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Works in tndem with student-collegite orgniztion

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The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), based in New York City, is the world's largest organization for public relations professionals. The organization has more than 21,000 members, including professionals from public relations agencies, corporations, government, health care institutions. In addition, PRSA has over a hundred local chapters.

Chartered in 1947, PRSA’s primary objectives are to advance the standards of the public relations profession and to provide members with professional development opportunities through continuing education programs, information exchange forums.

PRSA publishes two periodicals for its membership: Public Relations Tactics (a monthly tabloid) and The Public Relations Strategist (a quarterly magazine). The organization also publishes the Public Relations Journal, a quarterly open access peer reviewed academic journal.

PRSA also works in tandem with a student/collegiate organization. The Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) has more than 10,000 student members in 284 chapters at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

PRSA members are also eligible for several annual awards. The highest individual honor is the Gold Anvil Award, which is given to a public relations practitioner and PRSA member who has made significant contributions to the industry. PRSA also awards the Silver Anvil to organizations and firms for the best public relations campaigns of the year, while the Bronze Anvil recognizes outstanding public relations tactics.

  1.  Find the Russian equivalents for the following words and word combinations and explain what is meant by:

a primary objective, a periodical, to advance, to  work  in tandem with, to be eligible, to make a contribution, a campaign, outstanding public relations tactics.

2. Answer the following questions

  1.  What is PRSA and where was it based? How many members does it have?
  2.  What is the main objective of PRSA?
  3.  What periodicals does it publish?
  4.  What annual awards does it have?
  5.  Find the antonyms and synonyms for the following words

the largest, to continue, significant, several, to include, more, open.

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