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The Adjective.

Adjectives are words expressing properties and characteristics of objects (large, blue, clever, wooden, economic, progressive, etc.) They qualify nouns. They don’t distinguish gender, case or number:

a young man - a young woman - with a young man - young people.

There are adjectives that  function

as  attributes                        and                     as  predicative:

He is my young brother.                  My brother is young yet.

But there are also adjectives that function only  as atttributes:

a mere (сущий) child, an utter (полный, абсолютный,) fool, a real hero, etc.

or only as predicatives:  I’m glad, she’s afraid, they’re alive, he’s upset, etc.

In English there is also a large number of adjectives ending in –ing and –ed:

Mike made an interesting report.                     The man felt very offended.

  1.  Exercises to be done:

Murphy. Essential Grammar in Use (II.):

Unit 98 (Ex. 98.1, 98.2 – устно; ex. 98.3 – письменно)

There are 3 degrees of comparison of adjectives: positive, comparative and superlative. ( Krylova  p. 333-337 -конспект)

The positive form is the plain stem of an adjective: slow, heavy, interesting, etc.

There are two methods of forming the comparative and the superlative degrees:

  1.  by adding the suffixes –er and –est, and
  2.  by using more and most before  the adjective.

Spelling rules! (Arakin, p.57-58, пункты 1-3). V.D.Arakin. Practical Course of English (first year):

Table No. 2, 3 p. 56-57; Table No.1, p. 145

  1.  Exercises to be done:
  2.  V.D.Arakin. Practical Course of English (first year):

XI-XIII, p. 61; IX, p. 148; 31, 32, p. 466-467; 76, p. 481; 83, 84, p. 483 - письменно; 95, p. 486, 100, p. 488

  1.  Sentences for translation- письменно ( файл- Adjectives – sentences.doc)

The Adverb

Adverbs usually qualify verbs saying how, where or when something happens: She spoke very well here last time.

Adverbs of manner are often formed by adding –ly to adjectives: bad – badly; careful – carefully; soft – softly.

Remember that some words can be used either as adjectives or as adverbs, they are: fast, long, low, hard, late, early, etc.

He is a fast runner. -  He ran fast. It's a long way. - It won't last long. The price is very low. - The plane flew very low.

She is a hard worker. -  She works hard. It was late autumn. – He came back late. My Granny is an early bird. She gets up early.

Some adverbs have two forms, one without –ly and one with –ly, but these forms have different meanings:

hard (усердный, усердно) – hardly (едва); late (поздний, поздно) – lately(за последнее время, недавно);

near (близкий, близко) – nearly (почти).

I could hardly understand him. I haven't seen him lately. It's nearly 5 o'clock.

Degrees of comparison of adverbs (Krylova, p. 398 конспект)

Don't forget that after link verbs (to be, to feel, to become, to get- становиться; to look- выглядеть, to smell, to sound, to taste) we use adjectives, not adverbs:

I am cold.

She looks fine in this dress.

He felt uncomfortable.

The flower smells nice.

It is getting dark.

The beefsteak tastes delicious.

  1.  Exercises to be done: V.D.Arakin. Practical Course of English (first year):  VI, p. 147 (письменно); VII, p. 147.
  2.  Additional tasks: Murphy. Essential Grammar in Use (II.): Units 99-101, 105-108.

Additional video lessons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kK9jANQOyQ


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