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13 Personl detils Ex 1 Discuss these questions- 1

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Lesson 1.1.3. Personal details

Ex 1. Discuss these questions:

1. What impression do you try to give in a CV? 2. Should a CV be handwritten, typed, or laser- printed? 3. How important is a well- presented CV? 4. Do you always tell the absolute truth in a CV?

Ex 2. Look at Svetlana Vlasova’s CV (curriculum vitae). Put the headings from the box in the correct place in the CV.

Education     Interests      Key skills     References     Work experience

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Svetlana Vlasova

Nationality: Russian

Address: 17 Lime Grove, Harborne

              Birmingham   B 17 5 T              

Telephone: 0121 272 0064

E-mail: Svetlana.Vlasova@ mail.uk


2006-2007 Business Administration Graduate Diploma, University of Birmingham

1998-2001 Degree in Business and Commerce, Faculty of Economics and Management, St Petersburg, Russia  

1994-1997 Secondary School : School №1, St Petersburg, Russia    


2004- 2005 Regional Branch Manager, LMO Instruments, St Petersburg, Russia

                        * set up a new sales office in St Petersburg

                        * trained a team of sales staff

                        * developed new selling methods to increase sales

2002-2003 Technical Sales Specialist, Dertov Instruments, Omsk, Russia

 * sold a wide range of instruments, including software

                    *organised and presented customer seminars


Fluent in Russian, English and German

Computer skills: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Java, Linux systems


Cinema, travel, skiing, aerobics


Professional and personal references available on request

Ex 3. Decide whether these statements are true or false.

1. Svetlana Vlasova studied in Russia. 2. She has worked for three different companies. 3. She gave seminars when she worked for LMO Instruments. 4. She was a manager when she worked in St Petersburg. 5. She has been responsible for staff training. 6. She can speak more than two languages fluently.

Ex 4. Answer these questions in pairs.

1. How many pages is a typical CV in your country? 2. Do you include a photo? Do you think it is a good idea? 3. Does it have the same headings as Svetlana Vlasova’s CV? 4. Do you include any other information in CVs in your country?   

Ex 5. Svetlana Vlasova is applying for a job as an overseas team leader in Germany.

a) Listen to part of her interview. Complete her answers.

Reasons for applying         

First of all, I like ………. people and getting people to work together as ………. And then, I like ………. and ………. my languages.


I’m ………. in German and English. I get on well with                                           people. I’m also good at ………. people and at getting them to achieve ………. together. I love organizing events for ……….


I’m not really ………. when people don’t meet deadlines.

People you work well with

The people I like best are those who work ………. and who work ………. and who are ……….


I like travelling, and I like discovering new ……….


If I get the job, when would you like me to …………….?

b) What are your strengths and interests? What kinds of people do you work well with?

Ex 6. Prepare the CV that you would send to some company. You may invent as many details as you wish, but note that the person who you present in your CV will not graduate until the end of this year.

There are many different ways to prepare a CV, depending on the nationality of the company that you are applying to. For instance, in the US it is much more common to accompany each entry on a CV with a description of exactly what this involved, whereas in Europe a simple summary often suffices. Similarly, the order in which different events are presented may vary.

The relative importance of extracurricular activities and of references will also vary with national culture. Much depends on methods of recruitment. For example, there is a current trend in using recruitment consultants, who invite prospective employees to e-mail CVs direct or advertise themselves on the Internet. In some fields, CVs have recently changed radically by abandoning the traditional chronological development through education and experience, in favour of setting out personal skills acquired in order to entice prospective employers. But, nevertheless, any CV should contain the following information:

1. Personal details

2. Education

3 Professional experience

4. Skills

5. Activities

6. References

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