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In summer lot of people go to the seside

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Card 1

1 Summer holidays are always fun  and interesting. In summer a lot of people go to the seaside. I like going to the sea because I can swim very much. Last summer I went to the seaside with my family. I went sunbathing and swimming a lot. I caught crabs and found beautiful shells on the beach. It was cool and great there. The water was warm and the weather was nice  and sunny. I took a lot of photos at the seaside.I liked summer very much.

2 I agree that summer camp are always fun because I can go to the seaside or to the country to visit my relatives or go to a summer camp and make new friends.

3 In an international summer camp I am going to speak English every day, play board games, watch cartoons and films in English. My favourite activity is sports because I am sporty and energetic.

Card 2

1 In summer a lot of  children go to the summer camp. I like to go to summer camp too. In summer camp we can play different games, dance  at the discos, watch interesting films at the cinema.   There are a lot of different summer camps: language, craft, music, farm, art, sports etc.

Art summer camp is for those who like drawing. Here you can draw in the open air with professional painters.

Farm summer camp is for animal lovers. You can live on the farm feed animals and look after them.

International camp is for those who like English, English classes with teachers from Britain and the USA.

Music summer camp for children who like music, singing and dancing; folk and pop music.

Craft summer camp is for those who like making  things from wood, plastic, paper, metal plasticine.

Card 3

Summer camp is a busy place. We  have  something to do every day. On Mondays  we can go swimming and play board games. On Tuesdays  children go on a trip and watch films in the evening.  On Wednesdays  we learn to read maps in the morning and go on a hike in the afternoon. On Thursdays we go fishing if the weather is fine. On Fridays we go swimming  to the swimming pool then draw or read. On Fridays evenings we sit by the camp fair telling stories. We like it very much. On Saturdays we make presents for our visitors. On Sundays we have day out. Usually we go for a walk  and in the evenind we have a disco or a concert.

Card 4

I like winter holidays because  of  Christmas  and  the New Year. People have to prepare a lot: buy  presents, send greeting cards, decorate a New Year Tree. Children usually have fun a lot. They out of school. They play snowballs, make a snowman, ski, skate and go on sleigh.

On my winter vacation I am going to play  snowballs…

Card 5

I am a well travelled person. I have already visited many places. I have been to Russia, Poland, Chili. I have never  been to Scotland. It has always been my dream to visit this country.


Card 6

1 Belarus is a beautiful country. Mother nature gave Belarus beautiful blue lakes, thick forests and many species of animals and plants. There are fir and pine wood trees, oaks and ash- trees in Belorussian forests. Some oaks in Belovezhskaya Pushcha are from 300-700 years old. In the wild you can meet elks, wild boars, deer, wolves, hares and beavers. European bison is one of the symbols of Belarus. Belorussian lakes are rich in fish. You can find ell, trout and pike. Lake Naroch is the biggest lake in our country. Welcome  to our beautiful blue-eyed country!

2 I am going to visit Kenya by balloon because it is the most interesting way to travel. You are up, up and away!

Card 7

1 Belarus is an interesting place to visit. I have travelled a lot around Belarus. I have visited Minsk, Grodno, Vitebsk, Polotsk. I saw beautiful castles and monuments, fountains and squares, parks. But I haven`t been to Brest yet. I would like to go there to see Brest fortress.

2 Belarus is a country of  lakes.

Card 8

1 Koalas, blue whales, pandas, European bison are endangered animals because people kill them.


2 I think wild animals are in danger because people kill them.

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