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Notebook or rdio. Scientists hve rchived so much scientific minds re still working t some urgent problems.html

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         New inventions are appearing every day to make our lives easier, longer, warmer, speedier and so on. But only a few inventors design a new machine or product that becomes so well-known that the invention, named after its creator, becomes a household word. Here are some famous inventors and the inventions:

         - In 1875 Alexander Graham Bell built the first telephone that transmitted electrically the human voice.

        - In 1936 Konrad Zuse built the first freely programmable computer.

        - In 1809 Humphrey Davy, an English chemist, invented the first electric light. And in 1830 Thomas Alva Edison  improved it.

        - Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928.

So the list of the inventions is rather long. We can’t imagine our life without a notebook or a radio.

        Scientists have archived so much, scientific minds are still working at some urgent problems. One of them is finding and using alternative sources of energy. Scientists are also learning how to save and conserve energy. They have many problems with creating highly effective systems of communication.

        Because science will be around us even more in the future, I think we-tomorrows adults must start learning today to be ready to take our places in this computerized, transistorized, antibiotic, nuclear and supersonic age!

  1.  Let’s talk about inventors and their inventions. Can you tell anything about the most important discoveries and inventions?
  2.  Do you agree that scientific minds are still working at some urgent problems? Try to prove your point of view.
  3.  A scientist in the field of nanotechnologies is invited to our college. He is ready to answer your questions. What will you ask?
  4.  Your friend has won money in a lottery. He wants to buy a latest gadget. Advise your friend what to buy.
  5.  Students nowadays are encouraged to carry out their own scientific research. Have you ever taken part in any? What do you think of it?

4. I would like to recommend him to buy a new computer. The list of the advantages is rather long: computers give us access to the Internet- an international computer network. You can spread a lot of your free time surfing the Internet and get all sorts of information from it. You can enter the chat room with other Internet users and debate urgent problems on line. If you are connectable by e-mail, you can correspond with your own web page and place there information about yourself.

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