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вариант- Only the United Ntions cn bring pece nd long term to the region stbility rguments sttement mesures Выберите правильный вари

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Английский язык  5 уровень

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: Only the United Nations can bring peace and long term …to the region  

$$ stability

$ arguments

$ statement

$ measures  

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: Children under sixteen … half the population of the city.

    $$ make up

    $  put up

    $ take up

    $ bring up

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: I find it very difficult to make up my mind about the euro. Its such a complex… of political and economic arguments.

$$ measure   

$ election

$ mix

$ support  

$$$ Выберите правильную глагольную форму: Elaine ... in London for ten years, but now she is living in Paris.

$$ has lived

$ is lived

$ lived

$ had lived

$$$ Выберите правильную глагольную форму: Hillary is very sensitive, so you ...  be careful what you say.

$$ should

$ had

$ is

$ was

$$$ Выберите правильную глагольную форму: He ... go to the dentist because he has toothache. 

$$ has to

$ were  

$ shall

$ have

$$$ Выберите правильную глагольную форму: We ... long exercises and learn a lot of grammar rules by heart.

$$ have to write

$ must to write

$ has to write

$ to write

$$$ Выберите правильную глагольную форму:  If we ...  study, we could go out.

$$ didn’t have to

$ had study

$ could

$ didn’t have

$$$ Выберите нужное слово:  Tom is ... friendly to me as he was once.

$$ as 

$ more 

$ less 

$ least

$$$ Выберите правильное существительное: The ... faulty.

$$ equipment was

$ equipments are  

$ equipments were

$ equipment were

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: Many leading members of the opposition party ... to justify the decision.

$$ have been trying  

$ has tried   

$ have try

$ tries

$$$ The man sitting next to me on the phone was very nervous. He … before.

    $$ hadn’t flown

    $ hasn’t flown

    $ didn’t fly

    $ wasn’t flying

$$$ Выберите правильную глагольную форму: My apartment was …

$$ robbed  

$ stolen  

$ burgling  

$ taken

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант:  We had ... holiday in Spain.

$$ a two- week

$ two weeked   

$ two – week   

$ a two week’s

$$$   … a car when you were living in London?

    $$ Did you have

    $ had you

    $ were you having

    $ have you had

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: The Prime Minister’s statement didn’t meet with the approval of his own party, but it received the personal … of the US President.

$$ endorsement

$ stability

$ statement

$ policy

$$$ Выберите соответствующий вариант: Why don’t you answer when you ….

$$ are asked

$ ask

$ asked

$ asks.

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: You can learn English quite quickly, but if you …make an effort.

$$ are willing to

$ are willing

$ are wanting

$ will to

$$$ Выберите  правильный вариант: He said he didn’t know  where … .

$$ his friend Tom lived

$ his friend Tom living

$ his friend Tom had living

$ his friend Tom are lived

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: My boss insists …traveling first class when he goes on business trip.

$$ on

$ in

$ at

$ by     

$$$ Выберите правильный перевод предложения: Мне не нравится ездить на большие расстояния

$$ I dislike driving long distances.

$ I dislike drove long distances.

$ I didn’t like driving long distances.

$ I dislike drive long distances.

$$$ Выберите соответствующую форму глагола: A lot of people aren’t used … grammar.

$$ to studying

$ to the study

$ to study  

$ studying

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант:  He expressed utter astonishment … the outcome of the election.

$$ by

$ in

$ after

$ at

$$$  Выберите правильную форму глагола: I couldn’t find that house as I … there only once.

$$ had been

$ have been

$ was

$ was being

$$$Hello, Joe. I didn’t expect to see you today. Marry said you … in hospital.

    $$ were

    $ are

    $ was

    $ is

$$$ Выберите правильную глагольную форму: When I came back, a new metro line ….

$$ had been built

$ building

$ being built

$ built

$$$ Выберите правильную глагольную форму: When John … his mistake, he apologized.

$$ realized

$ did realize

$ were realizing

$ have realized

$$$ Выберите правильное слово: It was such a funny joke that I couldn’t stop ….

$$ laughing

$ laugh

$ from laughing

$ from laugh

$$$ Выберите правильную глагольную форму … the key, I couldn’t get into the house.

$$ having lost  

$ as I loosing

$ lost

$ loose

$$$ Выберите глагол: Many adult students of English wish they … learning earlier. 

$$ started  

$ would have starting

$ would start

$ start

$$$ Выберите глагол: If I were you, I … the invitation yesterday. 

$$ would accept

$ might accept

$ accepted

$ would have accepting

$$$ Выберите глагол: I shall ring you up as soon as I … home.

$$ come

$ shall come

$ came

$ should come

$$$ Выберите модальный глагол: I wish I … play the guitar like Eric Clapton    ...

$$ could

$ can’t

$ might

$ must

$$$ Выберите глагол: … a married person has its advantages and its disadvantages.

$$ being

$ been

$ to be

$ was

$$$ Выберите правильный перевод инфинитива: To travel by sea is a pleasant thing.

$$ Путешествовать

$ Путешествуя      

$ Путешествующие

$ Путешествовали

$$$ Выберите правильное определение словосочетания: “to pay attention

$$ to listen to somebody without interrupting

$ to give somebody a book

$ to check up a control work

$ to go in for sport

$$$ Выберите глагол: Her husband… out of the window to see what was happening there

$$ looked

$ was looked

$ will look

$ looks

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: The incident happened while I… to work.

$$ was going

$ went  

$ gone

$ go

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: The police …upon a huge weapons hoard during a routine inspection of the building.

$$ stumbled

$ marched

$ strolled

$ hopped

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: She seems …life now that the trial is over.

$$ to be enjoying

$ enjoy

$ enjoyed

$ enjoying

$$$ Выберите глагол: They…the first European settlers in America.

$$ were

$ have been

$ been

$ was

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола:  I… about it for a long time.

$$ have known

$ knew

$ didn’t know

$ know

$$$ Bыберите глагол: I couldn’t open the office door because someone…it

$$ had locked

$ has locking      

$ hadn’t locked     

$ locking

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: When I got there, she… all night.

$$ had been working

$ works

$ has working

$ have been worked

$$$ Выберите глагол: I couldn’t get into the car, because the children… the car keys.

$$ had hidden

$ has hidden

$ had hide

$ had been hidden

$$$ Выберите глагол: There were books everywhere, she… for hours.

$$ had been reading

$ have been reading

$ has read

$ reads

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: My car … last night.

$$ was damaged

$  damaged

$  have been damaged

$  damage

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: He… not to be late again.

$$ was told

$ are being told

$ were told

$ telling

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: The spokesman seemed … the journalist’s questions.

$$ to be avoiding

$ to be avoid

$ to avoid

$ avoid

$$$ Выберите глагол: This film … by about thirty million people now.

$$ is being watched

$ is watched

$ will be watched

$ watched

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: The newspapers… to Scotland by train.

$$ are sent

$ is sent

$ was send   

$ sent

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: Your car… to Edinburgh next Monday.

$$ will be driven

$ is being driven

$ was driven

$ drive

$$$ Выберите глагол: Your story… by our best typist at the moment.

$$ is being typed

$ is typed

$ was typed

$ will type

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: Tom appears …from his school

$$ to have been expelled

$ expel

$ to be expel

$ to expel

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: Can I help you … that heavy case?

$$ carry

$ in carrying

$ carrying

$ carried

$$$ Выберите глагол: The small boy’s parents wouldn’t let him …television late at night.

$$ watch

$ in watching

$ to watch

$ watching

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: You needn’t …about me.

$$ worry

$ worrying

$ to worry

$ worried

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант:  “Blizzard” means

$$ severe snowstorm

$ very unusual

$ extremely hot

$ round metal 

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант:  “ to alertmeans

$$ warn somebody about a dangerous situation

$ became known later

$ reaction

$  scalding

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: After… he became very depressed.

$$ being retired

$ be retired

$ to be retired

$ was retired

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: How many times… this play…before?

$$ had… been performed

$ performs

$ was… performed

$ has… been performing

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: The living- room… at moment.

$$ is being decorated

$ is decorating

$ is decorated

$ was decorating

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: The defendant refused to answer the prosecutor’s questions… .

$$  because he was afraid that his answers would incriminate him

$ because he was afraid it would incriminate him

$ for fear that they will incriminate him

$ because he was afraid that his answers won't incriminate him

$$$ Bыберите правильную форму глагола: If I had money I… a flat.

$$  would buy

$ bought

$ buying

$ buy

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: What would you do if he… in time?

$$  didn’t arrive  

$ not arrive

$ hadn’t arriving

$ arrive

$$$ Bыберите глагол: If I were you, I … go to the performance.

$$  would go

$ may go

$ goes

$ gone

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: When I got there my friend… all night.

$$  had been watching TV

$ has watched TV

$ has been watched TV

$ watched

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: Why were you so wet? What …?

$$  had you been doing

$ has you been doing

$ were you doing

$ are you doing

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: The answer was brief. Jack… the hotel.

$$  had left

$ has left

$ had been leaving

$ left

$$$ Выберите глагол с нужным по смыслу предлогом: He … heart attack.

$$  died from

$ died on

$ died with

$ died in

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: The government has introduced….

$$ a tax on children’s clothes

$ a children’s clothes tax

$ a tax on children clothes

$ a children clothes tax

$$$ Выберите глагол с предлогом: You can’t go to the theatre … jeans and old sweater.

$$ dressed in

$ dressed with

$ dressed up

$ dressed to

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: David Hockney…from the Royal college of Art in 1652.

$$ graduated

$ graduation

$ has graduated

$ graduate

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: “scalding”  means

$$ extremely hot

$ extremely cold

$ warm

$ cool

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: I… the fence when I heard the crash.

$$ was painting

$ paint

$ painted  

$ painted

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: John … to the radio, when batteries ran out.

$$ was listening

$ listened       

$ listen

$ were listening

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: “transpired ”  means

$$ became known later

$ novice

$ hubcap

$ freak

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: This computer… to several countries.

$$ has been exported

$ is export

$ exported

$ are exported

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: This machine… every time you use it.

$$ must be cleaned

$ must be cleaning

$ must clean

$ is cleaning

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: “freak ”  means

$$ very unusual or unexpected

$ usually

$ expected

$ usual

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: My landlord takes care of the flat, but I’m responsible for the … of the garden.

$$ upkeep

$ output

$ backlash

$ upshot

$$$   Выберите правильный вариант: …agreed with him.

$$ we all

$ us

$ all us

$ all our

$$$Do you know where … ?

   $$ Tom has gone

   $ has gone Tom

   $ has Tom gone

   $ had Tom gone

$$$ The police officer stopped us and asked us where … .

   $$ we were going

   $ were we going

   $ are we going

   $ we are going

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: He can never make up his mind. He’s always …

$$ chopping and changing

$ hit and miss     

$ touch and go        

$ picking and choosing

$$$ We can’t … making a decision. We have to decide now.

  $$ put off

  $ put away

  $ put over

  $ put out

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: Mr.Forbes will be able to regain control of the company

$$  only with hard work

$ only if he working hardly

$ with hard work

$ in spite of his hard work

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант:  A lot of people … television as the main cause of violent behavior in children.

$$  put the blame on

$ to blame  

$ be the root of  

$ go round in circles

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: If shed invited, I ….

$$ would have gone

$ will go

$ have gone

$ has gone

$$$ Выберите правильную форму глагола: He said that he … all his money to his only child.

$$  had  left

$ to have left

$ to leave

$ leaving

$$$  Выберите правильную форму глагола: He … the way to the station.

$$ was shown

$ are showing

$ were shown

$ are shown

$$$  Выберите правильный вариант: They wouldn’t be having a row if she … his tennis racket.

$$ hadn’t lost

$ has  lost

$ would lose

$ will lose

$$$  Выберите правильный вариант: He believes the main … to living in Tokyo is the high cost of living.

$$ drawback

$ upshot

$ shake-up

$ check-up

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: Don Mc  Collin …one of the greatest war photographers.

$$ is considered to be

$ consider

$ to be considering

$ considered

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: He is known to be an experienced teacher.

$$ Он известен как опытный преподаватель

$ Я его хорошо знаю.

$ Опытный преподаватель знает нас.

$ Я знаю, что он очень опытный преподаватель.

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: The escaped prisoner…heading for Scotland.

$$ is reported to be

$ reporting be

$ reported

$ report to be

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: Three people are believed… in an avalanche.

$$  to have been killed

$  have kill

$  have been killed

$  had killing  

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: If I had been on time, He …without me.

$$ wouldn’t have left

$ would have leave

$ will left

$ would leave

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: The border dispute can only be resolved by discussion and negotiation, not by gunboat…

$$ diplomacy

$ election  

$ statement

$ stability

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: Visitors were reminded that it was … to take photographs there.

$$ forbidden

$ restricted

$ got

$ written

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: I’m not just hard up. I’m … penniless.

$$ absolutely

$ very

$ extremely

$ badly

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: What a bargain! He only paid £100 for that painting and it’s absolutely ….

$$ priceless

$ valuable

$ expensive

$ worthless

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: This steak is really … I can’t eat it.

$$ tough

$ hard

$ rich

$ strongly

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: My teacher is always … at me.

$$  getting

$ criticizing

$ going

$ coming

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: I’ve never got … with my youngest sister.

$$ on

$ up

$ out

$ over

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: On my salary it’s difficult to make ends ….

$$ meet

$ touch

$ together

$ up

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: I’m spending a month in France because I want to … up my French.

$$  brush

$ take

$ put

$ pick

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: … people trying to get into football stadium.

$$ There were too many

$ There were too much

$ It was too many

$ There was too many

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: Pop stars often have really … lifestyles.

$$ extravagant

$ poor

$ generous

$ good

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: You look …. What have you been getting up to?

$$ guilty

$ down-and-out

$ innocent

$ risky

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: I love big cities … all the drawbacks.

$$ despite

$ although

$ however

$ whereas

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: The Balzac Boys have just had another … hit with their latest record.

$$ smash

$ pop

$ crash

$ jackpot

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: Did you … see the thief?

$$ actually

$ clearly

$ well

$ surely

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: I had some time to … before the meeting, so I had a coffee.

$$ kill

$ waste

$ lose

$ spend

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: I’ll remember in a minute. His name is on the … of my tongue.

$$ tip

$ end

$ edge

$ point

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: I don’t enjoy … business with him.

$$ doing

$ making

$ having

$ any

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: … to celebrate his 75th birthday.

$$ It was decided

$ It was accepted

$ It was determined

$ It was note

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: We’re going to … a car in Rome.

$$ rent

$ higher

$ hire

$ pay for

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: Housework must have taken ages to do before all these labour-saving … were invented.

$$ gadgets

$ discoveries  

$ things

$ goods

$$$ Выберите правильный вариант: I was … in a traffic jam. I missed the beginning of the concert

$$ stuck

$ stick

$ has stick

$ had stuck

1. реферату- Психоаналіз і неофрейдизмРозділ- Філософія Психоаналіз і неофрейдизм Однією з найвпливовіших і
2. е определяем существительн
3. Китай. Не враги и не союзники
4. Реферат Объектом исследования является сферическая оболочка заданной толщины с переменным коэффициенто
5. В них создавались не только архитектурные проекты но и планы с глубокой проработкой всего комплекса градоо1
6. ЛАБОРАТОРНАЯ РАБОТА 6 Цель работы- изучить правила работы с командами передачи управления
7. Девиз Пускай у нас будет душа которая любит и защищает всё живое и помогает всему расти и развиваться
8. Моделирование и исследование обрабатывающего участка цеха производящего обработку деталей
9. тематики во2 классе Тема Вычитание двузначного числа из круглого Учитель начальных классов Маг
10. Лекция 17 освобождение от уголовной ответственности
11. Экономика и управление на предприятии филиала РГГУ в г
12. Расчёт токарного резца для работы на станке с ЧПУ
13. Утверждаю Проректор по образовательной деятельности проф
14. А мы с вами наденем на чашки крохотные пряничные домики
15. Саудовская Аравия в Новое врем
16. задание понедельник предмет Дом
17. Динамика материальной точки и твердого тела
18. воздействие одного лица или группы лиц менеджеров на другие лица для побуждения действий соответствующих
19. Культура Беларуси в XIX начале XX в
20. Электронное правительство