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Mke love not wr Wht other nmes were they clled nd why4 Wht do you know bout Sexul Revolution of the 60~s5Wht do you know bout psychedelic drugs6 Wht do you know bout Ken Kesey 7 During t

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The Swinging Sixties

1 Why are the 60’s  called the Swinging Sixties? Give a brief description of this decade. Concentrate on the most important events and trends.
2 What’s Beatlemania? What’s a hippy? A Mob?A skinhead?
Hippies (hippie, hippy) rejected accepted standards of ordinary society by 1) unconventional appearance (long hair, beard, jeans, beads, sandals)2) taking soft hallucinogenic drugs for pleasure(cannabis=dope, grass, pot; LSD = acid)3)enjoying much more sexual freedom with the introduction of the pill4)living in communes together, sharing their lives and possessions.They believed in peace, and one of their sayings was "make love, not war!". What other names were they called and why?
4 What do you know about Sexual Revolution of the 60’s?
5What do you know about psychedelic drugs?
6 What do you know about Ken Kesey? 

7 During the mid-1960s Kesey and his group, the Merry Pranksters, referred to those in their counterculture as being "on the bus." Describe what you think it means to be "on the bus." Is this concept different in the late-1990s than it was in the mid-1960s? Who and what in today's world are "on the bus" or "off the bus?"


Pre-watching task

1 Do some research into each of these illnesses and treatments that are depicted in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Present the results of your research here in well constructed paragraphs. ( See the examples bellow)

OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER- Is an anxiety disorder in which people have thoughts, feelings, ideas, sensations, (obsessions), or behaviors that make them feel driven to do something (compulsions). Most people who develop OCD show it before age thirty. There have been several theories to show how OCD is caused but none have been confirmed.

ANXIETY DISORDER - A blanket term covering several different forms of abnormal and pathological fearand anxiety which only came under the aegis of psychiatry at the very end of the 19th century. Current psychiatric diagnostic criteria recognize a wide variety of anxiety disorders. Recent surveys have found that as many as 18% of Americans may be affected by one or more of them.

BIPOLAR DISORDER - Bipolar disorder involves periods of excitability (mania) alternating with periods of depression. The "mood swings" between mania and depression can be very abrupt.



2  Study the words  and word-collocations used in ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST. Be ready to give their Russian equivalents (see the attached list)

4. Study the questions below, as they may help you to keep the ball rolling

1.                    What feelings do the image of the mountain and the opening music suggest?

2.                    What does the first image of Nurse Ratched suggest?

3.                    How do the orderlies react to her?

4.                    Why might they strap Bancini down at night?

5.                    How would you describe the mental ward?

6.                    What is life like on the ward?

7.                    Why does one patient stick his tongue out for the medication?

8.                    What image does it evoke?

9.                    How does McMurphy seem different from the other prisoners?

10.                 What do you think is on McMurphy’s cards and what does it say about him?

11.                 What does the interview with Dr. Spivey tell you about McMurphy?

12.                 What has McMurphy been convicted of?

13.                 Do you think McMurphy is crazy?

14.                 What is the doctor supposed to do with McMurphy?

15.                 What do you think his problem is?

16.                 What is Mr. Harding’s problem?

17.                 How does Nurse Ratched treat him?

18.                 Generally, how would you describe the men on the ward?

19.                 What would you guess is their main problem?

20.                 Describe the group therapy session.

21.                 What if anything is being accomplished by these sessions?

22.                 What do you predict will happen to McMurphy?

23.                 What does McMurphy do on the basketball court?

24.                 Describe the poker game.

25.                 Describe the interaction between McMurphy and nurse.

26.                 Why do they medicate McMurphy and how does he react?

27.                 What does McMurphy mean when he says, “She’s got you guys coming and going”? 31.26

28.                 What is McMurphy’s bet concerning Nurse Ratched? 31.50

29.                 What suggestion or request does McMurphy make during the group therapy session? 3230

30.                 Why does the nurse reject McMurphy’s suggestion, what reason does she give? 34.22

31.                 Why do you think that so few of the men raised their hands?

32.                 How would you describe the conflict between McMurphy and Ratched at this point in the movie?

33.                 Why does McMurphy hose down the men? 36.10

34.                 What does this show about his personality?

35.                 What is McMurphy’s plan for escape?

36.                 Why does it fail?

37.                 Why does he look down on the other prisoners? 39.22

38.                 What is Billy’s problem? 41.49

39.                 What does the nurse say that makes him stop talking?

40.                 How has he reacted to his problem? 41.56

41.                 How might Cheswick’s question of Ratched reflect a change that McMurphy has brought to the ward?

42.                 What trick does Ratched use to deny the vote and is it fair?

43.                 Again, what seems to be the nature of the struggle between Ratched and McMurphy?

44.                 Why does McMurphy pretend that the game is on? 49.10

45.                 How do the patients react and how does Ratched react?

46.                 Why is she behaving like this?

47.                 What could be her motivation?

48.                 What does McMurphy mean by she likes a “rigged game”? 50.00

49.                 What does the doctor suspect McMurphy of?

50.                 Why does the doctor ask McMurphy about the quote, “A rolling stone gathers no moss”?

51.                 What does this mean?

52.                 What is wrong with McMurphy? 51.50

53.                 What does McMurphy do for the men with the bus? 54.09

54.                 What does the ocean symbolize, especially for the men?

55.                 Why did McMurphy take the men out?

56.                 What is symbolic about the scene where they put the hook through the eye?

57.                 Why does Ratched say that she wants to keep McMurphy?  What other motive might she have?

58.                 Do you think McMurphy is dangerous?  Why or why not?

59.                 How does the Chief seem to be changing?

60.                 What does McMurphy learn about his sentence and incarceration?

61.                 What does McMurphy learn about Harding, Cheswick and some of the other patients?

62.                 How does he react to this?

63.                 Why does this session fall apart?

64.                 What effect is McMurphy having on the men?

65.                 Why does the Chief decide to talk to McMurphy?

66.                 What did the Chief mean when he said to McMurphy, “You’re bigger than me”?

67.                 Why does McMurphy invite the ladies in instead of just escaping?

68.                 How does Turkle get away with covering the party up when he is discovered by the supervisor?

69.                 How might the Christmas music be symbolic?

70.                 What does Billy do at the end of the party and what does it say about his problem?

71.                 What holds Mac back from escaping after he says goodbye?

72.                 Why won’t Billy go with Mac?

73.                 What is ironic about Mac saying, “I must be crazy to be in a loony bin like this?”

74.                 Why does Mac set Billy up with Candy?

75.                 What gift does Mac present the inmates with and what could it symbolize?

76.                 What do the orderlies arrive to in the morning?

77.                 What has happened to Mac and why hasn’t he gone yet?

78.                 What does the condition of the nurse’s cap symbolize?

79.                 How does Billy seem when he is explaining himself after he spent the night with Candy?

80.                 What does Nurse Ratched say and what does it say about him that it affects him so much?

81.                 How does she treat him and why?

82.                 Who does Billy blame for what he did and why?

83.                 How does Billy react to being put in Dr. Spivey’s office and why?

84.                 Why doesn’t Mac escape when he gets the window open again?

85.                 Why has Billy done what he has done?

86.                 Whom do you blame for what happened to Billy? Explain

87.                 How does Mac react and why?

88.                 What will happen to Mac?

89.                 What is the symbolism of the card game continuing after Mac is gone?

90.                 Where is Mac?

91.                 What has happened to Mac when they bring him back?

92.                 What happened to the Chief’s father?

93.                 What is the basis of the comparison that the Chief makes between his father and McMurphy?

94.                 In other words, what makes them similar?

95.                 What treatment did McMurphy receive?

96.                 What did it do to him?

97.                 Why does the Chief do what he does to McMurphy?

98.                 How and why does the Chief react afterwards?

99.                 How did McMurphy change the Chief?

100.              What effect did McMurphy have on the patients?

101.              Was it positive or negative?  Explain.

102.              What was he trying to show them?

4  Identify the following quotes. Who said it and why is it important?

Example: “Get me some Gas, Goddam it!”; Mack, showing who’s boss at the gas station.

1. "It's the truth, even if it never happened."

2. "Billy, Billy, Billy. Your mother and I are good friends."

3. "I wash my hands of the whole deal."

4. "He is simply a man and is subject to all the fears and all the cowardice and all the timidity that any other man is subject to."

5. "You men! Stop this. Stop!!"

6. "You s-s-s-s-aw what she c-c-can do to us. In the m-m-m-meeting."

7. "Mr. McMurphy, my friend, I am not a chicken, I'm a rabbit."

8. "Man, the last time it took eight screws to put him in the hole."

9. "Sure, they con do things like scars and broken noses. But they can't do that look."

5 Be ready to describe the main characters of the film

Pete Bancini

Billy Bibbit

Old Blastic

Chief Bromden

The “Black Boys”: Washington, Warren, Geever, and Williams





Sandy Gilfilliam

Dale Harding

Vera Harding

The Lifeguard


Randle P. McMurphy

Miss Pilbow

Nurse Ratched, the Big Nurse





GEORGE SORENSON (Rub-a-Dub) ,a big

Dr. Spivey

Candy Starr

Max Taber

Mr. Turkle

6 The main conflict in One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest is described in three different ways: as the struggle of the "sane individual vs. a crazy institution," "man vs. machine," and "a primeval, wild, unsocialized, anti-family form of masculinity vs. asexual women, institutions, and society that want to tame it." Discuss how these views differ from one another. Choose the theme that you think most accurately describes the conflict in the book and explain why.

1. Человечество спасут рыбы
2. Хронический обструктивный бронхит
3. История развития нефтяной и химической промышленности Башкортостана на примере ОАО Уфанефтехим
4. 1988 Citizenship- Kzkhstn-ktobe- Kutuzov -252 index 030000 tel
5. Второй год жизни Начало речевого общения
6. таки можно- к горести нашей или к счастью но экономические политические и социокультурные перемены нараста
7. СОГЛАСОВАНО Заведующий учебным отделом Ярославского филиала ЛГУ им.1
8. ПИФы как инструмент коллективного инвестировани
10. Органы и инструменты регулирования ВЭД
11. очагами массовых инфекционных заболеваний
12. И послышался голос Эрик Фрэнк Рассел И послышался голос Оригинал- Eric Frnk Russell ldquo;Somewhere
13. Work becuse they need money to live on
14. Реферат- Порядок признания доходов при кассовом методе
15. Крестьянская поэзия 20-х годов Николай Клюев
16. ИНТЕРНОЛОГИЯ Практическое руководство Москва 2001 ББК УДК Рецензенты- Т
17. практический опыт
18. реферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата філософських наук.1
19. Попурри 2007 336 с
20. тема. В зависимости от строения и набору органоидов клетки все организмы разделены на царства ~ прокариоты и