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Вариант 8 Тест А 1

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Вариант 8

Тест А

A1. Every day there ... more than ... traffic accidents in the city.

1) is ... a dozen

2) are ... a dozen

3) is ... a dozen of

4) are... dozen of

A2. ... daughter was to blame for the accident.

  1.  The owner of the restaurant
  2.  The owner's of the restaurant
  3.  The owner of the restaurant's
  4.  The owner's of the restaurant's

A3. A department store is a shop which sells ... wide range of goods.

1) a

2) an

3) the

4) -

A4. ... Prime Minister's residence is in ... Downing Street, close to ... Whitehall.

1) -, the, the

2) The,-,a

3) The,-, the

4) A,-,-

A5. Usually, it is ... matter of discussing things till we reach ... agreement.

1) the, the

2) -, -

3) -, the

4) a, an

A6. This kind of food is high ... fat.

1) on

2) of

3) in

4) for

A7. She showed a talent... acting at an early age.

1) at

2) in

3) for

4) on

A8. ... our surprise the bill came ... over a hundred dollars ... all.

1) By, at, in

2) To, by, at

3) To, to, in

4) At, on, at

A9. He was obviously hoping they would approve ... his suggestion, but for some reason they turned it....

1) of, down

2) -, of

3) on, away

4) at, back

Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

Maria came home rather late. She (A10) ... hard on the school play they were going to stage the following week. Having closed the door behind her, she realised that the house (All) ... completely dark and very quiet. "Where (A12) ...?" she wondered. She went upstairs to check the bedrooms. There was no one there, and the beds looked as if nobody had slept in there. She clearly remembered that she (A13)... her red sweatshirt on the bed but it wasn't there.

She (A14) ... to feel scared. And then the phone rang. She picked up the receiver and heard her father's voice saying: "Hi, what's up? We (A15)... to contact you all evening. Probably you (A16) ... off your mobile. Ted has won the school chess championship and we (A17) ... it in the pizzeria round the corner. Come and join us." "But you (A18) ... eating by the time I get there," Maria said. "No problem. We'll order another pizza for you when you (A19) ...."


1) has worked

2) has been working

3) had been working

4) would work


1) was

2) has been

3) had been

4) was being


1) they have all gone

2) had they all gone

3) have they all gone

4) were they all going


1) left

2) was leaving

3) has left

4) had left


1) has begun

2) had been beginning

3) was beginning

4) was begun


1) try

2) have been trying

3) have been tried

4) had been trying


1) are switched

2) are switching

3) have switched

4) switch


1) celebrate

2) are celebrating

3) have been celebrated

4) are being celebrated


1) have finished

2) will be finished

3) will have finished

4) will be finishing


1) will come

2) will be coining

3) would come

4) come

А20. If Paula ... exercising regularly since her childhood, she... in good shape now.

1) has been, would be

2) had been, would be

3) were, would have been

4) would be, would be

A21. Nick wishes he ... the computer himself.

1) can fix

2) could fix

3) would be able to fix

4) would have fixed

A22. Do you remember ... you about a friend of mine who lives in China?

1) me tell

2) me to tell

3) me telling

4) my tell

A23. I absolutely refuse ... part in anything that's illegal.

1) to take

2) take

3) taking

4) of taking

A24. You won't learn much at school... you do your homework regularly.

1) unless

2) even

3) as long as

4) in spite

Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.

А25. In Britain, the number of children (1) who (2) lives (3) with step-parents is rising (4).

A26. "Victorian", what (1) refers to the time (2) when (3) Queen Victoria ruled in England, is the period between (4) 1837 and 1901.

A27. A (1) fully qualifying (2) diver taught (3) them to scuba dive the whole month (4).

Из предложенных вариантов выберите слово, относящееся к заданному ряду слов.

А28. bright, intelligent, gifted, brainy

1) stout

2) smart

3) curly

A29. Определите ряд, в котором не все слова относятся к одной теме.

  1.  robbery, shoplifting, burglary, theft
  2.  law, crime, punishment, arrest
  3.  judge, referee, witness, coach

Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

Anorexia is a comparatively new illness and seems to be (A30) ... to the society we live in which increasingly (A31) ... us on our appearance. The media encourages us to try to be slim and beautiful. Falling short of these criteria can put enormous (A32) ... on the majority of us who are less than (A33) ... . Each year there are estimated to be at (A34) ... 2,000 new cases of anorexia. About one sufferer in ten is male, but most anorexics are females in their teens and twenties who suffer from a distorted self- image, feeling fat and ugly, however slim and attractive they may appear to others.


1) resulted

2) linked

3) caused

4) developed


1) watches

2) disapproves

3) measures

4) criticizes


1) pressure

2) nervousness

3) strength

4) force


1) exact

2) perfect

3) satisfactory

4) good


1) minimum

2) less

3) least

4) more

Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу.

А35. Can I use your telephone?

1) I am very sorry, indeed.

2) It's a pity.

3) I am afraid not.

4) I am for it.

Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую no смыслу к предложенной ответной реплике.

А36. I really enjoyed it.

  1.  The price of the tickets for the play was a little too high, wasn't it?
    1.  How did you like "An Ideal Husband"?
      1.  Would you enjoy seeing "An Ideal Husband"?
      2.  Did you like the new French films on the Festival Programme?

Прочитайте вопрос. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

А37. Which of them is a famous British singer?

1) E. Presley

2) W. Houston

3) P. McCartney

4) E. Iglesias

Прочитайте текст и выберите вариант ответа (1,2 или 3), соответствующий содержанию прочитанного текста.

§1. The triathlon promises to be one of the most popular Olympic sports. Recently it has drawn huge crowds fascinated (and horrified) by athletes swimming 1500 m, cycling 40 km, then running 10 km without stopping. Great for those watching, maybe, but what makes the triathletes want to punish their bodies so much? And what makes an attractive 17-year-old, with excellent academic results, give up everything for the doubtful pleasures it offers?

§2. Melanie Sears has not yet learnt those often-repeated phrases about personal satisfaction, mental challenge and higher targets that most athletes automatically use when asked similar questions. 'You swim for 1500 m, then run out of the water and jump on your bike, still wet. Of course, then you freeze. When the 40 km cycle ride is over, you have to run 10 km, which is a long way when you're feeling exhausted. But it's great fun, and all worth it in the end,' she says.

§3. Melanie entered her first triathlon at 14. 'I won the junior section — but then I was the only junior taking part. It seemed so easy that I was waving at my team-mates as I went round.' Full of confidence, she entered the National Championships, and although she had the second fastest swim and the fastest run, she came nowhere. 'I was following this man and suddenly we came to the sea. We realised then that we had gone wrong. I ended up cycling 20 kilometres too far. I cried all the way through the running.'

§4. But she did not give up and is determined that she never will. 'Sometimes I wish I could stop, because then the pain would be over, but I am afraid that if I let myself stop just once, I would be tempted to do it again.' Such doggedness draws admiration from Steve Trew, the sport's director of coaching. 'I've just been testing her fitness,' he says, 'and she worked so hard on the running machine that it finally threw her off and into a wall. She had given it everything, but whereas most people step off when they realise they can't go any further, she just kept on.'

§5. Melanie was top junior in this year's European Triathlon Championships, finishing 13th. 'I was almost as good as the top three in swimming and running, but much slower at cycling. That's why I'm working very hard at it.' She is trying to talk her long-suffering parents, who will carry the £1,300 cost of her trip to New Zealand for this year's World Championships, into buying a £2,000 bike ('It's a special deal, with £1,000 off) so she can try national 25 km and 100 km races later this year.

§6. But there is another price to pay. Her punishing training sessions have made her a bit of a recluse. 'I don't have a social life,' she says. 'I'm not a party animal anyway. After two hours' hard swimming on Friday nights, I just want to go to sleep. But I phone and write to the other girls in the team.' What does she talk about? Boys? Clothes? 'No, what sort of times they are achieving.'

§7. Where will all this single-mindedness end? Melanie has tried other events. She has had a go at the triathlon 'sprint', for example, where you only have to swim 750 m, cycle 20 km and run 5 km. She wants to enter even tougher events than the triathlon.

А38. How does Melanie differ from other athletes, according to the writer?

  1.  Her aims are different from theirs.
    1.  She worries less than they do.
      1.  She expresses herself differently.

A39. What upset Melanie during the National Championships?

  1.  She realised she couldn't cycle as fast as she thought.
    1.  She felt that she had let her team-mates down.
      1.  She made a mistake during part of the race.

A40. What is Melanie trying to persuade her parents to do?

  1.  To buy a special bike for her.
    1.  To pay for her to go to New Zealand.
      1.  To give her half the cost of a bike.

A41. What does Melanie say about her relationships with her teammates?

  1.  She thinks they find her way of life strange.
    1.  She dislikes discussing her boyfriends or clothes with them.
      1.  She only discusses the triathlon with them.

Определите значение указанного слова в тексте.

А42. targets (§2)

1) marks

2) goals

3) scores

A43. doggedness (§4)

1) stupidity

2) cleverness

3) commitment

Выберите правильный вариант перевода (1,2 илиЗ) в соответствии с содержанием текста.

А44. '...and all worth it in the end,'... (§2)

  1.  '...и полностью стоит того, в конечном счете,'...
    1.  '...и когда-нибудь даст результаты,'...
      1.  '...и все достойны этого, в конц^ концов,'...

А45. But there is another price to pay. (§6)

  1.  Но есть и другая цена, которую приходится платить.
  2.  Но есть и еще одна цена, которая компенсирует усилия.
  3.  Но существует и иной способ оплаты за все.

Прочитайте тексты. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

Encyclopedia A: When the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction was first published in 1979, it was predicted that it would quickly become the ideal companion for all fans of Science Fiction. The Encyclopedia has now been updated and widely expanded and is sure to be as highly praised as the first edition. It has 4,300 entries that cover such topics as game worlds, shared worlds, robotics films and television series, techno-thrillers, survival fiction and the most recent science fiction novels. It contains reviews and excellent cross-referencing, and overall it is very entertaining. This large volume is rather expensive, but it will give hours and hours of pleasure.

Encyclopedia B: This New Encyclopedia of Sport is a must for the sports fan. Packed with information on every sport known to mankind, this full-colour illustrated encyclopedia presents all the rules, all the important facts, and all you could ever want to know about the world of sport. There are special features on major sporting stars from football, cricket and basketball, among others, while for each major sport there are features on tactics, skills and techniques. You never know — reading this encyclopedia could be the start of a glittering sporting career.

Encyclopedia C: This new Dorling Kindersley Science Encyclopedia is aimed at children from the age of eight upwards, but no curious adult will be able to resist looking through and enjoying it. There are so many new areas covered in the Encyclopedia that a large number will be completely unfamiliar. There are 1,900 major subjects covered and they range from atoms to acids, robots to pollution and the universe to recent achievements in space travel. This encyclopedia comes complete with colour illustrations and will make an excellent gift for the entire family.

Encyclopedia D: This new Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution is a large, very expensive volume, written by scholars and aimed at the academic market. It is a wide-ranging reference book and will be valuable to anyone interested in the place the human species occupies in evolution. The Encyclopedia is illustrated with a great many photographs, diagrams, maps and ready reference tables. Although it has been produced mainly for scholars, its style is attractive to the non-specialist.

Encyclopedia E: If you are already lucky enough to be the owner of the Guinness Encyclopedia, you will find the design and style of these new Science Encyclopedias very familiar. Although some of the information and diagrams have been copied from the Encyclopedia, the new science version is not just a cheap publishing opportunity to recycle old material. These science volumes are full of detailed background information as well as in- depth studies. They are beautifully illustrated in colour and very easy to use. They are easy enough for children to understand and also detailed enough to satisfy adult readers.

A46. Which encyclopedia or encyclopedias will appeal to people who have children who are interested in science?

1) Encyclopedias A, E

2) Encyclopedias С, E

3) Encyclopedia С

4) Encyclopedia A

А47. Which encyclopedia or encyclopedias will appeal to people who are interested in the origins of mankind?

1) Encyclopedia A

2) Encyclopedias В, С

3) Encyclopedias С, E

4) Encyclopedia D

A48. Which encyclopedia or encyclopedias will appeal to people who want an updated encyclopedia?

1) Encyclopedias A, E

2) Encyclopedia A

3) Encyclopedia С

4) Encyclopedias С, E

A49. Which encyclopedia or encyclopedias will appeal to people who are interested in robots?

1) Encyclopedias A, E

2) Encyclopedia С

3) Encyclopedias А, С

4) Encyclopedia D

A50. Which encyclopedia or encyclopedias will appeal to people who are interested in environmental problems?

1) Encyclopedia A

2) Encyclopedias B, D

3) Encyclopedia С

4) Encyclopedias С, E

Тест В

В каждом предложении заполните пропуск словом, образованным от указанного в скобках.

B1. Although he's a rich businessman, he's not well known for his ... (generous).

B2. Experienced teachers will... areas that confuse you (clarity).

B3. An ... detail in the signature aroused suspicion of the lawyer (significant).

Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

В4. Nobody phoned, (не так ли)?

В5. Не (был прооперирован) for appendicitis last week.

B6. My hands were blue (от холода) when I got home.

Прочитайте текст. Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово должно содержать не более 15 символов.

Sleep, of (В7) ..., brings dreams. They are the brain's way of sorting out things that are (B8)... on around us. If (B9) ... are changes in our lives, they may (B10) ... brought out into the open in our dreams.


1. Сауда мекемелеріні~ т~рлері
3. Обоснование управленческих решений на предприятии
4. Монте Карло Монте Карло по достоинству оценят целеустремленные и уверенные в себе личности
5. практикум Измерения в психологии Факторный анализ Выявление независимых факторов при оценке личност
6. ТЕМА 5 Оборотные средства План 1
7. Учет и анализ банкротств
8. При проведенні досліджень користувалися такими методиками- Визначення розчинних сухих розчинних реч
9. 20г
10. Преступное сообщество преступная организация
11. Програмування частина перша для студентів денної та заочної форм навчання спеціальностей 091501 ~
12. Российская империя в XVIII
13. Предмет основные понятия и структура культурологии
14. ти костей образующих колен
15. реферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата сільськогосподарських наук Х
16. РЕФЕРАТ дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора педагогічних наук
17. Средняя общеобразовательная школа 2 П Р О Г Р А М М А ЛЕТНЕГО ОЗДОРОВИТЕЛЬ
18. Устройство микрофонов
19. 14 реферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата педагогічних наук КИЇВ ~ Д
20. темами телеизмерения с непрерывными сигналами имеют ряд достоинств