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Англ.яз. (профессиональный для направления "Экономика") - Модульный тест - 5125.08.01;МТ.01;1

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________ the four founders Carlo, the youngest, is the production director of Benetton Group worldwide


__________ have always believed they live in a ‘land of opportunity’, where anybody who has a good idea, determination, and a willingness to work hard can start a business and prosper


____________ are unimpressed by the most meticulously prepared meeting and pay much more attention to people

The Spanish

_____________, which had been responsible for nationalising many industries in the 1940s, felt they should be kept in state ownership

The Labour Party

______________ insures everything from houses to ships through its underwriters, insurance specialists who accept risks on behalf of groups of members who are responsible for meeting any insurance claims

Lloyd's of London

______________will offer no opinion unless sure of themselves, for fear of losing face

The Spanish

_____________too tend to feel that the main purpose of meetings is to assess the mood of those present and reinforce team-spirit

The Italians

____________is the symbol by which we know the company


Allen was Vice-President in charge __________research and product development


Although the City is central to international finance, to many observers it seems increasingly independent of the British ____________ economy


Although the United States has experienced some periods of _________ unemployment and other times when labor was in short supply, immigrants tended to come when jobs were plentiful


Although there are many small and __________ companies, big business units play a dominant role in the American economy


Americans ________times have viewed large corporations with suspicion, and corporate managers themselves have wavered about the value of bigness


AnnReagan is the

sales manager

Are we _____the mercy of the global advertisers?


As British Airways__________ magazine put it, "the effect was breathtaking; words were hardly needed; the pictures said it all"


As long as __________ has the confidence of the board of directors, he or she generally is permitted a great deal of freedom in running a corporation


Bringing together the best creative talent in the advertising industry usually ends up costing the


Britainhas a ____________, based partly on state ownership but mainly on private enterprise

mixed economy

British industries can be divided into ___________ sectors of activity


Brokers and ________________at the moments still need to be in the city because face-to-face contact is the most important part of our job


But despite his wealth, Luciano Benetton does not live a __________lifestyle


By law, individual proprietors pay

fewer taxes than corporations

Changes occurred __________ the top three places


Colin gets __________well with people


Corporate boards place day-to-day management decisions in the hands of _______________, who may also be a board's chairman or president

a chief executive officer

Corporations may own property, sue or be sued in court, and _________contracts


Disagree with __________ on even a minor point and they will take great pleasure in engaging in spirited verbal combat

the French

Don't be surprised if ____________ start a meeting with all the difficult questions: they want to be convinced you are as efficient and quality-conscious as they are

the Germans

Earlier _________was known as 'the workshop of the world'


Fortunately, global commercials like those for Marlboro cigarettes and BA can be_________________ for many years without looking out of date


He gives ___________millions of dollars each year


Hold an informal fact-finding meeting with __________ and you can expect a battery of searching questions

the Germans

I'll promise to put Ann’s request _________ a new post to the Directors' meeting next week


In America the division of labor, was said to reflect "scientific management" based on

systematic analysis

In fact, only a handful of worldwide agency networks have the capacity to _________ the world's biggest brands

take on

In general, government antitrust officials see a threat of monopoly power when a company gains control of 30 percent of the market for a commodity or service, but that is just a

rule of thumb

In the late 1930s and 1940s in Britain the essential services were nationalized ________ huge state-owned corporations


In two ______________, Joe's department is moving to a new building

months' time

Is it more important to __________ to the agenda or generate new ideas?


It is worth __________ that announced information about an increase in the net income of MTS by 108% did not manage to raise the company’s rating positions


It's no secret that since the 1950s ________has risen to become 'the factory of the world'


Large businesses are important to the __________ economy because they tend to have more financial resources than small firms to conduct research and develop new goods


Many computer-industry innovators began as __________, working on hand-assembled machines in their garages, and quickly grew into large, powerful corporations


Most businesses are ________proprietorships — that is, they are owned and operated by a single person


Most shareholders vote on the election of directors and important policy proposals by


News appeared ______ the market that the American company ConocoPhillips was planning to increase its stake in LUKoil to a controlling stake in the future


One thing western companies have been quick to learn from the Japanese is something called ___________

'Just in Time'

Partners pay taxes ________ their personal share of earnings, but their businesses are not taxed


Partnership agreements also may provide for ____________, who invest money in a business but do not take part in its management

"silent partners"

Partnerships enable entrepreneurs to pool their talents; one partner may be qualified in production, while another may excel _________ marketing


Sheila Gordon is ____________ about the new offices

coming over

Since the corporation already has paid taxes on its earnings, critics say that taxing dividend payments to shareholders amounts to _____________ of corporate profits

"double taxation"

Small businesses — computer-related ventures in California's __________ and other high-tech enclaves, for instance — are a source of technical innovation

"Silicon Valley"

The ______________ came onto the corporate scene as high technology became a crucial part of U.S. business affairs in the late 1990s

the chief information officer

The ____________supervises other executives, including a number of vice presidents who oversee various corporate functions


The article I was reading said it isn't just kids that are obsessed ________ brands


The colours were more exciting than the ones normally used in __________ sweaters at that time


The corporation is a voluntary association of owners, known as ___________, who form a business enterprise governed by a complex set of rules and customs


The gross domestic product measures the total output of goods and services

in a given year

The high regard that people hold for small business translates into considerable lobbying __________ for small firms in the U.S. Congress and state legislatures


The key to Japan's supremacy in the quality wars is ___________


The sale of state-owned industries in Britain meant that share ownership


The traditional managerial structure in America is based on a ___________ chain of command


The United States is rich _______ mineral resources and fertile farm soil


There may well be a lot of animated discussion at a meeting in _____________, but the majority of decisions will be made elsewhere and in secret


Today, Americans consider __________ a key to success in numerous modern, high-technology industries

"human capital"

Try to put pressure on _________ in a negotiation and you will be met with stony silence

the Japanese

We hear a lot about Japanese ____________ - groups of people from different levels in a production department who are assigned to study ways of maintaining and improving quality

Quality Circles

When I bought my __________I knew how people would react - so as soon as I got it home I cut the label off

Armani jeans

Выберите правильный ответ.A) In contrast to the entertainment district in the West End of London, the City is almost deserted at nightB) In contrast to the entertainment district in the East End of London, the City is almost deserted at night

А - да, В - нет

Выберите правильный ответ.А) A sole proprietorship legally doesn’t end when an owner dies or becomes incapacitated, although someone may inherit the assets and continue to operate the businessВ) A sole proprietorship ends when an owner becomes incapacitated

А - нет, В - нет

Выберите правильный ответ.А) Corporations raise the necessary capital only by selling stock (ownership shares in their assets) to insurance companies, banks and pension fundsВ) Corporations raise the necessary capital largely by selling stock (ownership shares in their assets) or bonds (long-term loans of money) to insurance companies, banks, pension funds, individuals, and other investors

А - нет, В - да

Выберите правильный ответ.А) GDP shows the market value of the goods an economy produces, but it does not weigh a nation's quality of lifeВ) GDP shows the market value of the goods and services an economy produces, but it does not weigh a nation's quality of life

А - нет, В - да

Выберите правильный ответ.А) Global image-making, however, is a lengthy and costly businessВ) Global image-making, however, is a short and cheap business

А - нет, В - нет

Выберите правильный ответ.А) Global image-making, however, is sometimes a costly businessВ) Global image-making, however, maybe a lengthy and costly business

А - нет, В - нет

Выберите правильный ответ.А) Since 1973 it has been the single International Stock Exchange for the United Kingdom and the USAВ)Since 1973 it has been the single International Stock Exchange for the United Kingdom and Canada

А - нет, В - нет

Выберите правильный ответ.А) The corporation is a voluntary association of owners, known as stockholders, who form a business enterprise governed by a complex set of rules and customsВ) The corporation is a voluntary association of owners, known as underwriters, who form a business enterprise governed by a complex set of rules and customs

А - да, В - нет

Выберите правильный ответ.А) The financial district, known simply as 'the City', occupies one square mile of central LondonВ) The financial district, known simply as 'the City', occupies one square mile of western London

А - да, В - нет

Выберите правильный ответ.А) The service sector provides services of various kinds such as transport or distribution, but does not manufacture goodsВ) The service sector provides services of various kinds such as transport, distribution and manufacturing goods

А - да, В - нет

нгл.яз. (профессиональный для направления "Экономика") - Модульный тест - 5125.08.01;МТ.01;1

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1. Что такое синергетика
2. психічний процес який полягає в закріпленні збереженні та наступному відтворенні минулого досвіду що дає
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6.  проведение лабораторных общеклинических исследований
7. Реферат- Реформирование отчетност
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11. непрерывное воздействие факторов внутреннего развития Руси
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14. Тема- Биосфера ее структура и функции
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20. Грамматика