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за кулис.Just minute

Работа добавлена на сайт samzan.net: 2016-03-13

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Scene 7


Музыка стихает.

Звук приближающейся машины. Открывание , закрывание дверей. Звук каблуков. Женщина с чемоданом и кошельком. Звонит в дверь

Актер тонкий и худой в пижаме и халате.

DANIEL: (из-за кулис.)Just a minute. (Открывает ей дверь. Он её узнает , а она его нет.)

HOPE: (быстро и яростно горит, не поднимая взгляд на Дэниэла.)  I know this isn’t going to be very easy, but I was just out there all alone in the world, and I got so scared, because all I could think about is how I had no place in this world, but then I just outta nowhere realized that there is one place in this world that I did have, and that was with you, so I flew and I took a taxi to get to you, I just had to come see you, ( в итоге смотрит на него.) thank God you’re -- . . . (и не узнает Дэниела , думает , что другой парень перед ней.)  Oh -... Wait - ... I’m sorry. You’re not -- . . . I’m -- . . . (проверяет туда ли она приехала.)  This is the house - ... I’m so sorry - ... Does Daniel Harding live here?, I’m looking for Daniel Harding.

DANIEL: You’re  looking for –

HOPE: Looking for Daniel Harding, yeah.  He lives here.  I thought.  But . . . (Видит что Дэниэл в шоке, она думает, что действительно ошиблась)...ooooh ...he doesnt, does he?  Oooh.  I am so sorry. (берет чемодан, собирается уходить.)  I’m so embarrassed.  “Who is this woman and what is she doing here?” (удар.) I just honestly thought he’d be here.I always thought he’d be here.Always. (удар.)Do you know him? Big guy, big tall guy. Played basketball, all-Eastern Maine, center?  Strong.  Do you know him? Played hockey, too? >

DANIEL: Well . . . –

HOPE: Oh, don’t even answer that.  That was --.  I know that’s a horrible question to ask a person who lives in a small town, as if everybody in small towns knows everybody else, agh!, can’t believe I asked you that.  I don’t live here anymore, but when I did, I hated it when people assumed I knew everybody in town just because it was small.  It was worse than when they’d ask if we had “. . . plumbing way up there?,” ‘cause, you know, people in small towns really don’t know each other any better than in big towns, you know that?  I mean, you know who you know, and you don’t know who you don’t know, just like anywhere else. (удар.) I’m so sorry to have bothered you.  I was just so sure --.  When his parents passed away, he kept the house, I heard.  He lived here.  He stayed here, I thought.  He was one of the ones who stayed. (удар.) I didn’t stay.  I went away.

DANIEL: Most people do.

HOPE: Yeah.  And I guess he did too.  I never thought he would.  I guess I lost track . . . You gotta hold onto people or you lose ‘em.  Wish there was something you could keep ‘em in for when you need ‘em . . . (капашится в сумке.)  Oh, there he is, perfect!  (Смеется. Удар. Она собирается уходить, останавливается) its cold.  I forgot.

DANIEL: Yeah. (удар.)

HOPE: (уходит. останавливается.)  I can’t believe - - . . . I took a taxi here.  From Bangor.

DANIEL: (удар.) That’s far.

HOPE: Yeah.

DANIEL: That’s a hundred and sixty-three miles.

HOPE: Yeah.  This place is a little farther away from things than I remember.

DANIEL: Why did you do that?

HOPE: Because I could only fly as close as Bangor and I needed to get to him as fast as I could.


HOPE: Because I want to answer a question he asked me.


HOPE: The last time I saw him, he asked me a very important question and I didn’t answer it, and that’s just not a very nice thing to do to a person.

DANIEL: Well, that’s bein’ a little hard on yourself, don’t you think?

HOPE: He asked me to marry him.

DANIEL: Oh. (удар.) And you . . .

HOPE: Didn’t answer him. No. (дэниел посвистывает.) Yeah. And that’s why I’m here. To answer him. (Удар. Она понимает, что ему пофиг и начинает доказывать.)  I mean, I didn’t answer him in the first place because I didn’t have an answer at the time.  I mean, I was going to college, and then . . . the night before I’m about to go off into the world to do what I hope and dream, he asks me, “Will you marry me?”  I mean, come on!  I was leaving in the morning . . . What was I supposed to do?

DANIEL: I don’t know.

HOPE: (оправдываясь.)  I mean, I told him I’d have to think about it, that I’d think it over overnight and that I’d be back before the sun came up with an answer.  And then I left.  Left him standing right . . . (указывая туда где дэниел) . . . there and then . . . I didn’t make it back with an answer before the sun came up or . . . at all.

DANIEL: That sounds like an answer to me.

HOPE: No!  That wasn’t my answer!  I just . . . went off into the world, and that’s not an answer, and I think -- . . . (удар.)


HOPE: I think he thought I’d say, “Yes.”

DANIEL: Well, a guy’s probably not gonna ask a girl that question unless he thinks she’s gonna say, “Yes.”

HOPE: I know, and . . . I’m afraid he probably waited up all night, hoping for me to come by, and I just want to tell him that I know now that you just can’t do a thing like not answer a question like the one he asked me, you can’t do that to a person.  Especially to someone you love.

DANIEL: You loved him?

HOPE: Well -- .  I don’t know if -- .  I mean, we were kids.  (пауза)  Yes.  I did. I do. (удар.) I feel like I dashed his hopes and dreams.

DANIEL: (это не наезд – это его размышления.)  Oh, come on.  You give yourself too much credit.  He was young.  That’s all you need to get your hopes dashed:  Be young.  And everybody starts out young, so . . . everybody gets their hopes dashed, and besides . . . I don’t think you really dashed his hopes.  ‘Cause if you dash somebody’s hopes – well that’s . . . kind of a nice way to let ‘em down, ‘cause it hurts . . . but it’s quick.  If you’d have said, “No,” that woulda been “dashing his hopes.” (удар.)  But you didn’t say, “No.”  You said nothin’.  You just didn’t answer him.  At all.  And that’s . . . killin’ hope the long, slow, painful way, ‘cause it’s still there just hangin’ on, never really goes away.  And that’s . . . kinda like givin’ somebody a little less air to breathe every day.  Till they die.

HOPE: Yeah . . . (удар:)  Well . . . thank you.

DANIEL: For what?

HOPE: I dont know.  (улыбается, пожимает плечами, собирается уходить)

DANIEL: (удар.) Goodbye, Hope.

HOPE: Goodbye. Остановилась) Agh!, I’m so . . .sorry to have bothered you...It’s just, I was all alone out there in the world with no place in it, and I realized what I’d done to him, to Danny, and that with him was my place in the world - . . . Wait !You called me Hope. How did you know my name?(Дэни снял очки.)  Danny?!?

DANIEL: Hello, Hope.

HOPE: (волнуется.)  Danny . . . I didn’t  rec -- >

DANIEL: I know.

HOPE: I didn’t  rec -- >

DANIEL: I know.

HOPE: I didn’t even  recognize you!

DANIEL: I know.

HOPE: You’re so . . .

DANIEL: I know.

HOPE: . . . small.

DANIEL: Yeah.  I, uh, lost a lotta hope.  That’ll do a number on you. (удар. оглядывает Дэни с ног до головы)

HOPE: Danny:  I’m so sorry I  never –

DANIEL: Shh . . . It’s okay.  ‘Cause, you know somethin’?  You’re early.

HOPE: What?

DANIEL: You’re early!  You said you’d be back with an answer to my question before the sun came up, and Jeezum Crow, the sun’s not even close to being up yet!  It only went down a few hours ago.  Look how early you are!  That’s good of you. (удар.) So, a taxi all the way from Bangor.

HOPE: Yup.

DANIEL: To tell me . . . ? (надежда хочет сказать «да», но её перебивает сюзэт:)

SUZETTE:  Honey?  Dan?  Honey?  Who’s there? Is this postman? He promised to call again yesterday!

DANIEL: (Удар.) Just somebody . . . needs directions.

SUZETTE: It’s awful late for directions. Night had fallen! About which directions can we talk? You get up early tomorrow! You have an important day! I'll even ironed shirts! Finish up and go back in the bedroom!

DANIEL: Yeah – Suzette, listen . . . (удар.) . . . I’ll be right in.

SUZETTE: Okay . . .

DANIEL: (удар.) I -- . . .

HOPE: What?

DANIEL: (добродушно)I hope you find it, Hope.  Your place in the world. (удар.) Bye.

HOPE: Goodbye, Danny. (дэни уходит в дом.)Yes. (Удар+ отвечает шепот :) Yes.

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10. А Курсовая работа ~ один из важнейших видов учебной и научноисследовательской деятельности студентов
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