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Relted lnding pges; Secondly I~ll tell you bout conference booking form with online credit-debit crd pyment nd thirdly I~ll explin how to mke the gthering nd reporting dt using Google nlytics.

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    Good morning. Thank you all for coming. Let me introduce myself. I’m Svetlana Ryabina from Tyumen State University. I’m studying at 2nd course. I’m mastering a bachelor’s program on Service.   Firstly, I’m going to explain for what use the advertising-related landing pages; Secondly, I’ll tell you about conference booking form with online credit/debit card payment and thirdly, I’ll explain how to make the gathering and reporting data using Google Analytics.

    My 1st point is devoted to benefits of advertising-related landing pages. From time to time companies need advertising  to promote their product. In the 21st century, many people don’t watch TV, don’t read newspapers and don’t listen to the radio. How to attract customers? That to don't spend a lot of money on advertising the client cans contact to the WEB Manager or the WEB team. They create advertising on your site or beyond your site. The client accesses to the WEB Developers and WEB Manager. The WEB Manager  the client discuss details of advertising. When the WEB  team made the WEB advertising, they report the WEB Manager, then the WEB Manager meets with the client and displays advertisements.

   My 2nd idea is about Conference booking form with online credit/debit card payment. The Web Team create secure booking forms incorporating online credit/debit card that to the attacker could not block the site. The client contacts the Web Manager to discuss the booking form requirements. That the site could work, the Web Developers need data such as:

  1.  Event title;
  2.   event date(s) and booking cut-off date;
  3.  venue and venue accessibility information;
  4.  ticketing options and prices;
  5.  maximum attendance numbers/venue capacity;
  6.  administrator/organiser contact details;
  7.   cancellations and refunds policy;
  8.  data protection/privacy statement;
  9.  Birkbeck income account code;
  10.  event web site details;
  11.   and confirmation that the creation of this online booking facility has been approved by the Income Accountant in the Finance Office.

After Web Developers finished creating an online booking, the client checks this site. If the site has no problems, the client initially may use it for work.

   The last point of my presentation is gathering and reporting data using Google Analytics. Google Analytics uses when the client want to know datas about visits to the site. For  this use the program of Google Analytics. Google Analytics allows  to collect and provide data on visitors to your site.

  1.  The client contacts the Web Manager to request the incorporation of Google Analytics code into an existing site.
  2.  The Web Manager and the client agree the details of the reporting that is required the date by which the Google Analytics data capture process should begin
  3.  When the Web Manager and the client discussed everything, the Web Team gets to work

In conclusion, I’ll repeat my main points again for what use the advertising, how to make the gathering and reporting data using Google Analytics.


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