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Note- 1 permnent ctions He lives not fr from here

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The Present Indefinite is used to denote:

1) permanent actions

He lives not far from here.

2) recurrent or habitual actions

Mary always visits her parents in summer.

3) a succession of point actions (demonstrations, commentaries, recipes etc.)

He takes the javelin, concentrates and finally throws it.

4) an action taking place at the moment of speaking but not viewed in its progress

What a crazy idea! You talk nonsense!

5) present states of being, thinking, possessing or feeling (with stative verbs)

Most people don’t believe in the existence of UFOs.

6) the performance of action by saying/ naming it (with performative verbs: accept, agree, apologise, congratulate, declare, deny, disagree etc)

On behalf of the company, I apologise for any inconvenience caused.

7) timetables and programmes

The play starts at 7 p.m.

8) immediate future

Where do we go now?

9) a future action in a subordinate clause of time/ condition referring to the future

I’ll do it if you help me.

10) a future action in a subordinate object clause after to see to/ to take care of/ to make sure

I’ll make sure he is all right.

The Present Continuous is used to denote:

1) an action happening at the moment of speaking

Where’s David? – He is playing chess with his uncle in the living room.

2) temporary situations / actions happening about this time but not necessarily at the moment

He is working for his uncle now.

3) changing or developing situations

It’s getting colder.

4) personal arrangements for the near future

We are meeting at 7 tonight.

5) to express criticism or annoyance/ emotional colouring about a frequently repeated action

You are always interrupting me!

The Present Perfect Simple is used in the following cases:

1) with state verbs

The manor house has stood on this spot for over two hundred years.

2) to emphasise a completed action/ result

The power surge has broken my computer.

3) to emphasise a completed result and answer questions How many? How much? How far?

This channel has shown four wildlife documentaries so far this week.

4) in adverbial clauses of time introduced by the conjunctions when, before, after, as soon as, till and until where it’s used to express a future action. The action of the subordinate clause will be accomplished before the action in the principal clause

We’ll make a move as soon as the rain has stopped.

5) with superlatives

It’s the worst sports programme I have ever seen.

The Present Perfect Continuous is used in the following cases:

1) to emphasise a continuous or repeated activity

Women have been speaking out on this issue for some time.

2) to focus on the duration of a continuing action

I’ve been learning to play chess for three years now.

3) when there is present evidence of a recent activity

I’m sorry the hall is in such a mess. We’ve been decorating.

4) for recent actions

I’ve been talking to Jenny.

Both the Present Perfect Simple and the Present Perfect Continuous are used with verbs such as work, live, study with no important difference.

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2. небольшой экскурс в историю портала
3. И Спасокукоцкого А
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