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Being s possible nd if their consumption of food clothing entertinment nd other goods nd services is less tht the mount required to give them complete stisfction they will wnt to hve more of them

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Text 2

Scarcity and Choice

Economics is about the satisfaction of the material wants. It is necessary to be quite clear about this; it’s people’s wants rather than their needs which provide the motive for economic activity. We go to work in order to obtain income which will buy us the things we want rather the things we need. It is not possible to define ‘need’ in terms of any particular quantity of a commodity, because this would imply that a certain level of consumption is ‘right’ for an individual. Economists tend to avoid this kind of value judgment which tries to specify how much people ought to consume. It is assumed that individuals wish to enjoy as much well-being as possible, and if their consumption of food, clothing, entertainment, and other goods and services is less that the amount required to give them complete satisfaction they will want to have more of them.

If the resources available to people are insufficient to satisfy all their wants, we say that such resources are scarce. Scarcity is a relative concept; it’s relates the extent of people’s wants to their ability to satisfy those wants. Neither people’s wants nor their ability to produce goods and services are constant. Their productive potential is increasing all the time, but so is their appetite for material things. Whether this increase in demands for more and better material satisfaction is in the nature of humankind or whether it is artificially stimulated by modern advertising is a subject much disputed at the present time.

Whatever the reason, the fact is that we find ourselves in the situation of scarcity. We cannot have all the things we want. The resources available to satisfy our wants are, at any time, limited in supply. Our wants, however, appear to be unlimited. Thus, we all are in a position of having to make choices; we can only have more of X by having less of Y. Our incomes are insufficient for us to buy all the things we would like to have. The individual with a limited income and unlimited wants is forced to exercise when he or she spends that income. Society as a whole faces the same problem.

There is a limit to the country’s productive capacity because the available supply of land, factories, machines, labour and other economic resources is limited. These economic resources have alternative uses; they can be used to produce many different kinds of goods and services. If some of these resources are committed to the production of one thing, society must forgo the outputs of the other things which it might have produced. For example, if we commit resources to the building of houses then the real cost of these houses is the potential output of schools, shops or theatres which has been sacrificed in order to produce houses.


scarcityнедостаток, нехватка, дефицит; недостаточное количество

the satisfaction of material wants – удовлетворение материальных потребностей

needs – нужды, запросы

income – доход

consumption – потребление, расход

amount – количество

economic resources – экономические ресурсы

insufficient – недостаточный, неполный

demand – спрос

reason – причина, повод

supply – снабжение, поставка, предложение

forgo – отказываться, воздерживаться от ч.-л.

output – выпуск, продукция, производство

  1.  Answer the following questions:
  2.  Why do people go to work?
  3.  What provides the motive for economic activity?
  4.  What resources are scarce?
  5.  Why is scarcity a relative concept?
  6.  Why do we find ourselves in the situation of scarcity? Give your own examples.
  7.  Is there a limit to the country’s productive capacity?
  8.  What is a much disputed subject at present?
  9.  What is economics about?

  1.  Fill in the gaps using the following words:

individuals, need, scarcity, buy, individual, resources, unlimited, ourselves, quantity, goods, resources

  1.  It is not possible to define … in terms of any particular … of a commodity.
  2.  If the … available to people are insufficient to satisfy all their wants, such … are scarce.
  3.  We find … in the situation of … .
  4.  It is assumed that … wish to enjoy as much well-being as possible.
  5.  The … with a limited income and … wants is forced to exercise when he or she spends that income.
  6.  Our incomes are insufficient for us to … all the things we would like to have.
  7.  These economic resources can be used to produce many different kinds of … and services.

3.  Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb:

  1.  Economics … (to be) about the satisfaction of the material wants.
  2.  We go to work in order to obtain income which … (to buy) us the things we want rather the things we need.
  3.  Economists tend … (to avoid) this kind of value judgment.
  4.  If their consumption of food and other goods and services … (to be) less that the amount required to give them complete satisfaction they … (to want) to have more of them.
  5.  Neither people’s wants nor their ability to produce goods and services … (to be) constant.
  6.  The appetite for material things … (to increase) all the time.
  7.  We all are in a position of … (to have) to make choices.
  8.  If some of these resources … (to commit) to the production of one thing, society must forgo the outputs of the other things.

  1.  Make up sentences using the words:
  2.  limited, economic, available, labour, factories, and, the, other, machines, land, resources, is, supply, of.
  3.  any, is, to, of, ‘need’, in, it, particular, not, quantity, of, a, commodity, possible, terms, define.
  4.  possible, to, much, wish, assumed, as, it, well-being, that, as, is, individuals, enjoy.
  5.  satisfy, are, to, in, supply, our, the, wants, resources, limited, available.
  6.  make, are, a, we, of, to, all, in, position, choices, having.
  7.  the, as, whole, same, faces, a, problem, society.
  8.  and, resources, services, used, to, many, these, kinds, produce, be, goods, can, economic, of, different.

  1.  Match the following words:

1. productive capacity

2. to make choice

3. economic activity

4. the satisfaction of the material wants

5. nature of humankind

6. a relative concept

7. level of consumption

относительное понятие

экономическая активность

производственная мощность

уровень потребления

делать выбор

природа человека

удовлетворение материальных потребностей

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