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The human reproductive system is unlike the other systems of the body because it consists of different organs in men and women. It has a large impact on the physical and emotional characteristics that people display and is vital to the continuation of the human species. This system is susceptible to common infections but also life-threatening diseases, many of which are preventable. 

Female Reproductive System

The female reproductive system consists of the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tube, cervix, egg and the vagina. Its primary function is to produce mature eggs for fertilization, carry, and nourish a developing embryo. Each organ plays a specific role in the reproduction process, with the ovaries being the most significant. The ovaries produce the eggs, starting at puberty, and release hormones that cause menstruation or preparation for a fertilized egg. Once the ovaries release an egg, it passes through the fallopian tube, where fertilization occurs, and enters the uterus.

For fertilization to occur, sperm must enter the vagina, go through the cervix, passed the uterus, and into the fallopian tube two to four days after ovulation. The fertilized egg then attaches to the wall of the uterus and allows changes to occur that lead to the development of the placenta. The placenta releases hormones that an early pregnancy test can detect as well as other hormones necessary to the growth and health of the embryo. If fertilization does not take place, than menstruation arises and the egg passes out of the uterus.

 Female Reproductive System Disorders

The human reproductive system in females is prone to more diseases and infections than the male reproductive system. Some of the female reproductive system problems include:

Fibroids: non-cancerous tumors in the uterus

Ovarian Endometriosis: endometrial tissue travels outside of the uterus

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: infection in the pelvic area that results in infertility; common causes are Chlamydia and other microorganisms.

Premenstrual Syndrome

Toxic Shock Syndrome: staph infection that occurs from using tampons.

Urinary Tract Infection

Yeast Infection

In women, the human reproductive system is also more susceptible to two STD's that rarely occur in men. The first is Chlamydia, a bacterium that causes no symptoms but damages reproductive organs, and the second is Trichomoniasis, a parasite that causes discomfort, itching, odor, and swelling.

 Human Male Reproductive System

The human reproductive system in men includes the testes, scrotum, epididymis, vas deferens, urethra, prostate, seminal vesicles, bulbourethral glands, semen, and the penis. The primary function of this system is to produce and ejaculate sperm. As with the female reproductive system, the male system also has an organ of great importance known as the testes. Protected by the scrotum, the testes produce sperm, the male reproductive fluid, and testosterone, the male hormone that allows physical characteristics to develop.

Once the testes create the sperm, it passes into the epididymis where it matures and then continues on to the vas deferens for storage until ejaculation. Ejaculation starts in the vas deferens, where contraction of the muscle propels the sperm into the urethra, at which point nourishment and protection by fluids occurs. These fluids come from the prostate, seminal vesicles, and bulbourethral glands, allowing the creation of semen. The urethra extends through the length of the penis and releases the semen when the penis is erect and muscle contraction takes place.

Infected Reproductive System in Men

Some of the reproductive system diseases that can occur in males include:

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: prostate enlargement due to a non-cancerous tumor.

Erectile Dysfunction: inability to have or maintain an erection.

Sperm Malformation: a condition that causes infertility.

In men, the human reproductive system is not as susceptible to problems and disorders as the female reproductive system but the severity of the diseases is just as great.

Diseases of the Reproductive System

In addition to the individual disorders that the reproductive systems of men and women experience, it is also possible for the same infections of the reproductive system to occur in both men and women. Such diseases of the human reproductive system are:


Prostate, men

Vaginal, Cervical, Uterine, women


Sexually Transmitted Disease:


Genital Herpes



To prevent these life threatening diseases, you should practice safe sex, make an appointment with your doctor for annual screenings, eat a healthy diet, exercise and know your family's health history.

The human reproductive system is one of intricacy and greatly influences the way people look, how they feel, and their ability to reproduce. Maintaining this system is not only important to the health of the individual but also to the human species.


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