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do not esily pull the fish out of the pond

Работа добавлена на сайт samzan.net: 2015-07-10

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Без труда не вытащишь и рыбки из пруда. Любишь кататься, люби и саночки возить. Без труда нет плода.

because everything in life, from the little bread crumbs to the largest object produced by human labor.

. - Every work requires skill, patience and skill. It ennobles the work and makes the man, making it stronger, smarter, better. Need to appreciate and respect other people's work, and work yourself - only then you will be happy.

Work is very important in human life and society in general. We can’t imagine our life without human activity. And is it possible to live without work? Sometimes you don’t want to do boring and uninteresting work. It is much more interesting to have a good time,

In the proverb " do not easily pull the fish out of the pond " you can see people's attitude to work. It is believed that this phrase first said the fisherman , who was returning from a successful fishing . All people are asking: " How did you pulled a pike ? " And all the fisherman replied calmly : and " Easily not pull a fish out of the pond ." Many years have passed , and we all remember the answer fisherman . Now this proverb suitable for many situations . Not only that, if you need to catch fish. So say , when to get some results requires hard work. Proverb teaches us that nothing can be achieved without effort. We must understand this .

In my opinion, this is a very wise saying . It is suitable for all situations , professions in human life. Do you want to become a doctor , a teacher, a player or a good father , you need to do this hard work ! Try , for life is only one , it can fly instantly. " In the twilight " of his life you will think : "What I have achieved ? " And just had to make an effort and your life could be quite different. Working people are always respected, valued at home and at work.You should work from early childhood, accustom yourself to the order, bring up the willpower to carry out your duties, even if you don’t want to do them.

Someone knows that work is necessary that work is the source of all blessings, and works "with a twinkle," willingly. Such man achieves success in all spheres of labour, and his work goes well. Usually these people become masters of their craft. They devote themselves to their work entirely and are called ants. They reach all the benefits of life through their own labor. Their ambitions, persistence and hard work make them happy. These people will never sit without work. They always find a job A minute without work means nothing for them. There are a lot of known examples of "ant people” who changed views on some things thanks to their labour. Let’s take for example, Steve Jobs. His genius and hard work could change the information technology world. The results of his works ‘Ipads, Iphones’ are known to everybody. Thanks to them, human level of life changed and communication between people has become much easier.

People who are “workaholics” infect all the other people around them with their zeal and diligence. These people make a great contribution to any society. It is never too late to pull yourself together and start working. After all, the result of this work will be everything you want. The main thing is your work must be a joy for you.

Proverb "Without labor not pull the fish out of the pond " has not lost its significance today. It proverb . Even today, many people want to get everything for nothing .

   It does not just give us good advice or teaches , like many other proverbs . It tells an important life law : to comply with any , even the most simple case , you need to make an effort .

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