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Notes which she hs written s young girl

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Book review

Title: Anne of Green Gables

Author: Lucy Maud Montgomery

Genre: Novel

Published: June 1908, L.C. Page & Co

Country: United States

It was written as a fiction for all ages, but in the middle of twentieth century it was considered as a children’s novel.

It recounts adventures of young orphan girl- Anne Shirley. By mistake she was sent to brother-sister family, to Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert. They have a farm on Prince Edward Island and wanted adopt a boy, who will help them. In novel is told about her way with the Cuthberts, in school, in time, she is being in a town.

In Novel writing, the author used notes, which she has written as a young girl. She was an orphan, who  also mistakenly was sent to a couple who wanted a boy. And as Matthew and Marilla, they decided to keep her. In this Novel L. M. Montgomery tells the story of her childhood and life on Prince Edward Island.

Anne Shirley is a young orphan, who is sent to Prince Edward Island after childhood spent in orphanages. Anne is described as bright and quick, talkative and extremely imaginative. Her face is pale with freckles, and her red hair is usually in braids. When Marilla asked for her name, she answered and asked, if she can be called as Cordelia, but Marilla refused. Marilla wanted to return girl to orphanage, but Matthew liked her, and later, they decided to  let her stay with them.

In Avonlea she has a best friend, Diana Barry. In country school she excels with her studies and her rival is Gilbert Blythe, who tease about her red hair, calling “Carrot”, But in the end they become a friends.

At sixteen, she goes to Queen’s Academy to earn a teaching license, with Gilbert, Josie,Jane.

She obtained her license in one year and wins the Avery Scholarship for the top student in English.

Since the book is publicated, Anne of Green Gables has sold more than 500 million copies, and translated into 20 languages.

It has been adapted as films. Plays and musicals have also been created. First musical production in Canada, toured in Canada, the United States, Europe and Japan.

In my opinion, it is a good book to read, because in fact, it is  based on real lifestory, and that made the book original, different from others. While reading, you will feel different emotions. Reading as a kid, it is like just really interesting and entertaining story. But reading like an adult, you see the real life, real relationships and you will think about life.

I think, if I would start reading it now, I will feel the same amazing and adorable feelings.

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