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Oh I know Ukrinin These people probbly remember our writers

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Even those who have never seen our country, and familiar only with its name , can say , "Oh ! I know Ukrainian ! ". These people probably remember our writers .Among the world famous Ukrainian writers the most. These people have gained recognition and fame over the years. They had to fight for the right to write and defend the interests of their people and country. Many who can remember , but we will focus on the most well-known personalities. Tell us about the glorious masters of words. Many people have heard of Taras Shevchenko .

                             Taras Shevchenko


Taras Shevchenko - outstanding Ukrainian poet , novelist, playwright, painter , political and social activist. He was a man of versatile talents and interests. All his life and work were devoted to the Ukrainian people. The poet dreamed of the time when his country is an independent sovereign state , and when Ukraine will be respected language, culture and history of the people , then the people will be happy. Shevchenko began writing poetry in the second half of the 30s .

In 1840 in St. Petersburg, his first collection of poems "Kobzar" in 1845 - heroically - romantic poem "Gaydamak ." In the years 1843-45 he wrote a series of poems , " Three Years" ( center piece of which is " The Dream" ), a poem called " Caucasus " message " the dead and the living ..." poetry " ChyhyrynChygyryn" , "Big cellar " " Standing in the village Saturday," etc. , which sharply opposed the social - national oppression of the Ukrainian people. While in prison he wrote poetry , which later united in the loop " in the dungeons ." In the years 1854-1858 written in Russian tale "The Musician ", " artist ", "Work ", " Kapitansha ".

Name Taras Shevchenko known throughout the world : in many countries are monuments to him , his works have been translated almost all languages ​​of the world, its name in Ukraine named schools , theaters , squares and streets of the city.

National Opera of Ukraine , Kyiv National University, Kyiv central boulevard of the city bearing the name of a prominent son of the Ukrainian people - Taras Shevchenko.


The world famous Ukrainian writers

                      Ivan Franko

                     (1856 - 1916)

Ivan Franko (1856 - 1916) - a landmark figure in national and world history and culture. Poet , novelist, playwright , scholar, ethnographer , folklorist , historian , philosopher, sociologist , economist, journalist , translator, and social and political activist . Born August 27, 1856 in the village Naguevichi now Lviv Oblast , the son of a blacksmith. He studied at the gymnasium Drohobych ,Lviv ( Faculty of Philosophy ), University of Vienna and Chernivtsi . In the 1870-1880 's Franco led an active journalist and publicist activities . Together with M. Pavlik published the journal " Public Friend " and almanacs "Bell " and "The Hammer (1878), with I. Bol - the magazine " World " (1881-1882 ), with the circle of students of Lviv youth magazine " friend "( 1888). collaborated also in publications Ukrainian populists : the newspaper " Delo ( 1883-1886 ), the magazine " Dawn "(in 1883-1886 ) and " The Truth (1888 ), many Polish and Austrian magazines . " During 1894-1897 he edited a literary and scientific journal " life and word." Franco - publisher was the initiator , coordinator and editor of the book series " Small Library" (1878-1880) , " Research Library " (1887-1888) , " Literary - library " (1889-1898) ," Hlopska library " (1896-1898) ," International library "( 1912-19140 and" library World "( 1914-1916 ).

Upon the request of the community area 1962 Supreme Council of USSR renamed title regional center in Ivano -Frankivsk . His name is oblast Ukrainian music and Drama Theatre , educational institutions and other institutions edge.

Name of Ivan Franko named streets in the provincial and district centers, towns and villages area. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth Kamenyar (1956) Regional Library was named after Ivan Franko.

                      Lina Kostenko 


Lina Kostenko was born March 19, 1930 in Kyiv region Rzhyshchiv in a family of teachers . 1936 the family moved to Kyiv , where Lin graduated from high school in Kurenivka and a schoolgirl started attending Literary Studies in the magazine " Dnieper " , who edited Andrew Malishko . These meager data biographical information will be exciting poetic motives, when the author later tells in verse of the refugee road war years and the " ballet school " field replaceable , which had to go through , and the first - written in the trenches - the verse.

The distinguishing feature of the poet is intellectualism - movement , poetry , ups thought which comprehends the great historical spaces , stress seeking clues to the mysteries of human existence , nation, humanity .

Search this often associated with " intense cultural experience " , not just the direct contemplation of the flow of life . Someone with a great cultural experience of mankind and its creators, understanding the paradoxes of history , the school which modern man is not always looks smart student, exacerbating the feeling of insecurity and dysharmoniynosti in late XX century.  Which in her poems appears as a very dramatic act in the life of human civilization.With these experiences and conclusions arising apocalyptic motifs in his poetry.


LinaKostenko - one of those who lost human dignity in times of trial , and its hexadecimal silence was not like weakness or compromise with the government for its stance poet always expressed directly and openly : its integrity and sincerity so scared and irritated the authorities, they have great pleasure in any way forced her to remain silent. But LinaKostenko enjoyed so much popularity and love of readers that officials simply were afraid to touch it .LinaKostenko recent dreams not write poetry with political overtones , and " draw birds silver pencil on linen ."

                          Lesya Ukrainka 

                           (1871 – 1913)

Lesya Ukrainka (1871 - 1913) - glorious Ukrainian poet, consistent and vigorous fighter for the formation of the Ukrainian people for its consolidation of the political nation. The totality of her works - a perfect image of the earth, earthly paradise , called " Ukraine ". Appeared that image - and the whole mass of the people realized that they are not just ordinary people , and Ukrainian , which is the title of their obligation that they have something to fight and give life. As every ideal , this image can not be fully embodied in this life, but he now requires us to straighten and faithfully serve one high idea called " Ukraine ".

In 12 years, Les took Ukrainian translation of "Evenings on a Farm near Dykanky " Nikolai Gogol, it began to publish in Ukrainian literary journals. The 19 - year-old Ukrainian Lesya she wrote for younger sisters ' long history of Oriental nations. " The first verse of Lesya Ukrainian were published in 1893. In 1911 came the drama extravaganza "Forest Song ", which is considered one of the best works of LesyaUkrainian . Most notable themes in her works of Ukrainian Lesya had freedom , love and nature . Ukrainian Lesya worked fine and vulnerable images with inherent musicality of speech. Ukrainian Lesya died 1 August 1913 at the age of 42 due to extremely poor health.

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