Поможем написать учебную работу
Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.
Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.
Календарно-тематичний план лекцій, практичних, семінарських, лабораторних занять та самостійної роботи
(вказуються назви тем без розгорнутого плану)
з курсу „ Іноземна мова ( за професійним спрямуванням ) ”
І курс II семестр (лікувальна справа, сестринська справа) (база 9 класів)
№ п/п |
Кількість годин |
практ. |
самос. |
1 |
Пори року та погода. Неозначені часи. Seasons and Weather. Indefinite Tenses. |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Погода та настрій. Тривалі часи. Weather and Mood. Continuous Tenses. |
2 |
3 |
Природні катастрофи. Перфектні (доконані) часи Natural Disasters. Perfect Tenses. |
2 |
4 |
Засоби масової інформації. Загальна інформація. Теперішній перфектно-тривалий час. Mass Media. General Information. Present Perfect Continuous Tense. |
2 |
2 |
5 |
Засоби масової інформації. Газети та журнали пережиток чи важливе джерело інформації? Теперішній перфектно-тривалий час. Mass Media. Newspapers and Magazines Survival of the Past or Important Source of Information? Present Perfect Continuous Tense. |
2 |
6 |
Телебачення. Моя улюблена телевізійна передача. Минулий перфектно-тривалий час. Television. My Favourite TV Program. Past Perfect Continuous Tense. |
2 |
7 |
Україна. Географічне положення. Минулий перфектно-тривалий час. Ukraine. Geographical Position. Past Perfect Continuous Tense. |
2 |
2 |
8 |
Київ столиця України. Іменник. Множина іменників. Kyiv the Capital of Ukraine. Noun. The Plural of Nouns. |
2 |
9 |
Політична ситуація в Україні. Іменник. Відмінки іменників. Political Situation in Ukraine. The Noun. Cases of Nouns. |
2 |
10 |
Обєднане королівство. Географічне положення. Прикметник. United Kingdom. Geographical Position. The Adjective. |
2 |
2 |
11 |
Лондон. Прикметник. Ступені порівняння. London. Adjective. Degrees of Comparison. |
2 |
2 |
12 |
Політичне становище в Обєднаному королівстві. Артикль. Political Situation in the United Kingdom. The Article. |
2 |
13 |
Видатні люди України. Артикль. Outstanding People of Ukraine. The Article. |
2 |
14 |
Видатні люди Великобританії. Числівник. Кількісний та порядковий числівник. Outstanding People of Great Britain. The Numeral. Cardinal and Ordinal Numerals. |
2 |
15 |
Видатні люди США. Числівник. Outstanding People of the USA. The Numeral. |
2 |
16 |
Система освіти в Україні. Займенник. The System of Education in Ukraine. The Pronoun. |
2 |
17 |
Система освіти Великобританії. Прислівник. The System of Education in Great Britain. The adverb. |
2 |
18 |
Система освіти США. Прийменник. The System of Education in the USA. The Preposition. |
2 |
19 |
Інноваційні технології та методи навчання. Інтернет. Сполучник. Innovative Technologies and Methods of Studying. Internet. The Conjunction. |
2 |
20 |
Компютери та Інтернет. Модальні дієслова. Computers and Internet. Modal Verbs. |
2 |
21 |
Програми міжнародного обміну. Анкета. Модальні дієслова. International Exchange Programs. Application Form. Modal Verbs. |
2 |
22 |
Влаштування на роботу. Резюме. Типи запитань. Applying for a Job. Resume. Types of Questions. |
2 |
23 |
На співбесіді. Типи запитань. On an Interview. Types of Questions. |
2 |
24 |
Розвиток науки в Україні. Частини речення. The Development of Science in Ukraine. Parts of the Sentence. |
2 |
25 |
Відомі науковці України. Присудок та його види. Famous scientists of Ukraine. Predicate. Types of Predicate. |
2 |
26 |
Нобелівська Премія та Українці. Підмет. Nobel Prizes and Ukrainians. Subject. |
2 |
27 |
Розвиток музики в Україні. Другорядні члени речення. The Development of Music in Ukraine. Secondary Parts of the Sentence. |
2 |
28 |
Відомі музиканти. Мій улюблений музикант. Додаток та його види. Famous Musicians. My Favourite Musician. Object. Types of Object. |
2 |
29 |
Мистецтво. Розвиток мистецтва. Означення. Painting. The Development of Painting. Attribute. |
2 |
30 |
Відомі художники. Обставина. Famous Painters. Adverbial Modifier. |
2 |
31 |
Розвиток літератури в Україні. Неозначені часи. The Development of Literature in Ukraine. Indefinite Tenses. |
2 |
32 |
Мій улюблений український письменник / поет. Тривалі часи. My Favourite Ukrainian Writer / Poet. Continuous Tenses. |
2 |
33 |
Розвиток літератури у Великобританії. Перфектні часи. The Development of Literature in Great Britain. Perfect Tenses. |
2 |
34 |
Мій улюблений британський письменник / поет. Перфектно-тривалі часи. My Favourite British Writer / Poet. Perfect Continuous Tenses. |
2 |
35 |
Узагальнююче заняття. Повторення граматики. A Double Period of Summing- Up. Revision of Grammar. |
1 |
Всього: |
69 год |
10 год |
Розподіл балів, які отримують студенти
Критерії оцінювання навчальних досягнень з іноземних мов
Основними видами оцінювання з іноземної мови є поточне, тематичне, семестрове, річне оцінювання. Більшість прийомів поточного оцінювання спрямовано на детальну перевірку окремих параметрів мови або вмінь мовлення, яких щойно навчили, тематичне оцінювання проводиться на основі поточного оцінювання і виставляється єдиний тематичний бал. Під час виставлення тематичного балу результати перевірки робочих зошитів не враховуються.
Семестрове оцінювання з іноземної мови проводиться один раз наприкінці семестру за чотирма видами мовленнєвої діяльності (аудіювання, говоріння, читання, письмо).
Рівні навчальних досягнень |
Бали |
Критерії оцінювання навчальних досягнень студентив |
I. Початковий |
Аудіювання* |
1 |
Студент (студентка) розпізнає на слух найбільш поширені слова у мовленні, яке звучить в уповільненому темпі |
2 |
Студент(студентка) розпізнає на слух найбільш поширені словосполучення у мовленні, яке звучить в уповільненому темпі |
3 |
Студент (студентка) розпізнає на слух окремі прості непоширені речення і мовленнєві зразки, побудовані на вивченому мовному матеріалі в мовленні, яке звучить в уповільненому темпі |
II. Середній |
4 |
Студент (студентка) розпізнає на слух прості речення, фрази та мовленнєві зразки, що звучать у нормальному темпі. В основному розуміє зміст прослуханого тексту, в якому використаний знайомий мовний матеріал |
5 |
Студент (студентка) розуміє основний зміст поданих у нормальному темпі текстів, побудованих на вивченому мовному матеріалі |
6 |
Студент (студентка) розуміє основний зміст поданих у нормальному темпі невеликих за обсягом текстів, побудованих на вивченому мовному матеріалі, які містять певну кількість незнайомих слів, про значення яких можна здогадатися |
III. Достатній |
7 |
Студент (студентка) розуміє основний зміст поданих у нормальному темпі текстів, побудованих на вивченому мовному матеріалі, які містять певну кількість незнайомих слів, про значення яких можна здогадатися, сприймає більшу частину необхідної інформації, надану в вигляді оціночних суджень, опису, аргументації |
8 |
Студент (студентка) розуміє основний зміст стандартного мовлення у межах тематики ситуативного мовлення яке може містити певну кількість незнайомих слів, про значення яких можна здогадатися. В основному сприймає на слух експліцитно надану інформацію |
9 |
Студент (студентка) розуміє основний зміст мовлення, яке може містити певну кількість незнайомих слів, про значення яких можна здогадатися, а також сприймає основний зміст повідомлень та фактичну інформацію, надану у повідомленні |
IV. Високий |
10 |
Студент (студентка) розуміє основний зміст мовлення, яке може містити певну кількість незнайомих слів, про значення яких можна здогадатися, а також основний зміст чітких повідомлень різного рівня складності |
11 |
Студент (студентка) розуміє тривале мовлення, яке може містити певну кількість незнайомих слів, про значення яких можна здогадатися. Вміє знаходити в інформаційних текстах з незнайомим матеріалом необхідну інформацію, надану в вигляді оціночних суджень, опису, аргументації |
12 |
Студент (студентка) розуміє тривале мовлення й основний зміст повідомлень, сприймає на слух надану фактичну інформацію у повідомленні |
* Обсяг тексту, рівень складності, лексична та граматична наповнюваність, тематика текстів формуються вчителем відповідно до Програмових вимог, для кожного етапу навчання та типу навчального закладу; |
Читання* |
I. Початковий |
1 |
Студент (студентка) вміє розпізнавати та читати окремі вивчені слова на основі матеріалу, що вивчався |
2 |
Студент (студентка) вміє розпізнавати та читати окремі вивчені словосполучення на основі матеріалу, що вивчався |
3 |
Студент(студентка) вміє розпізнавати та читати окремі прості непоширені речення на основі матеріалу, що вивчався |
II. Середній |
4 |
Студент (студентка) вміє читати вголос і про себе з розумінням основного змісту тексти, побудовані на вивченому матеріалі. Уміє частково знаходити необхідну інформацію у вигляді оціночних суджень за умови, що в текстах використовується знайомий мовний матеріал |
5 |
Студент (студентка) вміє читати вголос і про себе з розумінням основного змісту тексти, які можуть містити певну кількість незнайомих слів, про значення яких можна здогадатися. Уміє частково знаходити необхідну інформацію у вигляді оціночних суджень, опису за умови, що в текстах використовується знайомий мовний матеріал |
6 |
Студент/студентка вміє читати з повним розумінням тексти, які можуть містити певну кількість незнайомих слів, про значення яких можна здогадатися. Уміє знаходити необхідну інформацію у вигляді оціночних суджень, опису, аргументації за умови, що в текстах використовується знайомий мовний матеріал |
III. Достатній |
7 |
Студент (студентка) вміє читати з повним розумінням і тексти, які містять певну кількість незнайомих слів, про значення яких можна здогадатися; уміє знаходити потрібну інформацію в текстах інформативного характеру |
8 |
Студент (студентка) вміє читати з повним розумінням тексти, які містять певну кількість незнайомих слів, знаходити і аналізувати потрібну інформацію |
9 |
Студент (студентка) вміє читати з повним розумінням тексти, використовуючи словник, знаходити потрібну інформацію, аналізувати її та робити відповідні висновки |
IV. Високий |
10 |
Студент (студентка) вміє читати з розумінням основного змісту тексти, аналізує їх, розуміє прочитаний текст, встановлюючи логічні звязки всередині речення та між реченнями |
11 |
Студент (студентка) вміє читати тексти, аналізує їх і робить власні висновки, розуміє логічні звязки в рамках тексту та між його окремими частинами |
12 |
Студент (студентка) вміє читати тексти, аналізує їх і робить висновки, порівнює отриману інформацію з власним досвідом. В повному обсязі розуміє тему прочитаного тексту різного рівня складності |
* Обсяг, тематика, характер текстів для читання визначаються вчителем відповідно до Програмових вимог для кожного етапу навчання та типу навчального закладу. |
Говоріння* |
I. Початковий |
1 |
Студент (студентка) знає найбільш поширені вивчені слова, проте не завжди адекватно використовує їх у мовленні, допускає фонематичні помилки |
2 |
Студент (студентка) знає найбільш поширені вивчені словосполучення, проте не завжди адекватно використовує їх у мовленні, допускає фонематичні помилки |
3 |
Студент (студентка) використовує в мовленні прості непоширені речення з опорою на зразок, має труднощі у вирішенні поставленого комунікативного завдання в ситуаціях на задану тему, допускає фонематичні помилки |
II. Середній |
4 |
Студент (студентка) вміє в основному логічно розпочинати та підтримувати бесіду, при цьому використовуючи обмежений словниковий запас та елементарні граматичні структури. На запит співрозмовника дає елементарну оціночну інформацію, відображаючи власну точку зору |
5 |
Студент (студентка) вміє в основному логічно побудувати невеличке монологічне висловлювання та діалогічну взаємодію, допускаючи незначні помилки при використанні лексичних одиниць. Всі звуки в потоці мовлення вимовляються правильно |
6 |
Студент (студентка) упевнено розпочинає, підтримує, відновлює та закінчує розмову у відповідності з мовленнєвою ситуацією. Всі звуки в потоці мовлення вимовляються правильно |
III. Достатній |
7 |
Студент (студентка) вміє звязно висловлюватися відповідно до навчальної ситуації, малюнка, робити повідомлення з теми, простими реченнями передавати зміст прочитаного, почутого або побаченого, підтримувати бесіду, ставити запитання та відповідати на них |
8 |
Студент (студентка) вміє логічно висловитися у межах вивчених тем відповідно до навчальної ситуації, а також у звязку зі змістом прочитаного, почутого або побаченого, висловлюючи власне ставлення до предмета мовлення; уміє підтримувати бесіду, вживаючи короткі репліки. Студент в основному уміє у відповідності з комунікативним завданням використовувати лексичні одиниці і граматичні структури, не допускає фонематичних помилок |
9 |
Студент (студентка) вміє логічно висловлюватися у межах вивчених тем, передавати основний зміст прочитаного, почутого або побаченого, підтримувати бесіду, вживаючи розгорнуті репліки, у відповідності з комунікативним завданням використовує лексичні одиниці і граматичні структури, не допускає фонематичних помилок |
IV. Високий |
10 |
Студент (студентка) вміє без підготовки висловлюватися і вести бесіду в межах вивчених тем, використовує граматичні структури і лексичні одиниці у відповідності з комунікативним завданням, не допускає фонематичних помилок |
11 |
Студент (студентка) вміє логічно і в заданому обсязі побудувати монологічне висловлювання та діалогічну взаємодію, використовуючи граматичні структури і лексичні одиниці у відповідності до комунікативного завдання, не допускаючи при цьому фонематичних помилок |
12 |
Студент (студентка) вміє вільно висловлюватись та вести бесіду в межах вивчених тем, гнучко та ефективно користуючись мовними та мовленнєвими засобами |
*Обсяг монологічного висловлювання та кількість реплік у діалогічному мовленні, характер і тематика, лексична і граматична наповнюваність визначаються вчителем відповідно до Програмових вимог для кожного етапу навчання та типу навчального закладу. |
Письмо* |
Рівень навчальних досягнень |
Бали |
Критерії оцінювання навчальних досягнень |
Грамотність |
Припустима кількість орфографічних помилок |
Припустима кількість лексичних, граматичних та стилістичних помилок |
I. Початковий |
1 |
Студент (студентка) вміє писати вивчені слова. допускаючи при цьому велику кількість орфографічних помилок |
8 |
9 |
2 |
Студент (студентка) вміє писати вивчені словосполучення |
6 |
9 |
3 |
Студент (студентка) вміє писати прості непоширені речення відповідно до комунікативної задачі проте зміст повідомлення недостатній за обсягом для розкриття теми та інформативно насичений |
6 |
8 |
II. Середній |
4 |
Студент (студентка) вміє написати листівку за зразком, проте використовує обмежений запас лексики та граматичних структур, допускаючи помилки, які утруднюють розуміння тексту |
6 |
6 |
5 |
Студент (студентка) вміє написати коротке повідомлення за зразком у межах вивченої теми, використовуючи обмежений набір засобів логічного звязку при цьому відсутні з'єднувальні кліше, недостатня різноманітність вжитих структур, моделей тощо |
4-5 |
5 |
6 |
Студент (студентка) вміє написати коротке повідомлення/ листа за зразком у відповідності до поставленого комунікативного завдання, при цьому вжито недостатню кількість з'єднувальних кліше та посередня різноманітність вжитих структур, моделей тощо |
4-5 |
5 |
III. Достатній |
7 |
Студент (студентка) вміє написати коротке повідомлення за вивченою темою за зразком у відповідності до заданої комунікативної ситуації, допускаючи при цьому ряд помилок при використанні вивчених граматичних структур. Допущені помилки не порушують сприйняття тексту у роботі вжито ідіоматичні звороти, з'єднувальні кліше, різноманітність структур, моделей тощо |
4 |
4 |
8 |
Студент (студентка) вміє без використання опори написати повідомлення за вивченою темою, зробити нотатки, допускаючи ряд помилок при використанні лексичних одиниць. Допущені помилки не порушують сприйняття тексту у роботі вжито ідіоматичні звороти, з'єднувальні кліше, різноманітність структур, моделей тощо |
3 |
3 |
9 |
Студент (студентка) вміє написати повідомлення на запропоновану тему, заповнити анкету, допускаючи ряд орфографічних помилок, які не утруднюють розуміння інформації, у роботі вжито ідіоматичні звороти, з'єднувальні кліше, різноманітність структур, моделей тощо |
3 |
2 |
10 |
Студент (студентка) вміє написати повідомлення, висловлюючи власне ставлення до проблеми, написати особистого листа, при цьому правильно використовуючи вивчені граматичні структури у відповідності до комунікативного завдання використовуючи достатню кількість ідіоматичних зворотів, з'єднувальних кліше, моделей тощо |
2 |
1 |
IV. Високий |
11 |
Студент (студентка) вміє написати повідомлення, правильно використовуючи лексичні одиниці в рамках тем, повязаних з повсякденним життям. надаються при наявності несуттєвих орфографічних, які не порушують акту комунікації (британський або американський варіанти орфографії, орфографічні помилки в географічних назвах тощо) |
1-2 |
12 |
Студент (студентка) вміє надати в письмовому вигляді інформацію у відповідності з комунікативним завданням, висловлюючи власне ставлення до проблеми, при цьому правильно використовуючи лексичні одиниці та граматичні структури |
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 1
Answer the questions
What is the 1st month of the year?
What is the 2nd month of the year?
What is the 3rd month of the year?
What is the 4th month of the year?
What is the 5th month is of the year?
What is the 6th month is of the year?
What is the 7th month of the year of the year?
What is the 8th month of the year of the year?
What is the 9th month of the year of the year?
What is the 10th month of the year of the year?
What is the 11th month of the year of the year?
What is the 12th month of the year of the year?
Learn the rhyme
Spring is green
Summer is bright
Autumn is yellow
Winter is white
Learn the proverbs
When smoke descends, good weather ends.
Ring around the moon, rain by noon;
Ring around the sun, rain before night is done.
Seasons and weather
There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Every season is beautiful in its own way.
When spring comes nature awakens from its long winter sleep. The days become longer and the nights become shorter. The ground is covered with emerald-green grass and the first flowers. The air is fresh, the sky is blue and cloudless, and the sun shines brightly. The trees are in full blossom. The nightingale begins to sing its lovely songs, and sweet melodies may be heard from every wood and park. The days are warm and everything is full of life and joy.
Spring is followed by summer. The weather is usually fine in summer, but it can be very hot, especially in July. Sometimes there are storms with thunder and lightning. In summer people try to get away from the city noise and spend more time in the open air. They pick mushrooms and berries in the forest, swim in the rivers and lakes, go fishing and boating. Most people prefer to have their holidays in summer.
Autumn begins in September. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. The leaves turn yellow, red and brown and fall to the ground. Most birds fly away to warm countries. There is a short spell of dry sunny weather in September, which is called "Indian Summer". It is a beautiful time when the sky is cloudless, the trees around are golden, the air is transparent and it is still warm. But gradually it gets colder and colder. It often rains in October and November which makes autumn an unpleasant season.
In winter the sun sets early and rises late. The rivers and lakes are frozen over. Everything is covered with snow. Sometimes it is very cold, about 2530 °С below zero. Going out in such weather isn't very pleasant. Winter is a good time for sports. People go in for skating and skiing. Tobogganing is also popular, not as a kind of sports, but rather as a fun.
As for me, I like all the seasons, but I think there is nothing like late spring.
to awaken [ə'weɪk(ə)n] прокидатися
emerald-green ['emər(ə)ld gri:n] смарагдово-зелений
to be in blossom ['blɔsəm] розцвітати; цвісти
nightingale ['naɪtɪŋgeɪl] соловей
transparent [træns'peərənt] прозорий
to freeze (froze, frozen) over замерзати, вкриватися кригою tobogganing [te'bɔg(ə)nɪŋ] катання на санках
there is nothing ['nʌθɪŋ] like немає нічого кращого
WEATHER CONDITIONS (Look at this list of common weather words.)
Noun |
Adjective |
Noun |
Adjective |
sun |
sunny |
wind |
windy |
cloud |
cloudy |
ice |
ic(e)y |
fog |
foggy |
shower |
showery |
heat |
hot |
humidity |
humid |
Note: When it rains for a short period of time, we call it a shower, e.g. We had several showers yesterday afternoon.
When it is raining a lot we often say it's pouring or it's pouring with rain. This phrase is much more common than "it's raining cats and dogs", which many students seem to learn.
boiling (very hot) |
hot |
warm |
not very warm |
cold (also chilly) |
freezing (very cold) |
People round the world have different ideas about temperature: 5°C (five degrees centigrade) is freezing for many Brazilians. The temperature 10°C (minus ten degrees or ten degrees below zero) is very cold but quite normal in the mountains in Switzerland during the winter when it usually snows a lot. The temperature 3035°C is boiling for England and very unusual, but it is very common in parts of Spain during the summer.
a breeze |
a wind |
a strong wind |
a gale |
a hurricane |
The first word here is very gentle; the last is more than 100 km per hour and is very dangerous.
It was a hot day but there was a lovely breeze.. The wind blew my hat off.
The hurricane in Florida destroyed trees and buildings.
A spell of very hot weather often ends with a thunderstorm. First it becomes very humid, then you get thunder and lightning, and finally, very heavy rain. Afterwards, it is usually cooler and it feels fresher.
conditions обставини; умови
sunny ['sʌnɪ] сонячний
cloudy ['klaudɪ] хмарний
foggy ['fоgɪ] туманний
windy ['wɪndɪ] вітряний
icy ['aɪsɪ] крижаний; холодний
showery ['ʃauərɪ] дощовий; зливовий, грозовий
humid ['hju:mɪd] вологий, мокрий, сирий
it's pouring [ po:rɪŋ] with rain йде заливний дощ
"it's raining cats and dogs" ллє як з відра
boiling ['boɪlɪŋ] жаркий, спекотний, пекучий
chilly ['tjɪlɪ] холодний; прохолодний
freezing ['fri:zɪŋ] дуже холодний
breeze [bri:z] легкий вітерець; бриз
gale [geɪl] шторм; буря вітер від 7 до 10 балів
hurricane ['hʌrɪkən] ураган; тропічний циклон
spell [spel] проміжок часу, термін, період
thunderstorm гроза
thunder ['θʌndə] грім
lightning ['laɪtnɪŋ] -блискавка
heavy rain ['hevɪ reɪn] сильний дощ
1. How many seasons are there in a year?
2. When does nature awaken from its long winter sleep ?
3. Why do we like spring so much ?
4. Why do people try to spend more time in the open air in summer?
5. Is summer the best season for tourism ?
6. Where did you go last summer?
7. Do you like "Indian Summer"? Why?
8. Do you like late autumn ?
9. What do you usually do on a nasty rainy day?
10. What is the weather like in winter?
11. Do you go in for skating or skiing?
12. Were you fond of playing snowballs and making snowmen when you were a child?
13. Most people prefer summer to any other season of the year. What about you ?
14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each season?
Whats your favourite season?
Write the words.
There are ________________seasons in a year. They are……………..
There are ________________ months in a year. They are…………….
There are ________________ months in a season. They are…………
Winter months are…………..
Spring months are…………..
Summer months are…………..
Autumn months are…………..
Read about four people. Which season is each one talking about?
Write the season in the gap.
My favourite season is …………………………….. I love the long, hot days and I love the long holiday. My children like playing in the park and eating ice creams. I sometimes go to the beach in Southend with my family. Last year in August I went to Turkey to visit my sister and my cousins.
I like ………………………………. best. The weather is sometimes very beautiful in October. I think the trees are very pretty when the leaves go red and brown and yellow. My children like starting in a new class at school and learning new things.
My favourite season is ……………………………… I like it because winter is finished and the evenings are light again. I dont like the dark evenings. I love the flowers in the parks and gardens and seeing the leaves grow on the trees. My children like playing outside in the evenings again.
I love …………………………………. I really like waking up in the morning and seeing new snow outside in the garden. My children love going outside and making a snowman. I also like seeing all my friends and family at Christmas.
Whats your favourite season in the Ukraine? Write two or three sentences.
Identify the weather conditions in pictures.
True or false. If a sentence is false, write a true sentence about the weather conditions in the sentence.
1. It often pours with rain in the desert.
2. It gets quite chilly in the desert in the evening.
3. Thunder makes a noise.
4. Lightning can kill people.
5. A shower is a gentle breeze.
6. A spell of hot weather may end in a thunderstorm.
7. If it is humid, the air will be very dry.
8. Below zero water turns to ice.
9. Heavy rain means that it is pouring with rain.
10. When it's foggy you need sunglasses.
Виберіть правильну форму дієслова в Present, Past або Future Simple.
1.We _____ anything because we ______ hungry.
A dont eat wasnt B didnt eat werent C not eat not be
2.Professor Stone _____ few chairs in his office because he ____ room for many.
A dont keep not have B doesnt keep doesnt have
3.What ______ your parents address?
A is B are
4.He _____ how to use the card catalog in the library.
A dont know B doesnt know
5.Happiness ________ different things to different people.
A means B mean
6.Water ______ at 100 degrees Centigrade.
A is boiled B boil C boils
7.The men______ as hungry as hunters.
A were B was
8.If Maria ______ him, she will be unhappy.
A marry B marries C will marry
9.I ______ not see Andrew yesterday.
A did B Do C am.
10. When _______ in Poland?
A was you B were you C did you be
11. She ______her present flat.
A dont like B doesnt like C not like
12. Jaynes apartment ______ from Bills.
A dont differ B doesnt differ C not differ
13. It ______ in this part of the world.
A is often raining B often rain B often rains
14. The children ______ lunch at eleven.
A has got B have got C have
15. Tom`s parents ______ travel agents.
A is B are
16. Your money ______in your handbag.
A is B are
17. Ill stay in Kyiv till I ______ finish my business there .
A will finish B finish
18. Professor Williams ________ teaching and writing.
A enjoys B enjoy C enjoying
19. The swimming bath _____ at 9.00 and ______ at 18.00 every day.
A open close B opens closes
20.I have a car, but I ______ it very often.
A dont use B not use
21. There isnt cloud in the sky, but it _____ cloudly in the morning.
A is B was C were
22. Sam`s plane _____ at midnight.
A is arriving B will arrive C arrives
23. We needed some money so we ______ our car.
A sell B sold C selled
24. We'll go to the party if he ______ us.
A invite B will invite C invites
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 2
Warming up
Answer the questions
How many months are there in a year?
When are the days long and the nights are short?
How many seasons are there in a year?
When do birds fly away to hot countries?
When do the birds come back from hot countries?
When are the days short and the nights are long?
Read the tongue twisters
Whether the weather is cold,
Or whether the weather is hot,
We' ll be together whatever the weather
Wether we like it or not.
Lear the proverb
Clear moon, frost soon.
The higher the clouds, the better the weather.
Weather and mood
The weather forecast for today was good. But during the last week the weather has changed several times. I think it's unsettled yet. That's why I am not sure that the weather today will be as fine as the weather report has said.
In the morning when I woke up the sky was all covered with clouds. It had been raining hard at night. There were puddles everywhere. And the mist was clearing away.
Then at about ten o'clock it cleared up. The sun began shining brightly. But the east wind began to blow. There was quite a chill in the air this morning. Later the temperature began to go up. Now it's getting warmer. But all the same I don't think that the heat will kill us today.
By the way, according to the weather forecast it will be cloudy today with rain in places. I'm almost sure that in an hour or so it'll start drizzling and it will go on till night.
I don't like such weather. If it's summer the weather must be warm and even hot. In summer I like to see the blue sky without any clouds. And if it rains let it be a thunder-storm with lightnings and thunder. But in half an hour the puddles must dry up. It's awfully dull when it's drizzling from early morning till late at night.
I like a light breeze but not a hard wind, which blows off the hats of the passers-by and brings cold air.
And the main thing I don't like about the weather is its ability to change quite suddenly and certainly at the wrong moment, for example, when we are going to the country.
weather forecast ['weðe 'fɔ:ka:st] прогноз погоди
to change [tʃeɪndʒ] змінюватися
а puddle [pʌdl] калюжа
to clear away розсіюватися (про туман)
to clear up прояснюватися (про погоду), розпогоджуватися
to go up підніматися, підвищуватися
by the way між іншим
according [ə'kɔ:dɪŋ] to відповідно до; залежно від; за (згідно з)
to drizzle [drɪzl] мрячити to dry up висихати
at the wrong [rɔŋ] moment у непідхожий момент
1. What is the weather forecast for today, for tomorrow?
2. What weather do you like best of all?
3. Describe today's weather, yesterday's weather.
4. Do you like sunny or rainy weather? Why?
5. What season do you like best of all? Why?
Read idioms connected with weather. Try to find Ukrainian equivalents.
Right as rain
If things are right as rain, then everything is going well in your life.
Sail close
Under the weather
If you are feeling a bit ill, sad or lack energy, you are under the weather.
Wait for a raindrop in the drought
When someone is waiting for a raindrop in the drought, they are waiting or hoping for something
that is extremely unlikely to happen.
Tempest in a teapot / storm in a teapot
If people exaggerate the seriousness of a situation or problem, they are making a tempest in a
Rain on your parade
If someone rains on your parade, they ruin your pleasure or your plans.
Rainy day
If you save something, especially money, for a rainy day, you save it for some possible problem or
trouble in the future.
It never rains but it pours
'It never rains but it pours' means that when things go wrong, they go very wrong.
It's raining cats and dogs
it's raining very hard.
Head is in the clouds
If a person has their head in the clouds, they have unrealistic, impractical ideas.
Every cloud has a silver lining
People sometimes say that every cloud has a silver lining to comfort somebody who's having
problems. They mean that it is always possible to get something positive out of a situation, no
matter how unpleasant, difficult or even painful it might seem.
Face like thunder
If someone has a face like thunder, they are clearly very angry or upset about something.
In a fog
If you're in a fog, you are confused, dazed or unaware.
Into each life some rain must fall
This means that bad or unfortunate things will happen to everyone at some time.
Make some sentences of your own using idioms.
1. Open the brackets and use either the Future Indefinite or the Present Continuous Tense.
1. I've bought a typewriter, I (learn) to type. 2. No, I (not eat) meat any more. I am a vegetarian-. 3. What's I wrong? I've got a flat tyre. No problem. I (help) you. 4.1 (punish) you if you continue doing it. 5. The forecast says it (rain). 6. You (air) the room? Certainly-7. Nick» my TV set is again out of order. O.K. I (fix) it. 8. I suppose he (come). 9. He (help) you if you ask him. 10. What you (do) this evening? 11. He (be) busy tomorrow. He (sendee) his car. 12. Lucy (not go) anywhere this summer. Her son (go) to college. 13. Ann is very angry with him. I am afraid she (not stay) here another minute. 14.1 (give) you another piece of cake? No, thanks, that (do). 15. You (help) me with this bag? 16.1 (send) the letter? 17.1 am afraid, it (be) difficult for you to stay there so long. 18. Where we (meet)? Victoria Station (be) all right? 19. In the 21st century people (fly) to Mars and other planets. 20.1 (go) to the country for the weekend. I (go) with you, 21. You (turn down) the radio, please?
2. Open the brackets and put the verb into the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous Tense.
1. Be quiet, please. We (work) at the translation and you (make) a lot of noise. 2. He always (go) for a walk in the evening. 3. Where is Jack? He (meet) his girlfriend at the station. She (come) at 12 o'clock. 4. She (cry). Is something wrong? 5. In the morning I (have) little time, so I (take) a shower in the evening. 6. A decade (describe) a period of ten years. 7. Her brother (work) in Canada at present. 8. She always (dream) but (do) nothing to realize her dreams. 9. He (be) so suspicious to me at the moment. I wonder why. 10. Hurry up, Jane! We all (wait) for you. 11. Turn off the gas. Don't you see the kettle (boil)? 12. The children are still ill but they (get) better gradually. 13. Don't bother her. She (take) her French lesson: she always (take) it in the morning. 14. The living standards (change). Every month things (get) more expensive. 15. Tom and Mary (leave) for the Netherlands tomorrow. 16.1 have just started English courses. I (study) English grammar. 17. Mercury (boil) at 357.23 degrees Centigrade. 18. We must buy new plates. It's useless. You always (break) plates. 19. It (surprise) me that they can't sell their flat. 20. A woman who (look) after other people's children is a nanny.
3. Open the brackets and use either the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous.
1, We (walk) in silence when he suddenly (ask) me to help him. 2.1 just (have) breakfast when the telephone (ring). When I came back to my coffee, it (be) cold. 3. When I (finish) my letter in the hall, a tall beautiful woman with red hair (enter). A dog (follow) her. 4. Ann (drop) two cups while she (wash up) last night, but neither of the cups (break). 5.1 (walk) along the street watching what (go on) around me. Fast cars (rush) in both directions and it (be) impossible to cross the street. 6. The old man who (sit) on the bench beside me (keep) silence. Then suddenly he (turn round) to me and (begin) to speak. 7.1 (stand) near the fence when suddenly I (hear) the voices. 8. He well (remember) the day when he first (go) to school. 9. We (talk) about Jim when he (run) into the room. 10. The day was marvelous: the sun (shine), the birds (sing) so we (decide) to go for a walk. 11. Miss Brown's telephone (ring) when she (dress). 12.1 (light) my pipe and (nod) to him to show that I (listen). 13. When he (come) into the office the secretary (do) a crosswords puzzle. 14. Why you (not listen) to me while I (speak)? 15. He (wait) for her, but she never (come).
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 3
Answer the questions
1. What are the consequences of water, air pollution ?
2. Why did some species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever ?
3. What is the result of man's careless interaction with nature?
4. What do you know about the Chernobyl disaster?
5. What should people do if they want to live on the Earth ?
Read the tongue-twister
I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish,
but if you wish the wish the witch wishes,
I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.
Learn the proverb
Flies bite before a storm.
Frogs croak more than usual before a storm.
Grammar exercises
go tidy up
pack learn
type buy
paint receive
cook see
1.She _ an urgent paper for the conference. 2, Bob __ his room by his mother coming. 3 He already _____ a portrait for the exhibition. 4, Peter _ dinner by the time his wife comes. 5. She__ a wedding dress by the time her wedding takes place, 6, They __ by the time we come here. 7. Т _ s. letter by the end of "the week.' 8. The train is to leave at nine o'clock. They ___their
suitcase by that Иже. 9.1 _ the film by 9 o'clock. 10. She _ the new words for the spelling test, which her teacher is going to give tomorrow.
2. Open the brackets paying attention to the use of the Past Perfect Tense.
1. He already (go) by the time I (come) to the party. 2. Mother (cook) dinner before he (come). 3. When I (reach) the front door, I realized that I (loose) the key. 4. The shop (close) by the time I (get) there. 5. The scientists (carry) out many experiments before they (achieve) satisfactory results. 6. When I (arrive), he (stay) in the same hotel where we first (meet). 7. By the end of the year he (finish) research. 8. He told me that he (not see) much of her since she (move) to another town. 9. When I (come), he already (come) and (sit) near the fireplace looking through a magazine. 10. She said that they (meet) in 1990 for the first time.
3. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the Future Indefinite, the Future Perfect, the Present Indefinite or the Present Perfect Tense.
1. By 8 o'clock they (have) dinner. 2. By the end of the week he (finish) the translation. 3, Before you (come) I (do) all the work. 4, She (look) through the article by 12 o'clock. 5. They (receive) our letter by Monday. 6. By the time we (get) to the forest the rain (stop), 7.1 think he (answer) the letter by this time. 8. We (begin) to work after we (read) all the instructions, 9, We (not do) anything until he (take) necessary steps. 10. The committee (prepare) the plan by tomorrow. 11.1 suppose when my letter (reach) you I already (return) from your voyage, 12. He (pass) an exam after he (learn) all the material. 13.1 am afraid they (not discuss) all the questions by the time they (come). 14. We (not be able) to start the experiment before we (obtain) the necessary data. 15. The secretary already (look) through all the papers before the boss (come). 16. My train (leave) by the time you (come) to the station.
4. Open the brackets and put the verb into the correct tense, either the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect.
1. As a rule, I (have) porridge for breakfast, but this morning I (order) an omelette. 2. This is the house where I (live). I (live) here since childhood. 3. Stop smoking! The room (be) full of smoke which (come) from your pipe. Usually nobody (smoke) here as Mother (not let) it. 4.1 (write) letters home once a week, but I (not write) one this week, so my next letter must be rather long. 5. No wonder she (look) tired after the strain under which she (be) for a month. 6. Why you (not shave) this morning? I (shave) every other day. 7. Research (show) that lots of people (absorb) new information more efficiently at some times of day than at others. A biological rhythm (affect) different people in different ways. 8.1 just (look) at the barometer and (see) that it (fall) very quickly. 9. Don't shout so loudly. Father (not finish) work and he hates if anybody (make a noise) while he (work). 10.1 regularly (see) him at the tram stop, but I (not see) him these two or three days.
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 4
Answer the questions
Read the tongue twisters
What a terrible tongue twister,
what a terrible tongue twister,
what a terrible tongue twister...
When you write copy you have the right to copyright the copy you write. ...
continued here
Read and comment on the quotation
“What the mass media offers is not popular art, but entertainment which is intended to be consumed like food, forgotten, and replaced by a new dish.”
― W.H. Auden, The Dyer's Hand
Read and comment on the proverb
Cinema, radio, television, magazines are a school of inattention: people look without seeing, listen in without hearing.
Ми використовуємо Present Perfect Continuous, коли хочемо підкреслити процес, який почав відбуватися в минулому і досі ще продовжується. Ми звертаємо увагу на процес, а не результат як у Present Perfect. Під час вживання Present Perfect Continuous завжди зазначається проміжок часу, протягом якого подіявідбувалася.
1. Для опису дії, яка почалася в минулому, відбувалася протягом якогось часу і нині ще продовжується.
She has been working here for five years. -
Вона працює у магістратурі за кордоном пять років.
2. Може також вживатися для вираження дії, яка відбувалася протягом деякого часу в минулому і закінчилася до поточного моменту.
What articles have you been translating up to now? - Які статті ви перекладали до нині?
Here you are at last! I have been looking for you. - От і ви нарешті! Я вас шукав.
Відрізняється від Present Perfect Continuous тим, що нас цікавить результат, а не процес:
For four years he has been working at his subject. - Він працює над своєю темою вже протягом чотирьох років.
I have lived here for four years. - Я живу тут чотири роки. (Я жив і живу тут.)
Present Perfect Continuous не вживається з дієсловами, що виражають почуття, сприйняття, а також з дієсловами to be, to belong, to consist і деякими іншими.
Замість Present Perfect Continuous в цих випадках вживається Present Perfect.
Випадки вживання Present Perfect Continuous:
Дія, яке почалося в минулому, тривало протягом деякого часу і все ще триває в момент розмови:
The workers have been trying to move our wardrobe for half an hour, go help them. -
Робочі ось уже півгодини намагаються зрушити наш шафа з місця, допоможи їм.
Дія, яке почалося в минулому, тривало протягом деякого часу і закінчилося безпосередньо перед розмовою:
Do you like this cake? I have been baking it since morning. -
Тобі подобається цей пиріг? Я пекла його з самого ранку.
Grammar exercises
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 5
Answer the questions
Read the tongue twister
Say this sharply, say this sweetly;
Say this shortly, say this softly;
Say this sixteen times in succession.
Read and comment on the quotation.
“What happened to truth? Did it go out of style?”
― Michael Jackson, Moonwalk
Read and comment on the proverb.
For a politician to complain about the press is like a ship's captain complaining about the sea
Grammar exercises
Example: She ______ tennis for half an hour now. (to play)
Answer: She has been playing tennis for half an hour now.
2. Перетворіть ці речення в питальні та заперечні.
1.The film has been running for a month. 2.They have been waiting for the director since two oclock. 3.The boy has been keeping the book for a month already. 4.The students have been translation the text for an hour and a half. 5.It has been raining since the morning. 6.I have been talking to Tom about your problem. 7.I have been looking forward to meeting you.
1.She ______ there many years.
A has been teaching
B has taught
2.He knows Africa well because he ______ a lot there.
A has been traveling
B has traveled
3. The students ______ the matter all day long.
A have been discussing
B have discussed
4.You ______ this composition for two hours and cant complete it.
A have been writing
B have written
5.Alice promised to come, but shes absent. Something ______ to her.
A has been happening
B has happened
6.The children are drawing. They ______ since they came home.
A have been drawing
B have drawn
7.My aunt ______ the big house in the country.
A has always been having
B has always had
8.They ______ here for two years.
A have been living
B have lived
9.I ______ them our picture gallery.
A have shown
B have been showing
10.Ann ______ over the telephone for the last ten minutes.
A has been speaking
B has spoken
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 6
Answer the questions
Read the tongue twister
I can think of six thin things and of six thick things too.
Read and comment on the quotation
“People are sheep. TV is the shepherd.”
― Jess C. Scott, Literary Heroin (Gluttony): A Twilight Parody
Read and comment on the proverb
The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.
TV, telly, box телевізор
portable television (set) переносний телевізор
cable television кабельне телебачення
satellite television ['sætəlaɪt ,telɪ'vɪʒ(ə)n] супутникове телебачення
network ['netwə:k] телевізійна мережа
viewer ['vju:ə] телеглядач
prime time ['praɪm 'taɪm] (811 p. m.) найкращий телевізійний час
theme tunes [θi:m tju:nz] позивні
TV addict fædikt] людина, захоплена переглядом телепрограм, теленаркоман
announcer [ə'naunsə] диктор
newsreader (newscaster) диктор, що читає останні новини
anchorman ['æŋkəmæn] ведучий телепрограми
TV reporter [n'pɔtə], correspondent [,kɔrɪs'pɔndənt] телевізійний кореспондент
commentator ['kɔmenteɪtə] коментатор
quiz [kwɪz] master ведучий телевікторини
cameraman ['kæm(ə)rəmæn], operator ['ɔpəreɪtə] оператор
editor ['edɪtə] редактор
producer [prə'dju:sə] режисер-постановник
soundman ['saundmæn] звукорежисер
show [ʃəu] шоу
daily ['deɪlɪ] щоденний
weekly ['wi:klɪ] щотижневий
monthly ['mʌnθlɪ] щомісячний
news [nju:z] новини
current affairs ['kʌr(ə)nt ə'fɛəz] programme програма про поточні події
special report ['speʃ(ə)l rɪ'pɔ:t] спеціальний репортаж
live footage ['futɪdʒ] прямой ефір
documentary [,dɔki:u'ment(ə)rɪ] документальний фільм
children's programme програма для дітей
cartoon [ka:'tu:n] мультфільм
educational [,edju(:)'keɪʃənl] programme освітня програма
weather [weðə] report, forecast ['fɔ:ka:st] прогноз погоди
variety [və'raɪətɪ] show естрадна програма
quiz [kwɪz] programme вікторина
feature ['fɪtʃə] film художній фільм
thriller ['θrɪlə] трилер, гостросюжетний фільм
western ['westən] вестерн
serial ['sɪərɪəl] серіал
soap opera [səup 'ɔp(ə)rə] мильна опера
commercial [kə'mə:ʃ(ə)l] телевізійна реклама
videoclip ['vɪdɪəuklɪp] відеокліп
broadcast f'brɔ:dka:st] транслювати
to telecast ['telɪka:st] передавати телепрограму
live broadcast, show programme програма, що йде в прямому ефірі broadcast speech [spɪtʃ] (interview ['ɪntəvju:], discussion [dɪs'kʌʃ(ə)n]) промова (інтерв'ю, дискусія), що транслюється
to appear [ə'pɪə] on the programme з'являтися в програмі
to cover ['kʌvə] охоплювати; давати в пресу матеріал (репортаж)
sound track [saund træk] фонограма
test card телевізійна настроювальна сітка
close-up великий план
caption ['kæpʃ(ə)n] титр, напис на екрані
still студійна заставка
Express your opinion on the following points of view.
1. Some people say that television kills conversation. Does it?
2. Television is terribly bad for people's eyes.
3. Television is like a drug: people get addicted to certain television series and they simply can't switch it off.
4. Too much television is bad for children it's unhealthy.
5. Children's and students' educational programmes are very useful.
6. The problem about television and its effect on us is very important.
7. Too many TV channels make it difficult to choose what to watch.
8. We can't do without television nowadays.
9. Television has both advantages and disadvantages.
10. Television is a terrible waste of time.
11. Television is going to kill the theatre.
12. TV is one of the mighty means of forming people's character, ideology and outlook.
13. Television may be the cause of many disputes and conflicts in the family. Why?
14. Television is a wonderful invention. Do you agree?
Утворення Past Perfect Continuous Tense
1. Past Perfect Continuous утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова to be у формі Past Perfect (had
been) і форми дієприкметника теперішнього часу (Present Participle) змістового дієслова: I had been working, he
had been working.
2. У питальній формі першого допоміжне дієслово ставиться перед підметом: Had I been working? Had he been working?
3. Заперечна форма утворюється за допомогою частки not, яка ставиться після першого допоміжного
дієслова: I had not been working, he had not been working.
4. У запитально-негативній формі частка not ставиться безпосередньо після підмета: Had I not been working?
Had he not been working?
Вживання Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Continuous вживається для вираження тривалої минулої дії, що почався раніше іншої минулої дії,
вираженої Past Simple і ще діялася в момент його настання.
Past Perfect Continuous (як і Present Perfect Continuous) вживається, коли зазначений період часу, протягом
якого дія вже відбувалося, тобто з такими позначеннями часу, як
for two hours - протягом двох годин,
for three months - протягом трьох місяців,
for a long time - протягом довгого часу, довго, давно і т.п.
Past Perfect Continuous переводиться минулим часом дієслова недоконаного виду, часто з прислівником вже:
Я (вже) довго працював, коли прийшов мій брат.-
I had been working for a long time when my brother came.
Дощ ішов (вже) 2:00, коли я вийшов з дому. -
It had been raining for two hours when I left home.
Вона спала (вже) 3:00, коли ми повернулися. -
She had been sleeping for three hours when we returned.
Grammar exercises
1. Complete the sentences using the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
Example: ... before we came from the supermarket. Liz/ to clean/the flat/for two hours.
Liz had been cleaning the flat for two hours before we came from the supermarket.
1) ... before Tom came to the court. Helen/to play/tennis/for an hour and a half.
2) ... before he retired. Mr Black/to work /as a lawyer/for twenty-five years.
3) ... when the bus arrived. We/ to wait/for forty minutes.
4) Sheilalooked tired because ... . She/to sew/a dress/for her little daughter/all day.
5) Before Jack got to level four ... . He/to play/the same game/for three hours.
6) Mike's neighbours were angry because ... . He/to listen/to loud music /for four hours/yesterday evening.
7) Everybody was very hungry because ... . They/to work/all day/without/a break for lunch.
8) ... when suddenly the car broke down. We/ to drive/for five hours.
9) ... before the plane landed in the airport late in the evening yesterday. They/to fly/for six hours.
10) ... since Easter, Alex and Den/to prepare/for the exams.
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
1) My sister ... (to practise) for two months before that concert.
2) The boys ... (to fish) for three hours before Tom caught the first fish.
3) We ... (to discuss) that problem for more than an hour before we found the right solution.
4) Henry ... (to wait) for half an hour before he saw his girlfriend getting off the tram.
5) Driving to the hospital was difficult as it ,., (to snow) all night.
6) Polly ... (to study) economy since she entered university.
7) Ron's collection of coins was valuable as he ... (to collect) them since he was a schoolboy.
8) When Sam returned home we ... (to watch) that TV programme for a quarter of an hour already.
9) Bill's coat and mittens were wet because he ,,. (to play) snowballs with his friends in the yard.
10) David was irritated because the police inspector ... (to ask) him questions for more than an hour.
3. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.
1) Brian had been trying to find a better job for three weeks.
2) Little Johnny had been riding his new bike all day yesterday.
3) Robert and Frank had been fixing that computer for two hours yesterday.
4) Julia had been typing the report all the morning yesterday.
5) It had been raining all night last Tuesday.
6) The Smiths had been building their house for four years.
7) We had been skating for three hours yesterday.
8) You had been decorating the classroom for more than two hours last Saturday.
9) The twins had been fighting in the backyard when their mother saw them.
10) Molly had been speaking on the phone for an hour and a half yesterday evening.
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 7
Answer the questions
Read the tongue twister
Swan swam over the pond,
Swim swan swim!
Swan swam back again -
Well swum swan!
Read and comment on the proverb
East or west home is best
Ukraine. Geographical position.
ths (скор. thousand) тисяча
plain [pleɪn] рівнина
tributary ['trɪbjut(ə)rɪ] притока
to unify ['jumɪfaɪ] об'єднувати
mouth [mauθ] гирло (річки)
outlet ['outlet] вихід
heartland ['hεtlænd] важливий район
mineral deposits [dɪ'pɔzɪts] поклади корисних копалин
range [reind3] пасмо (гір)
2. Find the translation.
its many tributaries
for Ukrainian trade
large mineral deposits торгівлі
and marine borders горами
with fertile black soils
picturesque mountain resorts
Ukraine's area is 603,700 square kilometers: from North to South is 893 km, from West to East 1316 km. It's larger than France (544 ths sq. km), Spain (505 ths sq. km), Sweden (450 ths sq. km), Germany (356,3 ths sq. km), Poland (312,7 ths sq. km).
Ukraine has inland and marine borders of 7590 km. The inland border passes for 5631 km and consists of three areas: Western, Eastern, and Northern. The length of marine border is 1959 km. Ukraine borders on Russian Federation (inland border of 2063 km), Belarus (975 km), Poland (542,5 km), Slovakia (98 km), Hungary (135 km), Romania (608 km) and Moldova (1194 km).
Ukraine is mainly a vast plain with no natural boundaries except the Carpathian Mountains in the west and the Black Sea in the south. The Dnipro River with its many tributaries unifies central Ukraine economically, connecting the Baltic coast countries with the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. The mouth of the Danube River provides an outlet for Ukrainian trade to the Balkans, Austria, and Germany.
Central and Southern Ukraine are primarily steppes with fertile black soils exceptionally well-suited for grain farming. In the east there is the industrial heartland known as the Greater Donbas, or Donetsk Basin containing large mineral deposits.
Northern and Western Ukraine' are hilly, forested areas with many picturesque mountain resorts. There are two mountain ranges the Carpathians on the western border, where winter sports centres are very popular, and the Crimean range in the south, which divides the Crimean peninsular. The Crimea is a favourite destination not only for Ukrainian tourists, but also for citizens of other states of the former Soviet Union, as well as Eastern and Western Europe.
1. What is the area of Ukraine?
2. Where is Ukraine situated?
3. How many mountain ranges are there in Ukraine?
4. Where are the large mineral deposits?
5. Why is the Crimea a favourite destination for many people?
Name: Ukraine
Total area: 603,700 sq.km.
Extension: from East to West: 1,316 km
from North to South: 893 km
Borders on: Poland, Slovakia, Hungary,
Romania, Moldova, Belarus, Russia
Population: 47,600,00 (1st January 2006)
Capital: Kyiv
Largest cities: Lvov, Odesa, Lugansk, Kharkiv,
Dnipropetrovsk, Simferopol.
Main river: Dnipro
Lets read the poem (Addition 1):
My dear friends
Id like to speak of land
In which you must defend
The slightest bend,
Where spreading is the steppe,
Wheres done the fist your step,
Where mothers shortest nap
Was broken by your joyful clap.
We often speak and hear about our Motherland. What synonyms to the word “Motherland” do you know? Lets make the word-map
As far as you have understood the word “Motherland” has two meanings:
- It is our country. It is Ukraine.
- It is the place where you were born. It is your town, your house. Usually this place is the best one in the world. There is no place like home. It is true.
1) It ... (to snow) for five hours before the weather changed.
2) Betty and Jane ... (to argue) for half an hour when their parents returned home.
3) Why did Ed miss his training' yesterday? He couldn't come because he ... (to prepare) his project all day yesterday.
4) ... Isabel... (to work) as a secretary for four years before she moved to another town? No, she ... .
She ... (to work) as a secretary just for two years.
5) ... Pete ... (toplay) computer games all the evening last Friday? No, he ... .
He ... (to write) an essay for two hours and then he went for a walk.
6) Jean ... (not to wait) for our boss all the morning yesterday.
She ... (to speak) to some clients for about an hour and then she went to the bank.
7) Kevin was exhausted because he ... (to unload) the lorry for three hours.
8) I was really happy that Ron won that competition because he ... (to prepare) for it for half a year.
9) ... you ... (to save) money for a new computer for a long time? Yes, I ... .
I ... (not to spend) a penny for six months before I got a sufficient sum.
10) Cathy and Sue ... (to tidy) our cottage house for two days after that birthday party.
2. Make up the sentences using the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
1) We/to wait/outdoors/for twenty minutes/before/he/opened the door.
2) What/Sally/to cook/when/you/came/home/ yesterday?
3) How long/you/to repair/your car/before/Nick/ started/to help/you?
4) Sarah/to collect/dolls/since/she/ was/a girl.
5) Where/they/to come/from/when/you/met/them/ yesterday?
6) Who/to sing/karaoke/all the evening/yesterday?
7) Greg/to study/for his final exams/all last month?
8) They/ to drive/for five hours/when/they/ran out of petrol.
9) Tony/ to sleep/for an hour/before/you/woke/him up.
10) Our chief/ to discuss/some affairs/with our business partners/for two hours/last Wednesday.
3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1) Where ... Robert ... (to work) since 4 o'clock yesterday?
He ... (to fix) a fence in the garden.
2) What ... Wendy ... (to do) in the studio for three hours last Monday?
She ... (to prepare) some of her pictures for the exhibition.
3) Why ... you ... (to hurry) when I met you last Friday, James?
I ... (to go) to the railway station to meet my uncle. I was afraid to be late.
4) It ... (to rain) heavily when Mr Scott stopped his car in front of a cafe.
He wanted to have lunch because he ... (not to eat) since early morning.
5) What ... the students ... (to write) since 9 o'clock yesterday morning?
They ... (to write) a test on Psychology.
6) How long ... Janet... (to work) in the office before she went home yesterday?
She ... (to make) photocopies of some documents for the boss for about an hour and then she ... (to type) some letters for
two hours before her working day was over.
7) The government ... (to carry) on negotiations with the terrorists for three days before they reached some agreement.
8) Stuart ... (to try) to call you for a quarter of an hour before you finally answered the phone.
9) Emily felt horrible yesterday because she ... (not to sleep) all night.
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 8
Answer the questions
Read the tongue twister
"If you want to buy, buy, if you don't want to buy, bye bye!"
Read and comment on the proverbs
All roads lead to Rome
Man can do no more than he can
Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, has the population of nearly three million inhabitants and covers over 43 km from east to west and 42 km from north to south.
According to the legend, Kyiv was founded by three brothers Kyi, Shchek, and Khoryv, and their sister Lybid. The city was named after Kyi, the eldest brother. The monument erected in their honor stands on the bank of the River Dnipro.
In the late 6th and early 7th centuries the first fortification appeared in the northern section of Old Kyiv Hill. While the court of the princes was located on the hills of Kyiv, the lower part of the city, known as Podil, developed into a busy trading district.
With the establishment of Kyivan Rus' (the 9th century), Kyiv became its capital.
Prince Volodymyr the Great (9801015) expanded the city. Kyivan Rus' was at its zenith under the rule of Prince Yaroslav the Wise (10361054). Monasteries were established and developed into centres of education. Close to 400 churches were built, the most famous of which, Saint Sofia's Cathedral (1037), has survived to this day. The first library was founded on the grounds of the Cathedral.
Today Kyiv is one of the greatest ancient European cities, rich with the monuments of art and architecture. It is a political, scientific, cultural, sports, and industrial centre of modern Ukraine.
Kyiv is a major industrial centre that includes companies specializing in electronics, engineering, aviation, food, and chemical production, etc. Kyiv's economic development has been enriched by its advantageous location along the Dnipro River, which links Kyiv to the Black Sea.
The city has many hotels, cafes, and restaurants with Ukrainian, European, American, and Eastern cuisine to accommodate tourists and business persons. Stadiums, tennis courts, swimming pools, and gyms are also available for you. If you visit Kyiv in late May, you will witness a beautiful festival "The Days of Kyiv".
fortification [,fɔ:tɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] військ, фортифікація;
мн. фортифікаційні споруди
to expand [ɪks'pasnd] розширяти
cathedral [kə'θi:dr(ə)l] собор
to accommodate [ə'kɔmədeɪt] робити послугу; давати притулок,
розміщати stadium ['steɪdjəm] стадіон
1. What is the capital of Ukraine?
2. Who were the founders of Kyiv?
3. When did the first fortification appear?
4. When did Kyiv become the capital of Ukraine?
5. What do you know about Kyiv of modern times?
1. Khreshchatic 5. Pechersk |
a) Ancient Kyivs “Upper Town” |
Dialogue 1.
Dialogue 2.
Dialogue 3.
Іменник частина мови, яка означає предмет або явище, що сприймається як предмет.
Іменники поділяються на власні (Proper Nouns) та загальні (Common Nouns).
До власних належать:
імена (Peter, John Smith),
географічні назви (Kyiv, the Carpathians),
а також предмети та явища, єдині у своєму роді (the French Revolution).
назви днів та місяців (Monday, September).
Іменники поділяються на:
конкретні та абстрактні (a spoon, probability),
назви істот і неістот (a student, a book);
збірні (a family, a crowd);
матеріально-речовинні (water, wool).
Загальні іменники можна поділити на
\обчислювані (злічувані) та необчислювані (незлічувані).
обчислювані |
необчислювані |
1) назви істот і неістот a boy 2) назви одиниць вимірювання a month |
1) назви абстрактних понять 2boys 5 tables knowledge, love 2) назви речовин, матеріалів 2 months silver |
Число (The Number)
1. Іменники в англійській мові, як і в українській, мають два числа:
однину (Singular) й множину (Plural).
2. Форму множини утворюють лише обчислювані іменники:
a pen many pens
one table three tables
one car - nine cars
a tree a lot of trees
Іменники, що закінчуються на -s, -ss, -x, -sh, -ch, -tch у множині мають закінчення -es, яке вимовляється [iz]:
a bus buses
a box boxes
a bench benches
a class classes
a dish dishes
a watch watches
До іменників, що закінчуються на -у з попередньою приголосною, додається закінчення -es, при цьому у змінюється на і.
A baby- babies
Іменники, які закінчуються на -у з попередньою голосною, утворюють множину додаванням закінчення -s.
a cherry cherries a toy toys
a lady ladies a key keys
a city cities a boy boys
a factory factories a day days
6. У деяких іменниках, що в однині закінчуються на f та -fe, у множині -f змінюється на -v з додаванням закінчення -(e)s, яке вимовляється [z]:
a life lives
a shelfshelves
a knife knives
a scarfscarves
a wife wives
a wolfwolves
a leaf leaves
a halfhalves
Але деякі іменники, які закінчуються на -f та -fe, утворююті множину додаванням закінчення -s:
a chief chiefs
a safe safes
a roof roofs
a handkerchief handkerchiefs
Деякі іменники утворюють множину не за правилами, зміною кореневої голосної. Їх слід запам'ятати:
a man men
a foot feet
a child children
a woman women
a tooth teeth
an ox oxen
a goose geese
a mouse mice
a personpersons (оф.), people
Іменники, що закінчуються на -o, у множині мають закінчення -es:
a potato potatoes
a tomato tomatoes
a hero heroes
a photo photos
a piano pianos
a radio radios
Деякі іменники зберегли стародавню форму множини, яка збігається з формою однини:
a deer deer
a sheep sheep
a swine swine
a fish fisha
fruit fruit
e.g. The deer is a graceful animal. The sheep are domestic animals.
Утворення деяких іменників латинського і грецького походження треба запам'ятати:
datum data
crisis crises
analysis analyses
phenomenon phenomena
Деякі іменники уживаються тільки в множині:
trousers штани
scissors ножиці
goods речі, товар
shorts шорти
spectacles окуляри
clothes одяг
Деякі іменники уживаються тільки в однині:
news новина, новини
knowledge знання
luggage багаж
advice порада
money гроші
mathematics математика
information інформація
furniture меблі
athletics атлетика
З деякими необчислюваними іменниками ми можемо використовувати наступні словосполучення:
a piece of advice / information / news / luggage
a pair of pyjamas / jeans / trousers
a jar of jam
a glass of water / milk
a litre of oil
a tube of toothpaste
a slice of toast / lemon / bread
a doll-dolls,
the tree-the trees,
this boy-these boys,
that dog-those dogs
lady, a knife, a chair, a bus, a Negro, a match, a way, a house, a family, a flag, a town, a
wolf, a country, a lion, и park, a play.
king, the waiter, the queen, a man, the man, a woman, the woman, an eye, a shelf, a box,
the city, a boy, a goose, the watch, a mouse, a dress, a toy, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the
ox, a deer, the life, a tomato.
wall, that picture, this foot, that mountain, this lady, that window, this man, that match, this
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 9
Answer the questions
1. When did Ukraine achieve independence?
2. What are the democratic changes in Ukraine ?
3. When did Ukraine hold its first presidential elections?
4. Who was the first President of Ukraine ?
5. When did Ukraine hold its first presidential elections as an independent country?
6. What are the key issues to solve facing President Yushchenko?
7. When were the latest elections to Ukraine 's Parliament held?
Read the tongue twister
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
If a woodchuck could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,
And chuck as much as a woodchuck would
If a woodchuck could chuck wood.
Read and comment on the proverb
Liars need good memories
Liar is not believed when he speaks the truth
The Ukrainian political system has a popularly-elected President, a 450-person one-chamber national Parliament (Verkhovna Rada), and a Prime Minister, nominated by the President and subject to approval by the Rada. The new post-Soviet Constitution was adopted by Verkhovna Rada on June 28, 1996.
Politically, Ukraine has made tremendous strides toward establishing a stable, tolerant, and open democratic society in its years of independence. Ukraine achieved independent statehood when its citizens approved the December 1, 1991, independence referendum and the Soviet Union ceased to exist on December 31, 1991.
On Desember 1, 1991 Leonid Kravchuk was elected the President of Ukraine in the first presidential elections.
After centuries of tsarist and many years of Soviet repression, Ukraine today has a largely free press, freedom of religion, and elections that led to the first peaceful, democratic change of leaders in Ukrainian history.
Ukraine held its first presidential elections as an independent country in June and July, 1994. In those elections Leonid Kuchma was elected the President of Ukraine.
After the elections of 2004 Victor Yushchenko was elected the President of Ukraine.
to make strides робити успіхи
tremendous [trɪ'mendəs] величезний
to cease [si:s] припиняти
elections вибори
Factfile the Verkhovna Rada
1. The main legislative body of Ukraine is the Verkhovna Rada. The elections to the Verkhovna Rada are held:
a) every four years;
b) every five years;
c) whenever the government wants.
2. Members of the Verkhovna Rada are called deputies. How many deputies are there?
a) 350;
b) 300;
c) 450.
3. Each deputy represents an area of the country. This area is called
a) a place;
b) a constituency;
c) a post.
4. The head of the Ukrainian government is called
a) The Prime Minister;
b) the President;
c) the leader.
5. How old do you have to be to vote in a general election?
a) 16;
b) 18;
c) 21.
Match the words
1. to adopt a) виконавчий
2. to declare b) законодавчий
3. to elect c) громадянин
4. autonomous d) приймати
5. legislative e) вибирати
6. citizen f) декларувати
7. executive g) автоматичний
Match the questions and the answers.
1. What kind of state is a) The executive power is presented by
Ukraine? the President and the Cabinet of
2. Who is the head of the b) Ukraine is a republic.
3. Whom does the legisla- c) The official state language is
tive power belong to? Ukrainian.
4. What is the executive d) The legislative power belongs to
power presented by? Verkhovna Rada.
5. What is the official e) The Head of the state is the
state language? President.
3. Crossword Puzzle
1) Crossword.
Іменник (the noun) в англійській мові, як і в українській, означає назви предметів, живих істот, явищ, понять і речовин: a table, a man, a snow, friendship, water. До найбільш характерних суфіксів іменників належать:
- er: worker, reader, writer, speaker
- ment: development, statement
- ness: kindness, happiness, business
- ion: station, cooperation, connection
- dom: wisdom, freedom, kingdom
- hood: childhood, neighbourhood
- ship: friendship, leadership
Іменники в англійській мові мають лише два відмінки: загальний (the Common Case): Victor, father і присвійний або родовий (the Possessive Case): Victors school, fathers work. Присвійний відмінок виражає належність і таким чином відповідає в українській мові родовому відмінку (це значення можна передавати й прийменником of).
Присвійний відмінок іменників у однині утворюється додаванням апострофа та букви s (-s ) до форми однини іменника в загальному відмінку та апострофа (-) до форми множини іменника, а інколи і до форми однини з закінченням s або x (крім іменника child children, childs childrens). Закінчення s вимовляється за тими ж правилами, що й закінчення s у множині іменників. Однина
Загальний відмінок Присвійний відмінок
my friend my friends books
the man the mans conclusions
James James friend
the city the citys population
Загальний відмінок Присвійний відмінок
my friends my friends books
the men the mens conclusions
Grammar exercises
1. The lecture of this teacher is very interesting.
2. The text-books of the students are on the desk.
3. The house of their parents is nice.
4. We dont know the names of these children.
5. The camera of my friend is new.
6. The success of the company is great.
7. The son of Klimenko studies very well.
8. The shirt of Carlos is green.
9. The birthday of my wife is on Sunday.
10. The library of our University is very large.
2. Translate into Ukrainian:
students life;
Marketing faculty;
Masters degree programmes;
summer holidays;
public figures;
education facilities;
Universitys library;
sport centre;
correspondence department;
Bachelors degree programmes;
grammar mistake;
this students graduation paper;
candidate degree;
examination session;
market economy; consumer goods;
Oxford University;
silk dress.
3. Complete the following sentences using the words from the right-hand column:
1. My fathers wife is my ... mother
2. My parents son is my ... aunt
3. My parents daughter is my ... cousin
4. My mothers husband is my ... father
5. My mothers father is my ... brother
6. My fathers sister is my ... sister
7. My mothers brother is my ... grandfather
8. My fathers mother is my ... uncle
9. My mothers sister is my ... niece
10. My uncles son is my ... grandmother
11. My brothers son is my ... nephew
12. My sisters daughter is my ...
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 10
Answer the questions
Read the tongue twister
Freshly-fried frying fish.
Read and comment on the proverb
Little knowledge is a dangerous thing
Easy come, easy go
The United Kingdom (or Great Britain) is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and about five thousand small islands. Their total area is over .'44 000 square kilometres.
The United Kingdom (UK) is made up of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland (on the island of Great Britain) and Northern Ireland (on the island of Ireland). Their capitals are London, Cardiff, Edinburgh ;ind Belfast respectively. The capital of the UK is London.
Britain has been many centuries in the marking. The Romans conguered most of Britain, but were unable to subdue the fiercely independent tribes in the west and for north. Further waves of invaders followed: Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Vikings, and Normans. All these contributed to the mixture we call English. Fof many centuries this country was known simply as England. To the west and north, Wales and Scotland fought for their independence so passionately that it took hundreds of years to bring them under English domination.
Since the eighteenth century Britain has included England, Wales and Scotland. Further west was England's oldest colony, Ireland. I he Irish won independence for the greater part of their country in 1921, but Northern Ireland was divided from the rest and retained as part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The mixture of peoples in Britain must not be overlooked. It is as inaccurate to refer to the British as English as it was to refer to a citizen of the former Soviet Union as a Russian. But this mistake is made all over the world and we have to accept the fact that when most other people talk about the English or the Russians they really mean British or citizens of the former Soviet Union.
The British Isles are separated from the European continent by і he North Sea and the English Channel. The western coast of Great lhitain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.
The surface of the British Isles varies very much. The north of Scotland is mountainous and is called the Highlands, while the south, which has beautiful valleys and plains, is called the Lowlands. The north and west of England are mountainous, but all the rest east, centre, and south-east is a vast plain. Mountains are not very high. Men Nevis in Scotland is the highest mountain (1343 m).
There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long. The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the deepest one.
The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of Gulf Stream influence on the climate of the British Isles. It is mild the whole year round.
The UK is one of the world's smallest countries. Its population is over 57 million. About 80% of the population is urban.
The UK is a highly developed industrial country. It is known as one of the world's largest producers and exporters of machinery, electronics, textile, aircraft and navigation equipment. One of the chief industries of the country is shipbuilding.
The UK is a constitutional monarchy. In law, Head of the State is Queen. In practice, Queen reigns, but does not rule. The country is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour, the Conservative and the Liberal parties.
to be situated ['sɪtjueɪtɪd] бути розташованим
to consist [kən'sɪst] складатися
respectively [rɪs'pektɪvh] відповідно
to separate ['sepəreɪt] відокремлювати, відділяти, роз'єднувати
surface ['sə:fɪs] поверхня, ландшафт
mountainous ['mauntɪnəs] гористий, гірський
valley ['vælɪ] долина, низина
machinery [mə'ʃi:nərɪ] машини; устаткування; механізми
Head of State ['hed əv 'steɪt] глава держави
in practice ['præktɪs] на практиці, насправді, фактично
to reign [reɪn] царювати; панувати
to rule [ru:l] правити, управляти, керувати
to elect [ɪ'lekt] вибирати; обирати
government ['gʌvnmənt] уряд
at the head на чолі
chamber ['tʃeɪmbə] палата (парламенту)
1. The UK is an island state, isn't it? Where is it situated?
2. What countries is the UK made up of? What are their capitals?
3. What channel separates the British Isles from the European continent?
4. The surface of the British Isles varies very much, doesn't it?
5. How is the north of Scotland called? How is the south of Scotland called?
6. What's the highest mountain in Scotland?
7. Are there a lot of long and deep rivers in Great Britain ?
8. Why is the climate of the British Isles mild?
9. Is the UK a large country?
10. What's the UK's population?
11. The UK is a highly developed industrial country. What does it produce and export?
12. The UK is a constitutional monarchy. What does it mean ?
2. Discuss facts about UK.
1. Big Ben does not refer to the clock, but actually the bell.
2. London has been called Londonium, Ludenwic, and Ludenburg in the past.
3. French was the official language for about 300 years
4. The shortest war against England was with Zanzibar in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes.
5. There is nowhere in Britain that is more than 74.5 miles from the sea.
6. The first telephone directory published in England contained 25 names.
7. While the Great Fire of London was largely destructive, the casualty rate was just 8.
8. The first hot chocolate store opened in London.
9. There are over 300 languages spoken in England.
10. The English drink more tea than anyone else in the world.
11. In the Medieval Times, animals can be put on trial for crimes (and be sentenced to death!)
12. “The Star Spangled Banner” (the American national anthem) was created by an Englishman.
13. “Pygg” used to mean “clay” in olden day English. People kept their coins in clay jars that were called “pygg jars,” which have evolved into what we currently call piggy banks.
14. Gargoyles were originally used as drain pipes!
15. Buckingham Palace has its own police station.
16. Chickens outnumber humans in England.
3.Look at the map and describe the geographical position of UK.
Якісні прикметники безпосередньо вказують на ознаки і якості предметів (розмір, колір, вагу і т. п.)
good - гарний
cold - холодний
long - довгий
red - червоний
big - великий
Відносні прикметники вказують на ознаки і якості предметів через відношення до інших предметів,
a wooden house (a house made of wood) - дерев'яний будинок (будинок з дерева)
an American boy (a boy from America) - амеріканський хлопчик (хлопчик з Америки)
a grammatical exercise (an exercise on grammar) - граматична вправа (вправа з граматики)
Прикметників в англійській не змінюються
- ні за числами,
- ні за родами,
- ні за відмінками.
a grey cat сіра кішка
two grey cats дві сірі кішки
a clever boy розумний хлопець;
a clever girl розумна дівчинка і т. п.
This is a good house. Це хороший дім.
We live in a good house. Ми живемо у хорошому домі.
Порядок вживання прикметників в реченні:
думка |
розмір |
вік |
форма |
колір |
національність |
матеріал |
іменник |
A |
good |
big |
old |
long |
red |
Spanish |
cotton |
sweater. |
Гарний |
великий |
старий |
довгий |
червоний |
іспанський |
бавовняний |
светер. |
Grammar exercises
lazy |
happy |
tall |
easy |
expensive |
full |
clean |
dark |
rich |
small |
I bought a pair of _____ shoes.
black leather
leather black
Q2 - It was a ____ car.
red fast
fast red
Q3 - It's a ____ building.
big round
round big
Q4 - I bought ____ knife.
a Swiss army
an army Swiss
Q5 - It's ____ film.
a beautiful old
an old beautiful
Q6 - He's ____ man.
an unfriendly rich
a rich unfriendly
Q7 - It's ____ phone.
a mobile expensive
an expensive mobile
Q8 - It's ____ village.
an old lovely
a lovely old
Q9 - The ____ visitors were Japanese.
two last
last two
Q10 - He's got ____ eyes.
blue big
big blue
Q11 - It's a ____ house.
nice new
new nice
Q12 - It's ____ airline.
a popular American
an American popular
Q13 - It's ____ company
a family old
an old family
Q14 - It's a ____ restaurant.
cheap good
good cheap
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 11
Answer the questions
Read the tongue twister
If you understand, say "understand".
If you don't understand, say "don't understand".
But if you understand and say "don't understand".
How do I understand that you understand? Understand!
Read and comment on the proverb
All is well that ends well
Well begun is half done
London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and commercial centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. Its population is about-8 million.
London is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End, and the East End.
The heart of London is the City, its financial and business centre. Numerous banks, offices, and firms are situated there, including the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange and the Old Bailey. Few people live here, but every day over a million people come to the City to work. There are some famous ancient buildings within the City. Perhaps the most striking of them is the St. Paul's Cathedral, the greatest of English churches. It was built in the 17th century by Sir Christopher Wren. The Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar and in 1066 rebuilt by William the Conqueror. It was used as a fortress, a royalpalace and a prison. Now it is a museum.
Westminster is the governmental part of London.
Nearly all English kings and queens have been crowned in
Westminster Abbey. Many outstanding statesmen, scientists, writers, poets and painters are buried here: Newton, Darwin, Chaucer, Dickens, Tennyson, Kipling and others.
Across the road from Westminster Abbey is Westminster Palace, the seat of the British Parliament. The clock tower of the Houses of Parliament is famous for its big bell, known as Big Ben. Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen.
The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London. It is the symbol of wealth and luxury. The best hotels, shops, restaurants, clubs, and theatres are situated there.
The Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of London. It was named in honour of Admiral Nelson's victory in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The tall Nelson's Column stands in the middle of the square.
On the north side of the Trafalgar Square is the National Portrait Gallery. Not far away is the British Museum the biggest museum m London. It contains a priceless collection of ancient manuscripts,coins, sculptures, etc, and is also famous for its library.
There are a lot of factories, workshops and docks in the East End.
numerous ['nju:mərəs] численний
striking ['straɪkɪŋ] разючий, дивовижний, вражаючий
to found [faund] засновувати (місто тощо); закладати
(фундамент тощо)
royal ['rɔɪ(ə)l] королівський
to crown [kraun] коронувати; увінчувати
to buty ['berɪ] ховати, хоронити
luxury ['lʌkʃərɪ] розкіш
in honour ['ɔnə] of smb., smth. на честь когось, чогось
to contain [kən'teɪn] містити (мати) в собі; вміщати
priceless [ praɪslɪs] безцінний, неоціненний
1. Is London the largest city in the world?
2. What s the population of London ?
3. Traditionally London is divided into four parts. Can you name them ?
4. What do you know about the City?
5. Who was the St. Paul's Cathedral built by?
6. Who founded the Tower of London? When was it rebuilt?
7. What is the governmental part of London ?
8. What building has more Historic associations than any other building in London ?
9. What is Big Ben?
10. Can you describe the Trafalgar Square?
11. Where do the working people of London live?
12. What are the most famous London museums and art galleries?
2. Read and discuss interesting facts about London
1. London is home to 4 World Heritage Sites The Palace of Westminster, the Tower of London, Maritime Greenwich, and Kew Botanical Gardens.
2. The London Eye is the tallest ferris wheel in Europe.
3. 25% of the people living in London today are born in another country.
4. There are 409 escalators in the London subways.
5. 16% of UKs restaurants are located in London.
6. The London Bridge is rumoured to be haunted…people have claimed to see a woman in black roaming in the night.
7. Everyone calls it the Tower of London, but the buildings full official name is His Majestys Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London.
8. London is the first city in the world to have an underground subway system.
9.If London were a country, it would be the 8th largest in Europe.
10. Angel Tube Station has the longest escalator in Western Europe.
positive -ER comparative -EST superlative (основна форма) (вищий ступінь) (найвищий ступінь)
All one-syllable adjectives (односкладові прикметники)
Deep deeper the deepest
Adjectives of two syllables ending in y, -er, -le,- ow (двоскладові, що закінчуються наy, -er, -le,- ow)
Clever cleverer the cleverest
Adjectives having the stress on the second syllable (двоскладові з наголосом на другому складі)
Polite politer the politest
positive more comparative most superlative (основна форма) (вищий ступінь) (найвищий ступінь)
All other adjectives ( решта прикметників)
Interesting more interesting most interesting
Tired more tired most tired
Afraid more afraid most afraid
spelling rules
1) If the adjective ends in e, it is dropped before the endings er, -est;
Large larger largest
2) If the adjective ends in one consonant preceded by a short vowel, the final consonant is doubled before er, -est;
Hot hotter the hottest
3) If the adjective ends in y preceded by a consonant, the y is changed into I before the endings er, -est;
Dry drier- the driest
Good better the best (хороший краще найкращий)
Bad worse the worst (поганий гірше найгірший)
Little less the least (маленький менше найменший)
Many / much more the most (численний більше найбільший)
Old older the oldest (старий старше самий старий)
Old elder the eldest (старий старше найстарший) про членів сім'ї
Late later the latest / last (пізній більш пізній останній, самий новий / останній за часом)
Late the latter the last (пізній останній з перерахованих остання у черзі)
Near nearer the nearest (близький ближчий найближчий по відстані)
Near nearer next / the next (близький ближчий наступний за часом / наступний по порядку)
Far farther the farthest (далекий, далекий більш дальній найдальший)
Far further the furthest (далекий, далекий подальший найдальший)
Grammar exercises
Старий, старіший, найстаріший; довгий, довший, найдовший; високий, вищий, найвищий; поганий, гірший, найгірший; складний, складніший, найскладніший; теплий, тепліший, найтепліший; найкращий товариш, молодший син, старша сестра.
2. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи потрібну форму прикметника.
3. Розкрийте дужки, використовуючи потрібну форму прикметника.
1. Your handwriting is now (good) than it was last year; but still it is not so (good) as Nicks handwriting; Nick has (good) handwriting. 2. Your friend is the (bad) in our group. 3. Marys house is (far) in our street. 4. She speaks Italian (bad) than French. 5. I have (little) time than he; I have (much) time than he. 6. My mother found him in the (far) corner of the park. 7. It is the (little) comfortable sofa in our house. 8. Please send books back without (far) delay.
4. Вставте as … as або so … as.
1. Mike is as … tall … Pete. 2. Kate is not … nice … Ann. 3. My room is … light … this one. 4. This book is not … good … that one. 5. Sergey is … old … Michael. 6. She is … young … Toms brother. 7. This woman is … good … that one. 8. Nicks English is not … excellent … his friends. 9. I am not … tall … Pete. 10. I am … thin … you. 11. Kate is … lazy … her brother. 12. This child is not … small … that one.
5. Перекладіть наступні речення на англійську мову.
1. Ця картина найцінніша в нашому музеї. 2. Твій компютер не такий новий як компютер мого товариша. 3. Наші екзамени трудніші за ваші. 4. Наше місто не таке велике як Київ, але таке ж гарне. 5. Невський проспект одна з найкрасивіших вулиць Санкт-Петербурга. 6. Хто наймолодший студент нашої групи? 7. Граматика англійської мови складна, але граматика іспанської мови ще складніша. 8. Ця кімната сама світла в усьому домі. 9. Погода сьогодні тепліше ніж була вчора. 10. Яка з цих книг найцікавіша? 11. Мій батько дуже зайнята людина. 12. Крим одне з найкращих місць відпочинку. 13. Сьогодні він почуває себе набагато ліпше.
6. Утворіть вищий і найвищий ступінь порівняння наступних прикметників. Не забувайте вживати означений артикль перед найвищим ступенем порівняння.
Hot, long, short, clever, great, nice, warm, cold, small, tall, high, weak, strong, dirty, wide, deep, good, bad, beautiful, difficult.
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 12
Answer the questions
Read the tongue twister
Betty bought butter but the butter was bitter, so Betty bought better butter to make the bitter butter better.
Read and comment on the proverb
When Queen Anne was alive
Two heads are better than one
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy. This means that Great Britain is governed by the Parliament and the Queen is Head of State.
The legislative power in the country is exercised by the Houses of Parliament. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Lords is composed of hereditary and life peers and peeresses. The members of the House of Commons are elected by the people. They are elected from the constituencies in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The House of Commons is the real governing body of the United Kingdom.
The executive power is exercised by the Prime Minister and his Cabinet. The government is usually formed by the political party which is supported by the majority in the House of Commons. The Prime Minister is the majority party leader and is appointed by the Queen. The Prime Minister chooses a team of ministers; twenty of the ministers are in the Cabinet.
The second largest party becomes the official opposition with its own leader and the Shadow Cabinet. The two leading parties in Great Britain are the Conservative Party (the Tories) and the Labour Party.
The judiciary branch of the government determines common law and is independent of both the legislative and the executive branches.
There is no written constitution in Great Britain, only precedents and traditions.
the legislative power |
the executive power |
the judiciary power |
Parliament |
Prime Minister + his |
is independent of both |
Cabinet (20 ministers) |
House of |
House of |
Lords |
Commons |
Party is supported by the majority in the House of |
Commons. |
Prime Minister is the majority party leader. |
Government |
The official opposition is the second largest party + |
its leader + the Shadow Cabinet. |
2. Read and comment on facts about the Royal Family
1. Windsor Castle is the largest royal home in the world.
2. The Queen has 30 god children.
3. The Queen owns all the sturgeons, whales and dolphins in the waters within 3 miles from the UK.
4. The Queen sent her first e-mail in 1976.
5. Prince William wanted to become a cop when he was younger.
6. He also has his own postage stamp.
7. Its considered treason to place a stamp bearing the King or Queens image upside-down.
8. Prince William paid $200 to sit in the front row and watch Kate in the fashion show.
9. Kate Middleton is allergic to horses.
10. According to biography.com, when Kate was younger, the boys in her school rated her a 2 out of 10 for looks and personality.
11. Prince William had a poster of Baby Spice on his boarding room wall.
12. Prince Harry got in trouble for dressing as a Nazi to a costume party.
3.Fill in the blanks.
Labor _ Republican _ Senate _ Conservative _ Commons _ Member of Parliament Liberal Democrat _ Lords _ Democrat _ House of Representatives British National Party _ The white House _ 659 _ 1918 _ 1869 |
4.Describe political situation in Great Britain nowadays.
Неозначений артикль a (an перед словами, що починаються з голосної):
- походить від числівника one і означає один з багатьох, якийсь, будь-який;
- вживається перед обчислюваними іменниками (які можна порахувати) в однині.
1. Вперше згаданий. Коли особа, предмет чи поняття з'являються в контексті вперше. Вони ще поки невідомі співрозмовника або читача.
Look! This is a bird! - Дивись! Це птах!
2. В значенні класифікації. Наявність неозначеного артикля показує, що даний предмет
(особа, тварина) є представником саме цього класу предметів (осіб, тварин).
I have a pen. - У мене є ручка.
This is a car. - Це автомобіль.
He is a doctor. - Він лікар.
3. При цьому у іменника може бути і описове визначення (прикметник, дієприкметник та ін),
який не виділяє його (як єдине) з категорії подібних.
I have a red pen. - У мене є червона ручка.
This is a new car. - Це новий автомобіль.
He is a good doctor. - Він хороший лікар.
4. В узагальнюючому значенні. Іменник з неозначеним артиклем в цьому значенні позначає
будь-який, всякий, кожний предмет (обличчя, тварина) з цього класу предметів (осіб, тварин). Мається на увазі, що згадується якість (властивість і пр.) типова і характерна для будь-якого представника цього класу.
A cow gives milk. - Корова дає молоко.
A dog is a domestic animal.
5. У числовому значенні. В деяких випадках неозначений артикль зберігає своє первісне
значення - один.
Give me a tea, please. - Дайте мені один чай, будь ласка.
6. В окличних реченнях. Перед обчислюється іменником в однині, що стоять після слова what який,
що за:
What a lovely day! - Який прекрасний день!
1. Коли йдеться про певну особу чи предмет.
Where is the pen? Де ручка? (відома нам)
2. Перед іменником, якщо йому передує прикметник у найвищому ступені
або порядковий числівник.
What is the longest river in the world? Яка найдовша річка у світі?
He was the first to come. Він першим прийшов.
3. Перед географічними назвами
(назвами океанів, морів, річок, гірських хребтів, частин світу, тощо.).
The Indian ocean, the Baltic sea, the North, the Thames, the Alps.
4. Перед іменниками, єдиними у своєму роді.
What is the brightest mountain in the world? Яка гора в світі найяскравіша?
5. У ряді виразів, таких як:
in the morning, in the evening,in the afternoon, тощо.
go home йти додому
go to work йти на роботу
go to bed лягати спати
go to school йти до школи (стосується тільки учнів)
go to university йти до університету (стосується тільки студентів)
go to hospital потрапити до лікарні (стосується тільки хворих)
go to prison потрапити до в'язниці (стосується тільки в'язнів)
go to church йти до церкви (стосується тільки віруючих)
go to the school йти до школи
go to the university йти до університету
go to the hospital йти до лікарні
go to the prison йти до в'язниці
go to the church йти до церкви
sit on the bed сидіти на ліжку make the bеd застилати ліжко in the house у будинку to the house до будинку on the sea на морі at/to the seaside на/до морського курорту on/to the coast на/до узбережжя the town centre центр міста the city велике місто the village село the office офіс the factory завод |
Grammar exercises
1. Зміни речення, змінюючи артикль, де це нєобхідно.
Е х a m р 1 е: It is a plate, (clean) It is a clean plate.
It is a clock, (old)
It is a map, (new)
It is an apple, (red)
It is a chicken, (yellow)
It is a day. (fine)
It is a pencil, (orange)
It is a flat, (new)
It is a street, (long)
It is a girl, (young)
2. Перепиши речения, виправляючи помилки, допущені у вживанні ар тикпів (13 помилок).
Max! Take your copy-book and put it on a table,
Show me your pencil, Bobby! Well, a pencil is a very sharp,
Rita has a pen. A pen is in her hand,
Open a door! Come in, please!
Please shut a window. It's cold in here.
My father is the doctor. My mother is the teacher.
I have the cat. A cat is on a my bed.
My granny has the parrot. A parrot can talk.
3. Заповни пропуски артиклями, де це необхідно.
I am ... pupil.
My ... name is ... Olena.
I have ... friend.
Her ... name is ... Oksana.
She is ... my ... classmate.
We are at ... school.
This is our ... classroom.
Look! ... walls in ... classroom are ... green.
My ... mother is... doctor.
She is ... good doctor.
My ... mother is not at... home.
She is at... work.
I have ... brother.
His ... name is ... Dima.
... Dima is ... student.
He is ... clever student and ... good brother.
We are at ... home now.
We have ... nice room.
This ... room is ... clean and ... cosy.
We have ... computer in ... our room.
We like to play ... computer games.
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 13
Answer the questions
Read the tongue twister
A sailor went to sea To see, what he could see. And all he could see Was sea, sea, sea.
Read and comment on the proverb
To make both ends meet
To know everything is to know nothing
Yulia Tymoshenko is Ukraines prime minister and one of the worlds few female leaders. She is head of the All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland" party and the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc. She was born in 1960 and spent her teenage years rising through the Soviet Communist Youth Organization. She has a Ph.D. in economics and has written over 50 research papers.
Before she entered politics, Tymoshenko was a successful businesswoman. In 1989, she started a chain of video rental stores, which made her quite rich. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, she had several high positions in Ukraines oil and gas industries and became one of Ukraines richest people. Her newly found fortune allowed her to start up her own political party.
During Ukraines Orange Revolution, the Western media dubbed her as the nations Joan of Arc. She was appointed as acting prime minister in January 2005, but lost power in September that same year when Ukraines president dismissed her government. She returned to power in June 2006, following national elections. She is widely tipped to one day become President of Ukraine.
There are many other sides to Tymoshenkos life. In 2001, she was voted as one of the most beautiful women to ever enter politics. She is also known for her trademark plaited hairstyle, which became iconic during the Orange Revolution, and which she keeps to this day. She once joked her hairstyle was “a steering wheel to drive the state”.
Paragraphs 1 and 2 |
1. |
head |
a. |
wealth |
2 |
rising |
b. |
authored |
3. |
written |
c. |
fall |
4. |
chain |
d. |
going up |
5. |
collapse |
e. |
boss |
6. |
fortune |
f. |
franchise |
Paragraphs 3 and 4 |
7. |
dubbed |
g. |
fired |
8. |
dismissed |
h. |
parts |
9. |
tipped |
i. |
called |
10. |
sides |
j. |
predicted |
11 |
enter |
k |
symbolic |
12 |
trademark |
l |
get into |
3. Match the following phrases from the article.
1. |
one of the worlds few |
a. |
gas industries |
2 |
her teenage |
b. |
Tymoshenkos life |
3. |
rising through the Soviet Communist |
c. |
female leaders |
4. |
the collapse |
d. |
day become President |
5. |
Ukraines oil and |
e. |
the nations Joan of Arc |
6. |
the Western media dubbed her as |
f. |
Youth Organization |
7. |
She is widely tipped to one |
g. |
of the Soviet Union |
8. |
There are many other sides to |
h. |
trademark plaited hairstyle |
9. |
one of the most beautiful women |
i. |
years |
10. |
She is also known for her |
j. |
to ever enter politics |
STUDENT As QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B) |
1. |
What do you know about Yulia Tymoshenko? |
2. |
Would you like to meet Yulia Tymoshenko? |
3. |
What would you like to know about Yulia Tymoshenko and why? |
4. |
___________________________________________________ |
5. |
___________________________________________________ |
6. |
___________________________________________________ |
7. |
___________________________________________________ |
8. |
___________________________________________________ |
STUDENT Bs QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A) |
1. |
What did you learn from this text about Yulia Tymoshenko? |
2. |
What questions would you like to ask Yulia Tymoshenko? |
3. |
What would her answers be to those questions? |
4. |
___________________________________________________ |
5. |
___________________________________________________ |
6. |
___________________________________________________ |
7. |
___________________________________________________ |
8. |
___________________________________________________ |
Yulia Tymoshenko is Ukraines prime minister and one of the worlds few / true female leaders. She is brain / head of the All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland" party and the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc. She was born in 1960 andspent / used her teenage years rising through the Soviet Communist Youth Organization. She has a Ph.D. in economics and has writing / written over 50 research papers.
Before she entered politics / political, Tymoshenko was a successful businesswoman. In 1989, she started a chain of video rental stores, which made her quit / quite rich. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, she had several high positions on / in Ukraines oil and gas industries and became one of Ukraines richest people. Her newly found fortune allowed her to start down / up her own political party.
During Ukraines Orange Revolution, the Western media dubbed her as / was the nations Joan of Arc. She was appointed as / was acting prime minister in January 2005, but lost power in September that some / sameyear when Ukraines president dismissed her government. She returned to power in June 2006, following national elections. She is widely / wide tipped to one day become President of Ukraine.
There are many other / another sides to Tymoshenkos life. In 2001, she was voted as one of the most beautiful women to never / ever enter politics. She is also known for her trademark plaited hairstyle, which becameiconic / icon during the Orange Revolution, and which she keeps to this day. She once joked her hairstyle was “a steering wheel to drive / ride the state”.
Артиклі не вживаються:
1. Якщо який-небудь іменник вживається в самому узагальненому значенні.
Crime is a problem in most big cities. (Злочинність як така, а не якийсь конкретний злочин.)
Life has changed a lat in the last to year. (Життя як таке, взагалі.)
2. Перед власними іменами:
England, Ukraine, London,Mr.Johnson, Tuscany.
Однак перед прізвищами, що вживаються у множині для позначення членів однієї і тієї ж сімї, вживається означений артикль.
The Johnsons. Сімя Джонсонів.
3. Перед назвами пір року, місяців і днів тижня.
He always go the South in summer. Він завжди йде на Південь влітку.
English classes are on Monday. Англійські курси в понеділок.
1. This is ... book. It is my ... book.
2. Is this your ... pencil? No, it isn't my ... pencil, it is my sister's ... pencil.
3. I have ... sister. My ... sister is ... engineer. My sister's ... husband is ... doctor.
4. I have no ... handbag.
5. Is this ... watch? No, it isn't ... watch, it's ... pen.
6. This ... pen is good, and that ... pen is bad.
7. I can see ... pencil on your ... table, but I can see no ... paper.
8. Give me ... chair, please.
9. They have ... dog and two ... cats.
10. I have ... spoon in my ... plate, but I have no ... soup in it.
1. This is ... tree. ... tree is green.
2. I can see three ... boys. ... boys are playing.
3. I have ... bicycle. ... bicycle is black. My ... friend has no ... bicycle.
4. Our ... room is large.
5. We wrote ... dictation yesterday. ... dictation was long.
6. She has two ... daughters and one ... son. Her ... son is ... pupil.
7. My ... brother's ... friend has no ... dog.
8. This ... pencil is broken. Give me that ... pencil, please.
9. She has ... ball. ... ball is ... big.
10. I got ... letter from my ... friend yesterday. ... letter was interesting.
1. This is ... pen. ... pen is red.
2. These are pencils. ... pencils are black.
3. This is ... soup. ... soup is tasty.
4. In the morning I eat ... sandwich and drink ... tea.
5. She gave me ... coffee and ... cake. ... coffee was hot. ... cake was tasty.
6. Do you like ... ice-cream?
7. I see ... book in your ... hand. Is ... book interesting?
8. She bought... meat, ... butter and ... potatoes yesterday. She also bought ... cake. ... cake was very ... tasty. We ate ...
cake with ... tea.
9. This is my ... table. On ... table I have ... book, two ... pencils, ... pen and ... paper.
10. This is ... bag. ... bag is brown. It is my sister's ... bag. And this is my ... bag. It is ... yellow.
1. I have two ... sisters. My ... sisters are ... students.
2. We are at ... home. 3. My ... brother is not at ... home, he is at ... school.
4. My ... mother is at ... work. She is ... doctor.
5. I am not ... doctor.
6. I have no ... sister.
7. He is not ... pilot.
8. I have thirty-two ... teeth.
9. He has ... child.
10. She has two ... children. Her children are at ... school.
11. Is your father at ... home? No, he is at ... work.
12. Where is your ... brother? He is at ... home.
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 14
Answer the questions
Read the tongue twister
Once a fellow met a fellow In a field of beans. Said a fellow to a fellow, "If a fellow asks a fellow, Can a fellow tell a fellow What a fellow means?" .
Read and comment on the proverb
Time is money
Think today and speak tomorrow
David Beckham is an English footballer who has played for Manchester United and Real Madrid, as well as representing his country 100 times. He moved to the Los Angeles Galaxy in 2007 to increase the profile of football in America. He married Spice Girl Victoria Beckham and has become a worldwide celebrity, an advertising brand and a fashion icon.
Beckham was born in London in 1975. His parents were fanatical Manchester United supporters. His talent was obvious from an early age and he signed with Manchester United on his fourteenth birthday. He helped the youth team win several trophies and made his first team debut in 1995. He helped his team achieve considerable success in his eleven seasons with them.
Beckham has been runner-up twice as world footballs best player. He won many trophies with Manchester United, including the Champions League, and won a league title with Real Madrid. He also captained his club and country. He was famously sent off in a match against Argentina in the 1998 World Cup. In 2003, Beckham received an honour for services to football from Britains Queen.
Beckham has many interests off the soccer pitch and is rarely out of the headlines, especially concerning his marriage and children. He has established football academies in Los Angeles and London. In 2006 he was named a judge for the British Book Awards. He lives near Tom Cruise and the two are best buddies. Beckham is also a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador.
Paragraphs 1 and 2 |
1. |
moved |
a. |
elevate |
2 |
increase |
b. |
crazy |
3. |
icon |
c. |
a great deal of |
4. |
fanatical |
d. |
symbol |
5. |
obvious |
e. |
relocated |
6. |
considerable |
f. |
plain to see |
7. |
runner-up |
g. |
set up |
8. |
title |
h. |
hardly ever |
9. |
honour |
i. |
championship |
10. |
rarely |
j. |
friends |
11 |
established |
k |
second placed |
12 |
buddies |
l |
award |
Match the following phrases from the article:
1. |
increase the profile of |
a. |
from an early age |
2 |
an advertising |
b. |
a match against Argentina |
3. |
His parents were fanatical |
c. |
buddies |
4. |
His talent was obvious |
d. |
for services to football |
5. |
He helped his team achieve |
e. |
football in America |
6. |
Beckham has been runner- |
f. |
brand and a fashion icon |
7. |
He was famously sent off in |
g. |
of the headlines |
8. |
Beckham received an honour |
h. |
considerable success |
9. |
rarely out |
i. |
up twice |
10. |
the two are best |
j. |
Manchester United supporters |
David Beckham is an English footballer who has played for Manchester United and Real Madrid, was / as well as representing his country 100 times. He moved to the Los Angeles Galaxy in 2007 to decrease / increasethe profile of football in America. He married Spice Girl Victoria Beckham and has become a worldwide celebrity, an advertising / advert brand / bland and a fashion icon.
Beckham was born in London in 1975. His parents were fanatical / fans Manchester United supporters. His talent was obviously / obvious from an early age and he signed with Manchester United on his fourteenth birthday. He helped the youth team won / win several trophies and made his first team debut in 1995. He helped his team achievement / achieve considerable success in his eleven seasons with them.
Beckham has been runner-up / running up twice as world footballs best player. He won many / any trophies with Manchester United, including the Champions League, and won a league title with Real Madrid. He also captained his club and country. He was famous / famously sent off in a match against Argentina in the 1998 World Cup. In 2003, Beckham received an honour for services / serviced to football from Britains Queen.
Beckham has many interesting / interests off the soccer pitch and is rarely in / out of the headlines, especially concerning his marriage and children. He has established football academies in Los Angeles and London. In 2006 he was named a judge / judgment for the British Book Awards. He lives near Tom Cruise and the two are best baddies / buddies. Beckham is also a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador.
STUDENT As QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B) |
1. |
What do you know about David Beckham? |
2. |
Would you like to have met David Beckham? |
3. |
What would you like to know about David Beckham and why? |
4. |
___________________________________________________ |
5. |
___________________________________________________ |
6. |
___________________________________________________ |
7. |
___________________________________________________ |
8. |
___________________________________________________ |
STUDENT Bs QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A) |
1. |
What did you learn from this text about David Beckham? |
2. |
What questions would you like to have asked David Beckham? |
3. |
What would his answers have been to those questions? |
4. |
___________________________________________________ |
5. |
___________________________________________________ |
6. |
___________________________________________________ |
7. |
___________________________________________________ |
8. |
___________________________________________________ |
1. When Nelson Mandela met the Spice Girls, he called them his “heroes.”
2. Ginger Spice was originally Sexy Spice, but changed to better suit their younger fans.
3. Francesca Gray wrote J.K. Rowling her first fan letter, but thought she was a man, and began her letter with “Dear Sir…”
4. J.K. Rowling is the first person to make a billion dollars from writing books.
5. James Bonds code “007″ was inspired by the author Ian Flemings bus route from Canterbury to London.
6. No portrait was ever painted of William Shakespeare when he was alive.
7. Macbeth is the most produced play ever written. On average, a performance is staged every 4 hours somewhere in the world.
8. In the final episode of Skins Season 2, where Sid is looking for Cassie on the streets of New York, the reactions from people were real and unscripted.
9. Kate Moss is good friends with Daniel Craig.
10. David Beckham has a fear of birds.
Числівники в англійській мові поділяються на кількісні (cardinal) і порядкові (ordinal).
В англійській мові (на відміну від української) числівники це незмінні слова.
two chairs два стільці
two doors двоє дверей
between two trees між двома деревами
a thousand kilometres тисяча кілометрів
two thousand kilometres дві тисячі кілометрів
Ordinal numerals
1st the first - перший
2nd the second - другий
3rd the third - третій
4th the fourth - четвертий
5th the fifth пятий
6th the sixth - шостий
7th the seventh - сьомий
8th the eighth - восьмий
9th the ninth девтий
10th the tenth - десятий
11th the eleventh - одинадцятий
12th the twelfth - дванадцятий
13th the thirteenth - тринадцятий
14th the fourteenth - чотирнадцятий
15th the fifteenth птнадцятий
16th the sixteenth - шістнадцятий
17th the seventeenth - сімнадцятий
18th the eighteenth вісімнадцятий
19th the nineteenth - девтнадцятий
20th the twentieth - двадцятий
21st the twenty-first - двадцять перший
22nd the twenty second - двадцять другий
23rd the twenty-third - двадцять третій
24th the twenty-fourth - двадцять четвертий
30th the thirtieth - тридцятий
40th the fortieth - сороковий
50th the fiftieth - п'ятидесятий
60th the sixtieth - шестидесятий
70th the seventieth - семидесятий
80th the eightieth - восьмидесятий
90th the ninetieth - дев'яностий
100th the hundredth - сотий
101st the hundred and first сто перший
125th the hundred and twenty-fifth сто двадцять пятий
1,000th the thousandth - тисячний
Cardinal numerals 1 to 100
100 => a (one) hundred /ˈhʌn.drəd/
101 => a (one) hundred and one
102 => a (one) hundred and two
200 => two hundred
300 => three hundred
400 => four hundred
1,000 => a (one) thousand /ˈθaʊ.zənd/
1,001 => a (one) thousand and one
1,250 => a (one) thousand two hundred and fifty
2,000 => two thousand
2,001 => two thousand and one
2,235 => two thousand two hundred and thirty-five
3,000 => three thousand
4,000 => four thousand
100,000 => a (one) hundred thousand
1,000,000 => a (one) million /ˈmɪl.jən/
1,000,000,000 => a (one) milliard (в Англии);
a (one) billion /ˈbɪl.jən/ (в США)
Перед числівниками hundred, thousand, million ставиться невизначений артикль а або числівник one:
a (one) hundred
a (one) thousand
А). Числівники hundred, thousand і million не приймають закінчення-s, коли перед ними стоїть інше числівник:
two hundred, three thousand, four million.
B). Hundred, thousand і million приймають закінчення-s, коли вони виражають невизначену кількість сотень,
тисяч, мільйонів.
У цьому випадку вони є іменниками і наступне за ними іменник вживається з прийменником of:
Hundreds of students were present at the meeting. => Сотні студентів були присутні на зборах.
C). Числівник million може приймати закінчення-s також і тоді, коли перед ним стоїть two, three і т.д.
(якщо після нього не слідують інші числівники).
У цьому випадку після million вживається іменник з прийменником of:
two millions of books => два мільйони книг.
У складених числівників ставиться союз and таким чином:
375 three hundred and seventy-five
305 three hundred and five
2,075 two thousand and seventy-five
2,005 two thousand and five
1,225,375 one million two hundred and twenty-five thousand three hundred and seventy-five.7.
Table 1.
Числа |
23 twenty-three 247 two hundred and forty-seven 3,200 three thousand two hundred 2,045,328 two million forty-five thousand three hundred and twenty-eight |
Дати |
in 1972 in nineteen seventy-two May 9, 1945 May the ninth, nineteen forty-five in 1905 in nineteen o (ou) five |
Дроби |
1/2 kilometre half a kilometre 1/3 ton one third of a ton 0,5 point five 3,152 three point one five two |
Grammar exercises
1. Прочитайте англійською мовою.
a) 5, 15, 3, 13, 30, 51, 18, 11, 12, 20, 74, 112, 201, 946, 698; 10,575; 576,276; 7,000,000; 1,022; 0.85; 5.3; 1/2; 1/4; 2/3; 1 1/2; 2 5/6;
b) 1,005 magazines; 506 students; 4,790 specialists; 5,400,000 books; 6.75 miles; 1,431 kilometres; 627 roubles; on page 733; by bus 9; by tram 27; in room 218; on the 12th day;
c) on the 1st of May; on January 18th, 1967; on November 7th, 1947; at the end of 1789; October 25, 1917; 1903; at the beginning of 1970;
d) 5.3 tons; 2/3 kilometres; 0.2 mile; 2.75 tons.
2. Перекладіть англійською мовою.
а) 9 травня 1945 року; 23 лютого 1917 року; 12 лютого 1962; до 31 січня 1971; у листопаді 1957; до 7 листопада 1947; 9 січня 1905; у 1812; 1941;
b) 25 км.; 175 тисяч гривен; 20 мільйонів людей; 3.500 студентів; 8.750 книжок; 375.285 машин; 17 слів; 75 портфелів; 13 коней; 30 годин; 19 кімнат; 90 сторінок; 3.5 милі; 3/4 шляху; 0.5 кг.
3. Обери правильний варіант.
1. 145 _____ live in the Russian Federation.
a. millions people с. million of people
b. millions of people d. million people
2. _____ are starving in the world today.
a. Thousands people b. Thousands of people
3. You are _____ who asks me this stupid question.
a. fifth с. the fifth
b. the fiveth d. five
4. Two _____ of my income I spend on my pets food.
a. twelve с. twelves
b. twelfth d. twelfths
5. Every _____ person in our company is not satisfied with his salary.
a. three b. the third с. third
6. Ok! See you on _____ of April.
a. the twentyth-seventh b. twenty-seven с. the twenty-seventh
7. It is _____ hit. I like such songs.
a. his the third b. his third с. the third his
8. _____ of the territory is covered with ice.
a. one thirds
b. one third
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 15
Answer the questions
Read the tongue twister
The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.
Read and comment on the proverb
There is no rule without an exception
There is no smoke without fire
Shakira is a Colombian singer-songwriter, musician, record producer and dancer. She is one of Latin Americas top stars and is very popular internationally. She is the highest-selling
Colombian artist of all time. She has sold more than 50 million albums worldwide, and has won numerous awards. She is also the only South American singer to have a number one record in the USA.
Shakira was born in 1977 in Colombia. Her mother is of Spanish and Italian ancestry, and her father is of Lebanese descent. She speaks fluent Spanish, English, Portuguese and Italian, and a little Arabic. Shakira was an outstanding student at school. Reports are she has an IQ of 140. She grew up writing poems on a typewriter she got as a Christmas gift.
Shakira wanted to perform from the age of four. She danced at school every Friday and her classmates nicknamed her "belly dancer girl". She said: "That's how I discovered my passion for live performance." Aged 13, she signed a three-album contract with Sony Music. The first two flopped; but the third, Pies Descalzos sold over five million copies and made her a star.
Shakira crossed over into singing in English. Her 2001 album Laundry Service sold 13 million copies and established her as an international phenomenon. Gabriel García Marquez asked her to write the songs for the movie Love in the Time of Cholera. Shakira has written the lyrics to every song she has recorded, bar two. She describes herself as a perfectionist.
Paragraphs 1 and 2 |
1. |
top |
a. |
a number of |
2 |
artist |
b. |
excellent |
3. |
numerous |
c. |
ancestry |
4. |
ancestry |
d. |
leading |
5. |
descent |
e. |
singer |
6. |
outstanding |
f. |
parentage |
7. |
perform |
g. |
bombed |
8. |
passion |
h. |
sensation |
9. |
flopped |
i. |
be on stage |
10. |
established |
j. |
except |
11 |
phenomenon |
k |
enthusiasm |
12 |
bar |
l |
confirmed |
3. Match the following phrases from the article:
1. |
She is one of Latin Americas |
a. |
of Lebanese descent |
2 |
the highest-selling Colombian |
b. |
to every song she has recorded |
3. |
Her mother is of |
c. |
my passion for live performance |
4. |
her father is |
d. |
top stars |
5. |
Reports are she has an IQ |
e. |
into singing in English |
6. |
her classmates nicknamed |
f. |
of 140 |
7. |
That's how I discovered |
g. |
Spanish and Italian ancestry |
8. |
Shakira crossed over |
h. |
herself as a perfectionist |
9. |
Shakira has written the lyrics |
i. |
artist of all time |
10. |
She describes |
j. |
her "belly dancer girl" |
Shakira is a Colombian singer-songwriter, musical / musician, record producer and dancer. She is one of Latin Americas top stars and is very popular international / internationally. She is the highest-selling Colombian artist of all / every time. She has sold more than 50 million albums worldwide, and has won numerous awards. She is also the only South American singer / song to have a number one record in the USA.
Shakira was born in 1977 in Colombia. Her mother is by / of Spanish and Italian ancestry, and her father is of / for Lebanese descent. She speaks fluent Spanish, English, Portuguese and Italian, and a few / little Arabic. Shakira was an outstanding student at school. Reports are she has an IQ / QI of 140. She grew up writing poems on a typewriter she got as a Christmas gift.
Shakira wanted to performer / perform from the age of four. She danced at school on / every Friday and her classmates nicknamed her "belly dancer girl". She said: "That's how I discovered my passionate / passion for live performance." Aged 13, she signed a three-album contract with Sony Music. The first two flapped / flopped; but the third, Pies Descalzos sold over five million copies and made her a star.
Shakira crossed under / over into singing in English. Her 2001 album Laundry Service sold / selling 13 million copies and established her as an international phenomenon. Gabriel García Marquez asked her to write the songs for the movie Love in the Time of Cholera. Shakira has written the lyrics / lyrical to every song she has recorded, bar two. She describes herself as a perfect / perfectionist.
STUDENT As QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B) |
1. |
What do you know about Shakira? |
2. |
Would you like to have met Shakira? |
3. |
What would you like to know about Shakira and why? |
4. |
___________________________________________________ |
5. |
___________________________________________________ |
6. |
___________________________________________________ |
7. |
___________________________________________________ |
8. |
___________________________________________________ |
STUDENT Bs QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A) |
1. |
What did you learn from this text about Shakira? |
2. |
What questions would you like to have asked Shakira? |
3. |
What would her answers have been to those questions? |
4. |
___________________________________________________ |
5. |
___________________________________________________ |
6. |
___________________________________________________ |
Grammar exercises
1. Дай відповідь неа запитання. Напиши письмову відповідь.
1. How many minutes are there in two hours? 2. How many kilometers are there in a mile? 3. What is your normal temperature? 4. How much do you weigh? 5. Hov many cents are there in $2,5? 6. How many days are there in a year? 7. When were you born? 8. What is your telephone number? 9. What is the number of your flat? 10. What is the approximate population of Russia?
2.Напиши подані числа.
1) 567 11) 3 August
2) 6 1/2 12) 969 64 85 (telephone
3) 3,267 13) ~3 Centigrade
4) 8.93 14) (In) 1907
5) 0.34 15) 33
6) 7 1/2 16) 3,000,000,000
7) 2,359,000 17) 7,082
8) 11.06 18) 40-0 (the result in a
tennis game)
9) 58% 19) 37%
10) 9 May 20) 4-1 (the result in a
football match)
3. Порахуй і напиши письмову відповідь
1) 47 and 34 is___ 2) 33 multiplied by 4 is___ 3) 45 times 4 is___ 4) 314 plus 216 is___
5) 112 minus 45 is___ 6) Add 12 and 4, multiply by 8, then subtract 40 and divide by 11. You have got___. .7) 90 divided by 6 is___ 8) Divide 66 by 11, multiply by 5, add 20,and subtract 18. You have got___.
4.Виправ помилки. Якщо вони є.
1 The radio said that there were more than ten thousands people taking part in the meeting. 2. She bought two dozens eggs. 3. My birthday is on the twenty-one of March. 4. His telephone number is four six seven, five nought, nine two. 5. There are two hundred fifteen pages in this book. 6, Write down the following: zero point six hundred and twelve plus six point nought two. 7. This is twenty-five per cents of the total. 8. The game ended with the score three nought. 9. The temperature is two degrees below oh. 10. He was born in nineteen eighty-first.
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 16
Answer the question
Read the tongue twister
Read and comment on the proverb
The work shows the workman
Saying and doing are two things
Educational system in Ukraine
Ukraine all citizens are guaranteed an equal opportunity to get free education. Nearly 22. 300 general-education schools, mainly state-run, operate in Ukraine. Approximately 7 000 000 pupils attend these schools. More than half of these pupils (57%) are educated in the Ukrainian language; the rest of the schools teach Ukrainian as a separate subject. There are schools where the language of instruction is Russian, Moldovian, Hungarian, Romanian, Polish, Tartar, etc.
Ukraine has 232 institutions of higher learning of the 3rd4th levels of accreditation (888 500 students) and 778 institutions of higher learning of the 1st2nd level of accreditation (645 000 students).
New types of educational institutions, including private schools and colleges, are being established.
citizen ['sɪtɪzn] громадянин
to guarantee ['gærənti:] гарантувати
free education [,edju(:)'keɪʃ(ə)n] безкоштовна освіта
mainly ['meɪnlɪ] в основному
the rest [rest] інші
institution [,ɪnstɪ'tju:ʃ(ə)n] of higher learning внз
level ['levl] рівень
to establish [ɪs'tæblɪʃ] створювати, організовувати
1. How many schools are there in Ukraine?
2. How many pupils are there in Ukraine?
3. How many institutions of higher learning does Ukraine have?
4. What new types of educational institutions are being established?
the period of the year during which students attend an educational institution, usually from September to June. Also called school year . |
the period during pregnancy and shortly after childbirth |
successfully complete an academic degree, course of training, or high school |
put oneself forward formally as a candidate for a job |
no longer employed because there is no more work available |
get an academic rank conferred by a college or university after examination or after completion of a course of study |
each of the periods in the year, alternating with holidays or vacations, during which instruction is given in a school, college, or university |
do a course of study undertaken after completing a first degree |
dismiss (an employee) from a job |
an educational talk to an audience, esp. to students in a university or college |
advance or raise (someone) to a higher position or rank |
a sum of money given by an organization, esp. a government, for a particular purpose |
a school that is funded and controlled by the government and for which no fees are charged. |
a school for young children, mainly between the ages of three and five. |
a school for children from the age of eleven to sixteen or eighteen |
a school for children between the ages of about five and ten |
a period of instruction given by a university or college tutor to an individual or small group. |
a person who formally requests something, especially a job, or a place at university |
to stop going to classes before finishing course. |
to put yourself or someone else onto the official list of members of a course, college or group |
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Особові займенники (The personal Pronouns) 1. Особові займенники мають два відмінки: називний і об'єктний.
I am speaking to him. - Я розмовляю з ним. Не is speaking to me. - Він розмовляє зі мною. You see them. - Ви бачите їх. They see you. - Вони бачать вас. 2. Особові займенники в називному відмінку виконують функцію підмета: I (he, she, we, you, they) went to school. 3. Особові займенники в об'єктному відмінку виконують функцію додатка. Після прийменників особові займенники вживаються лише у формі об'єктного відмінка. На українську мову об'єктний відмінок перекладається різними непрямими відмінками з прийменниками і без них. Не gave me a red pen. - Він дав мені червону ручку. Не showed the book to her. - Він показав їй книжку. 4. Займенник it замінює іменники назви неістот, тварин. На українську мову особовий займенник it залежно від роду відповідного іменника перекладається словами він, вона, воно:
2. Присвійні займенники (The Possessive Pronouns) 1. Присвійні займенники мають дві форми: відносну, яка вживається лише як означення до іменника та абсолютну, яка вживається самостійно, тобто без іменника.
2. В англійській мові немає такого присвійного займенника, що відповідав би українському займеннику свій. Останній перекладається на англійську мову різними присвійними займенниками залежно від особи, якої він стосується:
3. Зворотні займенники (The Reflexive Pronouns) 1. Від присвійних займенників my, our, your тощо шляхом додавання закінчень -self (в однині) і -selves (у множині) утворюються зворотні займенники myself, ourselves, yourselves тощо, які часто відповідають українським себе в різних відмінках, сам або зворотним дієсловамз часткою -ся(-сь):
We have done it (by) ourselves. Ми самі це зробили. I bought myself a new coat. Я купив собі нове пальто. They themselves translated this text. Вони самі переклали цей текст.
2. Такі дієслова, як wash, shave, bathe, dress, hurry, feel, hide вживаються без зворотних займенників. Не got up at 7 a.m., washed, shaved, dressed and went to the country. Він прокинувся о сьомій годині ранку, умився, поголився, вдягнувсята поїхав за місто. The child hides behind the bushes and trees in the garden. Дитина ховається поза кущами та деревами у садку.
4. Вказівні займенники (The Demonstrative Pronouns)
This umbrella is mine. Ця парасолька моя. That umbrella is hers. Та парасолька її. These are my dictionaries. Це мої словники. Those are his magazines. To його журнали. 5. Питальні займенники (The Interrogative Pronouns) 1. До питальних займенників відносяться займенники who? (хто?) whom? (кого, кому?) whose? (чий, чия, чиє, чиї?) what?(що, який, яке, яка, які?) which? (котрий, котра, котре, котрі?) 2. Коли who або what є підметами, дієслово після who або what вживається у однині. Who is going to see the new film? Хто буде дивитися новий фільм? What interests you most of all? Що вас найбільше цікавить? Which of you speaks English? Хто з вас розмовляє англійською? Whom do you translate this article for? Для кого ви перекладаєте цю статтю? Whose children did you see yesterday? Чиїх дітей Ви бачили вчора? What English books do you read at home? Які англійські книги Ви читаєте вдома? Which pencils will you take now? Котрі олівці Ви візьмете зараз? 6. Відносні займенники (The Relative Pronouns) 1. До відносних або єднальних займенників належать такі займенники: who, whom (хто, котрий) whose (чий, котрий) which(котрий, який) that (котрий) what (що). Вони вживаються для з'єднання підрядних речень з головними і можуть виконувати у підрядному реченні різні функції. Who has done it is unknown. Хто це зробив, невідомо. That is not what I want. Це не те, що я хочу. 2. Who, whom, whose використовуються відносно осіб. which, what відносно неживих предметів. The man who is sitting next to me is my teacher. Чоловік, який сидить поруч зі мною, мій вчитель. The books, which are on the table, must be read. Книжки, які лежать на столі, повинні бути прочитані. 3. That використовується як з живими, так і з неживими предметами. The article that (which) I have translated isn't difficult. Стаття, яку я вже переклав, не важка. The doctor that (whom) I saw yesterday is a good specialist. Лікар, у якого я був учора, гарний спеціаліст.
1.______ is reading a book. (Sam) 2. Прочитай і постава правильні займенники: I / We / He / She / It / They
3. Заповни пропуски.
4. Переклади словосполучення. 1) Мій брат, моя мама, мій будинок, мої друзі; 2) твій м'яч, твоя чашка, твоє вікно, твої руки; 3) його сестра, його батько, його яблука, його книги; 4) її кішка, її кролик, її сукня, її іграшки; 5) наші батьки, наші квартири, наші ручки; 6) їхні зошити, їхні будинки, їхні комп'ютери.
5.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate reflexive pronouns and translate the sentences into Russian. 1. I opened the door and found___facing a stranger. 2. Go and see it for___if you like. 3. The newcomers built the houses___. 4. Would you mind keeping your words to ___? 5. He has injured ______ . 6. During the breaks they amused _____ in the bar. 7. We protect.___from the cold with warm things. 8. She settled___in the armchair as comfortably as she could. 9. You can trust him. He is honesty __. 10. He cut____shaving this morning. 11 She burnt ___ironing a dress. 12. Don't blame___. It is not your fault. 13. Did you cut your hair___or did you go to the hairdresser's? 14. Aren't you hungry? Help___to the meat. It's delicious. 15. How did you enjoy___? 16. We must discuss everything to find the way out. Pull___together. 17. She dried___with a blue towel. 18. He felt___getting angry. 19. They had to excuse ___ for their strange behaviour. 20. I want to insure___against any losses.
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 17
Answer the questions
Read the rhyme
Read and comment on the proverb
Rome was not built in a day
Promise little, but do much
Прислівник - це частина мови, яка вказує на ознаку дії або на обставини, при яких протікає дія.
За значенням прислівники поділяються на такі групи:
1. Прислівники способу дії:
well добре,
badly погано,
quickly швидко та ін
He reads well.
Він читає добре.
2. Прислівники часу:
today - сьогодні
tomorrow - завтра
yesterday - вчора
soon - скоро, незабаром
now - тепер, зараз
late - пізно
lately - недавно
still - ще; все ще
then - тоді, потім, потім
when - коли
since - з тих пір
before - раніше, перш ніж
after - потім, потім
once - одного разу; колись
already - вже
just - тільки що; якраз
yet - вже, все ще; ще; проте
(not) ... yet - ще (не) та ін.
3. Прислівники місця:
above нагорі, вище,
inside всередині,
there там
here тут, сюди, тут
there там, туди
far далеко
below внизу, нижче
outside зовні, назовні
somewhere де небудь
anywhere де небудь
nowhere ніде, нікуди
everywhere скрізь і ін.
4. Прислівники міри і ступеня:
very дуже,
much багато,
little мало,
too занадто,
nearly майже
a lot багато
a little мало
rather до деякої міри
5. Частотні прислівники:
sometimes - іноді,
usually - зазвичай,
always- завжди,
often -часто,
seldom - рідко,
rarely рідко,
once a year один раз на рік
twice a day два рази на день
6. Питальні (або єднальні) прислівники
How як
Why - чому
Where - де
When коли
За своєю формою прислівники бувають:
Прислівники способу дії, а також деякі прислівники міри, частоти, часу і місця мають ступені порівняння. Інші прислівники ступенів порівняння не мають.
Багато прислівників (в основному прислівники способу дії) мають ступені порівняння: з
вичайний, вищий та найвищий, які утворюються також як і ступені порівняння прикметників.
Звичайний ступінь Вищий ступінь Найвищий ступінь
1.Односкладові прислівники і прислівники early.
fast швидко faster швидше (The) fastest найшвидше
soon скоро sooner скоріше (The) soonest найскоріше
early рано earlier раніше (The) earliest найраніше
2. Прислівники, утворені від прикметників за допомогою суфікса ly.
clearly ясно more clearly ясніше (The) most clearly найясніше
. less clearly менш ясно (The) least clearly найменш ясно
3. Прислівники well добре, badly погано, much багато, little мало,
far далеко утворюють ступені порівняння від інших коренів.
well добре better краще (The) best найкраще
badly погано worse гірше (The) worst найгірше
much багато more більше (The) most найбільше
little мало less менше (The) least найменше
far далеко farther далі (The) farthest найдалі
. further далі (The) furthest найдалі
Grammar exercises
close firm bright neat careful quick sad regular quiet clear
1. She writes very_____ .
2. You have to talk _____ when youre in the library.
3. Carry the glass_______ so you dont drop it.
4. You should exercise_______if you want to stay fit.
5. “Goodbye. Im going to miss you,” she said ________.
6. The sky was blue and the sun was shining________ .
7. If you follow us________, you wont get lost.
8. I cant understand you. Please speak more _________.
9. Lets walk ________so we get home before it starts to rain.
10. Attach the sign ___________to the wall.
adjective on the line after each sentence.
1. The teacher smiled kindly. ___________________
2. She has a lovely smile. ___________________
3. The children in my class are very friendly. ___________________
4. John had no friends and felt very lonely. ___________________
5. It was raining, so they wisely decided to stay in. ___________________
6. My dad buys a daily newspaper. ___________________
7. Some snakes are deadly. ___________________
8. Ive nearly finished my homework. ______________
9. I shook hands politely with the head teacher. ______________
10. They played some very lively games. ______________
3. Complete the sentences with an adverb or adverb phrase from the box. The kind of adverb you will need is in parentheses after each sentence. The first one has been done for you.
outside this morning ever on the bus clearly
all day in old clothes for a week already every day
1. His face was dirty and he was dressed in old clothes . (manner)
2. Have you _______ been in a plane? (frequency)
3. She was so ill that she missed school______ . (duration)
4. I did some homework last night and finished it______ . (time)
5. We went_____ to play. (place)
6. Dad takes the dog for a walk______ . (frequency)
7. Sally left her pencil case______ . (place)
8. Speak ______ so everyone can hear you. (manner)
9. It was a fine day and the children played in the garden________ . (duration)
10. “Go and do your homework.” “Ive_____ done it.” (time)
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 18
Answer the questions
Read the rhyme
Tie a knot, tie a knot.
Tie a tight, tight knot.
Tie a knot in the shape of a nought.
Read and comment on the proverb
One man, no man
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart
Education is not mentioned in the Constitution, nor is there any federal department of education, so the matter is left to individual states. Education is free and compulsory in all states, however, from the age of 6 till 16 (or 18).
At 6 years of age children begin the first year of elementary school, which is called grade 1 or first grade (the second year is "grade 2", etc). At elementary school the emphasis is placed on the basic skills (speaking, reading, writing and arithmetic), though the general principle throughout the American school system is that children should be helped and encouraged to develop their own particular interests.
Children move on to high school in the ninth grade, where they continue until the twelfth grade. There are two basic types of high school: one with a more academic curriculum, preparing students for admission to college, and the other offering primarily vocational education (training in a skill or trade). The local school board decides which courses are compulsory. There is great freedom of choice, however, and an important figure in high schools is the guidance counsellor, who advises the students on what courses to take on the basis of their career choices and frequent aptitude and ability tests.
In order to receive the high school diploma necessary in most states to get into college, students must accumulate a minimum number of credits, which are awarded for the successful completion of each one or half-year course. Students hoping to be admitted to the more famous universities require far more than the minimum number of credits and must also have good grades (the mark given on the basis of course work and a written examination). Extra-curricular
activity (such as playing for one of the school's sports teams) is also very important in the American school system and is taken into consideration by colleges and employers.
department [dɪ'pa:tmənt] of education [,edju(:)'keɪʃ(ə)n] відділ освіти
grade [greɪd] клас; оцінка
cuiriculum [kə'rɪkjuləm] навчальний план, програма
aptitude ['æptɪtju:d] схильність, здібність
to be admitted [əd'mɪtɪd] бути прийнятим, вступити
1. Who is responsible for education in the US?
2. At what age do students start elementary school?
3. What type of school comes after elementary school, and at what age?
4. Who decides what subjects students study at school?
5. What do you need to obtain the high school diploma?
6. Is sport important in the American school system ?
a) At what age does a child usually enter preschool? ____________
(a) 2 years old (b) 3-5 years old (c) 6-7 years old
b) What is the school called for a child who is in the 4th grade? _______
(a) College (b) high school (c) elementary school
c) How much does it cost to attend a public high school in the U. S.? _______
(a) $5,000 a year (b) $200 a year (c) nothing
d) What is the TOEFL? ________
(a) an English test (b) a university (c) a scholarship
e) Money for education that does not have to be paid back is __________.
(a) a student loan (b) a scholarship (c) a discount
f) José is 22 years old and did not finish high school. What can he do to get his
high school diploma? __________
(a) attend graduate school (b) get a GED (c) receive a job promotion
g) Marlin wants to become an auto mechanic. Where can he go to get this training?
(a) an elementary school (b) a vocational or trade school (c) a university
Прийменники служать для того, щоб показати, в яких стосунках перебувають між собою слова в реченні. В англійській мові прийменники виконують двояку роль:
По-перше вони мають смислове значення. У цьому випадку вони переводяться так само, як у російській мові:
Put the bags on the table, please! Будь ласка, поставте сумки на стіл!
По-друге вони виступають в ролі відмінкових визначників (в російській мові ця роль відводиться закінченнях). У таких випадках на російську мову вони не перекладаються: Shakespeare is famous for his immortal literary works. Шекспір відомий своїми безсмертними літературними творами.
Prepositions (Прийменники)
Прийменники, які передають родові закінчення: Родовий of That was the room of my sister. Давальний to She showed a price-list to him. Орудний by, with The letter was written by a secretary. She was written it with a pen. Прийменники місця та напрямку: on the box in front of the box to the house in the box behind the box toward(s) the house at the box across the street from the house under the box through the window into the house over the box between two windows out of the house near the box among the students off the house Прийменники часу: on on Sunday since since 6 oclock on May1 for for an hour in in March during during the meeting in an hour before before the meeting at at 7 a.m. after after the meeting by by 2 oclock till till April from …till from 3 till 5 between between 1 and 2 p.m. |
Grammar exercises
1. Вставте потрібні прийменники .
2. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення.
В чашці, на снігу, через годину, взимку, на дошці, в ліжку, в кімнату, з третьої до пятої години, зранку, за столом, біля вікна, до сніданку, протягом заняття, в понеділок, до 2005 року, перед будинком, на стіні, в інституті, 21 січня, в десять хвилин на шосту, в липні, серед випускників, через вікно, вийти з кімнати.
3. Вставте замість крапок один з прийменників at, in, to, into, out of, by, with, for, on, of:
1. … the 1st … August he arrived … Moscow and was met … the station … his wife and his daughters. 2. The garden is surrounded … a high wall. 3. Our train stopped … five minutes … a small station. 4. The magazine was illustrated … very good pictures. 5. I dont like to wash my face …soap. 6. My brother lives … the fourth flour … a big house … the centre … the town. 7. I use this textbook myself; so I can only give it … you … a short time. 8. This plant equipped … machinery made … German plants.
9. I have received a letter … my friend. 10. Italy has to import coal and oil … other countries. 11. He threw the letter … the fire. 12. As the window was open he could look … the room. 13. … six oclock the taxi stopped … the door we got … it and went … the station. 14. He opened the door and went out … the street. 15. I looked … the window and saw a little boy running along the street. 16 He has just returned … his flight … the north. 17. I was awakened … a loud noise. 18. The house stood … the lake. 19. His watch is made … gold. 20. Do you go … the University … Thursdays?
21. Yesterday he went … the Crimea … a month. 22. My brother felt so bad that I sent … a doctor. 23. He jumped … the river and swam about. 24. I hope he will come back … Ukraine … five days. 25. The house was destroyed … the fire. 26. If you imagine that I can do it … an hour, you are mistaken. 27. On my way home I walk … your office every day. 28. The train stops … all stations. 29. I shall stay in Odessa … about two month. 30. I expect to get an answer … him … two days.
4. Перекладіть на англійську мову.
1. Мене не буде вдома о сьомій. Я буду на зборах. 2. Вчора мій брат повернувся з відрядження. 3. Мій словник на полиці. 4. Він прийде за пів години. 5. Вони повернулись з концерту о пів на дванадцяту. 6. Він відчинив двері та вибіг з кімнати. 7. Це сталося першого квітня. 8. Скільки ви заплатили за свої нові чоботи? 9. З чого зроблений твій кейс? 10. Він завжди ілюструє свої лекції таблицями. 11. Цей міст було побудовано за кілька місяців. 12. На вулиці нікого не було окрім декількох дітей. 13. Він здав всі екзамени крім економіки. 14. Всім, окрім мого брата сподобалась ця картина. 15. Ким був збудований цей театр?
5. Вставте прийменники in або to.
1. In winter I usually go … bed at ten oclock because I go … school and have to get up early. But in summer, when I dont go … school and live … the country, I like to go … bed late. 2. Do you like to read … bed? 3. We didnt want to stay … town on such a hot day, so we went … the country. 4. Where is your little sister? She went … school. 5. In summer my mother does not go … work and I dont go … school. We live … the country. My father goes … work every day, so he stays … town. But sometimes he comes … the country after work and goes back … town early in the morning.
6. Вставте прийменники at або on.
1. I get up … seven oclock or … a quarter past seven. 2. … Sunday I usually get up … nine oclock or … half past nine. But last Sunday I slept very long and got up only … noon. 3. My birthday is … the ninth of July. 4. …the twenty-fifth of December people celebrate Christmas. 5. …Wednesday I usually have a lot of homework. 6. Our lessons are usually over … twenty minutes to two. 7. They returned from the wood … sunset. 8. I began writing my composition … seven oclock and finished only … midnight.
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 19
Answer the questions
Read the rhyme
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!
Read and comment on the proverb
No news is good news
No sweet without sweat
Sometimes it seems as if there are as many language learning methods as there are language learners, or conversely that there is only “One True Way” to learn a language. The reality lies somewhere in the middle.
Lets examine the 5 ways people generally learn languages.
The Vocabulary-Based Approach
This method is based in associating words in the foreign language with pictures or the objects they represent. Think, for example, of a three-year-old with a “see-and-say.”
It stresses vocabulary by presenting the user with vocabulary words and associated pictures, and encouraging repetition of that vocabulary. Grammar rules are not generally taught as such
Double Translation
Step 1: You need a book in the foreign language.
Step 2: You need an English-language dictionary.
Step 3: Use the dictionary. Write down your translation.
Step 4: Use the dictionary to translate your translation back into the target language. (Hence the term “double translation.”)
Step 5: Check the re-translated translation against the original book, rinse, repeat.
The Grammar-Based Approach
You need books combine a small amount of vocabulary at the beginning of the lesson with a heaping dose of grammar rules, which must be memorized. The vocabulary is re-combined in several different ways to highlight the grammar points.
Subsequent lessons build on the vocabulary learned in previous lessons and introduce new grammar. Emphasis is placed on reading and writing in the foreign language.
The Communicative Approach
Small groups of students are taught in a classroom setting. Lessons are generally divided into units which stress one receptive skill (reading or listening) and one productive skill (writing or speaking), combined with grammar and theme-based vocabulary. The emphasis is on bringing the student up to speed quickly in the language.
The Immersion Method
Step 1: Go to a foreign country.
Step 2: Try to communicate with the locals. Draw pictograms. Point. Get into awkward situations. Attend the cinema and theatre. Listen to the radio. Watch television.
Step 3: (alternate method) Get a boyfriend (or girlfriend) who only speaks the target language.
No study required! Oftentimes you can pick up enough basic vocabulary needed to get by rather quickly. Forces you to listen to the locals and be self-reliant.
Above a certain level, continued progress in the target language can be very slow. Classes are often tailored to the abilities of the “middle” of the class, leaving those who are progressing faster and those who need a little more time to fend for themselves.
Once the rules of grammar are learned, it becomes quite easy to integrate and correctly use new vocabulary.
Very difficult and ponderous way to learn. Doesnt teach listening, speaking, or writing.
Vocabulary acquisition is generally rapid, at least at first. Pictures help visual learners memorize the vocabulary. Repetition is stressed.
I learn new words …
I try ti memorize new vocabulary …
I practice my grammar …
It is better to memorize …. in a group of students.
Прості речення поєднуються і утворюють складносурядні та складнопідрядні речення.
Складносурядним називається речення, частини якого синтаксично рівноправні і поєднуються між собою сполучниками сурядності, які зєднують як речення, так і словосполучення та слова.
Cкладнопідрядним називається складне речення, одна частина якого залежить від іншої та поєднується з неюсполучниками підрядності або сполучниковими словами, які зєднують лише речення.
Незалежна частина складнопідрядного речення називається головним реченням, а залежна підрядним.
Підрядне речення виконує функцію одного із членів головного речення, у звязку з чим воно може бути підметовим (підмет головного речення), присудковим (присудок головного речення), додатковим (додаток головного речення), означальним (означення головного речення) та обставинним (обставина головного речення).
Тип підрядного речення залежить від сполучника, який поєднує головне і підрядне речення.
Значення сполучника |
Сполучники сурядності |
Приклади |
[єднальні (і)] |
and i, а |
Both my brother andI enjoy reading. Як моєму братові,так і мені подобається читати. |
Значення сполучника |
Сполучники сурядності |
Приклади |
[розділові (чи)] |
or чи |
Either the letter did not reach him, or he was busy to answer it. Чи лист не дійшов до нього, чи він був зайнятий, щоб відповісти |
[протиставні (але)] |
but але |
He likes my dress butI dont. Йому подобається моя сукня, а мені ні |
Значення |
Сполучники підрядності |
Приклади |
[зясувальні (що, чи)] that |
that що |
I dont know if Ill come Я не знаю, чи прийду |
[часу (коли)] when |
after після того як |
They went home afterthey had finished the work Вони пішли додому,після того як закінчили роботу |
[місця (де)] where |
where де |
Here is the house wherewe lived Ось будинок, де ми жили |
[причини because сполучники |
as оскільки |
We decided to leavebecause the party was boring Ми вирішили піти, тому що вечірка була нудною |
Сполучникові слова, на відміну від сполучників підрядності, виконують функцію одного з членів підрядного речення:
Сполучникові слова |
Приклади |
what який |
I know |
what has happened |
Я знаю, |
що трапилось |
which який |
which of them is Tom |
хто з них Том |
who хто |
who wrote the letter |
хто написав листа |
whom кого |
whom you are waiting for |
кого ви очікуєте |
whose чий |
whose book it is |
чия це книжка |
how як |
how we can get there |
як ми можемо діс- |
where де |
where he lives |
де він живе |
why чому |
why you are late |
чому ви спізнилися |
Grammar exercises
1.Complete the following sentences by adding and, but or or.
1. Mrs. Taylor is tall _________ slim.
2. Learning geography is hard __________interesting.
3. I dont like football____________ soccer.
4. Do you pull the handle___________ push it?
5. These tools are old__________ still useful.
6. We visited lots of castles___________ palaces in England.
7. The classes are quite difficult___________Im doing well.
8. I didnt know whether to turn left ______________________right.
2. Complete the following sentences by adding commas and and or or. The first one has
been done for you.
1. Youll need paper scissors glue. Youll need paper, scissors and glue.
2. I dont enjoy football swimming homework.
3. Shall we play tennis read a book watch TV?
4. Do you want to sit next to Peter David Sam?
5. We visited India Japan South Korea on our trip.
6. Mr. Carter likes classical music pop music jazz.
7. No one likes people who are rude mean cruel.
8. Dad has to make our breakfast help us get dressed take us to school
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 20
Answer the questions
Read the rhyme
Any noise annoys an oyster but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more.
Read and comment on the proverb
Never offer to teach fish to swim
Necessity is the mother of invention
The prototype for the Internet was created in the sixties by the US Defence Department. To ensure that communication could be kept open in the event of a nuclear attack, it created a computernetwork known as Arpanet the Advanced Research Project Agency Network.
The first attempt to connect two computers and allow them to communicate with one another was made by researchers at the University of California in Los Angeles and the Stanford Research Institute on 20 October 1969.
The first people to coin the term 'internet' were two scientists, Vinton Cerf (known as 'father of the Internet') and his collaborator Bob Kahn, who in 1974 devised a means by which data could be transmitted across a global network of computers.
An Oxford graduate, Tim Berners-Lee, set up the first 'www server' (a Server receives and sends messages) to store the archive of the European Particle Physics Laboratory in Switzerland.
The first e-mail ever sent was in 1972 between computers in two American universities. The most frequently used search word on the net is "sex", typed in 1 550 000 times every month.
The most mentioned male on the Internet is Bill Clinton, whose name is linked to 1 542 790 sites.
The most mentioned female on the Internet is the actress Pamela Anderson, whose name is linked to 1 542 282 sites.
Defence Department [di'fens dɪ'pa:tmənt] Міністерство оборони to ensure [ɪn'ʃuə] забезпечувати, гарантувати
network ['netwə:k] мережа
to coin [kɔm] створювати (нові слова, вислови), придумувати collaborator [kə'læbəreɪtə] співробітник
to devise [di'vaiz] винаходити
means [mi:nz] засіб
to store [stɔ:] постачати, накопичувати, поповнювати net мережа
to link [liŋk] з'єднувати, зв'язувати, сполучати
1. Who was the prototype for the Internet created by?
2. Why was the prototype for the Internet created?
3. Who was the first attempt to connect two computers and allow them to communicate with one another made by?
4. Who is known as "father of the Internet"?
5. Why was the first "www server" set up ?
6. What is the most frequently used search word?
Модальні дієслова це така група допоміжних дієслів, які змінюють значення основного дієслова,
надаючи відтінок обовязковості, необхідності, можливості виконання дії:
1. Дієслова can та may мають форми теперішнього і минулого часу (could і might), дієслова must, ought і need мають тільки одну форму теперішнього часу
У такому випадку замість них використовують дублюючі конструкції.
Must = have to = to be to
Can = to be able to
May = to be allowed to
2. Модальні дієслова не мають неособистої форми інфінітиву, герундія і дієприкметника.
3. Модальні дієслова не мають закінчення -s в 3-й особі однини:
He can do it.
He must do it.
He may do it.
He ought to do it.
4. Питальна і заперечна форми модальних дієслів в Present і Past Indefinite утворюються без допоміжного дієслова to do. У питальній формі модальне дієслово ставиться перед підметом:
Can you do it?
Need he do it?
May you do it?
Ought she to do it?
Must you do it?
5. У заперечній формі частка not ставиться відразу ж після модального дієслова. Дієслово can і заперечна частка not у теперішньому часі пишуться разом: cannot.
He cannot do it. Він не може цього зробити.
You may not smoke here. Тут курити не дозволяється.
6. Модальні дієслова мають такі скорочені заперечні форми: cant, maynt, couldnt, mightnt, neednt, mustnt.
Can, could можливість, дозвіл, ймовірність, навичка
Can you go there and help them? It could be a trap
(Ти можеш поїхати туди і допомогти їм? Це може бути пастка)
May дозвіл, невпевненість
May I go? He may be in danger
(Можна мені йти? Він може бути в небезпеці)
Might невпевненість
An asteroid might hit the planet
(Астероїд може зіткнутись з планетою)
Must обовязковість виконання дії, впевненість
You must listen to it. They must leave now
(Ви мусите послухати це. Їм вже потрібно йти)
Should порада, впевненість
You should consult a doctor.
(Вам слід проконсультуватися з лікарем)
Would допомога, запит про ймовірність
Would you listen to the message, please? Would he be there on time? Would you like some coffee?
(Послухайте повідомлення, будь ласка. Він добереться туди вчасно? Будете каву?)
Ought /ɔːt/ - виражає моральний обовязок, бажаність дії, що відноситься до теперішнього і майбутнього часу слід - було б, потрібно, повинен, мусиш. Інфінітив після дієслова ought вживається з часткою to.
- You ought to do it at once. - Вам слід (варто було б, ви повинні) зробити це зараз.
- His brother has measles. He ought to be isolated. - У його брата кір. Його слід ізолювати.
Need - в поєднанні з Indefinite Infinitive виражає необхідність здійснення дії стосовно теперішнього і
майбутнього часу.
Need вживається в питальних і заперечних реченнях, а також у стверджувальних реченнях, що містять такі
прислівники з заперечним значенням, як hardly, scarcely та ін:
Need you go there so soon? - Чи потрібно вам (чи повинні ви) їхати туди так скоро?
You need hardly remind me of it. Вам навряд чи треба нагадувати мені про це.
I need not tell you how important that is. (Th. Dr.) Мені не потрібно говорити вам, як це важливо.
У розмовній мові деякі модальні дієслова замінюються іншими модальними дієсловами або еквівалентними конструкціями. Так, необхідність дії можуть висловлювати такі дієслова:
I must go=I should go=I have to go=I've got to go (I gotta go)=I need to go
Є дієслова, які мають ознаки модальності, однак не включені у список, так як являються
смисловими дієсловами і при побудові запитань, заперечень вимагають допоміжного дієслова:
I have to go now Do you have to go? (Я маю йти Ти маєш іти?)
They need help They dont need help (Їм потрібна допомога Їм не потрібна допомога)
Shall I open the window? Відкрити вікно? (тобі буде легше?)
Open the window, will you? Відкрий вікно, добре?
У першому випадку перша особа (я, ми) пропонує зробити щось, питаючи дозволу.
Тому дієслово shall не варто відкидати, в такому значенні воно часто вживається
У другому випадку значення will більше підходить під прохання-наказ і також часто вживається
ДІЄСЛОВО "to be to"
ДІЄСЛОВО "be" також може бути модальним і вживається в значенні попередньої домовленості,
але потрібно ставити частку "to"після нього, щоб відрізнити його від звичайного допоміжного дієслова:
We are to meet at the cinema Ми маємо зустрітися біля кінотеатру
Grammar exercises
1. Перетвори стверджувальні речення на заперечні.
1) Max can ride a bicycle very well.
2) Rita can speak English quite fluently.
3) When a schoolgirl, my grandmother could play the piano.
4) We must help him to do sums.
5) They must hurry now.
6) You may feed animals at the zoo.
2. Дайте короткі заперечні відповіді на запитання.
1) Can you play chess?
2) Can you drive a car?
3) Could she ride a horse last year?
4) Should they discuss this question again?
5) May I come in?
6) May we go now?
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 21
Answer the questions
Read the rhyme
A box of mixed biscuits, a mixed biscuit box.
Read and comment on the proverb
Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain
Many men, many minds
Nowadays it is becoming increasingly popular for students to go on an exchange program. This is especially popular in Europe. In an academic educational programs, students can go abroad and study, sometimes free, if they manage to win a grant. They may study at a foreign university for a term or two, and these studies count toward their degree. This arrangement has several advantages. Students have the opportunity to practice foreign languages they have learnt at school. They meet different cultures and experience a different way of life. In addition, they learn different ways of thinking in their own studying subject and get a broader view of their issues. Finally they also meet exchange students from other countries, so they experience a really international environment. Exchange programs may be not only academic. Volunteering movement is getting a grand scale. This is one of the ways to spend holidays in a foreign country cheaply and do some kind of social work. Volunteers travel to different countries, where they participate in some team work with young people of the host country like helping in children asylums, or doing some physical work. Volunteers dont have to pay much for such programs, they actually pay only their plane fare; they live in youth hostels and can see the real everyday life of the host country, share their culture with other people and learn a lot of new things for themselves. This experience will hopefully result in a better understanding between nations.
Wrighting and translation
becoming increasingly popular; an exchange program; an academic educational programs; go abroad; manage to win a grant; for a term or two; to practice foreign languages; experience a different way of life; different ways of thinking; get a broader view; experience a really international environment; spend holidays; host country; get acquainted with a new culture; in youth hostels; a better understanding between nations.
I think that …
It is good to…
Studying abroad is a good opportunity to …
The disadvantage is …
The best way to study foreign language is …
It is worth to say that …
Date réception |
Programme |
Avis DAI |
Avis DE |
Last/Family Name:
First Name:
Middle Name(s):
Sex: Male Female
Date of Birth (dd/month/yyyy):
Place of Birth:
Contact Address:
ZIP code / Town :
Address valid until:
Permanent address (if different):
Telephone number:
E-mail address:
Name of University:
Institutional/Departmental Coordinator:
Tel: Fax:
Exchange programme: ERASMUS Bilateral Agreement (other than Erasmus)
Signature of the Coordinator:
(Stamp of the institution)
Name of your secondary school leaving diploma and date awarded:
Diploma/degree for which you are currently studying:
Number of years in higher education before arrival at Supélec:
Total number of credits (ECTS or other) already obtained:
Total number of credits (ECTS or other) expected by the end of this academic year:
Native Language(s):
Other Language(s):
French (good level highly recommended for the French-taught pathways):
Excellent |
Good |
Satisfactory |
Notions |
None |
Excellent |
Good |
Satisfactory |
Notions |
None |
Please have the Certificate for French Language Proficiency completed by a French teacher and include it with your application (see page 8).
Erasmus grant |
Other scholarship(s) Please specify: …………………………. |
Personal funds |
Please tick the appropriate box and fill in the relevant section (A, B, C, D or E) one only !
DOUBLE DEGREE PROGRAMME, please go to section A
POST-GRADUATE PROGRAMME, please go to section B
MASTER DEGREE, please go to section C
NON-DEGREE PROGRAMME (undergraduate studies), please go to section D
RESEARCH PROJECT, please go to section E
Grammar exercises
Modal Verbs
Модальні дієслова |
Еквіваленти модальних дієслів |
Present |
Past |
Future |
Can - можу, вміти |
be able to могти, бути в змозі |
can am is able to are |
could was able to were |
shall will be able to |
May можу (дозвіл) |
be allowed to мати дозвіл |
may am is allowed to are |
might was allowed to were |
shall will allowed to |
must - повинен |
have to be to |
must have has am to is are |
had to was to were to |
shall have to will be to |
Modal verb “Can”
1. Напишіть наступні речення у минулому та майбутньому часі.
1. We can help you. 2. I can do this work myself. 3. She can translate this article into Russian. 4. I can buy the dictionary for you. 5. He can go to the library with you. 6. They can read English books.
2. Перекладіть на англійську мову.
1. Я не можу закінчити цю роботу сьогодні. 2. Чи могли б ви перекласти цю угоду на французьку мову? 3. Я думаю, що зможу вам допомогти. 4. Він зміг відремонтувати свій приймач сам. 5. Він може вести переговори без перекладача. 6. в минулому році вона не розмовляла добре англійською. 7. Ми змогли закінчити роботу за пять днів. 8. Вони змогли виконати усі вимоги угоди. 9. Я боюся, що він не зможе повернутися вчасно. 10. Я задоволена, що змогла йому допомогти. 11. Я знав, що він зможе виконати цю роботу. 12. Цю деталь не можна перевозити у коробці. 13. Цю роботу не можна виконати в такий короткий строк. 14. Ці данні можна знайти у цьому довіднику. 15. Мі могли б відправити ці данні на наступному тижні. 16. Чому ви не прийшли вчора в Університет? Ви могли б поспілкуватися з іноземним гостем.
Modal verb “May”
3. Перекладіть на англійську мову, вживаючи модальне дієслово may.
1.Дозвольте мені ввійти? 2. Якщо ти виконав свою роботу, можеш іти додому. 3. Вчитель сказав, що ми можемо йти додому. 4. Лікар каже, що я вже можу купатися. 5. Батько сказав, що ми можемо піти в кіно самі. 6. Я думав, що мені можна дивитися телевізор. 7. Якщо ті не вдінеш капелюха ти можеш захворіти. 8. Будь уважний, ти можеш впасти. 9. Не чіпай собаки, вона може тебе вкусити. 10. Ми можливо зїздимо в село у неділю. 11. Він може забути про це. 12. Можливо скоро піде дощ. 13. Нам вже немає що робити і ми можемо піти додому раніше. 14. Він вже стикався з цією проблемою, тому може знати відповідь на це питання, але я не впевнена. 15. Якщо бажаєте, можете прийти до нас зараз. 16. Де вони зараз мешкають? Можливо вони живуть закордоном.
4. Вставте модальне дієслово may (might) або to be allowed to. Використовуйте to be allowed to тільки в тих випадках, коли неможливо використати may.
Present Past Future
May можу (дозвіл) |
be allowed to мати дозвіл |
may am is allowed to are |
might was allowed to were |
shall will allowed to |
5. Вставте модальні дієслова may або can.
1. … you see anything in this darkness? 2. You … go when you finish your composition. 3. What shall we do if the train is late? It … can be late, you know, after the terrible snowstorms weve had. 4. When … you come to see me? Let me see, I … not come tomorrow, for I must be at meeting, but on Sunday Ill find time. Yes, you can expect me on Sunday about three oclock. Will that be all right? 5. You … come in when you have taken off your boots. 6. Be careful, you … spill the milk if you carry it like that. 7. Most children … slide on the ice very well. 8. I dont think I … be here by eleven oclock tomorrow, but I … be.
Modal verb “Must”
6. Напишіть наступні речення у минулому та майбутньому часі.
1. We must go home before it gets dark. 2. You must have guessed what I meant.
3. It must be after midnight now. 4. You must bring the book tomorrow. He must have missed the train. 6. He must be angry with you.
7. Доповніть речення модальним дієсловом must або його еквівалентами.
8. Перепишіть кожне з наступних речень двічі в минулому та майбутньому часах. Використовуйте замість модальних дієслів must та can їх еквіваленти. (див. таблицю)
1. You must listen to the tape recording of this text several times. 2. You must take your exam in English. 3. She can translate this article without a dictionary. 4. We cant meet them at the station. 5. The doctor must examine the child. 6. He must work systematically if he wants to know French well. 7. This child must spend more time in the open air. 8. I cant recite this poem. 9. You must take part in this work. 10. He cant join the party because he is busy.
9. Перекладіть на англійську мову , використовуючи модальні дієслова can, may або must.
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 22
Answer the questions
Read the rhyme
Sounding by sound is a sound method of sounding sounds.
Read and comment on the proverb
All are not saints that go to church
Hungry belly has no ears
Think about your own job. How many of the things mentioned above do you do? How is your work different? Can you explain your responsibilities and daily duties in English?
When Paul left school he applied for (= wrote an official request for) a job in the accounts department of a local engineering company. They gave him a job as a trainee (= a very junior person in a company). He didn't earn very much but they gave him a lot of training (= organized help and advice with learning the job), and sent him on training courses.
Paul worked hard at the company and his prospects (= future possibilities in the job) looked good. After his first year he got a good pay rise (= more money), and after two years he was promoted (= given a higher position with more money and responsibility). After six years he was in charge of (= responsible for / the boss of) the accounts department with five other employees under him (= under his responsibility/authority).
By the time Paul was 30, however, he wanted a fresh challenge. He was keen to work abroad, so he resigned from his company (= officially told the company he was leaving his job; you can also say 'he quit the company') and started looking for a new job with a bigger company. After a couple of months he managed to find a job with an international company which involved (= included) a lot of foreign travel. He was very excited about the new job and at first he really enjoyed the travelling, but...
After about six months, Paul started to dislike the constant moving around, and after a year he hated it; he hated living in hotels, and he never really made any friends in the new company. Unfortunately his work was not satisfactory either and finally he was sacked (= told to leave the company / dismissed / given the sack) a year later.
After that, Paul found things much more difficult. He was unemployed (= out of work / without a job) for over a year. He had to sell his car and move out of his new house. Things were looking bad and in the end Paul had to accept a part-time job on a fruit and vegetable stall in a market.
To his surprise, Paul loved the market. He made lots of friends and enjoyetl working out in the open air. After two years, he took over the stall. Two years later he opened a second stall, and after ten years he had fifteen stalls. Last year Paul retired (= stopped working completely) at the age of 55, a very rich man.
to apply [ə'plaɪ] for a job подавати заяву про прийом на роботу
trainee [treɪ ni:] практикант, стажер
to earn [ə:n] заробляти, одержувати прибуток
prospects [prəs'pekts] перспектива; плани на майбутнє
pay rise [реɪ raɪz] підвищення заробітної плати
to promote [prə'məut] висувати; просувати; підвищувати в чині (у званні)
in charge [tʃa:dʒ] of responsible for відповідальний; що несе відповідальність; що відповідає
employee [,emplɔɪ'i:] службовець; той, що працює за наймом
to resign I rɪ'zain] іти у відставку, подавати у відставку; залишати посаду
to quit [kwɪt] звільнятися
to dismiss [dis'mɪs] звільняти, увільняти з роботи, звільняти від обов'язків (for; from)
to give the sack [sæk] звільняти (з роботи)
unemployed ['anɪm'pbɪd] безробітний
To work shift-work працювати по змінах;
To be on flexi-time мати гнучкий робочий графік;
To work nine-to-five сталий графік ( з 9 до 17 години)
To get the sack бути звільненим;
To be fired бути звільненим;
To be on/take maternity leave бути (піти) у декретну відпустку;
To be on/take sick leave бути на(взяти) лікарняний;
To be a workaholic бути трудоголіком;
To be promoted отримати підвищення;
To apply for a job влаштовуватись на роботу;
To get a pay rise отримати підвищення заробітної платні;
To retire піти на пенсію;
To quit звільнитись;
Well-paid (highly paid) job високооплачувана робота;
Low-paid (badly-paid) job низькооплачувана робота;
II. Find the logical answer on the right for each of the questions on the left.
III. Using the expressions say what you think has happened/ is happening.
Example: Im not working now; the babys due in 3 weeks. Shes on maternity leave
IV. Write a single word synonym for each of these words/ phrases.
1. General (загальне) - Yes/No Questions
Does the table stand in the middle of the room?
(Чи стіл стоїть посередині кімнати?)
- На перше місце виноситься допоміжне дієслово.
- Відповідь на питання «Так» чи «Ні» ("Yes" or "No").
2. Special (спеціальне):
Where does the table stand?
(Де стіл стоїть?)
спеціальне запитання будуєьться за принципом загального, лише на перше місце додається питальне слово.
(What що, який,
when коли,
why чому,
where де,
how як,
how much скільки (для незлічуваного),
how many скільки (для злічуваного),
how long як довго,
which котрий,
whom кого,
where…from звідки)
3. Who… What… (питання до підмета):
What stands in the middle of the room?
(Що стоїть посередині кімнати?)
- Прийнято відноситись до дієслова як до 3 особи однини (he, she, it).
- Запитання не містить допоміжного дієслова, крім часів, коли воно є і у сверждувальному реченні (як у майбутньому часі).
4. Alternative (питання вибору):
Does the table or the chair stand in the middle of the room?
(Стіл чи стілець стоїть посередині кімнати?)
даний тип запитання будується точно так, як і загальне, однак додається альтернатива (відразу після слова, до якого вона задається), або … or… .
5. Tag-questions (розділове, «з хвостиком»):
The table stands in the middle of the room, doesnt it?
(Стіл стоїть посередині кімнати, чи не так?)
The table doesnt stand in the middle of the room, does it?
(Стіл не стоїть посередині кімнати, чи не так?)
розділове цікаве питання тим, що ніби і не запитання, оскільки речення вигладає як розповідне, але вважається запитанням через “хвостик”.
Він має 3 основні складові, після коми в кінці речення повинно бути:
1) допоміжне дієслово згідно з часом у реченні,
2) слово not (якщо його немає у самому реченні, якщо є то not не ставиься),
3) займенник, який замінює підмет (в даному реченні у нас підмет
The table, а його можна замінити займенником - it, тому у “хвостику” поставили саме it.
Grammar exercises
1. Виберіть правильний варіант та утворіть розділові запитання.
1) He likes reading, ... does he?/is he?/isn't he?/doesn't he?
2) They aren't hungry,... are they?/aren't they?/don't they?/do they?
3) You can't speak English,... can't you?/can you?/are you?/don't you?
4) She has already cleaned her shoes,... doesn't she?/didn't she?/has she?/hasn't she?
5) You are cold, ... aren't you?/don't you?/do you?/are you?
6) It was a nice day, ... isn't it?/was it?/didn't it?/wasn't it?
7) You won't go to school tomorrow, ... don't you?/won't you?/aren't you?/will you?
8) The Smiths bought a car last week, ... haven't they?/did they?/didn't they?/do they?
9) There are a lot of butterflies in the fields,... aren't there?/are there?/are they?/aren't they?
2. Доповніть альтернативні запитання.
Example: Are you tired or ill?
1) Do you like roses or...?
2) Were you at the theatre or... yesterday?
3) Can you speak English or...?
4) Did they buy peaches or...?
5) Was it cold or... in Moscow?
6) Is she seven or... years old?
7) Are you a doctor or...?
8) Is she your aunt or your...?
3. Утворіть загальне, кілька спеціальних, альтернативне та розділове запитання до речення
She gave me this interesting book yesterday.
Did she give me this interesting book yesterday or...?
Who gave...?
When did she...?
What did she...?
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 23
Answer the questions
Read the rhyme
Roberta ran rings around the Roman ruins..
Read and comment on the proverb
Like teacher, like pupil
Practice makes perfect.
Interviewer: Good afternoon, please have a seat.
Interviewee: Thank you.
Interviewer: How are you doing today? Did you have any trouble finding the office?
Interviewee: I'm fine thank you, and I had no trouble at all getting here.
Interviewer: Great. Well let's get started. Could you tell me a little about your educational background?
Interviewee: Yes, I graduated from UCLA in 1995, with a Bachelors degree in journalism. After that I enrolled in NYU's master's program for journalism, graduating in 1998.
Interviewer: I see. Now, how about your work experience?
Interviewee: After I left NYU, I worked for a year at the Daily Newspaper.
Interviewer: And after that?
Interviewee: From there I moved to San Francisco and was employed by the Bay Area Chronicle, covering local and state politics.
Interviewer: What was the biggest story you covered while you were there.
Interviewee: I covered several that I thought were important, but I would have to say the investigative piece I did on the cover-up of the governor's staff involvement in the embezzlement of education fundswas the biggest.
Interviewer: How did you like it at the Chronicle?
Interviewee: Overall, I liked it a lot. The people were great and my boss was supportive and understanding.
Interviewer: According to you resume, you left there three months ago. What have you been doing since then?
Interviewee: Mainly taking care of our baby, she just turned three months old. But now I'm ready to go back to work.
Interviewer: What brought you to Denver?
Interviewee: My husbands company transferred him here last month.
Interviewer: One final question. Why did you apply here? Denver has three daily newspapers to choose from.
Interviewee: I felt that this paper is better suited for my conservative thinking, my unique writing style, and my diverse areas of interest when covering political news.
Interviewer: Well, thank you for your time. We'll be making a selection in a couple of days and will call you one way or the other.
Interviewee: Thank you for seeing me. Have a pleasant day.
1. Questions:
1. Where did she graduated in 1995?
2. What was her course?
3. How about her master's degree?
4. What was the biggest story that she covered?
5. What did she do for three months after quitting her job?
6. Where is she right now?
7. How do you call someone who's being interviewed?
8. How do you call someone who's asking questions during an interview?
2. Match the verbs on the left with the nouns or phrases on the
right. Use each word once only. |
1. earn |
overtime |
2. work |
meetings |
3. pay |
a shop |
4. go to |
clients |
5. deal with |
£500 |
6. run |
income tax |
3. Starting with the words you are given, rewrite each of these sentences using vocabulary given above. The basic meaning must stay the same.
Example: I'm a banker. I work........ in banking.
1. What do you do ? |
What's ........ ? |
2. I earn $50 Q00 dollars. |
My ......... |
3. I get £20 000from my teaching job and another £ 10 000from writing. |
My total......... |
4. I am a chemist. |
I work for ......... |
5. In my job I have to look after and maintain all the computers in the building. |
My job involves ......... |
6. I'm responsible for one of the smaller departments. |
I'm........ in .... |
Grammar exercises
1. Утворіть розділові запитання.
Example: Your father wasn't angry with me, was he?
1) It is raining,...?
2) That little boy didn't break the window yesterday, ...?
3) She lives in London, ...?
4) Tim won't come back tomorrow, ...?
5) They will do that, ...?
6) The clock is working, ...?
7) They are on holiday,...?
8) He helped you with the book,...?
2. Утворіть запитання, починаючи з Where.
Example: The pig is in the garden. Where is the pig?
1) My car is in the street.
2) The snake is under the log.
3) The fish is in the lake.
4) Your hat is under the table.
5) My kitten is in the house.
3. Запитайте, якого кольору тварина/предмет? Дайте відповідь.
Example: (your dog/black) What colour is your dog? It is black.
1) her kitten/white;
2) this fox/red;
3) your pencil/green;
4) his rabbit/grey;
5) my shirt/blue;
6) that horse/black.
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 24
Answer the questions
Read the rhyme
Six sleek swans swam swiftly southwards
Read and comment on the proverb
Lost time is never found again
Love cannot be forced
In Kyivan Rus' the first venues of sciences were monasteries. "Code of Laws", drawn up in the XXII centuries, laid the foundation of what would later become Ukrainian, Russian, Belorussian, and Lithuanian feudal law.
The beginning of the XVII century saw the peak of the prominent linguist M. Smotrytsky. His "Slavic Grammar" became the basis of grammars of many Slavic languages.
A major venue of sciences in the XVIII century was the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Among its graduates were such celebrated scientists as M. Maksymovych and O. Shumliansky.
Much contribution to the development of Ukrainian science was made by M. Ostrogradsky (mathematics), O. Bodiansky (linguistics), V. Filatov (medicine).
In the XIX and early XX centuries the centres of scientific activity in Ukraine were Universities and Lyceums. In October of 1918 the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences became a scientific centre. This Academy wasfounded by getman P. Skoropadsky. The first Academy President was the academician V. Vernadsky. In the 1920s there were three departments in the Academy.
The Ukrainian Academy of Sciences was and still is the prominent scientific institution in the Ukrainian state. There are about 160 000 research workers, 12 000 candidates and doctors of science. There are 203 academicians, 280 corresponding members and 80 foreign members of the Academy.
Ukraine has made its contribution to the world space science. At the Southern Machine-Building plant about 400 artificial Earth satellites have been made.
During 19461951 the first electronic computing machine in Europe was designed by the academician S. Lebedev at the Institute of Electrical Equipment.
venue ['venju:] центр
to lay [leɪ] the foundation [faun'deɪʃ(ə)n] закласти основу
graduate ['grædjuət] випускник
to found [faund] засновувати
department [dipa:tmənt] відділення, факультет
prominent ['prɔmɪnənt] видатний, відомий
corresponding member [,korɪs'pɔndɪŋ 'membə] член-кореспондент
to make contribution [,kɔntrɪ'bju:ʃ(ə)n] вносити вклад
1. What were the first venues of sciences?
2. Who were among the graduates of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy?
3. When was the Academy of Sciences founded?
4. Who was the Academy, of Sciences founded by?
5. What is the contribution of Ukraine to the world science?
Almost every sentence can be divided into certain components which are called parts of the sentence. Parts of the sentence are usually classified into main and secondary. The main parts of the sentence are the subject and the prediсate. They constitute the backbone of the sentence. The secondary parts of the sentence are the object, the attribute, the apposition and the adverbial modifier. The secondary parts of the sentence modify the main parts or each other.
Besides these two kinds of sentence components there are so-called independent elements, that is, elements standing outside the structure of the sentence, and therefore of lesser importance. The independent elements are parenthesis and direct address.
Grammar exercises
1. For each sentence, identify the subject or the predicate (verb). Remember that the subject tells who or what the sentence is about or is talking about. The predicate tells what the subject is doing or what is being said about the subject.
Example: I broke the zipper on my backpack.
The predicate is
a. broke
b. zipper
c. backpack
Explanation: Broke is the predicate because it tells the action.
1 |
professor |
syllabus |
class |
2 |
colleges |
offer |
courses |
3 |
typing |
is |
skill |
4 |
Everyone |
name |
Oprah |
5 |
schedule |
helps |
management |
6 |
tennis |
team |
championship |
7 |
Several |
watched |
parade |
8 |
theft |
is |
problem |
9 |
study |
populations |
is called |
10 |
We |
were puzzled |
explanation |
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 25
Answer the questions
1. Why is science so important in the modern world?
2. How does science help keep peace in the world?
3. How does science help solve the energy problem ?
4. What proves that the study of science is important for understanding the natural world?
5. How may science improve life for many people?
Read the rhyme
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
Read and comment on the proverb
Cracked bell can never sound well
Curiosity killed a cat
Some Outstanding Ukrainian Scientists
I can't say that I have concerned myself much with science and scientists in our country. But being an educated person
I can't help reading or watching on TV about the most outstanding discoveries in different branches of science.
Great progress has been achieved by our scientists in nuclear physics, chemistry, biology, etc. They have made a great contribution to the world science for the benefit of their country. Such names as V. Vernadsky, B. Paton, M. Sklifosofsky and a lot of others are very much familiar to us. There is another name worth mentioning. It's Academician Korolyov. Serhiy Paviovich Korolyov is the famous scientist and designer of space-rocket systems. He was born in the city of Zhytomir in the family of a teacher. Many people regard him as a representative of the Russian people. However, S. Korolyov is a Ukrainian.
He is known to be an outstanding creator of the practical space engineering. From 1927 he worked in the aircraft industry. In 1930, without giving up his job, he graduated from the Moscow Bauman Higher Technical School and left a flying school in Zhytomir the same year. After he had met Tsiolkovsky and studied his ideas, Korolyov became a rocket enthusiast. He was one of the founders of modern space-rocketry engineering. Korolyov trained many scientists and engineers who are now leading the work in research institutes and designing bureaus which specialize in the sphere of space- rocketry engineering.
In 1933 the first experimental rockets were made and tested. Korolyov took part in the work. Beginning with 1957 the first Earth sattelities in the world were put into orbit with the help of the systems he had designed. The spaceship in which man first flew into space, was made under his guidance. Serhiy Korolyov is one of the most outstanding Ukrainians whose name will go down in history of the world civilization.
1. Who is the creator of the principal space engineering?
2. When was Korolyov born?
3. Is he Russian or Ukrainian?
4. When did Korolyov become a rocket enthusiast?
5. Do you know other Ukrainian scientists?
to concern with цікавитися
to achieve досягати
for the benefit на благо
to regard вважати
representative представник
creator творець
aircraft industry авіапромисловість
founder засновник
guidance керівництво
Нижче розглянемо типи присудка, який може бути у реченнях. Є чотири типи присудка:
Простий дієслівний присудок (the Simple Verbal Predicate) виражається смисловим дієсловом в особовій формі, яка може бути простою або складною формою будь-якого часу, стану або способу.
I'm going to the library this morning. Shall I change your book for you?
Stop! Wait for me! I'm coming too.
Ann is not at home. And where is she?
На відміну від української мови простий дієслівний присудок, виражений дієсловом to be, ніколи не опускається (так само як і дієслово-зв'язка to be):
Is Pete at home? No, he is at school.
Петро дома? Hi, він у школі.
Присудок, виражений дієсловом to have або to have got, на українську мову звичайно перекладається дієсловом є (був, було):
I have (have got) a nice bag.
У мене є гарненька сумочка.
Особливим різновидом простого дієслівного присудка є присудок, виражений зворотом there is (there are; there has been; there have been; there was, there were; there will be) є, буде, був і т. п.
Слово there тут не є прислівником і самостійного значення не має. У реченні з присудком there is може вживатись, і прислівник there (там).
There were many people there. (Там було багато народу.)
Речення з присудком there is вживаються для вираження наявності (або відсутності) якогось предмета (явища) або особи, виражених підметом, якщо їх не виділяє той, хто говорить, з ряду їм подібних предметів (осіб), або якщо цей предмет чи особа ще невідомі співрозмовникові. Відповідно зчислювані іменники після присудка there is вживаються в однині з неозначеним артиклем, а у множині з неозначеними займенниками some, many, few, a few і їх еквівалентами (a lot of, plenty of і т. п.), а також з числівниками або із заперечним займенником nо.
Незчислювані іменники після звороту there is вживаються без артикля або з неозначеними займенниками some, any, little, a little, much і їх еквівалентами (agreat deal of і т. п.), а також із заперечним займенником по.
У стверджувальних реченнях з присудком there is підмет ставиться після присудка (детільніше читайте тут).
There is a good library at our school.
Про утворення питальних і заперечних речень цього типу дивіться тут і тут.
В українській мові речення з there is відповідають реченням, які починаються звичайно обставиною часу або місця і з присудком, вираженим дієсловами бути, перебувати, існувати, стояти, лежати і т. п. (Ці дієслова в українській мові часто пропускаються.)
There is a good park in our town. (У нашому місті є хороший парк.)
There are many beautiful flowers in our park.
(У нашому парку (росте) багато красивих квітів.)
There is a lamp on the table. (На столі стоїть лампа.)
Look, there's some milk in the jug.
There were a lot of people in the park yesterday.
До складу присудка з there можуть входити також і модальні дієслова.
There can be no doubt about it.
There is to be a festival in our town next summer.
У рідких випадках (казках, розповідях) до складу присудка з there входять смислові дієслова:
There lived an old woman in the town who was very poor.
При такому типі присудка з there підмет також завжди стоїть за присудком.
Модальний дієслівний присудок (the Modal Verbal Predicate) складається з модального дієслова (can, may, must, should, need, ought, be, have, have got) в особовій формі і основи інфінітива або інфінітива з часткою to (після дієслів ought,be і have) смислового дієслова.
Другою частиною модального присудка може також бути сполучення інфінітива дієслова-зв'язки to be і предикатива.
Модальний присудок виражає відношення особи до дії або стану (можливість, необхідність, імовірність і т. п.)
Can you swim?
Не ought to be more polite.
It must be about ten o'clock now.
What are we to prepare for tomorrow?
Фразовий присудок (the Group Verb Predicate) складається з дієслова з ослабленим значенням в особовій формі (найчастіше з дієслів to have і to take) та іменника. Це сполучення утворює єдине смислове і граматичне ціле. Воно часто буває рівнозначне простому дієслівному присудку.
I have dinner. = I dine.
I have a rest. = I rest.
Фразовий присудок звичайно означає коротку (однократну) дію. Найбільш уживаними сполученнями цього типу є: to have dinner (breakfast, supper); to have a lesson (lessons); to have a-talk; to have a look; to have a cold; to have a good time; to have a rest; to have a bite; to have a drink; to have a smoke; to have a quarrel; to have (take) a walk; to take a bath; to take a seat; to take a tram (a bus і т. n.); to take care; to pay a visit; to pay attention; to catch cold.
Let's have a swim.
Did you have a talk with him?
Let's have a rest.
I'm very hungry. I must have a bite.
We had a very good time on Sunday.
Складений іменний присудок (the Compound Nominal Predicate) складається з дієслова-зв'язки to be в особовій формі і предикатива (іменної частини), вираженого звичайно іменником або прикметником. Предикатив означає якусь ознаку підмета, а дієслово-зв'язка з'єднує підмет і предикатив і виражає особу, число, час і стан.
John is my friend.
You are very kind, thank you.
I'm unwell today.
На відміну від української мови дієслово-зв'язку to be в англійській мові не пропускають. Порівняйте:
Our town is very beautiful. (Наше місто дуже красиве.)
I am a pupil of the seventh form. (Я учень сьомого класу.)
Are you ready? (Ти готовий?)
Крім дієслова to be, як дієслово-зв'язка можуть вживатися також такі дієслова:
You look tired. (Ти виглядаєш втомленим.)
She seemed very excited. (Вона здавалася дуже схвильованою.)
Не feels fine. (Він почуває себе добре.)
· дієслова to get, to become, to turn із значенням ставати:
It's getting dark. (Стає темно. Темніє.)
My brother will become an engineer.
She turned pale. (Вона зблідла.)
Keep quiet, please.
Everybody remained silent.
Grammar exercises
1. Alan and Bryan walked to the store on Main Street after school.
2. The enthusiastic fans cheered when they saw the soccer game score.
3. The tired principal got into her car at the end of the day.
4. Mrs. Cortezs students went on a field trip to the science museum.
5. We met our neighbors at OSheas, the new Irish restaurant.
6. My Aunt Sally quizzed me on the multiplication facts last weekend.
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 26
Answer the questions
Read the rhyme
If practice makes perfect and perfect needs practice,
Im perfectly practiced and practically perfect.
Read and comment on the proverb
Doing is better than saying
Dog does not eat dog
The Nobel Prizes are awards that are given each year for special things that people or groups of people have achieved. They are awarded in six areas: physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, peace and economics.
The prizes come from a fund that was created by the Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel. He wanted to use some of his money to help make the world a better place to live.
Many organizations, chosen by Alfred Nobel himself, determine who receives the prizes. Each award consists of a gold medal, a diploma and a lot of money. Prizes can only be given to individuals of all races, countries and religions. Only the Peace Prize can also be given to a group.
The first Nobel Prizes were handed out on December 10, 1901 - five years after Alfred Nobel's death. Nobel was a chemist, engineer and inventor whose most famous invention, dynamite, made him a rich man. Although he gave the world such a deadly weapon, Nobel was always against wars and violence. He therefore left a lot of money that was to go to those who did a lot for mankind.
Officials at first handed out only five prizes a year. The prize for economics was first awarded in 1969. In some years prizes have not been awarded because there were no worthy candidates.
All prizes are presented in Stockholm, Sweden, only the Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway.
awards that are given each year нагороди надходять з фонду
are awarded in six areas золоті медалі, дипломи і багато грошей
prizes come from a fund нагороджені у шести номінаціях
make the world a better place to live. проти війни та насилля
a gold medal, a diploma and a lot of money. смертельна зброя
a deadly weapon зробити світ кращим місцем для життя
against wars and violence нагороди, які даються щороку
Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov (1845 1916), an outstanding microbiologist, best remembered for his pioneering research into the immune system, in 1908 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine jointly with Paul Ehrlich (Germany) in recognition of their work on immunity. Mechnikov was born in the village of Ivanovka near Kharkiv, Ukraine. He went to Kharkiv University to study natural sciences, completing his four-year degree in just two years. In 1867 he was appointed as a docent at the new University of Odessa, followed by an appointment at the University of St. Petersburg. In 1870 he returned to Odessa to take up the appointment of Titular Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy. He became interested in the study of microbes, and especially the immune system. In 1882 he resigned his position at Odessa University and set up a private laboratory at Messina to study comparative embryology, where he discovered phagocytosis after experimenting on the larvae of starfish. Mechnikov returned to Odessa as director of an institute set up to carry out Louis Pasteur's vaccine against rabies, but due to some difficulties left in 1888 and went to Paris to seek Pasteur's advice. Pasteur gave him an appointment at the Pasteur Institute, where he remained for the rest of his life.
Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov an outstanding microbiologist, best remembered for his pioneering research into …
In 1908 was awarded the Nobel Prize in P…
He went to Kharkiv University to study natural sciences, completing his four-year degree in just …
He became interested in the study of ...
Pasteur gave him an appointment at the Pasteur Institute, where he …
Головними членами речення в англійській мові, як і в українській, є підмет (the Subject) і присудок(the Predicate).
Підмет може бути виражений такими частинами мови:
What was the homework for today?
We are pupils of the seventh form at school No. 14.
Who left this dictionary here, I wonder? Isn't it yours?
It's raining hard.
One must keep one's word.
То answer this question is not so easy.
(Найчастіше: It's not so easy to answer this question.)
To cross this river is rather difficult.
(Найчастіше: It's rather difficult to cross this river.)
It's kind of you to say so.
Speaking and reading English is the best way to learn English.
It's no use arguing about it any more.
How many nails do you need? Four will do.
I liked all the stories, but the first was the most interesting.
"The" is the definite article.
[u:] is a long vowel.
It's a great pity that he is absent.
В останньому випадку ми маємо справу не з простим, а із складним реченням.
Підмет називається складним, якщо він виражений синтаксичними комплексами з інфінітивом, дієприкметником або герундієм. Складні підмети, виражені комплексом з герундієм або інфінітивнимfor-комплексом, звичайно вводяться формальним підметом it і ставляться після присудка. Складний підмет, виражений комплексом «Називний відмінок з інфінітивом», складається з двох частин, між якими стоїть присудок.
Не is expected to come today (складний підмет, виражений комплексом «Називний відмінок з інфінітивом»).
It would be very easy for you to help him (складний підмет, виражений «for-комплексом з інфінітивом»).
It won't be of any use your trying to do that alone.
Your trying to do that alone won't be of any use (складний підмет, виражений комплексом з герундієм).
Займенник it як підмет вживається в двох основних значеннях:
Where is the dining-room? It's over there.
Take this book. It's very interesting.
What is this? It's a pen.
У такому вживанні займенник it відповідає українським особовим займенникам він, воно, вона або вказівному займеннику це.
а) у безособових реченнях, які означають явища природи, час, відстань; в українській мові такі безособові речення не мають підмета:
What time is it? It's only seven o'clock now. (Зараз тільки сім годин.)
Is it far to the station? (Далеко до вокзалу?)
It's very cold today, isn't it? (Сьогодні дуже холодно, чи не правда?)
Англійські безособові речення з дієсловом-присудком, які означають стан погоди: to rain, to snow, to freese, відповідають в українській мові особовим реченням з підметом, вираженим іменником.
Look! It's snowing! (Іде сніг.)
It was raining all day yesterday. (Вчора весь день йшов дощ.)
б) у реченнях,-значущий підмет яких виражений інфінітивом або герундієм, комплексом або підрядним
It takes me ten minutes to get to school. (Itформальний підмет; to get to school значущий підмет.)
Is it necessary for you to go there now? (Itформальний підмет; for you to go there значущий підмет.)
It's a pity he hasn't come.
в) при виділенні (підсиленні) якогось члена речення:
It was only yesterday that I finished my work (виділяється обставина часу yesterday).
(Тільки вчора я закінчив свою роботу.)
г) у зворотах it seems (seemed) здається (здавалося); it appears (appeared)виявляється (виявилося); it is said кажуть; it is believed думають, вважають та інш. Відповідні звороти в українській мові підмета не мають.
It seems we can go now, the rain has stopped. (Здається, ми можемо тепер іти, дощ скінчився.)
It seems so. (Здається, що так.)
It is said that swimming is a very useful sport.
В українській мові часто вживаються речення і звороти без підмета (безособові і неозначено-особові). В англійській мові такі речення не вживаються і їм відповідають речення з формальним підметом itабо з іншими типами підмета. Порівняйте:
Необхідно закінчити роботу в строк.
It is necessary to finish the work in time.
It's freezing.
Кажуть, що він хороший шахіст.
Не is said to be a good chess-player. (They say he is a good chess-player.)
Переходячи вулицю, треба бути обережним.
One must be careful when crossing the street.
У простому реченні може бути два або більше підметів, з'єднаних сполучниками and і, та,either...or або ... або, neither ... not ні ... ні, not only ... but also не тільки... але й, as well ... as як ... і або безсполучниковим способом. Такі підмети називаються однорідними.
Neither you nor he is right.
Gold, silver and platinum are precious metals.
Grammar exercises
following sentences. Then underline the simple subject and draw a box
around the simple predicate.
Example: Davids entire family | ate dinner at a Mexican restaurant last night.
1) Daniel can come with us to the movie.
2) Li is my best friend.
3) The moon is shining bright.
4) Cassia is writing a letter.
5) Dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes.
6) The firemen are extinguishing the fire.
7) We went to lunch with Amar and his friend today.
8) Juan and Julian worked so hard on their project.
9) A large number of swimmers competed in the race this year.
10) The tired old man came in from the rain.
11) People really need to stop littering.
12) I am very hungry.
13) Oh my gosh, I forgot my homework!
14) This beautiful 15th century painting is priceless.
15) The wild bunny hopped across the road.
16) The birds feathers were long and colorful.
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 27
Answer the questions
Read the rhyme
Frank's fisher fishes on Friday for Frank's Friday fresh fried fish-fest.
Read and comment on the proverb
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth
Don't put all your eggs in one basket
concert-goer ['kɔnsə(:)t'gəuə] меломан
symphony ['sɪmfənɪ] симфонія
promenade [,prɔmɪ'na:d] concert загальнодоступний
симфонічний концерт jazz [dʒæz] concert концерт джазової музики
recital [rɪ'saɪtl] сольний концерт
classical music ['klæsɪk(ə)l 'mju:zɪk] класична музика
modern [mɔd(ə)n] classical music сучасна класична музика
light [laɪt] classical music легка класична музика
serious ['sɪərɪəs] music серйозна музика
light music легка музика
folk [fəuk] music народна музика
jazz [dʒæz] (traditional [trə'dɪʃənl] jazz) джаз (традиційний джаз)
pop [pɔ:p] у стилі «поп»
pop music «поп-музика»
dance [da:ns] music танцювальна музика
film [fɪlm] music музика для кіно
background ['bækgrаund] music музичний супровід
instrumental [,ɪnstru'mentl] music інструментальна музика
vocal ['vəukəl] music вокальна музика
orchestral [ɔ:'kestr(ə)l] music оркестрова музика
chamber [tʃeɪmbə] music камерна музика
choir fkwaɪə] хор
chorus ['kɔ:rəs] хор
part [pa:t] партія, голос
to sing out of tune [tju:n] співати фальшиво
to sing in tune співати правильно
note [nəut] нота
to read music читати музику
to have an ear for music мати музикальний слух
tune [tju:n] мелодія, мотив
melody ['melədɪ] мелодія
voice [vɔɪs] голос
chest [tʃest] грудний
hoarse [hɔ:s] хрипкий
low ['ləu] низький
round [raund] бархатистий
sweet [swi:t] благозвучний
polka ['pɔlkə] полька
tango ['tængəu] танго
twist [twɪst] твіст
waltz [ wɔ:ls] вальс
The Ukrainian nation is famous for its musicality. One could see the first musicians of Kyivian Rus' in the frescos of Saint Sofia's- Cathedral. Archeological researches stated that first musical instruments were made of mammoth ivory.
The most widespread musical instrument of the Old Rus' was psaltery. The psaltery was used to accompany songs that were narrating about brave princes and bodyguards. The psalterymen werewelcomed for the family holidays.
During the Mongol-Tatar invasion the development of Ukrainian musical culture was stopped.
The Ukrainian folk songs inspired famous composers in their work. One can hear the spiritual music of Ukrainian composers (D. Bortniansky, M. Berezovsky, A. Vedel) in different churches of the world.
In S. Hulak-Artemovsky's and M. Lysenko's operas Ukrainian character and spirit, tender lyrics and patriotism are presented.
The most famous among the Ukrainian musical companies are State Academical capella "Dumka" and State Academical National Choir of G. Veryovka, State Academical Ensemble of folk dance of P. Virsky.
The Ukrainian folk songs are widespread in the world. Let us remember the P. Mayboroda's "Pisnya pro rushnyk".
ivory ['aɪv(ə)rɪ] слонова кістка
psaltery ['sɔ:ltəri] псалтеріон (стародавній струнний музичний інструмент)
to narrate [nə'reɪt] розповідати
to welcome ['welkəm] запрошувати, радо приймати
to inspire [m'spaɪə] надихати
spiritual ['spɪrɪtuəl] духовний
to be widespread [ waɪdspred] бути широко поширеним, відомим
1. What was the most widespread musical instrument of the Old Rus'?
2. Did Ukrainian musical culture develop during the Mongol-Tatar invasion?
3. Did the Ukrainian folk songs inspire famous composers in their work?
4. What are the most famous Ukrainian musical companies?
Fill in the gaps with the words give bellow.
There was a two day jazz 1 … here last weekend with about six or seven groups and several well-known 2 …. On Saturday evening there was a big 3 …with lots of musicians playing together for the first time. They 4 …a few numbers and then one of them asked the audience to shout out the name of a song and he 5 …without a single wrong 6 ….
The Object is a secondary part of the sentence expressed by a verb, a noun, a substantival pronoun, an adjective, a numeral, or an adverb, and denoting a thing to which the action passes on, which is a result of the action, in reference to which an action is committed or a property is manifested, or denoting an action as object of another action.
The Adverbial Modifier.
The term adverbial modifier cannot be said to be a very lucky one, as it is apt to convey erroneous (wrong, incorrect) ideas about the essence of this secondary part. They have nothing to do with adverbs and they modify not only verbs.
Adverbial modifier of:
The attribute
The problem of the attribute.The attribute is a secondary part of the sentence modifying a part of the sentence expressed by a noun, a substantivized pronoun, a cardinal numeral, and any substantivized word, and characterizing the thing named by these words as to its quality or property.
Grammar exercises
Analyse the following sentences
1. He came, he saw, he won. 2. Man has his will, but woman has her way. 3. Mr. Dursley hummed as he picked out his most boring tie for work,and Mrs. Dursley gossiped away happily. 4. He couldn't bear people who dressed in funny clothes the getups you saw on young people! 5. Paul was in a very good mood until lunchtime, when he thought he'd stretch his legs and walk across the road to buy himself a bun from the bakery. 6. He laid the baby gently on the doorstep, took a letter out of his cloak, tucked it inside the blankets, and then walked away. 7. Mrs. Figg gave him a bit of chocolate cake that tasted as though she'd had it for several years. 8. Questions exploded inside Nikita's head like fireworks and he couldn't decide which to ask first. 9. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to our school. 10. He realized his mouth was open and he closed it quickly.
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 28
Answer the questions
Read the rhyme
I feel a feel a funny feel a funny feel feel I,
If I feel a funny feel a funny feel feel I.
Read and comment on the proverb
Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you
Don't whistle until you are out of the wood
The Beatles were and remain to this day, the world's most astonishing rock'n'roll band.
The four boys started the boom called "Beatlemania" in British pop music.
They hailed from Liverpool, a seaport on the north-western coast of England. John Lennon, born there in 1940, never knew theseagoing father who had deserted his mother; mainly a doting aunt raised the boy. He grew up arty and angry and musical, it turned out after his mother bought him the traditional cheap kid guitar, and he quickly worked out the chords to the hit That'll Be the Day.
Paul McCartney, was born in 1942 and destined to become Lennon's songwriting soul mate.
In 1957 Lennon formed a band called "The Quarrymen". By the following year, the group had been joined by McCartney and his school friend George Harrison, then just 14. In 1960, calling themselves the "Silver Beatles", and with drummer Pete Best in tow,they sailed to Germany.
In 1962 Best was replaced by another Liverpool drummer, Ringo Starr (born Richard Starkey in 1940). The group cut its first single,Love Me Do, a moderate hit. In January 1963 a second single, Please Please Me, went to No. 1, and Beatlemania was born.
By 1965 the world had been forced to take notice of this all-conquering cultural force. The Beatles had become such a huge British
export that they were given a royal award: the Member of the Order of the British Empire, or M.B.E.
Having scored a break-through with their chart-topping 1965 album Rubber Soul the Beatles, exhausted, decided to stop touring. After a final concert in San Francisco in 1966, they would come together again as a group only in recording studios. But there they spun out ever more elaborate masterpieces.
For millions of fans world-wide, their albums mapped a path through the puzzling and sometimes scary 60s. The paths of Lennon and McCartney, however, were diverging drastically. Each took a wife (John married Japanese avant-garde artist Yoko Ono, and Paul wed American rock photographer Linda Eastman) and drifted even farther apart, Lennon growing bitter, McCartney adopting the air of the contented family man.
By 1969 Lennon was ready to quit the group. McCartney is said to have talked him out of going public with this desire; but then in April 1970 McCartney himself announced that the group was disbanding. When the other three Beatles dropped their appeal of this action in 1971, the most fabulously successful band of all time (with more than 100 million records sold to date) came to an end.
And so it was over. McCartney began making records with his wife in a new band. Harrison followed his Indo-mystical inclinations as far as he could until fans lost interest. Ringo made occasional records, movies and television commercials. And Lennon moved to New York City, where he had always wanted to be. He was shot down in 1980, and the Beatles were nevermore. Except for their music, which is eternal.
to hail [heil] from бути родом з
seagoing ['si:,gəuɪŋ] пов'язаний з далеким плаванням (з морем)
arty [a:tɪ] претендуючий на тонкий (художній) смак
destined ['destɪnd] якому судилося
quarry ['kwɔrɪ] здобич
in tow [təu] тут: разом із
all-conquering ['kɔŋkərɪŋ] усепереможний
break-through ['breɪ'kθru:] досягнення; перемога; епохальне
to spin out (spun) випускати
to diverge [dаɪ'və:dʒ] розходитися; відходити
drastically ['dræstɪkəh] рішуче, круто, радикально
I. Add any other details you know about Beatles.
II. Speak about your favourite rock group.
III. Discuss the effect of rock music on young people. Use the following:
There are world complaints about the effect of rock. Psychologists say that listening to rock music results in "escapism " (abandoning social responsibilities). They also add that same rock music (for example, certain heavy-metal songs) affect young people like drugs. There are well-known cases of antisocial and amoral behaviour on the part of young "music-addicts ". How do you feel about this opinion ?
Додаток у реченні (The Object)
Додаток це другорядний член речення, який доповнює, уточнює значення дієслова або прикметника, вказуючи, на що або на кого спрямована дія або почуття, виражене дієсловом або прикметником. Додаток можуть мати як особові, так і неособові форми перехідних дієслів. Залежно від значення, місця в реченні і наявності прийменника додаток в англійській мові може бути трьох типів:
I saw a fine film yesterday.
Will you show me the way to the station?
Let's talk about football.
Те саме дієслово-присудок може мати одночасно кілька додатків (прямий, непрямий і прийменниковий), причому непрямий додаток без прямого або прийменникового не вживається.
Непрямий додаток (The Indirect Object)
Непрямий додаток означає особу (осіб), до якої звернена дія, безпосередньо спрямована на інший об'єкт (предмет, явище, особу).
Непрямий додаток вживається тільки тоді, коли є прямий (рідше прийменниковий) додаток і займає місце між дієсловом і прямим додатком.
Місце прямого і непрямого додатка
Підмет |
Присудок |
Непрямий додаток |
Прямий додаток |
The teacher |
gave |
us |
a very difficult task. |
The engineer |
showed |
the boys |
how to build a boat. |
Непрямий додаток найчастіше виражений особовим займенником в об'єктному відмінку.
Show me your copy-book.
Please tell us something about your life.
Who teaches you English?
Непрямий додаток може бути виражений також іменником у загальному відмінку:
We gave our teacher a nice present for her birthday.
Такі групи дієслів приймають непрямий додаток (з прямим):
I wish you all a Happy New Year?
Will you give me that book?
A cup of tea will do you no harm.
Will you pass me the bread, please?
Прямий додаток (The Direct Object)
Прямий додаток означає предмет або особу, на яку безпосередньо спрямована дія, виражена дієсловом-присудком. Прямий додаток може також означати дію, на яку спрямоване бажання або почуття, виражене дієсловом або прикметником.
Місце прямого додатка в реченні стале.
У розповідних і наказових реченнях прямий додаток стоїть безпосередньо за присудком або за непрямим додатком, якщо він є.
Місце прямого додатка в розповідних і наказових реченнях
Підмет |
Присудок |
Прямий додаток |
Інші члени речення |
Jack |
likes |
books |
on science. |
Fetch |
a piece of chalk, |
please. |
У питальних реченнях прямий додаток стоїть за присудком або смисловим дієсловом присудка за винятком таких випадків:
Місце прямого додатка у питальних реченнях
Питальне слово додаток або означення до нього |
Допоміжне (модальне) дієслово або дієслова to be і to nave |
Підмет |
Смислове дієслово |
Прямий додаток |
Інші члени речення |
Did |
you |
see |
Tom |
yesterday? |
Must |
we |
do |
this exercise? |
What |
are |
you |
reading? |
What book |
are |
you |
reading? |
Have |
you |
a blue pencil? |
Grammar exercises
Identify the direct and any indirect objects in the following sentences. You may check your answers below.
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 29
Answer the questions
Read the rhyme
Who's calling?
What's your name?
Watt's my name.
Yes, what is your name?
My name is John Watt.
John what?
Read and comment on the proverb
Life is short, art is long.
Practice makes perfect.
a fashionable artist ['fæʃnəbl 'a:tɪst] модний художник
self-taught [self tɔ:t] artist художник-самоучка
mature [mə'tjuə] artist зрілий художник
а portrait ['pɔtrɪt]/landscape ['lændskeɪp] painter портретист/ пейзажист
to paint [peɪnt] from nature ['neɪtʃə]/memory [memərɪ]/ писати з натури/по пам'яті
to portray [pɔ:'treɪ] people/emotions with moving [mu:vɪŋ] sincerity [sɪn'serɪtɪ]/restraint [rɪs'treɪnt] зображувати людей/ емоції із зворушливою щирістю/ стриманістю
to depict [dɪ'pɪkt] a person [pə:sn]/a scene [si:n] of common ['kɔmən] life/the mood [mu:d] of... зображувати людей/сцени повсякденного жигтя/настрій
an oil-painting живопис олійними фарбами
a canvas ['kænvəs] полотно; картина
a water-colour ['wɔ:tə,kʌlə] акварель, акварельні фарби
a pastel picture [pæs'tel 'pɪktʃə] малюнок пастеллю
а sketch [sketf] ескіз
a study ['stʌdɪ] етюд, ескіз
а family group ['fæmɪlɪ gru:p] сімейна група
а ceremonial [,serɪ'məunjəl] portrait ['pɔ:trɪt] парадний портрет
а self-portrait автопортрет
а shoulder-length [,ʃəuldə'lenθ]/half[ha:f]-length/knee [ni:]-length/ full [ful]-length portrait портрет по плечі/поясний/ по коліно/ на повний зріст
a landscape ['lændskeɪp] пейзаж
а sea-scape ['si:skeɪp] морський пейзаж
а genre [ʒа:nr]/historical [hɪs'torɪk(ə)l] painting жанрова картина/історичне полотно
а still life ['stɪllаɪf] натюрморт
a battle piece ['bætlpi:s] батальна сцена
a flower piece картина з квітами
a masterpiece ['ma:stəpi:s] шедевр
in the foreground ['fɔ:graund ]/ background ['bækgraund] на передньому/на задньому плані
in the top/bottom/left-hand corner вгорі, внизу, у лівому кутку
to arrange [ə'reɪndʒ] symmetrically [sɪ'metrɪk(ə)li]/asymmetrically/in a pyramid ['pɪrəmɪd]/in a vertical['və:tɪk(ə)l] format розташовувати симетрично/асимстрично/пірамідою/ вертикально
to define [dɪ'faɪn] the nearer figures ['fɪgəs] more sharply ['ʃa:plɪ] виділяти найближчі фігури більш чітко
to emphasize ['emfəsаɪz] contours ['kɔntuəz] purposely ['pə:p(ə)slɪ] навмисно акцентувати контури
to be scarcely ['skɛəslɪ] discernible [dɪ'sə:nəbl] бути ледь помітним
to place the figures against the landscape background розташовувати фігури на фоні пейзажу
to blend [blend] with the landscape поєднуватися, гармоніювати з пейзажем
to indicate [' ɪndɪkeɪt] the sitter's profession [prə'feʃ(ə)n] показувати професію натурщика
to be represented [,reprɪ'zentɪd] standing/sitting/talking бути
зображеним у стоячому/сидячому положенні/під час розмови
to accentuate [æk'sentjueɪt] something підкреслювати, виділяти що-небудь
subtle ['sʌtl]/gaudy ['gɔ:dɪ] colouring ['kʌlərɪŋ] ніжні/крикливі, позбавлені смаку кольори
to combine [kəm'bain] form and colour into harmonious [ha:'məunjəs] unity [ ju:nɪtɪ] поєднувати форму і колір у гармонічній єдності
brilliant [ brɪljənt]/low-keyed [,ləuki:d] colour scheme [ski:m] блискуча/стримана колірна гама
the colour scheme where predominates [prɪ'dɔmɪneɪts] ... колірна гама, в якій переважає...
muted ['mju:tɪd] in colour приглушені кольори
the colours may be: фарби можуть бути:
cool [ku;l] and restful ['restful], холодними і заспокійливими,
hot and agitated [ædʒɪ'teɪtɪd], теплими і хвилюючими
soft [sɔft] and delicate ['delɪkɪt], неяскравими і ніжними,
dull [dʌl], тьмяними, невиразними,
oppressive [ə'presɪv], гнітючими,
harsh [ha:ʃ] різкими
the delicacy ['delɪkəsɪ] of tones may be lost in a reproduction [,ri:prə'dʌkʃ(ə)n] витонченість тонів може загубитися при репродукції
the picture may be: картина може бути:
moving [mu:viŋ], хвилюючою,
lyrical ['lɪnk(ə)l], ліричною,
romantic [rə'mæntɪk], романтичною,
original [ə'rɪd3ənl], оригінальною,
poetic [pəu'etɪk] in tone поетичною за тоном
and atmosphere ['ætmesfiə] і атмосферою
an exquisite ['ekskwizit] piece of painting витончений твір живопису
an unsurpassed ['ʌnsə:'pa:st] masterpiece неперевершений шедевр
distinguished [dɪs'tɪŋgwɪʃt] by a marvellous ['ma:v(ə)ləs] sense of colour and composition відрізняється дивовижним почуттям кольору і композиції
the picture may be dull/crude [kru:d]/a colourless daub [dɔ:b] of paint картина може бути невиразною/з кричущими фарбами/безбарвною мазаниною
obscure [əb'skjuə] похмурий, тьмяний
unintelligible ['ʌnɪn'telɪdʒəbl] нерозбірливий, неясний
gaudy ['gɔ:dɪ] надто яскравий, крикливий, позбавлений смаку
depressing[dɪ'presɪŋ] гнітючий, нудний, що наганяє сум disappointing що викликає розчарування
cheap [tʃi:p] дешевий; нічого не вартий
I. Learn the following. Use your dictionary.
What can we find in the painter's studio? Easel, crayon, brush, paint-box, palette, charcoal, water-colour, oil, stretcher, canvas, nude model, drapery.
Exhibitions can be art exhibitions, special exhibitions, permanent exhibitions, one-man exhibitions, travelling exhibitions. Works of art are painting, graphic art, sculpture, applied art. Colours can be light, dark, vivid, brilliant, intense, warm, cool, strong, harsh, soft, subdued, delicate. Remember the primary colours; red, blue,yellow.
II. What types of painting are these?
The Attribute
Означення це другорядний член речення, який показує ознаку предмета. Будь-який член речення, виражений іменником, може мати одне або кілька означень.
The Kyiv Metro is the most beautiful underground railway in the whole world.
В англійській мові є два види означень, які розрізняються за їх місцем відносно означуваного слова:препозитивні означення, які стоять перед означуваним іменником, і постпозитивні означення, які йдуть за означуваним, іменником.
Препозитивні означення
Якщо іменник має артикль, то препозитивне означення (кілька означень) ставиться між артиклем та іменником.
Артикль |
Препозитивне означення |
Означуваний іменник |
a |
lovely white |
flower |
the |
nice summer |
dress |
the |
World Peace |
Congress |
Винятками є неозначені займенники all і both, які ставляться перед означеним артиклем, і займенники such і what, а також прикметник half, які ставляться перед неозначеним артиклем (детальніше). При наявності деяких типів означень артиклі не вживаються (детальніше).
Препозитивне означення може бути виражене:
It was a cold rainy day.
What time does your train leave?
I've bought a talking doll for my little sister.
In, two hours I'll be free.
This is the first time I see real mountains.
Кількісні числівники можуть виступати в ролі постпозитивних означень (детальніше).
Nick's marks are always excellent.
Tomorrow is my mother's birthday.
Is this a library book? No, it's my own.
I like summer sports.
Will you take part in the swimming race?
The Trade Union conference opened at 6 o'clock.
It was a never-to-be-forgotten day.
Обговорити цю замітку чи задати запитання у нас на форумі!
Постпозитивні означення
Постпозитивне означення ставиться безпосередньо після означуваного іменника. Постпозитивне означення може бути виражене:
of: The works of B.Y. Paton have been translated into many languages.
about: I like books about great travellers.
for: Many thanks for the book. The struggle for peace is developing throughout the world.
from: The distance from Earth to Venus is about 40 million kilometres.
in: Do you like the pictures in this book?
on: I'm going to make a report on space flights.
to: Here is the key to the door.
with: Do you like coffee with milk?
without: My little brother Taras doesn't like books without pictures.
Про вживання герундія з прийменником як означення читайте тут.
The high peak lighted by the morning sun was very beautiful.
You have no need to worry.
I've got many things to do today.
What's the use of my going there now?
That's all I have to say.
Крім іменників, означення можуть приймати також деякі неозначені займенники. У цьому випадку означення ставиться після означуваного слова.
Tell me something interesting.
I saw nothing of importance there.
Особливим видом означення є прикладка (the Apposition). Прикладка звичайно виражена іменником з словами, що його визначають: вона дає характеристику того слова, до якого відноситься. Прикладка може бути препозитивною:
This is Doctor Brown.
My elder brother Tom is a university student.
Постпозитивна прикладка складається з кількох слів і на письмі відокремлюється кома ми.
London, the capital of Great Britain, has a population of about 9 million.
Jack London, the famous American writer, was born in 1876.
Grammar exercises
1. Read the following sentences and translate them into Ukrainian. Pay special attention to the attributes in bold type.
1. Before Christmas a lot of people go shopping for last-minute gifts. 2. Whenever I feel depressed, I take an "away-from-it-all" holiday and head for my century-old house. 3. This play has become a "once-a-year" treat. 4. You always were aregular old mother hen, even when you were little. 5. Santa Barbara is a must-see city on California's Riviera. 6. This is an easy-to-make soup for a hot day. 7. She made an excuse-me face. 8. Maxim was not a nine-to-five man. 9. He behaved in anI-don't-care attitude. 10. Sue Townsend's marvellous novels are not-to-be-missed books which have become English classic literature. 11. A pay-as-you-go system is practised here. 12. You are my true-blue friend. 13. It was a life-changing event. 14. Most drugs have a five-year shelf life. 14. She gave me a bored, nothing-to-do-with-me shrug. 15. Theirs was a cat-and-dog life.
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 30
Answer the questions
Read the rhyme
Spades for digging, pens for writing,
Ears for hearing,teeth for biting,
Eyes for seeing, legs for walking,
Tongues for tasting and for talking.
Read and comment on the proverb
Every man has his faults
Everything is good in its season
One of my favorite artists is Rembrandt is the greatest Dutch master, one of the supreme geniuses in the history of art. To this day the art of Rembrandt remains one of the most profound witness of the progress of the soul in it's earthly pilgrimage towards the realization of higher destiny. The son of the prosperous miller, Rembrandt was born in Leiden in 1608. He studied at Leiden University, but his real vocation was painting. His rapid success promoted him to move to the Amsterdam in 1631. In 1632 Rembrandt bought a splendid house, started a collection of paintings and rarities. The universal artist dealt with many world subjects. Rembrandt created a number of portraits and some group portraits which were traditional to the Dutch art. The best of them are "Anatomy lesson of Dr. Tulp" and "The night watch". In 1655 Rembrandt found himself in the midst of several financial troubles. At that period he painted "The Polish Rider", which is an allegory of the man's earthly journey. Probably in 1669, the year of his own death, Rembrandt painted his famous "Return of the Prological son", which stands at the ultimate peak of Cristian spirituality, illuminating the relationship of the self to the eternity. The biblical theme was very important to Rembrandt. He painted "Artakserks, Oman and Eshpir", "The Saint Family". Rembrandt was not understood when he was alive. He died in poverty. But it is the spirituality of his art that distinguishes Rembrandt from his Dutch contemporaries making him the greatest artist of the world.
Essential vocabulary
Artists митець;profound witness мудрий свідок; pilgrimage паломництво; destiny доля; vocation покликання; raritу рідкість; in the midst серед; poverty бідність; eternity вічність;
ultimate первинний, основний;
Painting vocabulary
Picture картина;
Canvas полотно;
Palette палітра;
stroke of the brush мазок кисті;
still life натюрморт;
landscape пейзаж;
portrait портрет;
self-portrait автопортрет;
sketch ескіз;
wall painting настінний живопис, фреска;
oil painting картина написана олійними фарбами;
study начерк;
nude оголене тіло;
Painting: picture, canvas.
To depict, to portray.
The name of the artist can be used like a common noun to denote a work by him. A Picasso means a work by him.
Genres of painting. A landscape is a picture representing a tract of country with the various objects it contains. In the context of art landscape generally denotes a picture and not a view depicted there. When speaking of the view use scenery, countryside.
A seascape is painting or other artistic representation of the sea. A portrait is a painting, picture or representation of the person, especially of a face generally drawn from life.
Sitter, subject, model is a person who is having his portrait painted.
A still life is a painting of such unanimated subjects as fruits , flowers and other decorative things.
A fresco is a picture on a wall or ceiling where a plaster is still wet or damp.
Genre painting is a painting, which represents scenes from every day life in a more or less realistic way.
A scene is used in various expressions specifying the subject of the picture; street scene; city scene; country scene; hunting scene; historical scene; battle scene.
painting ['peintɪŋ] живопис, картцна
artist ['a:tist] художник
view [vju:] вид; пейзаж
scenery ['si:nərɪ] пейзаж; ландшафт
to draw [drɔ:] from life писати з натури
scene [si:n] місце дії, пейзаж, картина
I. Explain the following.
1. "A picture is a poem without words". (Horatio).
2. "Art is long and life is fleeting". (Longfellow).
3. "All art is but imitation of nature ". (Seneka).
II. Finish the sentences.
1. My preference lies with the genre of portrait because..
2. I personally like genre paintings. They are...
3. I prefer landscape to other genres. You see...
4. I care much for still lives...
5. I prefer battle pieces ...
III. What does it mean?
1. It's hard to overestimate the role of art in one's life.
2. Art forms our outlook and enriches our inner world.
3. Art has a great educational significance.
4. Art brings people up, makes them more humane and kind.
5. Art holds up people's spirits in the tragic moments of their lives.
6. The language of art is universal.
IV. Let's have a talk about art.
1. What makes good art? Do you think art can be great if it is not linked with the people's lives, their interests and ideals. Give your reasons.
2. How does art help us understand the outside world?
3. What purposes does true art serve ?
4. Share your opinions: real art appeals to the heart and mind of man, to his feelings and ideals and it proclaims life. Art is life, pretence of art is death.
5. True art elevates the mind and the soul of the people.
Обставина в англійській мові, як і в українській, це другорядний член речення, який означає різні характеристики дії (час, місце, причину, мету і т. п.), а також ступінь якості.
За значенням обставини поділяються на обставини місця, часу, частоти та повторюваності, способу дії, причини, мети, результату і ступеня.
Обставини найчастіше виражаються іменниками з прийменниками.
Нижче наводяться приклади обставин з найбільш уживаними прийменниками:
The children were running about the schoolyard.
after school (breakfast, classes, dinner, the holidays, etc.)
Where will you go after classes?
at the station (hotel, office, shop, etc.)
at the door (window, table, blackboard, etc.)
We were all sitting at the table when he walked in.
at the top (bottom, side, beginning, end) of smth.
There is a post-office at the end of the street.
at school, at work, at the (a) theatre (cinema, meeting, plant, factory, etc.)
My father works at a factory.
Is Jane at school yet? at о (час у годинах)
at one (two, five) o'clock;
а також у словосполученнях: at that (this) moment (time, hour), at night (dawn)
I'll come at nine o'clock.
He was a child at that time.
I came here before nine o'clock.
He hid behind the tree.
I'll come between eight and nine.
The Mediterranean Sea is between Europe and Africa.
by now (by then, by this time, by Sunday, by next year, by the end of the week, etc.)
I'll have finished the report by Sunday.
by boat (by train, by tram, by bus, by railway, by sea, by air, by land, etc.)
Let's go by bus.
This novel is by Dickens.
I've been there for a week.
He is leaving for Kiev tomorrow.
When will you come back from your trip?
He will be here from ten till twelve o'clock.
The book is in my desk.
In Chernivtsi (in Europe, in England, in the U.S.A., etc.)
in the city (in the ocean, in the sea, in the country, in cosmos, in (outer) space, in orbit)
протягом, під час, через, за
in summer (in winter, in May, in the morning, in 2012, etc.)
Where did you go in summer?
I'll be back in an hour.
In a day or two everything will be ready,
Put the book into the drawer.
He poured some water into the glass,
on the table (chair, floor, ground, lake, river, wall, blackboard, one's head, etc.)
Look, your cap is on the floor!
Hang up this diagram on the wall.
On my way home I met my friend.
Are you going on an excursion with us?
Don't come on Tuesday, Ill be away.
I was born on the second of June.
I usually prepare my lessons from three till six.
Where are you going to? To school.
Don't fail to come to the meeting today.
with pleasure (with difficulty, with joy, with a laugh, with a smile, with a shout, etc.)
The children greeted him with smiles and laughter.
I'll do it with pleasure.
I can't translate this sentence without a dictionary.
I can't do it without your help.
Обставини можуть бути виражені також прислівниками:
We didn't go anywhere yesterday (anywhere обставина місця; yesterday обставина часу).
He ran very fast and won the first prize (fast обставина способу дії; very обставина ступеня).
Крім іменника з прийменником і прислівника, обставини можуть бути виражені такими словами або групами слів:
Taking a dictionary he began translating the text.
Being very tired I decided to stay at home.
Wait a minute.
The rain lasted all day.
I've come to tell you about tomorrow's concert.
It's too dark to read.
On coming home I got down to work.
He walked out without saying a word.
The night being warm, we slept in the open air.
This sentence is too difficult for me to translate.
Come whenever you like.
Обставина найчастіше означає присудок (групу присудка), а обставини ступеня можуть також означати прикметники і прислівники.
You speak English quite well.
(Обставина способу дії well означає групу присудка speak English, а обставина quite обставинуwell.)
Grammar exercises
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 31
Answer the questions
Read the rhyme
If many men knew
What many men know,
If many men went
Where many men go,
If many men did
What many men do,
The world would be better -
I think so, don' t you?
Read and comment on the proverb
Far from eye, far from heart
Fish begins to stink at the head
Literature vocabulary
Novel - a book about people and events that the writer has imagined
The new Sidney Shelton novel is to be adapted for film later in the year.
novel by - The movie is based on a novel by Anne Tyler.
historical novel (=about people and events in the past)
Butler has also written several historical novels under the pen-name of Jenny Melville.
romantic novel (=about love)
Johnston's nudes look like cover art for romantic novels.
first/debut novel (=the first novel that someone writes)
Keller's debut novel is about a Korean woman who was sold into prostitution during World War II.
Fiction - books about imaginary people and events
His first novel won a prize for modern fiction.
romantic fiction(=about love)
This small band of women writers dominated the romantic fiction market for a number of years.
historical fiction (=about people and events in the past)
Anthony's first books were historical fiction.
crime/detective fiction
Why is Miami such a ripe setting for crime fiction?
Chandler remains the greatest exponent of detective fiction.
Science fiction - informal stories about things that happen in the future or in other parts of the universe
Science fiction is often wrongly regarded as a 'lesser' form of literature.
ᅳscience fiction [adjective]
science fiction writer/movie/book etc
Whodunit [hu: dʌnit] - informal a book about an imaginary murder case, in which you do not find out who did the murder until the end
If you enjoy a whodunnit, you'll lap up Janet Laurence's "Hotel Morgue".
an Agatha Christie whodunnit
Thriller - an exciting story, for example about a crime or war, in which surprising events happen suddenly and you never know what will happen next
They discovered a mutual love of mysteries and thrillers.
political/psychological/spy etc thriller
Stephen King's new psychological thriller
Short story - a short piece of writing in which the writer tells a story
She started out writing short stories for the magazine 'Black Mask'.
book by
a book by Charles Dickens
book about
I'm reading a book about a little girl who was a slave in 19th century Atlanta.
book on something (=a book giving information about a particular subject)
Do you have any books on astronomy?
book of something (=a book containing several examples of the same kind of writing)
She wrote a book of short stories, but it never got published.
library book (=a book that you borrow from a library)
I went and got a library book about it.
secondhand book (=a book that has already been owned by someone else)
a secondhand book dealer
Paperback - a book with a cover made of stiff paper
Usually the hardback comes out first and the paperback comes out after.
a softback romantic novel
in paperback (=published as a paperback)
The two books you need for the regular assignment are both inexpensive and in paperback.
Hardback - a book with a hard cover
The hardback version spent three weeks on the Times bestseller list.
in hardback(=published as a hardback)
The book is published by HarperCollins, and costs $15 in hardback and $4.95 in paperback.
Best-seller -a very popular book that a lot of people buy
Already a best-seller in Japan, Quovis comes out in English later this year.
Character - a person in a story
Her female characters often have strong, important relationships with other women.
Publish -to arrange for a book that has been written to be made available for people to buy
'Moby Dick' was first published in London in 1851.
Bring out - to produce a new book
Fay Weldon has just brought out a new collection of stories.
Writer - someone who writes books, stories, or articles in as a job
When I was young, I wanted to be a famous writer.
Author - someone who writes books, or who wrote a particular book, especially a literary book
Balzac was one of her favourite authors.
II. Tell about your favorite author and his book. Use vocabulary.
Literature in Ukraine
Old Ukrainian literature took centuries to develop, influenced by two bookish languages and, therefore, two literary styles. The introduction of Christianity broadened the usage of Church Slavonic which for almost 800 years remained the means of inter-slavic communication.
«The Precept of Volodymyr Monomakh» is an outstanding literary memorial of the distant past, in which the image of a virtuous Christian, wise politician, loving father and demanding teacher was skilfully described.
«The Kyiv-Pechersk Patericon» describes the lives of the Fathers of the Caves, «The Lay of the Host of Ihor» is a gem of ancient literature, a poetic masterpiece whose brilliant author combined rare literary talent with political wisdom and profound knowledge of history.
In the 16th century poetry received a powerful impetus. The late 17th 18th centuries, the period of Ukrainian literary baroque, saw the spreading of religious philosophic ideas and panegyrical literature, poetry and dramaturgy. It was the time of Hrygoriy Skovoroda, the most outstanding philosopher and writer.
Ivan Kotlyarevsky's epic burlesque «Aeneid,» abundant with juicy Ukrainian folk witticisms, skilfully coloured realistic portrayals and characters, turned out the first creation of new Ukrainian literature.
Came the 19th century, the Golden Age of Ukrainian literature.
The new epoch in the progress of Ukrainian literature, the language and the whole of culture and national self-consciousness started with the appearance of Taras Shevchenko's verse and works of art. In 1840, his «Kobzar» came off the press. His creative endeavours reflected the best folk poetic traditions, acquiring universal humanistic significance as an eloquent expression of the hopes and aspirations of a downtrodden nation. For the first time the Ukrainian language echoed across the world with a Shakespearean strength and philosophic depth.
Realism flourished in the second half of the century. It was the tune of such literary giants as Ivan Franko, Ivan Nechui-Levytsky, Panas Myrny, Pavlo Hrabovsky and Lesya Ukrainka. In the 20th century the Ukrainian literary process was rather complicated.
At present, the Writers' Union of Ukraine has a membership of 1,500.
1. How long did old Ukrainian literature develop?
2. What is an outstanding literary memorial of the distant past?
3. What does «The Kyiv-Pechersk Pater icon» describe?
4. When did poetry receive a powerful impetus?
5. What turned out the first creation of new Ukrainian literature?
6. When did «Kobzar» come off the press?
7. When did realizm flourish in Ukraine?
impetus поштовх, рушійна сила
masterpiece шедевр
baroque бароко
burlesque бурлеск, пародія, фарс
panegyrical literature панегірична література
self-consciousness самосвідомість
endeavour прагнення, спроба
to flourish процвітати
Grammar exercises
1. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Present, Past, Future Indefinite.
1. I (to go) to bed at ten oclock every day. 2. I (to go) to bed at ten oclock yesterday. 3. I (to go) to bed at ten oclock tomorrow. 4. I (not to go) to the cinema every day. 5. I (not to go) to the cinema yesterday. 6. I (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. 7. You (to watch) TV every day? 8. You (to watch) TV yesterday. 9. You (to watch) TV tomorrow. 10. When you (to leave) home for school every day? 11. When you (to leave) home for school yesterday. 12. When you (to leave) home for school tomorrow. 13. My brother (to go) to work every day. He (to leave) home at a quarter past eight. As the office he (to work) at (to be) near our house, he (to walk) there. He (not to take) a bus. Yesterday he (not to go ) to work. Yesterday he (to get) up at nine oclock. 14. You (to have) a PT lesson yesterday? No, I … . 15. What you (to buy) at the shop yesterday? I (to buy) a book. 16. Yesterday my father (not to read) newspaper because he (to be) very busy. He (to read) newspapers tomorrow.
2. Перекладіть англійською мовою, вживаючи дієслова в Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite & Future Indefinite.
1. Завтра він зробить домашнє завдання з англійської мови. 2. Вчора вона не написала контрольну роботу з математики. 3. Він не піде сьогодні в бібліотеку. 4. Я порадив йому подивитись цей фільм. 5. Коли він відправить телеграму? 6. В цьому будинку нихто не живе. 7. Завтра я не піду до школи. 8. Вони не ходили в кінотеатр минулого четверга. 9. Завтра буде хороша погода. 10. Хто поїде в Париж влітку? 11. Ми запросили наших друзів в кіно. 12. Хто готуватиме вечерю завтра? 13. Я не люблю класичну музику, я люблю сучасну. 14. Мені не сподобалась остання передача про тварин. 15. Через тиждень моя мама приїде додому з відрядження.
3. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Present Simple або в Past Simple.
Виктористовуйте подану таблицю неправильних дієслів щоб виконати вправу.
come came come go went gone drink drank drunk be was/were been take took taken have had had write wrote written |
1. Her sister (to study) English every day. 2. She (to study) English two hours ago. 3. You (to come) home at six oclock yesterday? No, I … . Yesterday I (to come) home from school at half past eight. I (to be) very tired. I (to have) dinner with my family. After dinner I (to be) very thirsty. I (to drink) two cups of tea. Then I (to rest). 4. I (to go) to bed at ten oclock every day. 5. I (to go) to bed at ten oclock yesterday. 6. My brother (to wash) his face every morning. 7. Last night he (to wash) his face with soap and water. 8. I (not to have) history lessons every day. 9. We (not to rest) yesterday.
10. My brother (not to drink) coffee yesterday. 11. My mother always (to take) a bus to get to work, but yesterday she (not to take) a bus. Yesterday she (to walk) to her office. 12. You (to talk) to the members of your family every day? Yes, I … . But yesterday I (not to talk) to them: I (to be) very busy yesterday. 13. Your sister (to go) to school every day? Yes, she … . 14. Mary (to like) writing stories. 15. Last week she (to write) a funny story about her pet. 16. You (to tell) your mother the truth about the money? 17. You (to wear) your polka-dot dress to work? Yes, I … . I (to wear) it yesterday. 18. We (to like) to go to beach. We (to enjoy) swimming in the ocean last weekend.
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 32
Answer the questions
Read the rhyme
Lion Leo likes lemons.
Mike and Mary, cheese and cherry.
Read and comment on the proverb
Four eyes see more than two
Friend to all is a friend to none
Ivan Franko
One of the innovators of all genres of literature was Ivan Franko. He raised the post-Shevchenko Ukrainian poetry of the late 19th and early 20th century to new heights. He did the same in prose. We always remember the volume of poetry «Heights and Depths», the novel «Boryslav is laughing», the drama «Stolen Happiness», etc. He devoted much attention to translations from foreign languages. His merits as a thinker and scholar were great in many fields: the history and theory of literature, folklore, political economy, history, ethnography.
Ivan Franko is an talented figure not only for the Ukrainian nation but for all humanity. He was the greatest of Ukrainian classical authors. He was born on August 27, 1856,
His father was a blacksmith. Ivan was a gifted child with extraordinary capacity for study. At school Ivan Franko learned Russian, German and Polish. He read Pushkin, Turgenev, Schiller, Goethe and Mitskevich in original.
In 1875 Ivan Franko entered Lvov University. In one of his articles of that time he wrote that the main thing is life therefore literature and life must be linked together.
In his stories, poems and plays he wrote about real people, men and women whom he knew.
Ivan Franko worked under the most difficult conditions. He was imprisoned three times, But faith in a happy future for the people heartened Ivan Franko even in the most trying periods of his life.
He died on the 28th of May, 1916, in Lvov.
Today the memory of the great Ukrainian classic is honoured by his countrymen throughout our land.
His works are read and translated all over the world. They have been published in 19 languages and in editions totalling nine million copies.
The nature of Franko's works can be understood by quoting his own words: «I consider it's my duty to dedicate my life's work to the common people, I learned two Rules of life at a very early age: the first, a sense of duty to the people, the second, the necessity for constant work».
blacksmith коваль
to be imprisoned бути ув'язненим
faith віра
to quote цитувати
1. Answer the questions:
1. What did Ivan Franko raise?
2. Why was Ivan Franko the greatest of Ukrainian classical authors?
3. When did he enter Lvov University?
4. Under what conditions did I. Franko work?
5. When did he die?
6. What was his contribution to the world literature?
Character: Charlie in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Personality Trait: Kindness
Example from the book: Charlie shares his birthday chocolate bar with his family
even though he only gets one chocolate bar a year.
Main Character_____________________________
1. Personality Trait _________________________
Example from the book:_____________________________________________
Grammar exercises
1. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Present Continuous або в Present Indefinite.
1. What you (to do) here now? We (to listen) to tape-recordings. 2. You (to want) to see my father? Yes, I … . 3. Michael (to know) German rather well. He (to want) to know English, too, but he (to have) little time for it now. 4. What magazine you (to read) ? It (to be) a French magazine. There (to be) good articles on sports here. You (to be) interested in sports? Yes, I … . But I (not to know) French. 5. We (to have) an English lesson now. 6. Lena usually (to prepare) her homework at the institute? No, she … As a rule, she (to work) at home. And what she (to write) now? Oh, she (to write) an article for our wall newspaper. 7. Your family (to leave) St.Petersburg in summer? Yes, we always (to go) to the sea-side. We all (to like) the sea. Mother (to stay) with us to the end of August, but father (to return) much earlier. 8. Where Tom and Nick (to be) now? They (to play) in the garden.
2.Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Past Indefinite або в Past Continuous.
1, We (walk) in silence when he suddenly (ask) me to help him. 2.1 just (have) breakfast when the telephone (ring). When I came back to my coffee, it (be) cold. 3. When I (finish) my letter in the hall, a tall beautiful woman with red hair (enter). A dog (follow) her. 4. Ann (drop) two cups while she (wash up) last night, but neither of the cups (break). 5.1 (walk) along the street watching what (go on) around me. Fast cars (rush) in both directions and it (be) impossible to cross the street. 6. The old man who (sit) on the bench beside me (keep) silence. Then suddenly he (turn round) to me and (begin) to speak. 7.1 (stand) near the fence when suddenly I (hear) the voices. 8. He well (remember) the day when he first (go) to school. 9. We (talk) about Jim when he (run) into the room. 10. The day was marvelous: the sun (shine), the birds (sing) so we (decide) to go for a walk. 11. Miss Brown's telephone (ring) when she (dress). 12.1 (light) my pipe and (nod) to him to show that I (listen). 13. When he (come) into the office the secretary (do) a crosswords puzzle. 14. Why you (not listen) to me while I (speak)? 15. He (wait) for her, but she never (come).
1. I (to play tennis) at six oclock tomorrow.
2. When you come to my place tomorrow I (to read) your book.
3. Dont phone me tomorrow. I (to get ready for) my examination.
4. What you (to do) at eight p. m. tomorrow?
5. “Can we meet tomorrow afternoon?” “Not in the afternoon. I (to work).”
6. Do you think you still (to do) the same job in ten years?
7. If you need to contact me, I (to stay) at the Mariot Hotel until Friday.
8. “You (to see) Paula tomorrow?” “Yes, probably. Why?” “I want to give this book to her.”
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 33
Answer the questions
Read the rhyme
Where are you going to, my little cat?
I'm going to town to buy a hat.
What!? A hat for a cat? A cat in a hat?
Who ever saw a cat in a hat?
Read and comment on the proverb
Friend in need is a friend indeed
Gifts from enemies are dangerous
British Literature
Great Britain gave the world a lot of talented people. Many famous writers and poets were born and lived in Great Britain.
One of the best known English playwrights was William Shakespeare. He draw ideas for his tragedies and comedies from the history of England and ancient Rome. Many experts consider Shakespeare the greatest writer and the greatest playwright in English language. William Shakespeare wrote 37 plays which may be divided into: comedies (such as "A Midsummer Night's Dream"), tragedies (such as "Hamlet", "Othello", "King Lear", "Macbeth") and historical plays (such as "Richard II", "Henry V", "Julius Caesar", "Antony and Cleopatra").
Robert Burns represents the generation of Romantic writers. In his poems he described with love and understanding the simple life he knew. Among his well-known poems are "Halloween", "The Jolly Beggars", "To a Mouse".
Lord George Gordon Byron. His free-spirited life style combined with his rare poetic gift makes him one of the most famous figures of the Romantic Era. His famous works such as "Stanzas to Augusta", "The Prisoner of Chillon", "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage", "Manfred" draw readers into the passion, humors and conviction of a poet whose life and work truly embodied the Romantic spirit.
Sir Walter Scott wrote the first examples of historical novel.
Lewis Carroll became famous when he published "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland".
1. Who is the best known English playwright?
2. What are the most famous plays by Shakespeare?
3. Who is Robert Burns?
4. What makes George Byron famous?
5. What are the best known works by Byron?
6. Who wrote historical novels?
7. What brought popularity to Lewis Carroll?
playwright драматург
tragedy трагедія
comedy комедія
to represent представляти
rare рідкісний
pilgrimage паломництво
passion пристрасть
conviction переконання
wonderland країна чудес
Best, read, was, writer, prefer, book, |
1. Do you ______________ stories or poems?
2. Where do you usually ___________ ?
3. Who is your favourite ____________?
4. Whats the ________ book you ve ever read?
5. What _____ one of your favourite book as a child?
6. Whats your favourite _______ ?
Kinds of books |
c. |
“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn” |
a. |
novel |
“The legend of Robin Hood” |
b. |
science fiction |
“Hercules” |
c. |
adventure |
“The monkey and the glasses” |
d. |
fable, |
“Medical encyclopedia” |
e. |
legend, |
“Harry Potter |
f. |
myth |
“The Time Machine”. |
g. |
encyclopedia |
Grammar exercises
1. I ………………………. (worry) a lot about her before I ……………………….. (hear)
that she was safe.
2. I I didnt like the flat. It …………………….. (be) much smaller than I …………………..
(think) at first.
3. He told us he ………………………….. (shoot) a big tiger.
4. They ……………………….. (drink) tea after they ………………………………. (finish)
5. She ……………. just ……………….. (fold) the pink apron and placed it in a table
drawer when the door …………………………… (open) and Joe ………………. (enter).
6. The police wanted to know why he …………………………….. (bring) a gun to school.
7. After he ………………………………. (work) at the hospital for two years he …………..
(decide) to give up the job.
8. When I …………………………. (arrive) at the party John ……………. already ………..
(go) home.
9. We ………………………… (wait) until the match …………………………….. (finish).
10. They …………………………… (leave) the room before the meeting ……………………
11. I ……………………………….. (buy) a new camera before I …………………. (go) to
12. I ……………….. just ………………… (turn off) the lights when the telephone …………
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 34
Answer the questions
Read the rhyme
If a noisy noise annoys an onion, an annoying noisy noise annoys an onion more!
Read and comment on the proverb
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart
No pains, no gains
My Favourite English Writer
It's said that none of the British writers of our age enjoyed such popularity all over the world as Agatha Christie did. Her works were translated into many languages, and scores of films were made using them as the script.
The name of Agatha Christie is a synonym for high-class detective story, as well as Pele is a symbol of football, and Marilyn Monroe is an embodiment of femininity.
According to Agatha Christie herself, she began to write just to imitate her sister whose stories had already been published in magazines. And suddenly Agatha Christie became famous as if by miracle.
Having lost her father at an early age, the prospective writer didn't receive even fairly good education. During the First World War she was a nurse, then she studied pharmacology. Twenty years later she worked in a military hospital at the beginning of the Second World War.
The favourite personages of the «queen of detective story» are the detective Hercules Poirot and the sedate Miss Marple who carry Out investigations in noisy London and delusive quiet countryside.
The composition of her stories is very simple: a comparatively closed space with a limited number of characters, who are often plane or train passengers, tourists, hotel guests or residents of a cosy old village. Everyone is suspected!
Murders in the books of Agatha Christie are commited in most unsuitable places: in the vicar's garden or in an old abbey; corpses are found in someone's libraries being murdered with the help of tropical fishes, a poker, candelabra, a dagger or poison.
Once Agatha Christie wrote: «Some ten years will pass after my death, and nobody will even remember me...». The writer was mistaken. Agatha Christie's novels are very popular now. People of all continents read and reread «The Oriental Express», «Ten Little Negroes», «The Bertram Hotel», «The Corpse in the library» and other of her novels time and again, enjoy films made by her works, and one can hardly find a country where people do not know her name.
scores of films десятки фільмів
embodiment втілення
femininity жіночність
prospective майбутній
investigation розслідування
delusive оманливий
vicar аптекар
corpse труп
poker коцюба, кочерга
candelabra канделябр
1. Answer the questions:
1. Why did Agatha Christie begin to write?
2. The prospective writer didn't receive education, did she?
3. What are the favourite personages of Agatha Christie?
4. Is the composition of Agatha Christie stories simple?
5. Name the best of her published works.
2. Sample Dialogue Sentences for Library Users:
1. What is a librarian?
2. What are the reference materials?
3. How long can I keep this book/magazine?
4. What are the ESL books?
5. How much is the fine?
6. Can you show me where _____ is?
7. May I reserve a viewing room for tomorrow?
8. May I renew this book/magazine?
9. How can I use a computer in the library?
10. How much do I pay to make a photocopy in the library?
3. Make a dialogue about your favourite book you want to borrow at the library.
Grammar exercises
1. I was tired because I …………………………………………. (type) for a long time.
2. Her boss was very angry with her because she ………………………………………….
(come) to work very late.
3. I didnt know about the earthquake because I ……………………………………… (not /
watch) television.
4. She was too fat because she …………………………………………….. (not / keep) her
doctors advice.
5. I took my car to the garage because the brakes …………………………………………….
(not / work).
6. She had to go to the dentist because she ………………………………………. (not / clean)
her teeth.
7. He got bad marks because he …………………………………………… (not / study) hard.
8. She wasnt at home. She ……………………………………………. (go) out with her
9. I thought I …………………………………………………… (behave) like an ididot.
10. He ……………………………………………….. (study) English) very hard for the last
few days.
2. Fill in the blanks using FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE:
1. By the end of June I ……………………………………………….. (live) in this flat for
thirteen years.
2. I ……………………………………………… (fly) to London for an hour at this time
3. At this time next week I …………………………………………………. (work) for this
company for 20 years.
4. When the bell rings I ……………………………………………… (teach) for eight hours
5. I …………………………………………………… (wear) these glasses for five years
next week.
6. I ………………………………………………… (drive) this car for six years tomorrow.
7. At this time tomorrow I ……………………………………………….. (take) a test for an
8. At this time next year I …………………………………………….. (have) a holiday in
Antalya for a week.
9. At this time next year I …………………………………………….(live) in Istanbul for
ten years.
10. By the time we get home they ……………………………………………….. (play)
football for half an hour.
11. She …………………………………………. (dance) for an hour at nine oclock.
12. I ………………………………………….. (learn) English for ten years by the end of this
Методична розробка практичного заняття № 35
Answer the questions
Read the poem about English language.
No wonder the English language is so very difficult to learn.
I sometimes wonder how we manage to communicate at all!
Well begin with a box and the plural is boxes.
But the plural of ox should be oxen, not oxes.
The one fowl is a goose but two are called geese,
Yet the plural of moose should never be meese.
You may found a lone mouse or a whole set of mice,
Yet the plural of house is houses not hice.
If the plural of man is always called men,
Why shouldnt the plural of pan be called pen?
If I speak of a foot and you show me your feet,
And I give you a boot, would a pair be called beet?
If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth,
Why should not the plural of booth be called beeth?
Then one may be that and three would be those,
Yet hat in the plural wouldnt be hose.
And the plural of cat is cats and not cose.
We speak of a brother and also of brethren,
But though we say Mother, we never say Methren,
Then the masculine pronouns are he, his and him,
But imagine the feminine she, shis and shim,
So English, I fancy you will all agree,
Is the funniest language you ever did see.
Read and comment on the proverb
Those who know no foreign language knows nothing of their mother tongue.
How many languages you know - that many times you are a person.
Give a mark out of ten for each of the following: |
Silent reading |
Speaking activities |
Listening activities (dialogues, songs…) |
Writing assignments |
Grammar presentations and explanations |
Grammar exercises (from the textbook and other) |
Homework |
Role plays, games |
English lessons in general |
Organization and instructions |
Suggestions |
Comments |
How can the teacher make lessons better? |
What can I do to make lessons better? |
Next school year I would like to… |
Grammar exercises
Correct Tense:
1. I …………………………………………. (never / eat) Chinese food. I ……………. (be)
very excited now because tomorrow night we …………………………….. (go) to a
Chinese Restaurant. My nother ……………………………………. (phone) the restaurant
now for reservations.
2. David …………………… (drive) a taxi ………………… (earn) money.
3. A: Would you like …………………………….. (listen) to music?
B: Yes, of course. I ……………………………………….. (want / hear) Stings latest
4. Alice ………………….. (be) upset last night because her father …………………………
(not / let) her ………………………. (give) a party at home.
5. Tarkan ………………………………………… (give) a concert next month.
6. A: Mmm. The cake ……………………….. (smell) delicious.
B: Yes, my mother …………………………………. (just / make) it. We ……………..
……………………… (like / have) tea at 5:00 pm everyday.
7. A: ………………. your uncle …………………….. (work) that compamy?
B: Yes, he ………………………………….. (work) here since he …………………….
(come) back from the USA. He ……………………………. (stay) there for three
years and ………………………. (work) as an accountant. But now, he ……………
…………………….. (want / change) his job. He ……………………………………
(look for) another job at present. He ………………………………….. (have) a job
interview next Tuesday.
8. How long ………………. you …………………. (know) that teacher …………………
(wear) a white shirt and a brown jacket?
9. A: Where …………………. (be) your friends?
B: They …………………………….. (sit) at the café …………………………. (wait)
for us.
be was/were been
begin began begun
bring brought brought
build built built
break broke broken
become became become
buy bought bought
cut cut cut
cost cost cost
catch caught caught
come came come
choose chose chosen
do did done
draw drew drawn
drink drank drunk
eat ate eaten
feel felt felt
find found found
fall fell fallen
forget forgot forgotten
have had had
hear heard heard
hold held held
hit hit hit
hurt hurt hurt
go went gone
give gave given
get got got
know knew known
keep kept kept
lie lay lain
lose lost lost
leave left left
make made made
mean meant meant
meet met met
ring rang rung
read read read
put put put
see saw seen
say said said
sell sold sold
send sent sent
shine shone shone
shoot shot shot
sit sat sat
sleep slept slept
sing sang sung
speak spoke spoken
swim swam swum
spend spent spent
stand stood stood
shut shut shut
teach taught taught
tell told told
think thought thought
take took taken
understand understood understood
win won won