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IN ldquo;Choose job you love nd you will never hve to work dy in your liferdquo;

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Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”. (Confucius) 

  1.  Discuss these questions. Look at the typical answers and agree or disagree with them.
  2.  What would you enjoy about the job?
  3.  I enjoy working with people especially my co-workers, and the fact that I am able to help people.
  4.  I enjoy working in a pleasant atmosphere where it is calm and laid back.
  5.  I enjoy meeting different people and free dinner.
  6.  I have good relationships with my boss.
  7.  I also like that my bosses are very effective managers. They understand the importance of hiring good people and clearing the way so their team members can do what they do best with few obstacles.
  8.  I like to work independently from employers and the people I work with.

2. What would you dislike about the job?

a) I don’t like the environment where a lot of people just don’t care about honesty, hard work and integrity.

b) I dislike that I work without an office, I’m bored, and I work with nasty co-workers.

c) I feel I’m not able to reach my full potential because of the lack of challenge and there is no room for advancement in the company.

d) My boss lies, the managers don't take care of important issues, I cannot trust anyone.

e) I don’t like paperwork.

3. What are the most important things for you in your work?

a) I plan things out for the week and try to stick to it.

b) Meeting deadlines, dealing with last minute changes.

c) Solving the puzzle and then using the solution to increase efficiency.

d) I have to make decisions on spur of the moment.

e) I get to split my time between creative and organizational tasks.

f) My job in particular gives me a lot of freedom to choose my own projects, instead of just doing whatever comes down from above.

4. Out of the people you know, who has the job you would prefer to have? Why?

5. If you could choose any job in the world, what would it be? Why?


2. Arrange these job aspects in order of their importance. Number them 1 – the most important to 12 – the least important. Explain your choice.

successful company  pleasant colleagues   autonomy

job satisfaction  career development  communication

meeting people  excellent employer   earning a lot

opportunities to learn new things  safety  team work

The most important aspect for me is the opportunities to learn new things. My company does IT service for many customers, and I have a lot of chances to approach new technologies. If my knowledge is out of date, how I can support them. I am very anxious to new things and that make my life enjoyable. I don't want to be left behind because the technology is changing every day, especially in IT field.

2. Match the adjectives used to describe the work with their definitions.

1. tough.  a) the work is interesting and gives you positive feelings

2. rewarding  b) the work is not interesting

3. dull  c) the work involves doing the same things again and again

4. routine  d) the work is difficult and makes you tired

3. Put these adjectives in the box into the correct columns.

uninteresting  monotonous  stimulating   satisfying   tiring stressful   boring   fascinating   repetitive   hard  challenging   demanding   motivating   exciting






4. Fill in the gaps with a word from the box.

rewarding  challenging  stimulating  stressful

satisfying  monotonous  motivating   boring

  1.  I work as a nurse and my job is difficult. I am very interested in what I do and enjoy rising to the challenges it presents. It's (1) challenging and (2) _____. It is also very (3)_____ when I see a patient's smiling face after I have helped him/her.
  2.  I work on a production line, I do the same thing every day; my job is (4) _____. Nothing unusual or out of the ordinary ever happens.
  3.  I usually get to work and already have a mountain of work. I have to think on my own a lot and use my own judgement. Sometimes I have sleepless nights because of my job. It's (5) _____. When I do something well and I know that I did a good job, it's very (6)_____.
  4.  I always want to get up in the morning and see what has to be done. As soon as I know what has to be done I always want to work and get down to business. It's (7)_____.

5. I never want to get to work. I daydream all of the time. My job is (8)_____.

5. Describe the job you’d like to get and the job you wouldn’t like to get.


  1.  accomplishment – достижение
  2.  advertisement/ads – объявление, реклама
  3.  application – заявление об устройстве на работу
  4.  background check проверка анкетных данных
  5.  benefits packageсоциальный пакет
  6.  challengeпоставленная задача, которая предоставляет человеку возможность проявить свои лучшие качества, знание, умение, амбиции, желание, пойти на разумный (или даже неразумный) риск, чтобы добиться результата
  7.  challenging – многообещающий; трудный, но интересный
  8.  co-worker – коллега по работе
  9.  curriculum vitae (BE)/resume (AmE) – резюме
  10.  (to) deal with – решать проблемы, связанные с; справиться с
  11.  (to) deliver – справляться, выносить (решение)
  12.  (to) determine – определять; устанавливать; делать выбор
  13.  dull – скучный
  14.  (to) earn – зарабатывать
  15.  employee – служащий; работник по найму
  16.  employer – работодатель
  17.  environment – окружающая обстановка; условия работы
  18.  (to) fill out an application form – заполнять анкету
  19.  freelancer – нештатный работник, работающий не по найму, фрилансер
  20.  fringe benefits – дополнительные льготы
  21.   (to) get down to business – приступить к делу, взяться за работу
  22.   (to) get along with – ладить с (кем-либо)
  23.  (to) have good relationships with – иметь хорошие отношения с
  24.  (to) headhunt – подбор высококвалифицированных кадров
  25.  health insurance – медицинское страхование
  26.  (to) hire – нанимать в штат
  27.  hiring managerспециалист по комплектации штата
  28.  HR/personnel department – отдел кадров
  29.  in-house personnel – штатный персонал
  30.  issue задача
  31.  job board – доска объявлений с предложениями работы
  32.  job satisfaction – удовлетворение от условий труда/работой
  33.  judgement – суждение; здравый смысл
  34.  letter of application – письмо-заявление о приеме на работу
  35.  (to) make a decision – принимать решение
  36.  (to) make redundant – увольнять по сокращению штатов
  37.  (to) meet deadline – своевременно выполнять; завершать работу в срок
  38.  overtime – плата за сверхурочную работу
  39.  perks – прибавки (к жалованью)
  40.  performance review – обзор эффективности работы
  41.  (to) plan out – запланировать
  42.  (to) promote – продвигать по службе; повысить в должности
  43.  recruitment process – процесс набора персонала
  44.  (to) resign – увольняться
  45.  (to) retire – уходить на пенсию/в отставку
  46.  rewarding – приносящий внутреннее удовлетворение; поощрительный
  47.  routine – монотонный
  48.  salaryоклад, жалованье, заработная плата (исчисляется на месячной или годовой основе; обычно применяется к оплате труда "белых воротничков" (служащих, научно-технического персонала и высококвалифицированных работников)
  49.  (to) sack – увольнять с работы
  50.  specialist recruitment agency – кадровый центр
  51.  (to) split time between – распределять время между
  52.  (to) stick to – придерживаться (чего-либо)
  53.  strengths – сильные стороны (характера)
  54.  submit – представлять документ на рассмотрение
  55.  tough – сложный; трудный
  56.  wagesзаработная плата (сумма, выплачиваемая работодателем наемному работнику в зависимости от количества отработанного времени или выполненного объема работ; часто устанавливается на почасовой или понедельной основе; обычно применяется к оплате труда рабочих и неквалифицированных работников)
  57.  weaknesses слабые стороны (характера)



1. Find the words in the text with the following meanings.

  1.  a person who requests or seeks employment – a job seeker
  2.  a person or institution that hires employees or workers
  3.  a process of looking up and compiling criminal records, commercial records and financial records of an individual
  4.  a printed document with spaces in which to write
  5.  a worker who is hired to perform a job
  6.  a formal meeting in person, especially one arranged for the assessment of the qualifications of an applicant
  7.  a systematic plan of action

2. Read the text and do the tasks after it.


How does the recruitment process work? It depends on the company and what methods the company uses to find applicants for employment. Some companies work with a recruiter to find applicants, especially for higher level jobs. Other companies use social networking sites and LinkedIn to recruit, in addition to using traditional means like posting help wanted ads in newspapers and listing jobs on job boards. Many large companies may not actively recruit candidates, but do post open positions on their company website. There are also headhunters who headhunt people for very important jobs, persuading them to leave the organizations they already work for. This process is called headhunting.

The first step in finding a job is determining the type of employment that might best suit your interests, values and skills. There are a lot of Web sites designed to help job seekers research and prepare for various careers.

A job application is available to candidates if they wish to apply for a job. It is a vital part of the hiring process. Even though the potential employee might have submitted a cover letter and curriculum vitae (CV) or resume, he or she must fill out the employer's job application. This form provides employers with concise and relevant information regarding the applicant. The application becomes a legal document and is part of the employee's permanent file if hired for the company.

The application form is created by the company and asks the same questions to each potential employee. This allows the hiring manager to quickly glance down the form and determine which candidates are qualified and especially helpful. Companies have also the option to offer online job applications or other electronic forms via e-mail. Applicants with disabilities are given an equal opportunity to apply for jobs, and companies are obligated to accommodate their needs. There are still companies that allow for applications to be completed with pen. Once the application is completed, the company can begin the background check on the applicant, which can help the candidate become one step closer to securing the job. Potential employees can not only fill out job applications online, but they can also provide their signature, which completes the application process. When an applicant completes the form, it is a binding and authentic document.

Candidates also move through the interview process. They may be interviewed several times prior to receiving a job offer or a rejection notice. The job interview gives employers the chance to meet you and see if they like you enough to give you a job. Get it right and you could end up with a great job, get it wrong and you will have to live with unemployment. There are three main types of interview and when you are offered one they should tell you what to expect. One-to-one interview – you are interviewed by just one person (usually the boss!) and it’s a simple question and answer session. Panel interviewyou’re interviewed by more than one person at a time. Competency interviewyou’re tested on different situations e.g. “tell me about a time when you showed good teamwork”.

Here are the steps in the recruitment process, which will vary based upon the company's recruiting strategies. Do keep in mind that every company has its own recruiting strategy, so it's important to conduct a multi-faced job search and to be sure you're job hunting where companies can find you.

  1.  Insert the right preposition where necessary. Consult the text. Translate the expressions.
  2.  to be tested on situations
  3.  to move _____ the interview process
  4.  to apply _____ a job
  5.  to submit _____ resume
  6.  to fill _____ a application form
  7.  recruitment process based _____ the company's strategies
  8.  to post positions _____ the company website
  9.  to suit _____ one’s interests and skills
  10.  to provide employers _____ information
  11.  to offer _____ a job
  12.  to post ads _____ newspapers
  13.  to list jobs _____ job boards
  14.  Match the synonyms.
  15.  hiring process  a) resume
  16.  candidate   b) post
  17.  to complete   c) hiring manager
  18.  position   d) to employ
  19.  recruiter   e) to fill out
  20.  curriculum vitae  f) applicant

7. to hire    g) recruitment process

5. Match the verbs with their definitions.

  1.  be sacked  a) decide to leave a job
  2.  resign   b) be offered a more senior position in the same company
  3.  get a pay rise  c) be responsible for
  4.  be promoted  d) be forced to leave your job
  5.  be in charge of  e) get more money
  6.  retire   f) employ a person for payment
  7.  hire   g) give up your job when you get to a certain age

6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in task 5.

1. As soon as Mark won the lottery, he (1)resigned from his job.

2. Greg made a serious mistake which cost the company a lot. As a result he (2)_____.

3. Pam has been offered a very responsible job. She (3)_____ more than twenty people.

4. Alison was so good at her job that she (4)_____ twice in one year.

5. He (5)_____ as the company’s chairman last year.

6. Mike was so well-paid that he was able to (6)_____ at the age of fifty.

7. Tim couldn’t live on his salary. He threatened to leave the company unless he (7)_____.

7. Translate the text 1 into Russian.


1. Complete the sentences which describe types of job/work with the words from the box.

permanent job/work  full-time   temporary job/work                        part-time   full-time job  part-time job

  1.  A _____ is for the whole of the normal working week.
  2.  A _____ is for less time than the normal working week.
  3.  You can work _____ or _____.
  4.  A _____ does not finish after a fixed period.
  5.  A _____ finishes after a fixed period.
  6.  You can have a _____.

2. Write about each person using words in task 1, and the words in brackets. What kind of job would you like to have?

1. I'm Alice. I work in a public library in the afternoons from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m. (I/job) I have a part-time job.

2. My father works in an office from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. (he/job)

3. My elder sister works in a bank from 8 a.m. till 5 p.m. every day. (she/work)

4. I'm David and I work in a cafe from 8 p.m. until midnight. (I/work)

5. My mother works in local government and she can have this job for as long as she wants it. (she/job)

6. My cousin is working on a farm for 4 weeks. (he/job)

7. My friend is working in an office for 3 weeks. (she/work)

3. Read the texts A, B, C in which wages, salary and benefits are described and do the task after.

A My name's Sue and I'm a hotel manager in Venice. I get paid a salary every month. In summer we're very busy, so we work a lot of extra hours, or overtime; the money for this is quite good. Working in a hotel, we also get nice perks, for example free meals!

B I'm Ivan and I work as a waiter in Prague. I like my job even if I don't earn very much: I get paid wages every week by the restaurant. We get the minimum wage: the lowest amount allowed by law. But we also get tips, money that customers leave for us in addition to the bill. Some tourists are very generous!

C I'm Catherine and I'm a saleswoman based in Paris. I get a basic salary, plus commission: a percentage on everything I sell. If I sell more than a particular amount in a year, I also get extra money – a bonus, which is nice. There are some good fringe benefits with this job: I get a company car, and they make payments for my pension, money that I'll get regularly after I stop working. All that makes a good benefits package.

4. Mark and Mike are talking about Mark's new job as a photocopier salesperson. Complete the conversations with the words in italic from texts A, B, C.

1. Mark: I get paid every month.

Mike: I see. You get a salary, not wages.

2. Mark: I usually have to work late: I don't get paid for it, but I get a percentage for every photocopier I sell.

Mike: So you don't get _____, but you do get _____. That's good.

3. Mark: The people in production get a _____ if they reach their targets.

Mike: Oh, right. They get an extra payment for producing a certain amount.

4. Mark: The company pays for medical treatment too, and the company restaurant is fantastic.

Mike: Wow! The company _____sound very nice.

5. Mark: And they've given me a _____ _____to go and visit clients.

Mike: So you don't have to buy a car, then.

6. Mark: What's more, the company pays in money for us to get when we don't work any more.

Mike: Yes, it's important to get a good _____.

7. Mark: The total _____ _____is brilliant.

Mike: Yes, all that extra stuff is really worth having.

  1.  What kind of person should be your boss? What does a good/bad boss do? Put the phrases in the box into the correct column in the table.

have a lot of new ideas    easily find solutions to difficult problems           have energy and enthusiasm  be very understanding  be aggressive shout at his/her employees  be annoying   give extra work change things     throw things around the office

Good boss

Bad boss

14. Complete the text. Choose adjectives from the box.

obstinate  reliable  ambitious  considerate

mean   imaginative  narrow-minded


In my first job, my boss was hopeless. The business never moved forward because he was too (1)_____, without any interest in new ideas. Even if there were very good reasons to make a change, he refused to accept them – he was so (2)_____ that there was no point in trying to argue with him. My new boss is just the opposite. She’s very (3)_____ – she’s determined to make her business succeed and to get to the top. She’s also an (4)_____ designer with lots of unusual and creative ideas. The only problem is that she isn’t a very (5)_____ person. As long as our work is fine, she doesn’t think about us, and she sometimes says things that really hurt our feelings.

5. Read and answer the questions. Describe your dream job.

How to determine your dream job

Determining what your dream job is can help you to reach your career goals. Do you have a dream job in mind? One you’d do for free if you could? Many of us would love to know what that job is, so we can begin to build a path to get there.

Figuring out your dream job

Here are some questions to figure out what your dream job really is:

1. When in your life do you feel truly happy?

2. What are your natural skills?

3. Who do you like to work with?

4. Do you prefer to work alone or in a team?

5. Where do you like to work?

6. What are you passionate about?

7. How much would you like to earn?

8. How many hours would you like to work?

9. Would you like to have a permanent/temporary/part-time/full-time job?

10. What adjectives are appropriate to describe your job?

11. What aspects are the most important in your work?

12. What kind of person should be your boss?



1. Match the following headings to each paragraph.

a) What Kind of Work Do Freelancers Do?

b) What are the Major Advantages of Being a Freelancer?

c) What is a Freelancer?

d) How Do You Find Freelance Work?

e) What are the Pitfalls of Being a Freelancer?

f) What Do You Need to Freelance?

g) Why Would You Want to Freelance?

How to Become a Freelancer

Becoming a freelancer is a way to work at home and be independent without needing to start an actual business. You can operate under your own name and do not need to register as a business. This makes it possible to get started as a freelancer overnight without a lot of hassle and with the least amount of expense.


A freelancer is someone who offers services for a fee. In general, a freelancer works independently with no expectation of a permanent or long-term relationship with a single employer.


If you suddenly get laid off, you'll need to do something in order to keep an income stream coming in. The sooner you can do that, the less financial trouble you'll be in. While looking for jobs you can freelance and try to find work independently.


Freelancers can be asked to do any kind of work you might imagine. Here are a few of the most popular types of freelance services: freelance writer, freelance university lecturer, freelance bookkeeper, freelance journalist. Basically, anything you might consider doing in your own business, you can do on a freelance basis under your own name.


To freelance, you basically need to have something of value you can offer to potential clients. Most people draw on their employment experience and offer freelance services in areas in which they are especially talented. The following items are also useful if you want to freelance: a website to promote yourself; a cell phone number on which prospects can reach you; a business card; ideally, a business address; a portfolio of your best work; ideally, a few references.


The answer partly depends on the type of freelance work you want to do. But here a few freelance job resources you might consider: Craigs List – www.craigslist.org; Guru – www.guru.com; ELance – www.elance.com; VWorker (formerly Rent-a-Coder) – www.vworker.com

Some freelance job sites are free – some charge a fee. In some cases, a freelance job site might offer both free and paid membership, but in such cases the jobs on which you can bid as a free member are usually very limited. Some freelancers join a union that can also provide job opportunities. You should also post a profile on social networks, such as LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com).


If you freelance, you can usually set your own hours. You may be extremely busy one month and at a standstill the next month in your freelance practice. You can use the time to improve your website or investigate other ways you can market your freelance services. You will be able to work from home. You won't have to convince your employer it's a good idea to let you telecommute. Freelancing is also a great way to help keep your head above water if you suddenly find yourself unemployed. It can help you tide over until you find other work.


Some people believe that being a freelancer means they won't get paid much and some employers who hire freelancers think they shouldn't have to pay much. That's because the competition is very tough and it is global – people from all around the world may offer the same services for less. As a freelancer you are not obligated to accept a job. If you don't like what's being offered, keep looking for something that pays a bit more. Unfortunately, a fair number of employers who use freelancers end up taking advantage of them by paying a substandard rate, not paying on time, etc.

2. Match the English phrases from the text 2 with their Russian equivalents.

1. to get laid off    a) переживать временные трудности

2. to be in trouble    b) попасть в затруднительное положение

3. to charge a fee    c) острая/напряженная конкуренция

4. to be obligated to accept  d) определять часы работы 

5. to provide job opportunities  e) бездействовать 

6. to set hours    f) попасть под сокращение

7. to be at a standstill   g) быть обязанным принять 

8. to tide over    h) взыскивать плату

9. very tough competition  i) предоставлять возможности


3. Discuss in groups.

1. Is it a good/bad idea to become a freelancer? Why?

2. What are advantages and disadvantages of being a freelancer?

3. Would you like to freelance? Why?


1. Read some tips how to write a resume, translate, and follow these rules while writing your own CV.


Writing a resume can be a daunting experience. The following is a list of tips compiled from the advice of employers, career counselors, and recent graduates whose resumes helped them land meaningful employment.

  1.  Pay careful attention to spelling, punctuation, grammar and style.
  2.  Proofread your resume carefully, using a dictionary and have several other people proofread it as well.
  3.  Organize information in a logical way.
  4.  Keep descriptions clear and to the point.
  5.  Confine your information to one page.
  6.  Use a simple, easy-to-read font.
  7.  Use good-quality white or off-white bond paper.
  8.  Include as much work experience as possible, even if it doesn’t obviously relate to the job you’re seeking.
  9.  Tailor your information to the job you’re seeking.
  10.  Seek help at your career services center.

Information that appears on most resumes

1. Personal Information: Name, Campus/Permanent Addresses, Telephone Numbers, and an E-mail Address.

2. Employment Goals: (This is normally called the “Career Objective” or simply “Objective”).  Describe the type of work you desire. The objective should reflect your short-range plans. For those with little or no full-time work experience, the development of a concisely described job objective may be the most difficult task in compiling a resume.

If you find that a specific career objective is too confining, or doesn’t meet your needs, there are options available:

a) you may decide to write your objectives that describe the type of work activities you prefer instead of a description or title;

b) eliminate the employment goal section on your resume and incorporate your objective in your cover letter;

c) have several resumes with different objectives that you would send to the appropriate employers.

3. Education:  Name of College(s), Location, Dates, Degree(s), Major(s), Quality Point Average, Honors, and perhaps courses of particular value if they are related to employment for which you are applying.

4. Skills: You may decide to include a section that lists your computer skills, foreign languages, licenses (CPR, commercial driving, etc.) and other skills.

5. Experience: Part-time employment, summer employment, applicable college projects, internships, volunteer work. (This section may be divided into three areas: career-related experience, part-time employment and summer experience). Remember that career related experience is most valuable, but a proven track record of other successful experience also makes you a more attractive candidate.

NOTE: It is much more important to emphasize what your experiences were (description, explanation) rather than when and where (dates, places).

6. Military Service: For those who have completed military obligations, the dates of active duty and rank upon discharge should be included. When appropriate, include a brief description of duties and responsibilities, particularly if the experience relates to future employment. If you do not have any military experience, omit this section.

7. Activities and Interests: These include extra-curricular college and/or community experiences, and any leadership positions. A brief listing of hobbies or avocations is acceptable.

8.) References: List 3 or 4 persons. Give name, professional title, business address, and business phone. These are normally listed on a separate sheet of paper. If you decide not to list your references on your resume, you could indicate that “References are available upon request.” Do not use personal friends and relatives as references. Teachers, faculty, and former supervisors make the best references.

2. Complete the resume with the following words: Education, Activities, References available upon request, Objective, Work experience

James Sharp

9 Central Avenue

Morristown, NJ 07869

(201) 555-1212



A summer position in the Civil Engineering Field


University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA 15904

Major: Civil Engineering Technology

Anticipated Graduation:  May 20_ _

GPA:  2.74

Courses taken to date: Calculus I and II, Communication I and II, Engineering Drawing, Physics I with Lab, General Chemistry with Lab, Engineering Technology Freshman Seminar


Summer Handyman. Kise’s Trailer Park, Boswell, PA 12345

Responsible for mowing lawns, conducting general maintenance, operating a

weed eater and electric hedge clippers. June 20_ _- Present


American Society of Civil Engineers

Intercollegiate Baseball

Student Tour Guide and Admissions Representative

Little League Baseball Coach


3. Answer the questions about the resume.

1. What’s the name of the applicant?

2. Where does he live?

3. Does he want a permanent job?

4. What did he graduate from?

5. What qualifications does he have?

6. What kind of experience does he have?

7. What activities is he involved into?

4. Read the resume given below and write your own resume.

Anita L. Dime


Permanent Address:     Campus Address:

777 Standard Street     P.O. Box 1200, UPJ Box 112

Pittsburgh, PA 15555     Johnstown, PA 15907

(412) 555-8431      (814) 555-2692


To obtain a summer position in either print or broadcast media which will utilize news and sports gathering skills.


University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA Completed Junior Year

Date of Graduation:  April 20_ _

Major: Journalism  Minor: Psychology

Q.P.A. 3.49/4.0


Reporting I, Reporting II, Editorial Writing, Feature Writing, Copyreading/Editing, Layout/Design, Magazine Writing, Informative Writing.


Associate Editor of The Advocate, Music Director of WUPJ, Vice-President of Time-Out for Christian Fellowship, Programming Board Member.

Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society, Chi Lambda Tau Honorary Leadership Society, Dean’s List.


University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA  Work-Study Position

August 20_ _ – April 20_  _      Career Services

Paul’s Pizza, Pittsburgh, PA       Summer Position

April 20_ _ – August 20_ _      Waitress

AM-PM Mini Mart, Johnstown, PA     Part-time Position

April 20_ _ – April 20_        Cashier


Thomas Martin, Coordinator of Journalism Department, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown,

Johnstown, PA 15904       (814) 555-9661

Mathew Mark John, Manager, Paul’s Pizza,

Pittsburgh, PA 15344       (412) 555-6767

5. Read the information about the letter of application.

The job application letter's purpose is to get the recipient to read your CV. It should be clear, concise and straight to the point. The application letter should be brief, no more than one page in length. It should be easy to read and flow through. It should include only the absolute necessary information. The job application letter is just as important as the CV itself. The resume should raise enough interest for them to want to interview you. The Interview is where you will demonstrate your skills and abilities.

6. Read the letter of application and answer these questions.

1. Who is the letter addressed to? What’s his/her position?

2. What position does the candidate want to apply for?

3. Where was the job advertised?

4. What experience does the applicant have?

5. What skills does the applicant obtain?

6. What is the applicant interested in?

7. Does the candidate have a resume attached?

Justine Trigger

100 Gunway Street

Sherifftown NSW 2222

0000 000 000

(02) 1010 1010


28 October 2010

Chaz Pistol

HR Manager

Giorgio Designs

GPO Box 511

Sydney NSW 2000

Dear Mr Pistol

I wish to apply for the position of Bookkeeper, as advertised recently on the Giorgio Designs website.

I have been working as a bookkeeper for over almost two years for Alline Timber, having completed a Certificate IV in Financial Services (Bookkeeping) by distance education while working in my previous job as Office Manager for Tribute Music Studios.

During my time as a bookkeeper for Alline, as well as during my previous experience in office administration, I have had to develop and maintain strong organizational and time management skills in order to efficiently manage company finances and accounts payable/receivable.

Throughout my employment history, I have learnt to juggle both financial and bookkeeping responsibilities with general administration and customer service tasks. This has also helped to develop my organizational skills and has strengthened my ability to multitask.

Working for small and medium-sized companies, I am proficient in using MYOB software for managing company payrolls, accounts and financial statements. I have also had extensive experience in using Microsoft Office and have a typing speed of 105 wpm.

I have been commended by employers for my sharp eye for detail, and in all of my jobs have identified areas where the company could save money and improve efficiency.

I am also interested in fashion and fashion photography and am an avid follower of fashion trends, making me an ideal match for your company. My interest in photography has developed my eye for detail, which I utilize in my day-to-day work.

My resume is attached and I look forward to being able to discuss the position with you further.

Kind Regards

[sign here]

Justine Trigger

  1.  Using the phrases in italic write your own letter of application.


1. Did you attend an interview? What sort of questions were you asked?

People who have an interview coming up real soon and are worried they are often afraid of what they'll be asked in the interview. Most job seekers have been working for several years at their current job and are unprepared and out of practice for job interviews. Walking into an interview without knowing exactly what you are going to say is like trying to give a presentation without practice.

2. Replace the underlined phrases with correct forms of words and expressions from the box.

offer  turn down  shortlist  interview   backgrounds

referees  applicants   accept qualifications

Fred had already (1) refused two job offers when he went for (2) a discussion to see if he was suitable for the job. They looked at his driving licence and contacted (3) previous employers Fred had mentioned in his application. A few days later, the supermarket asked him if he would like the job and he (4) said yes.

Harry didn't hear anything for six weeks, so he phoned the company. They told him that they had received a lot of (5) requests for the iob. After looking at the (6) life stories of the (7) people asking for the job and looking at (8) what exams they had passed during their education, the company (9) had chosen six people to interview, done tests on their personality and intelligence and they had then given someone the job.

3. There are some tips to follow for a person who is preparing for a job interview. Read them and add some more to the list, using a modal verb should.

Example: You should interview with confidence and give well-spoken answers.

  1.  interview with confidence and give well-spoken answers.
  2.  make a big, positive and long lasting impression on your interviewer.
  3.  eliminate your "fear of interviewing" once and for all.
  4.  turn phone interviews into face-to-face interviews in 19 minutes.
  5.  position yourself as the best candidate for the job.

4. Put these words in order to make up questions. Find out an appropriate answer to them. Act out this interview.


  1.  FairCom/your/What’s/at/job?
  2.  like/your/about/What/job/do/you?
  3.  challenging/job/What/find/your/do/about/you?
  4.  easier/What/have/found/your job/that/you/makes?


a) To be involved in different discussions regarding different projects. We need to understand the project requirements and how different they are from company to company.

b) I am the General Manager, responsible for the technical and business operations in South America.

c) To have a very good knowledge of the Brazilian market, including what are the main companies and what they do in their business. It’s critical to have deep technology knowledge and a good network of business contacts and associates.

d) What I enjoy most about my job is the opportunity to work with different customers on different projects and in different areas, all at the same time. With FairCom being a specialized database engineering company, most of our contacts are with tech leaders of projects of varying size and scope who demand specialized or high-performance solutions.

5. These are the questions you are expected to be asked during the interview. Choose some of these questions to make up an interview between an employer and a candidate for a job. Act out the interview.

  1.  Tell me about yourself.
  2.  Why did you leave your last job?
  3.  Do you know anything about our company?
  4.  What did you like about your last job?
  5.  What would you like to be doing five years from now?
  6.  Can you work under pressure?
  7.  Could you describe a difficult problem and how you dealt with it?
  8.  Why do you want to work here?
  9.  What were some of the things you did not like about your last job?
  10.   What do you consider your most significant weaknesses?
  11.   What are your biggest accomplishments?
  12.   How do you accept criticism?
  13.   What is the most difficult situation you have faced?
  14.   What are some of the things that bother you?
  15.   What do you consider your most significant strengths?
  16.   Do you prefer working with others or alone?
  17.   How do you get along with different types of people?
  18.   Can you give me an example of a project that didn’t work out well?
  19.   What are some of the things you and your supervisor have disagreed on?

There are some tricky interview questions you might be asked.

  1.   What are your salary requirements?
  2.   Did you ever have a boss that you did not like or get along with?
  3.   Did you have any trouble finding the office?
  4.  Your resume shows a gap in work history, what happened?
  5.  Why are you looking for a job in a field that is not related to your major?

6. Match English proverbs with their Russian equivalents.

1. Look before you lеар.      a) Дело мастера боится.

2. No pain, nо gain.      b) Делу время, потехе час.

3. Business before pleasure.    c) Семь раз отмерь, один


4. A good beginning makes a good ending.  d) Видна птица по полёту, а

       мастер по работе.

5. He works best who knows his trade.   e) Лиха беда начало.

6. A bird may be known by its song.    f) Без труда не вытащишь и

       рыбку из пруда.


Sticky Job Interview Situations and How to Handle Them

(by Katharine Hansen, Ph.D., and Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D.)

Job interviewing can be an unnerving experience, but if you know how to handle some of the stickiest situations encountered in interviewing, you can be that much more confident. Here are 10 of the stickiest.

1.  The Bad Interviewer. Not every professional who conducts job interviews with candidates knows how to conduct an interview effectively. In fact some are downright lousy at it. A bad interviewer might be unfocused, disinterested, unprepared. He or she might dominate the interview by doing all the talking or might ask inappropriate and illegal questions.

The unfocused, unprepared interviewer probably hasn't read your resume and maybe can't even find a copy. This hapless soul doesn't even know what to ask you. Be sure to offer this disorganized interviewer a copy of your resume while asking, "May I take you through some highlights of my career?"

While the bigmouth interviewer is holding forth, make as many mental notes as you can. Don't show your exasperation; instead be an attentive listener and hang on the interviewer's every word. Try to get a word in edgewise by leaning forward and opening your mouth slightly. If that doesn't work, even a nonstop talker will likely eventually ask if you have any questions. At that point, you can ask questions or describe your fit with the company and the position based on the mental notes you've been making.

2.  The "Tell Me about Yourself" question. Of course, this question is not a question at all but a request for a command performance. It's the most commonly asked interview question, yet it frequently still rattles interviewees. The trick is to make your response a succinct summary of information that is specifically targeted to the job you're interviewing for. (Sell yourself!) For example: "My background to date has been centered around preparing myself to become the very best financial consultant I can become. Let me tell you specifically how I've prepared myself. I am an undergraduate student in finance and accounting at ___________ University. My past experience has been in retail and higher education. Both aspects have prepared me well for this career."

  The interviewer is not looking for your autobiography and probably is not interested in your personal life unless aspects of it are relevant to the job you're interviewing for.

3.  The "Weakness" question. The conventional wisdom about responding to "What are your weaknesses?" used to be that the candidate should spin a weakness into a strength. For example: "I'm a perfectionist and don't believe anyone can do the job as well as I can, so I sometimes have a hard time delegating." That type of response has, however, worn out its welcome with interviewers. Other approaches include offering a weakness that is inconsequential to the job (such as being a poor speller and relying on spellcheck) or denying that you have any weaknesses that would stand in the way of your performing the job effectively. The former approach may work but be seen as shallow, while the latter sometimes lacks credibility. After all, everyone has a weakness.

4.  The "Why should we hire you?" question. The unspoken part of this question is: "Why should we hire you above all the other candidates?" This is your chance to shine, to really make a sales pitch for yourself. Use your Unique Selling Proposition to describe what sets you apart from other candidates. The employer will make a significant investment in hiring and training you, so tell the interviewer that this investment will be justified. For example, you could say: "I sincerely believe that I'm the best person for the job. Like other candidates, I have the ability to do this job. But beyond that ability, I offer an additional quality that makes me the very best person for the job – my drive for excellence. Not just giving lip service to excellence, but putting every part of myself into achieving it. Throughout my career, I have consistently strived to become the very best I can become. The success I've attained in my management positions is the result of possessing the qualities you're looking for in an employee."

5.  "Off-the-wall" questions, also known as "Wild Card" or "No-Right-Answer" questions. Occasionally you'll be asked an interview question that's just downright weird and certainly doesn't seem to have anything to do with the job – for example, a question like this: "If you were an ice-cream cone, what flavor would you be?" Interviewers often ask these oddball questions to see how quickly you can think on your feet and whether you can avoid becoming flustered. Others, unfortunately, ask them because they enjoy seeing interviewees squirm. Still others are amused by the range of creative – and not-so-creative – responses they receive.

Don't let an off-the-wall question rattle you. Take a moment to gather your thoughts and respond the best way you can. There is rarely a wrong answer to this type of question, but quick-thinking candidates can turn the response into an opportunity to impress the employer. A response given by one of the students was a standout answer. The question was: "If you were a superhero, what would be your super powers, and why?" His response: "I think I would prefer to be a superhero like Batman, who doesn't have superpowers perse, but who relies on his intelligence and use of the right tools to get the job done."

6.   Illegal Questions: It's illegal to ask about age, marital status, children, childcare arrangements, and the like, but employers still do – or come up with subtle ways to ask, such as by inquiring about when you graduated from high school/college. It's best to address the concern behind the question rather than the question itself by saying something like: "There is nothing about my personal status that would get in the way of my doing a great job for your company." While it may also be tempting to point out the illegality of the question, doing so likely won't endear you to the interviewer.

7. Salary Questions: Interviewers often ask early in the interview what salary you are looking for. If you ask for more than the employer is willing to pay (or occasionally undervalue yourself), the interviewer can eliminate you before spending a lot of time with you. That's why the best tactic for salary questions is to delay responding to them as long as possible – ideally until after the employer makes an offer. Try to deflect salary questions with a response like this: "I applied for this position because I am very interested in the job and your company, and I know I can make an immediate impact once on the job, but I'd like to table salary discussions until we are both sure I'm right for the job."

8. Questions about Being Terminated from a Previous Job. It's always uncomfortable to be asked your reasons for leaving a job from which you were terminated. Don't lie about it, but don't dwell on it either. You could explain that you and the company were not a good fit, hence your performance suffered. Or that you and your supervisor had differing viewpoints. Emphasize what you learned from the experience that will prevent you from repeating it and ensure that you will perform well in the future.

9. Questions about Reasons for Leaving a Current Job. This question is similar to the previous question, even if you haven't been fired. Responses about fit with the company and differing views from your supervisor can also work here, but remember never to trash a current employer. Always speak positively about past and present employers even if your experience has not been positive with them. Another good response in this situation is to say that you determined you had grown as much as you could in that job and you are ready for new challenges.

10.  Questions about the Future. Interviewees are often asked, "Where do you see yourself in five (or 10) years?" Strike a delicate balance when responding to this kind of question, with just the right mix of honesty, ambition, and your desire to be working at this company long-term.

Avoid responses such as starting your own business or running for Congress, which suggest that you don't plan to stay with the company.

It's not totally inappropriate to mention the personal (marriage, family), but focus mainly on professional goals. Mention your career and company goals first, and tack on any mention of marriage and family at the end.

Your response could be: "I'm here to let you know that I am the best person for the job. If in the future you feel I would be a candidate for a higher level position, I know I wouldn't be passed up." OR: "I hope to stay at the company and expect that in five years, I'll make a significant advance in the organization." OR: "I would like to become the very best ______________ your company has."

One student being asked by the interviewer, "Where do you see yourself in five years?" said: "Celebrating the five-year anniversary of your asking me this question!" While the response probably made the interviewer laugh, it's probably not the best answer.

Why Can't Programmers.. Program?

I was incredulous when I read this observation from Reginald Braithwaite:

Like me, the author is having trouble with the fact that 199 out of 200 applicants for every programming job can't write code at all. I repeat: they can't write any code whatsoever.

The author he's referring to is Imran, who is evidently turning away lots of programmers who can't write a simple program: «After a fair bit of trial and error I've discovered that people who struggle to code don't just struggle on big problems, or even smallish problems (i.e. write a implementation of a linked list). They struggle with tiny problems.

So I set out to develop questions that can identify this kind of developer and came up with a class of questions I call "FizzBuzz Questions" named after a game children often play (or are made to play) in schools in the UK. An example of a Fizz-Buzz question is the following: Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print "Fizz" instead of the number and for the multiples of five print "Buzz". For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print "FizzBuzz".

Most good programmers should be able to write out on paper a program which does this in a under a couple of minutes. Want to know something scary? The majority of comp sci graduates can't. I've also seen self-proclaimed senior programmers take more than 10-15 minutes to write a solution».

Dan Kegel had a similar experience hiring entry-level programmers: «A surprisingly large fraction of applicants, even those with masters' degrees and PhDs in computer science, fail during interviews when asked to carry out basic programming tasks. For example, I've personally interviewed graduates who can't answer "Write a loop that counts from 1 to 10" or "What's the number after F in hexadecimal?" Less trivially, I've interviewed many candidates who can't use recursion to solve a real problem. These are basic skills; anyone who lacks them probably hasn't done much programming.

Speaking on behalf of software engineers who have to interview prospective new hires, I can safely say that we're tired of talking to candidates who can't program their way out of a paper bag. If you can successfully write a loop that goes from 1 to 10 in every language on your resume, can do simple arithmetic without a calculator, and can use recursion to solve a real problem, you're already ahead of the pack!»

Between Reginald, Dan, and Imran, I'm starting to get a little worried. I'm more than willing to cut freshly minted software developers slack at the beginning of their career. Everybody has to start somewhere. But I am disturbed and appalled that any so-called programmer would apply for a job without being able to write the simplest of programs. That's a slap in the face to anyone who writes software for a living.

The vast divide between those who can program and those who cannot program is well known. I assumed anyone applying for a job as a programmer had already crossed this chasm. Apparently this is not a reasonable assumption to make. Apparently, FizzBuzz style screening is required to keep interviewers from wasting their time interviewing programmers who can't program.

Lest you think the FizzBuzz test is too easy — and it is blindingly, intentionally easy — a commenter to Imran's post notes its efficacy: «I'd hate interviewers to dismiss [the FizzBuzz] test as being too easy - in my experience it is genuinely astonishing how many candidates are incapable of the simplest programming tasks.

Maybe it's foolish to begin interviewing a programmer without looking at their code first. At Vertigo, we require a code sample before we even proceed to the phone interview stage. And our on-site interview includes a small coding exercise. Nothing difficult, mind you, just a basic exercise to go through the motions of building a small application in an hour or so. Although there have been one or two notable flame-outs, for the most part, this strategy has worked well for us. It lets us focus on actual software engineering in the interview without resorting to tedious puzzle questions.

It's a shame you have to do so much pre-screening to have the luxury of interviewing programmers who can actually program. It'd be funny if it wasn't so damn depressing».

Как устроиться на работу

Удачно устроиться на работу – это залог перспективного и безбедного будущего, особенно для молодого поколения. Шанс устроиться на хорошую работу есть практически у каждого из нас, вне зависимости от пола, возраста и характера. Даже не имея опыта, можно найти хорошую должность с высокой заработной платой, самое главное верить в свои силы и стремиться достичь успеха!

Первым нашим шагом будет естественно поиск самой работы, на которую будем устраиваться. Поиск работы не должен сводиться к элементарному просмотру объявлений в газете или журнале. Ваш поиск должен состоять из ежедневного мониторинга Интернет объявлений, газетных предложений, “обзвонов” знакомых, обхода мест потенциальной работы, а также через обратный поиск – предложение своей кандидатуры в газетных объявлениях или на соответствующих сайтах.

Что необходимо знать и иметь, чтобы удачно устроиться на работу

Опыт работы. Самым главным фактором при приеме на ту или иную должность, всегда является опыт работы в подобной сфере, так как для работодателя это некая гарантия того, что с новым сотрудником не возникнет проблем, а также уменьшится время на его обучения. В качестве доказательства опыта работы выступает рекомендация от прошлого работодателя и слова самого соискателя.

Некоторые виды работ не требуют опыта, однако их список очень мал. Явными аутсайдерами (люди, которые находятся в конце списка кандидатов) будут бывшие студенты, которые только окончили ВУЗ. Однако они будут иметь другое немаловажное достоинство – высшее образование.

Образование. К этому фактору, в последние годы относятся довольно скептически, так как 90% молодежи имеют диплом о высшем образовании. Однако их качество знаний настолько ужасно, что для некоторых нанимателей, данный пункт вообще является малозначимым. Но лишним диплом точно не будет.

Резюме. Хорошо составленное резюме – это 50% победы. Помимо того, что оно должно быть составлено правильно, оно ещё должно представить Вас в максимально выгодном свете. В резюме главное обязательно указать ту должность, которую хотели бы получить.

Личные качества. Личные качества работника во многом влияют на работоспособность и качество выполняемой работы, поэтому если Вы действительно хотите устроиться на работу, то научитесь контролировать свои эмоции и проявлять нужные стороны характера. К примеру, менеджер, должен быть настойчив, уметь убеждать, давать распоряжения, быть гибким, эмоционально сдержанным и создавать впечатление умного и интересного человека.

Приходите на собеседование подготовленными. Даже если Ваше резюме было отобрано, и Вы приглашены на собеседование, постарайтесь максимально подготовиться к предстоящему собеседованию. На нём работодатель может устроить тесты, конкурсы или просто побеседовать о заполненных Вами в резюме пунктах. Поэтому не будет лишним просмотреть литературу по специальности. Кроме того, постарайтесь разузнать и запомнить максимум информации о том предприятии, на которое хотите устроиться.

Внешний вид должен соответствовать занимаемой должности, если она сводится к работе

Рекомендации по устройству на работу

  1.  Никогда не занижайте/завышайте свои знания или умения.
  2.  Лгать на собеседовании не хорошо, но иногда просто необходимо.
  3.  Перед собеседованием, “почистите” Интернет на наличие непристойных и неудачных своих фотографий или видеозаписей, удалите лишнюю информацию о себе из социальных сетей.
  4.  Требуйте от работодателей четких объяснений Ваших обязанностей.
  5.  На собеседовании обязательно узнавайте о перспективах роста по карьерной лестнице.
  6.  Старайтесь устроиться на работу только официально.
  7.  Уверенность на собеседовании не будет никогда лишней.
  8.  Продумайте вопросы и ответы на них, которые могут задаваться Вам на собеседовании. Отвечайте на них лаконично и грамотно.
  9.  Будьте позитивны, это значительно увеличит Ваши шансы.
  10.  Не рассказывайте о себе лишнего, только то, о чём спрашивает работодатель. Волнение – Ваш враг!
  11.  Не акцентируйте внимание на интересе к заработной плате, но и не будьте безразличными в этом вопросе.
  12.  Всегда знайте ответы на такие вопросы: “Почему принять в компанию, нужно именно Вас? Почему хотите работать у нас? Расскажите о Ваших достижениях! Почему уволились с прошлого места работы?”
  13.  Нередко вопрос о принятии на работу определяют по умению разговаривать по телефону, поэтому будьте готовы к такому разговору.

Настоятельно рекомендуем верить в себя и тогда у Вас с легкостью получиться устроиться на отличную работу!









1. 57 Слово о полку Игореве
2. 02 Основной целью финансового менеджмента является максимизация цены собственного капитала предприятия.html
3. Тема 2. Компьютерные сети
4. Преподобный Нил Сорский
5. тема плоских прямоугольных координат Система плоских прямоугольных координат является зональной; она ус
6. . Содержание роль и основные черты государственного бюджета Бюджет ~ форма образования и расходования.
7. Использование видео на уроках английского языка
8. ЛЕКЦИЯ 9 Существительные 4го и 5го склонения
9. 1 Расчет и построение выходных характеристик транзистора Исходные данные- q 1610 ~19 Кл ~ заряд эле
10. Договоры между органами государственной власти РФ и органами государственной власти субъектов РФ о разграничении предметов ведения и полномочи