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I Expnd the ide looking through ll the texts concerning felony crimes

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I.   Expand the idea looking through all the texts concerning felony   


The crimes can de divided according to their nature as … mala in se or  mala  prohibita

Usually crimes are classified as …treason , felony , or misdemeanor

The list of common-law felonies consists of … including murder, rape, theft, arson, and suicide—many others were added by statute.

In the United States felony is used … in various senses in the United States

The U.S. Code defines murder as … the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought.

Possible consequences of committing a felony are …

Murder in the first degree includes … killings committed in the perpetration, or the attempted perpetration of any arson, escape, kidnapping, treason, espionage, sabotage, sexual abuse, burglary, or robbery.

Murders in the second degree are considered …with no pertain to first degree may be manslaughter.

An accidental killing may be … prosecuted as murder if the act causing death was done with a reckless disregard for the safety of others

Depending on varying state criminal laws … those guilty of murder in the first degree may be sentenced to life in prison or death, and those guilty of second degree murder can be imprisoned for any amount of years or life.

A common mitigating defense to Murder is … is self-defense

The defense for murder often attempts to prove … that the defendant acted in the heat of passion such that he could not reasonably control his actions under the circumstances

Controlled substances include drugs such as … as marijuana, amphetamines and cocaine.

Narcotics cases are commonly prosecuted under one of three ways … ways. Either simple possession, possession with intent to sell, and sales or transportation.

Your car, home, or other property …may be confiscated by police for drug charges with arrested person

A common defense for drug offences is … is a lack of knowledge. Examples - "I didn't know the drugs were in my pocket. I was late for work this morning and threw on the first pair of pants I found. It turns out they belonged to my brother. I didn't know he kept a tenth of a gram of drugs in his pocket." Or - "My friend just gave me a ride. I did not know there was five pounds of cocaine in the trunk of his car."

In the area of sex crimes … this is a broad category which usually involves rape, sexual battery, and prostitution.

Examples of so-called white-collar crime are … those crimes generally associated with lending institutions which involve bank fraud, such as making false statements to obtain a loan, filing false reports or returns with government agencies, embezzlement, using the mail or wire communications to defraud, and paying or accepting bribes.

The penalties for committing white-collar crimes may be … vary, but in some cases they may be as severe as those prescribed for violent crimes.

 The law divides firearm offenses into … carrying concealed firearms and using a firearm to commit a crime.

Carrying concealed firearms … in a state which prohibits it, is usually a misdemeanor, not punishable by a prison sentence.

The use, display of a firearm or other deadly weapon … may elevate an offense to a more serious crime or increase the punishment.

The key to burglary is … is the intent of the person as he enters the structure.

Identity of a burglary suspect is often proved … is often proved using fingerprints.

A common defense for burglary is … the entry into a building with the intent to commit a theft or any felony inside the building

Robbery is … the direct taking of property from the person of another by the use of force, intimidation or fear.

Examples of robbery are … purse snatching, car jacking, the "mugger" who takes a wallet or piece of jewelry, or even the kid who threatens to beat up another kid if he doesn't hand over his lunch money

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