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I.       Образуйте форму множественного числа следующих существительных:
















II.      Отметьте существительные, которые употребляются только в единственном числе: 1. cat          2.sugar          3. puppy        4. love

5. friend      6. advice        7. horse         8. progress

9. hair         10. money

III.    Отметьте существительные, которые употребляются только во множественном числе:

1. mathematics     2. apples       3. scissors      4. fruits 5. trousers            

6. cities         7. goods         8. tongs

9. clothes             10. puppies

IV.    Какую форму множественного числа вы выберете для следующих существительных ?

1. desk

2. class

3. potato

a) desks

a) classis

a) potatoes

b) deskes

b) classes

b) potatos

4. leaf

5. man

6. city

a) leaves

a) mans

a) citys

b) leafs

b) men

b) cities

7. mouse

8. play

a) mouses

a) plays

b) mice

b) playes


V.      Укажите предлог, которым можно заполнить пропуск:

1.  There is a nice lamp ... the table.

a) between     b) over      c) into

2.  I have found your ball. In is ... the sofa.

a) over         b) between    c) under

3.  Your present is ... you. Take it!

a) above    b) under        c) in front of

4.  Where is Tom I can t find him.

-   He is standing ... you, sir.

a) between          b) behind       c) under

5.  I m waiting ... you, Tom.

a) for           b)-         c) to

6.  Is it a book you are looking ...

a) on            b) to         c) for

7.  Look...   the blackboard and answer the questions.

a) on             b) at        c) to

8.  Put... your hat. It is cold today.

a) away          b) off      c) on

9.  Let s meet... 7 p.m..

a) on              b) at       c) to

10.3 here is a sofa ... the left.

a) in         b) at            c) on


VI.    Выберите нужную форму глагола:

1.  Tom usually ... football.

a) is playing   b) play    с) plays

2.  What language he ... now ?

a) speaks     b) is speaking     c)speak

3.  It... snow hard tomorrow.

a) will      b) shall     c) be

4.  If the weather ... fine, we 11 go for a walk.

a) will be    b) is        c) shall be

5.  Mozart... more than 600 pieces of music.

a) writes       b) wrote      c) will write

6.  ... you have time to write her tomorrow ?

a) do       b)   did           c) will

7.  There ... many children in the hall last time.

a) are         b) were         c) will be

8.  I... to London.

a) never was b) have never been    c) never were

9.  My friends ... to the theatre yesterday.

a) went     b) have gone      c)    had   go

10. The children ... outdoors last night when it began to rain hard.

a) were playing   b) played   c) play

11. Neil Armstrong ... to the Moon many years ago.

a) has gone      b) went      c)   had gone

12. The policeman read the gentleman his wright after he ... him.

a) had arrested      b) arrested    c) arrests

13. Open the door. The postman ... a letter to you.

a) brings   b) has brought     c) will bring

14. There ... a lot of beautiful old buildings in Moscow.

a) is        b) are      c)  was

15.Look! Somebody ... in the river.

a) swim      b)   swims    c) is swimming



 I.       Сопоставьте праздники и их описание:

1. ... is a night when people have parties and stay up until midnight

to see the New Year in.

a) New Year   b) Christmas   c) New Year's Eve

2.... is a very happy day with decorated fur-tree and presents.

a) Christmas     b) New Year      c) Easter

3.... is a day when pupils and students start the new academic year.

a) Labour Day      b) Easter     c) The Day of Knowledge

4.... is a religious holiday when people have parties, light candles and give each other presents.

a) New Year     b) Easter    c) Christmas

5.... is a religious holiday when people have gatherings eating dyed

eggs, paskha and kulich.

a) Christmas      b)   New Year     c) Easter

6.... is a day when people play tricks on friends.

a) New Year   b) April Fool's Day    c) Christmas

7... is a holiday when people honour members of the armed forces.

a) Labour Day      b) Day of the Defender of Motherland c)New Year

8.... is a day when people honour women by giving them flowers

and presents.

a) Women's Day    b) Labour Day     c) Easter

9... is a holiday when people have parades and ceremonies to honour

those who died in the Great Patriotic War.

a) Women's Day    b) Victory Day    c) May Day

10.... is a holiday when people have picnics, parades and fireworks.

a) Labour Day         b) Women's Day       c)Independence Day

11.....is a day when people eat pancakes and burn a scarecrow, which

means winter.

a) New Year's Eve    b) Maslenitsa         c) Easter 12.... is a holiday when people dress up in costumes of ghosts and

witches and have fun.

a) Maslenitsa      b) Easter      c) Halloween

ПРОФЕССИЯ (профессиональные качества).

II.      Закончите предложение, используя предлагаемые варианты:

1.  То choose your future profession is very...

a) easy   b)   simple     c) difficult

2. A "profession" is ...

a) an occupation which requires advanced education and special training

b) an occupation which doesn't require education at all.

3. To become a good doctor you should be very ...

a) angry and severe     b) patient and kind

4.To become a good doctor you should have very good knowledge in.,

a) physics and maths        b) chemistry and biology

5. To make a right choice it's necessary to take into account...

a) the character and ability of a person

b) the place of your birth

6. Our school teachers do their best to provide pupils with...

a) books and pens     b) wide ranging knowledge and skills

7. The man who is fond of cars is called ...

a) doctor   b) motorist   c) tourist

8. There are lucky people who...

a) chose their profession in childhood

b) avoid unemployment

9. We must know whether the profession we have chosen will...

a) be interesting and entertaining

b) be in fashion

c) guarantee good living conditions and high salary

МОЛОДЕЖЬ (досуг, проблемы)

III.       Закончите предложение, используя предлагаемые варианты: 1.Being a teenager is not so...

a) difficult     b) easy

2. Teenagers have ... problems.

a) no         b) a lot of

3. School is the 1st problem. Young people have to learn ...

a) a little      b) a lot of

4. When parents don't understand the problems of their children it's


a) generation gap     b) problem

5. Nowadays we have very serious problems for the young people such as violence, AIDS, drugs and ...

a) music      b) alcohol

6. The teenager's problems will...

a) fall                b) increase

7. The most terrible thing is when teenager becomes a ...

a) student       b) drug addict

8. Teenagers from formal groups generally spend their free time doing sports, sightseeing, watching TV, ...etc

a) party going        b) staying at home


 IV. Закончите предложение, используя предлагаемые варианты:

1.  Hobby is ...

a)  what you can and like to do, when you have free time

b)  what you hate to do

2.  Very often our hobby helps us ...

a)  to choose our future profession

b)  to do nothing

3.  The most common hobby among Englishmen is ...

a)  collecting books

b)  gardening and growing roses

4.  Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different...

a)  card games

b)  computer games

5.  Hobby differs like ...

a)  people

b)  tastes

6.  When we have a hobby our life becomes more ...

a)  interesting

b)  dull

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2. Учет имущества обязательств и хозяйственных операций в организации.html
3.  В современных условиях к образованию предъявляются принципиально новые духовнонравственные и социально
4. Развитие человека и цифровая экономика Организаторы- Экономический факультет Московского госуда.html
5. на тему Добыча полезных ископаемых в Оренбургской области
6. Формирование качества воды на приречных водозаборах
8. темами єдиної суспільної системи проте в той ж час кожній галузі властиві індивідуальні закони розвитку
10. часов Особенно много средств и времени затрачивается на процессы связанные с определением форм и размеро
13. Бухгалтерские проводки предприятия
14. О государственной тайне от 21 июля 1993 года 54851 Законом РФ О безопасности
15. Введение Одним из важнейших показателей деятельности предприятия является качество продукции
16. ИЗОБРАЗИТЕЛЬНОЕ ИСКУССТВО Введение В связи с переходом общеобразовательных учреждений Беларуси.html
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