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I Look t the mp nd you will see lot of mzing cities towns or some other smll but nice plces there

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The world is a book and those who do not travel, can read only a page.

St. Augustine

There are a lot of wonderful places on the Earth which are worth a visit. Some people go on a long trip to see different natural wonders like waterfalls, barrier reefs, rocky cliffs or turquoise seas; the others are attracted to unique ancient wonders like magnificent temples, enormous amphitheatres or some marvels. There are holiday-makers who prefer to spend their free time in historical or exciting modern cities. They are eager to see great monuments, art galleries with paintings and sculptures or stay for a night in an extravagant hotel.

The choice of holiday destinations is huge. You can reach the place of your destination by land, by sea or by air. Try to see as much as possible while you are alive.

One of my wildest dreams is to visit Russia. Look at the map and you will see a lot of amazing cities, towns or some other small but nice places there. If I had a chance to go to that country I would definitely visit the city of Saint Petersburg. It is the main tourist attraction there.  It is really worth seeing. I would also recommend you to visit Hermitage. It’s famous for its collections of paintings of famous artists, such as Leonardo da Vinci and many others.

People who live in Saint Petersburg keep the most incredible stories in their memories. The city is located on the river called Neva. That’s why there are wonderful climate and beautiful nature there!

I’d like to mention that so many famous and talented people such as Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Ekaterina 2, Nekrasov, Block, Akhmatova and so on left their marks in the past centuries. How many royal palaces, museums, castles, monuments and large parks you can find in that historical city! The architecture of St. Petersburg is amazing! It’s full of romance! St. Petersburg is also known as the heart of Russian intelligentsia. There are a lot of good universities and institutes and many famous people graduated from those places.

I strongly believe that Russia won’t leave you indifferent! You will be full of bright impressions after that unforgettable trip.

It’s amazing to see all those places in person. I am looking forward to my trip to Russia! I hope my dream will come true!

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