Поможем написать учебную работу
Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.

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Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.
Предоплата всего
Activity 1. Read, translate and act out the dialog.
B: Lisa, is that you? Oh, Im so glad to see you!
L: Hello, Brenda! Im glad to see you too.
B: Havent seen you for ages. How are you?
L: Well, Im fine. And how are you getting on?
B: More or less, thank you. How is your daughter Nicole?
L: Shes ok. She works at the clinic and she has got married.
B: Oh, really, I didnt now that. Im happy for her. And how is Michael?
L: Hes well. He works at the auditing firm, he is an accountant. By the way, he has got married too.
B: Oh… Thats great. Do your children live with you?
L: Michael and his wife rent an apartment, and Nicole lives with her husband. They have a big house. And how are your children, Brenda?
B: Tom has moved to Australia. He has got his business in Canberra. And Nicky has got married and moved to New York. Her husband is a businessman and they have a big villa 30 km from New York.
L: And how old is Nicky, I remember her when she went to school.
B: She is 24. And Tom is already 30.
L: Is he married?
B: No, hes single. He is married to his job.
L: I see. Have you got grandchildren?
B: No, not yet. And you?
L: Nicole is pregnant and my daughter-in-law is pregnant too. I will be a granny soon.
B: Oh. Thats great. Look, Lisa. Why are we standing here at the bus stop? Lets go to the café and drink a cup of coffee.
L: Id love to, but I cant Im afraid. I havent got much time. Im going to my French lesson.
B: French lesson? Are you learning French?
L: Yes. Im having 2 lessons a week. French is my hobby now.
B: Oh. You are so smart. Good for you Lisa.
L: Thank you. Well, I have to go now. I was very glad to see you.
B: I was glad to see you too. By the way, do you have my phone number?
L: Im afraid I dont. What is it?
B: Its 123 45 67 890.
L: Ill call you.
B: Ok. Have a good day.
L: Thank you, you too. Good bye.
Activity 2. Answer the following questions.
1. Who are Nicole and Michael? 2. Where does Michael work? 3. Is Nicole married? 4. Where do Lisas children live? 5. Who is Tom? 6. Where does he live now? 7. Why did he move to Australia? 8. How old is Tom? 9. Is he married? 10. Who is Nicky? 11. How old is she? 12. Is she married? 13. Where does she live? 14. What is Nickys husband? 15. Does Lisa have grandchildren? 16. Who is pregnant? 17. Why cant Lisa go to the café with Brenda? 18. What foreign language does Lisa learn? 19. How often does Lisa go to her French lessons? 20. Who takes phone number and from whom?
Activity 3. Translate the sentences into English.
1. Привіт, як життя? 2. Моя дочка одружилася. 3. Вони живуть у віллі в 30 км від Нью Йорка. 4. Ніколь живе з чоловіком. 5. ЇЇ чоловік бізнесмен. 6. Пішли в кафе, випємо чашку кави. 7. Скільки років Ніккі? 8. Моя невістка вагітна. 9. Я скоро буду бабусею. 10. У мене небагато часу. 11. Ти така розумна. 12. Я іду на урок французької. 13. Зараз французька моє хобі. 14. До речі, він теж одружився. 15. Він одинак. Він одружений на своїй роботі. 16. Том переїхав до Австралії. 17. Ти вчиш французьку? 18. Я була рада бачити тебе. 19. Вони знімають квартиру.
Activity 4. Read the following extracts and fill in the table below.
Pamela is a young housewife. She is married and has 2 children. She loves her husband and kids above all. They spend a lot of time together. Every weekend they drive their car to the countryside and have barbeque in the open air, somewhere near the river and forest.
Mario Bronco is a businessman. He works in a big multinational company in Italy. He is always busy at work. Every day Mario has a lot of meetings with the clients and foreign partners. Mario goes on business trips a lot. But there is a problem: Mario doesnt speak English very well. Thats why he takes private lessons of English twice a week. With his private teacher Mario reads and translates texts, discusses different topics, watches English videos, does a lot of grammar and vocabulary drills.
Magdi is a teacher. She teaches English at school. She lives in a small town not far from Boston. Magdi has a hobby. She loves travelling. Every year she takes tours to different countries. Magdi is also fond of photography and sightseeing. At home she has a huge collection of photos from different places of the world.
Bob is a famous rock star. Every other week he lives in a new place. He has concerts in different towns and cities. Bob usually lives in hotels or motels and has no time for his family and friends. Bob admires his fans and gets lots of presents from them after each concert.
Questions |
Pamela |
Mario |
Magdi |
Bob |
1. This person is crazy about travelling |
2. This person doesnt have a regular place of living |
3. This person spends little time with family and friends |
4. This person has a family car |
5. This person knows English perfectly well |
6. This person has three hobbies |
7. This person is married |
8. This person has seen a lot of places of interest |
9. This person sings well |
10. This person wants to speak English well |
11. This person is very busy all the time |
12. This person loves nature |
13. This person is very popular among teenagers |
14. This person has a problem |
15. This person knows a lot about the culture and history of different countries of the world |
Activity 5. Translate the following sentences.
She went to the shop to buy some food. Вона пішла до магазину купити продукти.
1. Вона пішла в аптеку купити ліки. ___________________________________________________
2. Вона пішла в свою кімнату пограти на піаніно. ________________________________________
3. Він пішов у ванну кімнату прийняти душ. ____________________________________________
4. Ми поїхали до Єгипту побачити піраміди. ____________________________________________
5. Вона пішла на кухню взяти пляшку води. ____________________________________________
I didnt have time to read this book. У мене не було часу почитати цю книгу.
1. У мене не було часу помити голову. _________________________________________________
2. У нього не було часу поголитися. ___________________________________________________
3. У неї не було часу зателефонувати батькам. __________________________________________
4. У нас не було часу приготувати вечерю. ______________________________________________
5. У мене не було часу перекласти цей текст. ____________________________________________
6. У них не було часу чекати на мене. __________________________________________________
Do I need a key to open this door? Мені потрібен ключ, щоб відкрити ці двері?
1. Мені потрібен словник, щоб перекласти цей текст? ____________________________________
2. Тобі потрібен хтось, щоб допомогти тобі? ____________________________________________
3. Тобі потрібні гроші, щоб полагодити машину? ________________________________________
4. Тобі потрібен час, щоб прийняти рішення? ___________________________________________
5. Мені потрібна олія / сметана, щоб спекти цей пиріг? ___________________________________
I havent got money for a taxi. У мене немає грошей на таксі.
1. У нас немає грошей на ремонт. _____________________________________________________
2. У мене немає грошей на відпустку (канікули). ________________________________________
3. У нього немає грошей на літак. _____________________________________________________
4. У них немає грошей на їжу. ________________________________________________________
5. У мене немає грошей на бензин. ____________________________________________________
6. У мене немає часу на моє хобі. _____________________________________________________
7. У мене немає часу на англійську. ___________________________________________________
Im going to London to visit my friend. Я їду до Лондону відвідати свого друга.
Im going to London for an interview. Я їду до Лондону на співбесіду.
1. Я лечу в Єгипет побачити піраміди. _________________________________________________
2. Я іду в лікарню провідати (побачити) свого друга. _____________________________________
3. Ми їдемо в Карпати на екскурсію. ___________________________________________________
4. Вони їдуть в ліс на пікнік. _________________________________________________________