination 'Inf. + adverb' instead ofthe giv
en 'adj. + noun'.

Model:  cheap production - to produce cheaply

considerable protection —  

easy installation —  

complete elimination — . 

slow combustion 

202. Read the terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian.

plasterer штукатур

comparison method - метод сравнивания combustible mixture - горючая смесь finishing work окончательная отделка elimination of waste - устранение отходов

203. Give the Russian for:

veneer plaster system gypsum-board installation

plaster-type ceiling finish       comparatively cheap installation method

Read and translate the article.

Plaster-type finishes have always been the most popular for walls and ceilings in wood frame buildings. They are comparatively cheap. Usually they are much cheaper than other types of finish. Among their advantages there is also a high degree of fire-resistance that gives considerable protection to the combustible frame. After the Second World Wkr gypsum board became highly popular because of its lower cost and comparative ease of installation.

As to veneer plaster systems, they came into use also not long ago. In most small buildings, all wall and ceiling surfaces are covered with plaster or gypsum board. Some buildings are known to require fire walls, or fire separation walls between living units; in such buildings a gypsum board wall for fire resistance can be installed.

Such an installation eliminates the need to put up a wall of brick or concrete masonry.


 Essential Course

 Unit Thirteen. Wills


204. Translate the following extract in writing. Use a dictionary if necessary.

What is the thickness of block work? The load-bearing walls in single or two-storey housing the minimum thickness of block work is 90 mm. For three-storey housing it is equal to 140 mm. Non-block bearing block partitions may have the minimum of 60 mm.

TABLE VIII Types of Walls

interior wall

внутренняя стена

exterior w.

внешняя с.

smooth w.

гладкая с.

dead w.

глухая с.

main w.

капитальная с.

brick w.

кирпичная с.

thick, thin w.

толстая, тонкая с.

veneered w.

облицованная с.

Read the examples given in the table.

205. Pair work. Let your groupmate translate them a) from English into Russian; b) from Russian into English.


Master the head words.

gravity тяготение, сила тяжести to penetrate проникать, про-

face —плоскость, поверхность Питывать

force —сила to seal —закупорить, запереть

206. Read the following combinations. Translate them from Russian.

gravity dam - гравитационная плотина

force of gravity —сила тяжести, земное притяжение

watertight wall —водонепроницаемая стена

air current - воздушный поток

 207. Put down the corresponding adjective.

Model:  necessarily - necessary




completely - 

Read and translate the article.

When can water penetrate a wall? Three conditions are necessary. Firstly, there must be water present at the outer face of the wall. Secondly, there must be a crack or a hole (opening) in the wall through which the water can move. And thirdly, there must be a force that will move the water through this opening. If any of these conditions is absent, water will not

penetrate a wall.

In what way can one keep water away from the walls of a building? In order to make a wall watertight, one can eliminate all the openings from the wall. That is a traditional method of making walls watertight. Besides, it is necessary to build walls very carefully, sealing every opening, eliminating every small hole or crack. One can also eliminate or neutralize all the forces that can move water through the wall and make it penetrable. To these forces belong gravity, surface tension, capillary action, and air currents. 208. Answer the following questions.

  1.  What three conditions are necessary for water to penetrate a wall?
  2.  In what way is it possible to make a wall watertight?
  3.  What forces move water through a wall?
  4.  Why is it necessary to keep water away from penetrating a wall?

Unit Fourteen



Master the key terms and head words. у

double —двойной single —единый, один

cased —заключенный в... skylight —потолочное окно

regulations —правила, устав, ин- spring —пружина

струкция to slide —скользить

sash - оконный переплет according to - согласно
shop —мастерская, магазин

209. Read the terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian.

sash bolt оконная задвижка shop window витрина sliding sash раздвижное окно skylight window окно верхнего света single-sashed window одностворчатое окно

counter- pre/. контр-, противо-counteract противодействовать counter lath решетина

Combine prefix counter- with the nouns: weight; motion; balance.

210. Add single or double. Translate the examples into Russian.

Model:  double-deck bridge - двухъярусный мост

 track —однопутный

 foundation - отдельный фундамент

 house —одноквартирный дом

 window —одностворчатое окно

 level bridge —двухъярусный мост

 way —двухколейная дорога

 screw bolt —болт с двойной нарезкой

211. Choose and put down the proper attributes to the nouns given below.

Attributes: spring, single, airtight, sliding, impenetrable


Unit Fourteen. Window

Nouns:  wire пружинная проволока

 support —пружинная опора

 surface —воздухонепроницаемая поверхность

 window - непроницаемое окно

 house —одноквартирный дом

 contact скользящий контакт

212. Translate the examples into Russian.

a) Mind suffix -abk.

unmovable slabs penetrable surface buildable structure

openable window workable material usable design

b) Mind suffix -ability.

durability, serviceability, workability, buildability 213. Translate the following sentences in writing.

  1.  Serviceability data will be used for modeling purposes.
  2.  The ability to produce quality finished ceilings is being considered.
  3.  The strength and durability of concrete is being constantly increased,
  4.  The buildability of the structure did not present any high-risk activities other than the normal ones.

Read and translate the article.

/. Civil Engineering, 1998.

Skylight       Roofvindo»       Fixed      Single-hung     Double-hung      Sliding

Fig. 6

The main functions of windows are light and ventilation. Windows also serve for ornamentation of a building since ancient times. In those faraway days windows were frequently produced in shops. While nowadays windows are mostly produced in factories. What are the necessary components of a window? To these belong glass, frames, and sashes. The area of glass in windows of different types is determined according to the regulations. For example, in a modern housing construction the area of a glass should be equal at least to one length of the floor space. Window frame may be solid or cased

 _________ Essential Course

 Unit Fourteen. Window


frame carrying the sashes. As to sash it is a separate light frame that serves for carrying the window glass.

There exist single-hung and double-hung windows. Both of these types possess one or two moving sashes, securely held in tracks in the frame. Sashes can be fixed or sliding that slide up and down in tracks in the frame. In order to counterbalance the weight of the sashes, double-hung windows are supplied with a system of special springs. Fixed windows are practically impenetrable: they do not leak air or water; they are wind-proof. But they have their disadvantages: they can be opened only to not more than theipsize.

Windows may also be placed in roofs. Roof windows may be fixed or openable. Fixed windows are skylights while openable are roof windows. 214. Pair work. Put these questions to your groupmate. Let her Aim answer them.

  1.  What are the three functions of windows?
  2.  Where were windows produced in faraway times?
  3.  Where are windows mostly produced nowadays?
  4.  What factor determines the area of glass in windows of different types?
  5.  What should the area of a window glass be equal to?
  6.  Which part of a window carries the sashes?
  7.  Which part of a window carries the window glass?
  8.  How are windows classified nowadays?
  9.  Do fixed and sliding sashes differ? In what way do they differ?

  1.  What systems are double-hung windows supplied with?
  2.  What type of windows is impenetrable?
  3.  Where are skylights placed?


Master the head words.

condensation - сгущение, кон- to shrink - усыхать, сокращаться

денсация to swell —разбухать, увеличивать-
rubber —резина, каучук ся

215. Read the terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian.

rubber cement резиновая мастика rubber coating покрытие резиной condensation water конденсат

 iron waste —железный лом

swell of iron waste —увеличение железного лома

swelling soil —разбухающая почва

shrinking crack —усадочная трещина

216. a) Add prefix re-; translate the words.

Model:  new - renew - возобновить

paint       - - 

organize  — —

open        - - 

heat - - 

b) Add suffix -able; translate the words.

Model:  open - openable - могущий быть открытым

work        - - 

condense — - 

support    - - 

c) Add suffix -age; translate the words.

Model:  use - usage - использование

ton   — —

cover       — —

217. Translate into Russian.

openable hole workable elements supportable structures

218. Translate the examples into Russian.

usage of plastic coverage rubber coverage of roof

silo tower tonnage shrinkage of wood

219. Read and translate the following questions.

  1.  What are the traditional frame materials?
  2.  Does wood, as a structural material, have any disadvantages? What are they if any?
  3.  Why should wood be regularly repainted?
  4.  In what way can the flow of cold and heat through aluminum details be prevented?

220. Translate the following word combinations.

relatively expensive and unworkable material  

exterior window frame surface  

plastic or synthetic rubber components 


 Essential Course

 Unit Fifteen

Read and translate the article.

The traditional frame material for windows is wood. But in the last decades aluminum, steel, plastic and combination of these materials are also commonly used. Wood is known to be a good thermal insulator and is extremely workable. It is easily turned into sashes. But its disadvantage is that it shrinks and swells when the weather conditions change. That is why wood elements require repainting every few years. As to aluminum, it is relatively inexpensive and easily workable as a sash material. Besides, it requires no periodic repainting. But aluminum should be thermally broken and supplied with plastic or synthetic rubber components in order to prevent the flow of heat or cold through the metal. Aluminum also has its disadvantages. It is known to conduct heat so well that very soon condensation will form and even frost on interior window frame surface during cold winter weather.

221. Pair work. Have a talk with your groupmate. Use the questions of Ex. 219.


Master the key terms and head words.

floor —настил, пол, этаж, ярус to follow —следовать за, следить

flooring —деревянный настил to influence —влиять на

combustion —горение, воспламе- to measure - измерять, мерить

нение nozzle —сопло, наконечник, пат-
homogeneous —однородный, го- рубок

могенный reflection - отражение
to deal with... - иметь дело с...

222. Distribute the words into three columns: nouns, adjectives, verbs.

follower, homogeneous, deal with, reflection, arrange, arrangement, nozzle, combustible

223. a) Form the corresponding adjectives, translate the words.
Model:  space - spacious - просторный

danger      - - 

homogeny — —

pore — — , 

b) Form the verbs. Translate the words.

Model:  like - подобный        to like - уподобиться

hard       -       to - 

light      -       to - 

strength — to

straight — to

224. Read the combinations. Translate them from Russian,
measuring device - измерительный прибор
poured-in-place floor    наливной пол

like poles одноименные полюса

hard waste твердые отходы

225. Choose the proper preposition and fill it in.

on, to, with, among, from, in, of

1. Ceilings and floors belong the most important components

 any building.



hard flooring  

overturned brick  -


Essential Course

  1.  Acoustics the room depends the flooring material used.
  2.  Dark flooring materials influence the intensity light in

the room.

  1.  Floors are subject moisture and dirt.
  2.  Floors are designed to deal structural loads.
  3.  One should strictly follow instructions and regulations dealing  the constructional design.
  4.  When making a poured-in-place floor it is necessary to protect the walls the room splashes.

226. Choose and put down a) the English terms corresponding to the given b) Russian ones.

a) The English terms: space, isolation, installation, mixture, homoge
neous, timber, tank, tile, mile.

Model:  floor space площадь пола

light-absorbing настил

floor   — изоляция

floor   - плитка

measured    - миля

measuring    — бак

light    — установка

construction   — дерево (лес)

homogeneous    — смесь

b) Give the English for:

площадь пола 

однородная смесь 

мерная миля 

плитка для пола 

осветительная установка 

светопоглощающий настил -

227. a) Name the terminological combinations with the opposite meaning.

Model:  hard woods - soft woods

light weight concrete  

light industry - 

live load 

cheap techniques - 

low cost -      

мерный бак   - 

 Unit Fifteen. Floor

light coloring - 

hard water - 

b) Give the English for:

тяжелая промышленность   — 

высокая стоимость   — 

жесткая вода  - ;

мягкие породы дерева 

пережженный кирпич 

228. Read and translate the following questions.

  1.  What are the main functional components of any modern building?
  2.  In what way does a hard (soft) flooring influence the acoustics of a room?
  3.  What flooring materials help create a brighter room?
  4.  What people's activities are floors subject to?
  5.  How should floors be designed? What problems should the designers deal with?

Read and translate the article.

Floors belong to one of the most important functional components of a building. Floors influence the acoustics of a room: it depends on whether a hard or soft flooring is used. Floors also react in various ways with light. Some flooring materials are known to produce mirroriike reflection. As to dark flooring materials, they, on the contrary, absorb light and this absorption makes a room darker. As to light materials, they reflect Hght and help create a lighter and brighter room.

Floors are subject to moisture, dirt, and dust. They are also subject to the action of feet and the load of furniture. That is why they require more cleaning and maintenance work than any other components of a building.

It should be taken into account that floors should be designed in such a way as to deal with the problems of sanitation, fire-resistance, and combustibility. They should also be designed so as to deal with the structural loads they will place on the frame of the building.

Poured-in-place floors

One should strictly follow the job practice for making poured-in-place floors. The measured materials for making the mastic must be put into the concrete mixer in the strictly correct order. The water and the emulsion should be carefully mixed till the mastic becomes homogeneous.

When making a poured-in-place floor, mastic is applied with a spray gun and its nozzle must be kept away from the floor surface.



 Essential Course

 Unit Fifteen. Floor


Ornamental Floor Covering

Master the key terms and head words.

adhesiveклейкий, связывающий       stove печь, сушильная печь
cutter резец, фреза to tap слегка ударять

svb-pref. —под-, недо-subclass —подкласс subfloor - основание под пол

degree - градус, степень immediate —немедленный, непосредственный mallet - молоток, ступка

229. Read the terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian.

adhesive substance клейкое вещество degree of hardness степень твердости cutter instrument режущий инструмент adhesive power сила сцепления degree of safety степень безопасности substructure основание, нижнее строение

230. Find the Russian terms b) corresponding to the English ones a).

Model:  ornamental glass узорное стекло
a) immediate action b) режущая головка

subdivision градусы ниже нуля

rectangular timber мгновенное действие

rubber mallet подразделение

cutter head брусковой пиломатериал

degree of frost резиновый молоток

231. Choose the English sentences b) corresponding to the given Russian ones a).

Model:  2-1

a) 1. Основание под пол насеките, очистите и промойте водой.

  1.  В этом помещении делайте, пожалуйста, рисунчатый пол.
  2.  При устройстве пола... с прямоугольным рисунком плитки располагайте параллельно стенам, с диагональным рисунком плитки располагайте под углом 45°.
  3.  Наносите мастику на основание на один ряд плиток.
  4.  После нанесения мастики необходимо сразу же укладывать плитку.
  5.  Укладку плиток ведите по разработанным картам раскроя.
  6.  Подогрев плиток производите на электроплите.
  7.  Плотнее, пожалуйста, прижимайте плитку к основанию.

 9. Для более плотного прилипания плитки осадите ее ударами
резинового молотка.

10. Резку плиток производите при помощи резаков.

Ь) 1. Make an ornamental floor covering in the room, please.

  1.  Scratch, clean, and wash out the subfloor.
  2.  When making a floor with... a rectangular design set the tiles parallel to the wall,... a diagonal design set the tiles at 45° to the wall.
  3.  Cut the tiles with a cutter.
  4.  For better adhesion tap the tiles into position with a rubber mallet.
  5.  Lay the tiles to the prepared design.
  6.  Apply mastic to the subfloor only for one course of tiles.

  1.  Tiles should be laid immediately after the mastic has been applied.
  2.  Press the tiles tightly to the subfloor, please.

Laying the Parquet Floor

Master the key terms and head words,
battens - рейки row - ряд

to batten - скреплять рейками string шнурок

direction направление tongue гребень

to face - облицовывать to lay - настилать

joint стык, шов to saw пилить

joist - балка

232. Put down a) the corresponding adjective; b) the corresponding verb. ■a) Model:   jointly-joint - объединенный

hardly       - - 

directly      - - 

previously - - 

10, Heat up the tiles on an electric stove.

b) Model:   perforation - to perforate - пробивать отверстие

selection    — —

direction    — —

addition     — —

regulation — —

233. a) Read the examples. Translate them from Russian.

sawer - пильщик sawdust опилки


 Essential Course

 Unit Fifteen. Floor


face of building фасад здания

joint stock company акционерное общество

b) Translate the following combinations,
flooring battens present strip

preparatory work parquet-floor layer

234. Connect the English terminological combinations with the corresponding Russian ones.
Model: jointless floor - бесшовный пол у

направляющая пружина

акционерное общество

дощатая переборка

потолок на деревянных балках

брусковый гвоздь

прямое действие

место стыка

пиленый лес

круглая пила

  1.  Before the first row is laid fix a string along the line of the course.
  2.  Every strip should be moved toward the previously laid one.

  1.  Force the strip into position by tapping a piece of board set against the strip.
  2.  Nail the pressed strip down.
  3.  The nail should be ... 60-70 mm long.

  1.  Saw the strips with a disc saw, please.
  2.  When laying short parquet strips make the joints on common joists.
  3.  An additional common joist should be set up here.

previously laid strip

sawn timber joist nail disk saw batten wall joint place joint stock company joist ceiling direct action batten spring

235. a) Read the given sentences, fry

1. Lay a parquet floor in this

2. Select flooring battens of
the same wood.

  1.  Lay the parquet floor only after all the preparatory work has been done.
  2.  Parquet strips should be laid in the direction of the light. Parquet strips in corridors should be laid in the direction of the movement of the people.
  3.  Lay the strips working towards yourself.
  4.  The tongue of the laid strip should face, the parquet-floor layer.
  5.  Lay the first row of parquet strips ... mm from the wall.

 to translate the English sentences into Russian.

1. В этом помещении настилай
те паркетный пол.

2. Рейки основания подбирайте
из древесины одной породы.

  1.  Настилку пола из паркетных досок производите после окончания подготовительных работ.
  2.  Паркетные доски укладываются по направлению света. В коридорах паркетные доски укладываются по направлению движения людей.
  3.  Настилку досок ведите «на себя».
  4.  Гребень укладываемой доски должен быть обращен в сторону паркетчика.
  5.  Первый ряд паркетных досок кладите на расстоянии ... мм от стены.


  1.  Перед укладкой первого ряда натяните шнур вдоль линии укладки.
  2.  Каждая последующая доска придвигается к ранее уложенной.

  1.  Придвигайте доску ударом молотка по прокладке из обрезка доски.
  2.  Прижатую паркетную доску прибивайте гвоздями.
  3.  Гвозди для прибивки паркета должны быть длиной 60мм.

  1.  Доски распилите, пожалуйста, дисковой пилой.
  2.  При настилке укороченных паркетных досок стык должен быть на лаге.
  3.  Здесь надо установить дополнительную лагу.

b) Read and translate the questions. Answer them consulting the sentences given above.

  1.  How should flooring battens be selected?
  2.  When must the parquet floor be laid?
  3.  In what direction should parquet strips be laid?
  4.  What direction should the tongue of the laid strip face?
  5.  How should the first row of parquet strips be laid?
  6.  Where should a string be fixed?

  1.  In what way should every strip be moved?
  2.  In what way should the strip be forced into position?
  3.  How long should the nails be?

10. What kind of saw is used for sawing the strips?


means средства, ресурсы rise - подъем, повышение horizontal - горизонтальный

Master the key terms and head words, access - доступ, подход available имеющийся в наличии, годный


 Essential Course

 Unit Fifteen. Floor


Supply the words according to the model.

Model:  duration - durable —durability

access  - - 

avail     - - 

236. Which of the words are nouns? adjectives?

availability, accessible, equal, equality

  1.  Read the combinations. Translate them from Russian, available data данные, имеющиеся в распоряжении means of reproduction средства воспроизведения rising moisture - возрастающая сырость
  2.  Give the Russian for:

domestic stairways means of access

pitch length steadily rising costs

Read and translate the article.

Practically every modern building is supplied with stairways of some kind. A stairway is designed to provide a means of access between different floor levels of a building. Nowadays stairways are produced of various construction materials but the most popular among them are timber and reinforced concrete. Of them timber may be used for domestic stairs of all kinds because of its economical availability. As to reinforced concrete it is popular because of its durable qualities, great resistivity to decay and great resistance to fire. It should be taken into account that domestic timber stairs must be designed for safe and comfortable use by people of different ages.

What is required of stair construction? The main requirements are the following. Firstly, there should be guaranteed equal rise for every step and landing. Secondly, the maximum pitch length to the horizontal must be 42°. Thirdly, stair length must include not less than two rises and not greater than sixteen.

239. Pair work. Have a talk with your groupmate. Use the following questions.

  1.  What house do you live in? Is it a modern or an old one?
  2.  Is it a multistorey building?
  3.  What materials is it constructed of?
  4.  What storey (floor) do you live on?
  5.  What materials are the stairways made of?
  6.  Is there an elevator (a lift) in your house?
  7.  Do you have to use it?
  8.  How many rooms are there in your apartment (flat)?

9. What colours are the walls in the rooms?

  1.  Do you like your flat or would you like to change it for another (bigger or smaller) one?
  2.  For how long have you been living in your house?
  3.  Are there trees and bushes around it?

Underfloor Services

Master the key terms and head words.

boiler - котел to distribute - размещать, рас-
capacity емкость, объем пределять

facility - доступность, удобство to raise - повышать, поднимать

facilities - устройства, средства raised - поднятый, выпуклый

240. Combine the given attributes a) with the nouns b) and form the English combinations corresponding to the given Russian ones c).

a) distribution b) substation    capacity of air

distributing load piping


с) распределение воздуха

распределительная подстанция _ распределенная емкость

распределительный трубопровод
распределенная нагрузка

241. Read the following terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian.

facility of access доступность воздуха raised panel выпуклая панель capacity of boiler емкость котла

242. Translate the following combinations.

computer facilities       finish-floor surface      raised access flooring
limited capacity removable panels raised finish-floor surface

Read and translate the following article.

In offices and computer facilities, floors are frequently used for the distribution of electrical and communication wiring.

In computer rooms and offices supplied with a large number of electronic machines raised access flooring is frequently used. Raised access


Essential Course

flooring is a raised floor surface. It consists of small individually removable panels. Under these panels, wiring, ductwork, and other services may be installed. This type of flooring provides unlimited capacity for wiring, piping, and ductwork. The space below the flooring can serve for air distribution. Any changes in underfloor systems can be made quite easily. Conditioned air can be supplied to computer rooms through the space below the raised access flooring.

243. Translate the following questions and answer them. )

  1.  What parts of buildings are frequently used for the distribution of electrical and communication wiring?
  2.  In what rooms and offices is raised access flooring frequently used?
  3.  What panels does a raised floor surface consist of?
  4.  What kinds of services may be installed under these panels?
  5.  What purposes can the space below the flooring serve?
  6.  Why can any changes in underfloored systems be easily made?
  7.  In what way can conditioned air be supplied to computer rooms?

 Control Yourself


Choose the correct variant.

1. External and internal constructions possess

  1.  the same functions
  2.  different functions

2. The main function of interior walls is

  1.  dividing the space of the constructions
  2.  transmitting floor/roof loads to a foundation

3. Interior walls and partitions usually have

  1.  simple surface
  2.  complex surface

4. The framing materials of internal walls may be

  1.  steel or wood studs
  2.  concrete blocks

5. Openings in fire walls

  1.  should be strictly restricted in size
  2.  may be of any size

6. The fire separation wall

  1.  extends from foundation to roof
  2.  extends from floor to ceiling

7. Shaft walls enclose

  1.  a one-storey open space \ .   .,.. Л        u-*                        r   ma building.
  2.  a multistorey open space )

8. Plywood siding materials are

  1.  relatively cheap
  2.  rather expensive

9. Large sheets of plywood are

  1.  more slowly installed than the boards  "i      ..; u\ . ,,  .   . „  ...     ..   .       ,   ?   of the same area.
  2.  more quickly installed than the boards /


 Essential Course

 Control Yourself. Review of Units 13-15


10. Plywood sidings

  1.  never decay
  2.  may decay

11. If plywood sidings are made of decay-resistant materials

  1.  they must have the surface coverage
  2.  they can be left without the surface coverage

12. In small buildings, wall and ceiling surfaces

  1.  are left uncovered
  2.  are covered with plaster or gypsum board

13. Windows are produced

  1.  in factories only
  2.  both in shops and factories

14. The area of glass in windows

  1.  may not be strictly determined
  2.  should be determined according to the regulations

15. Openings in fire separation walls

  1.  are not restricted in size
  2.  are restricted in size

16. In order to make a wall watertight

  1.  it is necessary to build walls very carefully
  2.  one should eliminate every hole or crack

17. There exist

  1.  double-hung windows only
  2.  both single-hung and double-hung windows

18. A system of special springs is used in
a) single-hung windows

a) double-hung windows

19. Roof windows

  1.  are always fixed
  2.  may be fixed or openable

 20. The properties of wood as a frame material

  1.  do not depend on changes of the weather
  2.  depend on changes of the weather: they shrink and swell

21. Dark flooring materials

  1.  produce mirrorlike reflections
  2.  absorb light and darken a room

22. Floors require

  1.  less cleaning and maintenance work    "i   than other compo-
  2.  more cleaning and maintenance work /  nents of a building.

23. The design of the floors

  1.  is independent of the structural loads of the building frame
  2.  should depend on the structural loads of the building frame

24. When making a poured-in-place floor

  1.  mastic is applied with a spray gun
  2.  mastic is poured on the floor from a mixer

25. Parquet strips should be laid

  1.  in the direction of the light
  2.  in the direction of the movement of the people

26. Modern stairways are produced

  1.  of various construction materials
  2.  of reinforced concrete only

27. Stair length must include

  1.  not less than one rise
  2.  not less than two rises

28. Raised access flooring consists of

  1.  small removable panels
  2.  large removable panels

29. Wiring, ductwork, and other services are installed

  1.  above these panels
  2.  under these panels


 Essential Course

30. Any changes in underfloor systems can be made

  1.  only with great difficulty
  2.  quite easily

What is the English for:

внешняя стена толстые стены

внутренняя стена тонкие стены



"Small Words" •«Короткие слова»

Все слова в языке подразделяются на полнозначные и служебные. К полнозначным относятся существительные, смысловые глаголы, прилагательные, наречия, числительные. Служебные слова не обозначают конкретных предметов, действий, качеств. В предложениях они связывают полнозначные слова и помогают обратить их в связную речь. К числу служебных (их называют и «короткие слова» —"small words") относятся артикли, предлоги, служебные и, модальные глаголы, их заменители, союзы, послелоги.

Английский язык науки и техники (в отличие от так называемого «разговорного языка») не является языком «коротких слов». Большое число полнозначных слов в отраслевой литературе сложны по структуре и длинны. К примеру, distribution -распределение, redistribution перераспределение, automatically автоматически и др.

Знание определенного минимума полнозначных слов (терминов и слов общего значения) необходимо для полноценной работы с текстом поданной специальности. При этом, однако, твердое знание служебных слов (а это, в основном, "small words") играет не менее важную роль. Указывая на характер связи между словами, эти «короткие слова» (вместе с другими языковыми средствами) определяют значение как словосочетания, так и предложения, а указывая на связь между предложениями - и всего текста.

Знание служебных слов и понимание их роли необходимы для грамотного осмысления английского текста. Не следует, выписав из словаря полнозначные слова, пытаться связывать их «по смыслу». Перевод следует осуществлять только с опорой на значения «коротких слов».

244. Translate the following extract. Mind the "small words".

Concrete is the most widely used construction material. The freedom of form and the relatively low cost of the material are among the most important reasons to select it as a construction material. The low cost argument is important only if durability of the material is guaranteed over a long time period, without need for repairs. Often only the costs needed for construction are taken into account, and future expenses for maintenance and repair are not considered. So, it seems important to explore the properties of the material under various conditions and to see whether it is possible to expend its lifetimes. "Better", "stronger" and "more durable" are the key words of the family of materials called concrete.

 Conjunctions l &

Conjunctions •Союзы

Для понимания смысловых связей, объединяющих компоненты предложения, необходимо знание значений союзов и предлогов. К числу употребительных в специальной литературе относятся следующие союзы:

Союз (союзное слово)

Его русское значение

1. after

после того, как

2. although


3. as

так как, когда

4. as ...as

так (такой) же ... как

5. as far as


6. as if

как если бы, как будто

7. as soon as

как только

8. as though

как если бы, как будто

9. because

потому что

10. before

до того, как; прежде чем

11. for

так как, потому что

12. if

если; ли

13. in order to

для того, чтобы

14. in case

в случае, если

15. once

раз, если уж

16. provided (that)

при условии, если

providing (that)

в случае

17. since

так как; с; с тех пор, как

18. so that

так что; так чтобы

19. than


20. that

что, чтобы

21. though


22. till


23. unless

если... не

24. until

пока... не

25. when

когда, при

26. while

пока; в то время, как

27. where

где, куда, там

28. whereas

тогда как

29. whether


30. whether... or (not)

ли... или (нет)

9 - 6049


Revision of Grammar

245. Use the proper '"small words". Translate the Russian words given in brackets into English. Fill in the necessary prepositions.

1. Wood has been used (как, в качестве) a construction

material (c) ancient times.

  1.  (Можно) see (из) the given data that usage  brick has an extremely long history.
  2.  Glass becomes a conductor (после того, как) (оно)

has been heated (до) a red hot.      .

4. This type construction material is popular and Widely

used (из-за) (его) high fire-resistance

(и) durability.

  1.  Skyscrapers are constructed (из) reinforced concrete.
  2.  (Что касается) water ducts they are laid (под) 


7. The covering is damaged (из-за) (его) 

being corroded.

  1.  The disadvantage all these designs is (их) high cost.
  2.  Polythene is widely used in modern construction (в качестве) 

an insulating material.

10. Different types  tiles differ (no)  colour,

shape, and size.

11. Developing new business is never easy. (Оно) (может

быть) a very difficult task (для) 

a small firm (c) a limited budget.

  1.  Panel is a thin wide piece placed (между) the members  thicker framing.
  2.  Panel heating is formed (из) jointless piping bedded

(в) walls and ceilings. Hot water circulates (через) 

(них) (для) the heating the rooms.

14. (Какая) purpose (может) the space (ниже,

под) flooring serve?

15. (С помощью, посредством) founda
tions the walls and the floors a building are guarded (от,

против) the action frost, rain, water.

  1.  (Для) small buildings foundation design is usually (значительно) simpler (чем) for large ones.
  2.  Structural design, style, and materials a building (должны быть) compatible.
  3.  Many connections (в) wood structures depend (от) 

direct bearing of one member (на) another.

The Meanings of Owe      

19. Plaster (должна) never (быть) applied

(на) the dirty surface.

20. Dirty spots and salty spots (должны быть) 

removed (прежде чем) plastering begins.

21. Plaster to be applied is used (в пределах, в течение) one

hour (после того, как) (она) has been

prepared and (ее) temperature (должна быть) 

(не ниже) the definite level.

The Meanings of "One" Значения местоимения "One"

One может выполнять в предложении различные функции.

One подлежащее:

One should be punctual. Следует быть аккуратным.

One заменитель существительного:

Construction materials used in        В промышленности используют-
industry are of different ся строительные материалы

types; concrete is an exam- разных видов; бетон принад-

ple of the most popular one. лежит к числу наиболее попу-

лярных (материалов).

Сочетание one of переводится один из:
One of the projects turned out to       Один из проектов оказался наибо-
be the most effective one. лее эффективным.

246. Translate the following examples in writing.

  1.  One must do one's duty (долг).
  2.  One of the group is a designer; the rest are builders.
  3.  There exist some problems, but all of them are soluble ones.
  4.  There exist many construction materials from which one may choose.
  5.  Some substances are efficient insulators, others —poor ones.
  6.  The new method proved to be much cheaper than the old ones.

  1.  One should know that these installations cannot operate on oil.
  2.  One may choose only one of the projects.
  3.  The history of brick is a long one, since the main properties of clay have been known to people since the ancient times.


10. Exact knowledge of the state of the foundation of a building makes it possible for one to determine its durability in the future.

132 Revision of Grammar

  1.  One can hardly proceed in construction without a definite purpose and an idea of what one is sure to get.
  2.  There was a time when heat was considered to be a kind of substance which flowed from a body of high temperature to one of lower temperature.
  3.  One of the objectives in studying the properties of a construction material is to state the degree of its fire-resistance.
  4.  No material is considered to be a perfectly elastic one even at very low stress.
  5.  Short bridges should cost less to build than longer ones. /

Forms of the Verb Глагольные формы

Сложные глагольные формы в английском языке образуются из различных сочетаний четырех элементов: вспомогательных глаголов to be и to have и двух причастий Participle I и Participle II.

Примеры: is melting, has melted, have been melting; is being produced, was produced, has been produced.

247. Translate the given participles in writing. Translate them back from Russian into English.

constructed   supplying  

supplied        indicating  

replaced        replacing  

decreased      decreasing  

indicated       constructing  

using         brought  

used   bringing  

adding       done  

added  insulated  

insulating  doing  

248. What is the meaning of the following constructions? Mind the Participles.

... equipment used in the research ...

... engineers using new experimental designs...

... damaged bridges...

... loads damaging roof coverings ...

... efficient materials being supplied...

... corrosion caused by pure water...

... artificially produced cement...

... minerals being burnt and mixed with limestone.

 Рекомендаци и по переводу 133

249. In the given examples the verb "to be" has different meanings. What are they?

  1.  The new construction materials are being successfully used for building purposes.
  2.  The construction materials to be supplied will be carefully tested before being used.
  3.  The researchers are successfully using the new construction materials.
  4.  Some new construction materials are to be used for building this experimental centre.
  5.  What new materials can be used for construction purposes?

Рекомендации по переводу

Перевод английского предложения не следует начинать с первого слова. Любое предложение надо дочитать до конца и лишь после этого осмыслить его и оформить средствами русского языка.

Если понимание (перевод) предложения вызывает затруднение, рекомендуется прежде всего определить в нем сказуемое. Сказуемое составляет смысловой центр предложения, занимает относительно постоянное место и обычно имеет формальные признаки.

Формальные признаки сказуемого




-ed (или особая форма у нестан-

made, dried, played

дартных глаголов)

am, is, are

is (are) making

was, were

was (were) made

have, has, had

have (has, had) made

must, should

must (should) make

have (has, had) to

have to make

am (is, are) to

are to be made

was (were) to

was to make

do, does, did

does not make

can, could

can (could) make

may, might

may (might) have made

will, would

will (would) make

shall, should

shall (should) make

ought to

ought to make

134 Revision of Grammar

250. State the voice and the tense form of the following verbs. Model:  was removed - Past Indefinite Passive

melts      does not oppose 

damage  had been used 

extends  will not be heated 

is balanced will be linked

is not opposed           will release 

was prevented           will have been removed ^_

251. Change the sentences into questions.

  1.  Steel was combined with concrete.
  2.  The use of this device requires considerable care.
  3.  New testing methods are being discussed.
  4.  Support structures will be built over this area.
  5.  Numerous computers regularly analyze the data.

252. Put down the tense forms of the verbs.

Model:  to lower - Pres. Perf. have (has) lowered

to heat - Past Indef.  

to discharge Pres. Contin.  

to remove Pres. Perf.  

to burn Pres. Perf. Contin. 

to waste Future Indef.  

to demand Past Perf.  

to move Future Perf.  

253. Copy the following sentences. Underline the predicates (ones in the Passive Voice with two lines). Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1.  The asphalt sections have varying mixes and depths of materials.
  2.  Pavement research and other studies are to be carried in the near future.
  3.  The embankments will be constructed from polystyrene.
  4.  The construction industry is undergoing considerable development.
  5.  What does the strength of concrete depend upon?
  6.  The lowest temperature theoretically possible is called the absolute zero.
  7.  The construction of the bridge is expected to begin next spring.
  8.  It will take about 31 months to complete.
  9.  The first section of the bridge will be opened to traffic next year.

  1.  Safety zones have been built in the whole area.
  2.  Bolts connect heavy timber framing.
  3.  The selection of the concrete aggregate depends on its properties.

 Terminology        * 135

13. According to plan the design work should be finished by this autumn


  1.  The projects are being completed by different firms.
  2.  A large coal mine was being shut down during the planning phase of the project.
  3.  Glass consists of white sand, soda, and chalk. These ingredients are mixed and melted at very high temperatures.

1 7. Coloured glass is produced by adding metallic oxides during the process of melting.

  1.  Dust and dirt have been carefully removed from the surface to be plastered.
  2.  Plaster should be used within one hour after it has been prepared.
  3.  Steel-framed structures may be damaged in earthquake areas.

Terminology •Терминология

Перевод образцов специальной литературы любой отрасли имеет свои особенности.

К числу главных относятся краткость и точность изложения. Для специальной литературы характерны наличие отраслевой терминологии, традиционность в употреблении «общей лексики», распространенность ряда синтаксических оборотов, наличие сложных атрибутивных групп.

Термины отраслевого языка выражают специальные понятия; их характеризует повышенная смысловая точность.

Каково же происхождение терминов? В современном языке, помимо других источников, широко используются латинские и греческие элементы. К примеру, из лат. diffractus (преломление) образовалось англ. diffraction, из лат. differentia (разность) —англ. differential и т.д.

Многие термины имеют греческое происхождение: hydor вода, phone звук дали hydrophone (гидрофон), heteros другой и (h)oras - путь дали heterodyne (гетеродин) и т.д.

Соединение латинских и греческих элементов порождает термины-гибриды. Например, сочетание грен, аегвоздух и лат. planumплоскость дало airplane (аэроплан), грен. tele далеко и лат. video видение породило television (телевидение) и т.д.

Терминологические сочетания чрезвычайно разнообразны по смысловой структуре и по количественному составу.

136 Revision of Grammar



  1.  Следует отметить, что значение одного и того же (по буквенному составу) термина зависит от его отнесенности к определенной отрасли. К примеру, термин stringer в строительстве обозначает кружало; в морском делестрингер, а в горном делепродольный брус. Термин line может обозначать слово линия (телефонная, силовая и т.д.), меридиан, экватор, формы корпуса судна и др., live circuit значит цепь под напряжением, live shell боевой снаряд, live wood свежее или сырое дерево.
  2.  При выборе значения сложного термина и его переводе важно определить смысловую связь между его компонентами. Так, сочетания обозначения вещества (металл, газ, жидкость...) и предмета, например, steel wire, gas turbine, ice barrier, обычно переводятся на русский язык сочетаниями «прилагательное+существительное»: стальная проволока, газовая турбина, ледяной барьер... Если же в двух-компонентном термине второй компонентпроизводитель действия, то русский эквивалент, как правило, состоит из сочетания двух существительных: air heater нагреватель воздуха, water filter фильтр для воды, load binder стяжка для груза.
  3.  Точное понимание термина часто достигается связью с контекстом. К примеру, сочетание computer control может означать управление с помощью вычислительной машины. В этом случае первый компонент - способ управления машиной. Но если первый компонентобъект, то сочетание имеет значениеуправление вычислительной машиной.
  4.  Примерами важности контекста для определения значения сложного термина могут служить случаи, когда определяемое слово имеет обобщенное значение. В этом случае основная смысловая нагрузка ложится на определяемое. Например, термин machine в сочетании machine components переводится как детали машин, а в сочетании machine gun пулемет. Интересны сочетания с термином load: maximum load, total load, useful load означают предельная нагрузка, полная нагрузка, полезная нагрузка, а сочетания water load, live load, dead load означают водяной балласт, рабочая нагрузка, собственный вес.
  5.  Атрибутивная группа термина может состоять из нескольких слов и включать в себя разные части речисуществительные, прилагательные, причастия. При осмыслении и переводе терминов такого типа необходимо выявить точную смысловую связь всех компонентов, из которых сложный термин состоит. Например, в терминологическом сочетании flat-nosed pliers плоскогубцы pliers оз-

 начает щипцы, nose наконечник, носок, a flat плоский; сложный термин load carrying capacity имеет значение грузоподъемная способность (capacity возможность, способность, carry нести, load груз).

Concrete-mixing-water-ratio переводится как водоцементное отношение (ratio отношение, пропорция, concrete цемент, water вода, mixing смешение).

  1.  Сложная атрибутивная группа может включать предлоги и союзы, например, center of all-metal construction центр, имеющий цельнометаллическую конструкцию. Flaw in wood в переводе на русский язык означает пороки древесины, a floor area of a building значит площадь пола здания. Примеры показывают, что при переводе используются иные по синтаксической структуре связи.
  2.  Новые термины могут быть образованы путем слияния двух основ: transceiver (от transmitter и receiver) приемопередаточная установка.
  3.  При переводе термина на русский язык возможны случаи, когда один термин должен переводиться по-разному. Так, термин design в тексте по машиностроению должен быть передан словом конструирование; в других областях он должен быть переведен как проектирование или сохранить свое первоначальное значение дизайн.

Термин engineer помимо значения инженер (engine машина) может означать техник, механик, машинист, слесарь, а в сочетании engineer in charge прораб, начальник цеха или заведующий производством.

9. «Ложные друзья переводчика» —это такие термины, кото
рые вызывают ошибочные ассоциации с русскими терминами. При
мерами могут служить такие термины,
 как resin смола (а не рези
на), specific удельный (а не специфический). Английский термин di
rector имеет значение направляющий диполь, которое не присуще рус
скому директор.

10. Интересно отметить и образность ряда терминов. Она дос
тигается использованием обычных, не специальных слов: dead space
мертвое пространство, зона молчания, conductor alive проводник под
током, fool-proofпредохранительная деталь, буквально защита от

*    Приведенные примеры взяты из книги Э.Ф. Скороходько «Вопросы перевода английской технической литературы». - М.: КДУ, 1973.

10 - 6049

138 Revision of Grammar



254. Compare the English terms with the corresponding Russian ones. Mind the structural differences. Cover the left column. Translate the Russian terms back into English.

1. water-supply \ -

*Т     >    водоснабжение water service J

water-resisting property водостойкость walling возведение стен precompressed air предельно сжатый воздух air piping воздуховод

2. floor height —междуэтажная высота J
town gas —газ бытового назначения

hand-formed brick —кирпич ручной формовки plastered brickwork —кирпичная оштукатуренная кладка cut glass —граненое стекло

3. bearing wall —несущая стена
non-bearing wall —ненесущая стена
glass-fibre veneer —стеклофанера
fibre-glass roofing material —стеклошифер

255. Connect the English terminological combinations with the corresponding Russian ones.

Model:  reinforced bridge - усиленный мост

interchange of air

деревянный мост

air preheater

кирпичная глина

air collector


house water-supply

закрепление болтами

brick clay


with two sloping surfaces





балочный мост

girder bridge


timber-work bridge

домовое водоснабжение

256. Add the prefixes to the words. Translate the new words.

re-       building

under-  pressure





un-       equality

over-    loading

balanced load


finished masonry


 non-     bearing construction corrosive material ferrous metal

257. Read the terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian into Eng

bottomless hole бездонная дырка

concealed joint скрытый шов

running costs - текущие расходы

intermediate member промежуточная балка

vapor tube —пароотводная труба

consumption per capita —потребление на душу населения

258. Choose the proper attributes (a) and form the English combinations (b) corre
sponding to the Russian ones (c).

Model:  (a) bottomless (b) pit - (с) бездонная яма

  1.  intermediate, vapor, retarded, running, concealed, bottomless, of foundation
  2.  wiring ) промежуточное положение repairs проточная вода

position паровое пространство

water замедленное действие

pit скрытая проводка

space подошва фундамента

action текущие расходы

259. Translate the following combinations into Russian.

exterior cladding structural openings

installation of boilers spread of vapor

260. a) Change the terminological word combinations according to the model.

Model:  carefully consumed fuel - careful consumption of fuel

sufficiently protected interior constantly applied methods

carefully concealed technologies poorly supplied means

exactly determined sizes safely retarded vapor

partially installed cladding poorly lit premises

b) Give the Russian for the following word combinations.

a) Service Agency contact information supermarket section


Revision of Grammar

 Attributive Ward Combinations 141

commercial market filtration systems thermal efficiency company policy

b) to minimize problems

to combine filtration with system operation to inform on product import and export

c) text-based communication }
Internet-based services

interest in filtration-based terminology control-oriented firms

d) personnel and technology resources
conditioning and refrigerating systems
filter fibre diameters
remanufactured compressors
service company documentation
traditional metal and plastic models

261. Translate the extract given below in writing.

The newly-produced cooling tower has a cooling capacity of up to 2,000 tons. It consists of spray nozzles, double-wall, polyethylene shell, and direct-drive ventilation. The manufacturer claims that this engineered plastic covered tower provides longer life than traditional metal towers, without the high budget costs typically associated with those designs. The new cooling towers are extremely energy efficient.

Attributive Word Combinations Атрибутивные сочетания

Словосочетания строятся из двух или более полнозначныхслов. Число этих слов практически неограниченно. Сочетания этих слов образуют единое смысловое целое. Например: wood fibre древесное волокно, wood-pulp paper бумага из древесной массы, wood-wool timber плиты, изготовленные из тонкой стружки. Атрибутивным словосочетаниям свойственно иметь в своем составе одно стержневое слово-основу. При этом, если словосочетание состоит из цепочки существительных, основой всегда является последнее существительное. В цепочке слов, относящихся к основе словосочетания, всегда

 соблюдаются определенные смысловые отношения, а именно: чем ближе к основе стоит определение, тем более постоянный признак оно выражает. Так, в сочетании this old half-ruined thatch roof слово thatch выражает существенный и стабильный признак существительного roof, а слова old и half-ruined передают признаки переменные и, соответственно, занимают более отдаленную от «главного» слова позицию. При переводе сочетания следует прежде всего обратить внимание на основу. Затем осознать смысловые связи между другими членами и дать перевод. При этом в русском варианте часто изменяется порядок слов, меняются части речи, вводятся предлоги. Возможны и другие структурные изменения. Например, словосочетание available data переводится как данные, имеющиеся в распоряжении. Словосочетание British made pipes переводится как трубы британского производства, a smaller-scale production of timber-wood как производство строевых лесоматериалов в меньшем масштабе, low-level production производство на низком уровне, а сочетание lower-level production производство на более низком уровне. Возможны и изменения значения основы в сравнении со значением, данным в словаре. Так, product development переводится как выпуск продукции, а не развитие.

В современном языке строительства все большее распространение получают сочетания, включающие существительные и прилагательные или причастия. Для перевода таких сочетаний надо осознать их содержание и подыскать соответствующий русский перевод, например: computer-connected towers - башни, для связи которых используются компьютеры, long-term erosion protection защита от эрозии, действие которой рассчитано на долгий срок. Важно отметить, что атрибутивные сочетания различной структуры и разных смысловых значений имеют чрезвычайно широкое распространение в современном языке строительных специальностей.

Умение разобраться в смысловой структуре словосочетания и понять его содержание чрезвычайно важно для точного понимания содержания текста в целом и для понимания его информативно-несущих частей.

262. Give the Russian equivalents of the following attributive combinations.

1. project director project manager project-development engineer key-decision makers


 Revision of Grammar

 Attributive Word Combinations


2. water heater
water engineer
water addition
water-cooled construction

3. waste pipe
waste elimination
waste utilization

4. wood industry
wood structure
wood coverings
wood fastenings
wood burner

5. nail factory
nail head
nailabJe wall
nail-making machine

6. environmental protection
Environmental Protection Agency
Clean >\&ter Act

long term plan

new pollution control facilities

civil and environmental engineering

  1.  service life reconstruction project multistory building watering facilities
  2.  weather problems asphalt layers unpaved roads highway construction roadway service life traditional highway construction

practical environmental innovations in the highway construction industry

9. technical breadth and depth
surface storage strengthening
high-density pipe manufacturing

pipe storage area repair

 10. glass-fibre reinforced concrete
steadily growing cement industry
steadily continuing industry consolidation

practically realized environmental innovations in the industry newly constructed multistory reinforced concrete buildings

  1.  reinforced concrete structure carbon fiber reinforcement grids wireless communication towers steel-framed structures
  2.  construction technology preconstruction stage construction defects reuse in road construction
  3.  large-scale projects standard steel sections civil engineering courses building crafts supplementary course
  4.  large-scale developments purpose-made panel doors service-pipe isolation valve aluminum roofing system
  5.  predesign tests epoxy-coated reinforcement computer-connected lighting towers design-built project

anti-icer liquid freeze/thaw cycles

16. water-supply engineers
long-term erosion protection

environment-safe coating for corrosion protection

263. Translate the article. Mind the attributive complexes. Read the word combinations.

cantilever bridge консольный мост cantilever girder консольная балка cantilever truss сквозная консольная форма

The Shanghai Newly-Built Stadium

Like large umbrellas over the heads of 80,000 spectators, 57 flying mast cable and fabric panel systems fly over the Shanghai stadium. Com-


 Revision of Grammar

 Punctuation Marks


pleted in October 1997, the stadium cost $200 million and is topped by a $5 million.

The 28,000 m2 of fabric roof rests on 32 steel cantilever trusses that span 21 to 73.5 m, some of the longest in the world. The trapezoidal fabric panels inserted between the trusses are supported by a mast and cables to provide light weight roof.

Fig. 7. China's first long-span

fabric roof sits atop Shanghai

stadium, which uses some

of the world's longest

cantilevered trusses

The trusses are interconnected and stabilized by three rings of steel space trusses. Depending on the length of the trusses, the bays between them consist of one to three fabric panels. The highest point of the roof is 62.5 m; the lowest 31.8 m.

The irregular shape of the roof system required a complex design for the canopy. The designers used numerous computer graphics before completing the structure. The panels are made ofTeflon-coated fibre-glass membrane. They have been produced at the manufacturing plant. The installation of the panels took only eight weeks, six weeks less than it had been planned.

The Shanghai Institute of Architectural Design and Research designed the stadium. The concrete superstructure consists of an underground athletic center and 1,600-space parking garage, a 150,000 m2 event area, 120 luxury seating boxes, and a 280-room hotel. The building and roof were finished in about 20 months, with as many as 3,000 workers on-site at one time.

Punctuation Marks •Знаки препинания

Правила постановки запятых в английском языке отличаются от этих правил в русском языке.

Запятая ставится:

1) для выделения вводных элементов предложения: The use of precast concrete, a progressive construction technique, has advantages over the use of some other building materials.

 2) для отделения самостоятельного причастного оборота:
New plastic materials being widely used, their characteristics are being

constantly improved.

3) для выделения придаточных предложений, если они сооб
щают дополнительные сведения или служат пояснением к главной

The work of the engineer, who designs a project, and the constructor, who builds it, have the same goal - to serve the purpose for which it is built.

4) после обстоятельственного причастного оборота в начале

When tested, the motor broke down.

5) перед словом which, если оно относится не к одному слову, а
к предыдущей части предложения:

New plastic materials had been produced, which led to producing new types of isolation.

6) однородные члены предложения отделяются друг от друга
запятой. Перед завершающим перечисление союзом and часто так
же ставится запятая:

Modern houses are built of wood, brick, stone, concrete, and plastic.

7) обстоятельство цели, стоящее в начале предложения, отде
ляется запятой:

То finish the bridge on time, engineers worked on the project almost 24 hours a day.

Запятая не ставится:

1) перед придаточными предложениями:

Devices are classed according to the use they are designed for. Fijitsu transmission systems (Japan) can carry information very effectively. It is done by transmission systems which get it across the city and into the houses.

2) перед союзами but, because, provided, as, since ...:
Carbon fiber lasts longer than rebar because it does not corrode.


 Revision of Grammar

264. Insert commas where necessary.

  1.  As properties of materials are universal knowledge of them is necessary for every designer.
  2.  A stained-glass window is a part of the whole interior ensemble and is not only its separate detail.
  3.  \fery many towers have been built and are being built and modernized.
  4.  Sports are practically the same in most countries but some sports are more popular than others in different countries.
  5.  Baseball is a most popular sport in the USA and cricket is popular in England and Australia.
  6.  The work has to be stopped between December and March when heavy rain or snow makes it impossible to operate equipment.
  7.  Though different in design both new connections work equally well. Cracking the disadvantage of other connection designs is totally eliminated.
  8.  Concrete brick stone and other natural and artificial materials are used for wall construction.
  9.  The framework carries the loads which are imposed on it.

  1.  Mortar is a mixture of lime sand and water.
  2.  Joists are the strong wooden beams which carry the upstairs floors.
  3.  Stone was a most popular building material in countries where there was not much wood.





Assignments in Writing Письменные задания

 Assignments in Writing


Put down the title corresponding thematically to each of the given descriptions.

Titles'. Live Load; Wind Load; Foundation; Dead Load; Superstructure; Substructure; Foundation Bolts.

  1.  The part of a building that has the purpose of transmitting structural loads from the building into the earth.
  2.  A load of the building caused by wind pressure and/or suction.
  3.  Special bolts used for fixing structural members, etc. to concrete or stone foundations. *
  4.  The weight of the building itself.
  5.  The above-ground part of a building.
  6.  The below-ground part of a building.
  7.  The weight of people, show, furnishings and machines in or on the building.

Titles: Plywood; Laminate; Glue Laminated Timber; Veneer; Member; Column; Beam.

  1.  A timber made up of a large number of small strips of wood glued together.
  2.  A thin layer, sheet, or facing.
  3.  A wood panel composed of a number of layers of wood veneer bonded together under pressure.
  4.  An upright structural member acting mainly in compression.
  5.  A straight structural member that resists nonaxial loads.
  6.  To bond together in layers: lamination n. —a material produced by bonding together layers of material.
  7.  An element of a structure such as a beam, a column, a stud, a joist; a piece in structural framework or timber framing.

Titles: Joist; Joist-band; Rafter; Stab on Grade; Decking.

  1.  A material used to span across beams or joists to create a roof or floor surface.
  2.  One of a group of light, closely spaced beams used to support a floor deck or a flat roof.
  3.  A framing member that runs up and down the slope of a pitched roof.
  4.  A concrete surface lying upon, and supported directly by the ground below.
  5.  A broad, shallow concrete beam that supports one-way concrete joists whose depths are identical to its own.

 Titles: Fixed Window; Single-hung Window; Double-hung Window; Sliding Window.

  1.  A window —with one fixed sash and another that moves horizontally in track.
  2.  Glass that is immovably mounted to a wall.
  3.  A window with two sashes. They both slide vertically in tracks.
  4.  A window with two overlapping sashes. The lower of them can slide vertically in tracks, and the upper one is fixed.

Titles: Stud; Tile; Mason; Strong Clay; Structural Glass.

  1.  A clay free from other substances, such as sand, etc.
  2.  Glass units used for building non-bearing walls. Glass bricks.
  3.  One of a series of small, closely spaced wall framing members. A heavy steel pin.
  4.  A fired clay product that is thin as compared to a brick. It may be a thin curved element used for roofing.
  5.  One who builds with bricks, stones.

Titles: Concrete; Condensation; Conduction; Conductor; Fa?ade; Glass; Conduit.

  1.  Building material that consists of white sand, soda, and chalk, which are mixed and melted at very high temperatures.
  2.  a) A channel or pipe to convey water, b) Steel used as a casing to electric cables or wires.
  3.  Moisture produced by humid atmosphere.
  4.  A material that easily transmits heat, electricity by conduction.
  5.  The front or face of a building.
  6.  The transmission of heat or sound from particle to particle of a body.
  7.  A mixture of lime or cement, sand, and some form of aggregate, such as broken stone or brick, shingle, etc. The selection of the aggregate depends on the requirements, such as strength, lightness, fire-resistance, etc. The addition of water causes chemical action to take place. The whole is well mixed together, so that the particles make a compact mass.

Titles: Membrane; Membrane Fire Protection; Ventilator; \&por Retarder.

  1.  A device for keeping the air fresh in a building.
  2.  A layer of material used in order to prevent the passage of water vapor through a building assembly.
  3.  A sheet of material that is impenetrable for water or water vapor.
  4.  A ceiling used to provide fire protection to the structural membrane above.

150 Material for Reading, Translating and Comprehension

 Articles for Reading and Translating


Articles for Reading and Translating

Read the article. Find in it answers to the following questions.

  1.  Where is a membrane placed?
  2.  What is the function of a membrane?


Vapor retarders have received increased attention and are becoming extremely popular in connection with the problem of fuel econbmy.

A vapor retarder is a membrane of metal foil, plastic or paper. It is placed on the warm side of thermal insulation. Its function consists in keeping water vapor from entering the insulation and condensing into liquid. As thermal insulation levels increase, the role of vapor retarders increases also. That is the reason for high-quality vapor retarders being widely installed in constructions of different types.


Windows were formerly made on the job site by highly skilled carpenters, but are now produced almost exclusively in factories. Some manufacturers make a range of standard sizes from which the designer can select, while others build windows to order. The rationale for factory production in either case is one of higher efficiency, lower cost, and most importantly, better quality. Windows need to be made to a very high standard of precision if they are to operate easily and maintain a high degree of weathertightness over a period of many years. In cold climates especially, a loosely fitted window with single glass and a frame that is highly conductive of heat will significantly increase heating fuel consumption for a building, cause noticeable discomfort to the people in the building, and create large quantities of condensate to stain and decay finish materials in and around the window.

Types of Windows

Figure 6 illustrates in diagrammatic form the window types used most commonly in Wood Light Frame buildings. Fixed windows are the least expensive and the least likely to leak air or water because they have no openable components. Single-hung and double-hung windows have one or two moving sashes, which are the frames in which the glass is mounted. The sashes slide up and down in tracks in the frame of the window. In

 older windows the sashes were held in position by cords and counterweights, but today's double-hung windows rely on a system of springs to counterbalance the weight of the sashes. A sliding window is essentially a single-hung window on its side, and shares with single-hung and double-hung windows the advantage that the sashes are always securely held in tracks in the frame. This allows the sashes to be more lightly built than those in projected windows.


The ancient Romans discovered a mineral on the slopes of Mount Vesuvius. The mineral when mixed with limestone and burned, produced cement, that hardened underwater as well as in the air. This cement was harder and stronger than the ordinary lime mortar they had been using. As time passed, the new material not only became the preferred type for use in all their building projects but changed the character of Roman construction. Masonry of stone or brick was used to construct only the surfaces of masonry piers and walls but the interiors were filled with large amounts of the new type of mortar.

We now know that mortar continued the main ingredient of modern Portland cement. Thus, one can say that the Romans were the inventors of concrete constructions.

With the fall of the Roman Empire, knowledge of concrete construction was lost. But in the eighteenth century English inventors began experimenting with both natural and artificially produced cements. In 1824 an artificial cement, named Portland cement, was patented. This type of cement soon became very popular and the name Portland is in common use in the present day.


Orientation and construction of buildings should receive special attention in places where environmental and climatic factors have a significant effect. Structural design, style and materials should be compatible with local climatic and weather conditions. For example, flat roofs should be avoided in areas with frequent rainfalls. Snow and wind are variable loads that should be taken into account while designing a structure and its roof. Tall buildings are not recommended in places where strong winds, humidity or fog are likely and bring damage.


 Material for Reading, Translating and Comprehension

 Articles for Reading and Translating 153

Solar radiation can be also unpleasant, but if it is controlled, it can bring many advantages. Among these advantages there may be water heating through solar panels.

Local industries and their disposition should be also taken into account and controlled as atmospheric and noise pollution may be highly injurious and bring much harm.

Location and coordination of all services must also be preplanned and located on a site plan, worked out in accordance with the local,climatic conditions. Sanitary accommodation is of primary importance. All conveniences must have ventilation, a cover, partitions and doors with suitable fasterings.

Fair work. Put these questions to your groupmate.

  1.  Why should flat roofs be avoided in areas with frequent rainfalls?
  2.  Which variable loads should be taken into account?
  3.  For what reasons are tall buildings not recommended in areas where winds and fogs are frequent?
  4.  What advantages can solar radiation bring?
  5.  For what reasons should local industries be controlled?


Cladding is a material used as the exterior wall enclosure of a building. The cladding of a building is its most visible part. Its major purpose is to separate the indoor environment of a building from the outdoors.

Cladding must prevent the entry of water, snow and ice into a building. Water on the face of a building is known to be driven by wind not only in a downward direction, but in every other direction, even upward.

Water problems, that is keeping water out, are especially great on very tall buildings. These buildings rise to height where wind velocities are extremely high.

They are much higher than at ground level. It should be taken into account that on tall buildings water tends to penetrate the smallest crack or hole and enter the building.

Construct the questions in writing and answer them.

  1.  Cladding, is, what ?
  2.  The cladding, a visible or an invisible part, is, of a building ?
  3.  Major purpose, what, is, its ?
  4.  In what directions, driven, is, water on the face of a building ?
  5.  Why, water problems, so great, are, on tall buildings ?

6. On what buildings, water, does, tend, the smallest crack or hole, to

penetrate ?

CLADDING (continued) A. Preventing Air Leakage

The function of a cladding is to prevent the passage of air between indoors and outdoors of a building. For this purpose it is necessary to regulate air velocities within the building. Even small air leaks are extremely

harmful. Why is it so?

It is because air leaks carry water though the wall, allow vapor to condensate inside the walls, and allow noises to penetrate the walls of the building from outside.

B. Controlling Light The function of the cladding of a building is also to control the passage of light. Especially important is controlling the passage of sunlight

It is a well-known fact that sunlight is heat that may be harmful or harmless. It can be useful for illumination but harmful if it produces glare within a building. Besides, sunlight includes ultraviolet wavelengths that can be harmful for human skin. They may also cause harm to interior materials.

Answer the following questions.

  1.  What is the function of a cladding?
  2.  Why are small leaks harmful?
  3.  Why is controlling the passage of sunlight so important?

' 4. What kind of wavelengths does sunlight include? Why are they harmful?


Circuits that convey information or control other circuits are classified as communication systems. They are usually low voltage (commonly 12 to 24 V), in contrast to power systems, which start at 120 V. Communication systems include all types of signal systems - telephone, telegraph, and alarm. They also include remote control for power systems.

Alarm Systems. These systems cover security, fire detection and fire alarm. Fire-protective signaling systems are divided into non-power-limited and power-limited. Of these two, power-limited circuits are limited to currents less than 5 A. As to non-power-limited circuits, they may carry up to 600 V.

11 - 6049



154 Material for Reading, Translating and Comprehension

Telephone Systems. The utility company pulls all the wire for telephone service in a building, provides the equipment, and makes all final connections. In new constructions the required empty conduits with a pull wire inside must be provided.

Television Systems. Large apartment buildings usually generally provide a master antenna and amplifier systems. For buildings which are up to 20 stories high, the amplifiers may be located at the roof. In very tall buildings, taller than 20 stories, the amplifying equipment may be located at midheight. It may serve both upfeed and downfeed risers.

Translate the following extract in writing.

Adjusting a Movement. A building is never at rest. Different kinds of forces are always at work throughout a building. These forces push and tug both the frame and the cladding, thermal expansion, and contraction. These forces and their influence on the inside structure of a building should be taken into consideration in designing a building.


The fundamental purpose of a door is to provide access into or out of a building. Doors also serve for providing access into or out of various compartments of a building.

Doors also have the following functions. They provide:

Sliding door     French door Fig. 8

  1.  Security;
  2.  Weather resistance;
  3.  Fire-resistance;
  4.  Thermal insulation;

5. Sound insulation.
As to exterior doors, they must be well-
designed and properly constructed. They must
not leak air, wind, heat and water.

Answer the following questions. Try to consult the article as little as possible.

  1.  What are the fundamental purposes of a door?
  2.  What are their functions?
  3.  What kinds of resistance do they provide?
  4.  What kinds of insulation do they provide?
  5.  What mustn't the exterior doors leak?

Articles for Reading and Translating


F. Hennebique was born in France, in the family of a farmer. Already in his childhood he became fond of natural sciences and spent his free time on reading books on natural sciences.

At the age of 18 he became an apprentice of a builder and at the same time he continued his studies of theoretical technology. At the age of 25 years Hennebique specialized in restoring churches. He travelled all over the country (France) visiting cathedrals and examining their architecture

and construction.

As years passed by, he grew interested in railway works, including

bridges and viaducts.

In 1844 he designed a house for a client and, to prevent damage by fire, combined good-quality steel (as opposed to iron) with concrete in compression. In this way he realized a new idea to put steel rods in the bottom of the slab in order to prevent any damage by fire. That building with its fire resistance guarantee was completed in 1880 and stood until destroyed during the First Wsrld War.

From that time on, F. Hennebique concentrated on the development and production of reinforced concrete constructions.

One of his reinforced concrete buildings of that time, a single-storey structure in Paris, had a concrete and glass roof.

His first concrete bridge was designed and constructed in 1899. Soon his name was associated with bridges all over the world, and, by 1906, he had designed 700 (with an average of over 100 a year), since the construction of the first reinforced concrete bridge. And by 1920 he had completed 3600 bridges (!).

Fig. 9. Franqois Hennebique (1842-1921)

F. Hennebique travelled all over Europe setting up his agencies and firms. Contracts with his numerous clients had doubled each year and by 1917 his firms had completed 35000 contracts. He also constructed reservoirs and water works and by that time there were 7500 of them completed. As to his railway works (total 300), they included offices and hotels in Cairo. He built the enormous

pioneer - новатор, зачинатель




 Material for Reading, Translating and Comprehension

 Articles for Reading and Translating


sports stadium in Turin covering an area of 11 ha, with places for 70000 spectators.

Fig. 10. Lion Chambers -

first reinforced concrete

multi-storey building in


In Britain the first building in reinforced concrete was a six-storey concrete framed construction. As to the 15-storey Royal Liver Building in Liverpool, it was built in 1909 and up till now is considered to be Britain's first "skyscraper". Built with an entirely reinforced concrete frame, the building has become a symbol of the city. F. Hennebique left behind a great number of very fine and famous buildings and structures. But that is not all! Maybe his greatest contribution to the industry was the fact that he attracted and trained a great number of talented engineers who were to go on and develop their own practices. Many of them became consulting engineers working not only with reinforced concrete. They dealt also with many fields of general engineering.

Answer the questions.

Did you find anything new for you in the article? What is it?


A new anti-icer liquid is successfully used for melting snow and ice on roadways and bridges. The liquid looks like molasses in colour but is less viscous. It can be used alone or mixed with other anti-icer agents. It can also be added to salt/grit mixtures and melts snow on roadways. The advantages of the liquid are ease of use, effectiveness and relatively low cost. The liquid has been tested and compared with other agents. Laboratory and field tests indicate that the product melts snow and ice faster and at lower temperatures than other ice control agents. The product was also found to produce a longer effect than magnesium chloride solution widely used as deicer. It turned out to be reactive during the next snowfall.

If the liquid is mixed with salt, it can reduce corrosion of highway infrastructure. It is found to cause less corrosion than pure water. Answer the questions.

  1.  What are the advantages of the newly produced deicer?
  2.  Do you use any deicers? What are they?


The insulation of a building is its extremely important feature. It keeps a building comfortable for life; it helps make buildings cooler in summer and warmer in winter by retarding the passage of heat through the exterior surfaces of the building. It helps keep the people living in the building more comfortable by raising the temperatures of the interior surfaces of the building. It also reduces the energy consumption of the building for heating and cooling. The most important types of thermal insulating materials are the following: glass, wool, treated cellulose, polyurethane, polystyrene foam, glass fibers and some others.

Answer the questions.

  1.  Why is insulation of a building so important?
  2.  In what way does it make the people living in the building more comfortable?
  3.  Does it reduce the energy consumption?
  4.  What are the highly popular types of thermal insulating materials?

Read and translate the article. Use a professional dictionary. Describe the diagrams of a one-pipe system and a two-pipe system.


From campfires to fuel cells, man has discovered many ways to keep warm. One method is heating with steam. A vessel fueled by coal, oil, gas, or wood boils water and produces steam. The steam travels through piping to radiators and gives off heat. There are tens of thousands of such systems in use nowadays. Because many of such systems have been altered over the years, it is necessary for today's technicians to have a working knowledge of steam heating systems. There follow some of the basic components of a steam heating system.

The Boiler

Fueled by various sources such as gas, wood, oil, or coal, the boiler fires automatically, boils water, and produces steam. System controls maintain pressure and also protect the boiler.

Piping Arrangements

There are two different types of piping arrangements commonly found today in steam heating systems —one-pipe and two-pipe systems.


 Material for Reading, Translating and Comprehension

 Articles for Reading and Translating


A one-pipe system uses a single pipe to both supply steam to radiators and return condensate to the boiler. (See Fig. 11.)


Vent Valve

Two-pipe systems incorporate one pipe to supply steam to radiators and a separate pipe to return condensate to the boiler. (See Fig. 12.)

Supply Valve

Seppfy Valve




Supply *М«

Supply Main


«-Main Vent)


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Water une

Dry Return

Water Line

Owe Mppto

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Hartford Loo»

Wet Return

Fig. 12. A two-pipe system

Fig. 11. A one-pipe system

Piping within the boiler piping arrangement is designated by name and serves specific functions. The following are a few common components:

Header —The horizontal pipe located above the boiler that connects vertical pipe(s) from the boiler to the main supply line.

Steam supply main Connects to the header and delivers steam via branch run-outs to the radiators. It will also deliver condensate to the drip connection in a one-pipe system.

Drip connection - The pipe that connects the steam main to the return. Located at the end of the main, this vertical pipe drips condensate into the return piping.

Dry return The section of return piping located above the water line in the boiler.

Wet return —The section of return piping located below the water line in the boiler. This piping should always be full of water in the form of condensate returning to the boiler.

Hartford loop - A piping arrangement designed to prevent water from pouring out of the boiler.

Equalizer and header drip connection —Piping that exits the header and connects back into the return inlet to the boiler. Its purpose is to keep an equal amount of pressure on the return, preventing boiler pressure from forcing water back up the return line.

 Steam Vents

For a steam system to work properly, air must be eliminated from the piping and radiators. This process is accomplished with vent valves.

Radiator vents are located on the opposite side of where steam enters a radiator in a one-pipe system.

Main steam vents are located on the end of the main supply line in one-and two-pipe systems; they are located in vertical risers in two-pipe systems.


The trap's job is to separate steam from condensate. The following are two of the more common types of traps found today:

Thermostatic radiator trap Located on the bottom of the radiator in a two-pipe system, this trap, actuated by steam pressure, keeps steam in the radiator while regulating the discharge of air and condensate.

Float and thermostatic trap —Typically located at the end of a supply main in a two-pipe gravity return system, this trap prevents steam from reaching the dry return piping. The thermostat in the trap will allow the discharge of air until it senses steam. Condensate is discharged and regulated by way of the float. The two functions act independently of each other.


Low-water cutoff- A safety control that monitors the water level in a boiler via an electronic probe or float. If the water drops below a predetermined safe operating level, the control turns off the burner and prevents the boiler from overheating.

Automatic water feeder —This safety automatically adds water to the boiler if the water drops below a safe operating level.

Read, translate the articles and enjoy the pictures of construction masterpieces.


It is a well-known fact that in prehistoric times the great part of the world's land surface was covered with forests. In places, where trees grew, man used wood to build homes for himself and his dependents.

The durability of wood and its use can be demonstrated, for example, by the existence of such buildings as churches of Scandinavia.

In Russia, where sub-zero temperatures are quite common, wood has been widely used for both houses and churches because of its property of insu-


 Material for Reading, Translating and Comprehension

 Articles for Reading and Translating


Fig. 13. A wooden church in

Russia with onion-shaped


Fig. 14. Kolomenskoye

 lation against cold. Many old Russian churches are wooden, even to the onion-shaped domes with which they are decorated (See Fig. 13).

2. Russia. Kolomenskoye

Kolomenskoye, a gem of old Russian construction and architecture, was an estate of the tsars. It is situated on the tall banks of the Moskva River. It is the site of the famous churcll of the Ascension of Christ (1532). Its height, beauty, and brightness have delighted many generations. Some other 16th- and 17th-century buildings still exist in Kolomenskoye. A museum has been established with valuable collections of Russian tiles, carvings in wood and examples of the ancient Russian timber houses, including the little house of Peter I moved from its original site in Archangelsk. (See Fig. 14.)

3. Sweden. Stockholm.
The Royal Palace

The Royal Palace in Stockholm is one of the largest and most living palaces in Europe. It houses a historical collection of European and Swedish art from the Middle Ages through to the present day. Built in the Italian baroque style, the palace was completed in 1754.

The Royal Palace is the residence of His Majesty the King of Sweden. It is also the place of official functions and receptions. In between official receptions, the Royal Apartments are open to the general public. (See Fig. 15.)

4. Sweden. Mai mo

In the modern building of the City Theatre (see Fig. 16) the walls are movable. In case not all the seats are occupied the seating-area of the theatre can be reduced.

 5. Holland. Amsterdam. The Open-Air Museum. The Timber Sawing Mill

Amsterdam is the capital of Holland. (But, strange as it is, the residence of the government is De Haage.)

It is also interesting to note that the name "Holland" once meant 'Houtland' -'Woodland'!

Water and wind are the elements that are always associated with Holland. In Fig. 17 you see the Open-air Museum of Amsterdam. Around the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries there were hundreds of windmills there. They served the source of energy for numerous industrial activities in the area. When new sources of energy appeared, many windmills that were a typical feature of the area, disappeared. But the mill you see in Fig. 18 is still operating and has been sawing timber since 1869.

6. Plastics

Materials other than reinforced concrete are also being widely used in modern construction for prefabrication. The plastics that were unknown only a few decades ago have become extremely important and widely used for construction purposes. The plastics being used nowadays possess many advantages. First of all they are extremely light and their tensile strength is greater than that of many metals. Besides, they are weather-resistant and resistant to attacks by industrial fumes and to a great number of chemical substances. Some of the examples of the constructive use of plastic materials have been domes housing radar antennae and electronic equipment. Such domes built in America and Canada are as high as 116 feet.


Fig. 15. The Royal Palace. Stockholm

Fig. 16. City Theatre with movable walls

Fig. 17. The Open-Air Museum

Fig. 18. Timber sawing mill

162 Material for Reading, Translating and Comprehension

 Irregular Verbs •Нестандартные глаголы

8     *

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Fig. 19. Notre-Dame. Paris

Fig. 20. An entirely new

concept of industrialised

housing called "Habitat"

constructed experimentally at

Expo '67. Canada

 The panels of the domes are made of polystyrene and polyurethane foam and are protected by glass cloth cemented to the fume panels with epoxy resin. Some other dome structures are made from panels of thin sheets of reinforced fibreglass. Up till that time fibre-glass was familiar as a roofing material. Now it is becoming more and more popular in the manufacture of panels. The methods by which plastic shapes are produced has led4o a new approach to constructional and architectural forms.

7. Canada. "Habitat"

Multiple housing known as "Habitat" may serve as an example of unfamiliar forms of design. These new forms may be said to have the most stimulating effect on the development of construction and architecture. They provide the answer to problems that are still unsolved.







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to draw to drink to drive to eat to fall to feel to fight to find to fly to forget to get to give to go to grow to have to hear to hide to hold to hurt

 Past Tense




feit], [et]
















 Participle II



















forgotten [fa'gntn]
got [gDt]

given      ['givn] gone       [дэп]

grown [дгэоп]

had [haed]

heard [h3.d]

hidden f'hidn]

held [held]

hurt [hart]

 Participle I

















hiding   ш



 Продолжение табл.





















Продолжение табл.




Past Tense

Participle II

Participle I




to know











to lead


led left









to leave








to let









to lie









to loose









to make







делать, заставлять


to mean









to meet









to put


put read







to read








to ride









to ring


rang rose





звонить, звенеть


to rise








to run







бежать, управлять


to say







говорить, сказать


to see









to sell









to send










 Irregular \ferh

 Учебное издание






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 Луговая Алина Леонидовна





Учебное пособие

Редактор З.Ф. Юрескул

Внешнее оформление Н.Е. Ильенко

Компьютерная верстка A.M. Мамаев

Корректор Л.А. Зайцева

Лицензия ИД06236 от 09.11.01

Изд.А-397. Подп. в печать 20.02.06.

Формат 60x88'/ . Бум. офсетная. Гарнитура «Тайме». Печать офсетная.

Объем 10,27 усл. п. л. 10,77 усл. кр.-отт. Тираж 3000 экз.


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ISBN 5-06-005075-О



 А.Л Луговая



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ЯЗЫК для строительных специальностей









g р




о с




1. Исследования способов разрешения конфликтных ситуаций на предприятии
2. тема взглядов экономистов XV XVII вв
3. Тема- Противопожарная безопасность и борьба с пожаром на судне Переключатель
4. РЕФЕРАТ дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук Київ 20
5. Чем же необычно это плато Известняки слагающие его территорию значительно пострадали от разрушающего и ра
6. Реферат- Опыт применения мировых стандартов финансовой отчетности (МСФО) в отдельных странах
7. 1Принятые буквенные обозначения основных электрических величин u e i p мгновенные значения напряжения
8. Тема урока- Жанры изобразительного искусства
9. Введение Перемены в жизни общества вызванные перестройкой экономических отношений появление частной соб
10. Ад Маргинем 2005 Ленин и философия Прежде всего хочу поблагодарить Общество за оказанную мне честь