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вариант 1 This thetre build over 100 yers go1

Работа добавлена на сайт samzan.net:

1. Перепишите предложения из активного залога в пассивный

  1.   Nobody has used this room for ages.
  2.  We will give you the keys tomorrow.
  3.  Someone is interviewing Dr Johnson at the moment.
  4.  By the time I arrived, someone had already opened all your letters.
  5.  We usually talk briefly about the problems of the family at dinner time.

2. Выберите правильный вариант

1. This theatre … (build) over 100 years ago.

a. had been built

b. has been built

c. was built

2. Is your car still for sale? – No. It … already (sell).

a. has been sold

b. had been sold

c. was sold

3. Sometimes mistakes … (make).

a. are made

b. are being made.

c. have been made

4. For the past few days I (work) in Jack’s office, as my own … (decorate).

a. have been working/ is being decorated

b. worked/ decorated

c. am worked/ is being decorated.

5. While my friend … (talk) to me, his wallet .. (steal).

a. was being talked/ was being stolen

b. was talking/ was stolen

c. talked/stole

6. Where is your friend Bob? –  - I don’t know. He … (not/ seen) resently.

a. hasn’t seen

b. didn’t see

c. hasn’t been seen

7. If someone … (report) you to the police, you … (make) to pay a big fine.

a. reports/ will be made

b. will report/ will make

c. is reported/ will be made

8. Professor … ( give) another lecture at the same time next week.

a. will have been given

b. will be given

c. will give

9. Look at the dust in here! It … (look) as if this room (not/clean) … for a month.

a. is looked/ hasn’t cleaned

b. looks/ hasn’t been cleaned

c. has looked/ isn’t cleaned

10. The door … (open) and a young lady … (come in). It should be admitted that the door … (open) by herself.

a. opened/ came in/ was opened

b. was opened/  came in/ was opened

c. opened/ came in/ opened 

3. Заполните пропуски предлогами with, by.

  1.  The hall was decorated … pink balloons.
  2.  The roof of the church will be repaired … local people.
  3.  This material has been already published … Cambridge University Press.
  4.  The house was built … money that he had borrowed from the bank.
  5.  When the the accident happened, the car was brought … police.

4. Arrest, wake, knock, check translate, find, drive, make, spend carry.


1. A decision will not _______________ until the next meeting.

2. That old building was dangerous. So it ___________ down.

3. When you go through customs, you luggage ___________ by the customs officer.

 4. In the morning I _____________ by my alarm clock.

5. Next year her new book ______________ into a number of foreign languages.

 6. John kicked a policeman, so he ____________.

 7. After a long search the missing boy _____________ in the forest near the town.

8.Many people think that today too much money ________________ on arms. (arms - зд. оружие.)

 9.The injured man couldn't walk, so he _____________ by the hospital orderlies.

 10.I don't mind driving but I like when I _______________ by other people.

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