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МГИМО а также для тех кто еще не принял окончательного решения но хочет проверить свои силы мы предлагаем

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Как успешно написать тест по английскому языку?

Для тех, кто уже сделал свой выбор и готовится к поступлению в один из лучших вузов России - МГИМО, а также для тех, кто еще не принял окончательного решения, но хочет проверить свои силы, мы предлагаем сборник примерных заданий для письменного вступительного экзамена по английскому языку в МГИМО (У) МИД РФ.

В сборник включены типовые задания, многие из которых входили в экзаменационные тесты на недавних вступительных экзаменах.

Тесты по английскому языку состоят из нескольких частей, каждую из которых входят задания, направленные па проверку определенных знаний, навыков и умений, в рамках требований к владению материалом, определенных в Примерной программе вступительных экзаменов в МГИМО.

Как успешно справиться с тестом? Как избежать досадных ошибок?
Ответы на эти и другие вопросы вы сможете найти, внимательно прочитав наши рекомендации.

Сначала остановимся на общих моментах, относящихся к любому типу заданий в тестах:

• Никогда не приступайте к выполнению работы, не прочитав внимательно задание.

• Даже если задание кажется вам простым, не спешите выполнять его, а прочитайте и проанализируйте предложенный текст (ситуацию, предложение).

• Если у вас возникли трудности с выполнением какого-либо задания, не задерживайтесь на нем слишком долго, а приступайте к следующему. Это позволит избежать спешки в выполнении других заданий из-за нехватки времени, а, следовательно, и нежелательных ошибок. Кроме того, у вас вполне может остаться достаточно
времени, чтобы вернуться к невыполненному заданию.

А теперь детально рассмотрим особенности выполнения различных типов заданий в тестах по английскому языку:

Первая часть теста проверяет знание лексики. Вам предлагаются предложения, в которых пропущено слово или выражение. К каждому предложению дается четыре варианта ответа, из которых только один является правильным. Абитуриент должен выбрать единственный верный ответ и обвести кружком соответствующую букву (а, b, с, d) данного варианта.

Для успешного выполнения этой части задания мы рекомендуем следующее:

• Прежде чем выбрать вариант ответа, 
вдумайтесь в смысл всего

Surely you know it's rude to..........people names?
a. shout 
b. call
c. insult 
d. give
В данном задании точное понимание смысла поможет сделать правильный выбор. Варианты 
а и с исключаются, так как они не вписываются в границы словоупотребления этих глаголов. Теперь выбор нужно сделать из вариантов и d. Но из слов it's rude вытекает, что речь идет о чем-то, что считается невежливым, таким образом вариант также исключается, так как выражение to give a name означает дать имя. Остается правильный вариант b — call, то есть to call people names -обзывать, называть бранными словами.
• Обращайте внимание на предлоги (или их отсутствие), что поможет
сделать правильный выбор:
I would never cheat - I would be..........of being caught.
a. worried 
b. afraid
c. anxious
d. nervous
Вам известно выражение 
to be afraid of, поэтому, если вы внимательны и не пропустили предлог of в этом предложении, то он поможет выбрать правильный вариант b - слово afraid.

• Важно помнить об артиклях.
I don't think Robert is responsible enough to..........a business on his own.
a. run
b. do
c. bear
d. make
end исключаются. Но если вы обратите внимание на неопределенный артикль а перед словом business, то сразу поймете, что здесь речь идёт не о бизнесе вообще, а об отдельной фирме. Это, естественно, и определит ваш выбор в пользу слова run (управлять), а не do.

• Обращайте внимание на грамматическую структуру предложения.
As always, I am..........with everything you say.
a. agree
b. agreeing
c. agreeable
d. in agreement 
Варианты с и 
исключаются, а вариант a (agree) грамматически неверен. Если вы не упустили из виду глагол am, то вы сразу поймете, что верным будет только вариант to be in agreement — d.

• Пользуйтесь методом исключения, если вы не уверены в значении какого-либо слова или выражения.
When I was applying for jobs, I asked my old boss if he would give me a 
a. reference
b. reputation
c. referee
d. receipt
Прочитав внимательно предложение и проанализировав его, вы определите, какое слово здесь должно быть по смыслу. В данном случае понятно, что при найме на новую работу, к прежнему руководителю обращаются за рекомендацией. Предположим, вы не знаете, что английское слово 
reference имеет значение «рекомендация», но вы знаете что варианты b, с, d (b - репутация; с - арбитр, спортивный судья, рефери; d - квитанция, получение) имеют другое значение и, следовательно, в данном контексте будут неверными. Таким образом, вы выбираете вариант а — reference.
Вторая часть теста по английскому языку направлена на проверку знания грамматики и представлена тестовыми заданиями в виде отдельных предложений или коротких ситуаций, в которых указанные в скобках глаголы нужно поставить в правильную временную форму.
Для того, чтобы успешно справиться с этим типом задания, советуем вам придерживаться следующих рекомендаций.
• Сначала прочитайте предложение или ситуацию до конца. 
Вдумайтесь в смысл. Определите, когда происходит действие (в прошедшем, настоящем или будущем временном периоде) и как оно протекает (наличие факта действия, результат действия, продолжение действия и т.д.). Обратите внимание на глаголы, выражающие состояние. Это поможет вам выбрать правильную временную ферму глагола.
Last year, Tom and Fiona 
to by a house. They for ages, and by the end of May they enough for the deposit on a house. 
Слова last year в первом предложении указывают на то, что действие происходило в прошлом, поэтому глагол decide нужно употребить в формеdecided (Past Simple). Эта часть ситуации, как правило, не вызывает трудностей у абитуриентов. В основном ошибки допускаются во второй ее части, когда многие, увидев привычные «подсказки» (for ages, by the end of May), не задумываясь, ставят глаголы save up и put by в формы have been saving up и have put by (соответственно в Present Perfect Continuous и Present Perfect).
Но действие второго предложения также относится к прошлому. Более того, оно предшествует действию первого предложения. Следовательно
 верными будут формы had been saving up и had put by (соответственно Past Perfect Continuous и Past Perfect).

• Помните, что вы не должны дописывать в тестовых заданиях собственные слова (союзы, предлоги, местоимения и т.д.). Это может не только исказить смысл предложения, но и привести к
серьезным грамматическим ошибкам.
King Henry VIII is said 
a very talented musician and the words and music for several songs. 
Иногда, не прочитав внимательно предложение, где глагол say стоит в форме страдательного залога (Passive Voice) is said, абитуриенты вдруг вспоминают, что после глагола say в косвенной речи идет союз that, и от себя добавляют это слово, что сразу же ведет к грубым грамматическим ошибкам. Следовательно, верной формой в этом предложении будет ...is said to have been... и ...to have composed... .

 Старайтесь найти «подсказки» в самих тестовых заданиях. Они
помогут вам верно понять смысл предложения или ситуации и
выбрать правильную временную форму.
«Подсказками» могут стать наречия, предлоги, союзы, обстоятельства места и времени и т.д., а в ситуации, ею может стать целое предложение.
Then I 
that he  and medals for swimming when he a boy. 
Помните о границах словоупотребления глагола tell (to tell smb. smth.), и вы поймете, что в главном предложении верным будет форма was told(Past Simple Passive), а в придаточных предложениях выбрать формы уже будет нетрудно. Таким образом, верными будут формы had won (Past Perfect) и was (Past Simple).
Можно привести еще один пример: 
I didn't hear the telephone. I must 
В этой ситуации первое предложение дает ключ к пониманию глагола 
must в значении должно быть (а не должен) и к выбору правильной формы инфинитива в данном контексте - have been asleep,

Третья часть теста включает задания по переводу предложений с русского языка на английский. Основной целью этого вида заданий является проверка знаний грамматики и первичных навыков перевода, поэтому эта часть теста представлена короткими предложениями или мини-ситуациями с несложной лексикой.
Основные рекомендации по выполнению перевода сводятся к следующему:

• Несмотря на то, что смысл предложений, написанных на русском языке, кажется вполне понятным, абитуриенты иногда пропускают важные моменты. Перевод считается наиболее трудным заданием,
поэтому сначала прочитайте предложение или ситуацию очень внимательно, а иногда даже следует «проговорить» перевод про себя.

• Перевод предложений на английский язык потребует от вас максимальной сосредоточенности, а также знаний грамматики в различных ее проявлениях.
Что объясняли вашим друзьям, когда вы присоединились к ним? 
Первое, о чем вы должны задуматься, это порядок слов. В данном случае порядок слов вопросительного предложения.
Затем определите временной контекст. Данная ситуация указывает на то, что действие происходило в прошлом, а действие главного предложения является продолженным.
Далее нужно обратить внимание на залог (активный или пассивный) в главном предложении и вспомнить об особенностях употребления глагола 
Что касается лексики, то здесь необходимо учесть, что глагол 
присоединяться к кому-либо переводится на английский язык глаголом join smb.,который не требует предлога.
 образом, верный перевод следующий:
What was being explained to уour friends, when you joined them?

Четвертая часть теста дается для проверки понимания прочитанного. Она представлена небольшим связанным текстом информационного характера, к которому предлагаются пять вопросов по содержанию и к каждому вопросу - четыре варианта ответа, из которых только один является правильным.
Для успешного выполнения данного типа задания можно рекомендовать следующее:

• Сначала прочитайте весь текст, чтобы понять его содержание, тему и логику развития событий.

• Не пугайтесь незнакомых слов. Например, в тексте о судоходстве в Великобритании незнакомыми словами могут быть названия морских судов, но они не мешают общему пониманию текста. Кроме того, значение некоторых слов часто становится ясным из контекста.

• После первого прочтения текста ознакомьтесь с предложенными к
нему вопросами, что поможет более глубокому пониманию текста
при втором прочтении.

• Прочитайте текст вторично, выделяя его ключевые фрагменты. Это
поможет найти верные ответы на вопросы к тексту.

• Приступая к выбору вариантов ответов на предложенные вопросы,
сначала очень внимательно прочитайте каждый вопрос, с тем чтобы
точно понять его смысл, и только затем приступайте к выполнению

Мы надеемся, что наши рекомендации помогут вам избежать досадных ошибок. Но нужно помнить, что основной секрет успеха на вступительных экзаменах заключается в хорошем знании лексики и грамматики английского языка.

Желаем вам удачи! (потому что знания могут подвести - Z.) 
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Test 5
Test 6
Test 7
Test 8
Test 9

Test 1

I. Обведите кружком номер правильного ответа.

1. I'll have to ........................... to you, otherwise the children will hear.
a. shout
d. whisper 

2. The plastic ........................... of my glasses is easily broken.
a. support
b. holder
c. frame
d. surround 

3. The crime was ........................... in the middle of a busy street, in full view of people returning home from work.
a. achieved
b. committed
c. performed
d. practised

4. The noise of the traffic prevented me from ........................... to sleep.
a. falling
b. starting
c. beginning
d. going

5. I'm afraid I'm really ........................... for time at the moment.
a. hurried
b. short
c. pulled
d. pressed

6. As there was no evidence, the judge dismissed the ............................ 
a. trial
b. witness
c. court
d. case

7. It is .................. unlikely that the Queen will agree to open the new Town Hall.
a. mainly
b. highly
c. largely
 d. greatly 

8. I still see my old classmates now and ...........................

a. occasionally
b. then 
c. sometimes 
d. here

9. Money is said to be the ........................... of all evil.
a. source
b. reason
c. cause
d. root

10. Nobody from the President down should imagine they are ........................... the law.
a. beyond
b. over
c. within
d. above

II. Раскройте скобки, заполнив пропуски нужными грамматическими формами. 
1. The car  by my mother when it  by a bus. My brother  and  to hospital. 

2. The doctor warned me that I 
 better unless I  sensibly.

3. Despite police investigations, the murder 
 a mystery up to now.

4. The marathon runner 
 for almost two hours when he  to the pavement. He received immediate medical attention.

5. - That's a big stack of bills on your desk, Sam. Haven't you paid your bills this month?
- No. Nor last month. I know I 
 irresponsible about paying my bills right now, but I've been really busy. I'll take care of them soon. Generally, I  an irresponsible person. 

6. - When Mary went out this morning she left her briefcase here.
- She might 
 to leave it behind. 

7. I wonder why 
 there  television when you
 you ought  on with your work? 

8. Kimora is a Japanese student who 
 English in the United States for about six months. Last Saturday she  to the home of one of her
American friends, Jason, who 
 Kimora to have dinner with him and his friends. 

9. When I left the airport, John and his wife 
 to the customs official. They  some difficulty over their passports. 

10. I don't remember 
 of the decision to change the company policy on holidays. When was it decided?

III. Переведите с русского языка на английский следующие предложения.

1. Прожив в Лондоне семь лет, моя подруга привыкла разговаривать по-английски со своими одноклассниками.
2. В прошлом году я жил недалеко от своей школы, и мне не приходилось вставать так рано, как сейчас.

3. Отец сказал, что не знает, когда вернётся из командировки, но пообещал, что, как только он вернётся, купит нам новый лазерный принтер.

4. Никто из нас не ожидал, что наши школьные друзья приедут так скоро. Им следовало нас предупредить.

5. - Можно мне забрать документы?
- Извините, вы не могли бы зайти за ними через полчаса? Их только что напечатали. Их сейчас просматривают.

6. Моя мама предложила, чтобы я купил себе новые часы, так как мои часы отставали на три минуты.

7. Едва я вошла в квартиру, как раздался телефонный звонок. Это была моя сестра, которая сказала, что только что приехала в Москву, чтобы осмотреть достопримечательности города.

8. - Мой друг не интересуется ни рыбалкой, ни охотой.
- И я тоже.

9. Мы были уверены, что чем больше мы платим за гостиницу, тем лучше обслуживание, но мы ошибались.

10. Кому из твоих друзей продиктовали домашнее задание, после того как раздали учебники?

IV. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, обведя номер
правильного варианта кружком.

Recent technological advances in manned and unmanned undersea vehicles along with
breakthroughs in satellite technology and computer equipment have overcome some of the limitations of divers and diving equipment. Without a vehicle, divers often became sluggish and their mental concentration was limited. Because of undersea pressure that affected their speech organs, communication among divers was difficult or impossible. But today, most oceanographers make direct observations by means of instruments that are lowered into the ocean, from samples taken from the water, or from photographs made by orbiting satellites. Direct observations of the ocean floor are made not only by divers but also by deep-diving submarines and aerial photography. Some of the submarines can dive to depths of more than seven miles and cruise at depths of fifteen thousand feet.
In addition, radio-equipped buoys can be operated by remote control in order to transmit information back to land-based laboratories, often via satellite. Particularly important are data about water temperature, currents and weather. Satellite photographs can show the distribution of sea ice, oil slicks, and cloud formations over the ocean. Maps created from satellite pictures can represent the temperature and the color of the ocean's surface, enabling researchers to study the ocean currents. Furthermore, computers help oceanographers to collect and analyze data from submarines and satellites. By creating a model of the ocean's movement and characteristics, scientists can predict the patterns and possible effects of the ocean on the environment.
Recently, many oceanographers have been relying more on satellites and computers than on
research ships or even submarine vehicles because they can supply a greater range of information more quickly and more efficiently. Some of mankind's most serious problems, especially those concerning energy and food, may be solved with the help of observations made possible by this new technology.

1. With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?
a. Technological advances in oceanography
b. Communication among divers
c. Direct observation of the ocean floor
d. Undersea vehicles

2. Divers have had problems in communicating underwater because
a. the pressure affected their speech organs
b. the vehicles they used have not been perfected
c. they did not pronounce clearly
d. the water destroyed their speech organs

3. This passage suggests that the successful exploration of the ocean depends upon
a. vehicles as well as divers
b. radios that divers use to communicate
c. controlling currents and the weather
d. the limitations of diving equipment

4. Which of the following are NOT shown in satellite photographs?
a. The temperature of the ocean's surface
b. Cloud formations over the ocean
c. A model of the ocean's movements
d. The location of sea ice

5. According to the author, what are some of the problems the underwater studies may eventually
a. Weather and temperature control
b. Food and energy shortages
c. Transportation and communication problems
d. Overcrowding and housing problems

Test 1 - answers
1. d
3. b
4. d
5. d
6. d
7. b
8. b
9. d
10. d
1. was being driven; was hit; was badly injured; was taken
2. would not get; ate
3. has remained
4. had been running; collapsed
5. am being; am not
6. have meant
7. you are sitting; watching; know; to be getting
8. has been studying; went; invited ( had invited )
9. were still talking; seemed to be having
10. being told
1. a
2. a
3. a
5. b

Test 2

I. Обведите кружком номер правильного ответа. 

1. At the end of the financial year the company announced huge............................
a. prizes
b. profits
c. rewards
d. successes

2. The whole problem has its...........................in the late 1980s.
a. stem
b. roots
c. cause
d. spring

3. " I'm afraid that the book is out of..........................., sir. I could try to get it for you."
a. stock
b. order
c. store
d. supply
4. Managers claim we are in desperate...........................of greater investment in our industries.
a. requirement
b. excess
c. need
d. lack

5. My employer's...........................of my work does not matter to me at all.
a. meaning
b. belief
c. opinion
 d. expression

6. I should like to...........................your attention to the new parking regulations.
a. pay
b. give
c. draw
d. focus

7. Because his argument was so confusing...............................people understood it.
a. few
b. clever
c. less
d. many

8. I have posted my application...............................for a driving licence.
a. register
b. form
c. paper
d. certificate

9. After leaving school, he tried to..............................a living as a car salesman.
a. gain
b. win
c. obtain
d. earn

10. You look worried. What's on your...........................?
a. brain
b. head
c. mind
d. thoughts

II. Раскройте скобки, заполнив пропуски нужными грамматическими формами.

1. We first 
 to Cornwall in 1980 and we  back every year since then.

2. When I 
 Helen last night she  her report and she  when I finally  to her house.

3. - Did you hear the explosion a few minutes ago? - What explosion?
- There 
 a loud explosion in Baker Street. You must  it.

4. The car 
 when I arrived to collect it.

5. You know, something 
 me that you  to a single word I  in the past ten minutes!

6. My father is going to retire in two years' time and then we 
 to the country providing we  to find a small house near the town within our price. I am sure I  my friends at first.

7. Dr. Wilson is a brilliant and dedicated scientist who had expected 
 as the director of the institute. He was very surprised not  the position.

8. I heard someone 
 the door and  it behind them. Who could it be?

9. I used to 
 the saying that " children should be seen and not heard ".
 that way and then I tried  my children that way. Now I see my daughter  her children  almost anything they want.

10. When we arrived, we 
 into the hall. As the guests assembled in the room, it was obvious that they  carefully.

III. Переведите с русского языка на английский следующие предложения.

1. Наш новый дом был гораздо больше того, в котором мы жили раньше. Мы переехали к десятому июня и пригласили наших друзей на новоселье (house-warming party).
2. Елене пришлось сказать ему, что он не прав, хотя ей это было очень неприятно.

3. На собеседовании (interview) меня спросили, откуда я родом, где я работал и каковы мои планы на будущее.

4. Чем больше времени вы будете проводить на свежем воздухе, тем лучше вы будете себя чувствовать.

5. Ты не возражаешь, если я посмотрю последние фотографии, которые ты на днях сделал?

6. Мария предложила мне взять с собой как можно больше тёплой одежды, но посоветовала упаковать её только в одну сумку.

7. Прежде чем мы начали делать упражнения, нам объяснили новое правило и продиктовали несколько примеров.

8. Джон поинтересовался, может ли он попросить меня никому ничего не рассказывать об этом инциденте.

9. Хотя Анна выглядит очень молодо, она в два раза старше моей семнадцатилетней сестры.

10. - Какие последние новости с чемпионата мира по футболу?
- К сожалению, пока у меня не было времени посмотреть их по телевизору.
IV. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, обведя номер
правильного варианта кружком.

Although noise, commonly defined as unwanted sound, is a widely recognized form of
pollution, it is very difficult to measure because the discomfort experienced by different individuals is highly subjective and, therefore, variable. Exposure to lower levels of noise may be slightly irritating, whereas exposure to higher levels may actually cause hearing loss. Particularly in congested urban areas, the noise produced as a byproduct of our advancing technology causes physical and psychological harm, and detracts from the quality of life for those who are exposed to it. Unlike the eyes, which can be covered by the eyelids against strong light, the ear has no lid, and is, therefore, always open and vulnerable; noise penetrates without protection. Noise causes effects that the hearer cannot control and to which the body never becomes accustomed. Loud noises instinctively signal danger to any organism with a hearing mechanism, including human beings. In response, heartbeat and respiration accelerate, blood vessels constrict, the skin pales, and muscles tense. In fact, there is a general increase in functioning brought about by the flow of adrenaline released in response to fear, and some of these responses persist even longer than the noise, occasionally as long as thirty minutes after the sound has ceased. Because noise is unavoidable in a complex, industrial society, we are constantly responding in the same ways that we would respond to danger. Recently, researchers have concluded that noise and our response may be much more than an annoyance. It may be a serious threat to physical and psychological health and well-being, causing damage not only to the ear and brain but also to the heart and stomach. We have long known that hearing loss is America's number one nonfatal health problem, but now we are learning that some of us with heart disease and ulcers may be victims of noise as well. Fetuses exposed to noise tend to be overactive, they cry easily, and they are more sensitive to gastrointestinal problems after birth. In addition, the psychic effect of noise is very important. Nervousness, irritability, tension, and anxiety increase, affecting the quality of rest during sleep, and the efficiency of activities during waking hours, as well as the way that we interact with each other.

1. Which of the following is the author's main point?
a. Noise may pose a serious threat to our physical and psychological health.
b. Loud noises signal danger.
c. Hearing loss is America's number one nonfatal health problem.
d. The ear is not like the eye.

2. According to the passage, what is noise?
a. Unwanted sound
b. A byproduct of technology
c. Physical and psychological harm
d. Congestion

3. Why is noise difficult to measure?
a. It causes hearing loss.
b. All people do not respond to it in the same way.
c. It is unwanted.
d. People become accustomed to it.

4. It can be inferred from this passage that the eye
a. responds to fear
b. enjoys greater protection than the ear
c. increases functions
d. is damaged by noise

5. According to the passage, people respond to loud noises in the same way that they respond to
a. annoyance
b. danger
c. damage
d. disease

Test 2 - answers
1. b
2. b
3. a
7. a
8. b
9. d
1. went; have been
2. phoned; was typing; hadn't finished; got
3. was; have heard
4. was still being cleaned
5. tells; haven't been listening; have said
6. will move; are able; will miss
7. to be selected; to have been offered
8. open; slam
9. hear; was brought up; to bring; permitting ( permit); to do
10. were shown; had been chosen
1. a
2. a
3. b
4. b
5. b  
Test 3

I. Обведите кружком номер правильного ответа. 
1. Helen's parents were very pleased when they read her school............................
a. report
b. papers
c. diploma
d. account

2. We have enough problems without you...........................trouble all the time.
a. falling
b. getting
c. being
d. making

3. The party............................I was the guest of honour, was extremely enjoyable.
a. by which
b. at which
c. for which
d. to which

4. Did you see that...........................about wildlife in Australia on television last night?
a. soap opera
b. history
c. situational comedy
d. documentary

5. We need to...........................the main points of our argument.
a. pin
b. highlight
c. lighten
d. enlighten

6. The government has decided to send more...........................to Saharan countries.
a. charity
b. aid
c. collections
d. donations

7. Could you...........................me to the castle museum, please?
a. tell
b. point
c. direct
d. explain

8. When you come to stay............................some warm clothing. It's very cold here,
a. bring
b. carry
c. take
d. fetch

9. The purpose of the examination was to...........................the students' knowledge of the subject.
a. try
b. inspect
c. prove
d. test

10. The theatre had to close down because of...........................funds.
a. incomplete
b. indefinite
c. insufficient
d. imperfect

II. Раскройте скобки, заполнив пропуски нужными грамматическими формами.

1. Forty-six people who  the fish at Seafood Heaven, a restaurant on the western shore, last Thursday night became ill with food poisoning. Other people who  at the restaurant that night were unaffected. The fish must  bad.

2. Scientists 
 the data for several days now but they  nothing unusual so far.

 in touch with you as soon as I  my lawyer and  his opinion. I promise I  without consulting you first.

4. This candidate 
 very promising. Just think about his experience. He  in Hong Kong, Australia and the USA and  for a number of multi-national companies. I  we should  him.

5. When I 
 London next month I  here almost a year.

6. I am getting too fat 
 any of my clothes because my landlady is such a good cook that I can't resist  second helpings of the delicious sweets she makes.

7. I heard the phone 
 twice and picked up the receiver quickly.

8. When she opened the window she was happy to see it 
 at the moment. In fact, it all night and snow  all the rooftops.

9. He claims 
 a cure for the common cold.

10. - Oh, Mum, this programme's nearly finished. Can't I go on 
 TV for a while ?
- No, I want you to do your maths homework and then go on 
 your English essay.

III. Переведите с русского языка на английский следующие предложения.

1. Вы опоздали уже второй раз на этой неделе. Если это случится ещё раз, я не разрешу вам присутствовать на уроке.

2. В начале года владелец дома поднял арендную плату ( rent) в два раза, несмотря на протесты жильцов ( a tenant).
 3. Мне понравилась его стрижка, и я спросил его, где он стригся.
 4. В нашем городе многие старые дома сейчас заменяются ( replace ) новыми зданиями.
 5. - Ты часто покупаешь фрукты?
- Да, я трачу много денег на фрукты, потому что я их очень люблю.
6. Мама сказала нам, чтобы мы ничего никому не давали без её разрешения.
7. Я не привык к тому, чтобы на меня кричали. Тебе следует сейчас же извиниться.
 8. Петра не видно целую неделю. Говорят, что он в отпуске.
 9. Сначала нам сказали, что спектакль начнётся на 15 минут позже, а следующей неприятной новостью было то, что заболел ведущий (leading) актёр.
10. Ни она, ни я ничего не знаем о приезде делегации. Нам придётся принять срочные меры.

IV. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, обведя номер
правильного варианта кружком.

Carnegie Hall, the famous concert hall in New York City, has again undergone a
restoration. While this is not the first, it is certainly the most extensive in the building's history. As a result of this new restoration, Carnegie Hall once again has the quality of sound that it had when it was first built.
Carnegie Hall owes its existence to Andrew Carnegie, the wealthy owner of a steel
company in the late 1800s. The hall was finished in 1891 and quickly gained a reputation as an
excellent performing arts hall where accomplished musicians gained fame. Despite its reputation, however, the concert hall suffered from several detrimental renovations over the years. During the Great Depression, when fewer people could afford to attend performances, the directors sold part of the building to commercial businesses. As a result, a coffee shop was opened in one corner of the building, for which the builders replaced the brick and terracotta walls with windowpanes. A renovation in 1946 seriously damaged the acoustical quality of the hall when the makers of the film 
Carnegie Hall cut a gaping hole in the dome of the ceiling to allow for lights and air vents. The hole was later covered with short curtains and a fake ceiling, but the hall never sounded the same afterwards.
In 1960, the violinist Isaac Stern became involved in restoring the hall after a group of
real estate developers unveiled plans to demolish Carnegie Hall and build a high-rise office building on the site. This threat spurred Stern to rally public support for Carnegie Hall and encourage the City of New York to buy the property. The movement was successful, and the concert hall is now owned by the city. In the current restoration, builders tested each new material for its sound qualities, and they replaced the hole in the ceiling with a dome. The builders also restored the outer walls to their original appearance and closed the coffee shop. Carnegie has never sounded better, and its prospects for the future have never looked more promising.

1. This passage is mainly about
a. changes to Carnegie Hall
b. the appearance of Carnegie Hall
c. Carnegie Hall's history during the Great Depression
d. damage to the ceiling in Carnegie Hall

2. What major change happened to the hall in 1946?
a. The acoustic dome was damaged.
b. Space in the building was sold to commercial businesses.
c. The walls were damaged in an earthquake.
d. The stage was renovated.

3. Who was Andrew Carnegie?
a. a violinist
b. an architect
c. a steel mill owner
d. mayor of New York City

4. What was probably the most important aspect of the recent renovation?
a. restoring the outer wall
b. expanding the lobby
c. restoring the plaster trim
d. repairing the ceiling

5. How does the author seem to feel about the future of Carnegie Hall?
a. ambiguous
b. guarded
c. optimistic
d. negative

Test 3 - answers

1. a
2. d
3. b
4. d
5. b
6. b
8. a
9. d
1. ate; ate; have been
2. have been analysing; have found
3. will get; have seen; (have) heard; will not act
4. looks; has lived; has worked; think; definitely interview
5. leave; will have studied ( will have been studying)
6. to wear; having
7. ring
8. was snowing; it had been snowing/ it had snowed; had covered
9. to have discovered
10. watching; to write
1. a
2. a
4. d

Test 4

I. Обведите кружком номер правильного ответа. 
1. How many planets are there in our...........................system?
a. solar
b. universe
c. sun
d. planetary

2. The thief returned the old lady's money, because he had a guilty ..................
a. heart
b. feeling
c. conscience
d. mind

3............................ people go to football matches now than twenty years ago.
a. Less
b. Lesser
c. Fewer
d. Few

4. Some people feel that television should give less...........................to sport.
a. programmes
b. coverage
c. concern
d. involvement

5. The journalist refused to disclose his...........................to the judge.
a. information
b. source
c. sponsor
d. article

6. Why do you so rarely see a woman...........................an orchestra?
a. conducting
b. directing
c. driving
d. producing

7. Paul managed to win the car rally at the first............................
a. attempt
b. try
c. rate
d. entry

8. We...........................a blanket on the ground to sit on during the picnic.
a. lied
b. laid
c. lay
d. set

9. The attendance at our local music society meetings is very low..................
a. practically
b. commonly
c. by percentage
d. on average

10. The book was the...........................of many years' teaching experience.
a. effect
b. product
c. outcome
d. issue

П. Раскройте скобки, заполнив пропуски нужными грамматическими формами.

1. Louisa usually 
 to work by tube, but today she  there in chauffeur-driven limousine. The reason for this is that she  the young business person award, and as part of the prize people  her like royalty.

2. The coach didn't let anyone 
 the team  before the championship game. He wanted to keep the opposing team from  about the new plays he had devised.

3. Unless you hurry, all the best dishes 
 before we  to the party.

4. When I first 
 abroad to study, I  in a boarding school before. During the first year, I a roommate from Switzerland who a very good friend. Prior to that time, I  with anyone from another culture.

5. You should 
 when you saw that his feelings were hurt.

6. Tim won't regret 
 money on  the house if he his money back when he it.

7. " We are still hopeful, everything possible 
 now to save the patient, " said the doctor.

8.- Did you mean 
 so far away?
- Yes. Otherwise, it would mean 
 to get into a car park.

9. - My father once 
 Elvis Presley in Las Vegas.
- Well, I 
 his daughter, Lisa, many times. She lives near me.

10. The team is said 
the match through sheer luck.

III. Переведите с русского языка на английский следующие предложения.

1. Пятидесяти минут недостаточно, чтобы написать контрольную работу. 

2. На прошлой неделе я встретил своего друга, которого не видел несколько месяцев.

3. - Вы знаете, сколько пьес написал Шекспир ( Shakespeare )?
- Около 30, но ни одной из них я не читал в оригинале (in the original).
 4. Бесс уже привыкла путешествовать самолётом. За последние пять лет она пересекла континент много раз.
5. Мэри обычно приходит на работу в 9 часов, но из-за пробки на дороге она опоздала на 2 часа.
6. Хозяйка наблюдала, как её гости упаковывали чемоданы, и видела, что им не хотелось уезжать.
7. Мне много раз повторяли, что мне следует бросить курить.
 8. - Сколько у тебя денег?
- Мало, на покупку телевизора их не хватит. Мне нужно в два раза больше денег.
9. Менеджер сказал, что не знает, подпишут ли они контракт к концу дня, но пообещал позвонить, как только его подпишут.
10. Джон раньше ездил к своим родителям каждые выходные, но сейчас он не навещает их даже по праздникам.

IV. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, обведя номер
правильного варианта кружком.

Few men have influenced the development of American English to the extent that Noah
Webster did. Born in West Hartford, Connecticut, in 1758, his name has become synonymous with
American dictionaries. Graduated from Yale in 1778, he was admitted to the bar in 1781 and
thereafter began to practice law in Hartford. Later, when he turned to teaching, he discovered how
inadequate the available schoolbooks were for the children of a new and independent nation. In
response to the need for truly American textbooks, Webster published A 
Grammatical Institute of the English Language, a three-volume work that consisted of a speller, a grammar, and a reader. The first volume, which was generally known as The American Spelling Book, was so popular that eventually it sold more than 80 million copies and provided him with a considerable income for the rest of his life.
While teaching, Webster began work on the 
Compendious Dictionary of the English Language, which was published in 1806.
In 1807 Noah Webster began his greatest work, 
An American Dictionary of the English
In preparing the manuscript, he devoted ten years to the study of English and its
relationship to other languages, and seven more years to the writing itself. Published in two volumes in 1828, 
An American Dictionary of the English Languagehas become the recognized authority for usage in the United States. Webster's purpose in writing it was to demonstrate that the American language was developing distinct meanings, pronunciations, and spellings from those of British English. He is responsible for advancing simplified spelling forms: develop instead of the British form develope; theater and center instead of theatre and centre; color and honor instead of colour and honour.
In 1840 Webster brought out a second edition of his dictionary, which included 70,000 entries instead of the original 38,000. This edition has served as the basis for the many revisions that have been produced under the Webster name.

1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
a. Webster's Work
b. Webster's Dictionaries
c. Webster's School
d. Webster's Life

2. Why did Webster write 
A Grammatical Institute of the English Language?
a. He wanted to supplement his income.
b. There were no books available after the Revolutionary War.
с. He felt that British books were not appropriate for American children.
d. The children did not know how to spell.

3. From which publication did Webster earn a lifetime income?
a. Compendious Dictionary of the English Language
b. An American Dictionary of the English Language
c. An American Dictionary of the English Language: Second Edition
d. The American Spelling Book

4. According to the author, what was Webster's purpose in writing 
An American Dictionary of the
English Language 
a. To respond to the need for new schoolbooks
b. To demonstrate the distinct development of the English language in America
c. To promote spelling forms based upon British models
d. To influence the pronunciation of the English language

5. According to this passage, which one of the following spellings would Webster have approved in his
a. Develope
b. Theatre
c. Color
d. Honour

Test 4 - answers
1. a
4. b
5. b
6. a
7. a
8. b
9. d
10. b
1. goes; is going; has just won: are treating
2. watch; practise ( practising); finding out
3. will have been eaten; get
4. travelled; had never lived; had; became; had never lived
5. have apologized
6. spending; modernising; gets; sells
7. is being done
8. to park; paying
9. saw; have seen
10. to have won
1. a
3. d
4. b

Test 5

I. Обведите кружком номер правильного ответа.

1. It's...........................knowledge that they're going out with each other.
a. common
b. frequent
c. general
d. open

2. Although they no longer love each other, they've decided to stay together ............................ the children.
a. for the sake of
b. in spite of
c. on behalf of
d. in the event of

3. I must tell you about my...........................when I first arrived in London.
a. incidents
b. happenings
c. experiences
d. events

4. The minister has a talent for talking to ordinary people as if they were his ........................
а. level
b. fellows
c. counterparts
d. equals

5. The government has spent 1 million pounds on an advertising...........................to encourage energy conservation.
a. campaign
b. promotion
c. operation
d. enterprise

6. There's no...........................in applying for the job unless you have the right qualifications.
a. point
b. reason
c. use
d. worth

7. I'm sorry I'm late. I was...........................in the traffic.
a. held back
b. held down
c. held over
d. held up

8. We covered a wide............................of topics in the interview.
a. collection
b. extend
c. number
d. range

9. There's still speculation that one day they will...........................the Titanic from the sea bed.
a. rise
b. raise
c. erect
d. arise

10. I use the car...............................often than I used to.
a. less
b. the less
c. least
d. lesser

II. Раскройте скобки, заполнив пропуски нужными грамматическими формами.
1. Bob 
 by a police officer last night. He must  too fast when she clocked him on her radar. He  a speeding ticket.

2. It's a very sad day: Lucy and Bob 
 after two years of  together.

3. - I'll never forget 
 across America.
- Yes, but you forgot 
 me a postcard, didn't you?

4. Ann would love 
 on a beach now, instead of typing reports.

5. How many public holidays 
 in your country and how long holidays  to most workers?

6. The sales of cars 
 to 1 million in 1984, since then it fairly static.
7. My father was very pleased when he 
 this house because he  to own a house by the sea. My parents  here for twenty years now and they  leaving the city. I  here at the moment because I need some sea air. It's wonderful.

8. You should 
 his face when she told him the news.

9. Many researchers firmly 
 that in the next century robots  everywhere. It is not a question of if but rather when robots  many of the boring tasks that humans now do.

10. Hooligans are said 
 several shop windows during the riot.

III. Переведите с русского языка на английский следующие предложения.

1. Мой брат давно интересуется политикой и не пропускает ни одной программы новостей.

2. Мама спросила мальчиков, кто из них разбил вазу и почему до сих пор ни тот ни другой не извинился.
 3. Анна, что ты там готовишь на кухне? Так вкусно пахнет!
 4. Ник абсолютно здоров. Ему даже никогда не приходилось жаловаться на головную боль, не так ли?
5. Мой дедушка слишком стар, чтобы оставлять его одного дома.
6. Мария сказала, что если она приедет на вокзал немного позже, то позвонит мне.
7. Увидев на полу деньги, я поднял их с пола и положил на стол.
8. Наш преподаватель английского языка сказал нам : " Чем больше времени вы будете проводить в фонозале (language laboratory ), тем лучше будет ваше произношение! "
9. Пассажирам объявили, что поезд прибывает на платформу номер 2.
10. - Я не могу заставить себя заниматься английским языком регулярно.
- Я тоже.
IV. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, обведя номер правильного варианта кружком.

Organic architecture - that is, natural architecture-may be varied in concept and form,
but it is always faithful to natural principles. Organic architecture rejects rules imposed by individual preference or mere aesthetics in order to remain true to the nature of the site, the materials, the purpose of the structure, and the people who will ultimately use it. If these natural principles are upheld, then a bank cannot be built to look like a Greek temple. Form does not follow function; form is inseparable from function. In other words, a building should be inspired by nature's forms and constructed with materials that retain and respect the natural characteristics of the setting to create harmony with its natural environment. It should maximize people's contact with and utilization of the outdoors. Furthermore, the rule of functionalism is upheld; that is, the principle of excluding everything that serves no practical purpose.
Natural principles then, are principles of design, not style, expressed by construction
that reflects unity, balance, proportion, rhythm, and scale. Like a sculptor, the organic architect views the site and materials as an innate form that develops organically from within. Truth in architecture results in a natural, spontaneous structure in total harmony with the setting. For the most part, these structures find their geometric shapes in the contours of the land and their colors in the surrounding palette of nature. From the outside, an organic structure is so much a part of nature that it is often obscured by it. In other words, it may not be possible for the eye to easily separate the man-made structure from the natural terrain. Natural light, air, and view permeate the whole structure, providing a sense of communication with the outdoors. From the inside, living spaces open into each other. The number of walls for separate rooms is reduced to a minimum, allowing the functional spaces to flow together. Moreover, the interiors are sparse. Organic architecture incorporates built-in architectural features such as benches and storage areas to take the place of furniture.

1. According to the passage, what is another name for organic architecture?
a. Natural architecture
b. Aesthetic architecture
c. Principle architecture
d. Varied architecture

2. With which of the following statements would the author most probably agree?
a. Form follows function.
b. Function follows form.
c. Function is not important to form.
d. Form and function are one.

3. The following examples are all representative of natural architecture EXCEPT
a. a bank that is built to look like a Greek temple
b. a bank built so that the location is important to the structure
c. a bank that is built to conform to the colors of the natural surroundings
d. a bank that is built to be functional rather than beautiful

4. Why does the author compare an organic architect to a sculptor?
a. To emphasize aesthetics
b. To give an example of natural principles
c. To make a point about the development of geometry
d. To demonstrate the importance of style

5. Which of the following statements best describes the architect's view of nature?
a. Nature should be conquered.
b. Nature should not be considered.
c. Nature should be respected.
d. Nature should be improved.

Test 5 - answers

1. a
2. a
4. d
5. a
6. a
7. d
8. d
9. b
10. a
1. was stopped; have been driving; was given
2. have broken up; going out
3. travelling; to send
4. to be lying
5. are celebrated; are given
6. rose; has remained
7. bought; had always wanted; have been living; have never regretted; am staying
8. have seen
9. believe; will be; will perform
10. to have smashed
1. a
2. d
3. a
4. b

Test 6

I. Обведите кружком номер правильного ответа. 
1. Be quiet! This is the weather...........................for the weekend.
a. forecast
b. broadcast
c. statement
d. horoscope

2. One of...........................days I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.
a. our
b. those
c. these
d. the

3. Julie had a terrible...........................with her parents last night.
a. row
b. discussion
c. argue
d. dispute

4............................you read the instructions carefully, you'll understand what to do.
a. As far as
b. Provided
c. As much as
d. As well as

5. As a trusted employee, she had...........................to highly confidential information.
a. admission
b. entrance
c. contact
d. access

6. Only a mechanic could appreciate the true........................... of the damage to the car.
a. extent
b. rate
c. amount
d. affect

7. If you are rude to customers they are...........................to come back.
a. impossible
b. improbable
c. incapable
d. unlikely

8. You may not have to stay the night but take a toothbrush just in............................
a. case
b. time
c. order
d. preparation

9. He was very upset by the...........................of his English examination.
a. result
b. failure
c. effect
d. success

10. I went shopping today and bought a new winter...........................
a. costume
b. outfit
c. suit
d. clothing

II. Раскройте скобки, заполнив пропуски нужными грамматическими формами.
1. I spent ages  preparations for the dinner party but I needn't  . At the last moment, Philip  to say he  to come.

2. The police 
 the man for several hours by now, but so far they any new information from him.

3. You shouldn't delay 
 a decision about how you are going your holiday as everything gets booked up very early.

4. As soon as he looked at her face, Tom realised he 

5. If you want us 
 there before dark you should let us  at once.

6. Alan 
 to Barcelona tonight. He  his suitcase but he  a taxi yet . His plane  at 8 pm.

7. They seem 
. I can hear their angry voices.

8. When Henry takes his final examinations next summer, he 
 four years.

9. He expected 
 by his friends.

10. Mary 
 her glasses at that time, so she  what kind of car the man .

III. Переведите с русского языка на английский следующие предложения.

1. - Сегодня есть интересные новости?
- К сожалению, никаких новостей ещё не поступало.
 2. Никто не сказал ни слова. Мы стояли и смотрели, как он открыл портфель, положил туда учебники и вышел из класса.
 3. Учитель подошёл к ребятам и спросил их, в чём дело и почему они так шумят.
4. Мне дали совет коротко подстричься. Думаю, я должен последовать ему.
5. Я знаю тебя почти 10 лет, но я никогда не видел тебя такой взволнованной.
6. - Кто из них старше, Ольга или Маша?
- Ольга. Она на три года старше Маши.
7. Секретарь сказал,что утренние газеты и письма уже просмотрены.
8. Моя двенадцатилетняя дочь очень мало читает. Я не могу заставить её читать больше.
 9. В воскресенье я не смогу пойти с тобой в театр. Приезжает моя сестра, и мне придётся её встретить.
 10. - Мы поедем на такси или пойдём пешком?
- Нам незачем спешить. У нас много времени, и мы можем пойти пешком.

IV. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, обведя номер правильного варианта кружком.

May 7, 1840, was the birthday of one of the most famous Russian composers of the nineteenth century: Peter Illich Tchaikovsky. The son of a mining inspector, Tchaikovsky studied music as a child and later studied composition at the St. Petersburg Conservatory. His greatest period of productivity occurred between 1876 and 1890, during which time he enjoyed the patronage of Madame von Meck, a woman he never met, who gave him a living stipend of about $ 1,000.00 a year. Madame von Meck later terminated her friendship with Tchaikovsky, as well as his living allowance, when she, herself, was facing financial difficulties. It was during the time of Madame von Meck's patronage, however, that Tchaikovsky created the music for which he is most famous, including the music for the ballets of Swan Lake and The Sleeping Beauty. Tchaikovsky's music, well known for its rich melodic and sometimes melancholy passages, was one of the first that brought serious dramatic music to dance. Before this, little attention had been given to the music behind the dance.
Tchaikovsky died on November 6, 1893, ostensibly of cholera, though there are now some scholars who argue that he committed suicide.

1. With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?
a. the life and music of Tchaikovsky
b. development of Tchaikovsky's music for ballets
c. Tchaikovsky's relationship with Madame Von Meek
d. the cause of Tchaikovsky's death

2. According to the passage, all of the following describe Madame von Meck EXCEPT:
a. She had economic troubles.
b. She was generous.
c. She was never introduced to Tchaikovsky.
d. She enjoyed Tchaikovsky's music.

3. According to the passage, for what is Tchaikovsky's music most well known?
a. its repetitive and monotonous tones
b. the ballet-like quality of the music
c. the richness and melodic drama of the music
d. its lively, capricious melodies

4. According to the passage, 
Swan Lake and The Sleeping Beauty are
a. dances
b. songs
c. operas
d. plays

5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
a. Tchaikovsky's influence on ballet music
b. Tchaikovsky's unhappiness leading to suicide
c. the patronage of Madame von Meck
d. Tchaikovsky's productivity in composing

Test 6 - answers

1. a
3. a
4. b
5. d
6. a
7. d
8. a
9. a
10. b
1. making; have bothered; rang; wasn't able ( wouldn't be able
2. have been questioning; haven't got
3. making; to spend
4. hadn't been forgiven
5. to get; start
6. is flying; has already packed; hasn't called; leaves
7. to be quarrelling
8. will have studied ( will have been studying )
9. to be helped
10. wasn't wearing; didn't notice; was driving
1. a
2. d
4. a
5. b

Test 7

I. Обведите кружком номер правильного ответа.
1. The tomatoes are still green - they aren't...........................yet.
a. developed
b. mature
c. ripe
d. seasoned

2. You'll just have to learn these expressions...........................
a. by word
b. to heart
c. by heart
d. with all your heart

3. When it........................... to helping with the housework, he is absolutely hopeless.
a. refers
b. goes
c. comes
d. amounts

4. He got out of bed and took a few ..............................but couldn't go any farther.
a. stages
b. starts
c. steps
d. actions

5. Many people complain of the rapid...........................of modern life.
a. rate
b. gait
c. pace
d. march

6. The...........................baggage allowance is twenty kilos.
a. common
b. normal
c. general
d. plain

7. This room really could do with another...........................of paint.
a. coat
b. jacket
c. skin
d. silver

8. Having........................... the table, Mrs Roberts called the family for supper.
a. laid
b. spread
c. ordered
d. completed

9. The student decided to...........................the exam next June.
a. give
b. take
c. get
d. make

10. One...........................of their new house is that it has no garden.
a. pity
b. dislike
c. complaint
d. disadvantage

П. Раскройте скобки, заполнив пропуски нужными грамматическими формами.

1. Last year we  a holiday at all but this year we  three already and it's only June.

2. I know I said I would phone you as soon as I 
 but I  remember where I  your number.

3. - 
your hand? It's all red and swollen.
- Yes. I 
 it with a hammer this morning. I  to carpentry classes for the last couple of weeks.
 any furniture yet?
- Yes, I 
 a small coffee table for my wife last week. It was her birthday present.

4. Henry is used to 
 at night and accustomed to  during the day.

5. John was exhausted because he 
 in the garden all day.

6. - How much 
? - I'm not sure. The assistant  it at the moment.

7. In England stamps 
 only at post offices. They  at tobacconists' as they often  on the continent.

8. In ten years' time I 
 for a different company.

9. You ought 
 for your exam now. Why aren't you?

10. The work on the house 
 before the newly-weds return from their honeymoon.

III. Переведите с русского языка на английский следующие предложения.

1. В комнате было мало мебели и, к моему удивлению, много комнатных цветов (indoor plant).

2. - Дождь кончился?
- Нет, ещё идёт. Он идёт уже несколько дней.

3. К тому времени как дети вернутся из школы, их мама уже несколько часов будет работать в саду.

4. Ни одна из этих книг не принадлежит мне. Все они из разных библиотек.
 5. Мы наблюдали, как дети наряжали новогоднюю ёлку.
6. Новости были важные и были выслушаны с большим вниманием.
7. К 25 годам С. Есенин уже был известным в России поэтом.
 8. Я не знала, что Анна изучает английский язык с детства.
 9. - Пляж почти пустой.
- Я уверен, что как только немного потеплеет, на этом пляже будет много народу.
 10. Я не смогу пойти с вами на вечер, мне придётся остаться присмотреть за младшей сестрой.
IV. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, обведя номер правильного варианта кружком.

Although stage plays have been set to music since the era of the ancient Greeks, when the
dramas of Sophocles and Aeschylus were accompanied by lyres and flutes, the usually accepted date
for the beginning of opera as we know it is 1600, As part of the celebration of the marriage of King
Henry IV of France to the Italian aristocrat Maria de Medici, the Florentine composer Jacopo Peri
produced his famous 
Euridice, generally considered to be the first opera. Following his example, a
group of Italian musicians, poets, and noblemen called the Camerata began to revive the style of
musical story that had been used in Greek tragedy. The Camerata took most of the plots for their
operas from Greek and Roman history and mythology, writing librettos or dramas for music. They
called their compositions 
opera in musica or musical works. It is from this phrase that the word
"opera" is borrowed.
For several years, the center of opera was Florence, but gradually, during the baroque period, it
spread throughout Italy. By the late 1600s, operas were being written and performed in Europe,
especially in England, France, and Germany. But, for many years, the Italian opera was considered
the ideal, and many non-Italian composers continued to use Italian librettos. The European form de-
emphasized the dramatic aspect. New orchestral effects and even ballet were introduced under the
guise of opera. Composers gave in to the demands of singers, writing many operas that were nothing
more than a succession of brilliant tricks for the voice. Complicated arias, recitatives, and duets
evolved. The aria, which is a long solo, may be compared to a song in which the characters express
their thoughts and feelings. The recitative, which is also a solo, is a recitation set to music whose
purpose is to continue the story line. The duet is a musical piece written for two voices which may
serve the function of either an aria or a recitative.

1. This passage is a summary of
a. opera in Italy
b. the Camerata
c. the development of opera
d. Euridice

2. According to this passage, when did modern opera begin?
a. In the time of the ancient Greeks
b. In the fifteenth century
c. At the beginning of the sixteenth century
d. At the beginning of the seventeenth century

3. According to the author, what did Jacopo Peri write?
a. Greek tragedy
b. The first opera
c. The opera Maria de Medici
d. The opera The Camerata

4. What was the Camerata?
a. A group of Greek musicians
b. Musicians who developed a new musical drama based upon Greek drama
c. A style of music not known in Italy
d. The name given to the court of King Henry IV

5. From what did the term " opera " derive?
a. Greek and Roman history and mythology
b. Non-Italian composers
c. The Italian phrase means " musical works "
d. The ideas of composer Jacopo Peri

Test 7 - answers

6. b
9. b
10. d
1. didn't have; have had
2. got back; couldn't; wrote down ( had written down )
3. Have you hurt; hit; have been going; Have you made; made
4. working; sleeping
5. had been working ( had worked )
6. does the parcel weigh; is weighing
7. are sold; are not sold; are
8. will be working
9. to be studying
10. will have been finished
2. d
3. b
4. b

Test 8

I. Обведите кружком номер правильного ответа.

1. I wonder if you could give me a........................... to get these cases down.
a. hand
b. shoulder
c. head
d. arm

2. The word processor...........................of a keyboard, a monitor and a printer.
a. composes
b. consists
c. comprises
d. constitutes

3. The............................Greeks produced the first of Europe's great civilisations.
a. ancient
b. antique
c. elderly
d. former

4. Indian food's too spicy for my............................
a. appetite
b. desire
c. flavour
d. liking

5. The play was put on in the...........................air, in one of the London parks.
a. natural
b. open
c. country
d. fresh

6. We went on a quick........................... to Rome last weekend.
a. journey
b. travel
c. trip
d. voyage

7. The wound will...........................in a week or two.
a. heal
b. cure
c. remedy
d. cover

8. Next year I hope to...........................my ambition of climbing Mont Blanc.
a. complete
b. follow
c. realise
d. impose

9. Against his........................... , Mario was forced to leave the country.
a. mind
b. will
c. instinct
d. heart

10. I never...........................a chance of improving my English if I can help it.
a. miss
b. lose
c. avoid
d. waste

II. Раскройте скобки, заполнив пропуски нужными грамматическими формами.

1. I  any news from Henry since he  his course at the Central Polytechnic last month.

2. The Board of Directors is now opposed to 
 a new branch on the south coast as they do not think that this is the time  any risks.

3. He says that Maths 
 me very much.

4. - 
 the latest Arnold Schwarzenegger film?
- Yes. I 
 it last weekend.
- What did you think of it?
- I 

5. My back really hurts. I 
 that heavy backpack all day.

6. Ever since the accident Susan 
 afraid to drive. Next week she  a psychologist who  in that sort of problem.

7. We don't allow 
 in the library.

8. Mary 
 in the BBC when she  married, but as her husband  in the Army, she  her job so that sheaccompany him abroad.

9. You should 
 the movie on TV tonight. I highly recommend it. It's a classic.

10. Although Jane hopes 
 to the embassy dinner, it  unlikely that she will be.

III. Переведите с русского языка на английский следующие предложения.

1. Скажи ей, чтобы она не выключала свет перед тем, как уйдёт. 

2. Недалеко от города строится новый аэропорт и он будет в три раза больше нашего старого. 

3. Ни Анна, ни её друзья не собираются сегодня идти в кино. 

4. Если ты успешно сдашь экзамены, тебе предложат место ( работу ) в колледже. 

5. Я жду вас с 9 часов утра. Почему вы всегда опаздываете? 

6. На столе было много разнообразной еды, но никому из гостей не хотелось есть. 

7. Разве вы не знаете, что Брауны уже уехали из Москвы?

8. Когда Пётр пришёл домой, он услышал, что его дочь играет на пианино. Она занималась музыкой уже много лет и умела играть хорошо.
 9. Мне жарко. Ты не возражаешь, если я открою окно?
10. Том переводит газетные статьи намного лучше Джона, не так ли?

IV. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, обведя номер правильного варианта кружком.

During the nineteenth century, women in the United States organized and participated
in a large number of reform movements, including movements to reorganize the prison system,
improve education, ban the sale of alcohol, and, most importantly, to free the slaves. Some women saw similarities in the social status of women and slaves. Women like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucy Stone were feminists and abolitionists who supported the rights of both women and blacks. A number of male abolitionists, including William Lloyd Garrison and Wendell Philips, also supported the rights of women to speak and participate equally with men in antislavery activities. Probably more than any other movement, abolitionism offered women a previously denied entry into politics. They became involved primarily in order to better their living conditions and the conditions of others.
When the Civil War ended in 1865, the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the
Constitution adopted in 1868 and 1870 granted citizenship and suffrage to blacks but not to women. Discouraged but resolved, feminists influenced more and more women to demand the right to vote. In 1869 the Wyoming Territory had yielded to demands by feminists, but eastern states resisted more stubbornly than before. A women's suffrage bill had been presented to every Congress since 1878 but it continually failed to pass until 1920, when the Nineteenth Amendment granted women the right to vote.

1. With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?
a. The Wyoming Territory
b. The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments
c. Abolitionists
d. Women's suffrage

2. According to the passage, why did women become active in politics?
a. To improve the conditions of life that existed at the time
b. To support Elizabeth Cady Stanton for president
c. To be elected to public office
d. To amend the Declaration of Independence

3. What had occurred shortly after the Civil War?
a. The Wyoming Territory was admitted to the Union.
b. A women's suffrage bill was introduced in Congress.
c. The eastern states resisted the end of the war.
d. Black people were granted the right to vote.

4. What does the Nineteenth Amendment guarantee?
a. Voting rights for blacks
b. Citizenship for blacks
c. Voting rights for women
d. Citizenship for women

5. When were women allowed to vote throughout the United States?
a. After 1866
b. After 1870
c. After 1878
d. After 1920

Test 8 - answers

1. a
2. b
3. a
4. d
5. b
7. a
9. b
10. a
1. haven't had; began
2. opening; to take
3. doesn't interest
4. Have you seen; saw; liked
5. have been carrying
6. has been; is seeing ( will be seeing ); specialises
7. talking
8. was working; got; was ; gave up; could
9. watch
10. to be invited; is
1. d
2. a
3. d
5. d

Test 9

I. Обведите кружком номер правильного ответа.

1. When you go out, will you get me...........................of "The Times"?
a. a copy
b. an edition
c. a paper
d. a publication

2. She never learnt the piano but she can play by .................. 
a. ear
b. hand
c. heart
d. memory

3. Much stricter...........................must now be taken at all airports against hijacking.
a. alarms
b. precautions
c. protections
d. warnings

4. This chair looks very...........................to our old grey one.
a. exact
b. familiar
c. like
d. similar

5. Two other...........................in his argument for his country's independence are worth a mention.
a. notices
b. points
c. effects
d. reports

6. It's difficult to pay one's bills when prices keep............................
a. rising
b. going
c. gaining
d. raising

7. In four years at the company he rose to the............................of director.
a. standard
b. rate
c. quality
d. level

8. That hotel is so expensive - they...........................you 60 pounds for bed and breakfast.
a. price
b. cost
c. take
d. charge

9. Take this road and you will...........................at the hotel in five minutes.
a. arrive
b. come
c. find
d. reach

10. I must go to the laundry and...........................my washing.
a. bring
b. carry
c. clean
d. collect

П. Раскройте скобки, заполнив пропуски нужными грамматическими формами.

1. Tom and Fiona  to Brighton for their holiday last year. They  there the year before and they  an awful time, so I can't  why they decided to go back again.

2. A new deposit of oil 
 in the North Sea this year. It  to be nearly twice the size of the largest existing field.

3. Please come and visit us today when you 
 a chance. I  from 1 : 00 to 2 : 30, but I'll be home after that.

4. I hate 
 you, but the man is still waiting  a definite answer.

5. I got into a taxi quickly because I 
 by two strange men. As soon as I got into the taxi, I  a little safer.

6. It's a long time since I 
 your brother Paul. What  lately?

7. I am frequently told, " You should 
 some money for a rainy day. You can't count on  by your parents every time you get into financial difficulty."

8. Dan appears 
 some weight. Has he been ill? 

9. Next year, by the time I 
 to my country, I  away from home for more than three years.

10. - The notice says the gallery regrets 
 us that the Picasso exhibition has finished.
- Oh, no!
Now I regret  last week.

III. Переведите с русского языка на английский следующие предложения.

1. Темнеет. Детям пора идти спать. Они играют во дворе с пяти часов. Они не смогут завтра рано встать, а им надо идти в школу.

2. Последние две недели полиция ищет преступника, используя фоторобот, не так ли?
3. Когда мы пришли в магазин купить посудомоечную машину (dishwasher) последней модели, то узнали, что такие машины уже проданы.
4. Джейн следовало позвонить сестре вчера, но она пришла домой слишком поздно, чтобы сделать это.
5. Чем выше мы поднимались в горы, тем труднее становилось нам нести рюкзаки.
6. Статьи, написанные этим журналистом, читают во всём мире с большим интересом.
 7. Мы не были уверены, изменит ли менеджер своё решение, но если он передумает, все будут удивлены.
 8. Я чувствую, что ты не согласен со мной, и это меня расстраивает.
 9. Редактор ( editor ) сказал помощнику, чтобы он никому не давал никакой информации, пока он будет в командировке.

10. К его советам стоит прислушаться. Они всегда мне помогали.

IV. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, обведя номер правильного варианта кружком.

It is very difficult to succeed in the music business; nine out of ten bands that release a first record fail to produce a second. Surviving in the music industry requires luck and patience, but most of all it requires an intricate knowledge of how a record company functions. The process begins when a representative of a company's Artists and Repertoire (A & R) department visits bars and night clubs, scouting for young, talented bands. After the representative identifies a promising band, he or she will work to negotiate a contract with that band. The signing of this recording contract is a slow process. A company will spend a long time investigating the band itself as well as current trends in popular music. During this period, it is important that a band reciprocate with an investigation of its own, learning as much as possible about the record company and making personal connections within the different departments that will handle their recordings. Once a band has signed the contract and has finished recording an album, the Publicity and Promotions department takes over. This department decides whether or not to mass produce and market the band's album. Most bands fail to make personal contacts in this second department, thus losing their voice in the important final process of producing and marketing their album. This loss of voice often contributes to the band's failure as a recording group.

1. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?
a. Nine out of ten bands fail to produce a second record.
b. It is important for a band to have an intricate knowledge of how a recording company works.
c. Making personal connections will help the band in the final decisions about the promotion of their album.
d. The main factors in a band's success are luck and patience.

2. According to the passage, the initial contact between a band and a recording company is made by
a. the band's manager
b. a band member
c. an A & R representative
d. the Publicity and Promotions department

3. The author mentions that a band's success is dependent on all of the following factors EXCEPT
a. having patience
b. making personal contacts with people in the company
c. understanding how a record company functions
d. playing music that sounds like music of famous bands

4. According to the passage, the Publicity and Promotions department
a. has the final decision in producing an album
b. handles the recording arrangements for the band
c. sends representatives to look for new talent
d. visits bars and night clubs

5. It can be inferred from the passage that
a. the music industry is full of opportunities for young bands
b. the A & R department has a very large staff
c. most bands do not fully understand how record companies operate
d. the cost of recording an album is very expensive

Test 9 - answers

1. a
2. a
3. b
4. d
5. b
6. a
7. d
8. d
9. a
10. d
1. went; had been; had had; understand
2. has been discovered; is thought
3. have; will be shopping
4. to bother; to be given
5. was being followed; felt
6. saw; has he been doing
7. save; being rescued
8. to have lost
9. return; will have been
10. to inform; not going
1. b
3. d
4. a

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