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gret voice In its incomplete fifteen yers she hs constntly prticipted nd becme owner of the first prizes of vrious song contests of the district regionl nd even ntionwide level

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Girl with unlimited possibilities

Watching on the TV news about Paralympics, every time I catch myself thinking, how a man must be courageous and have strong spirit to win his insecurities and fears, to be able to prove his value. And how much faith in yourself you need to have in life, which even completely healthy people are often lack of. They are heroes, because despite their sometimes quite severe physical illness, they learn to win their confidence. And no matter whether their victory crowned the official award, they have learned to enjoy life, to get maximum enjoyment from it.

trong and courageous people are not just on the other side of the TV screen, they often live right next to us. This time I want to talk about very talented, lively girl Katya Pavlenko, who lives in the village Samotoivka and which are well known not only in her native village, but in Krasnopilia and beyond.

First of all, she really has a talent from God - a great voice. In its incomplete fifteen years, she has constantly participated and became owner of the first prizes of various song contests of the district, regional and even nationwide level.

Katia says that she probably inherits her very good voice from her father.


I should add that the girl from early childhood takes part in all festivals and concerts that are held in her native village, and in Krasnopilia well. She has many diplomas and awards prizes engaged in various vocal competitions and festivals. Last year she was the First Prize Laureate of the regional festival of creativity of people with disabilities "Colors of Life" and she will now represent our region in Kiev in the Ukrainian contest "Golden Key". For her achievements in the field of singing Kate not once received as a grand prize trips to holiday camp "Artek".

While K.Pavlenko gifted with a beautiful voice from her childhood is all clear, then another talent as athletes she has opened, you can tell, by the will of the case.

Once when Katia was returning home from school, in the bus she met Svetlana Bayda. They started talking and she suggested that Katia tried to do biathlon. Katia could not stand on skis, and she had no idea about the sport in general. But she thought: why not? When the training started, she really liked it.

It was almost 5 years ago. For three years she was trained by  S.Baida, went to Krasnopolye on training. And now with sincere words of gratitude she speaks about her first coach.

“When we met, I was only 10 years” - says K.Pavlenko. – “Svetlana Ivanivna played a great role in my life. She greatly helped me, introduced me biathlon, taught me all that I can now, Ican say "gave ticket to the future." And what is the most important she made ​​me believe in myself. Now I cannot even imagine what would happen if we had not met.”

Indeed, Kate is completely bound herself to this sport. Most of the time she spends at the meetings or, where she trains, or at most competitions in various cities throughout Ukraine. For almost two years as a girl, due to recommendations and assistance of S.Baida Katia trains in Sumy on the sports base of "Dynamo" with a new coach Vasily Petrovich Mukshynin who trains Paralympics.

“This winter there will be a selection to the Ukraine Paralympics team,” – says Katia – “And the coach says I have a chance to get it. I'm, frankly speaking, very hopeful at it. I like sports” - adds Kate. –“I like a race, meet old friends and meet new. It is so interesting and exciting; I do not like to sit still.”

Kate admitted that as the sample for herself she always puts a champion of Paralympic Games in Vancouver, biathlonist Alexander Kononova. In Vancouver she was the youngest athlete in the Paralympic team of Ukraine. Alexandra returned from Canada with three gold and one silver medals. A worthy example to follow, isn’t it? Katia realized that she was needed to another, no longer afraid of competition or competitors, so I wish this girl with unlimited possibilities successful starts and victorious finishes!

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