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Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.
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История английского языка
Абуханова Алма Габдрахимовна
Тест для студентов следующих специальностей:
1. Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка (II курс)
Вопрос №1
When did Roman legions under Emperor Claudius invade Britain?
Вопрос №2
Find out the Old East Germanic language in the list given below
Вопрос №3
When is the Proto- Germanic supposed to have split from related Indo- European tongues?
Вопрос №4
When did Ulfilas, a West Germanic bishop, make a translation of the Gospels from Greek into Gothic using a modified form of the Greek alphabet?
Вопрос №5
Find out the Old West Germanic language in the list given below
Вопрос №6
Choose the date of the first written records in Old High German
Вопрос №7
Choose the date of the establishment of the Written Standard of New High German
Вопрос №8
Point out the phonetic change which took place in Proto-Germanic
L.nox G nacht
R. ночь
Вопрос №9
Point out the vowel change explaining the vowel modification in Proto-Germanic
L mater OE modor
R мать
Вопрос №10
Point out the vowel change explaining the vowel modification in Late PG
L ventus OE wind
R ветер
Вопрос №11
Point out the vowel change explaining the vowel modification in Late PG
Lith sunus OE sunu
R сын
Вопрос №12
Point out the vowel change explaining the vowel modification in Late PG
Celt human OE horn
Вопрос №13
Point out the act of Grimm's law the following examples belong to
L pedis OE fot
R пена OE fām
Вопрос №14
Point out the act of Grimm's law the following examples belong to
R болото OE pōl
R слабый OE slæpan
Вопрос №15
Point out the act of Grimm's law the following examples belong to
R два OE twā
R еда OE etan
Вопрос №16
Point out the act of Grimm's law the following examples belong to
Sanscript bhārāmi OE bere
Sanscript bhrata OE brōpor
Вопрос №17
Point out the phonetic change which accounts for the difference between consonants in PIE and PG
L caput OE hēafod [v]
L pater GT fadar
Вопрос №18
Point out the phonetic change which accounts for the difference between consonants in PIE and PG
санскрит pitar OE fader
Вопрос №19
Point out the form-building means employed in the following examples from Germanic and non-Germanic languages
L ego R я OE ic
Mei меня min
Mihi мне me
Вопрос №20
Point out the means employed in building the principal forms of the Gothic strong verbs
Inf Past sg Past pl Participle 2
Reisan rais risum risans
Kiusan kaus kusum kusans
Вопрос №21
Point out the number of components the word consisted of in Early PG
Вопрос №22
Point out the number of components the word consisted of in Old Germanic languages
Вопрос №23
Choose the name of the capital of Wessex during the reign of King Alfred
Вопрос №24
Choose the name of the OE dialect of the Jutes
Вопрос №25
Choose the name of the OE dialect of the Saxons
Вопрос №26
Choose the name of the OE dialect of the Angles
Вопрос №27
What does history of the English language begin with?
Вопрос №28
Point out the period of Celtic migrations
Вопрос №29
Point out the survival of the Gaelic branch in Ireland
Вопрос №30
Point out the survival of the Britonnic branch in modern Wales
Вопрос №31
Point out the survival of the Britonnic branch in modern France
Вопрос №32
Which century was Cornish spoken in Cornwall till?
Вопрос №33
When was Gaul conquered by the Romans ?
Вопрос №34
When was Britain invaded by Roman legions under Emperor Claudians?
Вопрос №35
How long did the Roman occupation of Britain last?
Вопрос №36
How is the 1st history of England written by Bede called?
Вопрос №37
Point out the right subdivision of the Germanic tribes the invaders of Britain came from
Вопрос №38
Point out the part of Britain occupied by the Jutes or the Frisians
Вопрос №39
Point out the part of Britain occupied by the Angles
Вопрос №40
Point out the part of Britain occupied by the Saxons
Вопрос №41
When did the raiders from Scandinavia make their 1st plundering attacks on England?
Вопрос №42
Point out the act of Grimm's law the following examples belong to
O.Ind rudhira OE rēād
O.Ind madhyas OE middle
Вопрос №43
Point out the means employed in building the principal forms of the Gothic strong verbs
Inf Past sg Past pl Participle 2
Bindan band bundum bundans
Вопрос №44
Point out the form-building means employed in the following examples from Germanic and
non-Germanic languages
Fr Gt NE
Je ik I
mon meina mine
moi mis me
Вопрос №45
Point out the closest linguistic relation of English
Вопрос №46
Point out the closest linguistic relation of English
Вопрос №47
Point out the descendant of the OE strong verb
Вопрос №48
Point out the descendant of the OE weak verb
Вопрос №49
Choose when Pliny the Elder made a classified list Germanic tribes grouping them under six headings
Вопрос №50
Choose the date when the Goths moved south-east starting on their great migrations
Вопрос №51
Choose the date when Ulfilass Gospels were first published
Вопрос №52
Choose the date of disintegration of Old Norse
Вопрос №53
Choose the dates of the famous Viking Age
Вопрос №54
Choose the dates of the first runic Inscriptions in Old Norse
Вопрос №55
Choose the date of the first Scandinavian settlements in Iceland
Вопрос №56
Choose the date of the first written records in Old Icelandic
Вопрос №57
Choose the date of the first written records in Old Norwegian
Вопрос №58
Choose the date of the first written records in Old Danish
Вопрос №59
Choose the date of the first written records in Old Swedish
Вопрос №60
Choose the date of the first written records in Old English
Вопрос №61
Choose the date of the first written records in Old Saxon
Вопрос №62
Choose the date of the first written records in Old Dutch
Вопрос №63
Choose the dates of the first pre-written period in the history of English
Вопрос №64
Choose the dates of the 3rd period in the history of English-Early Middle English
Вопрос №65
Choose the dates of the 5th period in the history of English-Early New English
Вопрос №66
Choose the dates of the 7th period in the history of English Modern English
Вопрос №67
Choose the dates of the 2nd period in the history of English - Written OE
Вопрос №68
Choose the dates of the 4th period in the history of English: Classical Middle English
Вопрос №69
Choose the dates of the 6th period in the history of English - Normalization Period
Вопрос №70
Choose the date when the written form of the West Saxon dialect developed into a bookish type of language
Вопрос №71
Choose the dates of the earliest OE manuscript written in Kentish and Mercian
Вопрос №72
Choose the date of the battle of Hastings
Вопрос №73
Choose the date of the issue of the famous Proclamation by Henry III written in 3 languages: French, Latin and English
Вопрос №74
Choose the date when the domination of the French language in England came to an end
Вопрос №75
Choose the date when Edward III gave his consent to an act of Parliament ordaining that English should be used in the law courts
Вопрос №76
Choose the date when it was ruled that English should be used at schools in teaching Latin
Вопрос №77
Choose the dates of the William Shakespeares life
Вопрос №78
Choose the date of the establishment of the Written Standard of the English national literary language
Вопрос №79
Choose the date when “A short introduction to English Grammar” by Robert Lowth was written
Вопрос №80
Choose the date when “Dictionary of the English language” by Dr. Samuel Johnson was first published
Вопрос №81
Choose the date of the publication of “Dictionary of the English Language” by Noah Webster
Вопрос №82
Choose the dates when the influx of French words reached new peaks in New English
Вопрос №83
Point out the phonetic change which accounts for the difference between the vowels in:
GT auso OE eare NE ear
GT kiusan OE ceosan NE choose
GT diups OE deop
Вопрос №84
Point out the phonetic change which accounts for the vowel interchange in hwal - hwalas (Nom, sg. and pl. M. - a), NE whale
Вопрос №85
How can the OE word order be defined?
Вопрос №86
What languages were the following place names borrowed from?
Kent, York , London, Avon, Thames
Вопрос №87
Determine the part of speech of the OE words leorn - ere, fisc - ere, boc - ere.
Вопрос №88
Determine the class of the strong verb ridan.
Вопрос №89
Determine the class of the weak verb habban.
Вопрос №90
Determine the part of speech of the OE words modig, halig, bysig.
Вопрос №91
Determine the part of speech of the OE words freond - lic, sceand - lic, woruld - lic.
Вопрос №92
Choose the correct translation of hē bād.
Вопрос №93
Choose the correct translation of wē willa secgan
Вопрос №94
Define the case the OE noun talu (o - stems F.) belongs to
Вопрос №95
Define the case the OE noun namena (n - stems M) belongs to
Вопрос №96
Define the case the OE noun fota (root - stem., M) belongs to
Вопрос №97
Define the case the OE noun musum belongs to
Вопрос №98
Choose the OE equivalent of the Modern English pronoun they
Вопрос №99
Define the case the OE pronoun min belongs to
Вопрос №100
Define the case the OE pronoun ure belongs to
Вопрос №101
Define the case the OE pronoun us belongs to
Вопрос №102
Define the case the OE pronoun his belongs to
Вопрос №103
Define the case the OE pronoun him belongs to
Вопрос №104
Define the case the OE demonstrative pronoun seo belongs to
Вопрос №105
Define the case the OE demonstrative pronoun se belongs to
Вопрос №106
Define the class the OE pronoun hwa belongs to
Вопрос №107
Define the class the OE pronoun hwat belongs to
Вопрос №108
Define the class the OE pronoun an belongs to
Вопрос №109
Define the class the OE pronoun nan belongs to
Вопрос №110
Define the declension the OE adjective blindan belongs to
Вопрос №111
Define the degree of comparison the OE pronoun softra belongs to
Вопрос №112
Define the degree of comparison the OE adjective ieldra belongs to
Вопрос №113
Define the degree of comparison the OE adjective ealdest belongs to
Вопрос №114
Define the degree of comparison the OE adjective mara belongs to
Вопрос №115
Define the degree of comparison the OE adjective wiersa belongs to
Вопрос №116
Choose the grammatical category which does not belong to the OE Finite Verb.
Вопрос №117
Choose the principal form the OE verb writan (Class I) belongs to.
Вопрос №118
Choose the principal form the OE verb curon (class 2 ) belongs to
Вопрос №119
Choose the principal form the OE verb holpen (Class III) belongs to.
Вопрос №120
Choose the principal form the OE weak verb lifd (Class III ) belongs to
Вопрос №121
Choose the principal form the OE verb holpen (Class III) belongs to.
Вопрос №122
Choose the language the OE word cradol (NE cradle) was borrowed from.
Вопрос №123
Choose the language the OE word candel (NE candle) was borrowed from.
Вопрос №124
Choose the language the OE word scol (NE school) was borrowed from
Вопрос №125
Define the part of speech of the OE words freodom, wisdom.
Вопрос №126
Choose the language the words sky, skill were borrowed from.
Вопрос №127
Define the dialect Middle English word stan belongs to.
Вопрос №128
What is the source of the Modern English indefinite article a/an?
Вопрос №129
Define the time when uninflected forms of one are firmly established in all the regions.
Вопрос №130
Point out the phonetic change which accounts for the difference between root vowels in ME words and their NE descendants
ME Stele Stone Goos
NE steal stone goose
Вопрос №131
What is the lengthening of the vowel in “shant” due to?
Вопрос №132
What dialect does the sound [e] in the word merry come from?
Вопрос №133
What language were the following words borrowed from? Cargo, embargo, banana, chocolate, barricade, potato, tobacco, armada, cannibal.
Вопрос №134
Point out the survival of the Britonnic branch in modern Francefff
Вопрос №135
Choose the date when the book “Orthographie” by John Hart was written.
Вопрос №136
Point out the Germanic words Between the 5th and 3rd c. A.D.
Вопрос №137
What consonant change is illustrated by the following pairs of words?
bar [bar] bar [ba:]
fur [fur] fur [fə:]
flour [flu:r] flower [flauə]
Вопрос №138
Choose the date when Julius Caesar made two raids on Britain
Вопрос №139
Choose the date when the Roman troops were officially withdrawn to Rome by Constantine
Вопрос №140
Choose the dates of the Germanic settlement of Britain
Вопрос №141
Choose the dates of the transitional period from the tribal and slave-owning system to feudalism
Вопрос №142
Choose the dates of the temporary rise of the kingdom of Northumbria in the OE period
Вопрос №143
Choose the date when England was divided in two halves
Вопрос №144
Choose the date when Canute was acknowledged as king of England
Вопрос №145
Choose the date when England regained its political independence from the Northern Empire
Вопрос №146
Choose the dates of the reign of king Alfred
Вопрос №147
Choose the principal form the OE verb curon (class 2 ) belongs to
Вопрос №148
Define the time when the form its was first recorded.
Вопрос №149
What is the source of the Modern English definite article?
Вопрос №150
Define the part of speech of the OE words freondice, hearde.