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How long How do you your mother~s nme B KTE

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______ a good holiday! Have 

______ a good weekend! Have 

________ away last weekend?Did you go 

_________ she isn’t very tall, she’s very good at basketball. Although 

_________ she lives far from school, she always walks there. Although 

A _______ coat do you prefer? B I think I prefer the brown one. What 

A _______ jacket do you prefer? B I think I prefer the blue one. What 

A ____________did they stay together? B Twenty years, from 1971-1991. How long 

A How do you _____ your mother’s name? B K-A-T-E. spell 

A How do you _____ your name? B J-A-C-E-K. spell 

A person who is open and nice is ________. friendly 

A Were they playing tennis? B No, they ________. No, they weren’t 

A What are they talking _______? B It’s a secret. about 

A What’s that? B A guava. It’s a _______ of fruit. kind/type 

A What’s the _______ today? B The 10th of October. date 

A What’s the _______ today? B The 5th of September. date 

A Who _______ the match? B Liverpool. It was 1-0. won 

A Why ______ you come to the party? B I wasn’t invited. didn’t 

A Why ______ you go to the cinema? B I had a lot of work to do. didn’t 

A Why ________? B Because he’s happy. is he smiling 

A Why is he ________ a coat? B Because he’s cold. wearing 

All the cafes were full ______it was a public holiday. because 

Ask a question ? answer a question 

Be careful! You ________ a mistake. are making 

Bye. ______ you on Monday. See 

Bye. ______ you on Wednesday. See 

Don’t leave your books _______ the floor! on 

Don’t turn off the TV! I _________ it. am watching 

Extrovert is _______ of shy. opposite 

Generous (opposite) mean 

He ________ men who talk a lot. doesn’t like 

He _________ a shower before breakfast. usually has 

He _________ a shower in the morning. usually has 

How often ________ her grandparents? does she see 

How often ________ to the cinema? do you go 

I __________ on my friend’s sofa when his mother came home. was sleeping 

I always sleep ______ planes. on 

I hate driving __________ night, getting up early _______ the morning. at, in 

I usually go by car, but yesterday I _______ by metro. went 

I was really tired _______ I decided not to go to the gym. so 

I’m looking _________ a new place to live. for 

I’m looking _________ Sue’s dog for a week. after 

I’ve bought a new car _________ is very comfortable. which 

I’ve bought a new machine _________ makes fantastic coffee. which 

Is this the hotel _______ we stayed last year? where 

Is this the restaurant _______ we had dinner last month? where 

It _____________ when we left the pub. was snowing 

It isn’t easy to decide who to share a room _________. with 

It was really hot in Oslo, _______ it’s normally cold there. although 

It’s very hot. _________ I open the window? Shall 

lazy ? hard - working 

lend some money (opposite verb) borrow 

Linda was very late _______ she ran to the station. so 

Maria is sitting _______ to Salvador. next 

mean ? generous 

My aunt lives ______ Mexico. in 

My brother _________ English at university. studies 

My brother _________ law at university. studies 

My car _______ working. It’s broken down. isn’t 

My computer _______ working. It’s broken. isn’t 

My dog’s not dangerous. He __________. doesn’t bite 

My grandmother and I get ________ really well. on  

My mother _______ work. She’s retired. does not 

My parents _______ work. They’re retired. do not 

My teacher ________ Russian. speaks 

On the right ? on the left 

pass the exam (opposite) fail 

She is waiting _____ the bus. for 

She is waiting _____ the train. for 

Shy != extrovert 

Silvia is sitting _______ to Mike. next 

Stand up ? sit down 

That’s the man ________won the lottery last week. who 

That’s the shop ________ I bought my car. where 

That’s the shop ________ I bought my computer. where 

There’s a Post Office _______ the end of this road. at 

They _________ their holiday. didn’t enjoy 

They _________ their weekend. didn’t enjoy 

They’re the children _______ live next door to us. who 

They’re the students _______ study at the university. who 

Think ________ his offer - it’s a good one. about 

Today’s Friday, so tomorrow’s _________. Saturday 

Turn _______ your mobile phone. off/on 

We always meet _______ Monday morning. on 

We have classes twice ______ week. a 

We have our exams _______ Friday afternoon. on 

We were very late, _______ we took a taxi. so 

We weren’t very late, _______ we decided to walk. but 

What ____ this word mean? does 

What ______ he do last week? did 

What ______ you do last weekend? did 

What _______ the food like when you were there? was  

What _______ the weather like when you were there? was 

What are you going to do _________ Christmas? at 

What are you going to do _________ Easter? on 

What are you looking _______? at 

What did you study _______ school? at 

What time _______ the bank open? does 

What time _______ the shop open today? does 

What time _________ to come? is she going 

When I _______her she was reading in the library. met 

When I saw him he wasn’t running, he _______ walking. was 

When I woke up it ________. was raining 

When I woke up it ________. was snowing 

Where _______ work? do you 

Who ________ to? did she write 

Who do you usually agree________ in your family? with 

Who was the first person you spoke _______ this morning? to 

win the football match (opposite verb) lose 

You have 32 of these in your mouth. _________ teeth 

You have classes twice ______ week. a 

You have ten of these on your feet. ________ toes 

You have ten of these on your hands. ________ fingers 

You have two of these on your face. ________ eyes 

You use these to bite. ________ teeth 

You use these to hear. ________ ears 

You use these to kick. _________ feet 

You use these to see. _________ eyes 

Your mother’s sister is your _______. aunt 

Your sister’s daughter is your _______. niece 

1. Елабужский автомобильный завод
2. Тема- Космическая Вид- Бег по этапам Помещения- Столовая Корпус Беседка Спортплощадка Сначала вожаты.
3. Реферат- Основные понятия и категории социально-национальной статистики
4. Про страхування від 07
5. Стародавня історія України Терміни поня
6. а ~ это вспо могательная историческая дисциплина которая изучает историю монет монетной чеканки и дене
7. Лабораторная работа Оценка активности супероксиддисмутазы КФ
8. Контроль, ревізія і аудит операцій з основними фондами
9. Тема Контактные данные телефоны городской мобильный emil ник в контакте Руково
10. Вариант 3 Специальность- 6M071800 ~ Электроэнергетика Выполнил- Булатов Е
11. Штамм Во второй книге Закат кровожадный и кровососущий вирус в человеческом обличье распространяетс
12. Задание 1- К тексту стихотворения Сергея Есенина БЕРЕЗА добавьте- заголовок объект Wordrt автора
13. ся наиб.эффект.каналом передачи р
14.  Розподіл газових молекул за проекціями напрямками швидкостей
15. Реклама и имиджевая деятельность предприятия
16. Нефротический синдром
17.  Определите по суффиксу часть речи
18. Тема- возникновение и становление науки геометрии
19. Контрольная работа включает- Реферат не более 1012 стр
20. Життєвий та творчий шлях М Хвильового