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Subjective feelings brhm Mslow nd Crl Rogers Cognitivism Mentl function nd resoning Piget Ellis Experimentl reserch Studies- Descriptive studies Cse studies Correltionl studies Experiment

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Functionalism. William James. Investigated functions of mental processes/ consciousness in adapting to the environment

Humanism Humanistic psychology emphasizes the inner self and the importance of subjective feelings. Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers

Cognitivism, Mental function and reasoning, Piaget, Ellis, Experimental research

Studies: Descriptive studies, Case studies, Correlational studies, Experimental research

Cognitive development (Piaget’s theory)

  1.  Sensorimotor stage (Infancy) <2

object permanence at about 7 months of age

  1.  Pre-operational stage 2-7
  2.  Concrete operational stage 7-11
  3.  Formal operational stage >11

Intelligence is demonstrated through the logical manipulation of symbols related to abstract concepts.

Vygotsky’s sociocultural cognitive theory: Children actively construct their knowledge, Social interaction and culture guide cognitive development, Learning is based upon inventions of society, Knowledge is created through interactions with other people and objects in the culture, Less skilled persons learn from the more skilled

Moral development (Lawrence Kohlberg)

1. Preconventional morality

Punishment-Avoidance and Obedience

Xchange of favours

2. Conventional morality

Good boy/girl

Law and order

3. Postconventional morality

Social contract

Universal ethical principles (answer to inner conscience)

Sigmund Freud

  1.  Birth to 1,5 yrs Oral Stage Infant’s  
  2.  1,5 to 3 yrs Anal Stage Child’s
  3.  3 to 6 yrs Phallic  Stage Child’s pleasure
  4.  6 yrs to puberty Latency Stage Child represses sexual  interest and develops social and intellectual skills
  5.  Puberty onward Genital  Stage A time of  sexual reawakening;  source of sexual pleasure - outside of the family

Erik Erikson



Trust vs. Mistrust

Can I Trust the World?



Autonomy vs. Shame

Is It Okay To Be Me?



Initiative vs. Guilt

Is It Okay For Me To Do, Move and Act?



Industry vs. Inferiority

Can I Make It In The World Of People And Things?



Identity vs. Role Confusion

Who Am I? What Can I Be?



Intimacy vs. Isolation

Can I Love?



Generativity vs. Stagnation

Can I Make My Life Count?



Ego Integrity vs. Despair

Is It Okay To Have Been Me?

Hans Selye – the father of the stress theories

Dr. Friedman, dr. Rosenman Coronary Heart Disease (type A, type B)

The AAAbc’s of stress

A – alter it = removing the source of stress by changing something.

A – avoid it = removing oneself from the stressful situation 

A – accept it = equipping oneself physically and mentally for stress 

b = building resistance 

c = change

  b – building our resistance

Physically– proper diet, regular aerobic exercise, and systematic relaxation techniques.

Mentally- taking time for mental health

Socially- by building communication, and intimacy.

Spiritually- meditation, prayer, worship, faith, and commitment strengthen people.

  c – changing our perception 

Change the way you perceive the situation or yourself. Changing unrealistic expectations and irrational belief is a good start. Building self-esteem and cultivating a positive attitude.

General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS): alarm reaction, resistance or adaptation, exhaustion.

Defence Mechanisms

Denial: You completely reject the thought or feeling.
Suppression: You are vaguely aware of the thought or feeling, but try to hide it.

Reaction Formation: You turn the feeling into its opposite.

Projection: You think someone else has your thought or feeling. the attribution of unacceptable impulses to others

Displacement: You redirect your feelings to another target.

Rationalization: explanations to justify the situation. a reasonable explanation for an event

Intellectualization: more intellectualized.

Undoing: You try to reverse or undo your feeling by DOING something that indicates the opposite feeling.

Isolation of affect: You "think" the feeling but don't feel

Regression: You revert to an old, usually immature behavior to ventilate your feeling.

Sublimation: feeling into a socially productive activity.

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