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Topics tht concern presentdy psychologists nd the ccelerted rte of investigtion

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Contemporary psychology must be viewed in the light of the phenomenal growth of the field. In 1930 there were about 1,100 psychologists in the American Psychological Association, and by 1976 there were 42,000. In 1992 there were well over 500,000 psychologists in the world, with about half working in the United States. The number of scholarly articles and books in the field has increased correspondingly. In 1927, when the Psychological Abstracts (a journal that gives resumes of all psychological publications) was founded, 2,700 articles were summarized; by 1960 the number was 8,500; and by 1975, more than 32,000.

    These data reflect both the unprecedented growth of basic and applied topics that concern present-day psychologists and the accelerated rate of investigation. Research findings not only add to knowledge, they also raise new problems requiring further research. Another major impetus to research is the challenge of pressing social problems, since many psychologists want to contribute to the solution of practical social problems, such as conflicts between groups and the education of the children of the poor.

Naturally, as the number and complexity of problems and issues investigated by psychologists has multiplied, there has been a marked trend toward specialization. The research and applied interests of most contemporary psychologists are rather narrowly focused on areas such as verbal learning, visual perception, attitude changes, psychotherapy, in-group conflict, personnel selection, and cognitive development. Since new research topics are always emerging, further specialization is to be expected.

At the same time the nature of psychological theory has changed substantially. Some of the older schools of psychology attempted to explain all aspects, or very large segments, of behavior. For example, Watson's conceptual system tried to account for most phenomena of learning, thinking, emotion, and social development. In contemporary psychology, there are a number of restricted theories, each pertaining only to a single area or subfield or to a small segment of behavior, such as memory, auditory perception, interpersonal attraction, or autistic behavior.

The investigation of new topics frequently requires the invention of new methods or the modification of older ones. For example, biofeedback research resulted in the development of electronic equipment that enables people to "see" or "hear" their internal responses (biofeedback) such as brain waves. The individuals can then learn to control these responses, which traditionally had been considered involuntary. Field studies in which people are observed under natural conditions, a technique adapted from ethnology, are currently used in studies of mother-infant interactions. Multidisciplinary research approaches have also increased as psychologists sought to deepen their understanding of behavior. Thus, neuro-anatomists, neuro-chemists, and physiologists collaborate with psychologists in research on how memories are formed, stored, and retrieved. The comparison of cross-cultural data tests the generality of conclusions from studies conducted in only one culture and contributes valuable information on the effects of social experiences on perception, personality, and social behavior. Psychology is a growing science, a science that is continually changing in structure, content, theory, and method.

1. Answer the following questions:

  1.  What facts prove the unprecedented growth of contemporary psychology?
  2.  What has given a phenomenal impetus to the growth and development of psychology nowadays?
  3.  What is a marked trend toward specialization in psychology accounted for?
  4.  What new methods have been introduced into psychological research?

2. Выполните следующие тесты. Подберите пары антонимов в тесте А и синонимов в тесте В:


1. voluntary                     8. treat                                   15.  involuntary

2. multiplication              9. increase                             16.  unlimited

3. marked                        10. restricted                          17. forgetting

4. retrieval                       11. vitality                             18. division

5. mortality                     12.  neglect                             19. self-acceptance

6. self-rejection               13. ignore                               20. vague

7. esteem                         14. decrease


1. esteem                         8. vitality                               15.  respect

2. seek                             9.  retrieval                            16. energy

3. pertain                         10.  mortality                         17.  realize

4. retrieve                        11. look (for)                         18. recall

5. fulfill                           12. accordingly                      19. refer

6. correspondingly          13. death rate                          20. remember

7. being                           14. creature

3.  Fill the correct word from those in the box.

substantially, existential, deterministic, unprecedented,

marked, unique, impetus, establish, challenge, generality

1. the__________ growth

2. to __________ one’s own system of values

3. the __________ of pressing problems

4. a __________ trend toward specialization

5. man is a __________ being

6. the theory has changed __________

7. the __________ of conclusions

8. __________ loneliness

9. the __________ orientation of psychoanalysis

10. a major __________ to research

1. а Понятие и историческое развитие этического кодекса
2. Київський коледж зв~язку Розглянуто Затверджено цикловою комісієюІМ
3. 1С- Предприятие. Общая характеристика типовой версии
4. Задание 1 Исследовать функцию и построить график
5. во вопросов в данном тесте 210 Вопрос
6.  Кровоизлияние в мозг 2
7. bout Cnd
8. Защита местного самоуправления
9. . Формирование инвестиционного портфеля5 Понятие и типы инвестиционного портфеля
10. Обращение с огнестрельным оружие
11. Лекция 1- Основные понятия теории систем Термины теория систем и системный анализ несмотря на период более
12. 2004 УЛЬТРАЗВУК упругие волны высокой частоты
13. Эйерс-Рок Маунт-Олга - величайший в мире монолит посреди австралийской пустыни
14. Учет расчетов по налогу на добавленную стоимость
16. Тема деловой игры- Подбор и отбор персонала Разработчик- Шарова Е
17. изучение температурной зависимости сопротивления полупроводника; 2 экспериментальное определение эне
18. Маргинальный опыт Мишеля Фук
19.  15 Закон электромагнитной индукции и его обобщение Согласно закону Фарадея в замкнутом проводнике поме
20. Основные направления объективного подхода к анализу общества в современной западной социологии