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1. Let’s talk about education. What can you tell me about the system of education in Belarus? It is a common knowledge that without proper education one cannot be successful in life. I think that an educated person has more opportunities in life. In Belarus education is divided into several levels. At first, a child can attend a kindergarten where he learns the basics for future education. Then at the age of 6 or 7 a child goes to a primary school where he or she learns the basics of Mathematics, the Russian and Belarusian language, Literature, Nature studies, a foreign language. After that they go to a secondary school where students study History, Geography, Chemistry, Physics and other subjects in addition to the primary subjects. A person may choose a secondary school or a gymnasium and a lyceum if they want to get more profound learning. After finishing 9 forms one may continue studies at a vocational school or a technical school. Our Lyceum is an example of a vocational school. If you want to study at the university, you have to study 2 years more. After graduating from a university you may get a scientific degree if you study further and do some research.

2. Does your school differ from any other school you know? My school differs from other schools because it is a vocational school.

3. Ask me what problems I had when I was a student. Did you visit all lessons in the university? Did you get a scholarship? Have you got any problems with passing the exam?

4. You are talking with a British student. What would you advise him/her to do to prepare for an exam well? To give up watching TV and sitting in front of the computer display and to sit down and work hard with the exam materials.

5. Today some young people want to study abroad because they believe that the level of education is higher there. Would you do the same? Our system of education is based on theoretical preparation of students for their future career. At the same time studying abroad guarantees a good training of practical skills. So I’d prefer to study abroad. 

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