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. Hving been on the rod for four dys the Todds were exhusted.

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 1. Having been on the road for four days, the Todds were exhausted.

2. That hymn, sung by many generations of churchgoers, is my favorite.

3. Climbing slowly, we approached the top of the hill.

4. Surprised by my question, Mrs. Osmond blushed.

5. Phil, worn out by his long trip, slept for twelve hours.

6. Watching me closely, the dog came toward me.

7. Staring out the window at the rain, Bob became more and more impatient.

8. Having been hurt in the first game, Al sat on the bench for the rest of the season.

9. The plates, brought from Denmark by my grandmother, are on display in the dining room.

10. The cookies, baked this morning, were all gone by five o'clock.

11. Having come out in the cool night air, Mr. Troy looked up at the sky.

12. The children, waiting for the play to begin, grew bored.

13. Working hard all day, the boys finished the job by dinner time.

14. Driven from their homelands, many people each year seek refuge in the United States.

15. Jumping up and down, the cheerleaders urged the team on.

16. The basketball team, encouraged by its performance in the semifinals, went on to the finals.

17. Having recorded the results of the experiment, Kate closed her notebook.

18. We saw an old woman walking up the path.

19. Having been told of her job offer, Kathy smiled happily.

20. Having spent each afternoon at the beach, Alice soon had a nice tan.

  1.  A swollen eye is God's way of telling you to improve your interpersonal skills.
  2.  Do not waste time staring at a closed door.
  3.  Having heard the news, he quickly sold his brother's record collection.
  4.  Having been promised a steak dinner, she looked less than impressed with her Happy Meal.
  5.  We must raise funds to replace the window broken last week in the storm.
  6.  Is that Arthur running for the bus?
  7.  My mother is next to the lady wearing the red hat.
  8.  I know a pond teaming with fish.
  9.  Frantically shuffling through her coppers, Jackie hoped to find another silver coin.
  10.  Relying on Mark's inability to cast accurately, Lee plonked his bait exactly where Mark had just caught the small pouting.
  11.  A pair of shoes worn by Marilyn Monroe have been sold for fifty thousand dollars.
  12.  Trees blown down in last night’s storms are being removed this morning.
  13.  People who were wearing carnival costumes filled the streets of Rio de Janeiro.
  14.  The paintings which were stolen from the National Gallery last week have been found.

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8. реферату Перегляд неокласичної теорії ринку
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17. И lbinndreev 3hmbHQLw Аскарова Р
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