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To find out wht the story is bout

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Scanning shows you how to use your present knowledge of English to understand the main ideas of a newspaper story without using a dictionary.

To scan is to make a quick first reading of the story.  This has three purposes: 1. To find out what the story is about. 2. To find out whether the story interests you. 3.  To get a quick general understanding of a story you have chosen to read.

   You will usually find the most important point of news story in the first paragraph (called the “lead”), so this is the place to begin your scanning. Look for words you understand. Two or three key words will often be enough to catch main idea.

 Scanning the entire story.

When you  have found an interesting soty you should read quickly through it. You are scanning the entire story in much the same way you scanned the lead to find out as many important facts as you can without  using a dictionary. This will give you a general understanding of the story which wiil help you greatly when you go back and read the story more carefully.

The newspaper lead

The first paragraph of a new story is called the lead. It almos always gives you the story’s main topic and most facts. The lead is like all English sentences. It is built around the subject and main verb. IF you can find them, you have good start toward understanding the lead sentence and the whole story.

Finding the subject and main verb

  In many stories the subject and the main verb come at the very beginning of the sentence. Forexample: China has cut…

 Sometimes the newspaper  writer adds description and puts one more adjectives in front of the subject. Forexample: Australian scientists say…

 The writer may have to give even more information about the subject. The writer does this by putting the information after the subject and before the main verb.

 A problem sentence

 For example: A woman said to be despondent over her husband’s heavy drinking jumped into a canal with her three children late Friday.

 The main verb is jumped – not said. The woman is the soty didn’t say anything at all. Someone else said she was very unhappy about her husband’s heavy drinking causing her to jump into tha canal. IN English it is sometimes possible to leave out the first words a clause that follows a noun. Most often these missing words will be who or which and a form of the verb be.

 The rest of the sentence

 The subject and the main verb are very important, but there are other things you must learn to recognize as well. 1. The writer can answer questions about the action stated in the story.  2. The writer can add background to help you better understand the story. 3. The writer can tell you where he got his information, the source of his story.  The source is usually mentioned at the end of the story, but if it is very important it comes at the beginning.


Beyond the lead.

This theme contains how to read the rest of the news story. You learn ho to read the rest of the story. You will learn to anticipate what the story contains and to recognize and understand words and phrases that refer to information mentioned earlier in the story.

  It is often possible to guess much of what a story will talk about justby reading the lead. For example: A pilot whose plane crashed in a cushion of snow atop a 5.500 foot peaf survived 16 hours in sub-zero weather by stuffing newspapers and air charts into his clothing to keep warm, rescuers said.

  This like most good leads, has given you the topic and main facts of the story.

This is a lot of information, but it is not the whole story. There are still unanswered questions. Was the pilot badly hurt in the crash? Who rescued him and how? Where is the mountain? Where was the pilot going and where had he come from?  Was he alone? You can expect these questions to be answered in the rest of the story.

    A good reader asks questions. A good reader wants to know more facts than those given in the lead. Such questions are useful because they give your reading a purpose. It is much easier to understand a story when you are actively looking for information.

Understanding words in context.

New vocabulary is usually the biggest problem for people learning to read an English language newspaper. Each story contains many unknown words and learners quickly tire of having to use their dictionaries so often. Actually, a dictionary is less necessary than many people think. Here are some suggestions for you to use before you look a word up.

When not to use the dictionary

Going to the dictionary too often wastes time and may actually hurt your understanding of the story. You should instead be looking for the story’s main ideas. You can do this without understanding every word. A good rule for the beginning reader might be: Never use your dictionary until you are sure it is necessary.

 First ask yourself these questions: 1. Can I understand the sentence without understanding the new word? 2. Do I need to understand the exact meaning of the word, or is it enough to have a general idea of its meaning?  For example: The  first contingent of Cuban political prisoners to be reunited with their friends and families  in the United States arrived here Saturday.

If you are a beginning reader, you probably don’t know the word contingent. But you can understand the sentence without it. The main idea is quite clear “Cuban political prisoners… arrived here Saturday.”

Sometimes the exact meaning of a word is not necessary. It is enough to see that the word refers to a person, a place, a piece of equipment, a movement something good or something bad.

Guessing word’s meaning

It is often possible to get a clear understanding of a word just from reading the sentence where you find it. For example: Two pet Alsatian dogs savaged a six-year-old girl to death here yesterday, police said.

If you picture in your mind how a dog kills a person, you have the exact meaning of svaged in the sentence.

Looking for Explanations

A news writer knows that many readers have had very little education or they lack the background to understand the technical terms that are occasionally found in the news stories. The writer therefor explains anything that a large number of readers might not understand. Learn to look for these explanations and you will avoid wasting time with your dictionary. Sometimes the writer merely adds an axplanatory phrase to a sentence. Such a phrase follows immediarely after the word to be explained.  For example: Bruning was suffering slightly from hypothermia, a lowering of the body temperature.

Few readers would know  what “Hypothermia” meant without the writer’s explanatory note: a lowering of the body temperature. If the explanation is more difficult, the writer may add a full sentence ar even two.

Understanding headlines  

There is an easy trick to understand headlines in your English language newspaper – keep up – to – date on local and world news. When you pick up a newspaper and see the headline MARKOV NEEDLE CHECK your problem is not really the language. Even a native English speaker will not understand this headline unless he knows who Markov is and the background to the story. With a little experience you understand many od the headlines of your local English language paper better than a native English speaker who is new to your ares. Why? Because you know more about your community. Newspaper headlines do, however have a language of their own and it is necessary to  learn about it if you want to really understand an Englsih language newspaper.

The different Types of newspaper headlines.

Straight Headlines. Straight headline simply tell you the main topic of the story. They are the most common type of headline and are easisest to understand.

Headline That ask a Question. Most question headlines are not really typical questions at all. They are statement followed by a question mark. Question marks are used when: 1. The headline reports a future possibility. 2. There is some doubt about the truth or accuracy of the story.

Headline That Contain Quotation. What people say can be as important as what they do, so it is not surprising to find a quote as a headline. A quotation is another way a newspaper can  begin a story with an unproven statement.

Feature Headlines. Not all newspaper stories major events. Some stories are included because they are highly unusual from others because they are amusing. Headlines for such stories try to be as clever as possible to catch the reader ‘s interest. It is often necessary to read the story to understand the headline.

Double Headlines. Double headline are two part headlines for the same story. They are often used major events.

Judging the reliability of the story.

Read  almost any news story carefully and count the facts the writer saw for himself. Often there are none at all. The news writer is almost always forced to depend on information coming drom someone else – the source. Clearly the reader must learn to judge whether the source can be believed – whether the source is reliable. Six points to consider: 1. Why did the source give the information?

2. Can the source’s informationbe checked?

3. Is the source named?

4. Could the source really have this information?

5. Where was the reporter?

6. How reliable has the source been in the past?

Why did the source give the information?

 A reporter has no power to force anyone to give information, so for each news story the good reader must question why the source gave the infotmation. The source may have a reason for not telling the complete truth.

 . Is the source named?

The reliability of a story is also increased if the source is named since few people want to be known as liars true of some governments.

 You should become suspicious as soon as you note that the source is not quoted by name. Then you might note that the source is connected with actress’s film company – perhaps the story is in the interest of the company to gain free publicity .

How reliable has the source been in the past?

The last, but one of the most important ways for a reader to check reliability, is to remember how reliable the same source was before om similar stories. Some governmenst often distort or exaggerate certain stories, some are most honest.

The feature story

This is the kind of story that is most often used in the newspaper. We have seen that most news stories follow a familiar pattern. The main points come very early in the story and less important information comes later. There is, however, another common format used in newspaper writing – the feature format.

      A feature story is written to inerest and entertrain as well as to inform. For this reason feature story often deal with unusual subjects.  Feature story can be about  almost everything. Many feature writers take advantage of one of the format’s key characteristics – its extra length. This axtra length allows the writer to examine complicated events that would be difficult to explain in a short news story. A straight news story is  often end to something that has just happened – it is immediate in time. But a feature story gives the news reporter a chance to write about something that has developed gradually over time such as a trend or a change In society or the economy.

  Straight news stories and feature seldom give you the opinion of the writer. Many newspaper articles however, purposely state the writer’s opinion. Unlike news and fearute stories , they do not simply try to inform or entertrain, they also try to convince.

Recognizing information Introduced earlier in the story.

It is important that you learn to recognize the parts of the story that refer to information introduced earlier. The most common references are: Pronouns and Possessive adjectives.

In the most news stories the mos important facts will be found near the beginning – usually within the first two or three paragraphs. There is a good reason why most important information comes near the beginning. Newspapers have limited space and stories are often edited(cut). In fact, the lead is sometimes the only part of the story that gets into newspaper. If you know how a news story is written, you also know how to read it. 1. Read the beginning of the story very carefully because it contains the most important facts. 2. Try to anticipate what will follow in the rest of the story. 3. If yoy don’t  understand something at the beginning of a story keep reading You will often get a second chance to understand.

Background and Interoretation

Some of the people who read newspapers are very well informed. They are familiar with the major stories of the day and have a good understanding of the world situation. Many other people, however, are not so well informed. In fact. They may know very little about what is happening in the world. The news writer must write for both types of people. When reporting a story, the news writer must provide key facts for well informed and must also include background and interpretation for those who may ne unfamiliar with the subject matter. Background and interpretation make the story more meaningful to the reader. Such information should be especially useful to you as a beginning newspaper reader. Some common uses of background and interpretation include: Identification, Interpretation and Explanation.

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