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Gods Ghosts nd ncestors theoreticl interprettion не торопитесь reliGion твёржеdз courSE work thOught.

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SocratIs, waZ the son, deVOted, howeVer, alTHough *3!, Justice (мягЧе).

after graduating FROM the university, bOth, aS the highest science, hOpe, the body too CONSISTS of...,

PetersbUrg, pUrpose, century (мягче), wOrld, oVer, PeterHof, each (мягЧе). Today SPSU consistS! haVe

«Gods, Ghosts, and Ancestors»

theoretical interpretation (не торопитесь!), reliGion (твёрже!-dз), courSE work, thOught.

which was recorded in detail..

He preserved the records

prE'ceded, which, wish, development

QuOted, naTureRovthings (такие связки)), PlAto, speculationS

DELIBERATELY cultivated 

hoWever, century (мягЧе), law /o:/, restOred /ristOd/, oVer, ТорЧинов, bOth, lectures /lekЧзz/

to be taKEN, tOtal, un'scheduled

AlexAnder, learNED societies, siege (твёрже)

closely, suBtropical, foRour ancestors, foRour species, surVival, occur

enviroNment, doubtless, rarely, rural

notOrious, not without reason, period, referred to leave there, pirates

aS the environment, so long, alien

notOrious, croSSed, period, coast-line, progress 

feared, cultivated, process.

notorious, enviroNment, viewed /vju:d/, describED, sulpplY - shwa in the first sillable!, prOcess. 

surface (stress), satirists(stress), hostail(diphthong), aWay

It really Wasn't; untILL; myJownlap; asked; deserVE to be told; I actually Went. 

Clown /au/; you only live /i/ once; has already taken/teikn/; rAn up to him; togEther; sponsored /sponsэd/

per heaD of population, strong and happy, working class people, have DRUNK tea for thouthands of years, outside Britain knows, wrong,nearly boiling, let the tea stand.

had tolD him, toWattain, road, absorbing, rose,loaded - these are to work on. You aRable

book of addresses, while I'm cooking the dinner, forgot to post them.

reflection,probably, question, too embarassed,think twice, as the journey continued

said to him, cooking, anythING, anyTHing, he said

sister, both, both,both, numbeRofentries, foRourfriends, stAmps

When, third part,organic action,look what I've got, get stressed out

i-phone; company; company (yes, you mispronounced it twice!:)); each other; effect.

1)You want to hear it? (to heaRit - link the words together!) 2)depressing (final sound! look up the transcription) 3)SO, you DON't really like aucustic( dipthong) 4)It's just not my THeme. (th -sound) 5)That'S too bad!(forgot to pronounce 'S)

such AS travelling around the WORLD; British parliament; government supporters; ahead of him; people who KNOW him; youRoffice (link between the words); reSign.

He IS THE oldest./ Just think of it that way. 

None of us

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