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Topics covered Introduction to Physics 1

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Physics Syllabus


Topics covered

Introduction to Physics

1.1 General Overview of Physics
1.2 SI units and dimensional analysis

Vectors and Scalars

2.1 Definitions of vectors and scalars
2.2 Examples of vectors in physics
2.3 Adding, subtracting and resolving vectors
2.4 Components of vectors in two and three dimensions  



5.1 Motion along a straight line

5.2 Motion in two and three dimensions
5.3 Projectile motion

Newton’s Laws

6.1 Force and interactions

6.2 Newton’s laws

6.3 Using Newton’s laws

6.4 Overview of motion with friction

Work, Energy and Linear Momentum

7.1 Concept of work done
7.2 Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem
7.3 Conservation of mechanical energy

7.4 Momentum, Impulse

7.5 Conservation of linear momentum

Conservative and Non-conservative Forces.

      Potential Energy Functions

8.1 Conservative Forces

8.2 Non-conservative Forces

8.3 Conservative Forces and Potential Energy

8.4 Deriving potential energy functions using calculus


9.1 Introducing the cross product:
9.2 Moment of a force (torque)
9.3 Torque of a pair of forces (couple)

9.4 Finding the Centre of Mass (CM) and the Centre of Gravity (CG)

Statics and Friction

10.1 Free body diagrams

10.2 Friction

10.3 Conditions for static equilibrium

Circular Motion

11.1 Radial and tangential acceleration

11.2 Uniform circular motion

11.3 Rotation with constant angular acceleration

Rotational Dynamics

12.1 Moment of inertia

12.2 The Kinetic Energy of a rotating rigid body

12.3 Angular momentum and its conservation

12.4 Work and power in rotational motion
12.5 Comparison between linear and angular motion

Simple Harmonic Motion - Part I

13.1 Oscillatory phenomena

13.2 Mathematical description of SHM

13.3 Mass-spring system, simple pendulum

13.4 SHM and uniform circular motion

Simple Harmonic Motion - Part II

14.1 Energy in simple harmonic motion

14.2 Damped oscillations

14.3 Forced oscillations and resonance

Introduction to Waves

15.1 Progression of a pulse y=f(x±vt)

15.2 Longitudinal and transverse waves

15.3 Sinusoidal wave model

Mechanical and Stationary Waves

16.1 Speed of mechanical waves  

16.2 Intensity of sound

16.3 Mathematical description of stationary waves

Applications of Stationary Waves

17.1 Fundamental and harmonics

17.2 Standing waves in strings

17.3 Open and closed pipes


18.1 Principle of superposition

18.2 Constructive and destructive interference

18.3 Young’s double slit experiment


19.1 Single slit diffraction

19.2 Condition for single slit diffraction  (a sinθm = m λ)

19.3 The diffraction grating

Reflection and Refraction

20.1 Law of reflection

20.2 Refraction and index of refraction

20.3 Snell’s law of refraction

20.4 Prisms

20.5 Total internal reflection and critical angle

Special Theory of Relativity – Part I

21.1 Inertial frames

21.2 Postulates of relativity

21.3 Proper time and coordinate time

21.4 Time dilation and length contraction


Special Theory of Relativity – Part II

22.1 Relativistic mass

22.2 Relativistic kinetic energy and Einstein’s famous equation (E = mc2)

22.3 Total relativistic energy

Introduction to Quantum Physics

23.1 Planck’s postulate (E = hf)

23.2 The photoelectric effect

23.3 Wave-particle duality (de Broglie’s principle)

23.4 Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

Atomic Phenomena

24.1 Rutherford model of the nucleus

24.2 Bohr’s atom

24.3 Energy levels

24.4 Absorption and emission spectra

Molecular Physics

25.1 The phases of matter

25.2 Crystalline and amorphous solids

25.3 Bonds

25.4 The Lenard-Jones potential

Solid State Physics Part I

26.1 Introduction to semiconductors

26.2 Electrons and holes

26.3 Covalent bonds

26.4 Energy bands

Solid State Physics Part II

  1. Doped semiconductors  (p-type and n-type)
  2.   The p-n junction27.3
  3.   The current-voltage characteristic of a diode

Nuclear Physics – Part I

28.1 Composition of the nucleus

28.2 Nuclear stability

28.3 Binding energy of the nucleus
28.4 Radioactivity of unstable nuclei (exponential decay law)

Nuclear Physics – Part II

29.1 Types of decay processes and their radiation (alpha, beta and gamma)

29.2 Fission and fusion

29.3 Nuclear reactors and nuclear power

Calculus in Physics

30.1  Basic integration formulae

30.2  Examples of physical problems that involve integration

Gravitational Fields

31.1 Forces and potential energy

31.2 The law of universal gravitation

31.3 Gravitational field

31.4 Motion of planets and satellites

31.5 Gravitational potential energy

Electric Fields

32.1 Electrical charges and Coulomb’s law
32.2 Electric field

32.3 Electric potential energy

32.4 Electric potential

Electric Current and Resistance – Part I

33.1 Electric current

33.2 Drift velocity of charges

33.3 Ohmic resistance and resistivity

33.4 Non-Ohmic resistance

33.5 Resistance and power

Electric Current and Resistance – Part II

34.1 Internal resistance of a battery

34.2 Power output of a battery

34.3 Resistors connected in series and in parallel

34.4 Kirchhoff’s laws (junction and loop rules)

Capacitors and RC circuits Part I

35.1 Capacitors and capacitance

35.2 Capacitors connected in parallel and in series

35.3 Energy stored in a capacitor

35.4 Resistor and capacitor connected in series (RC circuits)

Capacitors and RC circuits Part II

36.1 Charge of a capacitor in a RC circuit

36.2 Discharge of a capacitor in a RC circuit

Magnetic Fields

37.1 Magnetic field lines
37.2 Magnetic force on a moving charge

37.3 Magnetic force on a current carrying conductor

37.4 Magnetic field due to an infinite long conductor

Electromagnetic Induction Part I

38.1 Magnetic flux and magnetic flux density

38.2 Experiments that demonstrate the effect of electromagnetic induction

38.3 Faraday’s law of induction

38.4 Lenz’s law of induction

38.5 Example of Lenz’s law

Electromagnetic Induction Part II

39.1 Motional electromotive force

39.2 The alternating current generator

39.3 Sinusoidal form of alternating signals

39.4 Root  mean squared values of alternating signals

39.5 Resistor connected to an alternating voltage source

39.6 Average power

Inductance and LR circuit

40.1 Inductance of a coil

40.2 Inductive reactance

40.3 Inductor and resistor in series

40.4 Time constant of an inductive circuit

Alternating Currents 1

41.1 Alternating voltages

41.2 Resistor, inductor and capacitor connected to an a/c power source

41.3 Phasor diagrams

Alternating current 2

42.1 LCR series circuit

42.2 Resonance

42.3 Transformers

Thermal Physics

43.1 Temperature and thermal equilibrium

43.2 Zeroth law of thermodynamics

43.3 Heat capacity and specific heat capacity

43.4 Latent heat of fusion and vaporisation

Gas Laws and Thermodynamics

44.1 The ideal gas

44.2 Three gas laws – Boyle’s, Charles’s and Gay Lussac’s

44.3 The ideal gas equation

44.4 The zeroth law of thermodynamics revisited

Kinetic Theory of Gases

45.1 The first and second laws of thermodynamics

45.2 Entropy as a statistical process

45.3 The third law of thermodynamics

45.4 Kinetic theory of gases

Mechanisms of Heat Transfer

46.1 Conduction

46.2 Convection

46.3 Radiation

46.4 Stefan’s law

46.5 Blackbody radiation and Wien’s law

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