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To show dvntges nd disdvntges of online shopping 3

Работа добавлена на сайт samzan.net: 2016-03-13

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  1.  Aim: To identify how advances in technology will encourage people to shop online
  2.  Problem: Advantages and disadvantages of online shopping
  3.  Objectives: 3.1. To show advantages and disadvantages of online shopping

                           3.2. To demonstrate how advances in technology will encourage people to online shopping

                           3.3. To find how out online retailers will encourage people to shop online

 What are the advantages of online shopping?

  1.  Price comparisons 

you have the ability to compare prices from hundreds of different vendors

  1.  Infinite choice 

your variety of goods is limited, if you don't see what you want in one store online, you can simply move on to the next one

  1.  Easy access to consumer reviews 

It's easy to access consumer reviews for pretty much any product you can think of online, which makes for more informed purchases

Disadvantages of online shopping

  1.  You can't try things on 

If you're buying a clothing item, you don't have the ability to feel the material, try it on, and see how it's made

  1.  You can't talk to someone immediately 

If you have a question about what you're looking at, you probably will have to wait at least 24 hours to get a question answered

  1.  Laziness 

Online shopping can develop laziness 

What is the online services for shop such as ebay.com, amazon.com, biglion.kz, cocolife.me etc.
what opportunities they give us?


Is an American multinational internet consumer-to-consumer corporation, where we can buy and sold all thing. EBay cool simplifies our lives.

Won awards: national medal of the united states in the field of technology and innovation


Is an American international electronic commerce company. And like eBay Amazon give opportunity for sale all thing what we wish. Due to online services like Amazon we can shop at home. without getting up

Online shopping in our country grew last 5-7 years, it is certainly due to advances in technology


it is an opportunity to enjoy a variety of services, to buy goods and travel around the world with the maximum benefit for themselves - with discounts ranging from 50% to 90%!


this discount service, created in order to allow our friends to discover new places, finding unusual hobbies, interesting and tasteful spending free time and visit your favorite places with discounts ranging from 50% to 90%. Every day is a new, exciting and profitable deals

Incredible convenience

online shoppers can choose any time of the day or night to get on the Web and shop. This is especially useful for moms with small children, people who life so far from shop, or simply in times of inclement weather.

  1.  With advance in technology appeared online retailers to give us opportunity do shopping at home in pajamas.
  2.  Also online shopping is inherently more environmentally friendly than traditional retailing

  1.  With advances in technology people will more and more to shop online. With develop advances in technology are increase online shoppers. Because people quickly get used to good


In this project work we can see that how technology of shopping reached a new level. And we can see advantages of online shopping, and how work online services for shopping.

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