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Ofthecentury New Englnd rchitecture t its best

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Spacious three bedroom, two bath Victorian

located in the historic city of Cambridge.

Freshly painted  exterior and interior detail.

Modern renovations boast the finest electronic

appliances, and highest quality fixtures.

Landscaped by a premiere Boston architect.

Close to the beautiful River, this home shares  the historic charm of its Cambridge neighborhood.

 n the heart of the Boston area lies a true architectural gem. This Victorian dwelling exemplifies turn-of-the-century New England architecture at its best. In addition to its prime location just minutes from downtown Boston, this home enjoys spectacular views of the Charles River and the downtown Boston skyline.

Completely restored with attention to historic detail this three-story, three-bedroom residence has incorporated the functional requirements of today’s home. The magnificent interior boasts all original oak finishing, including a breathtaking spiral banister, and built-in bookcases in the library. The kitchen has been fully modernized with state of the art appliances, yet retains the house’s original charm with its high ceilings, ornate moldings, and functional wood stove. The original bay windows, refinished hardwood floors, and ornate paint trim make this home’s interior equally spectacular as its exterior.

Consistent with the practical beauty of Victorian architecture, no space is wasted. The most spectacular room of all is the converted attic, taking full advantage of its utterly gigantic size and high ceiling with skylights, windows, and a stairway leading out to a widow's walk.

This home bestows the colonial charm of New England's past upon this quaint neighborhood. It resides just two blocks from the historic house used as George Washington's headquarters in 1775, and later occupied by poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. A stroll north on Lyon Street past a hilly intersection looks out over the pine and maple woods of a nearby park, a dramatic contrast with the blue Massachusetts bay beyond. These stunning views must have inspired architects to execute their best work. For more information about this property and others in the Boston area contact Joan Rutherford at Harbor Realty.

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