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If he hd reserved the tble he would not wit for n hour

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Упражнение 39

2. If you had woken me up, I would not be late for my appointment now. 

3. If she was well-qualified, she would have got the job. 

4. If we liked fast food, we would have gone to the restaurant. 

5. If she had brought her umbrella, she would not get wet now. 

6. If I knew them well, I would have gone to the party. 

7. If he had been told about a lecture, he would be here now. 

8. If they had taken the map with them, they would not be lost now. 

9. If the driver were careful, he would not have crushed his car into a wall.

10. If I had bought the tickets, we would go to the theatre tonight. 

11. If he had reserved the table, he would not wait for an hour. 

12. If Sue had not forgotten to go to the bank, she would go shopping now.

13. If they had not missed their flight, they would arrive until tomorrow. 

Упражнение 42

(в задании номера 3 нет, поэтому номера сдвигаются)

1. If you go to the shop, please, buy a bottle of milk and tens of eggs. 

2. If it is cold in winter, everybody puts on fur coats.

3. If grandmother wants to cook a holiday dinner, she will buy a turkey. 

4. What seasoning will you choose, if you cook green-stuff salad?

5. If someone buys shrimps, he is likely to eat them with beer. 

6. If you go to the grocery store, you will not buy vegetable marrows, aubergines and cabbage. 

7. Dolly never buys a bag, if it does not fit the color of her shoes. 

8. I don’t think that this suit will fit you if you put it on again. Just try the one with the bigger size or model. 

9. If there is often windy weather in your region, you want to buy a leather jacket or coat. 

10. If I go to the sea, I will buy an ample cut cotton skirt with a polka-dot. 

Упражнение 45

1. If I knew about your visit, I would cook something. 

2. If there were more sorts of fish in the fish store, we would cook the fish courses more often.

3. If you had to choose between meat and bird’s meat, what would you choose?

4. If you had a pajama, you would not feel cold at night. 

5. If it was raining, I would put on raincoat. 

6. If you were not so lazy, you would go to the market and buy watermelon. 

7. Kate would make sandwiches, if she had a lettuce, sausage, mayonnaise and cucumbers. 

8. Little Jack says that if he had two peaches, he would give one of them to his mother. 

9. If you added cream to the coffee, it would be tastier.  

10. If I was thirsty, I would ask a glass of still water. 

Упражнение 48

1. If you had bought these warm high boots, your legs would not have been so frozen. 

2. If Jane had liked porridge in a childhood, her mother would not have had so many problems with her feeding. 

3. If he had put a peaked cap on, he would not have fainted in this hot weather.

4. If the bottle of wine had been put in a fridge the day before, we would have got more pleasure while we were drinking it. 

5. If the bakery had not been closed, we would have bought fresh bread. 

6. If I had an extra pair of slippers, I would have offered them to you. 

7. If I had known about the theater visit, I would have put on something refined. 

8. If he had put on a single-color suit, it would have been more appropriate in that situation. 

9. If Rosa had tried on this dress, she would have seen that it did not suit her.  

10. If we had gone on a trip, we would have taken only sport shoes.

1. Copyright 1998
2. бюджетную Государственный бюджет ~это финансовая программа деятельности государства той или иной страны
3. Курганский педагогический колледж Развитие памяти в учебной деятельности млад
4. Введение Информатизация и компьютеризация в современном обществе приобретают все больший размах
5. Квантовая механика ее интерпретация
6. На тему- Туристичні можливості Київської області Виконала
7. Государственная гражданская и военная служба
8. тема це стандартизований набір протоколів і специфікацій який гарантує можливість взаємодії обладнання рі
9. Дом детского творчества города Калининска Саратовской области Здравствуй лето сцен
10. Уся ця частина була великою пущею з нерубаними лісами
11. Лекция 6 Ферменты ~ биологические катализаторы
12. варіанти відповідей із яких тільки одна відповідь є правильною
13. 7
14. тема программных документов
15. методические рекомендацииБулгаков С
16. Информационное обеспечение патентной деятельности
17. Тема- В мире природы Цели- расширять представление о природном окружении как среде жизнедеятельности чел
18.  Международные и российские кодексы профессиональных и этических принципов в области связей с общественнос
19. Введение Роль статистики при переходе к рыночным отношениям как известно возрастает
20. на тему- Управление проектами Выполнил-ст