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Testing lnguge skills ddressing hypotheticl scenrio nd demonstrting your thinking bout how you solve problems

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long will the process take?

A: It varies depending on the role and the office. We can’t promise you an offer next week but if you have a competing offer and need to make a quick decision, please let a human resources representative know and they will do what they can to make sure you have the information you need in order to make a decision.

Q: Does IRCO do phone interviews?

A: Most positions do not have phone interviews, but occasionally they are used.  If one is scheduled you should expect to spend most of the time answering technical questions that could range from testing language skills, addressing hypothetical scenario, and demonstrating your thinking about how you solve problems.

Q: What can I do to prepare for my interview?

A: Visit IRCO’s website, get familiar with our services and programs. It’s important for you to think out loud during the interview, so, if you’re not used to it, practice. Relax, get a good night’s sleep and arrive on time!

Q: What format do interviews take?

A: In person interviews typically meet a panel of IRCO team members with different backgrounds and levels of experience who will talk with you about capabilities for the role. Often times they will have pre-prepared questions and will take turns asking you them.  Our committee may take some notes as you speak, so don’t be bothered if you see someone write notes down.

Q: How long will the interview take?

A: Individual interviews are usually scheduled for 30, 45, or 60 minutes.

Q: What will happen next after the interview?

A: A human resources representative will follow up with you and explain the next steps.

Q: When can I expect to hear from a human resources representative?

A: Once you’ve had initial contact, a human resources representative will be in constant contact with you. 

Q: If I’m hired into a program and that program ends, can I work in a different project?

A: We don’t know exactly which project you could work on, since everything at IRCO moves and changes quickly. It’s essential to be flexible and adaptable, but rest assured we will consider your background, interests and skills when making internal transfers. The ability to handle change is an essential component of everyone who builds successful careers here at IRCO. Luckily, IRCO encourages its teams to rapidly get up to speed and assist other team members to settle in.  As the saying goes- we encourage everyone to be ready to hit the ground running.

Q: Will I be expected to travel a lot?

A: The amount of travel is largely determined by your program. All of IRCO’s programs are located in the Portland Oregon area. Most of IRCO sites are based in NE and SE Portland. Some programs do work in Washington County. Travel for training purposes and conferences might be necessary, for example a health program may have to present findings from research grant to various funding sources. In addition, if you are working in different offices then travel may be necessary.

Q: How many people interview at IRCO?

A: Our quality bar at IRCO remains high; and we are exceptionally thorough within our hiring process in order to continue to grow our vibrant and dynamic environment. We are constantly growing, some time very structured, other times more organically. We are keen to hire strong candidates who meet our quality expectations.

Q: What can I expect in terms of opportunities for advancement at IRCO? 

A: IRCO takes an innovative approach to career progression, putting career development in the hands of the individual. We do have Managers, structured review processes, and offer training resources and other opportunities for you to shape your future.  Whether it is your goal to specialize in your area of expertise or join IRCO’s management teams, IRCO is a place where you can get the guidance you want and join the many others who have built long term, successful, fulfilling careers.

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